* The Thomas-ReMine Debate Is Complete (0 replies)
* Daniel Schwabauer's "Troubled House" (0 replies)
* Phillip E. Johnson's "Darwin on Trial" (0 replies)
* William A. Dembski's "The Design Inference" (0 replies)
* Roughgarden's "Evolution's Rainbow" (0 replies)
* A recent review of Steve Fuller's "Science" (0 replies)
* "The Wedge Update" (1 replies)
* More stupidity from the mind of the master (2 replies)
* INTELLECTUAL CURRENTS: Intelligent Design Finds F (0 replies)
* ACADEMICS consider "intelligent design" museum ta (0 replies)
* KANSAS class calls intelligent design "pseudoscie (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM proponents already in classrooms (0 replies)
* CHAT with JW's Sophia Maines and Scott Rothschild (0 replies)
* NORTH Kansas City students mull evolution, intell (0 replies)
* NAS exchange on ID (0 replies)
* PROFESSOR of new creationism course criticized fo (0 replies)
* Flogging the flagellum to death (0 replies)
* Phil Johnson on Boy Scouts and Evolution (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design good for evolution? (4 replies)
* Yes, we have no bananas (1 replies)
* ID *is* "God of the Gaps" after all (2 replies)
* Dover, PA School Board (4 replies)
* ON teaching intelligent design (0 replies)
* Why Intelligent Design Fails (0 replies)
* God and the Explanatory Filter (0 replies)
* Antievolutionism in Singapore (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design's long march to nowhere (0 replies)
* Stop codon thievery (0 replies)
* DI reviews Texas textbook choices (0 replies)
* What about Russia? (1 replies)
* ISCID Brainstorms needs money to get better (0 replies)
* An Inordinate Fondness for Flagella (1 replies)
* General Wells reviews (0 replies)
* Vagueness and Explanatory Constraints (1 replies)
* Flogging the flagellum to death (1 replies)
* CSICOP ID Panel (0 replies)
* FAITH & values (0 replies)
* KANSAS professor apologizes for critique (0 replies)
* UNIVERSITY cancels creationism "mythology' class (0 replies)
* Defining "Anti-evolution" (3 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design is a mixed-up creation Intelli (0 replies)
* Dembski on publishing houses (1 replies)
* ABRAMS at the eye of the evolution storm (0 replies)
* Intelligent Designer / Stupid people (4 replies)
* Meyer 2004 (3 replies)
* Evolution of Antibiotics (0 replies)
* KU pulls intelligent design course (0 replies)
* Premodern birthing mortality rates (4 replies)
* ARN's moderation policies (13 replies)
* The Media Gets It Right on ID (0 replies)
* Do the Calculation! (6 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design front quiet so far (0 replies)
* THE Evolution of a Darwin Show (0 replies)
* Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (1 replies)
* CONTROVERSIAL course will not be taught at U. Kan (0 replies)
* Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism (11 replies)
* Fighting pop-pseudoscience with pop-science (0 replies)
* EF/DI & "the lust for certainty" (5 replies)
* About the Designer (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design jargon explained! (2 replies)
* A Sober Sighting (0 replies)
* Information. ID versus non-ID (4 replies)
* Schneider v. Strachan (0 replies)
* Leiter, Beckwith, & van Dyke (0 replies)
* Elliott Sober on ID and probability reasoning (5 replies)
* The Multi-Design Inference (1 replies)
* Discovery Institute responds to Project Steve, sor (2 replies)
* Dembski, natural selection, & math (0 replies)
* Evolution's Sexy Death (0 replies)
* ADDING ID could hurt college odds (0 replies)
* PROFESSOR says sorry for intelligent design email (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION v. intelligent design (0 replies)
* UNIVERSITY Cancels Class on Creationism (0 replies)
* Optimality arguments & theological themata (1 replies)
* WHEN it comes to creationism and evolution, I bel (0 replies)
* TEACHERS can walk a creative middle road (0 replies)
* Creationist Replies (1 replies)
* INTELLIGENCE, design and Shakespeare (0 replies)
* DARWIN on Trial (0 replies)
* Banned IDists at ARN (11 replies)
* Creation from absolute ignorance (0 replies)
* The Blind Leading the Blind (17 replies)
* Does Science Point to God? (11 replies)
* Thread of the day: Art on Silverswords (0 replies)
* PBS Firing Line Debate, 1997 (0 replies)
* Request for Elsberry and Shallit (0 replies)
* AMNH 2002/04/23 (2 replies)
* PROFESSOR of New Creationism Course Criticized fo (0 replies)
* Replacing Dembski's "specification" (0 replies)
* Help with a research paper (0 replies)
* Top 5 reasons ID is bunk (3 replies)
* Falsehoods on the Air (2 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design targeted (0 replies)
* PROPOSED Religion Class in Kansas Labels Intellig (0 replies)
* Pretty much no defence of ID by AAAS & others (1 replies)
* JUDGE to rule on schools' policy (0 replies)
* IDT vs. IDM (25 replies)
* Avida simulation of IC evolution (12 replies)
* How Evolutionists do things (42 replies)
* CREATIONISM Course Canceled After Prof. Mocks Chr (0 replies)
* BY Design, Not By Chance (0 replies)
* IDEAS & Trends Intelligent Design Might Be Meetin (0 replies)
* ANOTHER College Course on Intelligent Design and (0 replies)
* NPR documentary on ID (0 replies)
* Orson Scott Card, ID, and Creation Science (8 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design: Sound and Fury, Signifying No (4 replies)
* COURSE Debunking Intelligent Design Canceled (0 replies)
* LET'S teach the truth (0 replies)
* Spiroplasma (2 replies)
* Phylogenetic conflicts (0 replies)
* NCSE Creation/Evolution archives (3 replies)
* ID and religion (0 replies)
* Public Understanding of Science (0 replies)
* Animal Intelligent Design? (5 replies)
* Wells doesn't review NCSE review (4 replies)
* Rarified design (0 replies)
* ICSID moderation policies (9 replies)
* Dembski and Finessing Criticism (1 replies)
* THE Daily Dose: Creationism on the sly (0 replies)
* KU professor apologizes for mythology e-mail (0 replies)
* KANSAS class calls intelligent design "pseudoscie (13 replies)
* DESIGN vs. Darwin (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION debate has universities tackling intell (0 replies)
* John G. West Jr. (2 replies)
* TWO Ivy presidents take stand on intelligent desi (0 replies)
* WHY Intelligent Design Will Win (0 replies)
* My ISCID classification... (3 replies)
* Front loading and intelligent design (11 replies)
* ID,antievolution? (22 replies)
* Who's a creationist? (1 replies)
* ID threat in Nebraska (3 replies)
* NCSE Unveils Project Steve (7 replies)
* WHY Intelligent Design Flunks Science And Why It (0 replies)
* WHY Rational Thinkers Value the Theory of Intelli (0 replies)
* Does God Direct Evolution? (0 replies)
* STUDENTS join debate on intelligent design (0 replies)
* KU cancels intelligent design class (0 replies)
* Moon missions (2 replies)
* Please drop in and leave a comment! (1 replies)
* PROPOSED Religion Class in Kansas Labels Intellig (0 replies)
* Get help (3 replies)
* IDEA center response to Project Steve (1 replies)
* Convergence (0 replies)
* Elsberry & Shallit on Dembski (52 replies)
* Biosonar and ID? (9 replies)
* Sympathetic magic (2 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design is not scientific theory (0 replies)
* BEN Bova: Arguments for intelligent design are un (0 replies)
* Archdeacon Paley and the Museum of Watches (0 replies)
* ID, Creationism, Evolution... - all nonsene! (7 replies)
* The Death of Irreducible Complexity (5 replies)
* FORMER Tech professor opened floodgates of creati (0 replies)
* DOES It Really Matter Where We Came From? (0 replies)
* Horizon on ID (2 replies)
* Antievolutionism in Singapore (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM, Intelligent Design Course Withdrawn (0 replies)
* The Intelligent Designer Speaks (1 replies)
* I Debate Michael Behe (1 replies)
* Discovery Institute Caught Misquoting (2 replies)
* NEW twist to old debate (0 replies)
* UNLV teachers dismiss 'Design' theory (0 replies)
* PROF. cancels intelligent design course (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design sparks new debate (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT-DESIGN backers ignore scientific meth (0 replies)
* KANSAS prof. apologizes for e-mail (0 replies)
* (probably)new creationist 'argument' (1 replies)
* ID-Velikovsky comparison (0 replies)
* Nelson Alonso and front loading (2 replies)
* http://www.antievolutionIslamic Intelligent Design (1 replies)
* Anthropic/anthropocentric principle (1 replies)
* testing... (0 replies)
* AiG on scientific theory (8 replies)
* Advantages of Theft over Toil (1 replies)
* Bill emulates Christ (2 replies)
* BY evolution or design? (0 replies)
* FARIBAULT teacher holds firm on his design belief (0 replies)
* Peppered moths and the moon (8 replies)
* SCIENCE and Torah: Conflict or Complement? (0 replies)
* ID versus evolutionary science (0 replies)
* "Monologues passing in the night" (0 replies)
* Evolution Question #1 (3 replies)
* What should make one suspect ID? (9 replies)
* The Debate (0 replies)
* Are Honeybee Societies Irreducibly Complex? (1 replies)
* Evolution Before the Common Ancestor (1 replies)
* Clone Wars (3 replies)
* ID and peer-review (2 replies)
* The IDEA Club and Center (0 replies)
* CHAT Wednesday about KU and intelligent design (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION controversy boosts sales of niche produ (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design sparks new debate (0 replies)
* CLASS on Debunking Creationism Cancelled (0 replies)
* Evolution of Genetic Code (4 replies)
* A Programmer Unimpressed with Biological "Design" (0 replies)
* K-STATE, others tackling intelligent design in cl (0 replies)
* dembski's "EVOLUTION'S LOGIC OF CREDULITY" (18 replies)
* CLASSROOM challenges (0 replies)
* BRAHMA, Buddha, Or Allah: Why Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* PEOPLE in Worship: Hear lecture on evolution deba (0 replies)
* ISCID moderation (1 replies)
* The Truth About Fossils (1 replies)
* President Bush's bright idea (2 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design, Roman Catholicism, and the Su (0 replies)
* a new technique better than tissue culture (0 replies)
* antievolution? (11 replies)
* Ideological Idiocy in Ohio (1 replies)
* Intelligent Design folks dont need the shot (1 replies)
* String Theory and ID (11 replies)
* The Watchmaker by Paley (3 replies)
* New anti-evolution website launched. (4 replies)
* Evolution Question #2 (9 replies)
* Evolution Question #3 (0 replies)
* Evolution Question #4 (0 replies)
* Evolution Question #5 (8 replies)
* Evolution Question #7 (0 replies)
* Evolution Question #6 (1 replies)
* theistic evlolution (1 replies)
* The ID Dilemma (0 replies)
* Gilder, O'Leary, and Dawkins (0 replies)
* Gilder, O'Leary, and lactose (1 replies)
* Only a game... (2 replies)
* prove to me intelligent design is credible. (0 replies)
* Design or development? (1 replies)
* Scientific Status of Intelligent Design (28 replies)
* Vern Poythress :EVALUATING MACROEVOLUTION (0 replies)
* Molecular Motors and the Argument from Design (2 replies)
* The link between science and ID (22 replies)
* Darwin's theory is wrong (6 replies)
* One Question (11 replies)
* Young Earth Creation vs. ID (14 replies)
* Thats a lot of excrement! (7 replies)
* if the creation story is true (9 replies)
* What if? (4 replies)
* Intelligent Design and Evolution can coexist (13 replies)
* Cheri Yecke Steps Away from IDC (4 replies)
* ID Business Conference (0 replies)
* uncommon dissent and frogs? (1 replies)
* IDURC Anonymous Luskin Award (0 replies)
* Texas Textbooks, 2007-2008 (2 replies)
* 2002/05/20: Stephen Jay Gould dies (1 replies)
* New Site discussing Evolutionary Biology (2 replies)
* UCSC's Denton carried additional burden on her sho (1 replies)
* Virgin dragon to give birth in holiday season (1 replies)
* Sloth wins 3-year battle with German scientists (1 replies)
* Human Pubic Lice Acquired from Gorillas Gives Evol (1 replies)
* Scientists Pit 'Darwin vs. Design' (1 replies)
* Chicken or the egg? (1 replies)
* Letters Reveal Young Darwin Had Stinky Feet (2 replies)
* Resistance to Scientific Explanations By Children (1 replies)
* Evolution question is complicated, Brownback says (1 replies)
* Where to find Research Papers (2 replies)
* Evolution education still a factor in Kansas elect (0 replies)
* STATE school officials weigh teaching intelligent (0 replies)
* CHRISTIAN Educators Decry 'Censorship' of Intellig (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design ended in Pa. district (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM is based on faith; it is not a science (0 replies)
* LAST Look At The Firsts Of 2005 (0 replies)
* KERN County school to drop 'intelligent design' cl (0 replies)
* CALIFORNIA School Cuts Intelligent Design from Cur (0 replies)
* ON Intelligent Design and the First Amendment (0 replies)
* BRITISH may teach 'Adam and Eve' theory (0 replies)
* DARWIN: Putting a Human Face on Evolution (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM, evolution, metaphysics (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design (0 replies)
* BILL takes aim at intelligent design (0 replies)
* DEE: The two black holes in Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* SC governor OK with intelligent design (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION, religion focus of upcoming talk (0 replies)
* CALIF. high school sued over class discussing 'int (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design (0 replies)
* JUDGE bans creationism lessons (0 replies)
* LANDMARK ruling bans 'creationism' teachings in sc (0 replies)
* WHAT Is Science? Part II: Pennsylvania 's Intellig (0 replies)
* EVOLVING debate in schools (0 replies)
* PA. school board expected to rescind "intelligent (0 replies)
* KU'S intelligent design course is cancelled (0 replies)
* DOVER intelligent design case: Judicial ignorance (0 replies)
* VATICAN Paper Hits 'Intelligent Design' (0 replies)
* ID and HIV denialists (1 replies)
* Forum Guidelines (0 replies)
* BRITISH may teach 'Adam and Eve' theory (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM, evolution, metaphysics (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM in US schools (0 replies)
* DEVOLVING Ohio (0 replies)
* BIG Bang vs Intelligent Design of TOPU - Series 1 (0 replies)
* WHITE House accused of censoring Nasa (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design and Darwinism: Science Will Pre (0 replies)
* JUDGE: Stick to evolution (0 replies)
* DON'T expect Intelligent Design advocates to stop (0 replies)
* KEEPING Church and State apart (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design ruling was misguided (0 replies)
* WHAT we have here is a failure to communicate (0 replies)
* TEACHING debate over evolution necessary" (0 replies)
* SCHOOL no place for intelligent design (0 replies)
* THE Renaissance Man and Intelligent Design: A prop (0 replies)
* Behe's colleague makes statement (1 replies)
* PROFESSOR Beaten; Says Attackers Cited Creationis (1 replies)
* PROMOTE tolerance, not single view (0 replies)
* WISCONSIN legislator, university profs want ban of (0 replies)
* FLYING Spaghetti Monster and Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* KUKLA: Intelligent design and evolution of chicken (0 replies)
* 2002/05/10: "Icons" video premiere (1 replies)
* JUDGE: Intelligent design is re-labelled creationi (0 replies)
* WHEN We Ignore What We Say About Intelligent Desig (0 replies)
* READERS' thoughts (0 replies)
* LAW center that defended "intelligent design" pond (0 replies)
* DESIGNING curriculum (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design (0 replies)
* SUN & Earth can reveal ID of Universe & Life, Indi (0 replies)
* RIGHT Wing Attacks on Science Part I: Intelligent (0 replies)
* Another ridiculous opinion piece... (0 replies)
* 2002/05/22: Cobb County, Georgia (0 replies)
* KANSAS professor hospitalized after assault by in (0 replies)
* AVOID controversy (0 replies)
* FLYING Spaghetti Monster and Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* YOUR View: intelligent design, Lowder, (more) bloc (0 replies)
* SCHOOL no place for intelligent design (0 replies)
* NO barriers to local intelligent design lessons (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION debate PRI director lauds Pa. intelligen (0 replies)
* MUSEUMS react to attacks on evolution (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design fails readiness test (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT-DESIGN war evolves (0 replies)
* STATE BOE won't revisit debate over creationism (0 replies)
* DOES Irreducible Complexity Imply Intelligent Desi (0 replies)
* TALKING Points (0 replies)
* RESTRAIN the monkeys: Keep Intelligent Design out (0 replies)
* MONKEY Business (0 replies)
* Science Education (3 replies)
* ASKING reasonable, scientific questions (0 replies)
* NATURAL History Museum Responds to Evolution Debat (0 replies)
* PLACE for 'hot' topics (0 replies)
* BEES provide example of God's intelligent design (0 replies)
* 2002/03/11: Ohio Board of Education (2 replies)
* SCIENCE losing war over evolution (0 replies)
* ORIGIN of life bill survives (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION debate PRI director lauds Pa. intelligen (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design (The Debate Isn't Helping) (0 replies)
* RULING exposes `design' flaws (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design: Responses to ''A senseless bat (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design and the Public Schools (0 replies)
* JUDGE'S Unintelligent Rant Against Design (0 replies)
* WORKSHOP to explore evolution vs. intelligent desi (0 replies)
* KY: Group vs. intelligent design (0 replies)
* NC man was at core of Pa. "intelligent design" deb (0 replies)
* ID in Australia (2 replies)
* EVOLUTION shows facts, not circular arguments (0 replies)
* DEFEATING Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design vs. evolution (0 replies)
* PROFESSOR ready to fight KU, officers (0 replies)
* MOST Brits don't believe in evolution (0 replies)
* THE Daily Dose: Daniel Dennett on ID (0 replies)
* 2002/06/21: Panel on "Intelligent Design" (0 replies)
* BAN Intelligent Design? (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design proponent Phillip E. Johnson ta (0 replies)
* SPEAKER stands behind theory (0 replies)
* ISU professor caught in ID turmoil (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION Trial in Hands of Willing Judge (0 replies)
* OAKLAND anthropologist fights to keep evolution in (0 replies)
* JUDGE bans teaching intelligent design (0 replies)
* COURT defeat fails to deter intelligent design bac (0 replies)
* DECISION thrills Dover teachers (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION, intelligent design, and creationism (0 replies)
* DARWIN'S defenders go into battle again (0 replies)
* WHAT Should We Think about Americans' Beliefs Rega (0 replies)
* OTHER views: Absurd to think we are only ones in t (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION, creationism concepts discussed (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM Revisited (0 replies)
* CALIFORNIA high school sued over 'intelligent desi (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design Proponents Distance Themselves (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design (0 replies)
* 'INTELLIGENT Design' Under Microscope (0 replies)
* PAUL Gray: Mature evolution in battle between fait (0 replies)
* A mutating controversy (0 replies)
* THEY must really think we're morons (0 replies)
* MONKEY Trial, Take Two (0 replies)
* IN Lebec, 'Intelligent Design' Class Is History (0 replies)
* MOVEMENT hopes to bridge the gap between evolution (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design speech draws laughter, applause (0 replies)
* AUTHOR says his report on intelligent design misus (0 replies)
* MARTINEZ: Intelligent design is not science (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM is faith, not science (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION debate simmers (0 replies)
* SORRY folks, but the senator is wrong (0 replies)
* CREEP of the Week - The American Family Associatio (0 replies)
* Indiana, the next ID hot spot? (1 replies)
* CREATIONISM-AS-MYTH professor beaten (0 replies)
* WHY not consider theory of intelligent design? (0 replies)
* DEFEATING Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* LET'S slug it out over intelligent design' (0 replies)
* SC biology standards in limbo (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design meets the First Amendment (0 replies)
* COMMON misconceptions and questions (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design falls to legal fear (0 replies)
* WAR Against Reason: The "Intelligent Design" Scam (0 replies)
* LEARNING Matters: Education tips from Indiana Univ (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design Proponents Lose Battles In Scho (0 replies)
* CURRICULUM proposal could spark debate over intell (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design and the Nature of God (0 replies)
* SURVEY: Some local pastors not for replacing teach (0 replies)
* BELIEF in intelligent design is pure logic (0 replies)
* BILL would ban intelligent design from science cou (0 replies)
* IOWA State professor shunned over "intelligent des (0 replies)
* LOCAL teachers have say on 'intelligent design' (0 replies)
* FRANKINCENSE In Aisle Five! (0 replies)
* WATERLOO in Dover (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM booted from only one classroom (0 replies)
* JUDGE bars intelligent design, calls it religious (0 replies)
* THE Evolution of the Intelligent Design Debate in (0 replies)
* PEOPLE of Faith Should Rejoice In Intelligent Desi (0 replies)
* SCIENCE and religion (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design Gains Momentum, Raises Eyebrows (0 replies)
* MORE letters from our readers on intelligent desig (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT parenting for intelligent design (0 replies)
* LAST Look At The Firsts Of 2005 (0 replies)
* EVO-DEVO next big thing, not intelligent design (0 replies)
* CRITICS of intelligent design step up Ohio fight (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION vs. Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* ATTORNEYS: Pennsylvania Wins First Step in 'Monkey (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design is more persuasive than random (0 replies)
* MOUNTAIN towns atop discussion on 'intelligent des (0 replies)
* 'INTELLIGENT Design' Under Microscope (0 replies)
* PANEL discusses intelligent design (0 replies)
* 'INTELLIGENT design' debated in California (0 replies)
* ROME Weighs in (Gently) on Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* LETTERS, faxes, and e-mail (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design, Darwin can coexist (0 replies)
* CALIFORNIA School District Agrees to Drop Creation (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM By Any Other Name (0 replies)
* DEBATING judge's ruling on teaching intelligent de (0 replies)
* PROFESSOR teaches both evolution and creationism (0 replies)
* DEBATE heats up over creationism in classrooms (0 replies)
* DEBATE heats up over creationism in classrooms (0 replies)
* ACADEMIC Persecution of Scientists and Scholars R (0 replies)
* PROFESSOR beaten; attackers cite KU creationism c (0 replies)
* STUDENTS join debate on intelligent design (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design debate on simmer, but could boi (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design theory offers credible answers (0 replies)
* WHAT'S so scary about intelligent design? (0 replies)
* WHERE is the intelligence behind new creationism? (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design (0 replies)
* WAR Against Reason: The "Intelligent Design" Scam (0 replies)
* NO scientific research to support Creationism (0 replies)
* SANFORD OK with intelligent design (0 replies)
* UNINTELLIGENT design? (0 replies)
* IS Kansas court battle over intelligent design nex (0 replies)
* CURRICULUM proposal could spark debate over intell (0 replies)
* SPEAKER: Evolution vs. Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION and intelligent design (0 replies)
* Cleveland Plain Dealer on the DI's funding (0 replies)
* JOHNSON to lecture on evolution and intelligent de (0 replies)
* TAFT remark encourages intelligent design foes (0 replies)
* ID has a place, just not in science (0 replies)
* LOCAL teachers have say on 'intelligent design' (0 replies)
* STATE school officials weigh teaching intelligent (0 replies)
* IDOLS of a 'jealous God' (0 replies)
* JUDGE John Jones III Rules Against Intelligent Des (0 replies)
* QUESTIONS and Answers on Evolution (0 replies)
* JUDGE rules intelligent design is not science (0 replies)
* DISMANTLING the Constitution (0 replies)
* KEN W. Poulsen: Intelligent design simply a Religi (0 replies)
* STATE editorial roundup (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design is as much science as evolution (0 replies)
* ACU joins Intelligent Design debate (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design lawsuit in Kern County (0 replies)
* COULD Jones' Ruling Affect Evolution Education? Ji (0 replies)
* VOICE of the reader (0 replies)
* CALIF. School Scraps 'Intelligent Design' (0 replies)
* DEBATE Over Intelligent Design in Schools Still Fl (0 replies)
* THE stigmata of "intelligent design" (0 replies)
* THE Intelligent Design of Christmas (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design isn't testable (0 replies)
* BOXER is first dog to have full genome revealed (0 replies)
