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  Topic: Will a "Gay Gene" Refute Evolution?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,15:41   

There is new talk of a "gay gene" being profferred by "scientists."

My question is this;

Would this not represent a refutation of evolution?  Or more modestly, would this not at the minimum represent a bad mutation naturally selected?  What in evolution would justify a selection of a "gay gene?"


Posts: 234
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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,15:51   

Gay people have kids all the time.  What's the logic behind the "refutation"?

Organisms with "bad mutations" can still pass their genes on.   Evolution doesn't require that only "good mutations" get passed on.

Go return the straw from where you stole it from.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,16:11   

new talk

uh, you're a bit behind the times there, eight ball.

and no, it has nothing to do with evolutionary theory, unless you want to explore the exception proves the rule angle.

wait, why am i bothering to respond to an idiot?

forget i said anything.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,16:31   

I just thought of something. If a gay gene were to 'refute evolution', by default wouldn't that mean the gay gene was designed? And since God, WHOOPS I mean the Intelligent Designer supposedly hates gays so much, why would he design a gay gene?

It's quite a conundrum. Right up there with the Jesus-microwaving-a-burrito paradox.

(Hmm. Maybe the Intelligent Designer designed a gay gene for the same reason he put dinosaur bones on earth, to test people to see if they stayed faithful and to punish them brutally if they didn't?)

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,16:40   


wait, why am i bothering to respond to an idiot?
Lol. Yeah, I think most people are still in middle school when they realize that if they disagree with all the experts, it's probably not the experts who are wrong.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,16:51   


So natural selection is really a meaningless term?  And a genetic basis for "gayness" does nothing to inhibit one from being heterosexual?  

So homosexuality may have a genetic component but it plays no part in sexual orientation?

What would a "gay gene" entail?

This is the best example of drawing a conclusion and then finding the right evidence.

Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,17:23   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 04 2006,21:51)

So natural selection is really a meaningless term?  And a genetic basis for "gayness" does nothing to inhibit one from being heterosexual?  

So homosexuality may have a genetic component but it plays no part in sexual orientation?

What would a "gay gene" entail?

This is the best example of drawing a conclusion and then finding the right evidence.

Thordaddy, you are priceless.
So natural selection is really a meaningless term?  
Who said that? under those bloody great wads of straw there is a simple fact that you have allready been told.  Natural selection is pressure.  It's not absolute.  Simply put, Half-wits still exist.  There is pressure being put against Half wits, but clearly they exist.
And a genetic basis for "gayness" does nothing to inhibit one from being heterosexual?  

Uh according to the Ex gay ministries... (heh)

This is the best example of drawing a conclusion and then finding the right evidence.

Sorry, It fits in neatly with natural selection.  It's a poke in the eye for religion and it's half-wit pseudoscience child ID.
Just because you dont like it doesn't mean it's not true.

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.

Jay Ray

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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,17:34   

My half-assed hypothesis is that homosexuality increases in proportion to the level of pressure a population places upon its supporting environment.  Not so much a gay gene as, "how many offspring do we really need gene."

Since we're all in the mood for armchair science, I'd ask TD if a "god gene" will refute theology.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,17:48   

First of all, I think this whole gay gene idea is a load of crock.  Care to cite any studies to back your claim up?

But, barring that, I'm able to think abstractly and pretend that a gay gene exists.  Then ponder it's implications on our theories of science.

So natural selection is really a meaningless term?
Care to flush out your logic?  You jumped straight from "gay gene" to "natural selection is meaningless".  How do you get from A to B?

And a genetic basis for "gayness" does nothing to inhibit one from being heterosexual?
Certainly, but that doesn't stop gay people from pretending to be heterosexual.  Thousands of fathers come out of the closet every year, much to the devastation of their wives.  Did you see Brokeback Mountain?  Gay people that are "scared into the closet" will often times have families to seem normal.

So homosexuality may have a genetic component but it plays no part in sexual orientation?
There's a chance of this, yes.  Perhaps the gene is recessive (like red hair) and only shows up when the kid happens to recieve two recessive gay genes.  This is standard practice for genes and straight out of 7th grade biology texts.

What would a "gay gene" entail?
Exactly!  What would a "gay gene" entail?  Where did you hear about them?

This is the best example of drawing a conclusion and then finding the right evidence.
What?!  Who drew what conclusion?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,18:13   

Hmmm....ok...couple of points

The Greeks were gay,really gay,crazy gay,they loved the.....
You get the point...

They had kids and a healthy society, but how?
Well the gay guys still had wives.
Seem strange?  Not really
They understood that sex created children, and since most humans want children, they had heterosexual sex.

Now, if there was a Designer, then he must have designed homosexuals.  Now, he probably used the "gay gene" to design them.  In other words...God is a gay gene designer.

Either does, at first, reek of stupid...
Either Evolution let something slip in that doesnt benefit reproduction
Or a Designer designed organisms that have a difficult time reproducing.

I guess the only logic could be that the Designer preferred homosexuals...good luck selling that to the ID supporters...
But then again, from all the examples the designer sucks...

Everything aside though, there are obviously Evolutionary pathways as well as Designer pathways that could explain the presence of a "gay gene".  So its really a mute point


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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,18:23   

It seems to me, Thor, that a gay gene, or for that matter a congenital development origin of gayness refutes the idea that gayness is a sin, rather than refuting evolution.

It does seem difficult for a gay gene to coincide with natural selection, but it does not seem difficult for congenital devlopmental causes to fit with evolution.

However, it has been pointed out that a small number of gay people in a group can enhance survival. People think it's all about having as many kids as you possibly can, but it isn't. It's about quality of life and raising the kids to adulthood. Hunter-gatherers and for that matter chimps, produce offspring about every 3-5 years. More than that is too much. If you look at a highly social animal  like wolves, you see that only one pair regularly produces offspring (the alpha male and female) while other relatives such as uncles and aunts help to care for and raise the pups.

More labor, hunters, and childcare is what a group of humans needs, not just everyone to pump out as many kids as they possibly can.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,20:29   

avocationist opines,

It seems to me, Thor, that a gay gene, or for that matter a congenital development origin of gayness refutes the idea that gayness is a sin, rather than refuting evolution.

I will agree with you in part.  What I see is that science is succumbing to political pressure to find a "gay gene."  The whole point is TO USE SCIENCE to refute gayness as a sin and USE SCIENCE to legitimate the behavior.  It's an example of providing the conclusion (gayness is genetic/inborn/immalleable) and finding the evidence to fit this conclusion ("gay gene").  

But what would it REALLY MEAN to find a "gay gene?"  We must find a unique "modification" in self-avowed and/or practicing homosexuals.  But then the question becomes... is this really a "gay gene" or a bad mutation?  I don't think there is evidence to suggest that homosexuality is necessary for survival... evolution's only purpose.

It does seem difficult for a gay gene to coincide with natural selection, but it does not seem difficult for congenital devlopmental causes to fit with evolution.

Again, it seems that you identify with the problems of a "gay gene" and so you simply propose the next best thing, namely, homosexuality as a congenital development.  Again, we can only conclude that homosexuality must be a congenital birth defect because it REJECTS evolution's only purpose.  What would such an admission do to undercut the argument for abortion if "homosexual" fetuses were first on the list?

However, it has been pointed out that a small number of gay people in a group can enhance survival. People think it's all about having as many kids as you possibly can, but it isn't. It's about quality of life and raising the kids to adulthood. Hunter-gatherers and for that matter chimps, produce offspring about every 3-5 years. More than that is too much. If you look at a highly social animal  like wolves, you see that only one pair regularly produces offspring (the alpha male and female) while other relatives such as uncles and aunts help to care for and raise the pups.

I think this is weak rationlization.  You seem to be saying that evolution devised a congenital birth defect that causes men to be sexaully-attracted to other men men (same for women) and NOT reproduce SO AS TO regulate life's propensity to reproduce and overpopulate themselves into extinction?  This is the nature of homosexuality?  

More labor, hunters, and childcare is what a group of humans needs, not just everyone to pump out as many kids as they possibly can.

And yet they don't, but they need not be homosexual either.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 04 2006,20:44   

PuckSR opines,

Hmmm....ok...couple of points

The Greeks were gay,really gay,crazy gay,they loved the.....
You get the point...
They had kids and a healthy society, but how?
Well the gay guys still had wives.
Seem strange?  Not really
They understood that sex created children, and since most humans want children, they had heterosexual sex.

Now, if there was a Designer, then he must have designed homosexuals.  Now, he probably used the "gay gene" to design them.  In other words...God is a gay gene designer.

This is fallacious reasoning.  If one believes gayness is a chosen behavior then the "gay gene" need not exist and God need not design homosexuals.  These are merely ad hoc hypotheses.  There is no scientific evidence for either a "gay gene" or a Designer.

Either does, at first, reek of stupid...
Either Evolution let something slip in that doesnt benefit reproduction
Or a Designer designed organisms that have a difficult time reproducing.

I guess the only logic could be that the Designer preferred homosexuals...good luck selling that to the ID supporters...
But then again, from all the examples the designer sucks...

Again, if homosexuality is a behavior then neither science nor ID are in trouble.  But you seem to preoccupied to see how science is being USED by certain ideologues.

Everything aside though, there are obviously Evolutionary pathways as well as Designer pathways that could explain the presence of a "gay gene".  So its really a mute point

Please provide these "pathways."

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,01:39   

I would have thought it would be worse if there is a gay gene. At the moment it is assumed to be purely psychological. Therefore people say it is a choice, and try to cure it through psychological means. If it is genetic, then they will say it is a disease, and no doubt the templeton foundation will fund research into a cure.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,01:44   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 05 2006,01:44)
 There is no scientific evidence for either a "gay gene" or a Designer.

Wait a minute, I thought you were on the side of ID?  
Which as we all know, says there is scientific evidence for a designer.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,01:50   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 05 2006,01:29)
However, it has been pointed out that a small number of gay people in a group can enhance survival. People think it's all about having as many kids as you possibly can, but it isn't. It's about quality of life and raising the kids to adulthood. Hunter-gatherers and for that matter chimps, produce offspring about every 3-5 years. More than that is too much. If you look at a highly social animal  like wolves, you see that only one pair regularly produces offspring (the alpha male and female) while other relatives such as uncles and aunts help to care for and raise the pups.

I think this is weak rationlization.  You seem to be saying that evolution devised a congenital birth defect that causes men to be sexaully-attracted to other men men (same for women) and NOT reproduce SO AS TO regulate life's propensity to reproduce and overpopulate themselves into extinction?  This is the nature of homosexuality?  

No, hes saying that it seems likely that the complex of genetic variations and environmental pressures that mean you end up with homosexuals, has survived in the gene pool because in family groups in which one or two members do not  necessarily have their own children, but spend time helping rear the children of their relatives, more of the children survive to adulthood and breed.  

Furthermore, what can you tell us about why men are attracted to women, and women to men?  Is it their brain structure?  Hormones?  The voice of Cupid in their ear?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,02:05   

Please provide these "pathways."

Purely hypothetically, assume that the "gay gene" is X-linked.  A man in a hunter-gatherer society with a "pink X" chromosome has a sister with one pink X and one non-pink X.  Humans live(d) in family groups with a fair degree of cooperation.  The gay man has no offspring, but his sister has children, some of which carry the pink X.  If the efforts of the gay hunter improve the likelihood of his nephews' and nieces' survival relative to those children without a childless uncle to help care for them, then this means that there is postive selection for the pink X trait.

Not that I believe there is such a thing as a "pink X" gene.  If there is a genetic basis for homosexuality, it will be a more complex multi-gene trait or the byproduct of the actions of other genes regulating hormones, sexual behaviour, etc.  I think that many if not most gays are actually bisexual in varying degrees (though I'm open to correction), rather than simply 100% gay, which suggests that homosexuality is not controlled by a single gene.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,04:18   

To actually insert just a little science into the debate ( :D )

If homosexuality is an inherited trait, why do genes for it survive? Because these genes may make women more likely to reproduce.

Andrea Camperio-Ciani's team at the University of Padua, Italy, asked 98 gay and 100 straight men to fill in questionnaires about their families. They found mothers and aunts had more children if related to a gay rather than a straight man. Mothers of gay men averaged 2.7 babies, compared with 2.3 born to mothers of straight men. Aunts on the mother's side had 2 babies compared with 1.5 for maternal aunts of straight men (Proceedings of the Royal Society B, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2004).

The team suggests that gene variations on the X chromosome make women more likely to have more children, and men more likely to be gay. "We think of a gene for male homosexuality, but it might really be a gene for sexual attraction to men," says Simon LeVay, a neuroscientist at Stanford University and a writer on sexuality.

But the "maternal effect" could at most account for only 14 per cent of the prevalence of male homosexuality, the Italian team cautions. "Our findings, if confirmed, are only one piece in a much larger puzzle on the nature of human sexuality." :D

If I fly the coop some time
And take nothing but a grip
With the few good books that really count
It's a necessary trip

I'll be gone with the girl in the gold silk jacket
The girl with the pearl-driller's hands


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,04:27   

And even a book review:

Jim McKnight's Straight Science? asks why, if there is a homosexual gene, should the human genome maintain a population predisposed to non-reproductive sex? McKnight argues that straight men carrying just one gay gene have a reproductive advantage. That's to say they make better fathers and their children are more likely to survive. McKnight has political nous, but—let's face it—he'll still get a kicking. Published by Routledge, £14.99, ISBN 0415157330.

If I fly the coop some time
And take nothing but a grip
With the few good books that really count
It's a necessary trip

I'll be gone with the girl in the gold silk jacket
The girl with the pearl-driller's hands


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,04:48   

I'll try and dig out stuff on the effects of exposure to hormones in the womb out as well.  IIRC, the idea is that a fetus is exposed to different hormones in the womb, and exposure to the "wrong" amount of some of them at the "wrong" time will lead to the parts of the brain concerned with sexual attraction being altered to a different way.  I.E. if your a homosexual man, the part of your brain related to what you find sexually attractive has been feminised in the womb.  

Its a neat idea, and sidesteps a lot of the messy genetic wragling, by putting the causes back to the mother genetics and environmental circumstances.  Which is what people often overlook, the way these things are presented in the media or by some researchers amounts to genetic determinism, whereas in most cases the genese merely decide which football pitch you are playing on, rather than which side wins.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,05:07   

I realize it's a total waste of time to argue with certain people, but here goes anyway...

I will agree with you in part.  What I see is that science is succumbing to political pressure to find a "gay gene."  

'Political pressure'? From the mighty liberal gay lobby in Washington DC? Who on earth would THEY be?

The whole point is TO USE SCIENCE to refute gayness as a sin

'Sin' is a subjective religious construct, TD. Science cannot prove or disprove it. And no, science and religion are not the same thing.

and USE SCIENCE to legitimate the behavior.  

'Legitimate' is not a verb, TD.

But what would it REALLY MEAN to find a "gay gene?"  We must find a unique "modification" in self-avowed and/or practicing homosexuals.  But then the question becomes... is this really a "gay gene" or a bad mutation?  I don't think there is evidence to suggest that homosexuality is necessary for survival... evolution's only purpose.

"Evolution must conform to my massively oversimplified characterization of it, or it is not valid".

Where have I seen that before?

Incidentally, you seem to have edited it out, but in a previous message you went on about how disease-prone and domestic violence-prone homosexuals were, and why this was evidence we should teach children in schools that gays are bad. Two questions: (a) I think your 'higher rates of domestic violence' claim is horseshlt. Got actual proof of it, from someone other than James Dobson? And (b) should kids be taught the fact that LESBIANS are less prone to sexually transmitted diseases than heterosexuals? If not, why not?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,05:28   

Quote (MidnightVoice @ April 05 2006,09:18)
To actually insert just a little science into the debate ( :D )


Not read the article yet. Probably will later. Quick question before I do.

Is the fact that most people are heterosexual and therefore the more babies that a mother has, the probability of having a homosexual child increases considered?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,05:44   


I will agree with you in part.  What I see is that science is succumbing to political pressure to find a "gay gene."  The whole point is TO USE SCIENCE to refute gayness as a sin and USE SCIENCE to legitimate the behavior.  It's an example of providing the conclusion (gayness is genetic/inborn/immalleable) and finding the evidence to fit this conclusion ("gay gene").
There could indeed be such pressure. In that case, tho, it won't stand th test of time. But there is more than a gene. What about studies that show birth order has a role? There are also some studies showing a different brain organization, and this is what I consider the most promising. In fact, I am all but sure that this is going to turn out to be the case. The brain of the embryo gets a little different development and this changes the sexual and emotional behavior. There really is a tremendous amount of evidence that sexual behavior is brain-dependent and hormone-dependent. But again, people are complex and there could be more than one type of gayness and more than one cause. There are even more than one kind of left-handedness.

The people who are convinced homosexuality is a sin are unable to look dispassionately at the evidence. The only acceptable evidence is that it is a 'behavior." It actually rather surprises me how men can think that other men are so easily swayed away from being excited by the female body. Could you? When people say that it makes me wonder if the person making the accusation is really fully heterosexual. I don't intend this as an insult but I think you can see the logic. In a normal male, the attraction to the female is strong. If one doubts that another person has a strong hold on their heterosexuality, it might mean that it is weak in their own self.

The thing is, Thor, that research into development and behavior is showing (and feminists of a certain stripe aren't liking it I think) that male and female behaviors and inner feelings are pretty much hard wired from birth. Yet there is a tremendous overlap because actual brain development has a wide continuum of structure.


Again, it seems that you identify with the problems of a "gay gene" and so you simply propose the next best thing, namely, homosexuality as a congenital development.  Again, we can only conclude that homosexuality must be a congenital birth defect because it REJECTS evolution's only purpose.
I don't assume it is a congenital defect for any other reason than that it makes so much sense in the real world, where I live among gay people and read books about the unbelievably tiny amounts of hormone during embryonic development that it takes to influence an animal's behavior for life, and where I look at men and women and see that homosexuals, especially the more "end of spectrum" effeminate gay men and masculine gay women appear in myriad ways to not have the brains typical of their gender.

Are you aware that the male infant makes his own male brain with his testosterone? That things can interfere with his testosterone?

I am not considering this question from an abortion angle, just a truth angle.

You seem to be saying that evolution devised a congenital birth defect that causes men to be sexaully-attracted to other men men (same for women) and NOT reproduce SO AS TO regulate life's propensity to reproduce and overpopulate themselves into extinction?  This is the nature of homosexuality?  
It may or may not be part of nature's natural variation, but it might also be a mistake. Many mistakes get made during embryonic development. Lack of perfect nutrition means a child will not live up to his genetic potential. But producing variety does help in tight situations, because just a few individuals might have what it takes to survive the situation. And humans are the least instinctive and the most capable of varied behavior. Not every individual should have the goal of reproducing as fast and as early as possible. A society is stronger if there are some people with other skills and interests. We are not sea turtles whose main strategy is chucking out as many eggs as possible.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,05:57   

If there is a genetic basis for homosexuality, it will be a more complex multi-gene trait or the byproduct of the actions of other genes regulating hormones, sexual behaviour, etc.  I think that many if not most gays are actually bisexual in varying degrees (though I'm open to correction), rather than simply 100% gay, which suggests that homosexuality is not controlled by a single gene.

All this is better explained through the congenital development theory. It gives you the complex spectrum of behaviors that we actually see in real life. And any gay genes could easily fit in with it, too.

It also explains why many homosexuals have some heterosexual attraction, altho some don't seem to at all.

I came up with the idea that much homosexuality is developmental before I knew what I had read things that confirmed it, because of close observation of some gay friends I had years ago. At that time, the psychological explanations, the cold father, the overprotective mother were all the rage, and I saw that it isn't true.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,06:18   

A friend of mine, who is homosexual, has a twin brother (is that English?) who is not.
And this is easily noticeable from their manners.

My two cents.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,06:26   

A friend of mine, who is homosexual, has a twin brother (is that English?)

Yes, that's perfectly grammatical, not to worry.

who is not.
And this is easily noticeable from their manners.

My two cents.

You're talking about an identical twin, I assume?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,06:59   

whereas what I wrote was not English.

Apparently there are mirror image twins. My sister's husband is an identical twin but one is left-handed and one right.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,07:04   

Will a "Gay Gene" Refute Evolution?

Well, he hasn't refuted it yet, so I'm inclined to answer "no."  And, as a side note, I didn't even know Mike Gene was gay until I read it here.

EDIT: Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,07:12   

Quote (improvius @ April 05 2006,12:04)
Will a "Gay Gene" Refute Evolution?

Well, he hasn't refuted it yet, so I'm inclined to answer "no."  And, as a side note, I didn't even know Mike Gene was gay until I read it here.

EDIT: Not that there's anything wrong with that.

No, I think TD is referring to Big Gay Gene from South Park.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,07:16   

I thought that was Big Gay Al.  Or was Gene the name of Stan's gay dog?

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,07:19   

Quote (GCT @ April 05 2006,12:16)
I thought that was Big Gay Al.  Or was Gene the name of Stan's gay dog?

Yes, it is Big Gay Al. I was making a dumb joke. Yeesh, way to wreck it...   :p

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,07:54   

There is new talk of a "gay gene" being profferred by "scientists."
Is there? Where?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

J. G. Cox

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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,08:32   

All traits have both genetic and environmental components; this includes behavioral traits. Sometimes, one or the other seems much more important than the other. For instance, how many heads you have is almost entirely controlled by genes, though certain environmental factors (e.g., not too little food meaning you have none and are dead, or environmental toxins which interfere with development giving you 2) could still exert some influence. Almost all traits are also influenced by more than one gene locus. That is why it is usually incorrent to speak of 'a gene' for something. What is usually meant is that a particular allele of a given gene affects the probability that a given organism will have one value of a trait versus another. Usually, there are multiple genes for which different alleles may affect the same trait.

 So, would the existence of certain alleles that increase the likelihood that their carriers are homosexual disprove evolution? First, there is the point that pretty much no one datum or result could disprove evolutionary theory at this point, but that is a topic for another thread. The basic objection would seem to be that such alleles should reduce fitness, and therefore be selected against. This is an interesting question, in fact, as that is part of why some researchers are investigating it. (Notice that they are doing actual research into an interesting evolutionary conundrum, not simply making assertions about its potential implications). Researchers search for alleles influencing homosexuality because it is extremely unlikely that this trait is entirely a consequence of environment.

 Let's assume that alleles for homosexuality do in fact reduce fitness. In an evolutionary framework, that would make such alleles a sort of genetic disease. Notice that classifying such alleles as deleterious and 'disease-causing' requires accepting an evolutionary framework. However, our definitions of disease do not correspond to what natural selection might select against. For example, brain tissue is extremely metabolically expensive; in food-limited situations, having too much brain matter could easily lead to reduced fitness, or even early death. In that case, would we declare intelligence to be a disease? Another example; I don't want to have children, which greatly reduces my fitness; am I diseased? Thus, sociological attacks against homosexuality based on it being a 'disease' i.) require acceptance of evolution, and ii.) are guilty of the same logical fallacy as social Darwinism

  Let's still assume that alleles which promote homosexuality impose a fitness cost. Why might such alleles persist? Evolutionary theory gives some indication of where to look. One mechanism which might maintain such alleles is persistent mutation of wild-type alleles into mutant type, in this case one promoting homosexuality. In instances where the mutational pathway from wild-type to a particular mutant allele is short and/or probable (e.g., a single point mutation), then selection and mutation can maintain the deleterious mutants at non-trivial frequencies in a population. Another reason why such alleles might persist is simply that natural selection hasn't eliminated them yet. Remember, natural selection is simply an adjustment of the probability distribution governing the fates of different alleles; it is not wholly deterministic. Natural selection is also a continuing process, and just because a given alleles hasn't yet achieved fixation or has not been wholly eliminated does not mean that natural selection is not acting on it.

  However, we cannot simply assume that alleles which promote homosexuality do in fact reduce fitness. This is where some of the research that others have pointed to in this thread comes in. Again, evolutionary theory tells us where we should be looking for answers. One possibility is that such alleles might increase inclusive fitness; this is also known as kin selection. Thus, having alleles which promote homosexuality might decrease one's own reproductive output, but might increase that of one's relatives. For instance, a homosexual male might contribute more to raising the offpsring of his sisters and mother than a heterosexual male, or might be less likely to be run off or killed by the dominant male in his social group (thus thus better able to help his relative reproduce). Unfortunately, this is very hard to test because i.) we cannot directly observe the ecological and social conditions under which our ancestors evolved and ii.) doing the appropriate experiments with humans would be considered highly unethical.

 Another important point is to remember that natural selection acts on the average fitness derived from having a certain trait or allele. If having alleles which promote homosexuality on average improves fitness, then we would expect to see them in a population, at least at some frequency. This ties in to research which showed the increased reproduction of female relatives of gay men. If the increase in fitness for the females is equal to or greater than the decrease in fitness for the males carrying the alleles, then such alleles would spread in the population.

  In summary, the presence of alleles which promote homosexuality would not constitue a 'problem for evolution' for two reasons. First, modern evolutionary theory predicts the presence of some deleterious alleles within a population. Second, we have no idea if such alleles are actually deleterious.

J. G. Cox

Posts: 38
Joined: Dec. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,08:40   

I should also emphasize that evolutionary theory gives many potential research directions for the question at hand. Does kin selection play a role? Is homosexuality in fact deleterious? Is frequency-dependent selection occurring? Should sex ratio affect allele frequency? Could different social structures influence selection for and against such alleles? Etc.

 Intelligent design 'theory,' however,' proposes nothing. Either this 'aspect of the universe' was designed or not. If not, then we turn to evolution for explanations. If so, then we can't do any more research because we aren't allowed to know anything about the Designer. Science stops where ID begins.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,09:09   

J. G. Cox wrote:
I should also emphasize that evolutionary theory gives many potential research directions for the question at hand.

Except for the most important one: would evolutionary theory predict a "gay gene"? Or any other gene for that matter? Why must Darwinism wait for verification of an entity's existence before lauching its research program? Shouldn't evolutionary psychology or the ever-so-mathematically-cogent field of population genetics provide a predictive model for what changes are possible? But no, after real scientists make the discoveries, evos rush in, chisels in hand, and announce a new field to "tackle". It's easy to give answers when nothing's at stake.......but you get what you pay for.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,09:13   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 05 2006,14:09)
J. G. Cox wrote:
I should also emphasize that evolutionary theory gives many potential research directions for the question at hand.

Except for the most important one: would evolutionary theory predict a "gay gene"? Or any other gene for that matter? Why must Darwinism wait for verification of an entity's existence before lauching its research program? Shouldn't evolutionary psychology or the ever-so-mathematically-cogent field of population genetics provide a predictive model for what changes are possible? But no, after real scientists make the discoveries, evos rush in, chisels in hand, and announce a new field to "tackle". It's easy to give answers when nothing's at stake.......but you get what you pay for.

Well, I see G.O. Paley is back, but since his mood is no better than before, his 'vacation' must not have been very restful...

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,09:20   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ April 05 2006,11:26)
A friend of mine, who is homosexual, has a twin brother (is that English?)

Yes, that's perfectly grammatical, not to worry.

who is not.
And this is easily noticeable from their manners.

My two cents.

You're talking about an identical twin, I assume?

Yes I am.

J. G. Cox

Posts: 38
Joined: Dec. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,09:45   

Except for the most important one: would evolutionary theory predict a "gay gene"?

 No, it would not, because (as far as we know) mutations are random. Thus, just because some trait might affect fitness does not affect that probability that that trait will arise; it simply means that if it does, then the probable fate of that trait will be determined by its fitness influence.

 If you can come up with a way to predict mutations (not just differential probabilities of transitions versus transversions), then you have just scored yourself a Nobel. In any case, that would be incorporated right into evolutionary theory because evolution, like all scientific theories, is amenable to adjustment as new information is obtained.

 ID, however, seems amenable to adjustment only as the political and legal climate changes.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,12:45   

No, it would not, because (as far as we know) mutations are random. Thus, just because some trait might affect fitness does not affect that probability that that trait will arise; it simply means that if it does, then the probable fate of that trait will be determined by its fitness influence.

Well, I'm talking about the likelihood of natural selection preserving a particular mutation, not the odds of the mutation arising in the first place. So why can't evolution derive a probability distribution of this "fitness influence"?
If you can come up with a way to predict mutations (not just differential probabilities of transitions versus transversions), then you have just scored yourself a Nobel. In any case, that would be incorporated right into evolutionary theory because evolution, like all scientific theories, is amenable to adjustment as new information is obtained.

Geneticists should worry about the mutation part; it's the evos responsibility to describe the other half of the RM & NS expression. Their inability to do so is one reason why evolution gets scant attention in medical textbooks. Retrodiction only goes so far, especially when people's health is on the line.
ID, however, seems amenable to adjustment only as the political and legal climate changes.

We were the ones who saw the value in "junk" DNA, and the danger in assuming that retroviruses randomly insert themselves in the genome. But then cleaning up after Darwin is a full time job.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,13:53   

So why can't evolution derive a probability distribution of this "fitness influence"?

