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Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2006,22:00   

From wnd:  
There's a slow poison out there that's severely damaging our children and threatening to tear apart our culture ….

The dangerous food I'm speaking of is soy. Soybean products are feminizing, and they're all over the place. You can hardly escape them anymore. …

Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the medical (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products. (Most babies are bottle-fed during some part of their infancy, and one-fourth of them are getting soy milk! ) Homosexuals often argue that their homosexuality is inborn because "I can't remember a time when I wasn't homosexual." No, homosexuality is always deviant. But now many of them can truthfully say that they can't remember a time when excess estrogen wasn't influencing them.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2006,22:27   

I wondered why I found DaveScot surprisingly attractive, now I know.  No more tofu for me!


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 12 2006,23:47   

If I mix tofu and chicken, am I safe...?

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 13 2006,00:22   

Quote (Kristine @ Dec. 12 2006,23:47)
If I mix tofu and chicken, am I safe...?

heh, it keeps reminding me of the line about the combination of makeup products that becomes toxic in Burton's first Batman movie.

no... not perfume... but perfume combined with lipstick and eyeliner would be toxic.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 13 2006,07:50   

"Daddy, if there were nuts on my wall, would they be walnuts?"

"Sure son."

"Daddy, if there were nuts on my chest, would they be chestnuts?"

"Sure son."

"Daddy, if there were nuts on my chin, would they be chinnuts?"

"No son. You'd have a dick in your mouth."

Which reminds me, I'm not gay, but my boyfriend's a flaming homo.

Thank you, please tip your waitress.

{taps mic}

Is this thing on? Am I too hip for the room?


P.S. Soy makes you gay? Dude, nigh on 2 billion Chinese can't be wrong, they have to have laws to curb all the fucking in China! Soy makes you gay, my arse! Next you'll be telling me that lovely, stubbly man George Michael is gay. He is? But all the girls love him!


The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 13 2006,11:19   

Hey Mel, why not share some "zionist"-themed jokes? I'm sure you've got a lot of those..... ;)

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 13 2006,11:32   

Fuck off troll. Not only have your tawdry little claims been demonstrated to be false umpteen times (despite your manifest delusions to the contrary), but you are simply making a total joke of yourself. You've had everything explained to you several times very clearly. You're inability to read for comprehension, follow an argument for comprehension, or indeed operate intellectually above the level of deceased houseplant is a) noted YET again, and b) not evidence of anything other than your stupidity.

How about you dredge up a few more medicinal chemistry papers by google trawling and pretending they are relevant to abiogenesis? Fuckwit.



The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 13 2006,12:01   


Fuck off troll. Not only have your tawdry little claims been demonstrated to be false umpteen times (despite your manifest delusions to the contrary), but you are simply making a total joke of yourself. You've had everything explained to you several times very clearly. You're inability to read for comprehension, follow an argument for comprehension, or indeed operate intellectually above the level of deceased houseplant is a) noted YET again, and b) not evidence of anything other than your stupidity.

Mel, if you actually read my posts, you will see that both of my references demonstrated that Thaxton and Bradley's thermodynamics arguments were too simplistic to be useful. Ergo, I realised that their arguments were wrong. Incidentally, Tracy was the one who actually pointed out the flaw with their configurational entropy arguments. By the way, Mel, care to explain how my second link in particular is irrelevant to abiogenesis? Or are you going to have to PM Tracy Hamilton first? Because he seems to know more about this issue than you do.

How about you dredge up a few more medicinal chemistry papers by google trawling and pretending they are relevant to abiogenesis? Fuckwit.

Can't read for comprehension, can you? I said it might possibly be germane to the issue, not that it definitely is. And I still think that it is relevant. I'll explain why if you wish.

Anyway, I'll continue to respond in the appropriate thread. Sorry, Mr. Hyland.

So make with the jokes. C'mon, we know you got 'em.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 13 2006,12:33   

Wasn't homosexuality present throughout recorded history (way before bottle feeding etc)? Why are people (seeming to be) taking this serious?
Or am I just too drunk to spot the irony?


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 13 2006,13:14   

We're not taking them seriously, we're laughing at them.  Its world nut daily.  The column is long on Daily Mail type attempts at correlation, whilst withholding any real information that might help the reader come to any conclusion other than "Soy makes you like a girl".

As for the relationship to homosexuality, the most likely explanation is hormonal changes in the mothers womb affecting brain development, such that certain bits of the fetuses brain are altered.  Leading to attraction to the same sex.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 13 2006,14:25   

Quote (Kristine @ Dec. 12 2006,23:47)
If I mix tofu and chicken, am I safe...?

I think you are safe regardless.  For the rest of us, we might want to have bloody as possible.  Now that's manly food.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 13 2006,22:57   

This is the perfect follow-up to the discovery earlier this year that illegal immigration is caused by abortion


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 14 2006,08:33   

Ahhhhhh! I get it now.