* DISTRICT in new hands (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design has no place in science (0 replies)
* ADL Lists Top Issues Affecting Jews In 2005 (0 replies)
* MINISTER offers proof of intelligent design (0 replies)
* TIME to Decide: Intelligent Design (ID) (0 replies)
* SCREEN other lessons (0 replies)
* ON intelligent design, the pope, etc. (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design is Original Source of Life --ID (0 replies)
* WHAT'S Next In The Evolution Debate? (0 replies)
* PCID editorial policy (30 replies)
* CREATIONISM Does Not Belong in a Classroom, and Ne (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION debate is subject of lectures (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION, from ape to intelligent design (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design a more complicated notion of fa (0 replies)
* SANTORUM cuts ties to center involved in intellige (0 replies)
* SENATOR Cuts Ties With Intelligent Design Case Def (0 replies)
* PA. School Board to Vote on Evolution (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design says there may be a 'Creator' (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION plaintiff takes on public prayer (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design is a copout (0 replies)
* JUDGE John Jones III Rules Against Intelligent Des (0 replies)
* IT'S no fun being a biology teacher in Kansas (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design Group Urges California High Sch (0 replies)
* EXTINCTION of the species merits our attention now (0 replies)
* DESIGNERS' attorney: Class not intelligent (0 replies)
* DOVER'S decision may not change anyone (0 replies)
* ID ruling expected to impact other states (0 replies)
* IN 'Design' vs. Darwinism, Darwin Wins Point in Ro (0 replies)
* PARENTS Sue Calif. School Over 'Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM Falls From Kern County School Curricul (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design's future in Dover (0 replies)
* DESIGNER semantics (0 replies)
* BOARD of Education gives panel time to study teach (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT-DESIGN debate reveals limits of religi (0 replies)
* thoughts on Cobb County decision (0 replies)
* LETTER: lntelligent design talks are too heated (0 replies)
* DOVER ruling could be its own genesis (0 replies)
* DEBATING Design (0 replies)
* EDUCATION panel supports teaching of alternative o (0 replies)
* FUTURE of Conservatism: Darwin or Design? (0 replies)
* CHIMPS not closer to man - Indian Theorist- ID ser (0 replies)
* FUNDAMENTALIST student finds her way to secularism (0 replies)
* MOVIE on Intel Design, Evolution Premieres in Kans (0 replies)
* DARWIN Day to focus on evolution (0 replies)
* COMMON ground on intelligent design, evolution (0 replies)
* LET the Catholics Lead The Way (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design Lawsuit Misses The Mark (0 replies)
* CHARYL Zehfus column: Intelligent design facing mo (0 replies)
* JUNK medicine: creatonism (0 replies)
* HOW Intelligent Is Intelligent Design? (0 replies)
* 'INTELLIGENT design' ruling may have ripples (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design' is science? -- Indian Cosmo T (0 replies)
* Sunday 12/18 Doonesbury re:Creationism/ID (0 replies)
* JUDGE'S ID ruling fortifies separation of church, (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design not an issue in Napa area schoo (0 replies)
* THEOLOGIAN says intelligent design is religion (0 replies)
* 'INTELLIGENT Design' and the Classroom (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design bill fails to materialize (0 replies)
* A Fault Line for 'Intelligent Design' (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design: religion or science? (0 replies)
* SCHOOL board rescinds 'intelligent design' policy (0 replies)
* PERRY: Add intelligent design to teaching (0 replies)
* DESIGNERS' attorney: Class not intelligent (0 replies)
* KERN County school agrees to stop teaching 'intell (0 replies)
* VATICAN article assails intelligent design (0 replies)
* NO intelligent design in Evolution' (0 replies)
* LOCAL science teachers consider debate of Intellig (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design faces court challenge (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design Supporters Vow To Continue Figh (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design: Not science -- or is it? (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM is pious ruse to retain power (0 replies)
* SCIENCE and religion are compatible (0 replies)
* PROF. critical of creationism resigns post (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design -- A Scientific, Academic and (0 replies)
* KANSAS Anti-Creationism Professor Resigns (0 replies)
* DARWIN on Display At the Museum of Natural History (0 replies)
* CLEARING up ID, evolution, theory (0 replies)
* FOUR out of 10 say science classes should include (0 replies)
* COLUMNIST: ID Censorship Exemplifies Liberal Assau (0 replies)
* BIG Bang Theory vs Intelligent Design - Series II (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design debate rages on (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design belittles God, Vatican director (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM and cutting-edge medicine (0 replies)
* FINDING Faith in Evolution (0 replies)
* A natural process for creating information (0 replies)
* DOES the media escalate evolution-design debate? (0 replies)
* COMMENTARY: Evolutionists Could Use Some Consisten (0 replies)
* DECISION expected Tuesday in 'intelligent design' (0 replies)
* HOW Intelligent Is Intelligent Design? (0 replies)
* SCHOOL Board Drops 'Intelligent Design' (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM redux (0 replies)
* THEOLOGIAN says intelligent design is religion (0 replies)
* EDUCATION Leader Decries Court-Sanctioned Censorsh (0 replies)
* RADIO host claims theory's pushers try to sneak Bi (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design not a science (0 replies)
* THE Evolution of Creationism: What's Next in the D (0 replies)
* DARWINISM Vs Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM is alternative to theory of evolution (0 replies)
* EVOLUTIONISTS Going Ape over Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* FEDERAL judge seeks to define 'creationism' (0 replies)
* A New Twist in Intelligent Design in Public School (0 replies)
* BILL Would Require Teaching Evolution Alternative (0 replies)
* "INTELLIGENT design" not science: Vatican paper (0 replies)
* SENATE Gives First Blessing To Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* FOUNDING fathers would support intelligent design (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION vs. intelligent design battle not new (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design: "It's Not Science" (0 replies)
* THE Flying Spaghetti Monster and I (0 replies)
* PANEL backs teaching evolution (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design Supporter to Run for Wagnon's S (0 replies)
* PROF. critical of creationism resigns post (0 replies)
* WHAT you think about evolution teaching methods in (0 replies)
* THE facts of evolution do not supplant ethics of c (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design bill sitting idle, school offic (0 replies)
* FOUR out of 10 say science classes should include (0 replies)
* THE Daily Dose: The theology of intelligent design (0 replies)
* AN intelligent discourse on intelligent design (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design belittles God, Vatican director (0 replies)
* ROCKING the cradle of life (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design vis-C -vis Public Schools (0 replies)
* THE Daily Dose: Intelligent design with a British (0 replies)
* SHERRI Byrand column: We can't change definition o (0 replies)
* THE voodoo doo-doo in intelligent design (0 replies)
* AND on the Eighth Day, God Went Green (0 replies)
* THEORY of Evolution vs. Theory of Intelligent Desi (0 replies)
* THE Daily Dose: Catholicism's "evolutionary creati (0 replies)
* MANN TALK: My Nominee for the Supreme Court (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design: Skeptical Thoughts about the S (0 replies)
* EDITORIAL: Ruling sheds needed light on intelligen (0 replies)
* MUSEUMS Answer Critics of Evolution (0 replies)
* FLETCHER creation remark debated (0 replies)
* EDITORIAL: Intelligent design issue mars decent se (0 replies)
* HAUGHT Testifies in Evolution Case (0 replies)
* CONVERSATIONS on intelligent design, evolution wil (0 replies)
* IF God is great, why is he such a bad designer? (0 replies)
* PARENTS file suit to halt intelligent-design cours (0 replies)
* WHY Are Darwinists So Afraid of Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* CAHSEE, Intelligent Design and the Well-rounded St (0 replies)
* CALL this faith intelligent design or creationism, (0 replies)
* "INTELLIGENT design" debate goes to kids' TV (0 replies)
* SATURDAY Feature (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design: "It's Not Science" (0 replies)
* ND bans intelligent design debate (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design is topic of winter term kickoff (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design: More than Dogma (0 replies)
* MORE scientists should rethink origins (0 replies)
* THE facts of evolution do not supplant ethics of c (0 replies)
* HOWE to lecture on Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* BRITONS unconvinced on evolution (0 replies)
* PLAYING with flagellum (0 replies)
* WIS. Lawmakers Propose Intelligent Design Ban (0 replies)
* TAFT may re-ignite fuss over intelligent design (0 replies)
* UNINTELLIGENT design (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design vis-C -vis Public Schools (0 replies)
* CALIF. lawsuit part of effort to banish God from U (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design (ID) not an act of trust but fa (0 replies)
* BOOK Review: Darwin: Discovering the Tree of Life (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design Makes Good Debate (0 replies)
* CHRISTIAN law center seeks to change American cult (0 replies)
* THE voodoo doo-doo in intelligent design (0 replies)
* GROUP backs away from KU professor (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION Is Pseudo-Science... But Faith Isn't Sci (0 replies)
* 'INTELLIGENT design' teaching ban (0 replies)
* BOARD rescinds 'intelligent design (0 replies)
* BUSH: Educators, not politicians, should craft sci (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION is not science (0 replies)
* VOUCHERS Deemed Unconstitutional? (0 replies)
* OUR favorite governor does it again (0 replies)
* CALIF. Sets Stage for First Intelligent Design Leg (0 replies)
* 'INTELLIGENT design' gets little class time (0 replies)
* OUR intelligent design flap would astonish Frankli (0 replies)
* VATICAN gives nod to Darwin, not Design (0 replies)
* VATICAN paper rejects intelligent design (0 replies)
* TALKBACK: Readers continue to comment on intellige (0 replies)
* SENATOR says effort not a backdoor to teaching int (0 replies)
* ORCHESTRA favours creationism, if it's Haydn (0 replies)
* THE Anti-Malls (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM museum on track to open in '07 (0 replies)
* DEBATE on creationism delayed in SC (0 replies)
* ORIGIN debate delays vote (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design opponents willing to debate (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION vs. intelligent design (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design - The Hot Potato (0 replies)
* BILL bans creationism as science (0 replies)
* PUT all the cards on the table (0 replies)
* SCIENCE and religion: Friends or foes? (0 replies)
* VIEWPOINT: Two Notions of Intelligence in Design (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design Proponents Lose Battles In Scho (0 replies)
* VATICAN Hosts Conference on Intelligent Design The (0 replies)
* LETTERS: Intelligent design -- not so intelligent (0 replies)
* CHURCHES to mark Darwin's birthday (0 replies)
* PA. lawyer cautions Ohio over science standards (0 replies)
* CHURCHES Mark 'Evolution Sunday' on Darwin's Birth (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM lives: well, would you Adam and Eve it (0 replies)
* DEMBSKI & FSU prof assess Intelligent Design, evol (0 replies)
* OHIO Expected to Rein In Class Involving Intellige (0 replies)
* SCHOOL board delivers blow to creationism (0 replies)
* KEEP religion out of classrooms (0 replies)
* THE Renaissance Man and Intelligent Design: A prop (0 replies)
* A Universe Tuned for Life (0 replies)
* EVOLVING dialogue (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design loses vote (0 replies)
* EXPOSE schoolchildren to intelligent design (0 replies)
* TAKE Home Test: Week 4 (0 replies)
* TAKE Home Test: Week 4 (0 replies)
* ACLU wants TPS to bar creationism, intelligent des (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design language tossed out (0 replies)
* ATTORNEY to speak at Pitt (0 replies)
* BILL banning intelligent design draws national not (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design doesn't belong in classrooms (0 replies)
* DESIGNED to create controversy (0 replies)
* BILL banning intelligent design draws national not (0 replies)
* BIBLE tours providing a hands-on view of creationi (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design theory in schools unjustifiable (0 replies)
* FILM explores evolution debate (0 replies)
* SOFTWARE Development's Evolution towards Product D (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design founder argues against evolutio (0 replies)
* DESIGN bill not needed (0 replies)
* THE divine irony of 'intelligent design' (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design belongs to philosophy and relig (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design? Not in this classroom (0 replies)
* ANTI-EVOLUTIONISM in America--What's ahead? (0 replies)
* SCHOOL boards heeding lessons from Dover ruling (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION versus Creationism in the classroom (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design? Meh (0 replies)
* CHURCHES urged to back evolution (0 replies)
* TEACHERS want the right information to refute Inte (0 replies)
* US scientists ask clergy to help refute creationis (0 replies)
* SCIENTISTS oppose intelligent design (0 replies)
* SCIENTISTS call on churches to fight 'intelligent (0 replies)
* ACADEMICS fight rise of creationism at universitie (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design becomes intelligent (0 replies)
* FREEDOM of and from religion (that of others) (0 replies)
* 12:49 pm | Intelligent design forum at UNCC (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT Design case lawyer speaks (0 replies)
* ASCENT of man, or God's plan? (0 replies)
* SCHOOL board paying court costs in ID case (0 replies)
* CONSERVATIVE Ohio values led to change in evolutio (0 replies)
* IS Intelligent Design Intelligent, or is Darwinism (0 replies)
* LET 'intelligent design' and science rumble (0 replies)
* PENNSYLVANIA school district to pay $1M in intelli (0 replies)
* PUBLIC schools need open debate on intelligent des (0 replies)
* RELIGION notes (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design fails us on basic scientific fr (0 replies)
* KEEP creationism in church schools (0 replies)
* ALABAMA VOICES: Evolution backer failed to make ca (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION critique curriculum might go extinct (0 replies)
* REBUKING the 'Clergy Letter Project' (0 replies)
* REBUKING the 'Clergy Letter Project' (0 replies)
* TEACHERS find 'design' flawed (0 replies)
* ALL signs point to evolution (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION is not the only reasonable answer (0 replies)
* CLERGY'S views of evolution debate varied (0 replies)
* FORUM: Evolution debate needs even chance (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION Changes Its Mind (Again) (0 replies)
* THE real threat to religion (0 replies)
* EVANGELIST Urges Believers (0 replies)
* THE Daily Dose: The divine irony of intelligent de (0 replies)
* HELPED launch modern movement with book 'The Genes (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM'S Henry M. Morris, dead at 87; upheld (0 replies)
* FIGHTS for Money and Principals Continue at Capito (0 replies)
* EDITORIAL Board: Criticize evolution, it can take (0 replies)
* SCHOOLS not evolving to include intelligent design (0 replies)
* SPEAKER defends evolution in schools (0 replies)
* FOUNDER of creationism dies (0 replies)
* NEVADA proposal raises questions about evolution (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM By Any Other Name (0 replies)
* Evolution, Creationism, Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* RUSSIAN Student Sues for Teaching Creationism in S (0 replies)
* NEV. Proposal Raises Evolution Questions (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION a theory, father says (0 replies)
* "Darwinians" are Melting Down over ID?? (0 replies)
* BROWN University Professor, Author Ken Miller Lect (0 replies)
* CREATIONISM belongs in churches, not classrooms (0 replies)
* ON campus: Evolution, part II (0 replies)
* LT. Gov. Candidates Discuss Intelligent Design, Ab (0 replies)
* 'INTELLIGENT design' nearly makes own scientific c (0 replies)
* ALLIES, foes saw him as father of `creation scienc (0 replies)
* HENRY Morris, 87; 1961 Book Is Credited With Reviv (0 replies)
* EVOLUTION bill stirs debate on origin of life, rel (0 replies)
* INTELLIGENT design in schools: What do you think? (0 replies)
* FILMMAKER Portrays Evolutionists as a 'Flock of Do (0 replies)
* HENRY M. Morris, 87, a Theorist of Creationism, Di (0 replies)
* BUTTARS Gets Owned (0 replies)
* A Personal Journey from Creationism to Evolution (0 replies)
* EDITORIAL on Intelligent Design Not Well Informed (0 replies)
* 'DARWIN Day' program on evolution, intelligent des (0 replies)
* PROFILE of ministries rises as intelligent design (0 replies)
* DEBATE may evolve in Brevard schools (0 replies)
* STATE Senator wants religion taught in public scho (0 replies)
* INITIATIVE petition stirs evolution debate in Neva (0 replies)
* INITIATIVE petition stirs evolution debate in Neva (0 replies)
* NEWS in brief from central Pennsylvania (0 replies)
* SOME in Dover wary of evangelists' visit (0 replies)
* SIDES divided on evolution alternatives (0 replies)
* NEW Field Museum exhibit tells the story of evolut (0 replies)
* Big bang and evolution theories perhaps require so (0 replies)
* FIELD Museum exhibit tells evolution story (0 replies)
* Majority favor intelligent design (0 replies)
* New Field Exhibit Explores Evolution Theories (0 replies)
* Creation resolution fails (0 replies)
* Debating the concept of intelligent design (0 replies)
* Science has not lost its step (0 replies)
* Reading of `Mutation' to be presented Thursday (0 replies)
* Board of Education rejects call to 'critically ana (0 replies)
* Initiative petition stirs evolution debate in Neva (0 replies)
* If its spring, then the saps are running! (0 replies)
* Debugging the Universe (0 replies)
* Time for Giants to stop looking the other way on B (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design or Darwinian Evolutions Surviv (0 replies)
* School board rejects hedging on evolution (0 replies)
* FCAT Science Is Ready to Count in 2007 (0 replies)
* A genuine theory is subject to peer review (0 replies)
* Intelligent design topic of session Points of view (0 replies)
* Creationism to be taught on GCSE science syllabus (0 replies)
* The evolution of intelligent design (0 replies)
* Dr. Dino, Merrill Keiser, Jr., & Thomas S. Monag (0 replies)
* A journey back in time (0 replies)
* Giants looked other way for Bonds (0 replies)
* Exam boards bring creationism into science class (0 replies)
* Petition stirs debate over evolution (0 replies)
* Evolution fight moves to Britain (0 replies)
* "Critical Analysis" runs into its critics (0 replies)
* Creationism added to Biology syllabus (0 replies)
* Off and running (0 replies)
* Creationism Deserves Place In Classroom (0 replies)
* Combining theories (0 replies)
* Theories of evolution, intelligent design are not (0 replies)
* A spiritual evolution (0 replies)
* Dinos reign again in evolution exhibit (0 replies)
* Catholic scientist has faith in both God and evolu (0 replies)
* Evolving doors: Students say they wouldnt mind he (1 replies)
* Group Sponsors Evolution Dialogue (0 replies)
* AKP puts greater emphasis on religion as elections (0 replies)
* Creationism finds a place in UK science lessons (0 replies)
* Biology GCSE to include creationism (0 replies)
* IDs Intractible Dilemma (0 replies)
* Voices...Evolution (0 replies)
* The Daily Dose: Kids in the crosshairs (0 replies)
* An evolving debate (0 replies)
* ID-evolution can work together (0 replies)
* "Dr. Dino," Capital Crimes, and Catholic Pizza (0 replies)
* Designer is compatible with Darwin (0 replies)
* Textbook Controversy In Brevard County (0 replies)
* Tribeca Fest Unveils 60 More Features; Spotlight a (0 replies)
* Dr. Paul J Dean (0 replies)
* Academic Freedom Act (0 replies)
* Charles Darwin (0 replies)
* Proponent of Intelligent Design Spreading Word in (0 replies)
* Proof Darwin was wrong (0 replies)
* Thanks To Those Who Voted For Quiroga (0 replies)
* Vatican Scientist to Lead Dialogue on Intelligent (0 replies)
* Barrow redefines the science-religion interface (0 replies)
* Showing bones of contention (0 replies)
* Well never resolve culture wars as long as extrem (0 replies)
* Effects of evolution debate subtle in Ann Arbor ar (0 replies)
* House panel pushes bill calling for analysis of sc (0 replies)
* The evolving debate about evolution (0 replies)
* Series to focus on science standards (0 replies)
* A program with real star power (0 replies)
* Creationist draws large crowd (0 replies)
* Following grows for Flying Spaghetti Monster (0 replies)
* CU professor explores origins of life (0 replies)
* House passes operating budget (0 replies)
* Evolving debate for Darwin's disciples (0 replies)
* Ask, and You Shall Receive Knowledge (0 replies)
* CRIA Study Reveals Some Interesting Information (0 replies)
* Legislation allows Ten Commandments on Capitol gro (0 replies)
* Utah State kicks off science week (0 replies)
* Legislature should spurn Kern bill (0 replies)
* Archbishop of Canterbury slams creationism lessons (0 replies)
* Law center defends Christianity (0 replies)
* Archbishop: stop teaching creationism (0 replies)
* CQ Politics Forum: Can McCain Appeal to Both Cente (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design, evolution subject of ongoing d (0 replies)
* Archbishop of Canterbury says creationism should n (0 replies)
* Controversial and Comic Film 'Flock of Dodos: The (0 replies)
* Archbishop of Canterbury Against Teaching Creation (0 replies)
* Fears over teaching creationism (0 replies)
* Anglican Leader Says the Schools Shouldn't Teach C (0 replies)
* Archbishop opposed to teaching creationism (0 replies)
* Anarchism and the Peak oil argument (0 replies)
* Head of UK Church: Don't Teach Creationism in Scho (0 replies)
* Traffic safety poster winners (0 replies)
* Debates Between Lovers (0 replies)
* Creationism has its place, but not in science clas (0 replies)
* I don't believe in God, says Clarke (0 replies)
* Anglican archbishop opposes teaching of creationis (0 replies)
* Respect that bird (0 replies)
* Move Over Intelligent Design, Here Comes Bhartiya (0 replies)
* Attorney in Landmark 'Intelligent Design' Case to (0 replies)
* A battle that is all of their own creation (0 replies)
* The Daily Dose: British leaders continue to speak (0 replies)
* BREAKPOINT: Old news thats not fit to print: The (0 replies)
* Archbishop Opposed to Teaching Creationism (0 replies)
* Legal Experts Analyze the Impact of the Dover Inte (0 replies)
* Evolution curriculum sparks debate in SoCal commun (0 replies)
* Principals of Christianity are fundamental to our (0 replies)
* FHSU Faculty Senate rejects intelligent design (0 replies)
* Scots church leader joins row over teaching of cre (0 replies)
* CNN International - USA (0 replies)
* Special Features Block New (0 replies)
* Anglican leader opposes creationism in schools (0 replies)
* The Church of England Newspaper (0 replies)
* Evolution not spoken here (0 replies)
* LONDON: Dr Rowan Williams defends Akinola on anti- (0 replies)
* A big bang started by a super-technological God ma (0 replies)
* Archbishop opposes creationism in school (0 replies)
* Why intelligent design will change everything (0 replies)
* Anglican leader opposes creationism in school (0 replies)
* Prominent Scientists to Discuss Science, Education (0 replies)
* Archbishop of Canterbury says creationism should n (0 replies)
* Intelligent design case lawyers to speak (0 replies)
* Creationism in schools rejected (0 replies)
* Dodos to fly at New York festival (0 replies)
* Philosophies differ in Evolution vs. design (0 replies)
* Archbishop Opposed to Teaching Creationism (0 replies)
* LETTER FROM LONDON: Inherit the Wind Irfan Hus (0 replies)
* 'Spaghetti Monster' is noodling around with faith (0 replies)
* House enters 'design' contest (0 replies)
* Time to forge better supply chain deals with China (0 replies)
* S. Michael Craven (0 replies)
* "Darwin's Natural Heir" On Ants, Social Evolution, (0 replies)
* Interview by Tom Heneghan (0 replies)
* Column: Ideological differences should be embraced (0 replies)
* Education under fire (0 replies)
* YOUR VIEW: Is intelligent design intelligent? (0 replies)
* Don't teach creationism - Archbishop (0 replies)