Actually, you stumbled on a very interesting current area of reseach.  short answer: they have done this, in the lab.

Wes posted some articles relating to this a month or so ago.

scroll back and check them out, or ask Wes.

as to what can be done in the field; selective pressures are extremely variable in most instances, and #### near impossible to account for every current and potential pressure on a specific trait, let alone traits that might be linked, without some serious controls in place.

It makes it very difficult to calculate exact probabilites like you want, but there are folks out there trying to do that very thing.

why don't you spend some time at your local university library and check it out.

oh wait, that's right.  Based on your past posts about the inadequacies of cladistics, I'd say your reading comprehension is not sufficient to the task.

oh well, you could always try anyway.  ####, you might learn something.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,14:31   

It makes it very difficult to calculate exact probabilites like you want, but there are folks out there trying to do that very thing.

why don't you spend some time at your local university library and check it out.

And what predictions have they made? Take your time - it's an important question.
oh wait, that's right.  Based on your past posts about the inadequacies of cladistics, I'd say your reading comprehension is not sufficient to the task.

oh well, you could always try anyway.  ####, you might learn something.

Even Mr. Brazeau conceded that several of his earlier criticisms of Arnason et al. were refuted in the literature, although this didn't prevent him from launching several more. And the fact that Arnason's work suffers from flaws does not erase the more egregious problems in the research Brazeau cited, which supports my earlier complaint of phylogenetic unreliability. But being such an expert thinker on all things fishy, I'm sure you were already aware of that. ;)

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,14:59   

Even Mr. Brazeau conceded that several of his earlier criticisms of Arnason et al. were refuted in the literature,

but not any of the ones raised by you, nor were any of the objections raised by you logical or relevant.

face it, everyone here agrees you were completely shredded there, except you of course.

that says a lot about your ability to reason.

And what predictions have they made? Take your time - it's an important question.

As usual, I'm not gonna do your work for you.  You're simply not worth more than a sidenote to any lurkers that the issue is worth investigating.

why don't you spend some time at your local university library and check it out.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,15:40   

but not any of the ones raised by you, nor were any of the objections raised by you logical or relevant.

Um, who was the one who cited, summarised, and highlighted the points in the offending study? As for your second point, the very length of the thread says something about the scientific relevance of my objections. At least it's a better indicator than "Dood, you were really shredded. 9 out of 10 hyenas agree!"  :D
As usual, I'm not gonna do your work for you.  You're simply not worth more than a sidenote to any lurkers that the issue is worth investigating.

Paley's translation for the lurkers: "I don't have a clue, dood." So does evolution predict a gay gene or not? Supporting reasoning/evidence would be nice.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,18:17   

Or, does evolution predict a collection of genes that will defy evolution?  Isn't this the nature of homosexuality?


Posts: 173
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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,19:03   

No, it would not, because (as far as we know) mutations are random. Thus, just because some trait might affect fitness does not affect that probability that that trait will arise;
If you can come up with a way to predict mutations (not just differential probabilities of transitions versus transversions), then you have just scored yourself a Nobel.

And yet, it must have some logical pattern. Else, how to account for the amazing similarity between marsupial and placental animals.


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,19:37   

It seems to me that when we look at homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion, suicide and euthanasia, we see phenomenon that purposely defy evolution.  If each of these phenomenon were genetically-related then a "self-destruct" gene would seemed to have evolved at evolution's own design.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,20:04   


The weasel program was meant to demonstrate cumulative selection not evolution.
Yes, but without deciding the end result at the beginning, blind forces might never get there.

The whole question of search space is an interesting one, because we may not really know the factors that would help to narrow down the search. When certain evolution detractors have put forth what would appear to be the search space, the possibility of a solution to this or that problem is often quite out of reach, no matter how many e coli you have working for you. Problem is, organizing factors or emergent properties all seem to change the nature of our universe. They all seem to require some fundamental intelligence.

Why do you read several evolutionary papers per week?

This may be an irreconcilable philosophical difference, sufficed to say any of the laws I described would not be any more proof of this consiouness to me than if they did not exist. Having said that I am perfectly willing to accept the existence of a god, but I would still need scientific evidence of his involvement in evolution.
Are you familiar with cosmic fine tuning? It's not just a few laws here and there. They say, for example, that the amount of matter in the universe is within one billionth of what it needs to be in order to have a stable universe. That is, the parameters are that narrow. Nature's Destiny by Denton does a good job of explaining a wide array of them.

Having said that I am perfectly willing to accept the existence of a god, but I would still need scientific evidence of his involvement in evolution.
There is no way for God to be omnipotent or omniscient unless God is actually everywhere, and in everything. I think of evolution as an inside job, not one of an external being. It seems to me the evidence is fairly strong that random processes didn't cause this universe, or its laws, or its existence in the first place. What do you think of the information based arguments for ID?

I had this problem over at UD, the best way to look at it is that random means that the organism does not know which mutations will increase fitness.
It's too bad you guys over there have different names and I am clueless what's going on. It may be that the organism turns on a mutation feature, and in a specific area of the genome, and then suddenly gets the mutation for digesting nylon. For me, that's just too good to be true but we must also account for the organism's ability to direct itself like that in the first place.

Presumably you mean that we need an evolutionary path for every single system for it to be scientifically acceptable to infer that it did evolve?
I don't think so. Behe complains that there are none in the literature that are really any good. If we had a couple of quite good and plausible routes for some very complex systems to evolve, then the pressure would be off. It wouldn't matter that we couldn't explain each one.
I would say that modern evolutionary theory certainly does not rule it out.

(homology flaw)  Why is that a flaw, have I missed something?

I'm referring to the problem that homologous organs often do not arise from the same genes, and that during development, they are often grown from different body segments or in a different order or from a different group of cells. Animal forelimbs develop from different body segments. Homology is difficult because many or most genes control widely divergent body parts. The eye color of drosphila is controlled by a gene th also controls female sex organs. Mouse coat color and mouse size are on the same gene. Chickens are subject to a detrimental mutation in a single gene that causes a wide array of malformations, some of which are unique to birds and others which are shared by other vertebrates.

No only do homologous structures in closely related species arise from different genes, but nonhomologous structures can arise from the same gene.
This may be true in some cases, but in many cases journals are so eager to publish innovative 'against the grain' work that big name journals can end up publishing bad papers.
I suspect that this greatly depends on just which grains are being rubbed.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 05 2006,22:14   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 05 2006,23:17)
Or, does evolution predict a collection of genes that will defy evolution?  Isn't this the nature of homosexuality?

*Fingers in ears*
"lalalllalaaaaa I cant hear you, speak louder, llaaaaaalllaalaa"

WE have already explained why your comment is utter bollocks.  Please try and understand.

Tim Hague

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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,01:17   

Quote (J. G. Cox @ April 05 2006,13:32)
In summary, the presence of alleles which promote homosexuality would not constitue a 'problem for evolution' for two reasons. First, modern evolutionary theory predicts the presence of some deleterious alleles within a population. Second, we have no idea if such alleles are actually deleterious.

Interesting analysis J. G.

There is one additional factor that might be worth having a look at - is the human race currently under selection pressure?  In certain parts of the world it is, however in increasingly large parts of the world I would argue that millions of humans are not under any particular pressure to survive at all.  

When a species is not under selection pressure, and with technology providing the vast majority of us the ability to survive, then deleterious traits would be able to spread (not being selected against).  If there are genetic influences on sexual preference, then they would not currently be affecting the survival of the species as a whole.  

There's also nothing to stop a homosexual man popping down to the sperm bank to make a donation, and - for a double whammy - a homosexual woman deciding to have a baby and popping down to the same sperm bank.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,04:28   

There is new talk of a "gay gene" being profferred by "scientists."

I repeat: Is there? Where?

I suggest this whole thread is just Thorthingy making stuff up again and chortling while a bunch of potentially productive people waste time on it.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,06:04   

Quote (Russell @ April 06 2006,09:28)
There is new talk of a "gay gene" being profferred by "scientists."

I repeat: Is there? Where?

I suggest this whole thread is just Thorthingy making stuff up again and chortling while a bunch of potentially productive people waste time on it.

I think that there has been.

Thordaddy's take is that science is trying to find a natural explanation for a gay gene for political purposes. Funnily enough he is on-side with the gays with this.

They also seem to worry that a gay gene is political.

Thordaddy is scared that a gay gene would make gays be considered normal. While gays are worried that a gay gene could be used as an excuse for people to hunt for (and then practice) "cures".

Myself: Who cares what consenting adults do (provided it harms nobody else)?

All sorts of stuff here.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,06:23   

Thanks for the references. I remember the controversy surrounding Dean Hamer's work, but notice the silent dog in the debate: evolutionary theory. Why didn't Hamer take historical biology into account before offering his hypothesis? Answer: nobody knows what evolution predicts.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,06:35   

It seems to me that when we look at homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion, suicide and euthanasia, we see phenomenon that purposely defy evolution.  If each of these phenomenon were genetically-related then a "self-destruct" gene would seemed to have evolved at evolution's own design.

I agree, but I'd like to see if evolution actually makes any predictions before I hammer it with any putative inconsistencies. All of this could be avoided if evolution could provide a rigorous way to test its stories instead of leaning on other disciplines for guidance. This is why Dembski and Behe had to construct a new vocabulary before critiquing Darwin.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 173
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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,06:39   

Oh, sh**. My last post here (to Chris) was meant for another thread. I always keep two windows open since the reply screen is so cumbersome and hard to use. I will cut and paste it over there.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,08:06   

(Stephen Elliott: ) I think that there has been (new talk of a "gay gene" being proffered by "scientists".

You provided a bunch of google hits, but what's the "new" talk? Anything from this millennium?

I understand, of course, that there are and have been ongoing discussions about "nature vs. nurture" on this, as on so many issues of human behavior. But my question, specifically, is what is the "new talk"? Have any new data been found? Any new research reported?

Or is it just Thorthingy perseverating on one of his compulsions?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,09:09   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 06 2006,11:35)
It seems to me that when we look at homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion, suicide and euthanasia, we see phenomenon that purposely defy evolution.  If each of these phenomenon were genetically-related then a "self-destruct" gene would seemed to have evolved at evolution's own design.

I agree, but I'd like to see if evolution actually makes any predictions before I hammer it with any putative inconsistencies. All of this could be avoided if evolution could provide a rigorous way to test its stories instead of leaning on other disciplines for guidance. This is why Dembski and Behe had to construct a new vocabulary before critiquing Darwin.

Well, I guess this disproves my observation that IDC types never talk to each other at science blogs...

PS: GOP, I think you can do better than Thordaddy. Believe me.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,09:10   

GOP's like Albert Einstein compared to thordaddy.

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,09:18   

Quote (Russell @ April 06 2006,13:06)
(Stephen Elliott: ) I think that there has been (new talk of a "gay gene" being proffered by "scientists".

You provided a bunch of google hits, but what's the "new" talk? Anything from this millennium?

I understand, of course, that there are and have been ongoing discussions about "nature vs. nurture" on this, as on so many issues of human behavior. But my question, specifically, is what is the "new talk"? Have any new data been found? Any new research reported?

Or is it just Thorthingy perseverating on one of his compulsions?

Maybe I did not make myself clear. I am not claiming there is scientific evidence that there is a gay gene. I am not claiming there isn't either.

I  was trying to show the stupidity of the argument.

TD. Seems to think scientists are trying to prove a gay gene for political purposes to suport homosexuality.

Homosexuals are worried scientists are trying to prove a gay gene for political purposes in order to "cure" homosexuality.

The google list was not suposed to suport either view. Just show that people are trying to use science to fulfil a world-view. I am not talking about scientists in general here BTW.

Personaly, I do not care what makes somebody homosexual. If pushed I would guess it is biological and reinforced by culture. But I do not know.

I am fairly sure that my being atracted by the oposite sex has little to do with culture, but is just the way I am. Again, I am not certain. But I am fairly sure. Look at peadophiles. Nothing in society encourages that.

Therefore I consider a peadophile not to be criminal but a mental defect.

I reckon we do not choose who/what we atracted by. It is a mental thing that people have none or little control over.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,10:01   

I am not claiming there is scientific evidence that there is a gay gene. I am not claiming there isn't either.
Yes, I understand what you're saying, and I'm pretty much of the same opinion.

What I don't understand is: what's new? When ThorGuy says
There is new talk of a "gay gene" being profferred by "scientists."
is he referring to the stuff you found from several years ago, or is there really anything "new" to bring to the discussion? And I want to know why the ThorGuy puts quotes around "scientists".

I suspect that trying to engage in this discussion without being clear on that is bound to be a waste of time.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Henry J

Posts: 5760
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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,10:27   

Re "Homosexuals are worried scientists are trying to prove a gay gene for political purposes in order to "cure" homosexuality."

But wouldn't proving it to be environmental also have a chance of being used that way?


J. G. Cox

Posts: 38
Joined: Dec. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,10:30   

There is one additional factor that might be worth having a look at - is the human race currently under selection pressure?

  Well, there is still strong selection against mutations that cause major (fatal) developmental defects.
  My advisor brought up a good point once. In wealthy nations with declining birth rates, there is probably selection for the desire to have children. In the past, all that you needed was a libido to produce children; for instance, I don't think that most animals have a desire to produce offspring, they just want sex and offspring result from that. Now that we can have sex without producing children, many people are choosing to do just that. However, many people want lots of children also. If there are any genetic correlates to these paternal/maternal desires, then those will spread in the populations of wealthy nations.

nobody knows what evolution predicts.

If you are claiming that evolutionary theory cannot be used to predict the fitness consequences of certain mutants (and thus their probable fates), then you are wrong. We do it all the time in Ecology. Heck, I'm building a game theoretic model right now which predicts the fitnesses of different trait values for antipredator behaviors and using it to explain certain phenomena in community ecology. It can be difficult to do because such models can be hard to parameterize, but it is still done. I don't know offhand of anyone intentionally trying to predict the fitness consequences of mutations that don't yet exist, but I can't see any point in doing so either. Why predict the outcome of a certain non-existent mutation when there is very little chance that that mutation will arise in your lifetime?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 06 2006,11:31   

What IDers must understand is that evolutionary biology doesn't make future predictions (except at a short timescale). First, they would be useless since they cannot be verified within a researcher's lifetime. Second, as J. G. said, there is far more than one evolutionary path for a given lineage. Third, we cannot predict future selective pressures (environments).

However evolutionary biology produces predictions on what we can observe or detect, like transitional fossiles, the origin of Homo in Africa (Darwin's prediction), phylogenetic trees, the trace of a chromosomal fusion in Homo...

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,07:38   

jeannot said:
What IDers must understand is that evolutionary biology doesn't make future predictions (except at a short timescale). First, they would be useless since they cannot be verified within a researcher's lifetime. Second, as J. G. said, there is far more than one evolutionary path for a given lineage. Third, we cannot predict future selective pressures (environments).

          Correct. Evolution makes retrodictions rather than predictions. But scientists need predictions in order to produce new technologies and carve out promising paths for future research. That's why evos must wait for discoveries in other fields before pursuing their own inquiries. Look how dependent modern evo "science" is on genome sequencing and developments in computer science; conversely, these disciplines have little use for evolution. Why? Because people would rather learn new things than explain old ones.
        Which brings me to another observation: the clever way in which everyone (including creationists) constucts cofferdams (in evos's case, caissons :D )  to protect his philosophy from encroaching dissonance. Let's use a neutral example: I'm a big fan a baseball and its statistics. While a player's contribution with the bat can be reliably tabulated, his glovework is tougher to measure. A statistician can record assists and putouts, but do these numbers reflect a player's skill or the quirks of the team's pitching staff? And what role does his homepark's dimensions play? The manager's mindset? This problem has bedeviled everyone in the game.
      Perhaps one can account for these factors by adding the total number of a fielder's plays, estimating the impact his team makes on these numbers (do the pitchers yield an unusually high number of ground balls? Is the outfield a bit undersized? Are the surrounding players unusually immobile, forcing the player to accept more chances?), and adjust accordingly. But one problem remains: a team is alloted a maximum of 27 outs. This constrains each player by "capping" his number of opportunities. An exceptional defensive player (Ozzie Smith or Andruw Jones in his prime) will reduce the number of hits while "hogging" more than his share of outs. Which means fewer opportunities for everyone else.
     This problem is known to just about every statistician in the game. Unfortunately, until the advent of play-by-play data, the stats guy was unable to measure the impact of this factor. So did they admit that the traditional stats were crucially flawed and wait for better metrics? If you answered "Yes", then obviously you haven't been on planet Earth for very long. Instead, they simply ignored the gaping hole in their model, or assumed that it wasn't very important. For example, Bill James wrote an essay a couple of decades ago defending the range metrics current at the time while deriding his critics as "amateur sabermetricians". Recently, however, he came out with Win Shares, a metric that avoids the age-old problem to a much greater extent. His shiny model competes with other metrics such as Ultimate Zone Rating and Defensive Regression Analysis, which account for the precise location of every batted ball over the entire season. While flawed, each method represents a tremendous improvement over traditional statistics, and blessed with these shiny toys, the math crowd regales us with the intractable problems faced by measures of old.
      Am I implying any dishonesty here? No, it's just people being people. Humans have a need to solve problems, to make a splash, to create, and they aren't going to let inadequate methods-let alone facts- get in the way. To work, however, this process must be unconscious. There must be no acknowledgement of the incompatability of past positions, because that might compromise today's glosses. Too few transitions in the fossil record? Well, kids, geology predicts that fossilization will be rare, so evolution predicts this state of affairs. And what with soil acidity, depositional bias, continental's no surprise, and only a rube would think that intermediates would be anything other than vanishingly rare....we can even calculate this....oh look at this new discovery! OOH- and lookie here! and here! See, just as we predicted - an intermediate - no, a whole slew of them! What was it you creos were saying about the poor fossil record? And we can measure the probability of fossil preservation with much more confidence - so there! Once again, the snake sheds his skin without a moment's thought - be he evo, creo, or somewhere in the middle. So what to do? I don't know either, but I do know this: when an expert says a problem doesn't count, it just might be that it can't be counted. Look around you, you'll see this phenomenon everywhere.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,08:39   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 07 2006,12:38)
To work, however, this process must be unconscious. There must be no acknowledgement of the incompatability of past positions, because that might compromise today's glosses.

What, praytell, is the past incompatibility that has gone unacknowledged in this case?

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,09:15   

What, praytell, is the past incompatibility that has gone unacknowledged in this case?

Originally, evos credited the stinginess of fossil-bearing strata to simple geochemical processes. Yet now that several "intermediates" have been discovered, not only are these processes ignored, there is not even an attempt to reconcile past explanations with current data. It's as if prior rationalizations have disappeared into the memory hole. Did later stratigraphic research overturn those facts? Were the facts merely wishful thinking? What is the explanation?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,09:21   

Ghost of Paley.

I assume that you do not believe evolution is true.

Why do you not state what you believe has happened? In just a few short statements if possible.

How about quick answers to:

How old is the Earth?
When did life first apear?
When did Humans apear?


Posts: 696
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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,09:21   

So, GoP would like to throw out modern science, statistics etc?  I suppose thats par for the course.  Why dont you go and pick on fluid dynamics?  Or physical chemistry?  Why the concentration on Evolutionary biology?

Heck, 20 years ago we didnt have the right equations and methods for showing how Bumble bees flew.  

GoP, if you want to argue about the geological column, I suggest you actually try and get some data on the table.  Otherwise your just handwaving.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,09:35   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 07 2006,14:15)
Originally, evos credited the stinginess of fossil-bearing strata to simple geochemical processes. Yet now that several "intermediates" have been discovered, not only are these processes ignored, there is not even an attempt to reconcile past explanations with current data. It's as if prior rationalizations have disappeared into the memory hole. Did later stratigraphic research overturn those facts? Were the facts merely wishful thinking? What is the explanation?

They looked for and ultimately found this fossil right where they thought it would be - in an area with lots of exposed Devonian rock.  I still have no idea what you think is not reconciled.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,09:49   

So, GoP would like to throw out modern science, statistics etc?

See, this is part of what I'm talking about. My purpose was not to bash statistics, least of all baseball statistics. I was discussing the way that people process disturbing information. Instead of saying, "Yeah, that's a crippling objection for now, hopefully we'll be able to address it with future research", they use two defense mechanisms:

1) The objection is not really important, at most it's a slight gap in our knowledge
2) A smooth rationalization pops up, which is assented to by all researchers in the field, and quietly dropped when a better explanation comes along. This process appears to be large instinctive, as no mention is ever made of the switch. Just like the speaker in 1984 (heh!;)) changing the enemy's identity in midsentence, except the crowd doesn't rip up the obsolete banners and placards. If anyone does object, they're labeled a crank, rube, and whatever other terms come to mind. This label has some merit, as it usually does take an outsider to probe beneath the surface.

 Personally, I appreciate the evolution of baseball stats, and support the new metrics. I just remember that we were supposed to be at war with Eurasia, that's all.
They looked for and ultimately found this fossil right where they thought it would be - in an area with lots of exposed Devonian rock.  I still have no idea what you think is not reconciled.

See? Unconscious.  :)

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,09:57   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 07 2006,14:49)

No.  I still have no idea what you think is unreconciled.  Please explain.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,10:15   

Okay. Let me try again.

   During the Gish Era, a common objection to evolution was the scarcity of intermediate fossils (yes, I know that it's still common, but much more hay was made back then). I was an evolutionist at that time (now I'm a geocentric creationist, to answer Mr. Elliot's question), so I would hunt for responses to the creo charges. The most popular one was, "The scarcity of transitional forms is perfectly understandable, given how unlikely the fossilization process is. It's surprising how many fossils we do have". Then they would demonstrate this by describing the process in detail, all the time underlining the unlikelihood of the whole thing. Now, however, no one remarks on how surprising all these discoveries are, given the unlikelihood of the intermediates being preserved. Now, those same creo objections that were glossed over before are being dusted off and recast as significant problems that have now been solved, proving the validity of evolution. Look at the Stephen Jay Gould essay celebrating the discovery of Rhodocetus in Dinosaur in a Haystack. Would the objections have been recognised if the discoveries had not been made? I say no.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 807
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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,10:30   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 07 2006,15:15)
Now, however, no one remarks on how surprising all these discoveries are, given the unlikelihood of the intermediates being preserved.

But I thought the find was being hailed as a rare and exciting event.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


Posts: 173
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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,10:44   


Regarding the ability to make predictions, I'd like to know if you knew what you know now, could you go back to the dawn of the age of mammals and predict the remarkable similarity of marsupial to placental mammals, the wolf, the mouse?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,11:11   

No, we couldn't, for the reasons I gave.

EDIT: I assume you didn't mean: "Since you know that some placental mammals and marsupials converged for several morphological traits, could you predict this if you go back before this convergence?" The answer is yes, in this case.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,11:30   

Ok, let's go back to that.

What IDers must understand is that evolutionary biology doesn't make future predictions (except at a short timescale). First, they would be useless since they cannot be verified within a researcher's lifetime. Second, as J. G. said, there is far more than one evolutionary path for a given lineage. Third, we cannot predict future selective pressures (environments).

First of all, we can eliminate #3, because you would be making your prediction upon conditions that were shaping up in Australia, i.e., the existence of suitable trees and mammals coming along to create niches for predators. I've been told over and over that science is about being able to make predictions.

Now, granted there is more than one evolutionary path. How can we account for not one but several incredibly similar outcomes? After millions of years of separation from very different early ancestors there arose these almost identical animals. The coincidence of just too out of range of my credulity meter.

I'd rather either discard the notion that they developed separately, or come up with a new facet of evolutionary theory, such as perhaps some sort of Platonic realm of ideas in which there are just so many body forms available.

the trace of a chromosomal fusion in Homo...

That was predicted?


Posts: 173
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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,11:35   

Oh, yes, that is pretty much what I meant. please elaborate.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,11:41   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 07 2006,14:49)
So, GoP would like to throw out modern science, statistics etc?

See, this is part of what I'm talking about. My purpose was not to bash statistics, least of all baseball statistics. I was discussing the way that people process disturbing information. Instead of saying, "Yeah, that's a crippling objection for now, hopefully we'll be able to address it with future research", they use two defense mechanisms:

1) The objection is not really important, at most it's a slight gap in our knowledge
2) A smooth rationalization pops up, which is assented to by all researchers in the field, and quietly dropped when a better explanation comes along. This process appears to be large instinctive, as no mention is ever made of the switch. Just like the speaker in 1984 (heh!;)) changing the enemy's identity in midsentence, except the crowd doesn't rip up the obsolete banners and placards. If anyone does object, they're labeled a crank, rube, and whatever other terms come to mind. This label has some merit, as it usually does take an outsider to probe beneath the surface.

 Personally, I appreciate the evolution of baseball stats, and support the new metrics. I just remember that we were supposed to be at war with Eurasia, that's all.
They looked for and ultimately found this fossil right where they thought it would be - in an area with lots of exposed Devonian rock.  I still have no idea what you think is not reconciled.

See? Unconscious.  :)


Sure, we're human here, (I think I am anyway.)  So scientists cheat, lie, indulge in wishful thinking, make up data, etc etc.  Yet somehow, things keep getting back on track, no matter what the field.  Even if it takes 30 years, new data that realigns the field is absorbed and used to make new decisions and experiments.  

I thought you were trying to show that evolution was a crock?  So far you havnt gotten anywhere.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,11:45   

Quote (avocationist @ April 07 2006,16:30)
First of all, we can eliminate #3, because you would be making your prediction upon conditions that were shaping up in Australia, i.e., the existence of suitable trees and mammals coming along to create niches for predators. I've been told over and over that science is about being able to make predictions.

Now, granted there is more than one evolutionary path. How can we account for not one but several incredibly similar outcomes? After millions of years of separation from very different early ancestors there arose these almost identical animals. The coincidence of just too out of range of my credulity meter.

I'd rather either discard the notion that they developed separately, or come up with a new facet of evolutionary theory, such as perhaps some sort of Platonic realm of ideas in which there are just so many body forms available.

[i] the trace of a chromosomal fusion in Homo...[i/]

That was predicted?

The selective pressures I mentioned rely on the selected traits, since these traits could not be predicted, these selective pressures cannot either, even if we know the precise selecting environments (which we don't).

The concergence between certain eutherians and maruspials is nowhere near incredible. This is just rough morphology, like the wings of a bat and a pterosaur. The anatomy is quite different. Are you amazed at the convergence between different reptiles or birds? Morphological convergence is certainly the results of parallel adaptations. What is your alternate theory about it?

The trace of a chromosomal fusion in Homo was not only predicted, it was investigated and detected.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,11:52   

Quote (avocationist @ April 07 2006,16:35)
Oh, yes, that is pretty much what I meant. please elaborate.

If you know an event, I assume you can go back through time before this event and predict it, provided you don't interfere with its cause.

Shall I develop?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,12:11   

I'd rather either discard the notion that they developed separately, or come up with a new facet of evolutionary theory, such as perhaps some sort of Platonic realm of ideas in which there are just so many body forms available.

We don't need anthing as spooky as a "Platonic realm" to see why there are "just so many body forms available." In evolutionary time, nature has faced the same problems, over and over, many many times.

Eyes have evolved in many diverse lineages. Sight is a good solution to the ever-present challenge of being aware of the environment.

Check out a Mososaur, a big shark, and a dolphin. Simple hydrodynamics gives us a much better idea why that streamlined shape is a good idea for a large marine predator than any notion of Platonic forms.

So, that the adaptive radiation of a few ancestral marsupial forms in Australia led to several derived forms that are quite similar to the derived forms of a similar adaptive radiation of placental mammals is not at all surprising, and is predicted by an evolutionary model, at least in a general sense.

The is the beauty of being me- anything that any man does I can understand.
--Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,12:16   

I personnaly wouldn't say the convergence between some marsupials and eutherians could be predicted with confidence, but it's definitely not surprising.
Note that I don't know about macro-evolutionary models (is there any?).


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,12:26   

I realize that the selection pressures were reasonably similar on the different continents. And while there may indeed be a limit on the number of different kinds of mammals that can arise, I still find the similarity between the marsupial and placental types uncanny.

Are you amazed at the convergence between different reptiles or birds?
Are you kidding?


If you know an event, I assume you can go back through time before this event and predict it, provided you don't interfere with its cause.
Based upon what principles would you predict the almost identical morpholigies of the marsupial and placental types?

What is your alternate theory about it?
I could speculate, but I am clueless. Actually, I threw the question out there but I haven't read up on the genetic similarities. I'd like to know more about that.

I guess I would lean to the idea that those animals were not really separated for as long as we think they were. and yet, they've got this completely different reproductive strategy.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,13:01   

Based upon what principles would you predict the almost identical morpholigies of the marsupial and placental types?

Based on the post you just quoted. (???)

I could speculate, but I am clueless. Actually, I threw the question out there but I haven't read up on the genetic similarities. I'd like to know more about that.
We don't know any particular genetic similarity between convergent marsupials and eutherians. First, we have to identify the genes responsible for a given morphology. But since these genes interact and co-evolve with others, we don't expect any genetic similarity between analogous forms.