{smacks forehead}

Apologies for being so dense. Because I used the word "zionist" I am an anti semite like Mel Gibson right?

Ooops no. Wrong. As Jon Ronson found with David Ike, sometimes an alien space lizard running the world is just an alien space lizard, not a euphanism for Jewish people.  

The "zionist" foreign policy I refered to previously is the apocolyptic, armageddon hurrying desire of lunatics for the rapture, which sadly some prominent American politicians and commentators think is a good idea. Nuclear war is good because it's part of the bible etc. Not a series of ideas I subsribe to btw. The blinkered support of Israel good or bad by the USA and the UK and others is doing no one any favours. That's not antisemetic, that's anti-some-aspects-of-Israeli-policy-ist. See the difference? I doubt it.

As for you troll, well sorry chum, but making jokes about you being a closet case does not make me a homophobe. Sorry, you lose. Being anti certain aspects of USA, UK and Israeli foreign and domestic policy does not make me an anti semite. Sorry, you lose again.

Of course feel free to repeat your lies and distortions. They are after all amusingly pathetic. There's no need to explain this to you again, it's been done very effectively before. Nice try though. Cover your own obvious bigotry by trying to claim someone else is a bigot. You'll have to do better than that troll. Simply mentioning something vaguely related to a similar topic does not a bigot make. Mocking a troll for posting sweaty wrestler piccies does not a bigot make.

As for Tracey Hamilton knowing more than me, since I barely know the person in question, I'm happy to concede they probably know vastly more about everything than I do, unless of course they obviously don't. As for the abiogenesis thing, I'm not paying attention to your schtick troll. Not only are you a dishonest wanker trolling as hard as you can, but there's a fascinating discussion to be had about a fascinating topic and your presence is like a dog turd in a martini. Entirely superfluous, really rather repellant, and spoiling something pleasant. Googletrawl for concepts you manifestly don't understand all you want, don't expect anyone to pay any attention to them. If Tracey Hamilton wishes to engage you, then Tracey Hamilton has my full support.

As I said before, I'm not bothering. Your comments lack understanding and substance and you are nothing more than an inconsequential idiot. My time is better spent dealing with people who might just begin to be able to understand the topics they discuss, and engaging in humourous banter with people possessing intellectual gifts in excess of those of a wrinkled prune.




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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 14 2006,09:17   

Are you sure they didn't mean soylent green?


Uncommon Descent is a moral cesspool, a festering intellectual ghetto that intoxicates and degrades its inhabitants - Stephen Matheson


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 14 2006,09:18   

Louis - your new avatar just blew my mind!



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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 14 2006,12:02   


Apologies. Please check yourself into the nearest mind clinic and have your head gasket replaced.

Oh dear, blown, head gasket. There truly is no depth of awful humour or punnery I will not plumb. Forgive me.



For the rest of us, we might want to have bloody as possible.  Now that's manly food.

I have questions:

If we get the steak and rub it on the soy protein does that make us bisexual? Does having two school bags make me bisatchel? Or if a reigning monarch has two advisors does that make them bisenechal?

Enquiring minds want to know.



Posts: 1902
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 15 2006,04:41   

Quote (guthrie @ Dec. 13 2006,13:14)
As for the relationship to homosexuality, the most likely explanation is hormonal changes in the mothers womb affecting brain development, such that certain bits of the fetuses brain are altered.  Leading to attraction to the same sex.

Most likely explanation? Dude, you're going out on a limb there.
Read this.

or this: here.

I'll go out on a limb here and say that the most likely explanation is lack of an internal yuck factor combined with willing participants.

Yikes, even the freakin righties get that.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Richard Simons

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 18 2006,00:22   

Various legumes do contain phytoestrogens. These are chemically different from estrogen but can mimic the effects of it so that subterranean clover, for example, can cause abortion in sheep. The idea that a legume could cause a change in reproductive behaviour is not completely bonkers, but I agree it is unlikely given that the causes of homosexuality are only hazily known and soybeans have been eaten for centuries by a culture noted for its interest in the medicinal properties of plants, without the effect having been seen.

All sweeping statements are wrong.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 19 2006,08:29   

Quote (Louis @ Dec. 14 2006,12:02)

For the rest of us, we might want to have bloody as possible.  Now that's manly food.

I have questions:

If we get the steak and rub it on the soy protein does that make us bisexual?

I think the steak is there to counteract the gayness.  Bisexuals are clearly sexual deviants that choose to be different simply because they want to rebel.

Does having two school bags make me bisatchel?

Hmmm, that's a tough one.  I think it depends on how you wear them and if they are color co-ordinated to your outfit or not.

Or if a reigning monarch has two advisors does that make them bisenechal?

No, I think it makes him an anti-semite. :p

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