* Walk Like an Ape? (0 replies)
* Looking for intelligent signals (0 replies)
* CULTURE DIGEST: 25,000 teens rally against virtue (0 replies)
* Arm Wrestling with Darwin (0 replies)
* Of Monkeys and Shakespeare (0 replies)
* Buffet of carbs for your soul (0 replies)
* Darwinian debate deviates (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design proponent coming to Cornell (0 replies)
* Creationism or evolution? Topic is debated at UTSA (0 replies)
* The Daily Dose: EO Wilson to tackle science-and-re (0 replies)
* Still ticking (0 replies)
* Testing Darwin's Teachers (0 replies)
* Creationism speaker returns to town (0 replies)
* Signs of the Times (0 replies)
* Week's Lessons: UNM tuition; Laptop program; Intel (0 replies)
* Top evolutionist prefers Bible reading for his own (0 replies)
* Intelligent design lawyers tout views (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design supporters say idea in 'infancy (0 replies)
* In the beginning God (0 replies)
* Maverick McCain tones down on the polemics (0 replies)
* Christianity: Child abuse? A Virus? (0 replies)
* Empty Minds and Lost Souls (0 replies)
* Views on Socialism and Communism: A Radically New (0 replies)
* Religion and science are two different games (0 replies)
* The evolution of clots (0 replies)
* Guides for teaching evolution (0 replies)
* New science standards inspire lecture series (0 replies)
* New evolution proposal puts 'critical analysis' in (0 replies)
* Evolution debate shifts to textbooks (0 replies)
* Guides For Teaching Evolution (0 replies)
* The PC Inquisition Comes to Baylor University (0 replies)
* UM Professors Cast Doubt on Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* The Rise and Rise of the MoPho (0 replies)
* Professor denied federal research funds for assumi (0 replies)
* Guest column: Intelligent design economics (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Foe Refused Federal Grant for D (0 replies)
* Famous kitten to be on display in Oswego County (0 replies)
* Science, religion not mutually exclusive (0 replies)
* Famous One-Eyed Kitten to Go on Display (0 replies)
* Moore: A teaching evolution? (0 replies)
* 'Intelligent design' debate crosses the border (0 replies)
* CBS News Text Videos The Web (0 replies)
* Attack on school 'fundamentalism' (0 replies)
* Cy sold to creationism show (0 replies)
* Miller: Intelligent design is not science (0 replies)
* The PC Inquisition Comes to Baptist Baylor Univers (0 replies)
* Tiktaalik fish evolved by Crocodiles cross breedi (0 replies)
* A Review of the Beginning (0 replies)
* The Great Creation Debate (0 replies)
* Just Another Lousy Week for Creationism (0 replies)
* The Blind Locksmith Continued: The Mushy Definitio (0 replies)
* This fish went out on a limb (0 replies)
* Victory for intelligent design (0 replies)
* UK teachers to vote on ending state-funded faith s (0 replies)
* WITF gets Murrow Award (0 replies)
* One-Eyed Kitten to Be Centerpiece of Creationism M (0 replies)
* Ongoing debate is healthy (0 replies)
* Creationist museum gives kitten top role (0 replies)
* Voices: Strange letters (0 replies)
* The evolution of complex systems (0 replies)
* 76*' (0 replies)
* Evolution: If It Walks Like a Fish ... (0 replies)
* Dembski leaving post at seminary (0 replies)
* One-eyed kitten sold to museum exploring creationi (0 replies)
* One-eyed kitten sold to museum exploring creationi (0 replies)
* Cornell offers first class on Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* Researchers come up with emphatic evidence support (0 replies)
* Religion, science find common ground (0 replies)
* Anyone out there? (0 replies)
* Science lines creationism up for a chinning (0 replies)
* Faith schools may allow extremists in, say critics (0 replies)
* Evolution critic speaks at Columbia College (0 replies)
* Things that make you go hmmmm - Ed Brock (0 replies)
* Creationism 'no place in schools' (0 replies)
* Cornell offers course despite president denouncing (0 replies)
* Pupils 'confused by science lessons in creationism (0 replies)
* Teachers debate motion to end faith school funding (0 replies)
* Science-belief tension is natural (0 replies)
* Don't distort science to promote religious beliefs (0 replies)
* CORRECTED: Academy opposes creationism teaching in (0 replies)
* 3:12 pm: Rio Rancho school board amends science po (0 replies)
* Teachers demand end to state cash for faith school (0 replies)
* Evolution and intelligent design: SSHRC in the new (0 replies)
* Royal Society attacks teaching of creationism as s (0 replies)
* British scientists reject intelligent design theor (0 replies)
* Creationism studies morality, not science in ethic (0 replies)
* Teachers vote for ban on faith school funding (0 replies)
* Evolution fightback continues at Royal Society (0 replies)
* Missing Link (0 replies)
* Scientists rally to support, protect evolution (0 replies)
* War of the Worldviews: The Religious Right vs. Dem (0 replies)
* Suddenly, its 1982 . . . sort of (0 replies)
* Cornell intelligent-design course raises eyebrows (0 replies)
* UK Teachers Attack Intolerant Faith Schools (0 replies)
* Intelligent design of evolution (0 replies)
* Environmental Record (0 replies)
* UK teachers oppose increasing number of faith scho (0 replies)
* A design on revolution (0 replies)
* Climate change, evolution vs. Creationism in the c (0 replies)
* Republicans face tough questions but differ little (0 replies)
* Rebutting Darwinists (0 replies)
* Intelligent design belongs outside science class (0 replies)
* Battle between science and religion clouds creatio (0 replies)
* Cornell to Offer Class on Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* Edwatch by Julia Steiny: On Easter, a plea for pea (0 replies)
* How school vouchers might help religion-science de (0 replies)
* The Cutting Edge: A War on Science (0 replies)
* Tribeca Review: Flock of Dodos: The Evolution-Inte (0 replies)
* Concord Christian pursues vision (0 replies)
* Saving Souls at School (0 replies)
* Does the Constitution Protect McCuen's Views? (0 replies)
* Sub-group takes first step to assess feasibility o (0 replies)
* Debate on teaching evolution resurfaces (0 replies)
* PBS to shine light on Dover design case (0 replies)
* Quotation Marks (0 replies)
* SC eyes textbooks, `critical analysis' (0 replies)
* Science and the First Amendment (0 replies)
* Where's the proof in intelligent design? (0 replies)
* It's just a movie, so don't take it as gospel (0 replies)
* The Daily Dose: How children learn about science a (0 replies)
* Dover trial witnesses treated 'like royalty' (0 replies)
* When eyes remain wide shut on abstinence (0 replies)
* BHA: OCR says 'intelligent design', creation not o (0 replies)
* Middle America: Welcome to the centre of the USA (0 replies)
* Intelligent design ruling likely to cool challenge (0 replies)
* Science and religion: It's not either/or (0 replies)
* Intelligent design a difficult foe (0 replies)
* Dover judge addresses graduates (0 replies)
* The View from Here (0 replies)
* CV, CHS students collecting formal gowns (0 replies)
* Vatican astronomer says creationism is superstitio (0 replies)
* Vatican astronomer says creationism is superstitio (0 replies)
* New School University students protest commencemen (0 replies)
* Meantime, family immigration is a mess (0 replies)
* Evolution still an unproven scientific theory (0 replies)
* Debating the origin of life (0 replies)
* Vatican astronomer says creationism is superstitio (0 replies)
* Froma Harrop: He's broken his principles -- McCain (0 replies)
* Ed spokesman's comments draw criticism (0 replies)
* Commentary: Stand for science (0 replies)
* Intelligent Judging Evolution in the Classroom a (0 replies)
* Unintelligent Review (0 replies)
* How the Palestinian Advocates Intelligently Design (0 replies)
* Science Teachers Confront Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* Intelligent design leads to forsaking atheism (0 replies)
* Special Features Block New (0 replies)
* Film ponders the outcome of science-faith battle (0 replies)
* Mike throws left at foes of evolution (0 replies)
* Discovery Institute Applauds Federal US Appeals Co (0 replies)
* Design discourse flawed (0 replies)
* Apocalypse Now (0 replies)
* Editor's Note: Existential Faith (0 replies)
* Pull of science eroded born-again view (0 replies)
* Intelligent design judge will be featured at acade (1 replies)
* Creation or Evolution, Does It Matter? (0 replies)
* Parents rebel at 'Dickensian' school run by millio (0 replies)
* Pitt anthropologist thinks Darwin's theory needs t (0 replies)
* Mike vows he'll honor gay marriage (0 replies)
* The collapse of reason (0 replies)
* Why Creationism is wrong (0 replies)
* Creationist should study evolutionary theory (0 replies)
* Top scientist gives up on creationists (0 replies)
* Evangelicals claim persecution (0 replies)
* Weekly News | Christian Views (0 replies)
* Joseph M. Farber, 34, lawyer (0 replies)
* Michelle Goldberg (0 replies)
* Scientist: I don't talk to creationists (0 replies)
* Top jobs on line in Dover (0 replies)
* Elder dance project earns 'Gold Star' (0 replies)
* Agenda Listings : Think Tank (0 replies)
* Evidence called science supports evolution theory (0 replies)
* Legendary Coffee House to Re-Open (0 replies)
* Religion has no place in school (0 replies)
* Full Text (0 replies)
* Blind faith ignores reason, scientific evidence (0 replies)
* BuzzFlash interview: Michelle Goldberg (0 replies)
* Conservatives Against ID (0 replies)
* Scientists take cues from nature to solve modern t (0 replies)
* The trouble with religion (0 replies)
* Evolution shouldn't be taught in schools if creati (0 replies)
* Judge in Dover case still fighting (0 replies)
* Coulter Attacks the Cult of Liberalism (0 replies)
* Americans Split Over Evolution, Creationism (0 replies)
* Bloomberg Backs Pride (0 replies)
* Nearly Half of Americans Believe in Creationism (0 replies)
* Residents divided again in Dover (0 replies)
* Atheist to take over pulpit at Parkview Church (0 replies)
* The mysterious zebra (0 replies)
* Are Christians Confused? (0 replies)
* Are Desktop PCs On Life Support? (0 replies)
* South Carolina Set to Join Four Other States Calli (0 replies)
* The Episcopal Confusion: A Review of the 2006 Blue (0 replies)
* Textbook charge sparks debate (0 replies)
* VV: Art of political lying (0 replies)
* OTHER DAYS (0 replies)
* Wood withdraws, supports Staton (0 replies)
* A New John McCain (0 replies)
* Deadline about a week away for backers of Nevada i (0 replies)
* Biology standards on review (0 replies)
* Balance for Me, But Not for Thee (0 replies)
* Stars and Films Under the Stars Greet 2006 Maui Fi (0 replies)
* The Daily Dose: No ID for me, Ima Republican (0 replies)
* Head of schools allegedly took fuel (0 replies)
* Professors compare state science standards with pl (0 replies)
* Creationism - How Entropy challenges Evolution The (0 replies)
* Talks at the Schnitz take on the themes from Code (0 replies)
* Ann Coulter: living down to her reputation (0 replies)
* A TV for All Seasons (0 replies)
* Jefferts Schori's 'Reign of God (0 replies)
* Southern Baptists: Shift from public schools (0 replies)
* Reality Dissonance (0 replies)
* Student touts intelligent design (0 replies)
* Evolution Does Not Equal Progress (Part 2) (0 replies)
* Jurist not riding the bench (0 replies)
* The Debate About Origins (0 replies)
* Discovery Institute Is Think Tank Increasing Faste (2 replies)
* Theories of evolution vs. intelligent design (0 replies)
* Creationist on entropy (0 replies)
* Semi-Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* NYC mayor can't squelch rumours of White House bid (0 replies)
* Join the Scientific Dissent From Darwinism (0 replies)
* Scientists Take on Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* Bloomberg, on everything (0 replies)
* Scientists Taking Cues From Nature (0 replies)
* Intelligent design makes sense, complexity of life (0 replies)
* Scientists study works of nature for design clues (0 replies)
* Dover superintendent out (0 replies)
* World scientists unite to attack creationism (0 replies)
* Evolution, The Age Of The Universe, And Rabbi Arye (0 replies)
* Already Two Strikes Against First Woman Episcopal (0 replies)
* Intelligent design not real science, columinist la (0 replies)
* Opposition group retells dispute over intelligent (0 replies)
* Evolution: World science academies fight back agai (0 replies)
* Faith-Based Science 2: Attacking Evolution (0 replies)
* Science academies around world urge evolution less (0 replies)
* Scientific world unites over origins of life (0 replies)
* Creationists have flawed reasoning full of fallaci (0 replies)
* Ann Coulter's Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* Scientists unite against creationism in schools (0 replies)
* Religious Debate Comes to Germany (0 replies)
* Increasing evidence for intelligent design theory (0 replies)
* Science slams creationism (0 replies)
* Lessons in Evolution (0 replies)
* Peacock's tail fans our flames (0 replies)
* From Kansas to South Carolina, Republican moderate (0 replies)
* Weekend's Best Bets (0 replies)
* McCain talks war, religion, immigration (1 replies)
* NCSE President in Berkeley Science Review (0 replies)
* String Theory a Disaster for Physics? (0 replies)
* Scientists unite to attack creationism (0 replies)
* Evolution guides scientists' goals (0 replies)
* Evolution has the power of science behind it (0 replies)
* Churches should be involved in schools (0 replies)
* Creationists fail to disprove evolution (0 replies)
* Dialogue with a Saudi Muslim (4) (0 replies)
* No better time for big ideas (0 replies)
* Allowing religion and science to have a say (0 replies)
* Reichert's rival needs to avoid 'liberal' tag (0 replies)
* A doctor writes the Almighty with suggestions (0 replies)
* Creationism taught by design (0 replies)
* "Intelligent design" legislation in New York dies (0 replies)
* The Daily Dose: The art of evolution (0 replies)
* Science, faith and religious education (0 replies)
* Judge hints at disfavoring legal motion by UC syst (0 replies)
* A July 4 alien invasion? Yes in Takoma Park (0 replies)
* Archbishops creationism; environmentalist Exodus (0 replies)
* Kansas joke (0 replies)
* Obama: On Faith and Politics. And Alan Keyes. (0 replies)
* Right Wing Playground Bullies (0 replies)
* Fight over teaching scientific theories likely to (0 replies)
* Bruce E. Levine: STAR*D Wars (0 replies)
* Weakened version of Michigan antievolution bill pr (0 replies)
* Brain Food (0 replies)
* Candidates take opposite tacks on Kansas school sc (0 replies)
* Defending the Teaching of Evolution in the Public (0 replies)
* Addressing the public about science and religion (0 replies)
* Christian youth is a sell-out success (0 replies)
* The High Price of Inflexibility (0 replies)
* Strike up the bands for the 4th (0 replies)
* Ends and means (0 replies)
* UnChristian Calling (0 replies)
* Conscientious Dullness in the Arts (0 replies)
* Darwin and God: can they co-exist? (0 replies)
* Episcopalian leaders balk at bishop (0 replies)
* Grateful For the 'Greatest' Generation (0 replies)
* Embracing the best of British (0 replies)
* The Politics of Education (0 replies)
* Independence from Useless Political Ideas Like Ban (0 replies)
* After Fascism: Muslims and the Struggle for Self-d (0 replies)
* Defending the Teaching of Evolution in the Public (0 replies)
* MANN TALK: Macroevolution (0 replies)
* VCU professor will not return (0 replies)
* I'm No Monkey's Brother (0 replies)
* Intelligent design not testable; it can't be a sci (0 replies)
* Where brains meet games (0 replies)
* Baptizing America is goal of right-wing Christocra (0 replies)
* Mission Continues as Summer Madness Concludes with (0 replies)
* 'Creation' in Ark science not science at all (0 replies)
* The Christian tycoon who wants to ban gay marriage (1 replies)
* 20 Questions About the Scopes Trial (0 replies)
* Ann Coulter's "Flatulent Raccoon Theory" (0 replies)
* Group launches campaign for Kan. school science st (0 replies)
* Intelligent design advocates to campaign in Kansas (0 replies)
* Teaching life science, taking anti-evolution flak (0 replies)
* Emergence enters the creation debate (0 replies)
* The real truth about morality (0 replies)
* Reconciling God and Science (0 replies)
* Revisiting intelligent design (0 replies)
* Shrill Coulter aims, again, at godless liberals (0 replies)
* Science isn't junk (0 replies)
* Cox and Taylor stands on education (0 replies)
* Creation Debates Go to Camp (0 replies)
* Supporters and critics of intellegnet design to ne (0 replies)
* State school board urged to add guide for hot-butt (0 replies)
* Evolution debate heats up for election season (0 replies)
* Godless: The Church of Liberalism (0 replies)
* Citizens for Science claim Intelligent Design runn (0 replies)
* COOL2 KNOW (0 replies)
* Enjoying the Academic Freedom to be an Idiot (0 replies)
* Genomics luminary weighs in on US faith debate (0 replies)
* CULTURE DIGEST: Sioux leaders ponder beer blockade (0 replies)
* Scientist decries smear campaign (0 replies)
* To save American lives, stay the course in Iraq (0 replies)
* Documentary pokes fun at both sides of evolution v (0 replies)
* Distasteful, discredited, dismissed (0 replies)
* PAC switches support to Viola (0 replies)
* Patrick Michelson: UW's hiring of Kevin Barrett a (0 replies)
* Foundation puts its case for academy in south east (0 replies)
* "One Day It Will Please Us To Remember Even This" (0 replies)
* Stirring `Galileo' Pits Science Against Religion: (0 replies)
* Stem cell funding, a silver bullet for Democrats? (0 replies)
* MOVIE REVIEW: 'Candy' makes the leap from Comedy C (0 replies)
* Defending the Teaching of Evolution in the Public (0 replies)
* Forum series seeks sponsors (0 replies)
* Questions for Katha Pollitt (0 replies)
* Experts debunk evolution (0 replies)
* Religious tract asks: What's next for the iPod guy (0 replies)
* Natural Selection: Still Going Strong (0 replies)
* Ministry starts magazine about creationism, religi (0 replies)
* No. Ky. Ministry Starts Magazine About Creationism (0 replies)
* Freedom of Speech is PreciousBut Some Isn't (0 replies)
* 1960 film finds hackles to raise (0 replies)
* A wise man might have said this about Cincinnati (0 replies)
* The Discovery Institute and the Theory of Intellig (0 replies)
* The Growing Threat of Right-Wing Christians (0 replies)
* Creationist's fight with Uncle Sam may evolve into (0 replies)
* On deck: Cool people hang out here (0 replies)
* Local control is a key issue (0 replies)
* McCain Does Manhattan, By the Issues (0 replies)
* World religions class, not science class, is prope (0 replies)
* Weird Science (0 replies)
* Darwinian Conservatism (0 replies)
* McCain Update (0 replies)
* Tuesday editorial (0 replies)
* Between the Bridges (0 replies)
* Evolution Debate Rekindled in Ohio (0 replies)
* Candidates vie for District 5 seat (0 replies)
* To the point: Dicey future for online gaming with (0 replies)
* Bush to stem cell community: Drop dead (0 replies)
* CNSNews.com Senior Editor (0 replies)
* Leading Biologist Urges Scientific Skeptics to Inv (0 replies)
* Southwest Daily Times (0 replies)
* Exposing the flaws of the Kansas science standards (0 replies)
* Chaos reigns at board (0 replies)
* Don Jones: Green must not support creationism (0 replies)
* The Kitzmiller Case Reviewed [John Derbyshire] (0 replies)
* Richardson blasts Woodcock, then retracts one stat (0 replies)
* Will the Kansas school board be intelligently rede (0 replies)
* Books on Science Faith, Reason, God and Other Impo (0 replies)
* Liggett, Wempe opposed to board majority (0 replies)
* No data for creationism (0 replies)
* Evolution debate will air on public television (0 replies)
* Anti-evolution standards a key issue in Kansas sch (0 replies)
* Bad Religion (0 replies)
* God, Under a Microscope (0 replies)
* Letters: Stem cells, Bush, governor, etc. (0 replies)
* Education, not ignorance (0 replies)
* A big to-do over Kansas Dodos (0 replies)
* What Darwin's finches say of Creation (0 replies)
* OLS Day 4: Kroah-Hartman's Keynote Address (0 replies)
* Democrat keeps busy despite being unchallenged (0 replies)
* Group plans road trip to promote science standards (0 replies)
* Challengers oppose Willard on evolution, Corkins h (0 replies)
* School Boards Are Destroying America! (0 replies)
* HOLY TOLEDO (0 replies)
* In Defense of the Religious Right by Patrick Hynes (0 replies)
* Proposed Template for Ohio Teachers Ignites Intell (0 replies)
* Conservatives may be tough to shake off (0 replies)
* beautiful Dolls revel in reunion (0 replies)
* Capitalism's End Times: A Review of Kevin Phillips (0 replies)
* Shaver looks to make changes (0 replies)
* Candidates on different sides of education issues (0 replies)
* Time for the creationism theory to fly the coop (0 replies)
* Legislative briefs (0 replies)
* God is `the greatest scientist there is' (0 replies)
* Hanover hires Dover official (0 replies)
* Cauble seeks to keep education decisions close to (0 replies)
* Carey Luskin Proves My Point for Me (0 replies)
* Intelligent-design proponent distorts foes views (0 replies)
* Time to end the Republican war on science (0 replies)
* Coalition unfazed by state's e-mail request (0 replies)
* Pre-election hubbub in Kansas continues (0 replies)
* No travel for evangelist (0 replies)
* One Day It Will Please Us to Remember Even This (0 replies)
* Geneticist Seeks to Bridge Gap Between Faith and S (0 replies)
* State school boards actions fire up its foes (0 replies)
* The Blog House: Bids for the House seen via keyboa (0 replies)
* God and science can mix, geneticist writes in new (0 replies)
* INTERSECTION: Scientist who's an evangelical Chris (0 replies)
* Business letters, July 29 (0 replies)
* Paul Sanchez, Leigh Anne Sanchez, Jennifer Maier, (0 replies)
* STAR POWER | A HIGHER CALLING: His message packs t (0 replies)
* The Reluctant Mr. Darwin by David Quammen (0 replies)
* Plans begin for looming peak oil crisis (0 replies)
* Governor's race isn't just about the economy (0 replies)
* LA Times Columnist Slams Intelligent Design as a " (0 replies)
* The theory of "Intelligent Design" is neither inte (0 replies)
* Only at TNR Online | Post date 07.31.06 (0 replies)
* SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) an (0 replies)
* The language of life (0 replies)
* Education Professor Presents at Oxford Round Table (0 replies)
* Education board candidates agree on importance of (0 replies)
* A Common Sense Approach to Religious Freedom (0 replies)
* Commentary by Mark Creech (0 replies)
* Defending the Teaching of Evolution in the Public (0 replies)
* museum brings creationism to life (0 replies)
* Election Could Flip Kan. Evolution Stance (0 replies)
* Evolutions Backers in Kansas Mount a Counterattac (0 replies)
* The Flying Spaghetti Monster (0 replies)
* Creationism Museum Set To Open Next Year (0 replies)
* University organizing lecture series on evolution, (0 replies)
* Faith Versus Science in Kansas 'Evolution Election (0 replies)
* Slashback: New E3, Archimedes Webcast, Dell Wildfi (0 replies)
* Pseudogenes Research Reinforces Theory of Evolutio (0 replies)
* Class, play continue discussion on life views (0 replies)
* Conservative Republicans lose control of the State (0 replies)
* News, Views and Careers for All of Higher Educatio (0 replies)
* A Win for Science in Kansas (0 replies)
* Board of Educations balance is shifting (0 replies)
* All Politics is Loco: The Butler Did It (0 replies)
* ID and egos (0 replies)
* Evolution Fight Shifts Direction in Kansas Vote (0 replies)
* Academy sponsorship 'taking power from parents' (0 replies)
* Kansas board pledges to restore science curricula (0 replies)
* Kevin Eigelbach: Lighten up on the scare letters (0 replies)
* Election losses sure look like a setback (0 replies)
* Coulter crap: Dont ignore it, expose it (0 replies)
* 'Dr. Dino' Confronts the IRS, at Taxpayers' Expens (0 replies)
* The gods must be crazy if they call this intellige (0 replies)
* KU organizing lecture series on evolution, design (0 replies)
* Defending the Teaching of Evolution in the Public (0 replies)
* The evolution of Kansas (0 replies)
* Evo-Zax and Intelli-Zax: Lessons of Dr. Seuss (0 replies)
* KU organizing lecture series on evolution, design (0 replies)
* Nothing Wrong With Kansas (0 replies)
* Evolution debate continues (0 replies)
* Toledoan spreads word about creationism (0 replies)
* Creation Museum puts biblical spin on Earth's hist (0 replies)
* Circumstantial evidence (0 replies)
* School Boards Fail to Face Reality!! (0 replies)
* The evolution of Kansas (0 replies)
* Winnebago County an evolution battle site (0 replies)
* The Instance of the Madonna of Medjugorje (0 replies)
* Kansas Citizens Vote For Pro-Evolution School Boar (0 replies)
* Charles Darwin prevails in Kansas, as in Dover, bu (0 replies)
* Noted Creationist to Address Wichita State Univers (0 replies)
* Political Science (0 replies)
* Akron's Sawyer considers run for state school boar (0 replies)
* MSNBC's Olbermann: Media Matters "just loves check (0 replies)
* US Lags Behind Europe, Japan in Acceptance of Evol (0 replies)
* Misinformation Key to Kansas Conservatives Ouster (1 replies)
* "Dodos" debate evolution (0 replies)
* Blue Thoughts from a Red State: Kansas Evolves (0 replies)
* Evolution backers seek to influence Ohio elections (1 replies)
* Big bang, false idea, JOEL KERBRAT Jr., Concord - (0 replies)
* More on Cantwell & ID (0 replies)
* Pope to lead talks on evolution (0 replies)
* Christian theory not science: MP (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Or Flying Spaghetti Monster? (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Back In The News (0 replies)
* Tackling evolution (0 replies)