I guess I would lean to the idea that those animals were not really separated for as long as we think they were. and yet, they've got this completely different reproductive strategy.
They were indeed separated a long time ago and we have a remarkable convergence. Yet, this is rather common in animals and even in plants.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,13:15   

So basically because "homosexuality" exists it must be due to an evolutionary pathway?  We just make this assumption because...?  Even though it seems, on its face, to contradict evolution?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,13:22   

You're basing this too much on gross morphology, I believe, which is not the same as anatomy, by which metric, convergent marsupials and placentals have preserved their idiosyncratic differences (and I don't just mean the obvious, divergent reproductive anatomy.)

And your supposition about "not really separated as long as we think," or words to that effect, highlights one of the supreme difficulties facing the evolution-denier.

You see, no science is an island. It all has to fit in with what is understood from other disciplines, often across quite divergent areas of inquiry. You are now at the point where the conclusions of geology have to be called into question. The breakup of Gondwana and the isolation of Australia is not very much doubted in the theory of Plate Tectonics. Island biogeography, also, can tell us a lot about the capability of different types of animals' ability to traverse the open ocean between widely seperate islands.

The is the beauty of being me- anything that any man does I can understand.
--Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,13:29   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 07 2006,18:15)
So basically because "homosexuality" exists it must be due to an evolutionary pathway?  We just make this assumption because...?  Even though it seems, on its face, to contradict evolution?

Like everything else that exists, homosexuality exists because it can. It also exists because the difference between gay and straight is slight enough to occur at random at a genetic level.

What evolution might predict is that any gay gene that  exists would not be absolutely gay -- it would be part of a range of effects that shifts sexual orientation and there should be straight people with so-called gay genes.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,13:32   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 07 2006,18:15)
So basically because "homosexuality" exists it must be due to an evolutionary pathway?  We just make this assumption because...?  Even though it seems, on its face, to contradict evolution?

Why do you conclude that?

Because homosexuality exists, we can go back through time and predict it, like any fact or event. The evolutionary pathway is your own interpretation.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,13:36   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 07 2006,18:15)
So basically because "homosexuality" exists it must be due to an evolutionary pathway?  We just make this assumption because...?  Even though it seems, on its face, to contradict evolution?

Hey Thordaddy!

What about gay penguins?:

Think it's genetic with them, or are they just using their free will to make wicked 'lifestyle choices'?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,16:12   

And your supposition about "not really separated as long as we think," or words to that effect, highlights one of the supreme difficulties facing the evolution-denier.
Gosh, I hope that's not like being a holocaust denier.

Anyway, if australia was indeed isolated that long ago then I think there ought to be some evolutionary principles to account for the similarity that occured. Just saying similar selection pressures isn't good enough.

What do you think, Paley?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,17:26   


When you document high incidences of AIDS, STDs, drug abuse, domestic violence and early mortality amongst homosexual penguins then we'll talk.  LOL!

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,17:44   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 07 2006,22:26)

When you document high incidences of AIDS, STDs, drug abuse, domestic violence and early mortality amongst homosexual penguins then we'll talk.  LOL!

What exactly have you provided in documentary evidence so-far?

BTW. I would grant that AIDS/STDs and therefore earlier average life expectancy, is more prevalent amongst gay males. But it is significantly reduced in gay females.

Now how about providing links to articles that back up your position?

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: April 07 2006,17:48   

Maybe the physical aspects of gender are produced by one set of genes, and the behavoral by a different (perhaps overlapping?) set of genes? Then some regulatory mechanism would usually correlate those two sets, so evolving gayness out of a species would mean strengthening that regulation. Maybe there aren't minor changes that would do that without breaking something else?

Just thought I'd throw that idea out there, to go with somebody else's suggestion that maybe clans with a small percent of homosexuals do better than clans with fewer (or none).

Re "IIRC, the idea is that a fetus is exposed to different hormones in the womb, and exposure to the "wrong" amount of some of them at the "wrong" time will lead to the parts of the brain concerned with sexual attraction being altered to a different way."

Now that's interesing - the idea that older siblings might leave something behind in the womb that affects any later siblings? Huh.


The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 08 2006,05:15   

avocationist wrote:
Anyway, if australia was indeed isolated that long ago then I think there ought to be some evolutionary principles to account for the similarity that occured. Just saying similar selection pressures isn't good enough.

What do you think, Paley?

I'd have to agree that the morphological convergence between marsupial and placental mammals is a little too spooky to be accounted for by selection pressures or the cooption of regulatory genetic pathways, although this explanation might work for coarser phenomena such as convergent lifecycles. For example, how can the Darwinist explain the striking similarities between the skull and teeth of Tasmanian "wolves" and their distant placental "cousins"? And remember, scientists once considered mammalian earbones evidence for a common ancestor of the entire class, due to their intricate structure as well as the existence of a sequence of fossils that purportedly show the step-by-step modification of the earbones from the reptilian jaw. Too bad later fossils established that monotremes must have evolved their similar ear structure independently:
The three-boned middle ear was thought to have evolved only once in a common mammalian ancestor, before the separate evolution of monotremes and later of marsupials and placentals.

But the discovery of a monotreme with a single-bone middle ear changes this simple story.

A common ear

Rich is excited by the findings because they suggest this complex ear structure arose separately at least twice during evolution. And he is amazed at the similarity between the middle ears of monotremes, placentals and marsupials.

"They're so similar it's frightening," he says. "How close can convergent evolution be?"

Convergent evolution occurs where similar traits evolve among very different groups of animals as a result of exposure to similar environmental pressures. What these pressures were in this case, no one knows.

"I haven't go the foggiest," says Rich. "People haven't thought about it because it hasn't been a problem until now."

The findings also mean that palaeontologists will have to reassess the way they identify mammal fossils. To date any specimen was a mammal if it had a three-boned middle ear.

But since Rich's discovery, the classification of mammals won't be able to rely on this simple test alone.

Rich and team did not find the whole skull of the extinct monotreme. They only had a lower jaw to analyse. But this jaw showed telltale signs that the hammer and anvil were connected to it.

[all emphases due to Paley]

I would be frightened too.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 08 2006,10:51   

Stephen Elliot,

That is why I have specifically said "homosexuals" (gay males).

And again I ask, given these statistics, is it wise and prudent to be teaching grade school kids the "normalcy" of the homosexual lifestyle?

Remember, I speak from an American perspective and more specifically from the state of California.  If you are going to deny that this "education" is taking place then maybe you need to do a little more research like I have.

As another point, IMHO people don't "choose" their heterosexuality because evolution DOES NOT NEED to provide such a choice.  Why would evolution devise ANY "sexual orientation" besides that which is needed for reproduction?


Posts: 13407
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(Permalink) Posted: April 08 2006,10:55   


That is why I have specifically said "homosexuals" (gay males).

Can we get thordaddy on as an Uncommon Descent contributor too? Red Reader wants a slot, maybe thor can get one. That would the bomb.


Posts: 1082
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(Permalink) Posted: April 08 2006,12:38   

If you are going to deny that this "education" is taking place then maybe you need to do a little more research like I have.
See, that's why I keep asking for references, citations, links... specific examples of what you think is being done wrong.

All to no avail.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 08 2006,13:12   


You can't really believe that I NEED to provide you with " references, citations, [and] links," when you could easily provide those same things and refute my claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 08 2006,13:46   

Now, that's just really dumb. Even by your standards. You want me to provide references to education that doesn't have you all in a lather, to refute your claims that some programs are inappropriate? Geez. Do you think before you type?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 08 2006,23:02   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 08 2006,18:12)

You can't really believe that I NEED to provide you with " references, citations, [and] links," when you could easily provide those same things and refute my claims.

Bloody ####. You actually did not know why people wanted references. D'oh!

If you are going to cite suport for a claim you make, it is your responsibility to provide references. That way everyone can be sure they are using the same source.


Posts: 1143
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(Permalink) Posted: April 08 2006,23:34   

Quote (stevestory @ April 08 2006,15:55)

That is why I have specifically said "homosexuals" (gay males).

Can we get thordaddy on as an Uncommon Descent contributor too? Red Reader wants a slot, maybe thor can get one. That would the bomb.


You have my vote too, steve.
Hey thor, since the word "homosexual" excludes females in your book, does it perhaps also include heterosexuals with multiple partners- and doctors? Because if so, I might agree with you. You never know.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,01:16   


I apologize.  I thought you were asking for statistics concerning homosexuals and their overrepresentation in various diseases and pathologies.  There seems to be a lot of denial concerning this point.  But to answer your request...


Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,02:06   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 09 2006,06:16)

I apologize.  I thought you were asking for statistics concerning homosexuals and their overrepresentation in various diseases and pathologies.  There seems to be a lot of denial concerning this point.  But to answer your request...


Considering that link is to an organisation that profits (or apears to at first glance) from trying to "cure" homosexuals. Do you consider there might be a bit of bias?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,08:12   

"stuff" indeed.

I see a whole lot of stuff there from a source that doesn't inspire much confidence in its objectivity. And - while there may be something linked to something linked to something there having to do with the issues we're talking about (morbidity and mortality) I haven't found anything except "morality" issues, a persecution complex that their position is given short shrift due to viewpoint bias, and a central notion that I find very much at odds with my perception of the data and the world around me - that a significant fraction of homosexuals can be "converted" into heterosexuals.

If there's something more specifically germane to this discussion, please point it out more specifically.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,09:43   

Russell and Stephen,

Is it your stance that homosexual advocates ARE NOT active within the public school systems in America both at the primary and secondary level?

What in those many examples of educating about homosexuality (gay lifestyle) did you disagree with?

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,09:58   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 09 2006,14:43)
Russell and Stephen,

Is it your stance that homosexual advocates ARE NOT active within the public school systems in America both at the primary and secondary level?

What in those many examples of educating about homosexuality (gay lifestyle) did you disagree with?


As I live in England I cannot answer your 1st question. As for you 2nd question, I am not certain what you are asking.

That link you gave contains many links. Some to actual scientific studies (eventually). The home site however is preaching that homosexuality is an illnes that can be cured. I would not be happy having that taught as a fact.

I do not think schools should encourage homosexuality BTW. But teaching that it is evil, sinfull or a sickness is also wrong.

So lets be more specific. What would you want schools to teach?

I would want something along the lines of. "A significant % of the human population are sexually atracted to the same sex. The majority of people are atracted to the oposite sex. Nobody should have to face ridicule or discrimination because of who they are atracted to."

Would you have a problem with that Thordaddy?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,11:11   

Stephen Elliot,

Do have problems with drug and alcohol therapy?

Is there not empirical evidence for transitioning from the homosexual lifestyle?

Are American homosexuals not overrepresented in AIDS, STDs, etc.?

I don't think homosexuality has any place in education especially K-6th grade.  Good, bad or ugly.

BUT, if you are going to teach about "homosexuality" then the DETRIMENTAL and DEADLY EFFECTS due to the pratice of homosexuality should be at the FOREFRONT.  

Why are we deceiving young children about a topic that has PROVEN dangerous and deadly for a large contigent of its practitioners?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,11:11   

What in those many examples of educating about homosexuality (gay lifestyle) did you disagree with?
First of all, your "stuff" link consists of sixty-some-odd articles, among which it's hard to find any that actually deal directly with the content of school curricula. Which is what we need to see here.

Second, the general message that seems to be the theme of that website and the organization that sponsors it is that homosexuality can be "cured" - a notion for which, as I've said repeatedly, I find very little support.

Finally, to pull one specific quote out of the hundreds of pages of articles there that I find emblematic of everything I disagree with, I strongly disagree with the implicit approval accorded this guy:
Teacher Richard Thompson at West High School in Tracy, California, reportedly told students in his class that homosexuality is unnatural and allegedly told a student during a private conversation that associating with homosexuals is as sinful as being gay.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,11:18   


Since you have decided to bury your head in the sand, you must unbury it.

Did you read the entire article that you linked to?  Teaching 6 year olds about two daddies.  This is what our kids go to school for?

What is "natural" about homosexuality, I ask?  What is "normal" about homosexuality?  Are these descriptions scientifically-based positions or simply ideological positions?  I see no science in your position, but mere ideology.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,12:38   

Teaching 6 year olds about two daddies.  This is what our kids go to school for?
I guess at age six, the nature of families probably is a reasonable school subject. As I recall, my kid was learning the concept of "communities" at about that point, and the concept was extended from family to town to nation, etc. I see no particular problem with that. Do some kids have two mommies or two daddies? My understanding is that, yes, they do. Should that fact be part of the "curriculum" on family? Or should it be censored? I guess I lean toward not censoring it. Is that an "ideological" position? Could be. Maybe you're right.
What is "natural" about homosexuality, I ask?  What is "normal" about homosexuality?
That reminds me of an amusing interview on the Daily Show a little over a year ago. A penguinologist explains to fake news reporter Samantha Bee about the gay penguin phenomenon. Bee responds "Just because it happens in nature doesn't make it natural".  

But seriously...  It's true that sometimes a penguin, or a bonobo, or a human experiences sexual attraction toward a fellow penguin, bonobo, or human of its own sex. It happens more than rarely, and, once again, I guess I lean toward not censoring that fact. I don't think loading it up with a lot of guilt is particularly "scientific" or otherwise helpful.

Now, if schools are teaching that it's perfectly normal and natural to experience strong sexual attraction to a penguin, or a bonobo - of either sex - then I'm right there with you with my picket sign!

Are these descriptions scientifically-based positions or simply ideological positions?
That seems to me like something of a false choice. It's not "normal" to have a AB/Rh-negative blood type. But some people do. It's not "natural" to vaccinate your kids, but I highly recommend it. Are these "scientific" opinions or ideological?

I see no science in your position, but mere ideology.
What position is that? That I don't think it's appropriate for public school teachers  to be telling kids it's sinful to associate with certain other kids?

There's another thing about your NARTH website. They seem to be really down on female homosexuality, as well as male homosexuality. And, as we've discussed here, that's probably the least risky of "lifestyles". So, if your issue is about science and health and not just ideological, you'll disapprove of that at least as much as I do.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,13:14   


Do you think that if children are taught these statistics about homosexuality (and I don't know what they teach in the US but I was certainly taught that gays get more STDs), then a large number of men will decide not to become gay after all?

Do you disagree that if we also teach these statistics, then it is also OK to say if you think you are gay this does not automatically make you a sinner or a bad person?

Do you disagree that the attraction to the opposite sex is not a choice, and a person can then decide to live as a homosexual without descending into a life of drugs and promiscuous unprotected sex.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,13:58   

I don't know what they teach in the US but I was certainly taught that gays get more STDs), then a large number of men will decide not to become gay after all?
Thordiddy might be interested to know, by the way, that I have personally taught these very statistics. (Not to high school students, but to medical students learning about infectious disease.)

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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,14:09   

And let's not forget that it's important for future doctors to know which are high-risk groups for AIDS (and HBV, and HCV etc) and, more importantly, that they are going to be in one (if they follow a surgical specialty).

Like I've (pointlessly) asked thor before, I really hope that doesn't make surgeons "abnormal" in his eyes.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,14:21   

I really hope that doesn't make surgeons "abnormal" in his eyes.
Well, surgeons actually are abnormal, but that's a whole 'nother story.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,14:28   

I knew a few medical students when I was doing my degree, and in our city homosexuals were behind immigrants and students for STDs percentage-wise.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,14:47   

Quote (Russell @ April 09 2006,19:21)
I really hope that doesn't make surgeons "abnormal" in his eyes.
Well, surgeons actually are abnormal, but that's a whole 'nother story.

Hey just wait a minute now...

...H-how did you know?

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,17:49   

Thordaddy: Do have problems with drug and alcohol therapy?

Is there not empirical evidence for transitioning from the homosexual lifestyle?

Are American homosexuals not overrepresented in AIDS, STDs, etc.?

I don't think homosexuality has any place in education especially K-6th grade.  Good, bad or ugly.

BUT, if you are going to teach about "homosexuality" then the DETRIMENTAL and DEADLY EFFECTS due to the pratice of homosexuality should be at the FOREFRONT.  

Why are we deceiving young children about a topic that has PROVEN dangerous and deadly for a large contigent of its practitioners?

And African-American males ages 18-29 are also HIGHLY-OVERREPRESENTATED in the same areas.  Do you think therefore we should stop teaching children in schools that all men are created equal?  For the FOURTH F*CKING time, correlation DOES NOT imply causation.

Thordaddy, you are either the most bigoted piece of sh*t to come down the pike in months, or the most stupid, or both.  How did you manage to totally ignore the studies that show that the increased risk health and social problems of gays are CAUSED in a large part to the discrimination, social ostracism, and threats of physical violence that gays are subjected to?  Sexual orientation does not cause the health problems, PREJUDICED ASSH*LES cause the health problems.

Here is the 2002 Australian Medical Association report AGAIN.  Read the d*mn thing, then tell me what it says about discrimination and its negative effect on health.

1.Sexual Diversity in Society
1.1 Homosexuality is defined as the sexual and emotional attraction to members of the same sex, and has existed in most societies for as long as sexual beliefs and practices have been recorded. The proportion of the population that is not exclusively heterosexual has been estimated at between 8 and 11 percent. This figure will naturally vary depending on the definitions used to describe the continuum of sexual identity that exists in our society.

1.2 Societal attitudes towards homosexuality have had a decisive impact on the extent to which individuals have been able to express their sexual orientation. In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Subsequently homosexuality was recognised as a form of sexual orientation or expression rather than a mental illness.2 This move by the medical professional was instrumental in improving the health and welfare of this population.

1.3 Strong family connections are important to the health and well being of individuals, and recently there has been greater recognition of the diversity of family structures that exist in our society. These family structures could include nuclear families, single parents, blended families from remarriages as well as gay and lesbian parents. Accurate statistics regarding the number of parents who are gay or lesbian is difficult to obtain, as this data is not routinely collected. However, the American Academy of Paediatrics states that ‘the weight of evidence gathered during several decades using diverse samples and methodologies is persuasive in demonstrating that there is no systematic difference between gay and nongay parents in emotional health, parenting skills, and attitudes towards parenting. No data have pointed to any risk to children as a result of growing up in a family with one or more gay parents.’

2. Discrimination
2.1 The term “heterosexism” has been used to describe the discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex (GLBTI) populations. Heterosexism encompasses the belief that all people are and should be heterosexual and that alternative sexualities pose a threat to society. In this way heterosexism includes homophobia, a fear of alternative sexualities, and transphobia, a fear of alternative gender identities. It may also include a fear of intersex people who do not fit neatly into the binary categories of male and female.

2.2 Discrimination may be overt as in verbal abuse and physical violence or as covert as the silence that surrounds talking about GLBTI issues. This affects all members of society as individuals comply with gender role stereotypes in order to avoid homophobic discrimination. It is a constraint on human behavior that serves to diminish individual potential for development as well as diversity in our community.

2.3 The common experience of discrimination means that the health of GLBTI populations differs from that of the general population. This discrimination leads to health problems that are shared by this group as well as health problems specific to each subgroup. For GLBTI individuals the impact of this discrimination can lead to a poorer general health status, diminished utilization of healthcare facilities and a decreased quality of health services.

3. Shared Health Issues
3.1 Society’s acceptance of diverse sexualities and gender identities is a major factor in an individual’s successful transition through various lifestages. These significant lifestages include childhood, youth, middle age and ageing. As GLBTI people transition through these lifestages there are a number of health issues that are commonly faced.

3.2 Mental health problems are statistically over-represented in this population throughout life due to exposure to discriminatory behavior. One of the main groups affected by homophobia is same-sex attracted young people, particularly those living in rural areas where there is greater social isolation from GLBTI peers and role models. A consequence of this discrimination for GLBTI young people is that they have increased rates of homelessness, risk-taking behavior, depression, suicide and episodes of self-harm compared to their heterosexual cohorts.

3.3 The experience of violence is higher for the GLBTI community than the general population10 and a recent survey of the GLBTI community in Victoria indicated that “over 70% of respondents had been subject to an experience of public abuse in the past 5 years”. This experience may range from verbal abuse to physical attack. The experience or threat of violence has the potential to have a significant impact on an individual’s physical and mental health.

3.4 Patterns of drug and alcohol use within the GLBTI community are greater that that of the general population. The increased incidence of smoking and alcohol intake is also of concern in relation to cardiovascular risk factors. There is support for the theory linking individual patterns of drug and alcohol misuse with experiences of discrimination.  

AMA Position on Sexual Diversity and Health Issues

If you're so worried about the health issues of gays adversely affecting society, then stop being such a d*ckheaded bigot.

I apologize to the rest of the board for my strong language, but few things hit my hot button like willfully ignorant prejudice.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,18:17   

again i ask, what do you folks get out of arguing with the mentally retarded?

just whittling knives?


Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,21:50   

Quote (sir_toejam @ April 09 2006,23:17)
again i ask, what do you folks get out of arguing with the mentally retarded?

just whittling knives?


Fair point. It is frustrating arguing with somebody who is dishonest, willfuly ignorant and bigoted.

Nevertheless, I find it dificult to see his drivel without chalenging it.  T-d aparently wants to impose, what he considers morals onto your society. In the process, he is twisting evidence to try to make it suport his views. I doubt t-d will ever learn that is probably best to form views around evidence (as much and the best available).

On a brighter note, it is unusual to learn nothing at-all when arguing with these people.

I was very surprised about that NARTH organisation. Didn't suspect there would be many people who would still try to "cure" homosexuality. Sad fact but all knowledge is better to have than be ignorant of.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,23:04   

Diseases are caused by DISCRIMINATION?

It seems like diseases are AVOIDED BY USING DISCRIMINATION.

This is the most laughable and unscientific dogma I've come across in awhile, Mr. Aftershave.

Take your liberal talking points to an unscientific forum.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2006,23:11   


You don't believe that because something exists it is "normal" and "natural?"

Wouldn't such a stance normalize and naturalize murder, rape, pedophile, necrophilia, AIDS, leprosy, etc.?

Certainly you can distinguish between natural and supernatural?

Certainly you can distinguish between normal and abnormal?

How could you do science otherwise?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,03:13   

You don't believe that because something exists it is "normal" and "natural?" Wouldn't such a stance normalize and naturalize murder, rape, pedophile, necrophilia, AIDS, leprosy, etc.?
What I think you're saying in your inscrutable, never-answer-a-question-when-you-can-dodge-it-by-asking-another style, is that you agree with me that "natural" and "normal" are not very useful concepts in the context of sexuality and sex education.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,03:59   

Did God design the necrophiliac, homosexual rapist duck?


If I fly the coop some time
And take nothing but a grip
With the few good books that really count
It's a necessary trip

I'll be gone with the girl in the gold silk jacket
The girl with the pearl-driller's hands

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5286
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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,04:18   

Thordaddy:  Diseases are caused by DISCRIMINATION?

It seems like diseases are AVOIDED BY USING DISCRIMINATION.

This is the most laughable and unscientific dogma I've come across in awhile, Mr. Aftershave.

Take your liberal talking points to an unscientific forum.

OK, you're both bigoted and stupid.  Thanks for clearing that up

Susceptibility to diseases (including things like alcohol /drug abuse) is greatly increased for people under severe stress.

Sever stress is caused by being the victim of discrimination, social ostracism, and threats of physical violence.

Many gays are the victims of discrimination, social ostracism, and threats of physical violence.

If I used words with less syllables, would that help you understand?

I ask you again - do you thing we should stop teaching racial equality in schools because certain minorities are over-represented in health related issues?

Also, please tell us what you define to be the gay "lifestyle".  AFAIK for every confrontational gay who makes the evening news, there are a hundred other non-hetero folks leading quiet, normal lives.  These quite folks are our neighbors and friends.  They obey the laws, pay their taxes on time, worry about the economy, defend their country in the armed services, cheer the local sports teams, cry during sappy movies, love their parents, partners, and children.  Just like every other American.

Why in the world should they be ostracized and even killed for their sexuality (remember Matthew Sheppard?) because of bigoted assh*les like you?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,04:51   

It seems like people are conflating several issues here:

1) The extent to which society should tolerate homosexual behavior

2) The origin of homosexual behavior / feeling

3) Whether or not homosexuals are more inclined to commit crime, have STDs, or engage in naughty behavior in general.

Points 2) and 3) are purely empirical, and are therefore in the domain of science. There is nothing bigoted about researching these issues, even if the researcher does not assume the liberal's null hypothesis of completely equal behavior across all groups absent discrimination from straight White Chistian males.

Point 1), however, is predicated on one's prior philosophy and is hard to shift with evidence, especially the evidence proffered by the social sciences. Religion and political philosophy create a powerful inertia that isn't going to be halted by insults and slander.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,05:54   


Point 3), while I suppose technically within the domain of science, is probably beyond anyone's current ability to investigate usefully. Too many independent variables too difficult to control for or factor out (and let's omit the 'naughty behavior', which belongs back in your factor 1. Surely homosexuals are going to be more inclined to engage in homosexual behavior).

But more specification would be useful. If we designate homosexual behaviors as crimes, is it honest to then turn around and say homosexuals are "more inclined to criminal behavior"? I wouldn't be comfortable calling that a "scientific investigation." Would you?

Your first question is strictly a value question, phrased poorly for lack of any baseline. Are we talking here about normative positions ("being homosexual is bad") or about cost/benefit considerations to the society? How would you go about quantifying these things?

Your post does make your position clear: Homosexual behavior is bad, it is wrong, it should not be tolerated, queers are diseased naughty criminally-inclined people, it's an insult to disagree with these positions, as would be expected from liberals. NOW, let's all be scientific and objective on this playing field.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,06:24   

1) The extent to which society should tolerate homosexual behavior
I'm very curious to know your definition of homosexual behaivour.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,06:26   

Your post does make your position clear: Homosexual behavior is bad, it is wrong, it should not be tolerated, queers are diseased naughty criminally-inclined people, it's an insult to disagree with these positions, as would be expected from liberals. NOW, let's all be scientific and objective on this playing field.

Dean, you know it's against the rules to hijack rational people's screen names.  :D

Seriously, I think you read much more in the post than was actually there. By "naughty behavior", I meant promiscuity, public indecency, soliciting minors, etc. : in other words, actions that are widely considered naughty independent of sexual orientation. Obviously, no one will agree on an all-inclusive definition; hence a vague phrase meant to elicit different images in different minds.
Your first question is strictly a value question, phrased poorly for lack of any baseline. Are we talking here about normative positions ("being homosexual is bad") or about cost/benefit considerations to the society? How would you go about quantifying these things?

Cost-benefit, with the presumption that no harm is done to society by tolerating the behavior. I have no interest in bringing the government into the bedroom. But I'm willing to listen to all sides.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,06:44   

Chris Hyland wrote:
I'm very curious to know your definition of homosexual behaivour.

Sex or sexual contact between members of the same gender. Romantic kissing, petting, and know.

Flint wrote:
But more specification would be useful. If we designate homosexual behaviors as crimes, is it honest to then turn around and say homosexuals are "more inclined to criminal behavior"? I wouldn't be comfortable calling that a "scientific investigation." Would you?

I wasn't designating homosexual behavior as criminal, but starting with the baseline assumption that homosexual acts should not be classified as criminal.
  Here's an interesting question: what role should societal condemnation play? Even if a society doesn't illegalize a certain behavior, it is still possible to make life difficult for people doing it (note: I am not saying this is a good thing, just stating a fact).

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,06:57   

Sex or sexual contact between members of the same gender. Romantic kissing, petting, and know.
Oh ok, I just thought you might be classing drugs STDs etc as typical homosexual behaivour like some other people on this thread whos name I wont mention.

Here's an interesting question: what role should societal condemnation play? Even if a society doesn't illegalize a certain behavior, it is still possible to make life difficult for people doing it (note: I am not saying this is a good thing, just stating a fact).
In many cases it is probably more effective than illegalization.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,07:46   


OK, I considered your questions to be leading questions, which wouldn't even be asked if they did not presume the shape of the answers if not the specifics. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

There's no question that social acceptance of any behavior largely throttles that behavior. But there's also no question but that the specific behaviors rewarded or rejected by any given society (or region) are in constant flux. Just as a typical example, if I wish I can wear my hair down to my waist and work in a corporate suit-and-tie environment and nobody thinks twice about it. Imagine 50 years ago!

Granted, social inertia is a considerable obstacle for lots of things, but fashions in morality change. Wasn't long ago when confinement was used as a pretense that the pregnant woman hadn't, like, done anything dirty. Today, marriage is pretty optional and sex taken much more for granted. Perhaps your categories of indecency or promiscuity are undergoing a similar sea change.

The point I'm trying to support here is that where there is no harm done, fashions CAN change. And by observation, fashions can change in targeted directions. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if within a generation or two society at large accepts that homosexuality exists, that homosexual couples are pretty common and do what any other couple does -- *provided* some effort is made to bring this about. Conversely, treating homosexuality as a voluntary sin, to be roundly condemned, can push in the other direction.

I personally would speculate that the cost to society of tolerating homosexual behavior would be the loss of the leverage of "superiority" that some people need, the loss of a category of people to look down on. Without addressing spirituality generally, I think it's clear that specific religious doctrines tend to be rather judgmental and petty in this way, to meet certain needs.

I find your statement about "liberal null hypothesis" and your sarcasm about "straight white Christians" to be disconcerting. What do you mean by this? My guess is that we're talking about a feedback process, where rejection of some behaviors causes the behaviors to be more aggressive, leading to more rejection. How should science investigate social dynamics absent any society?

The question "what role should societal rejection play" is qualitatively different from what role it DOES play. I have no doubt the role it does play can and will change. These things swing back and forth. What role it *should* play is entirely arbitrary.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,08:59   

Flint wrote:
There's no question that social acceptance of any behavior largely throttles that behavior. But there's also no question but that the specific behaviors rewarded or rejected by any given society (or region) are in constant flux. Just as a typical example, if I wish I can wear my hair down to my waist and work in a corporate suit-and-tie environment and nobody thinks twice about it. Imagine 50 years ago!

The point I'm trying to support here is that where there is no harm done, fashions CAN change.

Certainly true. And I think that some degree of social change is inevitable provided the change doesn't hurt society. Even when it does, social forces can sometimes reestablish equilibrium (consider the transition between the late '70's and the Reagan era). But what if change is wedded to identity politics? Then it's hard to measure its impact, and politically dangerous to even try. Look at the abuse hurled Thordaddy's way for daring to suggest that a disproportionate number of homosexuals engage in destructive behavior such as casual, unprotected sex. He may well be wrong, but that's an empirical issue. It doesn't necessarily make him a bigot. And if he's correct, then society has every right to question the ethos that produces the behavior. If he's wrong, better to show him why, even if you don't think he's met your burden of proof. I'm interested in the evidence.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,09:40   


Look at the abuse hurled Thordaddy's way for daring to suggest that a disproportionate number of homosexuals engage in destructive behavior such as casual, unprotected sex. He may well be wrong, but that's an empirical issue.

Can we say disingenuous, boys and girls?

thordaddy has generally taken a position of religious intolerance, with the usual ramifications - queers are bad, abortions are bad, etc. His assertions about destructive behavior flow from his postulates, not vice versa.

Having tried to penetrate that mindset, I've learned: thordaddy is not interested in the evidence. Even if his claims are factually incorrect, he'll make them because they fit his requirements. Which is what people are complaining about. And which DOES make him a bigot.

And if he's correct, then society has every right to question the ethos that produces the behavior.

If you do say so yourself, right? Sexual activity isn't motivated by an "ethos", it's motivated by biology. It's probably worthwhile from a social perspective to identify and hopefully neutralize any damage caused by that activity. I hope we agree that "casual, unprotected sex" is only "destructive" if it's a vector for preventable disease. In which case, it probably makes more sense to address the disease (which we can cure) rather than sexual motivation (which we can't cure, we hope!;)

We might also argue that casual, unprotected *heterosexual* activity results in unwanted pregnancies, which also can be destructive. But we have a two-pronted attack against this: condoms during sex (also good against disease), and failing any birth control, abortion afterwards. So far, I would argue that these techniques have been LESS effective than they otherwise might have, precisely because of the prevalance of the attitude thordaddy is illustrating.

So the issue isn't whether thordaddy's claims meet the burden of proof. The issue is that it's the thordaddies of the nation whose claims become self-fulfilling. He is directly part of the problem; part of the contingent that acts to *ensure* that his accusations become as true as he can make them.

Would homosexuals be more sexually responsible, if the nation's thordaddies encouraged rather than attempted to prohibit long-term committed relationships?

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5286
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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,09:41   

Chris Hyland wrote:

I'm very curious to know your definition of homosexual behaivour.

Ghost of Paley wrote:

sexual contact between members of the same gender. Romantic kissing, petting, and know.

Hi Ghost,

Quick question – how do you define gender?   Is it just the physical equipment a person is born with?  Are there only two genders, male and female?  What about hermaphrodites?  What gender are they?

My point is, the natural world is not limited to our binary constructs like masculine and feminine.  In the natural world nonfatal variations in phenotype expression are not uncommon, and appear across a continuous spectrum.    Similarly, variations in sexual preference appear across a continuous spectrum, from straight to bi to gay, and all shades in between.  Sexuality is determined by a myriad of factors – biological, genetic, environmental.  Those in society who define sexuality solely based on the plumbing between one’s legs, and who demonize those who don’t fit some narrow minded ideal are doing a great injustice to us all.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,10:14   

which brings up an interesting point;

what if we could change our gender at will?

some fish species change sex over time, some are protogynous (many wrasses, for example) and some protandrous (some groupers).

how would one classify their sexual behavior, then?

if one month a wrasse mates with a female, and the next a male, is that at any point homosexual?

what about garden snails?  they're hermaphrodites.  Are they always homosexual whenever they have sex then (heh, i guess that would be more bisexual, come to think of it)?

oh, wait it's all about the reproduction aspect, right?  

if you can reproduce with the act of having sex, it's not "gay" right?


all this crap boils down to one thing:

those that don't LIKE homosexual behavior will simply invent excuses to discriminate, just like those who invent excuses to discriminate against race.

same mental issue, same pathology, same arguments, same results.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,11:12   

Look at the abuse hurled Thordaddy's way for daring to suggest that a disproportionate number of homosexuals engage in destructive behavior... If he's wrong, better to show him why, even if you don't think he's met your burden of proof. I'm interested in the evidence.
I'm not sure what conversation you're having. He claims that AIDS, for instance, is overwhelmingly a disease of homosexuals. While I think that's overstating it, I agree that (male) homosexuals are at greater risk than some other groups. That's not my question. My question is: what should the role of public education be in this? Specifically:

What is being taught in school that he thinks should not be?
What is not being taught that he thinks should be?
What should science and scientists say about it that they don't?
What should science and scientists not say about it that they do?

I'm not getting very far.

Sometimes I get the sense he's complaining that science is being inappropriately ideological rather than scientific. Sometimes I get the sense that he's saying it's impossible for science not to be ideological. Sometimes I get the sense he's saying it has nothing to do with science. Sometimes I get the sense that he doesn't know what he's saying, but somehow the country's going to h#ll in a handbasket, and it's all the fault of leftists and homosexuals.

I'm interested in the evidence.
So, what conversation are you having? You're interested in the evidence for what?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,11:17   

sometimes i get the sense he's just a moron.

actually, more than sometimes.

sometimes i think we need more interesting topics to discuss.

sometimes i think it's a complete waste of time to argue with a rock.

sometimes i think it would be best to just ignore the ramblings of lunatics.



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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,11:18   


The more I wander the more I see the ideological influence upon science.

The original intent of the thread was to get a scientific perspective on "homosexuality."

I believe Russell claimed "sexual orientations" as a result of evolution.

Why would evolution create any "orientation" beyond that used to reproduce and satisfy its fundamental function?

Secondly, given the statistics above, in what manner is "homosexuality" normal and natural?

Lastly, given both the inherent danger involved in practicing homosexuality and the ambivalent nature of the "behavior," why is such a topic of early child education?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,11:18   

fundies who tell you not to be gay or have premarital sex in order to avoid STDs are lying to you. HPV vaccine, anyone? They don't care about STDs. They don't want you to be gay or have premarital sex because their bible tells them it's evil. If they were honest they'd say that to your face. But they aren't, so they pretend to have a secular concern.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,11:22   

Hi Ghost,

Quick question – how do you define gender?   Is it just the physical equipment a person is born with?  Are there only two genders, male and female?  What about hermaphrodites?  What gender are they?

Yes, I remember reading that a certain proportion of babies (3 out of 1000? can't remember) are born with ambiguous genitalia, and need surgery to "correct" the condition. And there are the transexuals of course, which sometime overlap the previous group. But you're trying to build a rule from the exceptions. Most people are pretty clearly male or female. We can't design social norms around the exceptional cases - that would be like architects designing doorways with the NBA center in mind.
what if we could change our gender at will?

some fish species change sex over time, some are protogynous (many wrasses, for example) and some protandrous (some groupers).

Well, if protandrous groupers campaign for equal rights under the law, then I'll worry about it. Man, you guys really are dancing around the issue, ain't ya?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,11:30   


Yes, I agree Occam here has gotten derailed. Gender is unambiguous and important enough for us to treat it as purely bimodal for legal purposes, without enough exceptions for that to be troublesome. Which makes me wonder why you chose Occam's response to address?

I also agree that the biology of certain fish is of dubious relevance to human society. OK?

Meanwhile, Russell focuses directly on the issue and asks very good questions. Do you have answers for them?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,11:55   

I believe Russell claimed "sexual orientations" as a result of evolution.
I don't even know what that means. It doesn't sound remotely like a claim I would make.
Secondly, given the statistics above, in what manner is "homosexuality" normal and natural?
I thought we concluded that "normal" and "natural" are not particularly useful terms in this discussion.
Lastly, given both the inherent danger involved in practicing homosexuality and the ambivalent nature of the "behavior," why is such a topic of early child education?
You have yet to show us anywhere that it is a topic of early child education. Unless you're counting "Johnny has Two Daddies" as a how-to manual on sodomy techniques. In which case, you need to get a grip.

And I'm still puzzled. Are your concerns just about health risks? Are you, in fact, OK with "Johnny has Two Mommies"? If not, why not?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,12:11   

Secondly, given the statistics above, in what manner is "homosexuality" normal and natural?
How would these stats help us answer that question? Are you saying the fact that 60% of AIDS cases among men in the US  are ascribed to homosexual activity means that that activity is not normal or natural? What are we to make of the fact that 75% of AIDS cases in women are ascribed to heterosexual activity? Does that mean heterosexual activity is abnormal and unnatural - but only for women?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,12:36   


See, you think you can play with the numbers.  You think you can play with the words.  Your attempt is to muddy the waters and keep the issues in a state of ambiguity.

Read those stats for the US again.


Pay particular notice to the percentage of AIDS cases between men and women.

Secondly, the prevalence of AIDS amongst homosexuals isn't what defines homosexuality as "unnatural" or "abnormal."  Science at one time defined homosexuality as a pathology.  You did not know this?

If science finds a "gay gene" then we can assume this gene a product of evolution.  Hence, evolution devised "sexual orientations."  This doesn't pass the smell test given ALL the other evidence to consider.  

Why would evolution need an "orientation?"  

Isn't this tantamount to saying there is some other process to evolution?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,12:44   

sometimes i think it's a complete waste of time to argue with a rock.

sometimes i think it would be best to just ignore the ramblings of lunatics.

I have no idea why you guys are arguing with this idiot. In 214 posts he's shown he has no ability to understand an argument. I don't know what your goal is.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,12:52   


I just noticed your avatar.  You play the part perfectly.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,13:06   

Meanwhile, Russell focuses directly on the issue and asks very good questions. Do you have answers for them?

Why not?
My question is: what should the role of public education be in this? Specifically:
What is being taught in school that he thinks should not be?

Can't really answer this since I don't know what the schools are teaching. But I don't believe that certain students should have to be run through the guilt ringer like you see in "white studies" classes. Just the facts, ma'am.
What is not being taught that he thinks should be?

I think that all the relevant hypotheses for the origin of homo/heterosexuality should be taught, from the purely biological to the socialization model.
What should science and scientists say about it that they don't?

Social scientists should be allowed to research group behavioral differences if they wish. Some do already, but not enough. For example, homosexuals commit suicide at a higher rate than heterosexuals: true or false? If a difference exists, does biology play a role? What about spousal/partner abuse? I read a study somewhere that indicated that homosexual couples (including lesbians) are more likely to have violent relationships than heterosexual ones. Has this been replicated?
What should science and scientists not say about it that they do?

That's easy. Don't assume that discrimination is the only explanation for antisocial behavior, or even an explanation at all.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,13:51   


Excellent ideas, as the mice agreed about putting a bell on the cat. But I would pay VERY careful attention to the experimental designs. I imagine you would too. Offhand, I can't think of any good way to isolate most antisocial behaviors to biology, or even quantify the biological component if any. I understand it's considered very poor form to assume what you're trying to check out, but I confess I could not define some of these terms without building some assumptions into the definitions. 'Antisocial'? 'Abuse'? At the margin, these are straight eye-of-the-beholder things.

I agree we should examine all plausible sources of homosexual (or other than straight heterosexual) desires and impulses. So far, the only explanation I've seen unambiguously ruled out is voluntary choice.

The majority view on this thread, as I understand it (and I can't make any sense of nearly anything thordaddy says) is that sexual orientation, in and of itself, is socially neutral and unexceptional, *except* insofar as insecure people find excuses to demonize something sufficiently nonconforming as to be directly visible. But when enough people join the Forces of Rejection, this causes the otherwise neutral behavior to become polarizing. And THAT, in turn, tricks us into studying the behavior itself, rather than the REAL culprit, the engineered and unnecessary social reaction to it.

But maybe I'm misreading?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,13:52   

...homosexuals commit suicide at a higher rate than heterosexuals...

..or that discrimination is responsible for higher suicide rates...


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,13:55   

Steve, I don't think I am arguing with him. I'm just trying to figure out what the heck he's trying to say. But you're right; that doesn't seem to be getting anywhere either. Call it a useless hobby. Like solving crossword puzzles.

Now, if you'll excuse me, back to T-diddy:
Your attempt is to muddy the waters and keep the issues in a state of ambiguity.
Quite the contrary, I assure you. I'm trying to get you to tell us what the heck you're on about. Honestly, I can't make any sense of it.
Read those stats for the US again.
Pay particular notice to the percentage of AIDS cases between men and women.
Look. Here are the stats in question (as of the end of 2002):
Approximately 40,000 new HIV infections occur each year in the United States, about 70 percent among men and 30 percent among women. Of these newly infected people, half are younger than 25 years of age.(3,4)

Of new infections among men in the United States, CDC estimates that approximately 60 percent of men were infected through homosexual sex, 25 percent through injection drug use, and 15 percent through heterosexual sex. Of newly infected men, approximately 50 percent are black, 30 percent are white, 20 percent are Hispanic, and a small percentage are members of other racial/ethnic groups.(4)

Of new infections among women in the United States, CDC estimates that approximately 75 percent of women were infected through heterosexual sex and 25 percent through injection drug use. Of newly infected women, approximately 64 percent are black, 18 percent are white, 18 percent are Hispanic, and a small percentage are members of other racial/ethnic groups.(4)

Now, what's your point? US Men get AIDS more than US women. Right. We knew that. Homosexual behavior is the largest risk factor for men, apparently being about 4 times as risky as heterosexual behavior. Right. Sounds about right. Heterosexual sex is the biggest risk factor for women: apparently being about infinitely more risky than homosexual behavior. I pointed that out to you. What is your point?

Secondly, the prevalence of AIDS amongst homosexuals isn't what defines homosexuality as "unnatural" or "abnormal."  Science at one time defined homosexuality as a pathology.
Then why did you say:
Secondly, given the statistics above, in what manner is "homosexuality" normal and natural?
Does that make any sense?

I ask you to focus your attention on the four questions I put to you earlier:
What is being taught in school that you think should  be?
What is  being taught that you think should be?
What should science and scientists say about it that they don't?
What should science and scientists not say about it that they do?

Once you've addressed those questions, I'm also curious to know:
what makes you "...believe Russell claimed 'sexual orientations' as a result of evolution" (whatever that means),  And  are you, in fact, OK with "Johnny has Two Mommies"? If not, why not?

There you go. A list of discrete, specific, concrete questions. No rhetorical flourishes, no digressions, no "attempts to muddy waters". Can you deal with that?

Paley: you come late to the conversation. It's not about the
... relevant hypotheses for the origin of homo/heterosexuality
(which I don't really see in a high school curriculum anyway), but what should or should not be taught in public school in the area of AIDS and other STDs. (At least that's what I thought we were discussing. It seems to be something of a moving target with T-diddy.)

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,14:01   

I personally would speculate that the cost to society of tolerating homosexual behavior would be the loss of the leverage of "superiority" that some people need, the loss of a category of people to look down on.

Perhaps.....but maybe there's a good reason for the taboo. Most social rules have developed for a reason. Even libertine societies were not equally tolerant of all types of homosexual behavior. I'm not a big fan of wiping out a suite of sexual mores without giving some thought to the possible consequences: Free love brings free diseases, and medicine's defenses can be circumvented through microevolution. Open relationships often lead to jealousy, contempt, and homicide. Get rid of marriage, and you often reap a crop of fatherless kids just looking for trouble. All of our little countercultural experiments have had unintended consequences, often disastrous.

What are we to make of the fact that 75% of AIDS cases in women are ascribed to heterosexual activity? Does that mean heterosexual activity is abnormal and unnatural - but only for women?

And how many of these men were living on the down low? This is one reason why it's folly to treat sexual behavior as if it exists in a vacuum. If a man's wife cheats on him with a bisexual man, and hubby gets AIDs, how is that not his problem? And with Cosmo telling women to cheat on their spouses as a step towards self-fulfillment, this possibility becomes less remote. Look at the black community - black women are much more likely to get AIDs than white women. Why is that? Because Black culture encourages the men to screw around more. Every action you take affects another human being. And it's easier to destroy a village than rebuild it.

I know that many will find this post provocative, but I can't help it. The truth is, the social conservatives make a lot of sense, and you ignore their warnings at society's peril.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,14:24   

The truth is, the social conservatives make a lot of sense, and you ignore their warnings at society's peril.
Yeah, like teaching evolution leads to school shootings, there's no such thing as global warming, homosexuality is just a matter of sin, rape and incest victims should be required to carry the baby to term...

Those social conservatives are just a fountain of wisdom!

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,14:42   

If society had a little more of this...

and a little less of this... shootings would be a thing of the past.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,14:50   

Ghost of Paley, care to back up your assertions?

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,14:50   

talk about basing your conclusions on no data!


besides, what's the problem with pictures of objects and people?


hey paley, I'm laughing at you.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,14:58   


I'm with you there. My understanding is that there have been long-term stable societies where same-sex sexual relationships have not been met with hostility. My guess would be that the societies are stable because these relationships themselves can be stable. I agree that promiscuity has both medical and emotional side-effects, none of them desirable.

But this is one of those things that confuses me about the conservative opposition to same-sex marriage. I should think the implied long-term commitment would be exactly what the conservatives want to promote.

As you'd probably expect, I agree with Russell that you should not lump all social conservative policies into the same bag. Homosexuality is NOT a choice; here the social conservatives are wrong. Many homosexuals DO want a committed relationship with the same duties and privileges you enjoy, and the social conservatives are wrong to oppose this.

The social benefits of easily available abortion have been beneficial without exception or ambiguity, a win-win-win situation for the woman with an undesired pregnancy, for society in the form of the crimes not committed by those not born to commit them, and even for those aborted rather than born into an unwelcoming environment unwilling and unable to raise them properly. Add another win for getting Big Brother out of peoples' personal lives and for people not finding that an intensely personal matter is either mandatory or forbidden by parties elsewhere. I'll admit right now I can't understand the opposition to abortion; it strikes me as perversity for its own sake; the effort to make *everyone* suffer just for the satisfiaction of knowing you're causing suffering!

And you call this 'a lot of sense'? You seem to be missing something important here. Nobody is cheerleading for misery, disease, jealousy, contempt, or homicide. It's true that free-love communes solved none of these problems, and made many of them worse. But bad policies don't become good just because some 'solutions' were steps in the wrong direction.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,15:02   

Wow. I find it difficult to believe that in order to act morally and not shoot up kids in schools, I have to believe in one of the most bizarre sets of fantasies ever invented. And this despite that fact that atheists are WAY underrepresented in prisons.

Ghost pretends to address issues and think, but when cornered, up goes the irrationality and you can feel the floor shake from the force of his mind slamming shut. Sheesh.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,15:08   

Flint, perhaps what we're witnessing is projection. Perhaps he's feeling a bit guilty after that poll which found that christians were more likely to support torture than secular people.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,15:09   

I agree that promiscuity has both medical and emotional side-effects, none of them desirable.

that is ENTIRELY dependent on the specific society you wish to use in your analysis.

there are many societies that have/had regarded polygamy as the norm, and have no problems with that.  Others that use promiscuity like the bonobos do, as a social binding force.

it's this specific society that has problems with the types of behaviors being discussed.

Paley, and now Flint(?) appear to be ethnocentralizing their thinking here.

why not investigate how other societies that are different from that in the US deal with these issues?

As we all struggle to figure out what works best for american society, we shouldn't ignore how others have dealt with similar things, even if the circumstances and environment are different.

perhaps sociology as a science isn't as worthless as some would contend.

Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,15:18   

Fools! The more time you tie up GOP in this thread, the less time he as to devote to his masterstroke thread, Paley's Ghost can back up his assertions.  If not for you,  we would have an outline by now.

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,15:26   

oh, yeah, sorry.

doesn't he have some amphibious fish work to do too?

busy, busy boy.

poll which found that christians were more likely to support torture than secular people.

I'm sure Salvador was a datapoint in that poll.  speaking of which, I missed that one.  got a link?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,15:30   

Rats. I just realized there was a typo in my last attempt to get T-diddy to focus. That should have read:

What is being taught in school that you think should not be?
What is not being taught that you think should be?
What should science and scientists say about it that they don't?
What should science and scientists not say about it that they do?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,15:34   

Homosexuality is NOT a choice; here the social conservatives are wrong.

You're probably correct here. I wish that good people wouldn't use such bad arguments.
But this is one of those things that confuses me about the conservative opposition to same-sex marriage. I should think the implied long-term commitment would be exactly what the conservatives want to promote.

Well, I suspect that conservatives are afraid of the camel nosing his way into the tent. They respect the Law of Unintended Consequences.
Many homosexuals DO want a committed relationship with the same duties and privileges you enjoy, and the social conservatives are wrong to oppose this.

Given that openly gay people are becoming more visible year by year, all I can say is I hope you're right. This society could use more responsible behavior.
The social benefits of easily available abortion have been beneficial without exception or ambiguity, a win-win-win situation for the woman with an undesired pregnancy, for society in the form of the crimes not committed by those not born to commit them, and even for those aborted rather than born into an unwelcoming environment unwilling and unable to raise them properly.

I'm trying to avoid an abortion debate at all costs, so let me just say that most social conservatives would not find this line of reasoning very fetching.
Nobody is cheerleading for misery, disease, jealousy, contempt, or homicide. It's true that free-love communes solved none of these problems, and made many of them worse. But bad policies don't become good just because some 'solutions' were steps in the wrong direction.

But progressives are competing against 1000's of years of social selection. Their track record doesn't inspire much confidence in the future. Did you ever see the "The Harrad Experiment"? It all looked so groovy at the time. Who could argue against such logic? Reality, that's who.
Wow. I find it difficult to believe that in order to act morally and not shoot up kids in schools, I have to believe in one of the most bizarre sets of fantasies ever invented. And this despite that fact that atheists are WAY underrepresented in prisons.

Not you, perhaps, but what about the people who need some guidance? Putting the issue of truth aside, many people need religion.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,15:39   

Putting the issue of truth aside, many people need religion.

do you?


oh, sorry, there i go distracting you from all the other important theses you are supposed to be developing.

my apologies seven.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,15:42   

Ghost of Paley said:
But you're trying to build a rule from the exceptions. Most people are pretty clearly male or female.

Maybe in their physical equipment, but most certainly NOT in their sexual orientation.  Multiple studies show that between 2-4% (not the often misquoted 10%) of people in the world identify themselves as gay or bi.  Even erring on the low end, that’s over 100 million clearly non-hetero folks.  A not insignificant number, wouldn’t you agree?

Ghost of Paley said:
We can't design social norms around the exceptional cases - that would be like architects designing doorways with the NBA center in mind.

But we must design social norms to accommodate the exceptional cases.  Should we regress to a hundred years ago, when physically handicapped people were considered second class, denied civil rights, and placed in circus sideshows?  It’s not like those ‘tards such as Stephen Hawkings ever contribute to society, right?

Ghost of Paley said:
Perhaps.....but maybe there's a good reason for the taboo. Most social rules have developed for a reason. Even libertine societies were not equally tolerant of all types of homosexual behavior. I'm not a big fan of wiping out a suite of sexual mores without giving some thought to the possible consequences: Free love brings free diseases, and medicine's defenses can be circumvented through microevolution. Open relationships often lead to jealousy, contempt, and homicide. Get rid of marriage, and you often reap a crop of fatherless kids just looking for trouble. All of our little countercultural experiments have had unintended consequences, often disastrous.

You just defined homosexual behavior as “sexual contact between members of the same gender. Romantic kissing, petting, and know.”  Now you are equating accepting homosexual behavior to “wiping out sexual mores” and “free love” and “open relationships” and “end of marriage”?  How in the world can you make that logical connection?

Here’s a though experiment for you

You walk through the park and see a man and a woman making out like high school kids.  Someone tells you “They’re on their honeymoon”, so you can bet they’ll be doing that “well,,,you know” stuff at night.  You walk away smiling

A week later you find out that the woman was actually a guy in drag, and that they pretended to be a hetero couple because they weren’t allowed to marry as a same-sex couple.

Now tell me - how was society harmed by their relationship? What sexual mores got wiped out?  How did their actions condone “free love”, or “open relationships”?  Or signal an “end to marriage”?

That is not a far-fetched scenario, BTW.  Many same-sex couples are desperate to show their commitment in a legal marriage.  Last year when the mayor of SF briefly instructed City Hall to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, over 4000 couples from all over the U.S. showed up the first week alone, totally swamping the office.

Those with non-hetero orientations have never asked for special rights.  They just want the same rights guaranteed every other person under the Constitution. The right to marry the person they love.  The right to not be fired or beaten because of those they go home to at night. The right to not live in fear.  

Ghost of Paley said:
Every action you take affects another human being. And it's easier to destroy a village than rebuild it.

That’s right.  Every time ANY person of ANY orientation is unfairly discriminated against, or ostracized, or threatened, or tied to a fence post and beaten to death, we ALL are adversely affected.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,15:47   

there are many societies that have/had regarded polygamy as the norm, and have no problems with that.  Others that use promiscuity like the bonobos do, as a social binding force.

it's this specific society that has problems with the types of behaviors being discussed.

Paley, and now Flint(?) appear to be ethnocentralizing their thinking here.

why not investigate how other societies that are different from that in the US deal with these issues?

We would, 'cept they keep spinning us like turnstiles as they enter the U.S. I think that tells us a lot right there. "ZOOM-ZOOM-ZOOM!" #### hippie.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,15:52   

was that supposed to be a joke or something?

not even worth a hyena laugh.

oh, and btw, I'm a church-burnin' Ebola boy.  not a hippie.  get with the times.

I think OA stated my position on this issue better than i could have.

I can't think of anything else worthwhile to add.



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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,16:26   


there are many societies that have/had regarded polygamy as the norm, and have no problems with that.  Others that use promiscuity like the bonobos do, as a social binding force.

This is somewhat outside my knowledge. Can you provide a few links? If this is the case, then we have an actual working model of what we might wish to shoot for in some ways.


I'm trying to avoid an abortion debate at all costs, so let me just say that most social conservatives would not find this line of reasoning very fetching.

I understand. I don't wish to get into that debate either. I simply wanted to point out that we're not dealing here with any situation that "1000's of years of social selection" has addressed in the past. This is much more a question of what modern technology permits, fighting against a clearly irrational rejection despite the fact that the evidence accumulated in even a relatively short time has overwhelmingly discredited the conservative resistance.

Look, I understand that fools rush in, and that history, especially long history, is an excellent crucible testing what works and what does not. But different=wrong, all by itself, isn't sufficient. So I was raising one case where the conservative position has NO merits. None. Just to show that conservativism isn't necessarily based on analysis of merits. It's much more instinctive, I think.

Their track record doesn't inspire much confidence in the future. Did you ever see the "The Harrad Experiment"? It all looked so groovy at the time. Who could argue against such logic? Reality, that's who.

Yet earlier, I had thought we agreed that social realities can be distinctly flexible. That's why I asked toejam for more information. Your conservative position seems to be that new-and-different, plunked down in a conservative fundamentalist milieu, is going to fail badly. But that's not the issue; the issue is whether the social fabric is flexible enough to accommodate what might even work better, given enough time.


As I said, I think sexuality is bimodal enough for social laws and customs to treat it as having no exceptions. This is something different from accommodating those exceptions that exist, though.

Now tell me - how was society harmed by their relationship? What sexual mores got wiped out?  How did their actions condone “free love”, or “open relationships”?  Or signal an “end to marriage”?

Here is where I wonder if Ghost is genuinely one of those hysterics who see a same-sex couple and start bellowing about how this is the end of the world. On other forums, I've run into these yahoos, and I've repeatedly asked how MY marriage is threatened, in any way they can imagine however far-fetched. The closest anyone has come is to say that if we permit such behaviors, society will abandon any sense of right and wrong and we will ALL start shooting kids in schools.

Kind of sad to see Ghost parroting that same party line.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,16:33   

This is somewhat outside my knowledge. Can you provide a few links?


hmm, it's been 20 years since i studied anthropology and sociology, but it's worth a shot.  I think i still have many of the texts even.  I remember generally that there were African and South American societies that fit what I was describing, but I have to lookup the specifics that described the relevant environmental circumstances.