* Column - John Kanelis: Keep science in school, rel (0 replies)
* Many Ark. Candidates say Intelligent Design is Oka (0 replies)
* Evolution vs. the Observations of Moses (0 replies)
* Many Ark. candidates say intelligent design in sch (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Big Topic In Election Season (0 replies)
* Criticism of Evolution Can't Be Silenced (0 replies)
* Richard Meier, Meet SDS Procida (and 'Intelligent (0 replies)
* Fringe Comedy: Bill Bailey - Steam Punk (0 replies)
* Teach Students To Ask Questions (0 replies)
* Public Stoning: Not Just for the Taliban Anymore (0 replies)
* Reason lost (0 replies)
* Evolution backers seek to influence election (0 replies)
* Democratic chief defends Beebe's stand on intellig (0 replies)
* Many Ark. Candidates Say Intelligent Design in Sch (0 replies)
* The Big Finale. Apocalypse. Hidden Imam vs JC Get (0 replies)
* Willett suggests Beebe 'gaffe' (0 replies)
* Most Americans Want Two Theories in School (0 replies)
* School race more challenging this time for Miele (0 replies)
* Intelligent design not designed intelligently (0 replies)
* The common ground on evolution, creationism: Faith (0 replies)
* Beebe cites rulings in clarification of comments o (0 replies)
* The battle against ignorance (0 replies)
* Why piglets shudder to keep warm (0 replies)
* May's faith grows ever Green (0 replies)
* Evolution's record argues against creation as scie (0 replies)
* Jackson Lab opens new research building (0 replies)
* How Does My DNA Work? (0 replies)
* A difficult birth for pain relief (0 replies)
* Column - Scott Giles: It's not always about religi (0 replies)
* Christian themes split UC, high schools (0 replies)
* Darwinists are on a wild goo chase, DAVE WOETZEL, (0 replies)
* Faith trumps scientific facts (0 replies)
* Pope Replaces Intelligent Design Critic at Observa (0 replies)
* Community Column: The Dark Ages (0 replies)
* Editorial: No child should find science, math bori (0 replies)
* Pope Removes Astronomer Who Is Strong Defender of (0 replies)
* Student bloggers fill a long-neglected void (0 replies)
* Oregon State Univ Lecture: "Anti-Evolution In Amer (0 replies)
* In 'Malibu,' survival of the wittiest (0 replies)
* EDITORIALS>>Beebe wants it both ways (0 replies)
* Lighthearted play grew from ideas on creationism, (0 replies)
* Your Opinions (0 replies)
* Letters posted here are associated with the follow (0 replies)
* Sucking video (-1 replies)
* UW Dissents From Darwin (0 replies)
* God and science: You just can't please everyone (0 replies)
* A Liberal View: Academic Freedom Should Be Apoliti (0 replies)
* Science Friction (0 replies)
* No four-laning in Hickory Hill plans (0 replies)
* Hudson gadfly returns to board (0 replies)
* Textbook Controversy (0 replies)
* A Clash Between Two Cases Involving Equality and R (0 replies)
* Humanists' concern at academy proposals (0 replies)
* Austrian cardinal says Darwinism should be studied (0 replies)
* Pope sacks chief astronomer for supporting Darwini (0 replies)
* Darwin was a Racist! (0 replies)
* Human Evolution, Step by Step (0 replies)
* School board race evolves into debate over science (0 replies)
* This is too funny! (0 replies)
* Unintelligent Design: Why God Isn't as Smart as Sh (0 replies)
* Pope to grapple with Darwin (0 replies)
* Too many Bible verses in those texts? (0 replies)
* Religion and Politics Jeff Alworth (1 replies)
* Your Opinions (0 replies)
* Don Miller: Trying to find truth in post-modern wo (0 replies)
* Evolution key issue in board race (0 replies)
* Letter of the day: The nerve of some anti-American (0 replies)
* See them in September (0 replies)
* Pope prepares to shift Vatican's view of evolution (0 replies)
* Teachers should (0 replies)
* Science vs. Religion in Southern California (0 replies)
* Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, (0 replies)
* Scientific truths often turn out to be false, PATR (0 replies)
* American Idolatry (0 replies)
* Candidates answer questions at political forum (0 replies)
* Health and Science News Roundup (0 replies)
* Back To Normal? (0 replies)
* Lecture evaluates evolution (0 replies)
* Congressional candidates spar at Waukegan debate (0 replies)
* Pope may embrace intelligent design (0 replies)
* If you believe in "intelligent design" and eschew (0 replies)
* Pope Benedict Said to be About to Embrace Theory o (0 replies)
* VSU's Science Seminar kicks off with Myths & Truth (0 replies)
* Pope ponders intelligent design (0 replies)
* Liberal Jew Offers Surprising Take on Suburban Eva (0 replies)
* Pope to debate evolution with former students (0 replies)
* Pope calls a meeting on evolution (0 replies)
* NEW York Dolls to Tour UK! (0 replies)
* Evolution and Creation Are Not Foes, Says Priest (0 replies)
* Vatican Scholars to Include Intelligent-Design The (0 replies)
* Climbing the Hill (0 replies)
* Editorial Board (0 replies)
* Physicist takes shots at intelligent design (0 replies)
* Science, you know, for believers (0 replies)
* Pope ponders evolution (0 replies)
* Vatican ponders 'design' theory (0 replies)
* Prophets of Boom (0 replies)
* The Pope and Darwin (0 replies)
* IN THEORY: When science and religion collide (0 replies)
* LETTER: Embracing science (0 replies)
* Pope edges closer to accepting theory of intellige (0 replies)
* FIVE ON FAITH (0 replies)
* Pope Leads Seminar - On Evolution (0 replies)
* Evangelicals intensify calls for parents to pull k (0 replies)
* Why Darwinism Survives (0 replies)
* Two new books on evolution (0 replies)
* A very odd crime unit (0 replies)
* Pope Benedict XVI, dumb creationist? (0 replies)
* From Intelligent Design To Intelligent Falling (0 replies)
* Pope and former students ponder evolution, not "ID (0 replies)
* Readers dig up dino story to tout creationism (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design: an evolving concept (0 replies)
* Teachers Fed upset over religious school classes o (0 replies)
* Liberty Pre-Leases New Green Building at Lake Sm (0 replies)
* Suits try limits of faith rights (0 replies)
* Evolution keeps us superstitious. Now that's lucky (0 replies)
* Pope fails to address 'intelligent design' theory (0 replies)
* Human brain naturally inclined towards the superna (0 replies)
* Morning File: Going together like a horse and carr (0 replies)
* David Michael Phelps: Miracles of God and miracles (0 replies)
* Letters: Gossett's legal, police backers convince (0 replies)
* The Art of Convert-sation (0 replies)
* Virtual silence on the Vatican front (0 replies)
* Proposition 90: A First Look at a Revolutionary In (0 replies)
* Ima Bad Liar (0 replies)
* When science and theology meet (0 replies)
* Pope rethinks evolution (0 replies)
* King breaks GOP ranks (0 replies)
* Final 8th District debate a doozy (0 replies)
* Will Silicone Bounce Back? Boob-Job Warriors Cite (0 replies)
* Pope's evolution seminar to be published (0 replies)
* The Science and Spirit of Francis S. Collins (0 replies)
* When grocery buying becomes literary litmus test, (0 replies)
* The Ice Cave: A Woman's Adventures from the Mojave (0 replies)
* Would you wear the cardigan of a serial killer? (0 replies)
* No shift in Church's position on evolution, Jesuit (0 replies)
* Calendar: September 7, 2006 (0 replies)
* Science theories may face scrutiny (0 replies)
* New Testable Model for Creation Poised to Challeng (0 replies)
* Readers get chance to sound off (0 replies)
* Darwin's Annie (0 replies)
* Vatican Policy: Not Evolving (0 replies)
* Darwin and the Pope [fullname=Anthony Dick] (0 replies)
* Group Touts Science-Compatible Creation Model (0 replies)
* Undercover at the Discovery Institute (0 replies)
* An environmental scientist seeks a truce with reli (0 replies)
* Campuses Largely Lean Left But Why (0 replies)
* America's evolution from God (0 replies)
* An evolutionist challenges me (0 replies)
* Man who fought for Pluto writes about God (0 replies)
* Dear Theist: A Plea for Secularism (0 replies)
* Evolution stand vital to voters (0 replies)
* God Is Green (0 replies)
* Dinosaurs, Bible meet in Pensacola (0 replies)
* Survey of state lawmakers reveals nuanced views on (0 replies)
* D is for dissatisfied (0 replies)
* Editor's desk Were we humanizing candidates - or j (0 replies)
* Opinion: Ignoring down ticket races could mean cas (0 replies)
* The EDUCATION CRISIS (0 replies)
* Are You Breaking Up? A Cellphone Original Comedy I (0 replies)
* Holocaust book inspires epic clash (0 replies)
* Pope Invites Darwin to Summer Palace (0 replies)
* Vatican Observatory head rebuts suggestions that h (0 replies)
* Bonding through DVD (0 replies)
* Intelligent design creates crises of science and f (0 replies)
* 9/11: Some pause; most carry on (0 replies)
* Letters, 9/11: Not freedom (0 replies)
* Field celebrates genetic pioneer (0 replies)
* Intelligent design doesn't hold up to reason (0 replies)
* Understanding of Religion and Science (0 replies)
* Vatican: pope slams evolution (0 replies)
* Five Years, and Where Are We Now? (0 replies)
* Bayer Petitions For Approval of Biotech Rice (0 replies)
* Lawmakers get more time to weigh in on science sta (0 replies)
* Religious lessons should have been taught sooner (0 replies)
* We are apathetic and lazy about our freedoms AS I (0 replies)
* Endangered Evolutionists (0 replies)
* Nature Has Its Say DVD Series Lets Animal Behavior (0 replies)
* Dworkin on "intelligent design" (0 replies)
* Board Puts Politics Ahead of Science (0 replies)
* BCTF raises objections to Christian online courses (0 replies)
* S'more Christianity (0 replies)
* Baylor aiming for Intelligent Design on field (0 replies)
* New resource added in my Favorites (0 replies)
* Weekly News | Christian Views (0 replies)
* Rosa Brooks: Students, Beware Professor Osama (0 replies)
* Evolution Attack Goes Global (0 replies)
* The Evolution of "Intelligent Design" (0 replies)
* Biofuels first topic in lecture series (0 replies)
* Defending Science Education in Your Community (0 replies)
* Taking on a cosmic issue (0 replies)
* The conspiracists, continued -- are they getting c (0 replies)
* My Satirical Self (0 replies)
* Comment: Liam Fay (0 replies)
* Educators await decision on science courses (0 replies)
* Produced by Nancy Dubuc, Molly Thompson, Heidi Ewi (0 replies)
* The Dawn of the Universe (0 replies)
* ALL THE KINGS MEN (0 replies)
* Racism in California -- a covert reality (0 replies)
* Book Notes (0 replies)
* Teaching Creationism an intelligent plan (0 replies)
* Baptist Press, at 60-year mark, continues to expan (0 replies)
* PFAW offers resources to defend science education (0 replies)
* Noted Skeptic Can't Believe His Ears (0 replies)
* The meaning of free speech (0 replies)
* Phil Power: The evolution of a major problem (0 replies)
* 2nd Story moves south to Bristol for 'Inherit the (0 replies)
* 'Religion and science are both about knowing and w (0 replies)
* Proteas hitched a ride as Gondwana split (0 replies)
* Don't compromise science in classrooms (0 replies)
* Abandoning ship in the culture war (0 replies)
* Expecting courtesy (0 replies)
* Atheists show hypocrisy in arguments (0 replies)
* Bill McClellan (0 replies)
* State BOE candidate makes stop in Dodge City (0 replies)
* DeVos: Intelligent design should be taught in scie (0 replies)
* Scientific evidence does not prove all (0 replies)
* Naked City (0 replies)
* Pres. Ahmadinejad, meet Sen. O'Connor (0 replies)
* Intelligent design OK for science class, DeVos say (0 replies)
* DeVos backs intelligent design in class (0 replies)
* Lessons from a Punker Ph.D (0 replies)
* Continuing a KU evolution lecture (0 replies)
* The evolution of Inherit the Wind (0 replies)
* Culture- ART FEATURE- Creative evolution: Watching (0 replies)
* Warren troupe closes its doors and relocates (temp (0 replies)
* DeVos clarifies Intelligent Design comments (1 replies)
* Not in Our Classrooms (0 replies)
* Opinion: DeVos' true colors pop out (0 replies)
* Hist of Sci Launches Commission Course (0 replies)
* Creationist ideas will hurt State (0 replies)
* It's Michigan's turn to tussle over intelligent de (0 replies)
* Childrens Boot Camp for the Culture Wars (0 replies)
* Where Does God Live? (0 replies)
* Mich. Candidate Backs Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* Creationism in Michigan gubernatorial race (0 replies)
* Intelligent design backed by Republican gubernator (0 replies)
* Debate over man's origin grows (0 replies)
* College tackles weighty dispute (0 replies)
* Cincy Christian Schools look ahead (0 replies)
* Let's stick to the real issues (0 replies)
* DeVos Wants Intelligent Design Discussed (0 replies)
* Does Anyone Understand Genesis? (0 replies)
* DeVos should not be pushing intelligent design (0 replies)
* Improve teaching standards (0 replies)
* 'Infamous' screening set for Wichita (0 replies)
* Pioneering UO geologist balanced faith, science (0 replies)
* Scientists find "missing link"? (0 replies)
* UK anti-evolutionists seek to lure parents with ne (0 replies)
* Creationism distorts truth in science, says vicar (0 replies)
* DeVos Takes Hard Right on Religion in Public Schoo (0 replies)
* Pushing hard, by design (0 replies)
* Challenge of Creation (0 replies)
* Intelligent design issue continues to be issue in (0 replies)
* Why Change Hurts (0 replies)
* Keep the faith in schools says Blunkett (0 replies)
* DeVos joins debate on evolution (0 replies)
* The Detroit Teachers' Strike, 2006 (0 replies)
* Letter to a Tenured Professor (0 replies)
* Albert Mohler (0 replies)
* Government says creationism is off the agenda in U (0 replies)
* Not-so-intelligent design (0 replies)
* Brand-J candidate (0 replies)
* Judge in Dover ID case touts legal independence (0 replies)
* News of Humor (0 replies)
* Judge received death threats after ruling on intel (0 replies)
* Day's beliefs are getting in the way (0 replies)
* Evolution as heresy? (0 replies)
* There's no reason why school can't include intelli (0 replies)
* Richmond's talking science (0 replies)
* Scientists Form Group to Support Science-Friendly (0 replies)
* The 'Right' Stuff: Political Darwinism (0 replies)
* United Methodists are open to science (0 replies)
* Excessive fervor -- Another enemy (0 replies)
* Free Big Tiits movies (0 replies)
* Creationism class stance by DeVos is disappointing (0 replies)
* BNP ask: Did CPS fear Wrath of God? (0 replies)
* Faith in her film (0 replies)
* BHA: Truth in Science Lies, Lies, Lies. (0 replies)
* Pray ground (0 replies)
* UK Christians, humanists against creationism (0 replies)
* SSHRC doubts the science of evolution (0 replies)
* Creationism Also Tells Tale Tales!! (0 replies)
* Rev. has beard to thank for relation with pope (0 replies)
* The Facts of Life (0 replies)
* I can barely Adam and Eve it, but creationism's ca (0 replies)
* Rowland "not extreme" in views (0 replies)
* Intelligent design is scientific (0 replies)
* No reason why public schools should teach intellig (0 replies)
* Conference details research supporting 'young eart (0 replies)
* Why not teach both of them? (0 replies)
* Editor's desk:Candidate gets bogged down in argume (0 replies)
* The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence (0 replies)
* Education battles the economy for attention in gov (0 replies)
* Exploring Reason And Faith (0 replies)
* Political Group Shells Out $1M To Boost Santorum's (0 replies)
* Opinions: Evolution needs new tactics to sway Amer (0 replies)
* Intelligent Evolution (0 replies)
* Southwestern conference trains students to confron (0 replies)
* Author, Speaker, President of the Southern Baptist (0 replies)
* Senator Double Talk (0 replies)
* Hot married woman looking for group sex! (0 replies)
* "Waging war on evolution" (0 replies)
* Turkish Delight for Creationists [John Derbyshire] (0 replies)
* They want local schools to decide (0 replies)
* Evolution war hinders US in biotechnology (0 replies)
* Comment: The need to believe (0 replies)
* Europe's cultural pedestal fault of Bush admin (0 replies)
* 5766: Momentous year in Cleveland (0 replies)
* Darwin's Nemesis (0 replies)
* We were a better state, nation years ago (0 replies)
* Right and Left, by the numbers. (0 replies)
* Discovery Institute Has Put Over $4 Million Toward (0 replies)
* Creationism Also Tells Tall Tales!! (0 replies)
* Spyware Remover Download (0 replies)
* FreeMarkets founder: Pa. in 'decline' (0 replies)
* Finally, scientists are fighting mad (0 replies)
* Proof of evolution outweighs unscientific faith (0 replies)
* Martin Samuel (0 replies)
* Did Man really create God? (0 replies)
* Defeating 'intelligent design' (0 replies)
* Britney spears nude (-1 replies)
* WEB SITE OF THE WEEK (0 replies)
* The Problem with God: Interview with Richard Dawki (0 replies)
* Scientifically speaking (0 replies)
* Your letters: full county (0 replies)
* .. where you read it first (0 replies)
* Italian Embassy to hold forums, exhibit (0 replies)
* Not So Godless After All (0 replies)
* The Disappearing Designer: An Interview with Joan (0 replies)
* Not in Our Classrooms in Church and State (0 replies)
* ECOLOGY AND YOU: Fed up with distortions, scientis (0 replies)
* Lawmaker Fires Back at Mont. Governor (0 replies)
* Bulletin -- Men Invented Humanity (0 replies)
* Sound Science or Sound Bite? (0 replies)
* Evolution wins out in Michigan science curriculum (0 replies)
* Abrams promoting his vision (0 replies)
* Intelligently Designed Science Courses? (0 replies)
* 'I don't know' is sometimes a good enough answer (0 replies)
* Evolution Found Fittest in Michigan Science Classe (0 replies)
* Intelligent design rejected by state (0 replies)
* Darwinian Conservatism: An Evolutionary Dead End (0 replies)
* Sebelius attacks Board of Ed, comparing it to Phel (0 replies)
* Summary Box: Kansas fossil hunter spurs evolution (0 replies)
* Thinking central to education (0 replies)
* Judge Jones interviewed by The Lutheran (0 replies)
* We are not a 'Christian nation' (0 replies)
* Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent D (0 replies)
* From goo to you via the zoo *Evolution in school (0 replies)
* Intelligent design has no place in science class (0 replies)
* Schools shelve evolution debate (0 replies)
* A Jewish Democratic PAC urged donors to focus on t (0 replies)
* Capitol reporter shares insights (0 replies)
* Quebec ignoring illegal evangelical schools (0 replies)
* Nazi Cleansing Of Americas Universities: Could It (0 replies)
* Re: More ID (0 replies)
* Gubernatorial candidates have differing views on e (0 replies)
* The challenge to Darwins theory of evolution Pa (0 replies)
* Michigan students will be taught evolution, not in (0 replies)
* Design or Coincidence (0 replies)
* The origin of life (0 replies)
* Voters to candidates: What about our issues? (0 replies)
* Evolution should always be taught (0 replies)
* On science: State education board rebuffs bid to p (0 replies)
* Works of Darwin go online (0 replies)
* He who troubles his own house will inherit the win (0 replies)
* CULTURE DIGEST: Rosie takes on conservative Hassel (0 replies)
* Finding room for faith (0 replies)
* Leonard Susskind debates physics and intelligent d (0 replies)
* What genre of music you love to listen? (1 replies)
* The challenge to Darwins theory of evolution Pa (0 replies)
* Intelligent design leads to Republican backing Dem (0 replies)
* People For the American Way Foundation Supports Qu (0 replies)
* ASA raises its voice for evolution (0 replies)
* Brown biologist to campaign in Ohio on evolution (0 replies)
* News, Views and Careers for All of Higher Educatio (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design begat evolution (0 replies)
* Bad coverage (0 replies)
* War & Peace (0 replies)
* Fish Out of Water (0 replies)
* Faces of the week (0 replies)
* Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (2 replies)
* On The God Delusion (0 replies)
* Barnett: I believe in evolution (0 replies)
* Is intelligent design really science? (0 replies)
* Film fest to feature Duvall, Freeman (0 replies)
* Ohio's evolving science standards (0 replies)
* From the Big Bang to the origins of life (0 replies)
* New Duckworth, Roskam split is clear on education (0 replies)
* Carl Welser: Teddy bear big enough for the univers (0 replies)
* Lecture leads to issues of balancing science, fait (0 replies)
* Candidate Profile: Chandler Woodcock (0 replies)
* New Scientist Investigative News Reports: Focus on (0 replies)
* Weekly Calendar (0 replies)
* Maine Roundup: Good Year for Dems Not Helping Bald (0 replies)
* Letters: The Rick Perry recommendation (0 replies)
* Teach sex and evolution or close, Quebec evangelic (0 replies)
* Governor takes 'Winning With Women Tour' to restau (0 replies)
* Evolution Debate at Center of Ohio Board of Educat (0 replies)
* Quebec Government Forcing Evangelical Private Scho (0 replies)
* The challenge to Darwins theory of evolution 6 (0 replies)
* Teach Darwin, Quebec tells evangelicals (0 replies)
* Basu: Warning: Vander Plaats seeks to mix church, (0 replies)
* Theater Reviews (0 replies)
* Polish scientists fight creationism (0 replies)
* Canada's Christian Schools Threatened (0 replies)
* Creationism and Evolution Don't Have to Be Mutuall (0 replies)
* The Dawkins Delusion (0 replies)
* History's remaking (0 replies)
* National Certification of Science Teachers (0 replies)
* The New York Times (0 replies)
* Someone help me whith .httpaccess... (1 replies)
* The Darwin Awards 4 (0 replies)
* In the Region (0 replies)
* 'Creation science' enters the race (0 replies)
* Showdown at LCCC (0 replies)
* Canadian Christian Schools Forced to Teach Evoluti (0 replies)
* Three scientists take on religion Two believe that (0 replies)
* Religion Calendar (0 replies)
* EDITORIAL: Give DeVos a chance as Michigan governo (0 replies)
* 'Delusion ' asks worthwhile questions (0 replies)
* In the spotlight: Maciej Giertych (0 replies)
* Scientists wade into evolution dispute (0 replies)
* More Important Than Boxing (0 replies)
* by Charles Marowitz (0 replies)
* No need to walk on egg shells; chicken obviously c (0 replies)
* Scientists Campaign Against Anti-Evolution Ohio Pa (0 replies)
* The Halloween Conspiracy (0 replies)
* Hastings uses scientific forward thinking (0 replies)
* Interview: Tony Blair on science (0 replies)
* Hot-button issues heat up gov race (0 replies)
* Putting the human back into humanism (0 replies)
* Post-Dispatch Columnist Eric Mink (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design judge to Scouts: Dont ruin y (0 replies)
* Widespread creationism teaching would worry UK's B (0 replies)
* Education: Where Perdue, Taylor stand (0 replies)
* Candidates almost agree on intelligent design (0 replies)
* Moral climate, economics top concerns in SC (0 replies)
* I was bad at science, admits Blair (0 replies)
* Blair downplays creationism fears (0 replies)
* settles science class debate: Evolution it is (0 replies)
* Blair dismisses school creationism fears (0 replies)
* Creationism, design theories threaten science stan (0 replies)
* Blair admits he was poor at school science (0 replies)
* Candidate questionnaire shows support for intellig (0 replies)
* Would You Adam And Eve It (0 replies)
* Education Ministry with a Bent towards Creationism (0 replies)
* Answers to Creationist Nonsense (0 replies)
* Darwin changed the debate (0 replies)
* School board candidates quizzed on creationism vie (0 replies)
* Scientist argues why creationism is wrong and evo (0 replies)
* Students should see all theories (0 replies)
* Atheism and Creationism: A Call for Balance (0 replies)
* [VIEWPOINT]There's no such thing as Western scien (0 replies)
* Look Who's Coming: Kenneth Miller (0 replies)
* Vatican academy to ponder evolution; pope addresse (0 replies)
* Happy Anniversary to me! (0 replies)
* Sawyer easily defeats Fink (0 replies)
* This week on TV (0 replies)
* Economy at center stage as Michigan chooses govern (0 replies)
* Judge's public comments called activism for Darwin (1 replies)
* Board of Ed races decide how much power moderates (0 replies)
* Pro-evolution state school board candidates win (0 replies)
* Garrett claims fifth victory in superintendent rac (0 replies)
* Evolution in Ohio board of education races (0 replies)
* Rick Santorum ousted (0 replies)
* Cain wins seat on State BOE (0 replies)
* Science advocate urges de-politicizing science (0 replies)
* Creationism and Evolution Taught in the Same Class (0 replies)
* Voters pick proponents of evolution for board (0 replies)
* Society fights battle royal over creationism, glob (0 replies)
* Evolution Debate Is Topic of Talk (0 replies)
* Blair Is Unworried At Exaggerated Fear Over Teac (1 replies)
* Creation V Evolution Debate. (0 replies)
* A little different (0 replies)
* Society fights battle royal over creationism, glob (0 replies)
* In scientific predictions, the only certainty is n (0 replies)
* Science according to Bush (0 replies)
* Spanking the Old Gray Lady (0 replies)
* Voting's over, what did you miss? (0 replies)
* Got God? No way (0 replies)
* Which will go extinct first, evolution or ID? (0 replies)
* Week in Science (for Nov. 13, 2006) (0 replies)
* Enemies of science (0 replies)
* The Middle Road of Religion and Politics (0 replies)
* Select The Best Rx (0 replies)
* Pro-Evolution Candidates, Supported by Academics, (0 replies)
* Debate Over Evolution Not Going Away (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design suffers setbacks in midterm ele (0 replies)
* God vs. Science (0 replies)
* The "tolerant" Sir Elton wants to ban religion (0 replies)
* 'Flock of Dodos' documentary, New perspective to e (0 replies)
* The God Delusion? Part 1 (0 replies)
* Writer lacks knowledge of molecular biology (0 replies)
* Faith Matters: Why can kids talk faith but adults (0 replies)
* Death of the death of God (0 replies)
* Science Gives Christians Upper Hand Over Atheists (1 replies)