Also, i recall a more recent documentary that covered how different societies deal with homosexualtiy and transgender issues.  IIRC, that was on Nat Geo not too long ago.  that shouldn't be too hard to dig up.

I'll post the links in a new thread Wednesday or Thursday, as I have a bit of work to do tommorrow.


and no, i won't pull a ghost on you and forget :p


The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,11:26   

This [abortion] is much more a question of what modern technology permits, fighting against a clearly irrational rejection despite the fact that the evidence accumulated in even a relatively short time has overwhelmingly discredited the conservative resistance.

Once again, I want to avoid debating the merits of abortion, but I couldn't let this slide without comment.
1.4% of abortions occur at 21 weeks or later. This works out to approximately 18,000 per year.[1]

This statistic courtesy of the the Guttmacher Institute, an organization dedicated
to protect the reproductive choices of all women and men in the United States and throughout the world. It is to support their ability to obtain the information and services needed to achieve their full human rights, safeguard their health and exercise their individual responsibilities in regard to sexual behavior and relationships, reproduction and family formation.

Are these statistics reliable? Some insiders doubt them. Even if the statistics are valid, should we worry about late-term abortions? Yes, and here's why:
The seventh month of gestation witnesses the appearance of many new osseous (bone) formations. The developing foetus is now 305 millimetres long. Sulci and gyri (the convolutions) of the brain are much more in evidence, membranes over the pupils disappears and the eyes open. The insula (An oval region of the cerebral cortex overlying the extreme capsule, lateral to the lenticular nucleus, buried in the depth of the fissura lateralis cerebri (sylvian fissure), separated from the adjacent opercula by the circular sulcus of insula.) and the tubercula quadrigemina develop.

The seventh month is essentially characterised by rapid growth, development and organisational refinement.

By the eighth month, the foetus will be 405+ millimetres (16+ inches), from crown to heel. During this month of development the foetus will strengthen its body and the nervous system will increase its connections and receive more sensory input, and gain more motor control.

During the ninth month the foetus will reach 510 millimetres (20 inches) or more. All ossification points are in place, and further refinement of motor and other neuronal connections takes place for the ninth month foetus is usually very active.

Here's another source that gives a week-by-week development with 3D ultrasound pictures.  Medical experts agree that a fetus may experience pain by the third trimester.
This is significant because:
At 32 weeks of gestation - two months before a baby is considered fully prepared for the world, or "at term" - a fetus is behaving almost exactly as a newborn. And it continues to do so for the next 12 weeks.

As if overturning the common conception of infancy weren't enough, scientists are creating a startling new picture of intelligent life in the womb. Among the revelations:

By nine weeks, a developing fetus can hiccup and react to loud noises. By the end of the second trimester it can hear.
Just as adults do, the fetus experiences the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep of dreams.
The fetus savors its mother's meals, first picking up the food tastes of a culture in the womb.
Among other mental feats, the fetus can distinguish between the voice of Mom and that of a stranger, and respond to a familiar story read to it.
Even a premature baby is aware, feels, responds, and adapts to its environment.
Just because the fetus is responsive to certain stimuli doesn't mean that it should be the target of efforts to enhance development. Sensory stimulation of the fetus can in fact lead to bizarre patterns of adaptation later on.

In my opinion, there's not much to distinguish a third-trimester fetus from a newborn. Any differences are quantitative rather than qualitative.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,14:55   

Just one more thing. Everyone who advocates that gay marriage should be legalized is assuming that this will end the matter. But what if gays decide that marriage isn't enough (there's still all this institutionalized homophobia floating around, don't you know), so a good dose of affirmative action, set-asides, and hate-crime legislation are in order? Current promises don't mean much; after all, liberals once said that the 1964 Civil Rights Act wouldn't lead to quotas. And it didn't for a couple of years or so.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,15:13   

Hey Ghost,

You forgot to explain how allowing a same-sex couple to make the legal committment of marriage will lead to sexual mores getting wiped out.  Or lead to a massive wave of “free love” and “open relationships”.  Or signal an “end to marriage”.

Please provide some details, not just your idle speculation.  Inquiring minds want to know.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,15:55   

Occam's Aftershave wrote:
Hey Ghost,

You forgot to explain how allowing a same-sex couple to make the legal committment of marriage will lead to sexual mores getting wiped out.  Or lead to a massive wave of “free love” and “open relationships”.  Or signal an “end to marriage”.

Please reread the original post. I actually said:
I'm not a big fan of wiping out a suite of sexual mores without giving some thought to the possible consequences: Free love brings free diseases, and medicine's defenses can be circumvented through microevolution. Open relationships often lead to jealousy, contempt, and homicide. Get rid of marriage, and you often reap a crop of fatherless kids just looking for trouble. All of our little countercultural experiments have had unintended consequences, often disastrous.

The "suite" refers to the cluster of sexual prohibitions against homosexual relations. As you can see in the passage, I never stated, or even implied, that allowing homosexual marriage by itself would unravel the social fabric. In fact, I actually implied that:
1) much of the social fabric has already been unraveled by "progressive" philosophy; and
2) heterosexuals have largely caused this.

 But homosexuals held up their end by refusing to shut down gay baths in the wake of AIDS. Consequently, the disease spread so rapidly throughout the gay population that most AIDs victims were doomed before the scientists could get a handle on the situation. Furthermore, many gays have embraced a decadent lifestyle, alienating potential allies to the cause. Look at the typical gay parade. Do these people realise how they damage their movement?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 846
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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,15:59   

Look at the typical gay parade

spend much time watching gay pride parades, do you?

I thought you had important issues to address, like your theory of life, the universe, and everything, as well as telling us what the recent amphibious fish find "isn't"?

how is it that you have time to attend all these gay pride parades?


oh, and I'm still laughing at you.


Posts: 478
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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,16:16   


In my opinion, there's not much to distinguish a third-trimester fetus from a newborn. Any differences are quantitative rather than qualitative.

OK, two brief (for me, anyway) comments on this:

1) When we decide a developing human should be granted legal personhood is essentially arbitrary, just like when we declare adulthood or seniorhood. These are fairly important distinctions without any qualitative differences.

2) However, the degree to which it is not arbitrary have to do with practical considerations: unambiguous milestones, enforceability, political concerns and forces.

Personally, I'd be willing to vote for some point during pregnancy after which (1) the fetus bears enough resemblance to a newborn to have enough emotional appeal for enough people; and (2) after which the pregnant woman has had easily sufficient opportunity to change her mind and have an abortion if she wishes. BOTH these should be true, I think - to change her mind AND to have the opportunity to act accordingly.

But I can recognize that birth is a clear, obvious milestone, easy to define and enforce, which also dovetails with other legal rights (and is where we start counting toward all those subsequent magic times).

Everyone who advocates that gay marriage should be legalized is assuming that this will end the matter. But what if gays decide that marriage isn't enough (there's still all this institutionalized homophobia floating around, don't you know), so a good dose of affirmative action, set-asides, and hate-crime legislation are in order?

I genuinely don't understand what you are worried about here. Are you suggesting that these programs would be demanded EVEN IF there is no clear inequality in de facto effect?

I shouldn't need to point out that the 1954 Brown decision, and the 1964 Civil Rights Act, failed to provide much effective equality. Blacks STILL could not get jobs, get into colleges, get a decent public school education, and in a thousand ways weren't on a level playing field. You seem to be saying, hey, if we let them marry, they will act uppity and demand the same opportunities you have. Terrible thing.

Furthermore, many gays have embraced a decadent lifestyle...much of the social fabric has already been unraveled

What bothers me is, you might not be kidding, you might actually *believe* this. You've already laid claim to beliefs even more peculiar. But "different from how I wish to live" is a bit more neutral than "decadent" or "unraveled". You are applying pejoratives to anything you find unfamiliar or different. Granted, I'm only 60, not yet old enough to have the perspective to see how the world is going to he11 in a handbasket like you and other old people have bemoaned for millennia. Too bad you feel the need to maintain the status quo at *someone else's* expense. But entirely typical.

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5286
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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,16:28   

Ghost of Paley said:

Furthermore, many gays have embraced a decadent lifestyle, alienating potential allies to the cause. Look at the typical gay parade. Do these people realise how they damage their movement?

How many gays embrace a decadent lifestyle?  100%?  50%? 10%?  How many is "many", and how did you determine that number?

And what is a "decadent" lifestyle?  PDAs in front of some 80 year old WASP prig?  Wanting to have a committed same-sex relationship with someone you love?

You are arguing the same group stereotyping that is a hallmark of every hater who tries to justify his prejudices.

many blacks are lazy and shiftless
many hispanics are thieves
many asians can't drive
many gays live a decadent lifestyle

I just took Thordaddy to task for exactly the same thing.  He's a hopeless flaming homophobe - you at least seem a bit more sane and rational.  Do you see how your stereotyping drags you down to his level?

And did it ever occur to you that the folks celebrating their sexuality in a parade do so because it is a highly visible but non-violent means of protesting and bringing attention to the discrimination they suffer?

Good thing Rosa Parks and ML King didn't realize how they were damaging their movement by being such uppity nigg*rs, eh?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,16:32   

OK. Here you go, T-diddy. Here is a handful of articles in what I deem respectable journals. I've excerpted some of the more relevant bits of the abstracts, just to give you an idea what each is about. But, by all means, look up the abstracts (given as links), or - if you have library access - the full articles.

This reflects the pretty much unanimous - so far as I can tell - sense of science that sexual orientation is largely biologically determined before birth, including a significant genetic component.

Do you disagree?
Do you think these studies reflect ideology rather than science?
Can you cite reputable scientific studies that reach a different conclusion?

[Please note: those are three (3) specific questions - not an invitation to go off on a  nonresponsive diversionary rant]

Arch Sex Behav. 1995 Apr;24(2):109-34.

a thesis is presented that a major type of Kinsey grades 5 and 6 male homosexuality is determined by a gene in the Xq28 region
Am J Psychiatry. 2000 Nov;157(11):1843-6.
RESULTS: All analyses demonstrated familial resemblance for sexual orientation. Resemblance was greater in the monozygotic twins than in the dizygotic twins or in the dizygotic twins plus nontwin siblings. Biometrical twin modeling suggested that sexual orientation was substantially influenced by genetic factors, but family environment may also play a role.
Hum Genet. 2005 Mar;116(4):272-8. Epub 2005 Jan 12.
Given that previously reported evidence of maternal loading of transmission of sexual orientation could indicate epigenetic factors acting on autosomal genes, maximum likelihood estimations (mlod) scores were calculated separated for maternal, paternal, and combined transmission. The highest mlod score was 3.45 at a position near D7S798 in 7q36 with approximately equivalent maternal and paternal contributions. The second highest mlod score of 1.96 was located near D8S505 in 8p12, again with equal maternal and paternal contributions. A maternal origin effect was found near marker D10S217 in 10q26, with a mlod score of 1.81 for maternal meioses and no paternal contribution.

Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Jun;989:105-17; discussion 144-53.
People discover rather than choose their sexual interests. The process of discovery typically begins before the onset of puberty and is associated with an increase in the secretion of sex hormones from the adrenal glands. However, the determinants of the direction of sexual interest, in the sense of preferences for the same or opposite sex, are earlier. These preferences, although not manifest until much later in development, appear to be caused by the neural organizational effects of intrauterine hormonal events. Variations in these hormonal events likely have several causes and two of these appear to have been identified for males. One cause is genetic and the other involves the sensitization of the maternal immune system to some aspect of the male fetus. It is presently unclear how these two causes relate to each other...

Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2005;29(7):1057-66. Epub 2005 Apr 25.
Here, evidence is reviewed which supports the proposal that sexual orientation in humans may be laid down in neural circuitry during early foetal development. Behaviour genetic investigations provide strong evidence for a heritable component to male and female sexual orientation… [C]urrent theories have left little room for learning models of sexual orientation.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,16:36   

Gees, Russel!

talk about pearls before swine.

Your asking someone who can't comprehend conditional logic to actually read and cogently comment on an actual published scientific article?

blood from a stone, man.


Posts: 1082
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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,16:51   

talk about pearls before swine...
blood from a stone, man.
You're right, of course. But - aside from the fun of watching T-diddy try to justify his
Homosexuality, given all the current evidence, is a product of free-will and a lifestyle choice
in light of, well, current evidence - I thought other, more sentient, folks might appreciate those references, too.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,17:24   


Again, all these articles start with the assumption that evolution provides for a "sexual orientation" and so the scientists simply look for the evidence whether it be a genetic factor or due to hormonal changes.

What evidence do we have that evolution provides for "sexual orientations" outside the fact that an orientiation exists?  You sound like an IDer making an argument for design.  The design exists and therefore so does the IDer.  Likewise, "homosexuality" exists and therefore it's a product of evolution.

What's the evidence, man?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,17:31   

in light of, well, current evidence - I thought other, more sentient, folks might appreciate those references, too.

so start a new thread where we can discuss the specifics of these papers, epigenetics, and the future of sociobiology.

wouldn't that be more interesting than what Mr. Black Hole has to say?

how many times can you pass a pickup with a ferrari and still have fun with it?

(er, don't answer that, Seven ;) )


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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,17:44   


I think these quotes reflect the reality of the situation a little better, but I'm still left to wonder about the assumption behind "sexual orientation" in relation to evolutionary theory.


Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,18:45   

Here we see the Thordaddy the bigoted troll in full bloom

First the moron posts this

Thordaddy:  Homosexuality, given all the current evidence, is a product of free-will and a lifestyle choice.

Then the moron links to NARTH, a right-wing Christian anti-gay organization whose "sexual reparative therapy " for "curing" homosexuals has been denounced and condemned by virtually every professional medical and teaching association in the country, including the American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association, American Counseling Association, National Association of School Psychologists, the National Association of Social Workers, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American School Health Association, the American Association of School Administrators, the American Federation of Teachers, and the National Education Association.

After all that, the moron references quotes that directly contradict his claim that homosexuality is solely the result of a freely made lifestyle choice.

wow.....just wow.

T-daddy, shouldn't you be off burning crosses, or marching with Fred Phelps somewhere?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,19:53   


I feel sorry for the liberal indoctrination you have endured because it will take many long years and much ridicule to free yourself from this ideological stance.

Those weren't quotes from Narth, but scientists in the field who study this issue.

My statement wasn't contradicted.  If one says that Occam has a "liberal" disposition that MAYBE genetically-based and because of the environment he finds himself in, his ALLEGED genetically-based "liberal" disposition manifests itself through his "liberal" activism, is this really tantamount to saying Occam didn't make any choice to become "liberal?"


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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2006,19:57   

I feel sorry for the liberal indoctrination you have endured because it will take many long years and much ridicule to free yourself from this ideological stance.

man, sure am glad i wasn't drinking a glass of milk when i read that.

much ridicule??

do tell, sugardaddy!

serve it up!


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,02:16   

Do you disagree?
Do you think these studies reflect ideology rather than science?
Can you cite reputable scientific studies that reach a different conclusion?

[Please note: those are three (3) specific questions - not an invitation to go off on a  nonresponsive diversionary rant]
Again, all these articles start with the assumption that evolution provides for a "sexual orientation"
After you deal with my three specific questions, I'll be curious to know:
(1) what, if anything, does "evolution provides for sexual orientation" even mean?
(2) what evidence can you muster to support the notion that these articles do start with that assumption?

...but only after you address my three specific questions. Focus, T-diddy, focus!

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,04:46   

Occam's Aftershave wrote:
T-daddy, shouldn't you be off burning crosses, or marching with Fred Phelps somewhere?

Look, I understand that you're frustrated, but you won't accomplish anything by foaming at the mouth like a rabid dingo everytime someone challenges your liberal pieties. Why not let the evidence speak for itself? Live up to your handle for once.
And what is a "decadent" lifestyle?  PDAs in front of some 80 year old WASP prig?  Wanting to have a committed same-sex relationship with someone you love?

No, but having unprotected sex with strangers in the midst of a plague certainly qualifies. And here are some numbers:
Gómez found that based on reports of the previous year, most sex behavior that might spread HIV did not differ significantly between African-Americans, whites and Latinos. But whites, for example, most often identified themselves as gay and reported a larger number of male sex partners than did Latinos and African Americans. Whites also were more likely to have oral insertive sex with men who were HIV negative or whose HIV status was unknown.

African-American men were more likely than either whites or Latinos to also report sex with women, to identify themselves as bisexual, and to be uncomfortable with their same-sex behavior. When recalling encounters within the past three months, African Americans and Latinos reported higher rates of unprotected anal intercourse with a partner whose HIV status was negative or unknown. Interviews suggested that both groups are less likely to consider oral sex as a substitute for penetrative sex.

The survey showed that 47 HIV positive men across all ethnic groups reported unprotected anal insertive sex with a partner though they knew his HIV status was negative.

In one-on-one interviews with each man, surveyors pulled out the context: "These encounters usually were rare, and there were very few men who did not consider it an issue to have sex with a man whom they might infect," Gómez said.

Often an HIV negative partner was willing, or even demanded to take the risk, she said. Even more often, drugs, alcohol or other factors limited the men's perceived sense of control over their behavior.

Gómez said a more worrisome statistic was that more than half the HIV positive men (132) had sex with partners whose HIV status was unknown.

[all emphases mine, of course]

Thordaddy, do you think I'll get any rational responses to this? Eric and Flint, maybe. The rest, I'm not so sure.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,05:16   

Look at the typical gay parade

spend much time watching gay pride parades, do you?

Ahhhh...a member of the Concrete Crew, I see.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,05:23   

Ghost of Paley,

Well the study you provided is definately better conducted than Thordaddy's NARTH ones.

There is no condoning a HIV+ person having unprotected sex with someone they know (or it is possible) to be negative.

But that is the bahaviour of individuals. I believe this has also happened in heterosexual sexual encounters.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,05:38   

Stephen Elliot:
There is no condoning a HIV+ person having unprotected sex with someone they know (or it is possible) to be negative.

But that is the bahaviour of individuals. I believe this has also happened in heterosexual sexual encounters.

Certainly. And this behavior may be even more common among heterosexuals (the statistics for straight teens are depressing enough). But the majority of surveyed gay men engaging in sociopathic behavior? I just can't endorse a culture that leads to such irresponsible acts. But watch the excuses roll in.........

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 380
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,05:48   

And don't forget, AIDS started out as a heterosexual disease, and in many parts of the world is still prediminantly heterosexually transmitted

If I fly the coop some time
And take nothing but a grip
With the few good books that really count
It's a necessary trip

I'll be gone with the girl in the gold silk jacket
The girl with the pearl-driller's hands


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,05:52   

Thordaddy, do you think I'll get any rational responses to this? Eric and Flint, maybe. The rest, I'm not so sure.
So, T-diddy is your arbiter of "rational"?  Wow.

I wonder what a rational response would look like?

(A). Irresponsible homosexual behavior is a big problem: therefore we should impress high-school kids who might be homosexually-oriented that they should just be heterosexual instead.

(B). Irresponsible sexual behavior is a big problem: therefore we should teach kids to not even think about sex until they marry (and then make sure they only marry other virgins!;) otherwise they're just asking for trouble.

©. Kids should learn about all the behaviors associated with AIDS and STDs, and steps that can be taken to avoid them.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


Posts: 478
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,05:55   

I'm not sure I'm quite grasping the distinction between decadent and irresponsible. I confess that since the advent of AIDS, I too have had unprotected sex with women not known to be HIV negative. I grant this is of dubious responsibility. Am I therefore decadent, or simply lonely?

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,06:14   

Midnight Voice
And don't forget, AIDS started out as a heterosexual disease, and in many parts of the world is still prediminantly heterosexually transmitted

Yep. There are pockets of the straight community that also behave recklessly. But you're proving my point: AIDs may not discriminate, but it does seem to target Africans, drug-users, and gay men. Doesn't this indicate where most prevention efforts should be directed? And an ounce of clear thinking is worth a pound of cure.

I'm not sure I'm quite grasping the distinction between decadent and irresponsible.

Well, one often leads to the other.
I confess that since the advent of AIDS, I too have had unprotected sex with women not known to be HIV negative.

Then you engaged in reckless behavior. But please keep in mind that AIDs is much more common in gay communities, and has been for decades. There is no excuse for a gay man to be unaware of the risks. Also, anal sex is more likely to spread the disease than vaginal sex, all other things being equal. Plus, many of the men continued to have unprotected sex even when they knew they were HIV positive. That's just pure sociopathy. By the way, the study is saying that the majority of gay HIV + men are being irresponsible, not the majority of gay men overall. Sorry for the mistake.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,07:52   

Ghost, in a few words: What do you think the survey you linked shows about the homosexual "lifestyle" and how it relates to AIDS?
(Be so kind as to define this lifestyle, too)

I am eagerly waiting for your interpretation of the results.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,08:10   

Why not let the evidence speak for itself?

I thought we were supposed to learn from your shining example?

And an ounce of clear thinking is worth a pound of cure.

LOL.  two great statements in the same post!

physician, heal thyself.

I'm still laughing at you.


Posts: 478
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,08:12   


Plus, many of the men continued to have unprotected sex even when they knew they were HIV positive. That's just pure sociopathy.

One thing leads to another, I guess. You're correct, this behavior is reprehensible. But I doubt being homosexual predisposes an individual to be more likely to do it. I have no doubt that if YOU were aware you had some STD, no amount of temptation could influence you to take such a risk. I wish I could say the same for myself, but I can't.

By the way, the study is saying that the majority of gay HIV + men are being irresponsible, not the majority of gay men overall. Sorry for the mistake.

Probably moot. I would hate to be faced with the prospect of introspecting whether the knowledge that I had HIV would influence my sexual practices. I would certainly like to think so, but I'm also very thankful that I'm not faced with the decision in Real Life. And again, I doubt that the gender of the object of my interests would have much to do with my behavior.

AIDs may not discriminate, but it does seem to target Africans, drug-users, and gay men. Doesn't this indicate where most prevention efforts should be directed?

If I may say so, this locution begs to be misinterpreted. AIDS itself doesnt 'target' anyone. This disease could have originated in (let's say) Indiana, and it would appear to 'target' Hoosiers, at least for the most part, for some period of time. Are Hoosiers therefore 'more decadent' than the rest of the nation? This is the kind of implication that makes you look bigoted.

Granted, prevention should be targeted where a disease is most prevalent. But that's pretty straightforward..

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,09:13   

One thing leads to another, I guess. You're correct, this behavior is reprehensible. But I doubt being homosexual predisposes an individual to be more likely to do it.

I doubt that gay people are biologically predisposed to immoral behavior either. But for whatever reason, they engage in said behavior at an alarming rate. And since I don't buy the "discrimination made me do it" angle, that leaves culture as the leading candidate.
If I may say so, this locution begs to be misinterpreted. AIDS itself doesnt 'target' anyone. This disease could have originated in (let's say) Indiana, and it would appear to 'target' Hoosiers, at least for the most part, for some period of time.

Bad wording. I meant that these population groups have much higher levels of the disease. Certainly, some of it is due to the difficulty of transmitting the virus through vaginal sex (less tearing, etc.). But that's only part of it, and doesn't explain the African heterosexual rate. Or the African-American het rate for that matter. Perhaps black men are more likely to engage in homosexual behavior? Doesn't seem likely, but who knows.
This is the kind of implication that makes you look bigoted.

I let the liberals worry about bigotry. I'm more concerned with the evidence.
Granted, prevention should be targeted where a disease is most prevalent. But that's pretty straightforward..

Unless society denies that certain behaviors/cultures are more likely to lead to the disease. Or a Marxist media tries to hide the truth. Thank God for scientific journals and the internet.

Faid said:
Ghost, in a few words: What do you think the survey you linked shows about the homosexual "lifestyle" and how it relates to AIDS?
(Be so kind as to define this lifestyle, too)

Male homosexuality -> more likely to engage in promiscuous sex -> lack of concern for a sexual partner's welfare -> sociopathic behavior

This is just my hypothesis, but at least it attempts to explain the evidence, and it also accounts for the correlation between loose morality and violence evidenced in the overall community (high homicide rate during the 20's and 70's in America, etc.)

Sir Wiggles:
I thought we were supposed to learn from your shining example?

How could you, you don't even know who I am. But consult your local Baptist for a map to the moral life. Or take a dose of this.....

......and call me in the morning.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,09:26   

All the evidence I've read so far only goes as far as saying that there MAY BE a genetic component to a homosexual predisposition with the environment being that which manifests this predisposition.

So, if we are teaching young American school children that homosexuality is a normal "sexual orientation" while study after study shows incredible risk in engaging in homosexual acts, what exactly is the public school system trying to accomplish given what we know about the science?

If one's environment is critical in manifesting a homosexual predisposition then it should be clear that we are teaching young children to engage in dangerous and deadly behaviors.

This to me is outrageous and with friends like this, who needs enemies.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,09:26   

At a guess, I would consider the likelyhood of condoms being normal practice for gay sex. The absolute impossibility of conception would have made condom use unlikely before AIDS (and its causes) was well known.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,09:41   


Homosexuals (gay males) are estimated to be about 1-2% of the American population.  About 60% of new AIDS infections are contracted through homosexual sex (anal sex).  This is an incredible overrepresentation.

Again, if the homosexual act is indistinguishable from the homosexual then how can we teach young children about the "normalcy" of homosexuality?  

If science tells us that one's environment plays a major role in manifesting a possible genetic homosexual predisposition, aren't we in fact teaching young children to engage in dangerous and deadly behaviors with our non-discrimination and tolerance policies?

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,09:50   

Re "But that's only part of it, and doesn't explain the African heterosexual rate."

Didn't the disease start in Africa?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,09:53   

I would hope that all kids are taught about the use of contraception at an apropriate age. Particularly the use of condoms and safe sex to combat STDs.

It would be wrong to teach people that it is incorect/sinful to be atracted to certain people. The various risks and countermeasures would be an apropriate lesson.

Gay guys should use condoms to reduce odds of STDs.
Heterosexuals should use condoms for the same reason and consider other aditional contraception to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
Gay chicks are probably relatively risk-free.

Of course this would be inapropriate to teach young children. Rather, for older kids/young adults.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,10:33   


I doubt that gay people are biologically predisposed to immoral behavior either. But for whatever reason, they engage in said behavior at an alarming rate. And since I don't buy the "discrimination made me do it" angle, that leaves culture as the leading candidate.

Your implications can be subtle, you know? First, you imply that gay behavior is immoral, but of course morality is quite arbitrary. Dubbing some behavior YOU don't like as "immoral" doesn't mean it IS immoral, or that this is "evidence". It just means you don't like it and you're trying to justify your preferences with pejorative terms. Naughty naughty.

Second, you imply that gay people have more sex, or maybe you mean sex with more different partners, or whatever your notion of "immoral" covers here. I don't know if this is helpful. My own experience, admittedly anecdotal, is that SOME people have sex with a great many partners and are always on the make, while others are comfortably monogomous. Since I met my current spouse about 18 years ago, I haven't been tempted by anyone else. I'm not that unusual.

In other words, I'm saying there's good cause to think that promiscuity is much more correlated with individual preferences than with membership in some particular group like the gay community. Do you know differently?

And this leaves "culture as the leading candidate" without visible means of support. I'm not sure there is an identifiable "promiscuity" culture, or a "loose women" culture, or a "skirt-chaser" culture. Is there?

I meant that these population groups have much higher levels of the disease. Certainly, some of it is due to the difficulty of transmitting the virus through vaginal sex (less tearing, etc.). But that's only part of it, and doesn't explain the African heterosexual rate. Or the African-American het rate for that matter. Perhaps black men are more likely to engage in homosexual behavior? Doesn't seem likely, but who knows.

With all due respect, you seem to be struggling very hard to notice the obvious, and not quite seeing it. I'm not going to claim that African cultures generally are more broadly promiscuous; data on these matters are very hard to collect reliably. What is NOT hard to collect are data on levels of Africal public and private health availability. In Nigeria (to pick someplace pretty much at random) how hard is it to be tested and/or treated for HIV? How difficult is it to buy condoms? How likely are people to seek this sort of help? What is the ratio of doctors to population?

Unless society denies that certain behaviors/cultures are more likely to lead to the disease. Or a Marxist media tries to hide the truth.

Giggle. Uh, right. Certainly the US media have not denied that HIV has been most prevalent in gay communities. But I do think it's just Bad Luck that HIV got its start in those communities, because there IS a great deal of hostility toward them nationwide, much of it religion-oriented. If HIV had by chance begun in upper class circles, we'd have seen a LOT more attention paid a LOT sooner.

Unless you are going to argue that upper class adolescents and young adults have a lot less sex, as opposed to a lot more ability to keep the side-effects under wraps.

Male homosexuality -> more likely to engage in promiscuous sex -> lack of concern for a sexual partner's welfare -> sociopathic behavior

But perhaps this sequence is an artifact of something you'd rather not consider? I can see how male homosexuals may be more promiscuous - the threat of unwanted pregnancy is not there, and the male sexual response is a lot easier to trigger. I very very seriously doubt that homosexuals' concern for a partner's welfare are biologically distinct from anyone else. This claim falls squarely into the "niggers are lazy" category, somewhere someone shouldn't go who makes as big a deal of "the evidence" as you do.

Back in the distant past, I was once informed AFTER sex, by a nice white woman I met in the church choir, that she had an STD. But she wasn't about to let me know until she got what she wanted. At least she told me! Was she a sociopath, or just self-centered? Or is this self-centered behavior when you or I do it, and sociopathic when homosexuals do it, because we are just weak, whereas THEY are *depraved*?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,10:33   

Male homosexuality -> more likely to engage in promiscuous sex -> lack of concern for a sexual partner's welfare -> sociopathic behavior

This is just my hypothesis, but at least it attempts to explain the evidence, and it also accounts for the correlation between loose morality and violence evidenced in the overall community (high homicide rate during the 20's and 70's in America, etc.)

Well, since this is your hypothesis, and it does not originate from this survey (and I agree), can you tell me, in your words, what makes you think that the first correlation in your hypothesis (Male homosexuality -> more likely to engage in promiscuous sex) is valid?
Please do not use the high occurence of STDs as evidence, as this is the relation we're trying to establish- and that would be circular reasoning, worthy only of trolldaddy.
So, why do you think that a homosexual is inevitably (or even dominantly) prone to promiscuous sex and disregard for their sexual partner's safety, as well as their own? At least more than a heterosexual person would, under the same circumstances? And what evidence do you have to support this claim that homosexuals are prone to sociopathy?

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,10:39   


can you tell me, in your words, what makes you think that the first correlation in your hypothesis (Male homosexuality -> more likely to engage in promiscuous sex) is valid?

I suggested a couple of possibilities, and so I'm willing to grant this for the sake of argument. But the rest of the sequence I can't find any case for that doesn't rest on foregone conclusions.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,10:49   

Actually, I do believe that a large percent of homosexuals may engage in what Ghost describes as sociopathic behavior", although I seriously doubt that it's as large as that of sexually active teenagers, f.e. -or even young bachelor heterosexual adults, for that matter.
I just believe that the reasons for this are not related with homosexuality itself, but rather with the very act of discrimination against it.
But I'm interested in what Ghost has to say.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,11:02   


I just believe that the reasons for this are not related with homosexuality itself, but rather with the very act of discrimination against it.

I'm also interested in what you are saying. Are you implying that "sexually active teenagers, or even young bachelor heterosexual adults" do more of this stuff than homosexuals because they are *even more* discriminated against? Really?

I just don't see discrimination relating to sexual behavior in any direct or even indirect way I can see. So your claim confuses me.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,11:19   

Well, since this is your hypothesis, and it does not originate from this survey (and I agree), can you tell me, in your words, what makes you think that the first correlation in your hypothesis (Male homosexuality -> more likely to engage in promiscuous sex) is valid?

Other than common sense, you mean? O.K.
A monograph from The Medical Institute for Sexual Health a nonprofit
medical/educational organization concerned with the twin epidemics of
nonmarital pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases reveals the
following information.
Homosexual men, on average, become sexually active approximately three
years earlier than do heterosexual men. In general, homosexual men tend
to have significantly more lifetime sexual partners than do
heterosexual men.

Or try this one:
An exhaustive study in The New England Journal of Medicine, medical literature's only study reporting on homosexuals who kept sexual "diaries," indicated the average homosexual ingests the fecal material of 23 different men each year. The same study indicated the number of annual sexual partners averaged nearly 100. Homosexuals averaged, per year, fellating 106 different men and swallowing 50 of their seminal ejaculations, and 72 penile penetrations of the anus. (Corey, L, and Holmes, K.K., "Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis A in Homosexual Men," New England Journal of Medicine, 1980, vol 302: 435-438; as quoted in "Homosexuality and Civil Rights," Tony Marco, 1992).

A study by McKusick, et al., of 655 San Francisco homosexuals reported that only 24 percent of the sample claimed to have been "monogamous" during the past year, and of this 24 percent, 5 percent drank urine, 7 percent engag-ed in sex involving insertion of a fist in their rectums, 33 percent ingested feces, 53 percent swallowed semen and 59 percent received semen in their rectums in the month just previous to the survey ("AIDS and Sexual Behavior Reported by Homosexual Men in San Francisco," American Journal of Public Health, December 1985, 75: 493-496; quoted in "Homosexuality and Civil Rights," Tony Marco, 1992).

AIDS research by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported that the typical homosexual interviewed claimed to have had more than 500 different sexual partners in a lifetime. Considered by themselves, the AIDS victims in this study averaged more than 1,100 lifetime sexual partners. Some reported as many as 20,000. Studies reported by A-P. Bell, M.S. Weinberg and S.K. Hammersmith in the book "Sexual Preference" (Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1981) indicated that only 3 percent of homosexuals had fewer than 10 lifetime sexual partners. Only about 2 percent could be classified as either monogamous or semi-monogamous (from "Homosexuality and Civil Rights," Tony Marco, 1992).

And what of our Sapphic sisters, you might ask?

Lesbians show similar patterns of high venereal disease incidence relative to the general population. They are 19 times more likely to have had syphilis, twice as likely to have had genital warts, four times as likely to have had scabies, seven times more likely to have had infection from vaginal contact, 29 times more likely to have had oral infection from vaginal contact and 12 times more likely to have had an oral infection from penile contact ("Medical Aspects of Homosexuality," Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality, 1985, Jaffe and Keewhan, et al.; quoted in "Homosexuality and Civil Rights," Tony Marco, 1992).

Since these (admittedly biased) sites quote actual studies, I think the claim rests on your shoulders now.

With all due respect, you seem to be struggling very hard to notice the obvious, and not quite seeing it. I'm not going to claim that African cultures generally are more broadly promiscuous; data on these matters are very hard to collect reliably.

I think one of my sources provides an explanation.
Back in the distant past, I was once informed AFTER sex, by a nice white woman I met in the church choir, that she had an STD. But she wasn't about to let me know until she got what she wanted. At least she told me! Was she a sociopath, or just self-centered? Or is this self-centered behavior when you or I do it, and sociopathic when homosexuals do it, because we are just weak, whereas THEY are *depraved*?

If the STD was very serious, then yes, she qualifies as a sociopath. If it was treatable or nonserious, then she was just a jerk. Not that the tramp has my sympathy.
In other words, I'm saying there's good cause to think that promiscuity is much more correlated with individual preferences than with membership in some particular group like the gay community. Do you know differently?

Yes, and the above explains why.
And this leaves "culture as the leading candidate" without visible means of support. I'm not sure there is an identifiable "promiscuity" culture, or a "loose women" culture, or a "skirt-chaser" culture. Is there?

No, I'm sure phrases like "Hitting bitches" and "wearing a tramp stamp" are products of my fevered imagination. Do you know what a "rainbow party" is? Some say it's just an urban legend, but no one finds its existence implausible. Why is that, you think?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,11:20   

No the reasons are different for teenagers (they mostly have to do with the feeling of invulnerability that comes with that age, in my opinion). When talking about homosexuals, it is possible that the fact they're treated as outcasts makes some among them feel and behave as such, making them reckless and with a knee-jerk reaction to any rules set in the society that makes them feel unwanted.
That, however, is not representative of homosexuals in general, and as a matter of fact it's something to be expected, to a degree, in any social group that's been discriminated against.
Unfortunately, to the minds of people like thordaddy, the exception becomes the rule.
But the main issue remains: Regarding safety from STDs, There is absolutely no difference between a reckless homosexual and a reckless heterosexual; The only issue with male homosexuals is the higher percentage of practicing anal sex, that can make them more vulnerable. But, like I've said before, that only means a homosexual should be more aware and careful; claiming that this makes them "abnormal" is like claiming that surgeons are freaks, because they have a greater chance of getting infected with STDs than other doctors.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 1082
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,11:49   

All the evidence I've read so far only goes as far as saying that there MAY BE a genetic component to a homosexual predisposition with the environment being that which manifests this predisposition.
You could have said there “MAY BE” a genetic component even before you collected any evidence! In light of the evidence, you’d have to say “there most probably is”.  What evidence (data, studies, publications) are you referring to when you talk about “the environment being that which manifests this predisposition”? I get the impression that’s your way of rephrasing “personal choice”  which – it’s my impression – has very little to do with it.

So, if we are teaching young American school children that homosexuality is a normal "sexual orientation" while study after study shows incredible risk in engaging in homosexual acts, what exactly is the public school system trying to accomplish given what we know about the science?
At the risk of sounding like a broken record: What is being taught that shouldn’t be? Should kids be taught that homosexuality is “abnormal”? Would that solve your problem? If you just report to them the percentage of homosexuals and heterosexuals in the population, would that get your point across? Or is it really important to you that the word “abnormal” be used?  As for “incredible risk” – it’s elevated relative to other groups. But “incredible”? Would it not be wise to talk about all risky behaviors – about which you can do something, rather than sexual orientation, about which you can’t (except in NARTH fantasyland, of course).

If one's environment is critical in manifesting a homosexual predisposition…
a huge and highly dubious “if”…
then it should be clear that we are teaching young children to engage in dangerous and deadly behaviors.
See, here’s where some specifics would really come in handy. What young children? Are you talking about 6-year olds learning that “Johnny has two daddies” again? Are you talking about not trying to warn high-school kids against being homosexual? What are you talking  about???

This to me is outrageous and with friends like this, who needs enemies.
What is outrageous? You think we’re killing gay kids with kindness for not insisting they be straight?
Homosexuals (gay males) are estimated to be about 1-2% of the American population.
Estimated by whom?
About 60% of new AIDS infections are contracted through homosexual sex (anal sex).
No, about 60% of the cases among men, i.e. about 60% of 70%, or about 42% of the total.  

Again, if the homosexual act is indistinguishable from the homosexual then how can we teach young children about the "normalcy" of homosexuality?
Did you notice that this sentence makes no sense at all? There isn’t even a part of this sentence that makes sense.

If science tells us that one's environment plays a major role in manifesting a possible genetic homosexual predisposition…
which, so far as I can see, it isn’t…
aren't we in fact teaching young children to engage in dangerous and deadly behaviors with our non-discrimination and tolerance policies?
Huh? You think what gay kids need is the “tough love” of discrimination and intolerance – so they’ll become heterosexual, and therefore at lower risk for HIV?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,12:01   


I remain unconvinced. If we trust Ghost's information (and I'm not rejecting it reflexively), it tells us that gays are generally more promiscuous than heterosexuals. But it doesn't tell us that discrimination explains this in the case of gays, whereas other factors explain it in the case of different groups or categories.

Perhaps the simple impossibility of conception explains a great deal of this behavior. I always ask of myself: If I were single, if I had access to a great many partners, if I weren't in danger of becoming a parent, if I were young, healthy and randy, what posture might I adopt? I can't guarantee I wouldn't feel "Why not?" and just go for it. If I were aware of serious and prevalent disease, if I noticed a lot of those in my cohort becoming sick and dying, I'd probably take precautions. Most of the time.

This still leaves what I consider an important issue: any relatively different value placed by individuals on a committed relationship. So Ghost's statistics indicate that even "mostly monogamous" relationships are rare in the gay community. Of course, I've seen statistics indicating that no more than 10% of heterosexual married couples anonymously claim neither partner had sex outside the marriage since they married.

The implication here is that humans aren't particularly faithful, sexually speaking. Humans like variety and novelty. Whether gays like it MORE than straights, I wouldn't know how to assess.


I'm fairly certain that access to useful medical attention of all kinds (condoms, doctors, even correct information) is MUCH more difficult in sub-Saharan Africa, yet I notice you simply tuned out the main point I made. Is it any wonder you have trouble seeing this?

If the STD was very serious, then yes, she qualifies as a sociopath. If it was treatable or nonserious, then she was just a jerk. Not that the tramp has my sympathy.

Well, let's just say you and I have VERY different levels of tolerance and forgiveness. I admit I have problems trying to hold others to standards I'm not sure if I meet myself. My house may not be entirely glass, but it does have windows.

No, I'm sure phrases like "Hitting bitches" and "wearing a tramp stamp" are products of my fevered imagination.

You aren't answering what I asked, though. Maybe I phrased it poorly. I agree these people exist. I was asking whether they *as a group* represented a distinct subculture, with all that entails. To me, these are simply the far ends of bell curves. In general, we think of heterosexuals and homosexuals as being fairly bimodal; not a lot of crossover (though there is some), whereas the descriptions you put forth here seem to refer to *relative proclivities*, along a fairly continuous spectrum where lines are drawn much more arbitrarily. Sex with N partners a year where N rises toward one end of the curve, and you can pick a number beyond which you consider immoral. To me, this is qualitatively different.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,12:03   

I'm sorry Ghost, but these are not just biased sites that cite studies. They are biased sites that cite studies by biased organizations (check out the "Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality", or the "Medical Institute for Sexual Health", and see for yourself). Also, they quote a 1992 biased book that in turn refers (not quotes) to two articles from journals of the 80's, claiming that they indicate this behavior. I could not find these articles, except as a reference in other biased sites. So, sorry, but it's still in your shoulders ,I fear- After all, it shouldn't be that hard to find an objective comparative study of sexual behavior in homo- and heterosexual adults... I actually believe you'll find a lot, if you look past your bookmarks.
You don't have to, however: I,m interested, as I said before, to know why you think this is so. I wanted to know more about this "common sense" bit: The reasons (obvious in your mind, I see) that homosexuals are more prone to disregard for their personal and their partners safety.
Can you elaborate?

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 478
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,12:29   

Sigh. "Facts" are hard to come by in an area explored by sociology, itself the softest of "sciences", especially when the desire to discover given patterns is intensely strong. I think Ghost is correct that those whose preferences are opposite his tend to construct their investigations around finding these preferences in the data. I think Ghost is disingenuous in carefully avoiding the fact that those who agree with him are AT LEAST as passionate about supporting their own foregone conclusions.

it shouldn't be that hard to find an objective comparative study of sexual behavior in homo- and heterosexual adults.

Oh yeah? I respectfully submit that "objective" in this context is indistinguishable from "agrees with my preferences." It is impossible NOT to have a bias in this area. Even if the collected statistics are meticulously accurate, the conclusions drawn from them are always slanted. And I don't trust the statistics: Tell me what you want them to imply, and I can construct an "objective" method of ratifying your conclusions.

So we look at pretty much the same evidence, and some of us see normal human variation and shrug our shoulders, while others see social collapse or moral threats and are aghast. Even if both parties agree on the facts, this happens.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,12:34   

All quotes by Thordaddy

Homosexuals (gay males) are estimated to be about 1-2% of the American population.  About 60% of new AIDS infections are contracted through homosexual sex (anal sex).  This is an incredible overrepresentation.

You just go on and on about this statistic without ever addressing WHY this came to be.  You take a small section of the population, actively discriminate against them, ostracize them, deny them the right to make legally committed relationships, tell them they’re worthless sinners who will burn in h*ll, physically beat them, then wonder why some of them adopt a selfish “society hates me anyway, so I’ll screw around and enjoy life for me before they kill me” attitude??

Again, if the homosexual act is indistinguishable from the homosexual then how can we teach young children about the "normalcy" of homosexuality?

So that’s your understanding of human sexuality?? – homosexuality is defined only by a desire for anal sex??  No love, no attraction, no commitments – only butt f*cking?  Gawd, no wonder you’re such a moronic bigot

If science tells us that one's environment plays a major role in manifesting a possible genetic homosexual predisposition, aren't we in fact teaching young children to engage in dangerous and deadly behaviors with our non-discrimination and tolerance policies?

So you think that teaching that same-sex attraction falls within the normal range of human behavior, and that folks in that category aren’t automatically perverts, sexual preditors, evil sinners, or monsters is the same as encouraging children to engage in dangerous and deadly behaviors?  You fundy bigots will stoop to any level to justify your Bible-base prejudices, won’t you?

Here’s an idea – we teach children the scientific truth.  You are for science, right?

1) evidence shows homosexuality to be caused by a complex combination of genetic, hormonal, and  environmental factors.  The exact percentages are unknown and are probably different for each individual.
2) There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest same-sex attraction is a conscious choice.
3) Same-sex attraction falls within the normal, acceptable range of observed human behavior
4) Everyone deserves to be treated with equality, dignity and respect, and not discriminated against due to religiously based prejudices

Then, we offer to the older children a frank course in sex education, including the risks of STDs from unprotected sex, both hetero and homo.

That would go a long way towards solving the health issues and make for a better society, but of course it leaves you with the problem of gays being evil sinners who should burn in h*ll.  Guess you’ll have to keep lighting those crosses on people’s lawns.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,13:03   

Quote (Flint @ April 12 2006,17:29)
it shouldn't be that hard to find an objective comparative study of sexual behavior in homo- and heterosexual adults.

Oh yeah? I respectfully submit that "objective" in this context is indistinguishable from "agrees with my preferences."

Well, I do tend to prefer objectivity. Your point? :)

The thing is, everything can be (and usually is) interpreted subjectively. When conducting a study using the proper scientific method, though, it's important not to let our subjective opinion intefere with procuring the data -or distort them. That is bad science.
Now, I'm not saying that Ghost's studies are necessarily of that kind; I'm only saying that their origin (groups specifically created to serve and promote a particular goal) definitely calls for a sceptic approach. In that regard, studies from independent sources reaching to similar conclusions would be valuable.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 478
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,15:00   


The thing is, everything can be (and usually is) interpreted subjectively. When conducting a study using the proper scientific method, though, it's important not to let our subjective opinion intefere with procuring the data -or distort them. That is bad science.

Simultaneously, I think this is important and I think I'm not going to be able to explain why.

First, let's stipulate that we can get accurate answers to any question we ask. In other words, nobody is fudging any data in any way.

But what questions should we ask? This is critical. The questions always determine the answers. Do we really know how to ask "objective" questions? Even Darwin scoffed at this notion, saying no observation was of any use unless it was for or against some viewpoint.

Now, I grant that the sources Ghost cites are likely to ask the same sort of question Ghost asks: how can we most clearly illustrate that our society is becoming decadent and that homosexuals are a scourge? This is an inherent problem with sociological issues: We invariably say: Here are the conclusions, how can we best demonstrate that they are correct? Data are potentially infinite; we MUST pick and choose. What guides our choice in sociological areas if not the desire to support (as Darwin said) "some view"?

So long as data are accurate, then, we have good science. We have no choice but to be selective, which means we need some criteria for selection. If you and Ghost have different views and select different data necessary to support your respective views, which of you is slanting and spinning more?

Homosexuals do what they do. The attitudes and policies society imposes on them surely influence their behavior. The question isn't whether this is the case, but HOW their (and our) behavior *ought to be* manipulated through public policy. And this depends on your view: we will surely adopt different policy if we decide on the one hand that homosexuality is normal, and homosexuals should be treated no different from heterosexuals, or on the other hand if we decide that homosexuality is *wrong*, and steps should be taken, if not to eradicate it, at least to stifle and discourage homosexual behavior as much as possible.

So we're back to the sociological inevitable: our notion of what's right and proper determines what data we consider relevant and important. Sociological studies don't *reach* conclusions, they *support* conclusions.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,15:25   

Faid said:
I'm sorry Ghost, but these are not just biased sites that cite studies. They are biased sites that cite studies by biased organizations (check out the "Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality", or the "Medical Institute for Sexual Health", and see for yourself). Also, they quote a 1992 biased book that in turn refers (not quotes) to two articles from journals of the 80's, claiming that they indicate this behavior. I could not find these articles, except as a reference in other biased sites. So, sorry, but it's still in your shoulders ,I fear- After all, it shouldn't be that hard to find an objective comparative study of sexual behavior in homo- and heterosexual adults... I actually believe you'll find a lot, if you look past your bookmarks.

Here's a primary source.
Men were asked In the last 12 months how many MEN have you had sex with in total? and allowed to indicate one of five responses (0.9% did not answer this question). The number of male partners men had in the last year differed slightly by recruitment method. Compared to the men recruited on the internet, the booklet-recruited sample were less likely to have had no male sexual partners and were more likely to have had very high numbers of male partners. This is contrary to the popular impression that men recruited on the internet are, as a group, exceptionally sexually active.

Number of male sexual partners in the last year
(n=15852, missing 150) % Web responses
(n=11820) % Booklet responses
(n=4032) % ALL responses
Number of male sexual partners in the last year
(n=15852, missing 150) % Web responses
(n=11820) % Booklet responses
(n=4032) % ALL responses
(None)  6.1  4.7  5.8
(one)  16.6  19.8  17.4
(2, 3 ,4)  29.2  27.3  28.7
(5 to 12)  25.1  21.9  24.3
(13 to 29)  12.4  12.5  12.4
(30+ )   10.5  13.8  11.4

Here's the main page.

If you want more, do your own homework.  :p

You don't have to, however: I,m interested, as I said before, to know why you think this is so. I wanted to know more about this "common sense" bit: The reasons (obvious in your mind, I see) that homosexuals are more prone to disregard for their personal and their partners safety.
Can you elaborate?

You misquote me - please reread the offending post:
Well, since this is your hypothesis, and it does not originate from this survey (and I agree), can you tell me, in your words, what makes you think that the first correlation in your hypothesis (Male homosexuality -> more likely to engage in promiscuous sex) is valid?

Other than common sense, you mean? O.K.

The "common sense" phrase referred to the gay tendency towards promiscuity, not sociopathy. As usual, Flint supplied the logic as well as I could:
Perhaps the simple impossibility of conception explains a great deal of this behavior. I always ask of myself: If I were single, if I had access to a great many partners, if I weren't in danger of becoming a parent, if I were young, healthy and randy, what posture might I adopt? I can't guarantee I wouldn't feel "Why not?" and just go for it. If I were aware of serious and prevalent disease, if I noticed a lot of those in my cohort becoming sick and dying, I'd probably take precautions. Most of the time.

Except I think I'd take precautions all of the time under those circumstances.

Now, where's your evidence?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,15:47   

I'm going to have to close shop until tomorrow, but before I go, I'd really like to see some evidence offered for the liberal null hypothesis of equal behavioral outcomes absent discrimination. The excuses for other people's misbehavior are getting threadbare. You've got the Marxist media, the vast majority of academics, speech codes, threats of violence, and the courts on your side - it's time to turn that advantage into solid, fact-based arguments. People are getting fed up with the intellectual three-card monte. I've already done my share of the heavy lifting - now it's your turn.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,15:56   


before I go, I'd really like to see some evidence offered for the liberal null hypothesis of equal behavioral outcomes absent discrimination.

Don't be silly. How can anyone present any solid evidence of how things would be if only things were different? I take the normative position that social forces DO influence individual behavior in important ways. But how can I produce evidence of widespread *different* behavior under conditions that do not obtain?

All I can say is, I do not consider homosexual consenting behavior any sort of social threat. We DO have what may well be a worst-case situation in the Real World, and except for STDs (which are becoming increasingly homogenous) I don't see any real problems. Do you?

(Maybe I should add that we DO have a heterosexual corresponding situation: rock and movie stars, and to some degree well-known athletes. And sure enough, the pattern among these healthy, good-looking young people is *incessant* sex (almost entirely with the opposite sex, as well); some of these people have notorious appetites. Are we going to suggest that musical talent, acting ability, or athletic prowess predisposes whoever possesses one of these to be 'decadent'? The pattern is pretty clear: all that prevents the average young person from indulging to continuous satiation is simple opportunity or its lack.)

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,06:25   

Don't be silly. How can anyone present any solid evidence of how things would be if only things were different? I take the normative position that social forces DO influence individual behavior in important ways. But how can I produce evidence of widespread *different* behavior under conditions that do not obtain?

You do realise that you've conceded the untestability of the central assuption underlying liberal policy? But not to fear: as it happens, I don't agree with you. I think that there are ways to measure the degree of prejudice that exists in a society (surveys, etc.) and then correlate those levels with achievement metrics for minority groups. For example, does discrimination cause violent crime? If it does, we would expect crime to decline as, say, median income level rises within the group or as the proportion of prejudiced people within national surveys decreases. Also, we can guage marketing trends: if minority groups appear more frequently in ads, this indicates greater public acceptance, as most companies strive to attract, rather than repel, potential customers. The number of minority faces on the glass teat should relate inversely to the number of antisocial acts by those groups. And so on. More later.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,06:37   


Your claims sound far more plausible when linked to culture than to ethnicity.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,06:55   

Well my, my, my! It looks that the Marxists have fled the field, leaving poor Flint by his lonesome. Well, Flint doesn't need a pack of hyenas by his side anyway. Now that we've seen that the liberal side of the issue is completely unsupported, I wonder if the Panda's Thumb regulars will apologise for their name-calling. Should I hold my breath?  ;)

Mr. Elliot:

Your claims sound far more plausible when linked to culture than to ethnicity.

Thanks. But I'm still contending that as ethnic or racial groups segregate, they create different cultures which in turn leads to differential outcomes. Please remember that I don't accept biological IQ differences across groups. I do think this is an issue worth examining. Some contemporary genetic studies are a little worrisome IMHO.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,07:52   


You do realise that you've conceded the untestability of the central assuption underlying liberal policy?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I personally think your articulation of that assumption is somewhat different from mine. In fact, I think you have been barking up the wrong tree for some number of posts now. So I'll try again: identifiable groups are identifiable for being systematically different in some way. You have been attempting to document how the homosexual community is different in ways you consider important.

But this misses the point, or at least it misses the point I consider important. Not easy to explain, I'm afraid. Consider slavery. It was economical in the South. The non-slavery condition hadn't been tried. Slavery was opposed on moral grounds, not on behavioral grounds. Yes, presumably qualified scientists could have documented with full statistical 4-part harmony that slave behavior was different, and (from a conservative viewpoint) represensible and decadent, not to mention unhealthful, unsanitary, and so on. And presumably, conservatives like yourself could have justified continuing if not even strengthening existing social policies on these grounds. But those grounds weren't the relevant grounds for objecting to slavery.

I think it's much the same with homosexuality. It's a normative position, not an evidence-based position, that legally imposed inequality is *wrong*, and that discrimination (meaning, different treatment for reasons unrelated to the treatment itself) is *bad*. Speculation as to whether homosexual behavior might change if legal policies change, in my opinion, is irrelevant. Denial of basic civil rights (like the right to marry), simply because the people being denied make us uncomfortable to think about, should IMO be debated on philosophical grounds. Is such discrimination a Good Thing? Defend or reject.

But not to fear: as it happens, I don't agree with you. I think that there are ways to measure the degree of prejudice that exists in a society (surveys, etc.) and then correlate those levels with achievement metrics for minority groups.

If your claim here is that the prejudice can't be eliminated by fiat, I agree. If your claim is that homosexuals will continue to behave in ways you dislike even if prejudice vanishes, I agree also. If your claim is that civil rights should be denied on any basis other than we *prefer to do so*, then I don't agree.

I'm not sure what you include in the category of "antisocial acts." Failure to exercise safe sexual practices? OK, I can see that. Anything else?

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,09:06   

I think it's much the same with homosexuality. It's a normative position, not an evidence-based position, that legally imposed inequality is *wrong*, and that discrimination (meaning, different treatment for reasons unrelated to the treatment itself) is *bad*. Speculation as to whether homosexual behavior might change if legal policies change, in my opinion, is irrelevant. Denial of basic civil rights (like the right to marry), simply because the people being denied make us uncomfortable to think about, should IMO be debated on philosophical grounds. Is such discrimination a Good Thing? Defend or reject.

OK, I think I see your position. You argue that all adult citizens have the right to marry, and that this liberty may only be revoked (if at all) by an individual's actions. Anyone who wishes to limit this right to certain groups must argue from philosophical, rather than empirical, grounds. Any attempt to quash a group's liberty is misguided, even if society is harmed as a result (which, of course, may not happen). Is this summary correct?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,09:26   

Well my, my, my! It looks that the Marxists have fled the field, leaving poor Flint by his lonesome.
I was not aware we had Marxists in the discussion. Who were they? I may have missed the Marxist shibboleths that gave them away.
Now that we've seen that the liberal side of the issue is completely unsupported...
and what, pray tell, is the "liberal side of the issue"?  Your straw-man argument that all bad behavior is ascribable to discrimination? Surely you're not so gullible as to believe your own cartoon.

I don't know what the official "Marxist", or the official "liberal" position is (synonyms in the weird world of Paley?). My position is:

(1) trying to change someone's sexual orientation is an exercise in futility
(2) persecution, discrimination, and intolerance are unfortunate characteristics of small-minded people I don't want anything to do with, and certainly should not be enshrined as  government policy. Policies to marginalize or even criminalize homosexual activity on the pretext that some homosexual behavior is unhealthy strike me as counterproductive. Consistent with this, policies such as opposition to gay marriage strike me as nonsensical.
(3) sex education should be honest, frank, and complete
It should include all measures - not just encouraging abstinence - available to reduce risk.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,09:27   


Any attempt to quash a group's liberty is misguided, even if society is harmed as a result (which, of course, may not happen). Is this summary correct?