* This monkey's gone to heaven (0 replies)
* Creationism, Evolution, and What Happened to Origi (0 replies)
* The problem with Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* Missouri Episcopalians say no to "intelligent desi (0 replies)
* Declaration in Defense of Science and Secularism (0 replies)
* Speaker: Science above the fray (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Defended by Unsolved Genetic Pu (0 replies)
* Godless Dawkins challenges schools (0 replies)
* Perils of Wisdom (0 replies)
* Stem cells, Holy Spirit go hand in hand at SBU (0 replies)
* Two who hopped off the faith train (0 replies)
* Writers regurgitate old themes afresh (0 replies)
* Evolution DOES Increase Genetic Information (0 replies)
* Creationism in Turkey (0 replies)
* Government department rejects creationist infiltra (0 replies)
* Bob Corkins resigns as state education commissione (0 replies)
* Feedback: Letters from our readers (0 replies)
* Thank God for evolution (0 replies)
* A science v. religion free-for-all? (0 replies)
* Returning to pro-evolution standards could take mo (0 replies)
* She blinded me with science (0 replies)
* Creation vs Darwin takes Muslim twist in Turkey (0 replies)
* Creation vs Darwin takes Muslim twist in Turkey (0 replies)
* Yale scientist honored with Keio University Medica (0 replies)
* Creation vs Darwin takes Muslim twist in Turkey (0 replies)
* Creation vs Darwin takes Muslim twist in Turkey (0 replies)
* Motorola and MTS Sign Contract to Improve Quality, (0 replies)
* the Refutation of Adam and Eve (0 replies)
* Evolution verses ID: The Misplaced Debate (0 replies)
* Writer mixed others' views (0 replies)
* Somebody hates me, so I must be doing something ri (0 replies)
* Colleges tackle intelligent design debate (0 replies)
* Revealed: rise of creationism in UK schools (0 replies)
* Judge gives speech, denies activist role (0 replies)
* The Incredible Shrinking GOP (0 replies)
* Judge who ruled on intelligent design will be at B (0 replies)
* rise of creationism in UK schools (0 replies)
* Nation and belonging (0 replies)
* Q&A: intelligent design (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* Some British schools reportedly teaching intellige (0 replies)
* 'Pin-up boy for non-believers' goes on the offensi (0 replies)
* Dawkins campaigns to keep God out of classroom (0 replies)
* Meeting to discuss evolution, intelligent design (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Filtering into British Schools (0 replies)
* The lessons learned (0 replies)
* What I don't know only makes me ignorant (0 replies)
* N.La. board policy "next wave of attack by anti-ev (0 replies)
* Kansas Outlaws Practice Of Evolution (0 replies)
* Science chief says mavericks warp debate (0 replies)
* Who should determine what our children learn in sc (0 replies)
* Darwin and spaghetti (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design is Leading Edge Science (0 replies)
* Column: More babies to rule the world (0 replies)
* UCD to hold talk on intelligent design (0 replies)
* College spotlight to focus on intelligent design (0 replies)
* Revealed: rise of creationism in schools (0 replies)
* What It Really Means to Separate Church and State (0 replies)
* Schedule of today's intelligent-design discussions (0 replies)
* Creationism creeps into UK schools (0 replies)
* Adam or ape? OCUB exhibit purports to disprove evo (0 replies)
* The intrusion of political correctness (0 replies)
* Intelligent design is debated (0 replies)
* Debate set on evolution vs. intelligent design (0 replies)
* Drowning In Jesus Fish (0 replies)
* Standing up for science (0 replies)
* Selected by Darwin (0 replies)
* Blood clots, Panspermia, Ediacarn Fauna, and Empty (0 replies)
* Evidence isnt what it used to be (0 replies)
* The Silliness of the Evolution wars (0 replies)
* Glendon Y. McCreary (0 replies)
* Secularism, science and the Right (0 replies)
* UVSC Hosts Annual Intelligent Design Conference (0 replies)
* Should religion be part of science teaching? (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Debated In Louisiana (0 replies)
* Taft: School board will back evoluton (0 replies)
* Taft: School board appointees will back evolution (0 replies)
* Ministers to ban creationist teaching aids in scie (0 replies)
* Natural Selection for Everyone (0 replies)
* Origin of life debated at PSU Berks (0 replies)
* Frist In Farewell Address: Let Us Not AllowDestr (0 replies)
* Evolution, 'design' are still hot topics (0 replies)
* Biologist speaks for intelligent design (0 replies)
* Modern Evolutionary Theory versus Intelligent Desi (0 replies)
* Scientist-believer sees God's hand in evolution (0 replies)
* With Sawyer, changes on way for state board (0 replies)
* INSIDE SCIENCE: Evolution is a foundation of scien (0 replies)
* Has the conspiracy theory come of age? (0 replies)
* The Foundation of the Culture War: Darwinism versu (0 replies)
* MP steamed by Day's blog joke 'begging for Big Al' (0 replies)
* 'Design' folks lose poorly (0 replies)
* Intelligent design trial might come to big screen (0 replies)
* Judge Copied ACLU Text in Dover Intelligent Design (1 replies)
* Group: 'Intelligent design' ruling relied too much (1 replies)
* And the winners are... (0 replies)
* Here endeth the lesson (0 replies)
* Judges' wording often borrowed (0 replies)
* Intelligent design: The God Lab (0 replies)
* The Discovery Institute and tolls (0 replies)
* Editorial: It's still about religion (0 replies)
* St. Petersburg Student Brings Evolution Suit (0 replies)
* Honors for Forrest and Miller (0 replies)
* Do they know its Christmas? (0 replies)
* The big issue: faith schools (0 replies)
* Aped decision (0 replies)
* Why Intelligent Design is Stupid (0 replies)
* The poetry of peace (0 replies)
* New criticism for Dover intelligent design ruling (0 replies)
* Letters from Plano, Richardson, McKinney (0 replies)
* Judge's integrity attacked (0 replies)
* The NY Times Compares The US Army To Islam (0 replies)
* Critic of Darwinism Questions Judge's Use of ACLU (0 replies)
* Critic of Darwinism Questions Judges Use of ACLU F (0 replies)
* Narco-Terrorism & GOP's Failed Cover-Up: UK Provab (0 replies)
* Billboards aim to stoke an evolving debate (0 replies)
* ACLU Vs. Prayer (0 replies)
* Dover-trial film might evolve (0 replies)
* Atheist Chic (0 replies)
* Early contenders: Bloomberg could quench yearning (0 replies)
* John Sentamu: You ask the questions (0 replies)
* Private school growth faith-based (0 replies)
* Dispel the top 10 myths about evolution (0 replies)
* Creationism in the classroom (0 replies)
* They could be contenders (0 replies)
* Who Among Us Has The Right To Rewrite Religion, Hi (0 replies)
* A gift of condescending paternalism, just in time (0 replies)
* 'I have no idea what will happen God will take i (0 replies)
* Book Review: The Top 10 Myths About Evolution (0 replies)
* Book Publisher Seeks New Authors (0 replies)
* A settlement in Selman v. Cobb County (1 replies)
* Screenwriter reveals his soul behind a 'Painted Ve (0 replies)
* Coin dealer's embezzling conviction is Ohio's top (0 replies)
* Cobb County stickers come unglued (0 replies)
* The Myth of "Activist Judges" (0 replies)
* Pa. native works on screenplay for intelligent des (0 replies)
* Behind the bench with the intelligent design judge (0 replies)
* Brief news UK (0 replies)
* Jesus, the Church... some things transcend logic a (0 replies)
* Noe conviction tops Ohio news in 2006 (0 replies)
* The carbon and the Christian (0 replies)
* Oh Santa, you shouldn't have! (0 replies)
* READERS WRITE (0 replies)
* Smithsonian "discriminated" against scientist (0 replies)
* A Mission to Convert (0 replies)
* All knowing (0 replies)
* Belief in God, commitment to science can go hand i (0 replies)
* Top Ohio stories in 2006 at a glance (0 replies)
* A Christmas thunderbolt for the arch-enemy of reli (0 replies)
* Intelligent design to feature in school RE lessons (0 replies)
* Book is designed for experienced birders (0 replies)
* THE GOD DELUSION. By Richard Dawkins (0 replies)
* Freedom and Responsibility (0 replies)
* The Final Frontier (0 replies)
* SACRAMENTO BEE: Don't use parks to promote creatio (0 replies)
* Faith in the lens of science (0 replies)
* Maybe science is God's language (0 replies)
* Letters in a batch for Tuesday, Dec. 26 (0 replies)
* Are Muslims special? (0 replies)
* A great lesson in everything we don't know (0 replies)
* Winter Program of the National Academies' Distingu (0 replies)
* Commentary by Mark Creech (0 replies)
* Focus on predictive success (0 replies)
* The law on CP should be enforced (0 replies)
* Attorney Regrets Georgia School Boards Decision to (0 replies)
* CULTURE DIGEST: Congressional investigation finds (0 replies)
* Dramatic change for Kern (0 replies)
* Blunt pulls state education nominee (0 replies)
* Author/Evangelist Offers Help in Responding to Ath (0 replies)
* Dispel The Top 10 Myths About Evolution (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Cabal Gets a Little Too Clever (0 replies)
* Your letters: East county (0 replies)
* Adam, Eve and T-Rex: Museums feature science and G (0 replies)
* Imperfect fit (0 replies)
* The Bright Future Of Humanism (0 replies)
* There is a Bird Chirping Outside my Window (0 replies)
* 2007 New Years Resolution: Onward Christian Soldie (0 replies)
* Things found on the way to other things. (0 replies)
* The godless are defeating the godly in society (0 replies)
* Newest First Oldest First (0 replies)
* Letters in a batch for Tuesday, Jan. 2 (0 replies)
* Our Top 20 stories from Earth to Pluto (0 replies)
* Creationism's historian in Salon (0 replies)
* Olbermann: Bush Extending 'Senseless' War to Help (0 replies)
* A decade of dreams abruptly checks out (0 replies)
* Group seeks to reconcile faith, science (0 replies)
* Quality, not quantity (0 replies)
* News in Brief (0 replies)
* Atheists challenge the religious right (0 replies)
* Evolution is reality (0 replies)
* America's season of renewal (0 replies)
* Nick Matzke, in the evolutionist's corner, faces e (0 replies)
* Help with web design (1 replies)
* No litmus test for school chief (0 replies)
* Try deeper, RIDGELY MAUCK, Concord - Letter (0 replies)
* Your letters: West county (0 replies)
* Mitsubishi Prototype X: The Emergence of Intellige (0 replies)
* Matzke profiled in the San Francisco Chronicle (0 replies)
* "At five, I got saved." (0 replies)
* Your letters: West county (0 replies)
* Kansas Board of Education Moving Fast to Rewrite A (0 replies)
* Looking Back (0 replies)
* ID needs to offer a competing theory COMMENTARY KE (0 replies)
* Georgia District Settles Lawsuit (0 replies)
* Creationism and Evolution Taught in the Same Class (0 replies)
* James Sherwood: I Know What You Did Last Sunday (0 replies)
* Kimbrell: American history slips into oblivion (0 replies)
* Fossil find raises fresh questions (0 replies)
* Summary Box: Kansas will reopen evolution debate (0 replies)
* Trendy theories in college courses (0 replies)
* Darwin Day approaches (0 replies)
* 2005 standards had little effect (0 replies)
* The Basics of Belief (0 replies)
* The Ugly Un-American: F**K (0 replies)
* Global Warming: Truth or Myth? (0 replies)
* National Park Service Now Distancing Itself from C (0 replies)
* Big mystery (0 replies)
* Legislature at a glance (0 replies)
* Footage of scientist causes cosmic dispute (0 replies)
* Here are some of the calls we have received lately (0 replies)
* Bringing religion to the classroom (0 replies)
* More praise for Not in Our Classrooms (0 replies)
* Johnston: Straw men and red herrings (0 replies)
* Hot air warms Federal Way schools (0 replies)
* Atheist Richard Dawkins on 'The God Delusion' (0 replies)
* How Skeptic Magazine Was Duped by an Environmental (0 replies)
* For the Monitor (0 replies)
* FAQ - The 11/7 Republicans! (0 replies)
* Unscientific American: US Almost Last in Understan (0 replies)
* Dodos to help mark Dawrin birthday (0 replies)
* 60 SECONDS: Marcus Chown (0 replies)
* New 'Intelligently Designed' Board Game Highlights (0 replies)
* IEL: unreal, believers' "laws" (0 replies)
* LU address to examine God and evolution (0 replies)
* What is extremism? Who are the extremists? (0 replies)
* UGA imaging center to hold open house (0 replies)
* The Cave Painting (0 replies)
* Creation view fails test of scientific theory (0 replies)
* To be a Republican today you probably think: (0 replies)
* Science blogger Bora Zivkovic (0 replies)
* Britain boosts intelligent-design debate (0 replies)
* Evolution Sunday not so benign (1 replies)
* Speaking of Freedom (0 replies)
* First Flying Dinosaurs Had Biplane Structure (0 replies)
* Beware fascism in science (0 replies)
* Abram Jackson, Fargo, letter: Lack of logic shown (0 replies)
* Global warming called 'unequivocal' (0 replies)
* Antievolution bill in Mississippi (1 replies)
* British pupils to debate creationism and atheism (0 replies)
* Gorilla draws attention to tonight's Creationism S (0 replies)
* Just In Time For National Darwin Day (0 replies)
* Common sense and science - the argument from desig (0 replies)
* Basler chair defends scientific method (0 replies)
* Victor's pick: (0 replies)
* Scientist and theologian tackle evolution during L (0 replies)
* Cardinal: Dover intelligent design case stifles de (0 replies)
* Cato on creationism (0 replies)
* Charles Darwin's unfunny joke (0 replies)
* Survival of the thickest (0 replies)
* Putting God back in the classroom (0 replies)
* The Deceitful Critics of Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* Huckabee Enters Race (0 replies)
* Bonkers in Yonkers? (0 replies)
* Churches shouldn't buy into Darwinists' ploy (0 replies)
* Ex-Arkansas governor running for president (0 replies)
* Evolution establishment has two different stories (0 replies)
* Losing My Religion (0 replies)
* Pulitzer winner explores Dover case in 'Monkey Gir (0 replies)
* Board game pits Intelligent Design against evoluti (0 replies)
* PZ Myers exchanges theories with Richard Dawkins (0 replies)
* Alexandra Pelosis New Creationism Doc (0 replies)
* Al Herr Integrates Evolution with Intelligent Desi (0 replies)
* CULTURE DIGEST: Chief atheist on mission to conver (0 replies)
* Antievolution bill in Mississippi dies (0 replies)
* Evolution is just as religious as Intelligent Desi (0 replies)
* Leading scientist discusses Charles Darwin (0 replies)
* Let there be fights (0 replies)
* Fortey on "intelligent design" (0 replies)
* Poor Darwin's false religion (0 replies)
* Intelligent design, evolution talk (0 replies)
* Santee museum brings creationism to life (0 replies)
* Darwin Day puts spotlight on intelligent design (0 replies)
* Intelligent design being undermined (0 replies)
* Gas price increase is worthy of ire (0 replies)
* Evolution and Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* Judging Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* Could Darwin Have Caused 9/11 and Terrorism? (0 replies)
* Islamic creationism in France (0 replies)
* Cato's Coulson on Creationism (0 replies)
* UK premiere of first intelligent design documentar (0 replies)
* Chris Hedges: the Christian Rights War on America (0 replies)
* "God controls the environment" (0 replies)
* Ancient Skeleton Focus of Modern Debate (0 replies)
* Kansas school board vote against intelligent desig (0 replies)
* ON THE RADAR (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design not so intelligent (0 replies)
* Science has a bone (or several) to pick with creat (0 replies)
* Taking out the Controversy (0 replies)
* Professor says evolution, creationism not scientif (0 replies)
* Fundamentally Mistaken (0 replies)
* Out of Our Past (0 replies)
* 'What Osama is demanding is on the lips of almost (0 replies)
* What Darwin didnt know (0 replies)
* No Catholic endorsement for Darwin: Austrian cardi (0 replies)
* Mistaking metaphor for science leads Christians aw (0 replies)
* Darwin Day, Dodos, Intelligent Design and Deity (0 replies)
* Christian faculty debate design theories (0 replies)
* Monkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion, and t (0 replies)
* beyond the multiplex (0 replies)
* Darwin or intelligent design: you decide (0 replies)
* Carnegie Science Center to celebrate Darwin Day (0 replies)
* Cardinal says barring the teaching of 'intelligent (0 replies)
* 'Dodos' takes in full scope of the evolution debat (0 replies)
* Education board to revisit debate over evolution (0 replies)
* DEFINING THE TERMS (0 replies)
* Evolutionists celebrate Darwin's birthday (0 replies)
* Seeking the truth: Creationism or evolution? (0 replies)
* State science standards up for new vote (0 replies)
* Celebrate Charles Darwins birthday at church (0 replies)
* Springer enters the Creationism debate (0 replies)
* Believing Scripture but Playing by Sciences Rules (0 replies)
* Churches observe Evolution Sunday (0 replies)
* Man makes progress (0 replies)
* Attacks on evolution and the right wing's social a (0 replies)
* Darwin Day Irony (0 replies)
* God vs. Evolution in Kansas Again (0 replies)
* Defender of Darwin to host discussion today (0 replies)
* Kansas Repeals Evolution Ruling (0 replies)
* Kansas science guides revised (0 replies)
* Kansas education board repeals science guidelines (0 replies)
* Readers respond to proposed legislation (0 replies)
* Nation in brief (0 replies)
* State BOE eliminates criticism of evolution (0 replies)
* Kansas schools dump 'intelligent design' (0 replies)
* AAAS honors defenders of evolution with Scientific (0 replies)
* New Evolution Ruling in Kansas Fuels National Inte (0 replies)
* Kansas Rewrites Science Standards (0 replies)
* Creationists defeated in Kansas school vote on sci (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design and the Wacky Peer-review Deman (0 replies)
* Credentials in the service of creationism (0 replies)
* Creationists defeated in Kansas school vote (0 replies)
* Oh God, an evolving saga continues in Kansas (0 replies)
* Kansas State Board of Education: Evolution in Acti (0 replies)
* A deeper look at evolution (0 replies)
* Editorial: Reformed evolution standards a step for (0 replies)
* Full Text (0 replies)
* Filmmaker unapologetic at being an evolutionist (0 replies)
* Debating the origin of life (0 replies)
* Some good news about Americans' knowledge of scien (0 replies)
* The debate over 'intelligent design' (0 replies)
* Evolving Debate (0 replies)
* Evolving Debate (0 replies)
* 'Young Earth' creationist stirs a scholarly storm (0 replies)
* Kansas Adopts Evolution-Friendly Standards (0 replies)
* Pittsburgh professor thinks evolutionary change wa (0 replies)
* Teacher says he teaches (0 replies)
* What's the missing link in creationism debate? Com (0 replies)
* Kansans again make monkeys of themselves (0 replies)
* US has more science smarts - sort of (0 replies)
* Reject b Intelligent Designb (0 replies)
* Creationism and ism's (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Scientists Will Showcase Eviden (0 replies)
* Flock Of Dodos (0 replies)
* Creationism Should Be Taught in Schools (1 replies)
* Senate resolution is evolution of Scopes trial (0 replies)
* Dodo promotes film (0 replies)
* Academician Ginzburg for teaching knowledge of rel (0 replies)
* Chisum a 'Fixed Earth' advocate? No (0 replies)
* Leap of faith: questioning divine inspiration (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Scientists Will Showcase Eviden (0 replies)
* Kansas Board Backs Teaching of Evolution (0 replies)
* How to find the one, true religion (0 replies)
* Speaker to address evolution (0 replies)
* Debate Over Bible Course to Be Taught in Public Sc (0 replies)
* Maintenance planned on University Web site (0 replies)
* Religious groups host forum on creationism (0 replies)
* The unreligion of science (0 replies)
* Speaker to discuss 'intelligent design' case (0 replies)
* The Divided Scientist (0 replies)
* The Petri Dish: Evolution: tinkerers not architect (0 replies)
* Evolution Roundup: Edward Humes and "Monkey Girl" (0 replies)
* McCain Speech Tied to Intelligent Design Group Dra (0 replies)
* Talk Radio Evolution (0 replies)
* Should creationism be observed? (0 replies)
* McCain in town to speak, court conservatives (0 replies)
* Liberals Bash McCain On Creationism "Discovery" (0 replies)
* Response to My Readers: Religion and Science (0 replies)
* Monkey Girl (0 replies)
* Community News Briefs (0 replies)
* CURRENT AFFAIRS EVOLUTION Inherit the Wind, Redux (0 replies)
* Intelligent design is really creationism in disgui (0 replies)
* Controversial Origins (0 replies)
* Other titles on the evolution debate (0 replies)
* Kansas school board keeps science in the classroom (0 replies)
* E-mail and letters from our readers (0 replies)
* Creationist measure in Tennessee legislature (0 replies)
* Conservapedia: Don't Mess With Noah's Flood (0 replies)
* Natural selection happens, naturally (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design (0 replies)
* Thomas develops Darwin project (0 replies)
* Kansas sides with Darwin; abandons "Intelligent De (0 replies)
* Textbook teaching evolution debated (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design is Neither (0 replies)
* Speaker rejects evolution (0 replies)
* Editorial: More pressing board issues (0 replies)
* Lawmaker stirs debate on teaching creationism (0 replies)
* People should be open to others' type of 'normal' (0 replies)
* References to evolution delays Ventura vote on sci (0 replies)
* A question of faith, not science (0 replies)
* ID speaker presents unsupported beliefs (0 replies)
* Brilliant observer, anti-hero: Whatever your view (0 replies)
* A fact of one's own (0 replies)
* Constitutionality of creationism resolution questi (0 replies)
* Our Views: Not a theory, but a process (0 replies)
* Dole Institute Announces Programs for March and Ap (0 replies)
* Judge Jones' god of the gaps fallacy (0 replies)
* Tennessee Bill Asks About Creationism (0 replies)
* Ben Bova: You can hold onto your beliefs, but only (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design - Can Some "one" Actually Be Th (0 replies)
* Tennessee bill asks about creationism (0 replies)
* Who's a monkey's uncle? (0 replies)
* Scientists speak out on their religious beliefs (0 replies)
* Creationism not course material (0 replies)
* The Lord's Encyclopedia (0 replies)
* Al Herr Talks About Soul Transplant Life Creation (0 replies)
* Kenya: Church Has No Right to Gag Beliefs in Evolu (0 replies)
* Darwinists are busy keeping the science classroom (0 replies)
* Elco board hires Dover school chief (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Scientists Will Showcase Eviden (0 replies)
* Creationism, evolution part of second intelligent (0 replies)
* Educational crusader (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Scientists Will Showcase Eviden (0 replies)
* A Catholic degree ploy? (0 replies)
* Both sides of an issue can be discussed intelligen (2 replies)
* Is the theory of evolution wrong? (0 replies)
* Speak Out ... Cemetery disgrace (0 replies)
* New board game seeks to debunk theory of evolution (0 replies)
* Creationism doesn't belong to Christians (0 replies)
* Consensus Is Sought on Religion in Schools (0 replies)
* Origin debate frustrates student (0 replies)
* Living with the Darwin Fish (0 replies)
* Intelligent design isn't so smart (0 replies)
* Science and faith don't have to clash (0 replies)
* Evolution vs. 'Intelligent Design' debated (0 replies)
* Tenn. AG: No constitutional concerns with creation (0 replies)
* Finney says he may drop creationism question bill (0 replies)
* Maryville senator says he may drop creationism que (0 replies)
* Lying and Lobbying to Teach `Intelligent Design': (0 replies)
* Creationism Issue May Be Dropped (0 replies)
* Leaving Dover 'design' woes behind (0 replies)
* Controlling Curriculum (0 replies)
* A few inconsistencies (0 replies)
* Point-Counterpoint: Intelligent Design, Finale (Pt (0 replies)
* Creation resolution is just a waste of time (0 replies)
* Trinity of sweet treats (0 replies)
* Think science backs creationism? Check research so (0 replies)
* DI Distorts Survey Results on Doctors (1 replies)
* Finney says he may drop creationism question (0 replies)
* Indoctrination U: Secular creationism (0 replies)
* Secular Creationism (0 replies)
* E-mail and letters from our readers (0 replies)
* De Soto School Board, Position 3: Sandra Thierer (0 replies)
* Central Oregon High School Teacher Fired For Teach (1 replies)
* Ore. Teacher Fired Over Bible References (0 replies)
* The Best of the Worst of GodTube (0 replies)
* Education is a religious exercise (0 replies)
* Online Mailbox for Wednesday (0 replies)
* The Evolution of the Evolution Debate (0 replies)
* Scientists to discuss evolution, religion (0 replies)
* Tennessee creationist measure losing steam? (0 replies)
* Conference to boost intelligent design (0 replies)
* Stephen Hawking talks physics (0 replies)
* Blues virtuoso goes back to our origins (0 replies)
* Central Oregon High School Teacher Fired For Teach (0 replies)
* Science Professors at SMU Protest Intelligent-Desi (0 replies)
* Entrenched Science Departments Call for Censorship (0 replies)
* Biology Teacher Loses Job After Making Biblical Re (0 replies)
* Doctors to speak on creation science (0 replies)
* Creation questions at heart of conference (0 replies)
* New A doomsday scenario in Dist. 214? (0 replies)
* A World Where Lies Are True (0 replies)
* French scientists rebut US, Muslim creationism (0 replies)
* Darwin's Christian buddy (0 replies)
* France enters creationism minefield (0 replies)
* French scientists rebut US, Muslim creationism (0 replies)
* Pulitzer Prize-Winner Edward Humes to Speak at Dol (0 replies)
* Eugenie C. Scott at Goucher on-line (0 replies)
* Debunking Darwin (0 replies)
* French refute US, Muslim creationism (0 replies)