Essentially, yes. The normative position, once again, is that liberty *defines and informs* that society, which if denied to groups arbitrarily is not a free society. In this sense, society CANNOT be harmed as a result. It may become more pleasant for some and less pleasant for others, of course.

I understand (just to try to defuse any sidetracking) that *absolute* freedom is both practically and philosophically not feasible for any society, since a society is by definition interactive; it's people continuously transacting with one another. My position is that we can hold out individual liberty as a worthy goal while still recognizing the importance of careful regulation. So what I do is regard the Golden Rule as central; a just society emerges from individuals following this rule much as a market emerges from individual exchanges of goods and services. And accordingly, I must accept the loss of the freedom to do what I don't want done to me. It's highly reciprocal.

Anyone who wishes to limit this right to certain groups must argue from philosophical, rather than empirical, grounds.

I'm not sure if empirical grounds make much sense. I'm also not sure if I've seen any. Maybe you can do a better job of getting through to me. I've seem multiple cases of people saying homosexuals can have 'civil unions' legally identical to marriages, but they can't be *called* marriages, despite no legal difference, because that would imply some sort of ecclesiastical blessing objectionable enough so that some churches are experiencing Yet Another Schism over it. I admit this is a blind spot for me. I just don't get it.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,09:39   


(1) trying to change someone's sexual orientation is an exercise in futility

My reading is that while this is entirely true (despite some programs misrepresenting their results), it's not the primary goal of Ghost's brand of conservatives. They just want homosexual *behavior* to go away. Those who would desire to engage in it we can tolerate so long as they *don't do it*, however much they want to.

(2) persecution, discrimination, and intolerance are unfortunate characteristics of small-minded people I don't want anything to do with, and certainly should not be enshrined as  government policy.

Without calling people names, I think (I hope) what you're saying here is that "persecution, discrimination and intolerance" are *bad things* a priori. They're bad because WE SAY they're bad. EVEN IF these things in practice might increase society's net comfort level.

(3) sex education should be honest, frank, and complete. It should include all measures - not just encouraging abstinence - available to reduce risk.

Granted that our predominant "pretend sex doesn't exist and maybe our children won't rediscover it" approach has been a failure. My understanding is that opposition to the kind of program you espouse here is, we must admit sex happens to talk about how to do it right. And that this admission implies tacit permission to fuck like rabbits. And that such behavior is 'decadent' because some historical interpretations indicate it ill serves the "generic human society" used as a baseline.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,09:59   

Something just came up, so I don't have much time to respond. I'll keep this brief:

1) I'm also deeply skeptical of efforts to change sexual orientation.

2) I don't want to criminalize gay behavior, or even to necessarily restrict gay marriage - but I would like a healthy debate over this issue before we take the plunge. In other words, I don't view the right to marriage as fundamental.

3) No problems with telling the truth during class, but the lessons should stress that there's always a risk for pregnancy/STDs from sex.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,10:42   

[changing people's sexual orientation is] not the primary goal of Ghost's brand of conservatives.
I didn't mean to imply that it is. I'm stating my position, which I suspected our vaporous friend was lumping in with "Marxist" and/or "liberal". If it is, that's great. The more the merrier. But it also appears to be the position of sensible conservatives. In light of the fact that sensible people seem to be more or less in agreement on this, it puzzles me that our vaporous friend would regard T-diddy as a his natural ally in "rationality" when he's the only participant that holds the opposite view. Perhaps being a member of the anti-evolution far-right wing-nut club trumps the actual content of the discussion.

Without calling people names, I think (I hope) what you're saying here is that "persecution, discrimination and intolerance" are *bad things* a priori.
Well, as a general rule I guess I would endorse that perspective. But I'm wary of overgeneralizing to the point of tolerating intolerance. What I'm really saying here is that particularly in the case of sexuality, persecution, discrimination and intolerance are not only characteristics of small-mindedness, they're profoundly counterproductive, if the goal really is to minimize anti-social and self-destructive behavior.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,10:49   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 13 2006,14:59)
Something just came up, so I don't have much time to respond. I'll keep this brief:

1) I'm also deeply skeptical of efforts to change sexual orientation.

2) I don't want to criminalize gay behavior, or even to necessarily restrict gay marriage - but I would like a healthy debate over this issue before we take the plunge. In other words, I don't view the right to marriage as fundamental.

3) No problems with telling the truth during class, but the lessons should stress that there's always a risk for pregnancy/STDs from sex.

1) Agreed.

2) Not sure about USA. But in the UK married/unmarried couples have different taxes levied upon them (particularly on a partners death), therefore I believe gays should be entitled to the same rights as the rest of us.

3) Agreed.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,11:11   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 12 2006,20:25)
Now, where's your evidence?

Hmm. You know, I think I can use yours, actually.

In the survey you posted, the larger percentage of homosexuals had 2 to 4 partners in one year. Since the other results seem evened out, more or less (those who had none, or one partner, were about as many as those who had more than a dozen) I can assume this is pretty close to the mean number of partners (at least I don't think it would be more than five or six, but someone more qualified can do the math)

Now let's be frank: 2 partners a year is not a lot. Four (or five, or six) might seem many, but the number's still normal for many young heterosexual singles. Perhaps there is a statistical difference (a direct comparative study would be required to show that), but it's nowere as significant as some would want you to think.

It most certainly is nowere near the outrageous, 3-digit numbers "indicated" by the studies mentioned in your previous sources. 100 sexual partners a year, fellating 106, ingesting feces (!!!!!...) of 23...

Do you think it's due to the "subjective interpretation of data" we discussed earlier, or is somebody deliberately twisting the data to make it show what they want? And who may that be?

Here's a hint.

Now for the main issues:
Well, if you say that by "common sense" you were refering only to the promisquity of homosexuals, then I stand corrected (although that's more of a "common conception" than anything else).

However, you did claim, when defining the homosexual lifestyle to me, that this promisquity in homosexuals leads to disregard of safety, and finally sociopathic behaviour-  you directly connected that with homosexuality. Do you retract that?
If you do, I completely agree with you and we have nothing to argue about; if not, you're just nitpicking.

You seem to agree with Flint that a reason for homosexuals to be more promiscuous could be the lack of the danger of a possible pregnancy (and I agree that this is something worth considering, too).
Well, besides the fact that saying "homosexuals are more active in pursuing sexual relationships because they feel safer" is a long way from calling them sociopaths, what of it? How does that differentiate a homosexual from, say, a heterosexual man with a vasectomy- or a woman with a permanent form of contraception, like tubal ligation, or even IUDs and vaginal rings, for that matter?
Why would a homosexual show more disregard for his own and his partner's safety? And, come to think of it, heterosexuals who do not fear pregnancy (and display reckless behavior, of course) would be more dangerous than gays for contracting and transmitting STDs, since they'd typically have a much larger group as sexual targets.

The issue is (and I already pointed it out): Why would a homosexual be more reckless, careless, inconciderate of his partner and himself than a heterosexual under the same conditions?

<edit> Was the Marxist remark referring to me? Well, if by "Marxists" you mean those among us that have a job and a life to look into, I have to agree with you.

Viva la Evolutión, comrades!

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,12:36   


Since I find much of what Ghost says sensible and not vaporous, I'd like to hear your perspective as well. I'm quite curious about this stuff.

I do agree that terms like "Marxist" or "liberal" when used as pejoratives divorced from their original meanings just muddies the waters.

it puzzles me that our vaporous friend would regard T-diddy as a his natural ally in "rationality" when he's the only participant that holds the opposite view

I'm not sure he does view TD as his ally, except (as you say) insofar as TD rejects the same basic tenets for the same underlying reasons. But TD is utterly irrational, incapable of following even simple arguments. Ghost is much more sophisticated in rationalizing the same policy positions held for equally involuntary reasons.  Intelligence is no more defense against creationism than education.

What I'm really saying here is that particularly in the case of sexuality, persecution, discrimination and intolerance are not only characteristics of small-mindedness, they're profoundly counterproductive, if the goal really is to minimize anti-social and self-destructive behavior.

Well, so long as we're aware we're using self-serving terminology! We need some baseline here.  I propose that engaging in excessively unhealthy behavior leading frequently to dying young is self-destructive. I'm not sure we have a solid definition of what 'anti-social' means in this context. So I'll ask:  If homosexuals were to engage in meticulously safe sexual practices (using condoms, undergoing regular medical checkups, being voluntarily celibate if HIV positive, etc.) but otherwise changed none of their behavior, would that satisfy your goal of eliminating 'anti-social' behavior?


The issue is (and I already pointed it out): Why would a homosexual be more reckless, careless, inconciderate of his partner and himself than a heterosexual under the same conditions?

I pointed out a few posts back that heterosexuals under the same conditions act exactly the same. Apparently finding members of the same sex arousing changes nothing else I'm aware of - young people still like lots of sex with lots of partners, are pretty irresponsible and spontaneous about it, and immerse themselves in promiscuous sexual activity whenever circumstances permit.

When AIDS in San Francisco reached epidemic levels among the gay community, these people started being pretty cautious and paranoid about it. Sure enough, infection rates dropped dramatically.  At which point, the "I'm probably safe" mindset kicked back in, and infection rates went back up. Other than perhaps (but not guaranteed!;)) saving your life, 'safe sex' has nothing but drawbacks.

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,12:44   


I agree. If I could have had sex with a willing woman every night (in my twenties) I would have done so.

I have a suspiscion that the "permissiveness" of gay men is no more than "oportunity".


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,13:17   


Amen. When I think WAY back to high school, about the only thing that prevented ANY of the girls in the school from being potential sex partners is that they weren't interested in my desires, and I had no clue how to change their minds.

Had I been homosexual, I suspect the problem would have been very different: the potential partners would have been willing, but identifying them without risking truly devastating social consequences would have been intimidating.

Now, imagine NO barriers. Fat city! Oh, AIDS? At that age, we're immortal.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,13:28   

This all started around the late 80's to early 90's when  America was under siege by this new highly infectious disease that did NOT "discriminate."  

"Look, even Magic Johnson is HIV positive."

Almost 15 years later we can look back and see all the lies we were sold.  How can science not claim some culpability?

Almost nothing has changed concerning AIDS in America.  It was and continues to be a disease that effects homosexuals (gay males) in an outrageously disproportionate rate.

My chances and the chance of a large majority of heterosexuals contracting AIDS is almost nil.  Remember when we were told that ALL of us would either know someone with AIDS or know someone who knew someone with AIDS?  Garbage!


When you clearly articulate the non-discrimination policy of the US government (no discrimination towards "sexual orientation), doesn't this policy necessarily carry to government schools?

If the public school system adopts a policy of "non-discrimination" towards "sexual orientations," is this not tantamount to saying that there is NO LEGITIMATE JUSTIFICATIONS for discriminating against gays?

And if this is the stance, then how is this not equivalent to teaching the "normalcy" of homosexuality?

The question is very simple.

Are there not rational reasons to discriminate against homosexuality especially in areas of public health and social cohesion?

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,14:11   


It's nice to see you back! And you took time to look at my sources. That's a good thing, because I often wonder if anyone actually pays attention to the evidence during debates. Anyhoo:

Hmm. You know, I think I can use yours, actually.

In the survey you posted, the larger percentage of homosexuals had 2 to 4 partners in one year. Since the other results seem evened out, more or less (those who had none, or one partner, were about as many as those who had more than a dozen) I can assume this is pretty close to the mean number of partners (at least I don't think it would be more than five or six, but someone more qualified can do the math)

The math wouldn't mean much since we don't have access to the original data. But we can still spot some interesting trends:
Men were asked In the last 12 months how many MEN have you had sex with in total? and allowed to indicate one of five responses (0.9% did not answer this question). The number of male partners men had in the last year differed slightly by recruitment method. Compared to the men recruited on the internet, the booklet-recruited sample were less likely to have had no male sexual partners and were more likely to have had very high numbers of male partners. This is contrary to the popular impression that men recruited on the internet are, as a group, exceptionally sexually active.

Number of male sexual partners in the last year
(n=15852, missing 150) % Web responses
(n=11820) % Booklet responses
(n=4032) % ALL responses
Number of male sexual partners in the last year
(n=15852, missing 150) % Web responses
(n=11820) % Booklet responses
(n=4032) % ALL responses
(None)  6.1  4.7  5.8
(one)  16.6  19.8  17.4
(2, 3 ,4)  29.2  27.3  28.7
(5 to 12)  25.1  21.9  24.3
(13 to 29)  12.4  12.5  12.4
(30+ )   10.5  13.8  11.4

      Now, it's true that close to half lead relatively restrained lifestyles, while another quarter are roughly normal. It's the other 22 - 26 % that concern me. Keep in mind that the "13" and "30" are lower bounds; for the former we can use a median figure of 21, which is quite a large haul by non-rockstar standards. Worse yet, 10 - 13% claim AT LEAST 30 partners a year. What are the upper bounds? 50? 75? 100? Suddenly it looks a little more like Vegas.
   If there were no consequences to this promiscuity, we could just pass it off to "boys being boys". But what about the upper tail? Certainly some of these men are HIV+, and each partner that these men infect has a potential to spread the disease to many more men. In an insular community like the gay community, this quickly leads to saturation. And since the gay community will remain insulated given their relatively small numbers, relaxing societal taboos will simply expose free-thinking straight men (as well as their wives, girlfriends, and club tramps) to the virus. Look at the African-American community for a real-life example, and keep in mind that their culture is very homophobic. Their higher exposure to prison rape accounts for some of the spread....but a lot is from the down low.
Do you think it's due to the "subjective interpretation of data" we discussed earlier, or is somebody deliberately twisting the data to make it show what they want? And who may that be?

Here's a hint.

Thanks for the link. Like its real-life counterparts, diseased information has a way of saturating insular communities - in this case the fundamentalist counterculture. I'll try to avoid Cameron's surveys like the.....well, let's just say I'll keep my eyes open. Having said that, what does one bad researcher have to do with the authors of the New England Journal of Medicine and CDC studies? I realise that they might be hard to find, but according to rumors, there's a whole world beyond the internet.
Now for the main issues:
Well, if you say that by "common sense" you were refering only to the promisquity of homosexuals, then I stand corrected (although that's more of a "common conception" than anything else).

However, you did claim, when defining the homosexual lifestyle to me, that this promisquity in homosexuals leads to disregard of safety, and finally sociopathic behaviour-  you directly connected that with homosexuality. Do you retract that?

Why would I do a thing like that? You asked me to outline an opinion, and I proceeded to do so. Now you're holding my cooperation against me.
Well, besides the fact that saying "homosexuals are more active in pursuing sexual relationships because they feel safer" is a long way from calling them sociopaths, what of it? How does that differentiate a homosexual from, say, a heterosexual man with a vasectomy- or a woman with a permanent form of contraception, like tubal ligation, or even IUDs and vaginal rings, for that matter?

What? Have you even read the whole thread? Here's the relevant excepts again:
Gómez found that based on reports of the previous year, most sex behavior that might spread HIV did not differ significantly between African-Americans, whites and Latinos. But whites, for example, most often identified themselves as gay and reported a larger number of male sex partners than did Latinos and African Americans. Whites also were more likely to have oral insertive sex with men who were HIV negative or whose HIV status was unknown.

African-American men were more likely than either whites or Latinos to also report sex with women, to identify themselves as bisexual, and to be uncomfortable with their same-sex behavior. When recalling encounters within the past three months, African Americans and Latinos reported higher rates of unprotected anal intercourse with a partner whose HIV status was negative or unknown. Interviews suggested that both groups are less likely to consider oral sex as a substitute for penetrative sex.

The survey showed that 47 HIV positive men across all ethnic groups reported unprotected anal insertive sex with a partner though they knew his HIV status was negative.

In one-on-one interviews with each man, surveyors pulled out the context: "These encounters usually were rare, and there were very few men who did not consider it an issue to have sex with a man whom they might infect," Gómez said.

Often an HIV negative partner was willing, or even demanded to take the risk, she said. Even more often, drugs, alcohol or other factors limited the men's perceived sense of control over their behavior.

Gómez said a more worrisome statistic was that more than half the HIV positive men (132) had sex with partners whose HIV status was unknown.

[once again, my emphasis]

I pointed out a few posts back that heterosexuals under the same conditions act exactly the same. Apparently finding members of the same sex arousing changes nothing else I'm aware of - young people still like lots of sex with lots of partners, are pretty irresponsible and spontaneous about it, and immerse themselves in promiscuous sexual activity whenever circumstances permit.

The key phrase being,"under the same conditions". The conditions are not the same, especially in a moral society. Hetero men have a natural brake on their worst impulses: women*. Which is a huge reason why hetero relationships are healthier, IMHO.

*Don't be too smug, ladies: men help keep women civilised and focused as well

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,15:02   

T-diddy: I suspect that no one's going to answer your question. Do not assume that means that you've "stumped" everyone. More likely it means that (1) despite your statement that "the question is very simple", in fact you still haven't stated a question that makes sense and (2) we're still waiting for your answers to my questions. Have you forgotten? Here they are again:
What is being taught in school that you think should not be?
What is not being taught that you think should be?
What should science and scientists say about it that they don't ?
What should science and scientists not  say about it that they do ?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,16:07   


Something just doesn't compute here. I suspect that's why most of the points I make vanish without response...

And since the gay community will remain insulated given their relatively small numbers, relaxing societal taboos will simply expose free-thinking straight men (as well as their wives, girlfriends, and club tramps) to the virus.

This is a disturbing allegation. You seem to be saying that societal taboos are what prevent homosexuals with HIV from engaging in heterosexual activities. Are you really trying to say this? Are you saying that "normal" (i.e. free-thinking) straight people are seriously prevented from engaging in same-sex activities by societal taboos? Really? If this is what you are trying to say, just come out and SAY it.

I would argue that societal taboos don't so much prevent the behavior as prevent the *admission* of the behavior. I was well aware that "nice" girls got pregnant at significant rates in my middle-class white high school, and "got sick" long enough to get under-the-table abortions. Social taboos didn't change the behavior, only the way that behavior was handled and represented.

Hetero men have a natural brake on their worst impulses: women*. Which is a huge reason why hetero relationships are healthier, IMHO.

Please. These are not "hetero mens'" impulses, these are NORMAL HUMAN impulses. Hetero women without de facto brakes act the same way. And these are not "worst" impulses, these are NORMAL impulses.

So OK, you are arguing that a "good" society acts AGAINST normal human impulses, since these lead to "bad" consequences, such as STDs and unwanted pregnancies and perhaps undesirable emotional situations. And I can agree with all that.

Now, I should think the relevant question should be, how can we accommodate NORMAL (which you call "worst", significantly enough) human impulses so as to minimize the total net undesirable side-effects?

But I see that we can't really focus on the topic you SAY you wish to discuss, when you load the dice at every opportunity. Your use of words like "moral", "worst", and "healthy" make any useful discussion nearly impossible. Imagine if I emulated your technique, and deemed heterosexual relations "sick" and "unhealthy" and "immoral". How soon would you abandon any effort to fight through my deliberately unhelpful terminology to try to discuss the actual topic?

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,20:17   

T-daddy:  If the public school system adopts a policy of "non-discrimination" towards "sexual orientations," is this not tantamount to saying that there is NO LEGITIMATE JUSTIFICATIONS for discriminating against gays?

That's right.  There is NO LEGITIMATE JUSTIFICATION for discriminating against gays.

The laws of this country apply equally to ALL citizens.  You cannot discriminate against an ENTIRE GROUP based on the actions of INDIVIDUALS. The Constitution doesn't allow it.

If INDIVIDUALS break the law, INDIVIDUALS are punished, not ENTIRE GROUPS.

The last time group discrimination was tried in the U.S. was the Japanese interments of WW2.  That was as shameful an episode as any screw-up the U.S. Government has done.  Everyone in the country now recognizes that such group discrimination is wrong, immoral, and illegal.  Everyone except bigoted homophobic fundy d*ckheads like you that is.

T-Daddy:  And if this is the stance, then how is this not equivalent to teaching the "normalcy" of homosexuality?

Homosexuality IS within the normal observed range of human behavior.  This is based on thousands of years of empirical evidence from every single culture that's ever kept written records.

T-Daddy:  Are there not rational reasons to discriminate against homosexuality especially in areas of public health and social cohesion?

No, there are NO RATIONAL REASONS to discriminate against homosexuality in ANY area.  Homophobes like you are fueled by your Biblical based hatred and prejudice, not by anything rational.

Thordaddy, you claimed:

I can link to plenty of evidence that shows homosexuality to be a very dangerous and deadly behavior.

And I challenged you to back up your bluster

OA:  Please do so.  Just don’t make the mistake of linking to studies showing unprotected anal sex to be a very dangerous and deadly behavior.  That is know to be dangerous for ALL couples, both hetero and homo.  I want to see your evidence that homosexuality (which means same-sex attraction) is by itself a very dangerous and deadly behavior.  

There are plenty of monogamous homosexual couples who practice nothing but safe sex when making love.  Show us how they are exhibiting very dangerous and deadly behavior.  

You totally ignored the tough questions - looks like your bigoted big mouth wrote another check your data can't cash.

I'll ask again:

There are plenty of monogamous homosexual couples who practice nothing but safe sex when making love.  Show us how they are exhibiting very dangerous and deadly behavior.  

You seem to be scurrying back and forth between the two "gay gene" threads in an effort to avoid answering any criticisms. Won't work though -  I'll keep asking these tough questions so all the lurkers can see that your bigoted little troll ass has no answers.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,02:02   


They have indoctrinated you quite thoroughly.  The more you rant and rave the more you make my point about the radical teachings that are taking place within the public school system.

Why discriminate against the pedophile "priests" in the Catholic Church?  Their pedophilia is within the "normal observed range of human behavior" and "homosexuality" is perfectly normal.

Did they teach you the "science" behind the AMA decision to reclassify "homosexuality" during your public school indoctrination?

What of the AIDS lie we have been fed?

If you would like to engage like an adult, I would love to field your questions.


Posts: 1143
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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,03:18   

[quote=The Ghost of Paley,April 13 2006,19:11][/quote]
It's nice to see you back!

Um, It's not like I went anywhere- I just don't have enough time to post all the time. Er, thanks, I guess?
Now, it's true that close to half lead relatively restrained lifestyles, while another quarter are roughly normal. It's the other 22 - 26 % that concern me. Keep in mind that the "13" and "30" are lower bounds; for the former we can use a median figure of 21, which is quite a large haul by non-rockstar standards. Worse yet, 10 - 13% claim AT LEAST 30 partners a year. What are the upper bounds? 50? 75? 100? Suddenly it looks a little more like Vegas.

Well, if you want to focus on the percentage that has many sexual partners, that's OK with me. I have to point out however that, as you were the first to point out, we do not have the original data available; so, saying "more than 30 = the sky's the limit = Vegas" is arbitrary to say the least.
Either way, that still proves nothing. A substantial portion of the heterosexual population also changes sexual partners frequently, and there's no saying they wouldn't be as dangerous, if they display reckless behavior. And it's the same with gays.
In an insular community like the gay community, this quickly leads to saturation.

Actually the spread of a disease in an insular community will quickly lead to saturation if the disease remains uncontrolled. Regarding homosexuals, I think the data says otherwise:
In the survey you posted, roughly one out of 45 persons suffers from infectious diseases (22% of 10%, iirc). Now, compare this with another insulated community, drug addicts, who are a high-risk group as well.
The infection rate of STDs in that group is exeedingly high, to the point of saturation, in fact. Now, what would differentiate drug addicts from homosexuals (and everybody else) in that regard?
That's right, disregard of personal safety.
Now, as for the African-American community: I have to admit I don't know much about it (not being American), so I'll take your word that the rate of STDs is high in it. But then, doesn't a high infection rate in a homophobic group demonstrate even clearly that it's not homosexuality itself, but other factors that are responsible for the increase of STDs in a community?
Having said that, what does one bad researcher have to do with the authors of the New England Journal of Medicine and CDC studies? I realise that they might be hard to find, but according to rumors, there's a whole world beyond the internet.

Oh, come on now. Should I start looking in University and hospital libraries to find out whether a vague, third-hand reference to some article is accurate? Would you?
Those people are the ones who try to quote authority to back up their arguments; shouldn't they produce the articles themselves, instead of quoting a book that refers to these articles and claims they indicate the numbers mentioned? Seriously.
Why would I do a thing like that? You asked me to outline an opinion, and I proceeded to do so. Now you're holding my cooperation against me.

You are of course entitled to your opinion, and I appreciate the fact that you shared it; It's just that I also asked you (and I still do) to give me the reasons for it. So, if you still believe that a homosexual is more prone to sociopathic behavior, well, why is that so?
What? Have you even read the whole thread? Here's the relevant excepts again:(...)

Um, how are your excepts relevant again? They refer to HIV+ men, not homosexuals in general.
It goes without saying that amongst HIV+ homosexuals (and all males), lack of constraint and disregard of consequences would be more prominent than in HIV-negative ones: That's how most of them got HIV, after all. The reckless behavior of this group does not show correlation with homosexuality; it simply shows they had a good reason to become HIV positive in the first place.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,04:30   

If you would like to engage like an adult, I would love to field your questions.
Oh good.   
What is being taught in school that you think should not be?*
What is not being taught that you think should be?
What should science and scientists say about it that they [b]don't ?
What should science and scientists not  say about it that they do ?

*(especially, what is "the AIDS lie we have been fed"?)

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,04:34   

All quotes by Thordaddy

They have indoctrinated you quite thoroughly.  The more you rant and rave the more you make my point about the radical teachings that are taking place within the public school system.

As opposed to your homophobic rants brought about by your religious indoctrinations?  Those narrow-minded and hateful views you fundies wish to force on everyone?

Why discriminate against the pedophile "priests" in the Catholic Church?  Their pedophilia is within the "normal observed range of human behavior" and "homosexuality" is perfectly normal.

All pedophiles, whether priests on not, are prosecuted as INDIVIDUALS based on their crime.  Would you agree to public schools teaching that ALL Catholic priests are harmful to society just by virtue of there being SOME pedophile Catholic priests?  Why or why not?

What of the AIDS lie we have been fed?

Which lie is that - that AIDS doesn't care about the sexuality of the infectee?  Maybe you should research the AIDS epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa and tell us what the statistics are for hetero infections.

BTW, you still keep avoiding this question

There are plenty of monogamous homosexual couples who practice nothing but safe sex when making love.  Show us how they are exhibiting very dangerous and deadly behavior.

And what about the young virginal teenagers who hit puberty and find in their sexual awakening that they are attracted to members of the same sex?  In attempts to understand  and discuss their feelings, many times they are kicked out by their parents, ostracized by their friends, told by their “loving” church that they’re evil sinners and God hates them.  Many are driven into suicidal despair by such rejection.  Tell me how those young people were guilty of very dangerous and deadly behavior.

Are you ready to retract your claim that homosexuality by itself equates to very dangerous and deadly behavior?

If you would like to engage like an adult, I would love to field your questions.

You've done nothing in your time here except post your trolling, hateful, anti-gay rants and avoid every single question that has been put forward.  Why do you think anyone will believe you now?

If you wish to show otherwise, start with the questions in this post.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,06:06


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,06:12   

Maybe we should jump ahead to the end of this discussion?

It's called a Wife Beater,
I am a patriotic American!
Dude, calm down.
You are a sad case of humanity.
Your morality comes from a pack of Jackals.
Overpopulation, overshmopulation.
<end discussion>

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,06:34   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 14 2006,07:02)

Why discriminate against the pedophile "priests" in the Catholic Church?  Their pedophilia is within the "normal observed range of human behavior" and "homosexuality" is perfectly normal...

If you would like to engage like an adult, I would love to field your questions.

You Sir, talk crap!

Why are you comparing homosexuals to peadophiles?

I certainly was (and assume others also) talking about consenting adults when refering to gays and straights.

Peadophiles may fall in the "observed range of human behaviour" but so do murderers and rapists. We (I) am/are not defending them. It is consentual sex between adults that is the topic of discusion.

You Thordaddy are ofensive and juvenile.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,07:58   

from Merriam-Webster
Main Entry: 1nor·mal
Pronunciation: 'nor-m&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin normalis, from norma
1 : PERPENDICULAR; especially : perpendicular to a tangent at a point of tangency
2 a : according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle b : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern
3 : occurring naturally <normal immunity>
4 a : of, relating to, or characterized by average intelligence or development b : free from mental disorder : SANE
5 a of a solution : having a concentration of one gram equivalent of solute per liter b : containing neither basic hydroxyl nor acid hydrogen <normal silver phosphate> c : not associated <normal molecules> d : having a straight-chain structure <normal pentane> <normal butyl alcohol>
6 of a subgroup : having the property that every coset produced by operating on the left by a given element is equal to the coset produced by operating on the right by the same element
7 : relating to, involving, or being a normal curve or normal distribution <normal approximation to the binomial distribution>
8 of a matrix : having the property of commutativity under multiplication by the transpose of the matrix each of whose elements is a conjugate complex number with respect to the corresponding element of the given matrix
synonym see REGULAR
I presume we're talking about definitions #3 and/or #4b, under which, yes, homosexuality would be considered "normal". I don't know what the evidence is whether child molesters would qualify as "normal" (def. #3), but I don't know of any responsible body of opinion that would consider them "normal" (def. #4b).