* Commentary: Fear of exposure (0 replies)
* Huntington News Network Book Critic (0 replies)
* That's Wild (0 replies)
* Veering from Evolution (0 replies)
* Book Review: 40 Days and 40 Nights by Matthew Chap (0 replies)
* Scholar to talk about anti-evolution movement at W (0 replies)
* Puliltzer Prize winner examines debate (0 replies)
* Museum a marvel of creationism (0 replies)
* Monkeying around with the theory of evolution (0 replies)
* Scientists Confront ... broadcasts (0 replies)
* The Dynamic Center: The (Further) Politicization o (0 replies)
* In Which I Agree With PZ (0 replies)
* It's not science (0 replies)
* Interview: Jay Richards Elaborates on the Controve (0 replies)
* Ben Bova: Sorry, but belief alone is not enough to (0 replies)
* Women's studies has its own religious view (0 replies)
* Questioning Creationism (0 replies)
* Creationism debate continues to evolve (0 replies)
* Teach Creationism in Human Evolution (0 replies)
* Similar theories? (0 replies)
* Fake religion, real expression (0 replies)
* Pulitzer Prize Winning Evolution Historian to Spea (0 replies)
* 'In God We Trust,' just not anymore (0 replies)
* Global Warming Disproved, Creationism Validated (0 replies)
* A problem at its genesis (0 replies)
* Reviews of religion-oriented books and a Web site (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Proponents Challenge SMU Profes (0 replies)
* Morality Woes (0 replies)
* Americans Review Creationism, Evolution (0 replies)
* Evolutionist raises creationism fears (0 replies)
* Pasta: It's what's for church (0 replies)
* Issues of creationism and the creation are compati (0 replies)
* Prominent biology professor defends evolution, cri (0 replies)
* Part two of "In the Beginning" (0 replies)
* Peter Michaelson: A Psychological Exposi of Creati (0 replies)
* Framing Science (0 replies)
* Learn about religions (0 replies)
* Fresh look at clearing up life's mysteries (0 replies)
* Certainty and Doubt (0 replies)
* The Coulter Hoax: How Ann Coulter Exposed the Inte (0 replies)
* 3 books about matters of faith (0 replies)
* Transport systems: evolutionary origin (2 replies)
* Evolution of eukaryotic cilia/flagella (5 replies)
* Search engines and free articles (2 replies)
* Definitional complexity (1 replies)
* ID and explanatory power (1 replies)
* Vestigial structures (3 replies)
* Transitional Fossils (1 replies)
* High-quality online biology references (0 replies)
* Croizat: Brilliant or Loon? (1 replies)
* Forum Guidelines (0 replies)
* more flag refs (19 replies)
* Evolution of prokaryote flagella (46 replies)
* ID myth: IC subsets "functionless" by themselves (2 replies)
* The rise and fall of adaptive mutation (1 replies)
* Denton quotes (1 replies)
* Convergence (3 replies)
* Incongruence in phylogenetic trees (3 replies)
* Chromosome evolution (0 replies)
* Genetic Code origins (1 replies)
* Synthesis: Origins of Complexity (0 replies)
* Co-option/change of function (7 replies)
* Redundant complexity (0 replies)
* Hooper's 'Of Moths and Men' and reviews thereof (8 replies)
* Luskin: ID vs Evolution Predictions (0 replies)
* The Canonical Genetic Code (14 replies)
* "ID" as "Irony Deprivation" (0 replies)
* "Junk" DNA (3 replies)
* Evolutionary Algorithms and GAs (2 replies)
* "Cabbages and Kings" basics (0 replies)
* The mousetrap argument (1 replies)
* Evolution of multiple-parts-required pathways (3 replies)
* The Origin of "Information" via natural causes (42 replies)
* IDists distort open-mindedness with support (0 replies)
* Predictions of RM&NS (0 replies)
* Origin of new organs (1 replies)
* Hemoglobin IC? (1 replies)
* Antibiotic/pesticide resistance (0 replies)
* Ant-fungus-parasite coevolution (0 replies)
* (relatively) Unexplained things and what they mean (0 replies)
* The importance of specific hypotheses about IDer (0 replies)
* Mechanisms of mutation (0 replies)
* Peppered moth resting locations (8 replies)
* Silverswords (0 replies)
* Origin of morphological novelty (0 replies)
* The origins of nitrogen fixation systems (0 replies)
* Protein folding and evolution (3 replies)
* ATPase origins (5 replies)
* immune system evolution (23 replies)
* Blood-clotting, evolution, and Behe (24 replies)
* Invidious comparisons (55 replies)
* Dembski's "The Design Revoluion" (3 replies)
* Advantages of theft over toil (0 replies)
* The Origins of Photosynthesis (8 replies)
* Truth in Advertising (1 replies)
* Phil Johnson (0 replies)
* The Dean Kenyon Story (2 replies)
* David Berlinski (1 replies)
* William A. Dembski (2 replies)
* Richard von Sternberg and Antievolution (1 replies)
* Louisiana & disclaimers (1 replies)
* Defaulted IDist promises (7 replies)
* "Darwinism in Crisis" (0 replies)
* Wesclin, Illinois (0 replies)
* "Icons" video as a political weapon (2 replies)
* West Virginia Science Standards (4 replies)
* Some help with a research paper (0 replies)
* Oklahoma Anti-evolution Bill Introduced (0 replies)
* Minnesota Machinations (5 replies)
* New Mexico (0 replies)
* Ohio Board of Education (25 replies)
* Thanks for "The Wedge" (0 replies)
* Kansas accepts IDio - The Intelligent Designer GOD (0 replies)
* The Law of Evolution (24 replies)
* Advice on fighting antievolution (3 replies)
* Fighting Religion with Religion (8 replies)
* Post-Modern Critical Anti-Evolutionism (7 replies)
* Politicized Pseudosciences (3 replies)
* )The U.S. Congress (3 replies)
* Quotes & Misquotes (2 replies)
* Origins & "Ordinary People" (6 replies)
* Antievolution, antiscience (1 replies)
* Cobb County, Georgia antievolution (6 replies)
* DeLay, Baylor, & Texas A&M (1 replies)
* anti-religious bias lawsuit in Texas (0 replies)
* Worland, Wyoming (0 replies)
* Recognition of ID (0 replies)
* ID seminars at "prestigious" universities (4 replies)
* Texas & Textbooks (0 replies)
* Phoenixville, Pennsylvania (1 replies)
* The "wedge" at work in Ohio (1 replies)
* Texas Textbook Selection (11 replies)
* Oklahoma "Academic Freedom Act"/Creationist Bill (2 replies)
* Internet sites on the Kitzmiller v. Dover case (0 replies)
* Kansas & teaching evolution (7 replies)
* thoughts on the Dover classroom statementThe Dover (0 replies)
* some thoughts on cobb county (3 replies)
* Towards the public understanding of science (3 replies)
* If creationism should be taught, so should... (4 replies)
* proposed antiID tactic (12 replies)
* South Carolina Panel votes for creationism (0 replies)
* evolutionary popularity (1 replies)
* Review of Richard Weikart: From Darwin to Hitler (1 replies)
* Just Sharing a Video (2 replies)
* The best anti-ID book ever !!!! (5 replies)
* eugenics and fundies (5 replies)
* A link from the NCSE (1 replies)
* Pictures never lie (1 replies)
* New "Dino Museum" (1 replies)
* Hovind in the newspaper (21 replies)
* Sarfati and Hitler (1 replies)
* Ben Moore Memorial Lecture (2 replies)
* Edward Max Debates Duane Gish (5 replies)
* New YEC Whoopers (0 replies)
* Hovind/Callahan Debate Upcoming Dec-5-04 (0 replies)
* YEC Archaeology (2 replies)
* geocentrism (8 replies)
* Hovind/Callahan Debate Now Online! (0 replies)
* Young-Earth Arguments (5 replies)
* Satire of YECism (1 replies)
* Basics of debates with YECs (2 replies)
* $250,000 Evolution Challenge Accepted! (13 replies)
* hovand (3 replies)
* attacking radometric dating (1 replies)
* Hovind Appeal Denied (7 replies)
* AiG's "Adam" a "Bedroom Acrobat" (0 replies)
* Baumgardner #1 on plate tectonics? (6 replies)
* You take away peoples traditional religion,... (6 replies)
* Alternate Dembski Reality (0 replies)
* Looking For A List of Legit Science Groups (3 replies)
* He's baaaaack.... (11 replies)
* archyoptyrx (0 replies)
* SETI and Intelligent Design (1 replies)
* Men. Monkeys, and the French (3 replies)
* When Walmart comes to your town... (2 replies)
* Free college or not? (12 replies)
* methodoliogistimical naturalimsm (0 replies)
* Overlooking the Obvious (17 replies)
* How does one post images? (3 replies)
* D-Day coming this Tuesday? (2 replies)
* The brief definitive disproof of neo-Darwinism (5 replies)
* Board Mechanics (1536 replies)
* Goldilocks and the Three Finches (5 replies)
* Theonomy (16 replies)
* Here is What I am Doing (3 replies)
* Clergy Project Nearing Goal of 10,000 Signatures (26 replies)
* The Marketplace of Ideas & Free Speech (41 replies)
* Just One Argument is Sufficient (118 replies)
* ID "what if" scenario (1 replies)
* Lord May on fundamentalism (0 replies)
* Common Descent - Evidence No.1 (77 replies)
* Scientists' views requested! (17 replies)
* ACLU and U (10 replies)
* This One Is Kinda Funny (0 replies)
* Trackbacks at PT (0 replies)
* The Catholic Church Weighs in Again... (22 replies)
* Phillip Johnson Coming to Illinois (0 replies)
* thordaddy thread (42 replies)
* Dolphins and Humans. (7 replies)
* Have Darwin's foes become their own worst enemy? (1 replies)
* A reality check for "design theorists" (4 replies)
* Darwin as a first name (18 replies)
* South Carolina & Religious Effect (0 replies)
* We got Freepers! (5 replies)
* Intelligent Design Creationism (8 replies)
* OT: Google and the Feds (1 replies)
* Those Kooky Activist Catholics (2 replies)
* ID-Friendly article in my newspaper (5 replies)
* Anthropic principle (4 replies)
* Darwin was Wrong (3 replies)
* ID Advocates Turning Media Off-Target (6 replies)
* A Modest Proposal (245 replies)
* Dean Morrison and Heterodox Sources (41 replies)
* anti-relativity, anti-evolution (5 replies)
* Professor Emertitus John A.Davison's view of PT (55 replies)
* for Paul (5 replies)
* Michael Behe thinks Astrology is science as well!! (25 replies)
* Could ID be "science"? (From PT) (60 replies)
* Muslim Barbarians Burn Danish Embassy (54 replies)
* Thoughts on the Horizon programme (13 replies)
* Darwin, Right and Wrong (14 replies)
* Question for the Id supporters (33 replies)
* huxley, darwin, and the reformation (0 replies)
* The Logical Fallacies of Evolution (6 replies)
* T. Russ getting "down and dirty" (17 replies)
* Disco Institute mentioned in NYT article on blogs (0 replies)
* selling atheism? selling humanism? (3 replies)
* Commentary on Paley v The State of Denial (3 replies)
* Answers In Genesis cashing in on Katrina (1 replies)
* The Wrathful Dispersion controversy (0 replies)
* Darwin's Revenge website (0 replies)
* New H. Allen Orr article about evolution (7 replies)
* Using tax code to direct morality (0 replies)
* The State of State Standards (0 replies)
* Advice....... (12 replies)
* The Wisdom of John A. Davison (3 replies)
* Dave Heddle Stat Chat (5 replies)
* A Jealous God (9 replies)
* What is a Neocon? (0 replies)
* Everything 'Answers In Genesis' (5 replies)
* Dodos circling around I.D. (0 replies)
* Students join debate on intelligent design (1 replies)
* Tom Brokaw and the Evangelicals (0 replies)
* Dawkins on information theory? (28 replies)
* Molly Ivans Weighs In On Gov Rick Perry (1 replies)
* muddying the water (4 replies)
* Salvador Cordova vs. Lenny Flank (77 replies)
* Steve Gould and Project Steve (22 replies)
* Flock of Dodos (2 replies)
* Steve Fuller : Designer trouble (3 replies)
* Evidence the ID stands for Idiot (2 replies)
* DaveScot and HIV (8 replies)
* Guns, Germs, and Steel (167 replies)
* "the most Earthlike planet yet" (28 replies)
* Speaking of Cranks... (45 replies)
* Boredom, frustration, anger and even apathy! (26 replies)
* Kids say the darndest things (3 replies)
* Fanatical Evangelism (50 replies)
* Shark evolution (9 replies)
* When Cosmologies Collide (4 replies)
* Intelligent Design in Schools (1 replies)
* Luskin Speaks... (31 replies)
* Economic theory, game theory and social impacts (115 replies)
* New Poster (5 replies)
* Genetic control of social behavior (1 replies)
* Henke vs Humphreys (1 replies)
* Dilbert Does ID"St (1 replies)
* Morris on Dembski (6 replies)
* New species of bird found. (1 replies)
* Design Prediction - Take Two (32 replies)
* Meyer's Hopeless Monster (32 replies)
* 80% of Scientists believe in intelligent design (5 replies)
* ID and the Big Bang (4 replies)
* Stephen Meyer (18 replies)
* Waterloo In Dover (11 replies)
* Analogy to the economy (1 replies)
* British 'Faith' schools and creationism (32 replies)
* Looking for a PT article on Dembski and math (1 replies)
* Waterloo In Dover (43 replies)
* ABCs nightly news. (0 replies)
* Do Any Of You Have a Blog? (2 replies)
* Wikipedia needs more Pandamonium! (0 replies)
* 'Intelligent Design' Deja Vu (0 replies)
* Fish help unlock mystery of our skin color (0 replies)
* Intelligent Design Might Be Meeting Its Maker (1 replies)
* ID as Myth class cancelled (0 replies)
* Test for Dembski's EF? (0 replies)
* overmining secular materialism (6 replies)
* Interesting Law Review article (1 replies)
* Commentary on Salvador Cordova vs. Lenny Flank (21 replies)
* Smalley Died (3 replies)
* mummert (5 replies)
* Evolution publicity (11 replies)
* ID Cancer (8 replies)
* AiG vs archyopteryx (2 replies)
* Everyday examples of evolution (21 replies)
* Molecular motors = intelligent design (50 replies)
* Waterloo in Dover (44 replies)
* George Will on ID (4 replies)
* KU class angers design advocates (7 replies)
* An Alternative to Intelligent Design (2 replies)
* The Ruling (10 replies)
* David Chiu (0 replies)
* Theology and Evolutionary Biology (10 replies)
* Gary Hurd's Mysterious Comment (13 replies)
* Behe is still an IDiot (15 replies)
* Calling any Ex-smokers (4 replies)
* Dr. Hovind goes to Dover (14 replies)
* S.C. governor OK with intelligent design (3 replies)
* Darwinist Ideologues Are on the Run (4 replies)
* Mammal-to-Albatross Evolution? (4 replies)
* What Is The Theory Of Evolution? (1 replies)
* Irreducible Complexity (8 replies)
* Stanford on iTunes (0 replies)
* DaveScot, Dembski, and the Crusade for Christ (3 replies)
* Hey Wesley! (5 replies)
* AEI - Science Wars Should Schools Teach ID? (2 replies)
* Darwinism As a Philosophy Is Not Uplifting (5 replies)
* Beer for Buttars (1 replies)
* No Intelligent Design Creationism In CA (5 replies)
* Why redesign the flu, jerk? (7 replies)
* The Lord Made Her Do It (3 replies)
* Microglial Cells: (38 replies)
* Evo, I love you man! (27 replies)
* The US--cultural identity, or not? (20 replies)
* Dover Dithers Over Donations (25 replies)
* Crazy Talk (13 replies)
* ID-METHOD OF PROOF by R tolten (9 replies)
* From Dawn to Decadence (0 replies)
* Evo news - signalling pathways (0 replies)
* Intellectual Honesty (228 replies)
* The 'English Garden Party' (50 replies)
* From "LUCA" thread (1058 replies)
* what happened to Adult Swim? (9 replies)
* How much fun is too much fun?? (38 replies)
* Their Own Version of a Big Bang (26 replies)
* The pope and evolution, once more with feeling (6 replies)
* Did anyone see this news bite? (18 replies)
* New Classification of Eukaryotes (0 replies)
* non sequitur (0 replies)
* Falling birth rate reversal (0 replies)
* "The Designer" could encode bits in the CBR? (0 replies)
* mighty mouse part deux (1 replies)
* Hovind/Callahan Debate Update (1 replies)
* they've issued a theory (1 replies)
* Deepak Chopra at Huffington's Blog argues for ID (0 replies)
* Primetime Nazis (16 replies)
* Crank spotting... (1 replies)
* Academic Credials Argument (89 replies)
* Perry: Add intelligent design to teaching (0 replies)
* Modern devices for genetic engineering (2 replies)
* Welcome to Na-na-ia (5 replies)
* I was Booted From uncommon Descent (32 replies)
* What's going on with the PT board? (4 replies)
* Not sure if this is the right place to post this (1 replies)
* The Uri Geller of Information Theory (35 replies)
* Woe is Intelligent Design (4 replies)
* Tallying the Arguments (16 replies)
* Anyone got a room in RTP? (0 replies)
* Congratulations.... (27 replies)
* Test topic (7 replies)
* Very Good Article (2 replies)
* Any New Age Implications for IDC? (2 replies)
* The decision of Judge Jones. (28 replies)
* Signs of Intelligence Found (2 replies)
* War Against Reason: The Intelligent Design Scam (1 replies)
* Intelligent Design Meets Astronomy (2 replies)
* This is Nutty (6 replies)
* weird new idea about ear evolution (3 replies)
* Dembski at U. of Kansas (2 replies)
* How is the Bible consistent with science? (165 replies)
* Attorneys for the Dover plaintiffs (0 replies)
* maroon? (5 replies)
* the aged panda (3 replies)
* Looking for a summary... (2 replies)
* MDT - Contra-Evolution Scientific Revolution? (3 replies)
* A Debate Challenge (10 replies)
* DI Strikes Back (9 replies)
* William The Theologian Speaks (1 replies)
* from PT: Darwin in Frying Pan (4 replies)
* Does Intelligent Design Cause Brain Rot? (1 replies)
* Eden and Evolution (10 replies)
* Jerry Falwell Weighs In... (2 replies)
* Dawkins: Unintelligent Design (2 replies)
* NYT story-- Intelligent Design Might Be (2 replies)
* KU planning a second class on ID (1 replies)
* White House flunky to NASA: 'Big Bang not a fact' (9 replies)
* Go Wisconsin ! (3 replies)
* The Bathroom Wall (19962 replies)
* PhishyPhred's own Phishy Thread (3 replies)
* Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread (29999 replies)
* Avocationist (390 replies)
* Bruce Chapman - IDiot (2 replies)
* Kansas: TeaScience teachers pan new standards (0 replies)
* The continuing saga of the Cane Toad (7 replies)
* DaveScot's parade of ignorance (9 replies)
* Good Books on God and good books on scien (11 replies)
* What ever happened to Cobb County? (1 replies)
* How Did YOU Get In This ID v Science kookiness? (12 replies)
* ID "Scientists" Doing "Research" in "Labs&quo (2 replies)
* The Ayatollah Joke Book (10 replies)
* There's flagellum... and then there's Flagellum (2 replies)
* Dembski Believes in The Bible Codes (13 replies)
* geek writing (0 replies)
* More Math Silly Putty (11 replies)
* Do they or Don't they? (18 replies)
* NY Times story on "Dissent from Darwin" (6 replies)
* because I KNOW there are a lot of python fans here (11 replies)
* religion as a lifestyle (20 replies)
* NOVA TONIGHT 8 PM (0 replies)
* Dover ID bill: $1M (40 replies)
* Canadian scientists want out of Darwin's 'rut' (7 replies)
* for D&D fans (like Lenny) (1 replies)
* Crackpot Index (4 replies)
* Windows ID (8 replies)
* New evidence that natural selection is a general d (10 replies)
* ID in Doonesbury (0 replies)
* NewsBusters - They're Exposing and Combating (7 replies)
* Mark Perakh, science defender (7 replies)
* Statistical challenge for Demski? (4 replies)
* Creationist constitutional amendment in Nevada (6 replies)
* Go Kansas! (2 replies)
* From JAD (97 replies)
* "Darwinians" are Melting Down over ID?? (5 replies)
* Smart people, dumb ideas... (22 replies)
* Preachers vs a la carte Cable (2 replies)
* the post ID world (367 replies)
* Dembski in a bad tuxedo (3 replies)
* Muslim Craziness. Not to be redundant. (3 replies)
* Bertie and Jeeves (12 replies)
* Holocaust Deniers and IDers (2 replies)
* RedReader click here (3 replies)
* New Internet Source of Cranks (1 replies)
* The best fact that falsifies Darwinism (330 replies)
* You can tell a lot about a person by the religion (3 replies)
* old article of mine (14 replies)
* looking for the angry letter from School district (4 replies)
* DI Zogby poll redux (1 replies)
* should i switch to mac, or stay pc? (16 replies)
* Whether ID is science isn't semantics (4 replies)
* What is the Commonality... (3 replies)
* Reference to Wedge Doc by Dembski? (5 replies)
* Santorum foreward (6 replies)
* Trackbacks at PT (5 replies)
* Mocking those who make it too easy. (1 replies)
* Alternative Evolutionary Theory (10 replies)
* Ken Ham on the Radio (6 replies)
* DIs new book " (117 replies)
* Is something janky with this board? (11 replies)
* fundie xtian to liberal xtain to agnostic to athei (34 replies)
* Why ID Will Change EVERYTHING!!!!!1111 (11 replies)
* Evo Wiki (2 replies)
* Funny anti-evolution teachings from my childhood (12 replies)
* Non-coding DNA (7 replies)
* Life Doesn't Begin at Conception? (239 replies)
* How Can a Conscious Human... (32 replies)
* oh, this should be fun... (41 replies)
* "Evolution theory on last legs" (3 replies)
* Who is Eric Pianka? (22 replies)
* End of discussion carried forward (48 replies)
* Will a "Gay Gene" Refute Evolution? (1264 replies)
* The famous homosexual necrophiliac rapist duck (3 replies)
* Critics Blast Bush For Not Praying Hard Enough (1 replies)
* Is Defining Human Life Within the Realm of Science (58 replies)
* My friend in the Corps de la Paix (4 replies)
* Will a "gay gene" refute I.D.? (112 replies)
* What's HOT and NOT in ID (1 replies)
* What's New on Intelligent Design (1 replies)
* Nice Saletan bit (0 replies)
* Judge made errors of law and science (6 replies)
* Galileo Analogies (2 replies)
* AAAHHHH!!!! The Cornell ID Course (95 replies)
* What are the Good Arguments Against "Eugenics?" (46 replies)
* No scientific evidence == nonexistence? (17 replies)
* Dembski is kinda scary (2 replies)
* What's the Scoop on Steroids? (9 replies)
* A couple of WingNutDaily whoppers (4 replies)
* Tiktallik Roseae Cartoon (0 replies)
* SETI strikes back (4 replies)
* Brenna Mcconnell blog returns (0 replies)
* AFDave Wants You to Prove Evolution to Him (517 replies)
* Larry Farflungdung's Blog (175 replies)
* Intelligent Design debate at NC State (5 replies)
* Creationist descends on Britain (0 replies)
* Mr. Mooney Please Pick Up the White Courtesy Phone (4 replies)
* Dave Heddle's Brief Moment of Clarity (13 replies)
* Are Lesbiand really gay? (43 replies)
* Panda's Thumb Killfile Script (7 replies)
* A new alliance against science (1 replies)
* Unintelligent Reasoning (456 replies)
* What color are gOD's eyes and does he like garlic? (7 replies)
* ID/evo. events at Indiana State University (3 replies)
* GoP's LAMSM Theory (221 replies)
* AFDave's God Hypothesis (198 replies)
* Banana disproves evolution (7 replies)
* That Fantastic Seattle Times Article (1 replies)
* A very young child awakes one morning ... (19 replies)
* C for Cookie (0 replies)
* AF Dave Explains Cain's Wife (78 replies)
* da vinci code (48 replies)
* AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis (6047 replies)
* evolution happens faster in the tropics (2 replies)
* Vote (47 replies)
* Human versus natural engineering (10 replies)
* AFDAve - Answer Me This (9 replies)
* AF Dave Questions Human-Chimp Chromo Evo (146 replies)
* Who's Supressing whom? (4 replies)
* When Do Humans Begin Aging? (51 replies)
* PseudoIntellectual AntiIntellectualism (32 replies)
* The Catholic Church, paragon of virtue, (11 replies)
* More Catholic Psychosis (3 replies)
* AF Dave Has More Questions About Apes (685 replies)
* afdave and AIG (6 replies)
* The Blog Mirror Project (2 replies)
* Paging the biologist known as afdave (7 replies)
* simpsons on evolution (8 replies)
* The permenance vs. evolvability of design (6 replies)
* The Last Topic AFDave Will Ever Need (29 replies)
* Necessary Education needed to debate (55 replies)
* Creation-Evolution Headlines (6 replies)
* Duplication of Genes May Solve Mystery (22 replies)
* Browser Delay on Panda's Thumb (3 replies)
* Family Guy: Why? (39 replies)
* Blogging the Bible (7 replies)
* Objective Morality (14 replies)
* Dembski's Baptist Seminary Replacement hired (23 replies)
* new handle (48 replies)
* Holy Crap (3 replies)
* Darwin's theory not allowed in N. Quebec schools (1 replies)
* You May Be An Intelligent Design supporter If... (11 replies)
* Predicting evolution (6 replies)
* Genesis (7 replies)
* Anatomy of Creo Argument: Warning! long (4 replies)
* Reserved for AFDave's YEC evidence (46 replies)
* Reinventing Evolutionary Theory (816 replies)
* Scientists Speak Against Creationism (5 replies)
* Cultism and child abuse (122 replies)
* another study in cooperation (0 replies)
* Appeals court throws out Cobb "evolution" ruling (4 replies)
* Media Theistic Blunder (28 replies)
* MORE SCIENCE, DAM*IT! (6 replies)
* Evidence of Ozone recovery (58 replies)
* Money for Evo (1 replies)
* Need references for Wiki article on ID (5 replies)
* Request for Paul Nelson Evidence (51 replies)
* The Finest in Geocentric Models and Analysis (456 replies)
* What You Never Ever Hear (23 replies)
* When God designed those blind crustaceans (10 replies)
* Xian funday show picks up Dembski's lie (1 replies)
* Algae? Aliens? Alien Algae? (7 replies)
* Dino killer? phht. check this baby out (7 replies)
* the GO(anti ID)P (11 replies)
* Why Engineers? (30 replies)
* Which Creobot is Dumber (45 replies)
* Which creobot is the best MacGuffin? (25 replies)
* Religion Poll (97 replies)
* Gawp: Troll or just another IDiot? (21 replies)
* Gay Marriage Poll (171 replies)
* Bourbon Gin Vodka or Tequila? (25 replies)
* Paley Goes to the Movies (536 replies)
* Hobbit Dinos? (2 replies)
* Who speaks what? (29 replies)
* No One Has Ever Seen It! (20 replies)
* Poll Results...? What Does It Say About Science? (7 replies)
* Wesley Bows to the Ideologues... (1 replies)
* Government and Science (3 replies)
* Freeper's leading crevo summarizes (3 replies)
* Birds, Dinos Thecodonts? (7 replies)
* Pianka? What about Hawking! (34 replies)
* Brig Klyce of panspermia.org gets alife (1 replies)
* Darwins Divisions (0 replies)
* Media Alerts and Destroying Evolution (114 replies)
* I spoke to God (46 replies)
* Congrats to Rilke's Grandaughter! (27 replies)
* South Carolina thinks it's Kansas (0 replies)
* Loss of function gave rise to HIV (0 replies)
* Helping the Ignorant (34 replies)
* Portuguese (34 replies)
* Ann Coulter and Anti-evolution (48 replies)
* Was Darwin a racist? (13 replies)
* Making Monkey Brains Bigger (13 replies)
* Addicted to Learning: (0 replies)
* 8 out of 10 countries said their people preferred (1 replies)
* For Randy (7 replies)
* 'Thirst for knowledge' may be opium craving (5 replies)
* Petition to unban DaveScott (99 replies)
* Yoni This, DS (13 replies)
* Great comic (4 replies)
* Diso Press release From 2000 (4 replies)
* The Colour Filter (4 replies)
* A new ID book? (1 replies)
* Damaraland Mole Rats (5 replies)
* Philip Johnson Has a Tiny Moment of Claritah (4 replies)
* Mustafa Akyol (1 replies)
* Stanford Medical Magazine Article (7 replies)
* Endless Forms Most Beautiful (6 replies)
* Chameleonic snake (9 replies)
* Faux D*mnski posts (26 replies)
* Spider Silk (36 replies)
* Does all valid knowledge flow from Scripture? (30 replies)
* speciation of humans and chimpanzees (21 replies)
* Slate on Rushdoony, Theocracy, etc. (7 replies)
* WingNutDaily: Darwinism's bitter fruits (18 replies)
* When Education Fails to Educate (9 replies)
* AFDaves Psychosis and Glenn Mortons 'Demon' (31 replies)
* Unweaving the Rainbow. (15 replies)
* Education (15 replies)
* Evolution paths (8 replies)
* Comments "held for approval" (3 replies)
* George Gilder, Metaphysic (5 replies)
* Yeah, but they're still just finches.... (9 replies)
* Kreationism Kamp (2 replies)
* good summary reference: (4 replies)
* Steve Fuller Talk (7 replies)
* Refuting Darwinism (1 replies)
* Books about Science vs Politics? (3 replies)
* More Hovind Nuttiness (20 replies)
* The dangers of Creation Science (2 replies)
* Dave Tard Memorial Thread (44 replies)
* Seeing the Serpent (1 replies)
* The selfish methane (25 replies)
* The human genome project... (0 replies)
* Dance Like a Monkey (4 replies)
* Bush cuts climate from NASA (9 replies)
* To the Ghost of Paley. (8 replies)
* What are Darwinists so afraid of? (11 replies)
* Marriage and the Family: the Unification Blessing (4 replies)
* How much good is in a website? (1 replies)
* Coultergeist: Ann Coulter and Charles Darwin (7 replies)
* What does "fisking" or "fisk" mean? (5 replies)
* Whats the Matter with Kansas? (7 replies)
* Directed Mutation and Hypermutation (16 replies)
* Censoring Science: The Kansas Controversy (8 replies)
* We're going to trial in California (5 replies)
* Evangelicals urge museum to hide man's ancestors (23 replies)
* Darwin's evolutionary disciples silent (11 replies)
* Wherein Robert Obrien will educate us on... (30 replies)
* Intelligent Design and Panspermia (3 replies)
* ET- the extra terr- er? (8 replies)
* Dawkins on Colbert (2 replies)
* A gene for humanity? (9 replies)
* Criticism of Evolution Can't Be Silenced (4 replies)
* WingNutDaily: Show links Darwin, Hitler ideologies (13 replies)
* Slime molds scream: (8 replies)
* Lawrence Krauss Op-Ed in the NY Times (2 replies)
* Brain capacity and YOU (2 replies)
* A test topic (12 replies)
* AF Dave--"broken" thread (15 replies)
* "Rock and Roll caused my son Billy to..." (0 replies)
* TV Causes Autism? (17 replies)
* Anne Coulter says I am not a scientist and probabl (14 replies)
* Pharyngula mentioned in WingNutDaily (1 replies)
* Well, at least we beat Turkey (3 replies)
* What happened to dictionaries? (7 replies)
* 'Darwin Would Put God Out of Business' (13 replies)
* GoP defends his claim about muslim intergration (341 replies)
* Teaching Intelligent Design (41 replies)
* Katherine Harris: (19 replies)
* Pope prepares to embrace theory of intelligent des (7 replies)
* Adolf, Darwin and the Jews - The Truth (0 replies)
* Comment on Moderation (31 replies)
* How do Californian Dems see Arnold? (73 replies)
* Testable ID Hypothesis? (6 replies)
* Official U Dream Of Janie Discussion Thread (94 replies)
* The Croc hunter is no more. (12 replies)
* president wants to purge profs (2 replies)
* Chimpanzees Learn how to Cross Roads (9 replies)
* More forced conversions in U.S. schools (14 replies)
* Walsh's Evolutionary Essentialism (3 replies)
* Conspiracy theories (122 replies)
* The Disco Institute Declares War On Wikipedia (17 replies)
* Ok Children, the lesson today is (2 replies)
* Because Brokeback Mountain is funny (6 replies)
* Dinosaurs, Bible meet in Pensacola (3 replies)
* Genetic Surprise Confirms Neglected 70-Year-Old Ev (6 replies)
* Sir Issac: Role Model for Harry Potter? (6 replies)
* Tard Awards (35 replies)
* I think the bathroom wall is broken. (1 replies)
* Thus Spoke The Church Lady (3 replies)
* Internet user admits 'web-rage' (4 replies)
* Overwhelming Evidence For Intelligent Design (30 replies)
* Heddle's Half-Dissent (209 replies)
* DeVos: Intelligent design should be discussed (1 replies)
* AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2 (4989 replies)
* What makes Creation web sites useless? (9 replies)
* Halloween Costume Ideas (48 replies)
* GoP's Christianity, Islam, Race, & The West Thread (272 replies)
* Bird flight evolved using all four limbs (1 replies)
* Censorship now at ATBC? (23 replies)
* fun facts (5 replies)
* Why Darwinism is doomed (3 replies)
* ID: treading water? (32 replies)
* what bothers you more? (14 replies)
* Beating the Darwinain-atheist inquisition (6 replies)
* GoP's Islam, Christianity, The West, and Race (3 replies)
* Popular Culture Funnies (11 replies)
* Uncommonly broke? (3 replies)
* Dembski said... (82 replies)
* Howie Ahmanson's other projects (2 replies)
* The Discovery Institute Thread (369 replies)
* JAD was banned again from UD... (417 replies)
* Book on Time for Laymen (6 replies)
* Vegetarianism to blame for evolution? (2 replies)
* AFDave Rebuts Bogus Quote Mine Charges (34 replies)
* A new creation-hybridisation of ID and creationism (42 replies)
* Charles Darwin's works go online (0 replies)
* Zero resurrected from the UD cutting room floor (713 replies)
* Origins of religion (26 replies)
* The Google Conspiracy (4 replies)
* ATbC Night Out. (14 replies)
* Evangelical schools ordered to teach Darwin (1 replies)
* AnswersInGenesis in trouble - Ken in video appeal (13 replies)
* Why There Almost Certainly Is No God (6 replies)
* Ohio Scientists Endorse Candidate (6 replies)
* Uranus has a Dark Spot (5 replies)
* O Crap. Two more gaps. (0 replies)
* ID logic renders God unlikely? (7 replies)
* Educating Students About Evolution (5 replies)
* Alaska: 'Creation science' enters the race (0 replies)
* New Innovations in Moderation (44 replies)
* Latest Attempt to Wedge Creationism (20 replies)
* Disciple Generation (48 replies)
* Did he really just say that? (2 replies)
* New male birth control pill (1 replies)
* What's more difficult to find? (3 replies)
* Is ID Dead? (58 replies)
* New anti-evolution website launched. (40 replies)
* On the evolution of altruism and empathy: (101 replies)
* The Design of Life Chapter 1 (37 replies)
* Not In Kansas Anymore (0 replies)
* Then Why Do We Still Have Land Mammals? (10 replies)
* Jonathan Wells reiterates his goal (45 replies)
* Ohio Voters Prefer Pro-Science Candidates (2 replies)
* Kansas Outlaws Practice Of Evolution (1 replies)
* Did We Get a Brain Gene from Neandertals? (7 replies)
* DaveTard Photo-fit (45 replies)
* Spiny creature's genome insight (1 replies)
* Derb vs The Creationists (7 replies)
* Bill Buckingham Video (5 replies)
* 1491 (29 replies)
* Casey Luskin Thread (747 replies)
* Debate Over Evolution Not Going Away (12 replies)
* Stem cell research. (1 replies)
* intro of revtragic (8 replies)
* Larry Caldwell (4 replies)
* What are you getting for our anniversary? (8 replies)
* The Ususal Futile Religious War on PT and Elsewher (253 replies)
* The rise of creationism in UK schools (6 replies)
* Bizarre press release defending Kent Hovind (3 replies)
* No more than 5,000 years old, of course (1 replies)
* Darwin as theory now parish policy (2 replies)
* Robodogs and Design (13 replies)
* Mechanical computers. (1 replies)
* Petition on creationism in UK schools (7 replies)
* Ministers to ban creationist teaching aids (2 replies)
* Has the Mystery of Life's Origin Been Solved? (106 replies)
* Taft: School board appointees will back evolution (0 replies)
* Evolution/Creation discussion boards (37 replies)
* Study Detects Recent Instance of Human Evolution (8 replies)
* Soy makes you gay (18 replies)
* our most basic right: to touch our own bodies (24 replies)
* The Biologic Institute Thread (156 replies)
* ClimaClimate change enhances gray seals' sex lives (0 replies)
* Abiogenesis discussion thread (177 replies)
* Employment in science. (5 replies)
* Avatar for AFDave (8 replies)
* Intelligent Design Advisor to Chapman 08 (73 replies)
* Where's Everybody From? (218 replies)
* Happy Holidays to everyone (9 replies)
* Christmas / Holiday card to UD (37 replies)
* New Year's Resolutions (8 replies)
* The nature of complexity (4 replies)
* Joe G Explains the Perfect Design of Codons (1 replies)
* aphorism (9 replies)
* UD's WAR ON CHRISTMAS. (9 replies)
* "discredit Dover and embrace creationism." (11 replies)
* Creationism gains foothold in schools (2 replies)
* AtBC's Muso Thread (144 replies)
* the value of AFDAVE's thread (59 replies)
* Smithsonian "discriminated" against ID scientist (9 replies)
* Depressing News. Or is it? (22 replies)
* Brayton's Mission, Should He Choose to Accept It (14 replies)
* multi-level selection models (10 replies)
* Incredible. (17 replies)
* Measels and Cancer (6 replies)
* Dgszweda Thread (149 replies)
* Seeing the light -- of science (12 replies)
* AFDave asks Steve Story (1 replies)
* Intellectually Honest Christians? (335 replies)
* blog software (23 replies)
* News to me (30 replies)
* Nick Matzke up in this piece (1 replies)
* Intelligent design is a science, not a faith (62 replies)
* Neuroplastisity (1 replies)
* Observer-expectancy effect (6 replies)
* Civility (207 replies)
* Rev. Dr. Lenny Flank (12 replies)
* Vote (64 replies)
* Seattle AtBC Meeting (12 replies)
* How to become an Evo Warrior (1 replies)
* Hovind Sentenced (129 replies)
* Cool Animals Past and Present (35 replies)
* I gave a talk today (41 replies)
* Proceedings of the AtBC Society of Seattle (140 replies)
* Steven Hawking is a spinach man (14 replies)
* For the love of Avocationist (459 replies)
* Vaccination (0 replies)
* Cornelius Hunter Thread (514 replies)
* some questions for our new DI PhD (1 replies)
* The Deceitful Critics of Intelligent Design (4 replies)
* Charles Darwin's unfunny joke (3 replies)
* Churches shouldn't buy into Darwinists' ploy (0 replies)
* Monkey Girl (5 replies)
* Intelligent Design Versus Evolution Board Game (1 replies)
* Pat Boone and Lady Hope sittin' in a tree (9 replies)
* A Cut-and-Paste Ruling (11 replies)
* A Positive, Testable Theory of Intelligent Design (20 replies)
* RICHARDTHUGHES' 1000TH POST (36 replies)
* Darwin Strikes Back (7 replies)
* Quite funny. (3 replies)
* Research: God did speak world into existence (23 replies)
* Party At My Crib! (13 replies)
* Happy B-day Chucky! (2 replies)
* Ancient chimp-made hammers fuel evolutionary deb (15 replies)
* The Gospel according to Darwin (3 replies)
* Scientists of Faith (2 replies)
* Conservatives lose latest Darwin battle in Kansas (15 replies)
* Peer-harassed scientist rocks evolutionary boat (6 replies)
* Kent Hovind on tape (291 replies)
* Evolution Books for Middle School (9 replies)
* Kook sues school board (10 replies)
* Now's your chance. (3 replies)
* The Evo/Devo End Run Around neo-Darwinism (4 replies)
* Judge Jones' god of the gaps fallacy (4 replies)
* Senator Jon McCain and the Disco (3 replies)
* Evolution is a Jewish plot (5 replies)
* Spear-chucking chimps (7 replies)
* Senator calls for answer on creation of universe (17 replies)
* Uncommon Descent Addendum Blog (16 replies)
* Are we breeding the ultimate creationist meme? (32 replies)
* Alternative reality wikis (68 replies)
* God giving out hard cash now (4 replies)
* Darwin's "Origin of Species": free audiobook (0 replies)
* about Anne Coulter... (125 replies)
* I'd Like To Thank All The Little People (26 replies)
* Probably a dumb question, but... (20 replies)
* ID Predicts... (17 replies)
* Newsweek Religious Literacy Quiz (4 replies)
* Arizona: Bill would muzzle teachers (3 replies)
* The Existential Jesus (4 replies)
* The truth about Kangaroos (5 replies)
* Translocation NGO? (31 replies)
* ID "theory" is dead on the vine (7 replies)
* Educational crusader (4 replies)
* Winters is almost over! I cant wait (13 replies)
* Why is it that we do not have to teach (25 replies)
* Harun Yahya dazzles 'em in Ireland (1 replies)
* CBC Radio - The Turkish Creationism Controversy (0 replies)
* The Earth is growing! (3 replies)
* Are "Radical" Atheists Dangerous? (661 replies)
* Kids programming (2 replies)
* Casey Lushkin (3 replies)
* Steve Fuller- post modernist or deluded fool? (1 replies)
* Where are the Linguistic Savants? (7 replies)
* Georgia Senate Resolution 247 (2 replies)
* UnReasonable Kansans thread (10202 replies)
* Thread for Abdul (1 replies)
* Ancient Lizard Glided on Stretched Skin (3 replies)
* Totally off topic (19 replies)
* It's Kristine's Birthday Today! (82 replies)
* Conservapedia funny (275 replies)
* Islamist Creationism in France (7 replies)
* "It's bulletproof" says Dimski (17 replies)
* Richard Dawkins Interview (21 replies)
* The anti-God squad (2 replies)
* Kris Helpinstine - fired in Oregon (5 replies)
* Herman Cummings: I get no respect! (7 replies)
* Boo Christian Oppressors! (2 replies)
* What you gonna do now, DI? (16 replies)
* Casey Luskin at Boise State (3 replies)
* Engineers, Doctors, etc Against Creatism (6 replies)
* Materialism and Abstract Objects (17 replies)
* Biology is for wimps (52 replies)
* Weird Beliefs (17 replies)
* The Respect Agenda (73 replies)
* Yet Another Blow To Darwinism (19 replies)
* Parody Filter - Call for Ideas (10 replies)
* UD:AD (15 replies)
* Are the Darwinists afraid to debate us? (68 replies)
* How Ann Coulter Exposed the Intelligent Design Mov (3 replies)
* Malkin Woo! (3 replies)
* Pope says science too narrow to explain creation (14 replies)
* The kentucky Creationist Museum (150 replies)
* Evolution and Poetry (7 replies)
* Prof. Steve Steve on the BBC! (0 replies)
* The Long Term Looks Good (15 replies)
* ID, anti-evolution and you (71 replies)
* Chimps 'more evolved' than humans (6 replies)
* A Convenient Untruth (84 replies)
* What's Your Educational Background? (5 replies)
* Updated: What's Your Educational Background? (128 replies)
* Arden Chatfield Linguistics Chat (89 replies)
* Darwin vs. Design conference (0 replies)
* This Just In, (9 replies)
* Jon Wells's A Series of Unfortunate Beliefs (5 replies)
* Harun Yahya sues Turkish website (0 replies)
* SMU school paper (7 replies)
* Don't tell Albatrossity, but... (4 replies)
* Lurkers, uncloak!! (88 replies)
* In the beginning (0 replies)
* Was Einstein a fake? (5 replies)
* The Blind Pig and the Acorn (19 replies)
* Ancient Rainforest Revealed in Coal Mine (51 replies)
* RichardDawkins.org resolves to an ARN Host (3 replies)
* a growing global community of YEC scientists?s (40 replies)
* Philip Cunningham Thread (10 replies)
* Virdigris (71 replies)
* RealPC Comes Out With the Second Denial (14 replies)
* Y.E.C. Headquarters (20 replies)
* The thread of liberation (249 replies)
* Genesis in the classroom concerns educator (0 replies)
* 3 Repub Pres candidates don't believe in evolution (17 replies)
* Bruce Chapman is Undesirable (189 replies)
* ID in the lab - nullasalus chat thread. (0 replies)
* Luskin angry with Wikipedia (8 replies)
* DI Abandons ID (13 replies)
* Common Ancestry Proven (40 replies)
* Bioactive Secondary Metabolites In Nature (71 replies)
* The DI's latest martyr: Guillermo Gonzalez (226 replies)
* TED FYI and discussion (2 replies)
* AtBC Group Blog? (51 replies)
* Mitt Romney (38 replies)
* Hearts and Minds (60 replies)
* Texas school board sued over Bible classes (21 replies)
* DickiteDickiteLouis' Favorite web site??? (12 replies)
* DI sponsors quality science education in Europe (11 replies)
* Robert O'Brien on Hitchens (28 replies)
* Diamonds & the comet that killed off the cavemen (4 replies)
* Pointlesswasteoftime's God Fuse (23 replies)
* Stanley Miller, RIP (7 replies)
* The Economist Drops the Ball (10 replies)
* Plantinga via Wikipedia (1 replies)
* Denialism Blog (4 replies)
* Galapagos Voyage (59 replies)
* GALAPAGOS PICS (74 replies)
* Hector Avalos on Peezee's blog (51 replies)
* Dolphins have accents (10 replies)
* Babies See Language Changes (13 replies)
* Possom Genome (4 replies)
* Talking (or not?) to the neighbors? (87 replies)
* AIG's Insane Museum (93 replies)
* LOLcreationists (251 replies)
* more tard lard: The Cindy Lee website. (12 replies)
* seeking the Clouserbot (20 replies)
* Unknown Bone I Found On The Beach (121 replies)
* FAO GLEN DAVIDSON (0 replies)
* From Is Creationism Child's Play? (1 replies)
* Heddle's Interesting Post (31 replies)
* Near Death Experiences (51 replies)
* The best ID book? (5 replies)
* PT comments (4 replies)
* Information and such (0 replies)
* The Edge of Evolution (102 replies)
* Wal-Mart urged to help Homeland Security (0 replies)
* Disaster in Dover (25 replies)
* Libations and Comestibles (1287 replies)
* Anyone seen this BS yet? (15 replies)
* What did dinosaurs hear? (0 replies)
* Nervous sponges? (0 replies)
* AiG drops 'Adam' video because of actor's past (10 replies)
* pseudonyms (28 replies)
* FTK Research Thread (748 replies)
* Waterloo in 2025 (32 replies)
* Odd Gallup Results (2 replies)
* Frontloading--Dumbest Idea Evar? (456 replies)
* Sharks, and why some of us are interested in them. (102 replies)
* Rex-Sized Bird-Like Dinosaur (6 replies)
* Zeitgeist Part 1 (Video) (9 replies)
* WingNutDaily: Huckabee was right (6 replies)
* Creationism on Flickr (24 replies)
* Cosmology and Biodiversity (15 replies)
* Gliding Reptile Discovered (1 replies)
* PZ Myers, the EAC's Poet Laureate (17 replies)
* Mr. Wizard, RIP (4 replies)
* Behe's response (196 replies)
* happy bday (3 replies)
* First Exhibition of Feathered Dinos (3 replies)
* Rhesus monkeys smarter than farmers (3 replies)
* New website (8 replies)
* Creationist Archie Comics (10 replies)
* YaYa Miscarries In Memphis (0 replies)
* b3ta Creationism image challenge (6 replies)
* Another question for FTK, (15 replies)
* Tard, in full color video! (0 replies)
* Can Creationists actually be funny? (76 replies)
* Book club (443 replies)
* Plants recognize their siblings (14 replies)
* ID in Scottish schools? (11 replies)
* The Economist Editorial About Biology (2 replies)
* bird pops on the decline (0 replies)
* William Brookfield: (28 replies)
* Fox nixes condom ad (3 replies)
* Testing (24 replies)
* Remains of Earliest Giant Panda (7 replies)
* fun time waster; (24 replies)
* Most Canadians Pick Evolution Over Creationism (0 replies)
* Evan Almighty (27 replies)
* Neanderthal Man was an Innovator (3 replies)
* Chicago folks (124 replies)
* Blair goes bye-bye (9 replies)
* Can America Survive Evolutionary Humanism? (15 replies)
* Silver Ring High Court Thing (15 replies)
* The evolution of coloration in fungi (215 replies)
* Calling Emmanuel Goldstein/Legion (10 replies)
* Hellishly Bad Sci-Fi Marathon (108 replies)
* ATBC Award Winners (6 replies)
* Young Cosmos (948 replies)
* The Joe G Thread (409 replies)
* New giant penguin found (5 replies)
* Seeking help finding an article (5 replies)
* FtK Walt Brown book thread. (35 replies)
* I'm done. (32 replies)
* Jo Hovind to be sentenced tomorrow (8 replies)
* I went to the Creation museum and all.... (8 replies)
* Top Tard Quotes (297 replies)
* ResistanceWhy Americans don't believe in Evolution (0 replies)
* Laboratory Speciation - Done (24 replies)
* Jo Hovind gets 1 year and a day (21 replies)
* Robert O'Brien Debates Bob Price (28 replies)
* Wesley's Minions (50 replies)
* Truthism.com"Religion and science are simply forms (11 replies)
* Evolution for Everyone? (5 replies)
* Ham's Museum Gets Linguistics Wrong, Too (1 replies)
* Possible new creationist invite (7 replies)
* Antievolution advocates rewrite reality (90 replies)
* Why doesn't evolution get rid of ugly people (1 replies)
* Scooter (0 replies)
* Scooter (319 replies)
* SALVO A New Totally Radical Magazine About Jesus (20 replies)
* Not Safe For Work (3 replies)
* Anomalous acceleration of Pioneer spacecraft. (5 replies)
* Sal on the EF @ The Sci Phi Show (32 replies)
* Praise your peers thread (48 replies)
* Neil DeGrasse Tyson -- the next Carl Sagan (2 replies)
* Casey Luskin's weakness (1 replies)
* Darwin Fish Stories (30 replies)
* Random Mutation (16 replies)
* Discussing "Explore Evolution" (859 replies)
* See the Disembodied Telic Entity in Action (5 replies)
* Anybody got a 'spanitory filter handy (5 replies)
* Can someone help me with "Neo-Darwinism"? (10 replies)
* An Educated Creationist! (451 replies)
* Fossils older than dinos reveal early evol. (0 replies)
* Uncommonly Dense: The BlogCzar Years. Er, Months. (1072 replies)
* Nominations (6 replies)
* Topical Humour (6 replies)
* Young Earth come from. (11 replies)
* No reason for a rift between science and religion? (1091 replies)
* Thread For Steve from triablogue (7 replies)
* Don McLeroy explains their sneaky move (4 replies)
* Physics was never my strong point (55 replies)
* Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. (3612 replies)
* Thread for Heddle (1 replies)
* Journal of Creation online! (3 replies)
* Video tard (83 replies)
* OktarHarun Yahya Manages to Censor Internet in Tk. (7 replies)
* A proposal for discouraging Creationism (15 replies)
* Open letter to Uncommon Descent. (59 replies)
* I am newbie here. (7 replies)
* I sure can find 'em (28 replies)
* Creationist Letter to the Daily News Record (5 replies)
* Pigeon Poop Brought Down Bridge (3 replies)
* just noticed. (8 replies)
* Texas school board evolving ID strategy (93 replies)
* The danger of Darwin (2 replies)
* Apparently, I have been queued (8 replies)
* How Snakes Survive Starvation (0 replies)
* Giant panda can survive (0 replies)
* More Stickers ? (6 replies)
* Re: Free Porno spam (39 replies)
* "Truth" in Science UK (21 replies)
* TARDWEAR (9 replies)
* Say NO To UD Day! (25 replies)
* Happy Birthday (57 replies)
* The Magic of Intelligent Design (268 replies)
* VMartin's cosmology (494 replies)
* Getting a book Published (44 replies)
* Coloration of animals, mimicry, aposematism (365 replies)
* Dembski is coming to my school (15 replies)
* Challenge to Evolutionists (603 replies)
* Birdbrain upset with Panda's Thumb (0 replies)
* Evolution of the horse; a problem for Darwinism? (1733 replies)
* Challenge to Creationists (12 replies)
* More Challenges to Evolutionists (1 replies)
* Career Advice (1 replies)
* If ID was.... (31 replies)
* Sen. David Vitter giving money to creationists (1 replies)
* Telic Thoughts Thread (3497 replies)
* Hybrid Speciation (3 replies)
* Conservation Biology and Biodiversity Blogs (0 replies)
* Teaching addition to 6 year olds-Doubling (16 replies)
* Thread for Christopher Gieschen (289 replies)
* Friday Sweepstake (18 replies)
* I said it was bad in Northern Ireland (8 replies)
* Movie Club (185 replies)
* Unacknowledged Errors in Marks and Dembski essay (86 replies)
* A Poll (4 replies)
* FtK's "Where Does ID Belong?" Poll (178 replies)
* Call to cover creationism (9 replies)
* A Voice from the Middle Ground (72 replies)
* Mike Gene's book (4 replies)
* Beyond A 'Speed Limit' On Mutations, (6 replies)
* Retraining Our Imaginations (15 replies)
* Face evolution simulator (7 replies)
* Durston v. Shallit (4 replies)
* Letters to the Editor (7 replies)
* How Unpopular Scientific Ideas Succeed (2 replies)
* ISCID forum (30 replies)
* Bonobos (14 replies)
* Wrong? Moi? (194 replies)
* Banana and Peanut Butter videos wanted (4 replies)
* Link For Dr. McGrath (6 replies)
* Dishonesy Institute Loses in NM (11 replies)
* Genetic variation (2 replies)
* R O'B's box turtle video (6 replies)
* SaveScot at ISCID (4 replies)
* Dave Scot: Lifetime Achievement Award (129 replies)
* Making A Monkey Out of Phillip Johnson (7 replies)
* A little thought for IDers (6 replies)
* Why People Believe in Ghosts & Design (0 replies)
* BA77's troubling nan^ny fil^ter (40 replies)
* Lateral meme transfer? (4 replies)
* Fun New Game: ID Eugenics! (9 replies)
* Evidence For ID (2 replies)
* Huckabee endorses ID (30 replies)
* Who Am I? (14 replies)
* Why Is The Intelligent Designer So Impotent? (3 replies)
* The Intelligent Designer spotted! (1 replies)
* I took a picture with PZ (20 replies)
* Creation museum hits 250,000 (6 replies)
* Christian group demands prosecution of BBC (6 replies)
* Conservapedia and Evolution (12 replies)
* Letters and Responses (2 replies)
* Darwin's Surprise (5 replies)
* Now Spinning.. (337 replies)
* Creatiionists Deny HIV/AIDS (10 replies)
* 4 Questions For Skeptic, FtK and VMartin (66 replies)
* Disco "Legal Scholars" Investigating Judgment Day (86 replies)
* Remembering Dover (2 replies)
* PBS/NOVA Forum (3 replies)
* Speaking of Dover (and laffin at the DI) (8 replies)
* Education and Evolution in Texas (1 replies)
* Which one of you guys owns the domain "Wingnutdail (2 replies)
* A question for IDers (9 replies)
* To My Fellow Satanists (19 replies)
* 14 of the best ID books (2 replies)
* Behe Really Said This? (9 replies)
* Gourmet Spreads & Delicious Dives (28 replies)
* Happy Birhday Louis (21 replies)
* Help required! (77 replies)
* Judgement Day: Intelligent Design on Trial (116 replies)
* Steve Fuller vs. (32 replies)
* Laymans guide to Evolution (11 replies)
* Creatonists on Flickr (24 replies)
* I was curious (6 replies)
* Judge Jones Interview (0 replies)
* DI Caught Lying (72 replies)
* FTE and Jon Buell's Day in Court (7 replies)
* Eight Foot Scorpion Found (14 replies)
* John West at the U of M (8 replies)
* The Design Of Life (4 replies)
* Happy Birthday carlsonjok (12 replies)
* Happy Birthday Carlsonjok (2 replies)
* Expelled: The Real Deal (18 replies)
* Happy Birthday Pennybright (3 replies)
* Dealing with [S]Denialists[/S] People (16 replies)
* Texas - Dooooomed (1 replies)
* The Material Brain - observing (19 replies)
* Ed Brayton awards me "my own" trophy and I respond (14 replies)
* The Design Of Life (111 replies)
* ID theory influenced ISU tenure vote (27 replies)
* Behe at Lehigh (16 replies)
* Hey Kansans... (14 replies)
* There Must Be a Cartoon In Here Somewhere (5 replies)
* Merry Christmas From Dembski (2 replies)
* We Got a Christmas Present from UD! (11 replies)
* Discovery Institute Stuff on You Tube (2 replies)
* ExEvolutionist Thread (8 replies)
* The Year in ID - 2007 Edition (7 replies)
* Thread for Keith Robinson (98 replies)
* Whence the blinkered confidence? (39 replies)
* Hey Heddle (1 replies)
* Leader of the third UK party says he is atheist. (6 replies)
* Help Support Academic Freedom (10 replies)
* Some thoughts on UD contributor BarryA. (43 replies)
* A holiday break from ebola-spreadin' (5 replies)
* John Davison's New Blog (71 replies)
* Lurker, reveal thyself! (6 replies)
* Slate's Unanswered Questions (8 replies)
* Fox News sypathetic to creationists (7 replies)
* Holiday Wishes and a Bright New Year!!! (37 replies)
* Atheism as a religion: (311 replies)
* Science and Anti-Science in '08 Politics (85 replies)
* responses to Darwin's Black Box? (5 replies)
* Evolution books for the classroom (6 replies)
* The meaning of life (40 replies)
* Professor Smith (153 replies)
* Jesus Camp (14 replies)
* You Predict 2008! (13 replies)
* New Years Eve encounter (14 replies)
* Emergence of beliefs re origins of species (55 replies)
* The No-True-Atheist Fallacy? (15 replies)
* "Science, Evolution and Creationism" (0 replies)
* Comparing Dembski and Mike Gene (204 replies)
* The end result of AiG's brainwashing of children (20 replies)
* Place holder for Guts to talk design (1 replies)
* John C. Sanford & John Baumgardner (6 replies)
* Lost and found thread (2 replies)
* Superflu (4 replies)
* Florida begins antievolution (37 replies)
* New Source For Fake Science (5 replies)
* New Book: Your Inner Fish (11 replies)
* How To Get a Degree in ID (4 replies)
* Schiavo lawyer gets involved in Florida debate (18 replies)
* Reporter in FL Seeks Opinions (seriously) (4 replies)
* Would you feel uneasy debating this man (13 replies)
* ERV Goes Multi-Media! (3 replies)
* Answers Research Journal. These are pseudonyms. (23 replies)
* OT: Tom Cruise - Scientology (12 replies)
* Charles Darwin, Ghostbuster (3 replies)
* That Foul ID Creationism Smell (31 replies)
* Happy Birthday, Wesley (23 replies)
* Don't stifle the debate on Darwin's deficiencies (6 replies)
* The real danger in Darwin is not evolution (13 replies)
* The Other ATBC (17 replies)
* Ben Stein plays the Nazi card (144 replies)
* ATBC Baseball Thread (50 replies)
* Wildlife (2219 replies)
* The Traveling Twin Takes a Short Cut (124 replies)
* I need a favor from AtBCers. (25 replies)
* Fake science in advertising. (56 replies)
* Musgrave's ID Challenge (33 replies)
* Who am I to argue with a genius (52 replies)
* Letter to the editor in Idaho newspaper (2 replies)
* Is Ben Stein the new face of Creationism? (3 replies)
* Why are we flattering the insignificant? (9 replies)
* The Best of AFDave (1 replies)
* Happy Birthday Erasmus, FCD (13 replies)
* Creationism and Peer Review (8 replies)
* Biologic Institute (117 replies)
* "Sleeping Beauties of Science" (3 replies)
* Are Creationists Anti-Science? (17 replies)
* Florida and Antievolution (73 replies)
* An Honest Attempt at a "Peer Review" Compromise (8 replies)
* The BPSDB.org Thread (26 replies)
* Author critiques Darwin's 'terrible ideas' (0 replies)
* Creationist Web developer enters GOP race (2 replies)
* TREE OF LIFE, SURE. LOL. (30 replies)
* Design Of Life (aka Pandas and People) (2 replies)
* Evolution is anti-science...it's all in the mind (3 replies)
* OT: Sciency Question about "Laws" and "Theories&q (14 replies)
* Dinosaur Dicks (via NY Times) (8 replies)
* AIG and Peer Reviewing The Bible (7 replies)
* Carl Woese review article (25 replies)
* Happy Birthday, Bob O'H (31 replies)
* Ken Miller comes to the MIT Museum (0 replies)
* Let There Be Open Debate Over Evolution (2 replies)
* Sandefur: Michael Shermers The Mind (4 replies)
* Luskin's Law (1 replies)
* Crossing The Divide (5 replies)
* Early Philosophies (12 replies)
* Miracles as an argument for theism (179 replies)
* Timmy's Thread (11 replies)
* InTrade Markets in ID predictions (1 replies)
* A review of The Spatula Brain (20 replies)
* Failing to Understand Hierarchies? (17 replies)
* Dembski's reading list (21 replies)
* Good News From Texas (36 replies)
* Happy Birthday BWE (14 replies)
* Stupid ERV questions (2 replies)
* God (12 replies)
* Dopey Question About the Letter A (15 replies)
* More good news (92 replies)
* bFast's Allele Blender (158 replies)
* Brownie points (99 replies)
* Swansea or Edinbourough? (101 replies)
* Basic Physics (20 replies)
* Lenny Flank's blog? (3 replies)
* Battle Against Teaching Evolution in Texas Begins (3 replies)
* Why do people laugh at creationists ? (6 replies)
* Two New Gaps to Be Filled! (14 replies)
* My New Theory (Which is my own) (14 replies)
* True Facts That Are True (11 replies)
* Mucho Macho, Macho (59 replies)
* The Art and Science of Literature (9 replies)
* Demsbki and the lying Southern Baptist Press (3 replies)
* More Woese (0 replies)
* Politics and ecosystems (31 replies)
* Fact to fact, face to face supporting science (123 replies)
* Happy Birfday K.E. (31 replies)
* Expunged! No paper-trail allowed. (22 replies)
* Are scientists fighting a losing battle ? (42 replies)
* Difference between Global Warming Science (139 replies)
* Expelled Pool (46 replies)
* Intelligent Design (6 replies)
* Francis Collins is not a bright guy (16 replies)
* World Thread (8 replies)
* Dr. Gonzalez has new academic employment (38 replies)
* Happy Birfday ERV! (58 replies)
* My ID Hypothesis (33 replies)
* Wingnuts (30 replies)
* Darwin joins the blogosphere! (0 replies)
* avatar (1 replies)
* ERV disappeared (72 replies)
* Premise media's new venture (9 replies)
* Michigan and Antievolution (4 replies)
* John Marburger on ID & evolution (14 replies)
* Lou FCD is 41 Today (84 replies)
* Evangelical Backlash? (1 replies)
* Hypothetical Question (11 replies)
* A thread for William Wallace (410 replies)
* This really is a crisis! (14 replies)
* Axiomatic Panbiogeography (19 replies)
* BBC Invoking the supernatural in cosmology ? (0 replies)
* Happy Birthday, Ian (24 replies)
* Now, that's an anniversary! (1 replies)
* Happy Birthday Steve! (46 replies)
* JOEI (22 replies)
* Dawkins gnaws at the Church of Scotland (13 replies)
* Voices for Evolution (6 replies)
* Creationism row forces out UK educator (9 replies)
* Travelling the gallaxy (66 replies)
* Darwin's Garden @ New York Botanical Garden (1 replies)
* Why fallible expertise trumps armchair science (1 replies)
* Panda's Thumb / AtBC Locations (208 replies)
* ID propaganda for kids (6 replies)
* Europteryx vulgaris (17 replies)
* Happy Birthday, Hermagoras! (23 replies)
* Yes, Darwin is responsible for this, too (0 replies)
* Real design detection (1 replies)
* Casting a wider net (35 replies)
* TOP TARDS (8 replies)
* Jeffox (17 replies)
* Why is the JREF down (10 replies)
* Opponents of Evolution Are Adopting New Strategy (79 replies)
* "Common sense science" (18 replies)
* Happy Birthdays for several (35 replies)
* Understanding Intelligent Design In Plain Language (158 replies)
* Jindal supports teaching ID (3 replies)
* Happy Birthday JohnW (10 replies)
* Happy Birthday Paul Flocken (5 replies)
* Summer Time (63 replies)
* Louisiana (30 replies)
* George Carlin (6 replies)
* Inernational conference on creationism (39 replies)
* Sexual Antagonism (16 replies)
* Human rights for apes (18 replies)
* How Creationism almost failed me out of University (23 replies)
* The Itch (17 replies)
* The Guts/Nelson Alonso Thread (689 replies)
* Birds That Boogie (1 replies)
* Happy B-Day >Richardthughes (35) (66 replies)
* Want some fun? (2 replies)
* The golden crocoduck (13 replies)
* Happy Birthday PTaylor (11 replies)
* Judge says creationism for the birds (1 replies)
* Expelled gets the thunderf00t treatment (2 replies)
* FreeSpeachFan Can Haz Free Speech (6 replies)
* Crackers Don't Matter (147 replies)
* Happy Birthday, bystander (17 replies)
* Why ID doesn't look like Real Design Detection (32 replies)
* Science Break (1753 replies)
* Uncommonly Dense Thread 2 (14997 replies)
* Cataloging the fringe of the web (0 replies)
* Dr. Dr. Dembski Hatching day (27 replies)
* Is the clergy letter project a waste of time ? (73 replies)
* American Saddlebred can haz birfday? (15 replies)
* The creation of Creationism (0 replies)
* The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (6 replies)
* Afarensis Hisself Becomes Ancient (19 replies)
* Need spreadsheet expert (9 replies)
* More peer reviewd nonsense from AiG (1 replies)
* Vox Day: Alpha Fail. (1182 replies)
* The Gang of Four at the Gateway of Life (185 replies)
* Cars thread (129 replies)
* Fine tuning - not that fine? (5 replies)
* More from NI (10 replies)
* Thread for LCD (27 replies)
* Jim Wynne Says... (32 replies)
* Complete Neander mtDNA Sequence done (1 replies)
* Big Foot! (81 replies)
* Large Hadron Collider online (60 replies)
* AiG meets witjh Don McLeroy (2 replies)
* Dover II, Electric Boogaloo (6 replies)
* Trauma Tx and Divine Intervention (2 replies)
* Prayer (8 replies)
* Biology @ Coastal Carolina & UNCW (563 replies)
* Complexity vs. Information (127 replies)
* Michael J. Fox is a Cannibal (6 replies)
* High Schoolers do Cool Fish DNA Study (3 replies)
* Happy birthday Blipey (26 replies)
* Happy Birfday Khan (25 replies)
* Presidential Politics & Antievolution (1878 replies)
* Virginia mans book challenges curriculum (18 replies)
* Happy Birthday, R. Bill and Albie (25 replies)
* What is Jason ranting on about ? (7 replies)
* Bye Everyone (2 replies)
* Intelligent Design supporter advocates Eugenics (0 replies)
* fun & hurricanes in Ohio (23 replies)
* heavy water (8 replies)
* Biblical glasses (1 replies)
* School Boards Just Can't Learn (10 replies)
* Hanny's Voorwerp (1 replies)
* Two questions (12 replies)
* Plantinga comes to Knoxville Tennessee (6 replies)
* Of interest to readers in Northern KY and SW Ohio (3 replies)
* Group urges no politics, religion in science crclm (1 replies)
* Blipey's Transgressions (13 replies)
* Ya want some fun? (36 replies)
* Texas and Antievolution (92 replies)
* Megaptera Can Haz Birfday? (2 replies)
* Kirk Dunston's ID Theory (0 replies)
* Agriculture: Unsustainable Resource Depletion (21 replies)
* Creationists declare war over the brain (27 replies)
* Texas Teach's 34th Birthday (15 replies)
* Chayanov Can Haz Birfday? (7 replies)
* Belated Birfday Barfs For Louis (58 replies)
* Birthday Trifecta! (21 replies)
* Carlsonjok Gets Older (42 replies)
* The computer thread (45 replies)
* Snoeman Can Haz Birfday (8 replies)
* Another YEC claim ? (14 replies)
* A Festivus for the rest of us (11 replies)
* God, Darwin, and design. Professor Ken Miller (2 replies)
* Can Newton Haz Birfday? (2 replies)
* Missing Shade of Blue Thread (131 replies)
* Talkorigins website down again (2 replies)
* Joyeux anniversaire, Jeannot (15 replies)
* Uninformed Dissent (0 replies)
* Happy Birthday, Doc Bill! (17 replies)
* Louisiana Creates: New Pro-Intelligent Design Rule (7 replies)
* Axe joins the Dark Side (2 replies)
* Walter ReMine's Message Theory (19 replies)
* Advocatus Diaboli Has Birfday (21 replies)
* Can there be a thread to congrats to Louis' baby? (99 replies)
* Happy birthday Wes & SD (108 replies)
* Daniel Smith's "Argument from Impossibility" (1103 replies)
* RFJE's Personal Thread (452 replies)
* k.e is 54 today (41 replies)
* Darwin's 200th anniversary (44 replies)
* IDC Advocates Speak (266 replies)
* Bob O'H Can Haz Birday (29 replies)
* Gone but not forgotten! Ericmurphy can haz Birfday (7 replies)
* Happy birthday BWE (28 replies)
* "Invidious Comparisons" Spotters Thread (0 replies)
* Cool idea for a GA? (21 replies)
* Amadan is 48! (31 replies)
* Erasmus Can Haz Birthday (38 replies)
* Egnor Flips Out (46 replies)
* 'Theory of mind' could help explain belief in God (4 replies)
* Do we have @Risk / monte carlo experts out there? (8 replies)
* AiG and Genes (20 replies)
* Evolutionary Computation (405 replies)
* Another IDiot Reuben Kendall ? (1 replies)
* My talk at the AAAS by Joshua Rosenau (1 replies)
* Happy Birfday Kristine teh witch (16 replies)
* You are banned forever (4 replies)
* Creationists forced to hide in the closet (5 replies)
* Happy Birfday Quidam (20 replies)
* CMI Darwin film trailer (7 replies)
* Breakthrough in Physics (16 replies)
* Jerry Coyne blasts NCSE (14 replies)
* Judge dismisses creationism lawsuit (1 replies)
* Lectures and Events (42 replies)
* Objections to the big bang (23 replies)
* The AiG challenge (3 replies)
* Beware: Creationist books for kids (and not from A (2 replies)
* Looking for free cluster analysis in XL (3 replies)
* Hold the perpetrators of torture accountable (5 replies)
* This is incredible. (9 replies)
* Is there a paleaoichthyologist in the house? (5 replies)
* Wouldn't it be nice if...... (8 replies)
* How does ID help us with H1N1? (6 replies)
* Inducting afarensis? (86 replies)
* Article linked from Disco institute (18 replies)
* Hubble Vs Planck & Herschel (5 replies)
* The Ultimate proof of creation (7 replies)
* iz deadman awake? (13 replies)
* Happy Towel Day! (2 replies)
* Darwin...I can believe it's udderly false (4 replies)
* Today is Duck day Molly Bloom eat your heart out (16 replies)
* This guy's a member of Mensa (1 replies)
* I SUMMON WILKINS! (116 replies)
* I wonder how long it will take AiG to dismiss this (2 replies)
* Anal Annals (6 replies)
* Louis is a new dad! (27 replies)
* New research: Birds did not evolve from dinosaurs (16 replies)
* Darwinist Misdirection (14 replies)
* Evolution and Faith, not irreconcilable. (2 replies)
* Happy Birfday JohnW (13 replies)
* Payback time for Wes (64 replies)
* Intelligent Evil (11 replies)
* Making a monkey out of Darwin (14 replies)
* Happy B-Day, stevestory! (16 replies)
* RichertTaHugs is OLD. (29 replies)
* Any Seedy People Here? (0 replies)
* Is Jason Rosenhouse being quotemined ? (4 replies)
* Science and public Pew/AAAS survey (1 replies)
* Any New claims For Mark Isaac here ? (1 replies)
* Standby for Happy birfday, Bystander (18 replies)
* Nuclear decay puzzle (5 replies)
* The Mr. Mystery Mystery! (8 replies)
* American Saddlebred Can Haz Birfday26 (6 replies)
* Thunderf00t vs. Ray Comfort (0 replies)
* HAPPY BIRFDAY AFARENSIS!!!11!one!! (62 replies)
* Where the nit-wits roam (23 replies)
* The Official UD Timeline Thread (96 replies)
* This will be quotemined for all it's worth (7 replies)
* HeppyBirfday, Jim Wynne! (15 replies)
* Latching (5 replies)
* BA^77 Thread (7 replies)
* New TARD mine. (5 replies)
* FL "Debate Thread" (2975 replies)
* YEC explanation of geology wanted (13 replies)
* Khaan!1!! Its Ur Birfday! (64 replies)
* Albatrossity and Rec. Bill: B-day doubleheader (60 replies)
* [D] I Fool Musical (20 replies)
* Uncommonly Dense Thread 3 (15001 replies)
* The Battle of Beginnings: Del Ratzsch (36 replies)
* Maths and Science. (4 replies)
* Can you do geology and junk the evolution bits ? (1350 replies)
* FL Debate Peanut Gallery (634 replies)
* The Own Goal Hall of Fame/Shame (9 replies)
* Uncommonly Dense Thread Browser (16 replies)
* More from Kirk and Ray (12 replies)
* Wanna see Hovind in action (1 replies)
* Charles Stanley comes out as a YEC (8 replies)
* The Porchetta challenge. (2 replies)
* Happy Birfday Lowell (12 replies)
* I'll be back next Monday (0 replies)
* Discovery Institute Panty Bunch (36 replies)
* Floyd Lee and the great Oro debacle (3 replies)
* It's Louis' & Wilkens' BIRTHDAY Day of teh Damned (34 replies)
* Scientists respond to book review in New York Time (2 replies)
* "Power" - Open Discussion (36 replies)
* Does NASA know about this ? (54 replies)
* Oh dear - evolution refuted on Nov. 9.... (1 replies)
* Bragging Rights (83 replies)
* YEC News (130 replies)
* Happy Birfday Heddle (27 replies)
* Didymouse B-day (13 replies)
* It's all settled!...Proof God Exists! (160 replies)
* Does anyone know when S. Meyer wrote (2 replies)
* Wolfie Haz Birfdays (61 replies)
* Climate change (11 replies)
* ATBC Meetup in Dayton - December 19 (16 replies)
* Happy Birfday Jeannot (25 replies)
* UnDembski Chrome Extension (9 replies)
* Conservative Commentators and AE (28 replies)
* The creation letter project (1 replies)
* What's happened to Lenny Flank ? (12 replies)
* Get Well Soon Albatrossity! (60 replies)
* Advocatus Diaboli Can Has Birfday (13 replies)
* Plugging other websites (0 replies)
* A design puzzle / riddle? (9 replies)
* The limits of darwinism. (333 replies)
* Science, Just Science Campaign in the UK (0 replies)
* Methodological Naturalism (46 replies)
* What Fodor Got Wrong (5 replies)
* Randomness versus Purpose, a Discussion (97 replies)
* Where, where the hell is Sal? (-1 replies)
* State of the Nation 2 Ken Ham (2 replies)
* Prescribed Evo. Hypothesis Boosting (193 replies)
* Philo 4483: Christian Faith and Science (444 replies)
* Happy Birfday Bob O'H (40 replies)
* Happy Birfday EricMurphy (5 replies)
* Free Will - does it exist? (142 replies)
* Where the Hot Threads Are (23 replies)
* IS empiricism a natural part of pattern recognitio (72 replies)
* IDC != AntiEvolution? (178 replies)
* Happy Birday Amadan (16 replies)
* Joe G.'s Tardgasm (27552 replies)
* Birfday^2 >fnxtr (49) >Erasmus, FCD (33) (52 replies)
* Ethics verses Morality (9 replies)
* One of my favorite bits by Lenny Bruce (0 replies)
* Happy (belated) Birfday Alan Fox (54 replies)
* Kansas Politics & Religion (6 replies)
* The Official AtBC Mornington Crescent Thread (371 replies)
* Phil 4483: The Language of God (Collins) (54 replies)
* Happy BD for Badger3k (26 replies)
* We're still here: LHC at 3.5 TeV (24 replies)
* Was the Oracle right? (18 replies)
* FL and gene duplication ala Jerry Bergman (11 replies)
* Cosmic Fingerprints (59 replies)
* It's k.e.'s Birthday - April 10 (17 replies)
* It's STEVIE Pinheads Burfday! (16 replies)
* Answers in Genesis has a mathematical model!!! (11 replies)
* So You Think ID Has Substance? (22 replies)
* Answers in Genesis has a mathematical model!!! (0 replies)
* Rael to the rescue! (0 replies)
* Mayday! Birthday! (95 replies)
* Walter D. Wright's thread (56 replies)
* BIO-Complexity (137 replies)
* The Alternative Cosmology Group (4 replies)
* Happy Birfday Hermagoras (I fink) (58 replies)
* Law & Order: ripped from the Freshwater coverage (0 replies)
* It's Quack's Birthday! (22 replies)
* World Cup 2010 thread (167 replies)
* JohnW CAN has birfday! (21 replies)
* The Tardheap of History (24 replies)
* Deadman Haz Burfday! (33 replies)
* Happy Birthday, Rich (59 replies)
* Happy Birfday PTaylor (12 replies)
* The technical details of evolution (9 replies)
* Is the US is losing the battle for science ? (39 replies)
* Happy Birthday twinsies (19 replies)
* Fusilier Can Has Birfday! (17 replies)
* Afarensis has birthday (24 replies)
* Happy brifday frankH (13 replies)
* MY MANIFESTO (34 replies)
* Thread for Bilbo (10 replies)
* Thread for Jon Saboe (14 replies)
* Ogre MkIV has Birfday (69 replies)
* Chicago Bound (8 replies)
* Uncommonly Dense Thread 4 (10669 replies)
* Creationist geology degree from Cedarville ? (19 replies)
* Anisotropic Synchrony Convention. (3 replies)
* fun at Amazon Discussions (90 replies)
* Behe's UK "Tour" (26 replies)
* I wonder how many covert YECs there are in US educ (1 replies)
* Baby Girl Pinhead (43 replies)
* Latest Evolution News from Dumbeckistan (0 replies)
* Happy Birthday, World! (16 replies)
* Happy Birthday DvK! (21 replies)
* Texas Teach has birthday ... (27 replies)
* A thread for Richard Kepler (5 replies)
* The "I Believe In God" Thread (741 replies)
* Steve H is 49 (18 replies)
* The "Faith4Flipper" Thread (21 replies)
* Is this Louis' birthday? (47 replies)
* Is this the albino anthropoid's b'day? (17 replies)
* The **NEW** Walt Brown debate challenge! (7 replies)
* 'Origin of Life Prize' (10 replies)
* Blair vs. Hitchens; The Munk Debates (18 replies)
* Steverino Can Haz Birfday (29 replies)
* The Global Warming Thread (203 replies)
* AIG's weekly prayer request (15 replies)
* The Accommodation Issue (58 replies)
* Birthday Trinity (14 replies)
* Kris wants to have a real discussion. (8 replies)
* Thread 2 for Kris (174 replies)
* DI EN&V (806 replies)
* Kris On Comments (249 replies)
* FTE aiming for Texas. (0 replies)
* OT: Last chance to see....7 mins to go! (4 replies)
* Atheistoclast Discussion (32 replies)
* Happy Birthday Quack! (31 replies)
* A thread for toobsucker (101 replies)
* Pollen found in the Roraima formation? (18 replies)
* Happy Birfday Ptaylor (37 replies)
* A Thread Short of a Fugly Sweater (47 replies)
* amadan has a birfday! (32 replies)
* Happy Birthday Kristine! (34 replies)
* happy Birthday MadPanda, FCD (40) (16 replies)
* Florida and Antievolution (10 replies)
* Good? (46 replies)
* mafs question (26 replies)
* Biologos (10 replies)
* Synthese: Evolution... (69 replies)
* Thoughts on Hell (174 replies)
* Lunatic on the Randi forums. (3 replies)
* DAWN OV TEH DEAD! (18 replies)
* It's Quidam's Birthday! (8 replies)
* Happy Birthday, Quidam! (-1 replies)
* k.e. can has bidet (39 replies)
* EvoDice (34 replies)
* The text says: (13 replies)
* The Skeptical Zone (1224 replies)
* Calling All Brits! (16 replies)
* Computers, Gaming, The Interwebz (76 replies)
* YECism taking off in Canada ? (6 replies)
* Peer review in the intelligent design community (1 replies)
* US and Russian Scientists hunt for Yeti! (13 replies)
* Think of the chiiiillldreeeeen! (41 replies)
* forastero's thread (1510 replies)
* Feminism (122 replies)
* Lend me your brains. (54 replies)
* Southstar's thread (366 replies)
* The official Post Atheism Movement starts now (315 replies)
* Is ID/Creationism Largely an Oral Trad? (8 replies)
* Christopher Hitchens: 1949-2011 (11 replies)
* Doc Bill's Birthday (24 replies)
* A thread for Dr Jammer (56 replies)
* We forgot noncarborundum's birthday! (11 replies)
* Pssst ... look at the Birthday Calendar! (47 replies)
* A Leprechaun's Birthday (20 replies)
* Bob O'H can haz best birthday evah! (22 replies)
* Twin Birthday! (17 replies)
* Biological Information: New Perspectives (297 replies)
* Louis-baiting (138 replies)
* Happy Hatchday, Madam Empress! (19 replies)
* Religion On The Job (111 replies)
* March 22: Birthday of a Lady! (23 replies)
* It's Badger Day! (16 replies)
* Possibly the best movie of 2012 (7 replies)
* here is another Nazi comparison (3 replies)
* Woodbine Is a Centenary (23 replies)
* Painting themselves into a corner? (14 replies)
* Paragwinn and Steviepinhead: Fake Twins! (33 replies)
* Lou FCD's photo corner (43 replies)
* Re Joyce (8 replies)
* Religious discrimination, oppression, and bigotry (36 replies)
* Note the decimals (4 replies)
* K98 haz birfday, tooo! (22 replies)
* BWE haz burfday?!? (18 replies)
* An Invitation to Kairosfocus (24 replies)
* Murka haz Burpday! (1 replies)
* Gordon's Diary (47 replies)
* The De-tard (123 replies)
* Creating CSI with NS (128 replies)
* Jerry Don Bauer's Thread (740 replies)
* Is Glenn Mprton O.K. ? (12 replies)
* A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin (18633 replies)
* Wolfie? Birthday? Can haz? (11 replies)
* The Terrible Twins Rising (10 replies)
* Coroline Crockers Bunk Detection Principles (14 replies)
* Missouri joins the fray!!! (13 replies)
* Dembski's new Designinference.com (12 replies)
* Duane Gish Gallops into the Sunset (6 replies)
* The Delta-Machinery sockpuppetry factory thread. (0 replies)
* The bpragmatic thread (10 replies)
* The Dawkins deficiency ? (7 replies)
* Institute for Creation Crapsearch (5 replies)
* Obama has caused the Kepler to explode, BY ALIENS! (2 replies)
* Perakh has died. (5 replies)
* Thrinaxodon's Rant House. (129 replies)
* The Ray Comfort thread (29 replies)
* Kairosfocus (13 replies)
* Clown'z on the Road--Hides your whisky (30 replies)
* Sandefur on Chapman Law Review and Nexus (0 replies)
* Hints and Allegations (202 replies)
* Congratulations to Dr. Nick Matzke! (16 replies)
* New blog "Intelligent Design " (3 replies)
* ID terms explained (41 replies)
* Book Club (2 replies)
* Back in the quote mines (11 replies)
* National Center for Science Education (0 replies)
* Mount Vernon and Freshwater (7 replies)
* Uncommonly Dense Thread 5 (15763 replies)
* The Ray Martinez thread (88 replies)
* Websites Furthering AtBCs cause (2 replies)
* Websites Furthering AtBCs cause (18 replies)
* Thread for Phoodoo (16 replies)
* MHC/HLA immune genome mutation rates question (11 replies)
* Live Bull Shit (2 replies)
* Darwin Day (10 replies)
* IDiots on Twitter (6 replies)
* When I'm 64! (9 replies)
* A Thread for Yeccy Pete (19 replies)
* The Mullings Meander (93 replies)
* YEC Professor Claims Religious Discrimination (97 replies)
* left handed DNA (15 replies)
* I had a very pleasent Thanks Giving Dinner. (9 replies)
* Thread for Cryptoguru (336 replies)
* Happy Birthday Wesley! (15 replies)
* Must have been designed... (4 replies)
* Privileged Species (2 replies)
* ID's Greatest Hits (6 replies)
* The Ten Year Anniversary of Dover (42 replies)
* Otangelo's thread (490 replies)
* MrIntelligentDesign (1252 replies)
* Dover at Ten (1 replies)
* Back (6 replies)
* A skeptic on the Conspira-Sea Cruise (3 replies)
* Upright BiPed at BioLogos! (7 replies)
* Dembski Disillusioned (5 replies)
* Greetings and Salutations (21 replies)
* GMO Thread (0 replies)
* Science Break (45 replies)
* Flat Earth Thread (7 replies)
* Zen and the Art of Byers' Creationism (15 replies)
* Climate Genocide (60 replies)
* Intellectual pry bars ha ha ha (14 replies)
* Cool Discovery in Whale Evolution (4 replies)
* DaveSCot Surfaces (4 replies)
* Slimy Sal on Reddit (6 replies)
* Google Groups T.O. seems dead. (1 replies)
* Cornucopia of Covidiocy (45 replies)
* A 1 year anniversary (1 replies)
* Steve Story (14 replies)
* Evolution and COVID-19 (12 replies)
* Citation for McLean case (1 replies)
* talkorigins site (1 replies)