(Interestingly, according to definition #5d, "normal" could be construed as "straight" - in organic chemistry. But somehow I don't think that's what we're talking about here.)

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,08:10   

Faid and Flint:

I'll have to be brief again, as I'm a little rushed today:

1)I don't think societal taboos are preventing sex between gay men and women, but between experimenting straight men and gays. So the disease vector would go like this:
(HIV+ gay men) ->(straight men)->(girlfriends/wives). Once again, we see this happening already in the black community, where promiscuous sex is more common. There's also evidence that more young women are experimenting with lesbianism (14%, I think) and this could happen with men too as gay culture becomes more accepted. This is deadly for young men at least.

2) I realise that I haven't discussed the philosophical arguments so far. I'd like to get a common agreement on a few facts (such as gay promiscuity) first. You can see why that would be appropriate, no?

3) Faid, please investigate what happened in the American gay community during the first wave of Aids, particularly in big cities like San Fran. There's evidence that Aids is starting to spread more rapidly in Europe (immigration is one factor, I believe), and this can also trigger a future epidemic. I'll try to post some stats when I get a chance.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,08:25   


Have you been tempted to experiment? Just curious.

I'd like to get a common agreement on a few facts (such as gay promiscuity) first. You can see why that would be appropriate, no?

Uh, no, I can't. Maybe I don't understand what your policy goals are here. Even if we grant that gays are more promiscuous, that gays are certainly no less likely than straights to be irresponsible about disease (I see no reason why gays and straights would differ on this at all), and that at least in the US, AIDS just happened to get introduced into the gay community first, what have we achieved?

Are you saying that IF these things are true, THEN laws against gay marriage somehow become justified? Or just what are you saying? You keep talking about social taboos, but I don't understand your purpose. Are you saying that people are less likely to BE homosexual because of these taboos? I seriously doubt it. So maybe you're trying to say that if taboos drive homosexual activity underground, AIDS would spread into the straight community less rapidly?

I also seriously doubt that's the case, but even if it is the case, are you now saying that IF gay marriage becomes legal, this policy change would (I guess simply by implying that homosexuality is normal and not evil) encourage straights to take foolish risks? Seems kind of far-fetched.

But let's grant that it's true anyway, and that recognizing homosexuality as being normal as left-handedness and no more reprehensible, would soon lead to the explosive spread of a disease taboos are keeping in check. We're still back to trying to justify denial of rights to classes of citizens. Yes, allowing people freedom to live more as they choose to live, ipso facto gives them the freedom to abuse this flexibility. If society were a LOT more repressive, we could trade liberty for safety to some notable degree. Is this a Good Thing.

So back to the top: No, your statistics are not relevant and not appropriate. I suppose I could gin up a bunch of statistics in support of a position that people born with certain problems (maybe Down's syndrome, etc.) should be euthanized for the good of society. After all, most such people are just burdens. Eliminate them and we would ALL be better off.

Now, would my statistics really matter? Even if they were accurate, would they matter? Would they be "appropriate"? You are missing the point here.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,09:06   

You bring up good points Flint, and I will discuss them with you as soon as I can, but you should know that I believe that some freedoms are contingent on the likelihood of a group abusing them. Yes, you think that restricting civil liberties in itself damages, or even endangers, a free society, and that the right to marriage is one such freedom. But my argument depends, at least in part, on certain facts being accepted. But I understand your impatience. Also, not recognising a ceremony is completely different from advocating murder or genocide. Boooooo!

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,09:49   


Also, not recognising a ceremony is completely different from advocating murder or genocide. Boooooo!

But I don't think this is what I was doing. Let's rephrase it: extend the time limit for legalized abortion by, say, one hour. Past societies (even ones we admire today) have done this, doing the ancient equivalent of tossing those born with certain birth defects into the dumpster. I have seen allegations (I have no way of verifying them) that some doctors and midwives tend to "discover" that such defects cause a lot of stillborns.

But OK, the marriage issue is much more along the lines of a vindictive hassle factor. For about $10,000 in legal fees and a tall stack of special powers of attorney and other forms, a homosexual couple can replicate nearly all of the obligations and protections a hetero couple can get for $25. Some have actually done this. My own employer treats same-sex couples as same-as-marriage in terms of default insurance beneficiaries and in every other respect. They have found that *advertising* that a same-sex partner is indistinguishable from a legal spouse in every possible way, helps them attract and keep good employees!

But my argument depends, at least in part, on certain facts being accepted.

I guess I'm not clear on what your argument is. So far, the closest I can come is that denial of equal legal rights *might* protect you from disease a little better. Is that really your argument? If so, OK, for me that's a bad trade.

At the risk of sounding exactly like thordaddy, my position is that such discrimination is *wrong* simply because I WANT it to be wrong. Facts don't matter.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,09:59   

Just a short note here on some of my (admittedly somewhat out of date) research into AIDS statistics nationally and internationally.

First, there is no AIDS epidemic. An epidemic is usually defined as an exponential increase in infections over time. HIV infections in the U.S. have remained steady for 20 years now at about a hundred thousand new infections a year. Seroconversion rates have also remained steady or declined over the last ten years, with minor spikes here and there which are probably due to sampling error more than to any actual differences in infection rates.

Second, HIV infections have, by and large, confined themselves to the original at-risk groups: promiscuous gay and bisexual men, prostitutes, and HIV drug users. There's precious little evidence that HIV is moving out of these risk groups, which is anomalous behavior for a sexually-transmitted disease. (Living in downtown San Francisco, I think I have a pretty good handle on the spread of HIV infection in the US -- I know no one who is neither a gay male nor an IV drug user who is HIV positive).

Third, the epidemiology of HIV infections in Africa is so radically different from what it is in the U.S. that it's difficult to believe it's the same disease with the same cause.

Fourth, the WHO no longer seems to track global AIDS statistics in any detail. At least, accurate breakdowns by country of AIDS cases is no longer available in the Weekly Epidemiological Record. But the last figures I saw, which date from around 2002, show some rather anomalous figures. At that time, world totals for AIDS cases, not deaths, cumulative, since 1981 or so, were 2,822,111, (for comparison, the number in 1996 was 1,544,067). At the same time, WHO was claiming a total number of AIDS cases worldwide of 24 million.

There's an obvious discrepancy here (and yes, both figures are coming from the WER). It would appear that WHO is extrapolating from less than three million reported cases to 24 million estimated cases. In other words, WHO is assuming that about one case in eight is actually reported. This may in fact be true, but I'm wondering what kind of methodology the WHO is using.

So, before we start assuming that gay men in the U.S. (which, according the WHO figures had a total of 806,157 AIDS cases, or about the total who die from cigarette smoking in two years) are some sort of massive health risk, we might want to look at what those risks really are to those of us who are not gay—or even those of us who are.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,10:18   

Even if we grant that gays are more promiscuous, that gays are certainly no less likely than straights to be irresponsible about disease (I see no reason why gays and straights would differ on this at all), and that at least in the US, AIDS just happened to get introduced into the gay community first, what have we achieved?

But gays, due to circumstances of the male sex drive, will always be more promiscuous than hets. And if promiscuity leads to indifference to one's sex partner, this will always make gays a high-risk group for STDs. Remember, AIDs is just the latest member of a wave of STDs that struck hardest in the gay community. We just didn't hear so much about the previous ones, because the gay lobby was more marginalised back then. I remember one or two diseases being mentioned in "Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex (but were Afraid to Ask)". And yes, Dr. Reuben was biased. I also remember a lengthy discussion in the book about gay promiscuity. Heck, gays themselves joke about their lifestyle, about the leather bars and drag shows and sex clubs. It seems that the members of Panda's Thumb are the only ones in the dark. And remember the study I cited twice: a majority of surveyed HIV+ men were behaving recklessly. Perhaps they don't represent the gay community in general (as I noted), but the danger is there.
But OK, the marriage issue is much more along the lines of a vindictive hassle factor. For about $10,000 in legal fees and a tall stack of special powers of attorney and other forms, a homosexual couple can replicate nearly all of the obligations and protections a hetero couple can get for $25. Some have actually done this. My own employer treats same-sex couples as same-as-marriage in terms of default insurance beneficiaries and in every other respect. They have found that *advertising* that a same-sex partner is indistinguishable from a legal spouse in every possible way, helps them attract and keep good employees!

Yes, the current laws are incovenient for gay couples, and I'm sure that many find the discrimination hurtful. Consider this, however: as a young man, I had to face a certain level of discrimination based solely on my gender. Higher insurance rates, registering for the draft, (and if I try to duck it, facing penalties or withholdment of scholarship funds). In fact, if the draft is ever reinstated, guess which gender will be targeted? And guess which sexual orientation? And let's not even get into social security, which started as a trust fund but now serves to transfer wealth from one group to another (for humane reasons, of course). Now, I could complain about some of these things, and sometimes I do, but I have to admit that there is a rational and humane reason for these policies. So yes, civil liberties do depend on facts to a certain degree. And this will be one prong of my argument.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,10:21   

Eric, I'll try to reply as soon as possible.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,10:36   

In fact, if the draft is ever reinstated, guess which gender will be targeted? And guess which sexual orientation?
You've probably heard that "two (or more) wrongs don't make a right". I think there's some wisdom in that.

If there is a draft, it should be universal. I see no reason not to challenge the heterosexual male only draft as vigorously as any other officially approved form of discrimination.

Insurance rates are another matter. I will refrain from offering an opinion (seeing as how my opinion is so desperately needed in other matters!;)).

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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,10:55   


I'll give you credit for single-minded. I don't think we're talking about disease at all, and you go on and on about disease as though this were the actual topic. Why?

I already noted that gays behave no more recklessly than straights *given the same access and opportunity*. Being homosexual seems uncorrelated with sex drive. So are you saying that we should attempt to minimize their opportunities? What ARE you saying?

So yes, civil liberties do depend on facts to a certain degree. And this will be one prong of my argument.

This was also addressed earlier, but I'll concede the point. When we're talking about discriminatory policies, we do need to be careful that the discrimination bears some direct relationship to its purpose. We draft men presumably because they make better soldiers. We specify age limits for such things as driving, voting, insurance, because presumably (or in the case of insurance, statistically) younger people are less capable of handling the responsibility. We might disagree as to when adulthood *ought* to start, without disagreeing that before some age, children are simply not capable of handling adult tasks.

So in this respect, you're right. If denying the right to marry is based on the factual grounds that gays *abuse marriage*, and we can support this, you have a case. But I don't see how reckless sexual behavior is diminished by denying the right to marry. Can you show that it is?

Otherwise, you seem to be saying "Denial based on *directly relevant behavior* happens, therefore denial based on *nothing relevant* is ALSO justified." I don't believe you're willing to stand on that argument.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,11:44   

One other point: if the purpose of discriminating against gays is to prevent risky behavior (and not for reasons that could be lumped together under the rubric of "homophobia"), then perhaps it's time to start discriminating more actively against, say, smokers.

Smoking is statistically much more risky than homosexuality per se, and kills way more people. Arguably being a smoker is much more of a "choice" than being gay is (the addictive properties of nicotine notwithstanding), and therefore easier to deal with via statute.

Perhaps the social consequences are not serious enough to serve as sufficient behavior modification. Perhaps smokers should not be allowed to marry? That would provide Darwinian selection against smokers (assuming an affinity for nicotine is genetic), especially if the penalties (lynching? public hanging?) are severe enough.

Strange the people who consider themselves conservatives would resort to social engineering to correct perceived risky behavior. How many conservatives are in favor of, e.g., seatbelt laws or helmet laws?

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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,11:55   


Earlier, IV drug users were identified as a population probably even more prone to AIDS than homosexuals. Interestingly, I've seen no suggestion even implied indirectly that these people (IF they are heterosexual) should be discriminated against, or denied civil rights unrelated to their drug practices.

So this thread continues an elaborate dance, with most of us trying to get Ghost to understand that he STARTS with ordinary homophobia, and constructs a superstructure of "evidence-based" but inconsistent and irrelevant rationalizations for why his dislikes should be institutionalized by society.

I've long observed that the Golden Rule is amazingly difficult to follow when the status quo favors the rule-breaker. Suddenly there's a whole wealth of studies showing why MY rights are more important than yours. All very scientific, of course.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,12:12   

Quote (Flint @ April 14 2006,16:55)

Earlier, IV drug users were identified as a population probably even more prone to AIDS than homosexuals. Interestingly, I've seen no suggestion even implied indirectly that these people (IF they are heterosexual) should be discriminated against, or denied civil rights unrelated to their drug practices.

Well, I'm not sure IV drug users aren't being discriminated against (they seem to have lost a lot of constitutional rights, anyway), but that's definitely a subject for another thread. :-)

So this thread continues an elaborate dance, with most of us trying to get Ghost to understand that he STARTS with ordinary homophobia, and constructs a superstructure of "evidence-based" but inconsistent and irrelevant rationalizations for why his dislikes should be institutionalized by society.

It does seem like an after-the-fact rationalization to me. My own position is this: I don't care if gays are more promiscuous than straights; I don't care if their behavior is more likely to cause disease; and I don't care if what they do in the privacy of their own homes/bars/bath-houses strikes straights as rather icky. None of that is remotely grounds for any sort of discrimination. Unless and until someone can show statistics that gay people are actively going around raping straight people and giving them diseases, I frankly don't want to hear statistically-based rationalizations for why they should be discriminated against.

Does the aphorism "lies, damned lies, and statistics" mean anything to anyone here?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,12:43   

This thread started out asking if a "gay gene" would refute evolution?

Since reproduction is central to evolution then a "gay gene" would fundamentally represent anti-reproduction. If a mutation caused a universal attraction between men then evolution would have us teetering on suicide.

Then the thread transformed into "normalizing" gayness in society and especially within the public school system.

One side takes the extreme position that NO discrimination is justified as it pertains to gayness and male homosexuality in particular.  PERIOD!  NO QUESTIONS ASKED!  THINK HOW YOUR TOLD TO THINK, BOY!

My side has been that there are JUSTIFIED reasons for discriminating against gayness in general and homosexuality (gay male sex) in particular especially in the areas of public and individual health and social and family cohesion.

So when the public schools TEACH (for you Russell) that individuals, students or citizens CANNOT and SHOULD NOT discriminate against "sexual orientation" there is little doubt that they are putting young impressionable children in harm's way.  Isn't discriminating critical for survival?

WHY, I ask?  Gay sex and homosexuality (gay male sex) in particular have very real consequences for those that engage in these activities BEYOND and out of PROPORTION to their numbers.

eiricmurphy brought up the analogy to smoking.  I think this is the perfect analogy because no one would suggest that we can't discriminate against those smokers and all the associative health risks that go with this habit.  And no one would suggest a "non-discrimination" policy against "toxic orientations" in the public school system.  

To say we can't discriminate against "homosexuality" given all the evidence is tantamount to saying we must bow to liberal orthodoxy.  

Occam, you bow well.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,12:56   


Does masturbation refute evolution? I think horny little buggers are horny little buggers. We didn't evolve in todays world. we evolved in little packs on the savannah. A gene that made you unable to provide for the tribe or unable to mate might have been an issue but we didn't know what made babies for a long time. I think we probably evolved to stick it in anything warm and wet we could find and it is modern discrimination (as in discriminating people choose crest toothpaste) that accounts for the distinction of homosexuality at all. The early jews were trying to make a civilization out of a barbaric world. They chose to create those distinctions to differentiate themselves. Circumcision isn't very obvious either y'know.

Dude. If you're afraid, that's ok. Lots of people fear homosexuals. We have been programmed to fear it. Not choosing it is different than hating it though. And let the poor bastards go to whatever heII they choose.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,13:09   


Last time I checked "homosexuals" pretty much did whatever they wanted including being highly-educated and earning better than average money.  They have incredible power in Hollywood.  They also get to lock down a children's theme park for a week each year to celebrate their sexuality.  They get specific parades all over the country to display their "normal" orientation.  They got the Supreme Court to overturn sodomy laws (get of out our bedroom) and are now shooting for the Supreme Court to sanction their marriage (come save us, now).  They even have a special federal law made just for their sensitivities.

This notion of oppressive discrimination against "homosexuality" is complete garbage.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,13:14   


Unless and until someone can show statistics that gay people are actively going around raping straight people and giving them diseases, I frankly don't want to hear statistically-based rationalizations for why they should be discriminated against.

Does the aphorism "lies, damned lies, and statistics" mean anything to anyone here?

Yes, but it's beside the point. EVEN IF homosexuals "are actively going around raping straight people and giving them diseases", this is STILL no reason to discriminate against homosexuality. It's an excellent reason to prosecute those who commit actual crimes, which is something entirely different. Rapists should be punished. Sexual orientation is irrelevant.

Ghost's statistics are a pure smokescreen. He doesn't like gay people. He probably thinks just BEING homosexual is a sin, or otherwise immoral. Acting on one's sexual drives is only OK if those drives are the same as Ghost's, otherwise they need to be discouraged.

There is simply no valid reason for deny civil rights to anyone who has done nothing to deserve it. There MUST be some tie between the deprivation and the activity that is closer than anything Ghost has proposed. You have a right to own and (in most states) carry a gun UNLESS you misuse that gun. But saying homosexuals shouldn't be permitted to marry is like saying homosexuals shouldn't be permitted to carry guns. The punishment doesn't fit the offense.

And that's why it's after-the-fact. Ghost, as I said, starts with his conclusion (gay is bad), and finds nearly any "justification" persuasive, not because the justification meets any rational criteria of applicability but because the conclusion (gay is bad) is *true by definition*.

And on the other side, I (and others here) are arguing that "gay is bad" is false also by definition. So this really is a battle of competing definitions, not a battle of facts of any sort. For me, it's a matter of taking the Golden Rule as a priori proper and irrefutable. Ghost dances around and around this rule, because following it would violate his phobias, and ADMITTING that he can't follow it would violate his nominal religious beliefs. So what do you do when you can't follow the rule and can't admit this? You *redirect the focus* to somewhere irrelevant to the discussion, and KEEP it there. You may not even realize you're doing it.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,13:24   


Since when can't "homosexuals" marry in the US?  You're confusing being able to marry (which gays can at a Church that will marry them) and being sanctioned by the state.

You don't see the manipulation.  Gays want both the government to get out of their business AND also help in advancing their agenda.  They want to have their cake and eat it too.

You also seem to cast aside hundreds of years of history and what this means as it pertains to "homosexuality."  

You are taking the extreme position that there is NO legitimate reason to discriminate against "homosexuality."  NONE!  NOT ONE EXCEPTION!

This is an extreme and radical position compared to those that say there are specific rationales for discriminating against "homosexuality" especially in the areas of health and social cohesion.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,13:50   


Since you address me directly...

Since when can't "homosexuals" marry in the US?  You're confusing being able to marry (which gays can at a Church that will marry them) and being sanctioned by the state.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. First, I'm talking about marriage between people of the same sex. Yes, I know homosexuals can marry members of the opposite sex, but that's kind of beside the point.

Someone counted over 10,000 US laws and regulations that make distinctions based on State-sanctioned marriages. It is these distinctions that gays are concerned about, not whether some priest performs some ceremony. I spent $20 and 10 minutes to get married, down at the local courthouse. Just signed a couple of forms, got a certificate printed off, and went home married. THAT'S all gays are asking.

You don't see the manipulation.  Gays want both the government to get out of their business AND also help in advancing their agenda.  They want to have their cake and eat it too.

Not so, and in fact backwards. By refusing to guarantee the obligations and privileges of marriage to gays, the state is actively interfering in their business. They want the government to BUTT OUT and let them live the same way you and I do. Demanding equality isn't having your cake and eating it too, it's just demanding equal treatment in every way. Equal.

You also seem to cast aside hundreds of years of history and what this means as it pertains to "homosexuality."

I don't know what you're referring to here. I'm asking that people follow the golden rule. Why is that so hard?  

You are taking the extreme position that there is NO legitimate reason to discriminate against "homosexuality."  NONE!  NOT ONE EXCEPTION!

Yes, of course. Discrimination is wrong. Bigotry is wrong. If any individual commits a crime, they should be subjected to the law against that crime. But sexual orientation should be irrelevant. Why would you wish to discriminate against someone who has committed no crimes? Just for sheer small-mindedness?

This is an extreme and radical position compared to those that say there are specific rationales for discriminating against "homosexuality" especially in the areas of health and social cohesion.

No, that's a different issue. I have no problem recognizing and taking steps to counter health threats. I see no social cohesion issues EXCEPT that certain bigots are causing trouble by being intolerant. But just being homosexual is not a health threat nor is it a social cohesion issue. You are barking up the wrong tree. The enemy is the disease, not the person suffering from it.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,14:37   

Flint opines,

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. First, I'm talking about marriage between people of the same sex. Yes, I know homosexuals can marry members of the opposite sex, but that's kind of beside the point

Someone counted over 10,000 US laws and regulations that make distinctions based on State-sanctioned marriages. It is these distinctions that gays are concerned about, not whether some priest performs some ceremony. I spent $20 and 10 minutes to get married, down at the local courthouse. Just signed a couple of forms, got a certificate printed off, and went home married. THAT'S all gays are asking.

Exactly, this ISN'T about getting "married."  This is about DEMANDING recognition from state and mainstreaming homosexuality.  Homosexual activists are turning the meaning of marriage on its head to get what they want.  Go to the liberal pastor and exchange vows if they want to get married.

Not so, and in fact backwards. By refusing to guarantee the obligations and privileges of marriage to gays, the state is actively interfering in their business. They want the government to BUTT OUT and let them live the same way you and I do. Demanding equality isn't having your cake and eating it too, it's just demanding equal treatment in every way. Equal.

Why do you need the state to enforce the obligations and privileges of "marriage?"  Are you actually equating traditional marriage to "homosexual" marriage?  Are you saying that society has no legitimate rationale for discriminating between the two?  What of adult incestual marriages?  What of bigamy and polygamy?  Is society equally required to stay mute in these matters, too?

I don't know what you're referring to here. I'm asking that people follow the golden rule. Why is that so hard?

Hundreds of years of tradition has made it clear as to why we don't equate traditional marriage and "homosexual" marriage.  You simply throw it all away and act as if it never existed.  Again, what are your arguments against ANY ADULT UNION (sexual or not) and its demand to be recognized by the state?  

Yes, of course. Discrimination is wrong. Bigotry is wrong. If any individual commits a crime, they should be subjected to the law against that crime. But sexual orientation should be irrelevant. Why would you wish to discriminate against someone who has committed no crimes? Just for sheer small-mindedness?

If a clean homosexual (gay male) discriminates against another homosexual he finds an attraction to because of an unknown HIV status, is this wrong?  You are claiming that discrimination is wrong and therefore guilting this homosexual to play dice with his life.  

No, that's a different issue. I have no problem recognizing and taking steps to counter health threats. I see no social cohesion issues EXCEPT that certain bigots are causing trouble by being intolerant. But just being homosexual is not a health threat nor is it a social cohesion issue. You are barking up the wrong tree. The enemy is the disease, not the person suffering from it.

If homosexuality doesn't cause social cohesion concerns then why are we having this discussion?

The enemy is the BEHAVIOR.  The BEHAVIOR is what puts the "homosexual" (gay male) in great risk of AIDS, STDs and early mortality.

And, if the science points to a genetically-based predisposition that is manifested by an encouraging environment, then why are we teaching young children the "normalcy" of gayness and homosexuality in particular?  Why are we playing dice with some children's lives?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,15:21   


Exactly, this ISN'T about getting "married."  This is about DEMANDING recognition from state and mainstreaming homosexuality.  Homosexual activists are turning the meaning of marriage on its head to get what they want.  Go to the liberal pastor and exchange vows if they want to get married

No. Gays want equality under the law. No special privileges, no special deprivations. Just ordinary equality. The are not asking for anything you or I don't already have. They want marriage to mean the same thing it means to you and me. Identically. No differences AT ALL.

You don't seem to understand that we're not talking about religion here. We're talking about the legal regulations of the State. Nothing else.

Why do you need the state to enforce the obligations and privileges of "marriage?"

Because it means A LOT in probate court.

Are you actually equating traditional marriage to "homosexual" marriage?
This question makes assumptions I don't accept. I'm talking about a state-sanctioned marriage between two people, and all of the 10,000+ state rules and regulations that apply to this condition. The sex of the two people involved is not relevant. The regulations are important.

Are you saying that society has no legitimate rationale for discriminating between the two?


What of adult incestual marriages?

Since you ask, I'm undecided. Breeding between close relatives is very common (for example, entire large populations of rats on some pacific islands have originated from a single pregnant female rat washed ashore). Social taboos against incest derive from the observation that genetic traits tend to combine in ways both VERY good and VERY bad. We've decided as a policy decision to forego the good to avoid the bad. Since laws against don't represent terminal inconveniece to anyone, I'm willing to go along with them.

What of bigamy and polygamy?

These sorts of relationships, by my reading, tend to be more unstable than 2-person marriages, which are themselves at lot less stable than many would prefer. By observation SOME of them work very well. However, once again, prohibition of marriages involving more than two people doesn't make marriage *impossible* for anyone.

This seems to be a point you are missing. Let's say you wish to marry. You don't want a multi-person marriage, you don't want to marry a close relative, you only want to get married AT ALL. You have a commitment to a partner committed to you. Should the state REQUIRE you to stay officially single (in terms of those 10,000 regulations)?

Hundreds of years of tradition has made it clear as to why we don't equate traditional marriage and "homosexual" marriage.  You simply throw it all away and act as if it never existed.  Again, what are your arguments against ANY ADULT UNION (sexual or not) and its demand to be recognized by the state?

Good question. Tradition doesn't maket clear WHY we haven't extended state protection to same-sex marriage, it only indicates that we have done so. By this same token, slavery continues to exist as a common practice throughout much of the world. Did the US make a mistake in abolishing such a common practice? If so, should we reinstate it?

My position here is, let's give it a try. If it causes no problems (and it might even alleviate some problems), then the experiment works. If it leads to real problems (like prohibition did), then we learned our lesson and we won't do it again. But we won't know until we try.

Again, what are your arguments against ANY ADULT UNION (sexual or not) and its demand to be recognized by the state?

Actually, I don't have any objection to how anyone wishes to live. This is somewhat of a different subject, though you may not realize it. Generic union agreements have both benefits and costs. The costs tend to be paid when the relationship terminates. Who gets the property? Who has custody of children? Who inherits how much from whom in case of a death? I should think these details would have to be hammered out over the course of time.

If a clean homosexual (gay male) discriminates against another homosexual he finds an attraction to because of an unknown HIV status, is this wrong?  You are claiming that discrimination is wrong and therefore guilting this homosexual to play dice with his life

Uh, what? I admit I'm flat guessing what you might mean here. But let's say I as a heterosexual male discriminates against some woman because, uh, I can't tell, Because I have HIV? Because I don't know if she has HIV? What does "discriminate" mean in this case? Hey, if I like her, I'll use a condom.

If homosexuality doesn't cause social cohesion concerns then why are we having this discussion?

Good question. Certainly *I* don't see any social cohesion concerns. Where I work, the workforce is overwhelmingly male (we're engineers). There are maybe 200 males and 10 females there. Are any of these males homosexual? How would I know? Are any of them living with other males in a sexual relationship? How would I know? Would any such conditions change anything I'm aware of? No, of course not. Where's the problem?

The enemy is the BEHAVIOR.  The BEHAVIOR is what puts the "homosexual" (gay male) in great risk of AIDS, STDs and early mortality.

Yes, I agree, with respect to STDs. I accept Ghost's statistics that, through sheer opportunity and some details of the sexual practices, the gay community faces an unusually large health threat. The behavior isn't going to change substantially, but nonetheless the health threat can be reduced. In fact, it HAS been reduced.

And, if the science points to a genetically-based predisposition that is manifested by an encouraging environment, then why are we teaching young children the "normalcy" of gayness and homosexuality in particular?

Nothing genetic about this. Given equal opportunity, humans behave in the same way. ALL humans do this. There is no differential "predisposition" to engage in sex. EVERYONE has this "predisposition". And we'd #### well better, or our species would vanish.

I seriously doubt that homosexuality is entirely genetic, but even if it is, it happens. Homosexuality is like left-handedness. It happens, it has always happened, its incidence DOES NOT DIFFER whether the society accepts it or stigmatizes it. Homosexuality is as normal as left-handedness. That is, absolutlely normal. Are you saying we should LIE about this?

Why are we playing dice with some children's lives?

This question is nearly impossible to interpret, so I'll again have to guess. Sexual orientation starts to show up in children about the age of 2. Which means, it's already formed very very early. We can't change this.

So how are we "playing dice"? By admitting that sexual orientation happens, and isn't alterable? This is true. I admit your question baffles me. What do you mean?

Well, I'll try to think like a bigot thinks. IF we teach our children that homosexuality is a choice, that those who choose it are sinful idiots, that if we let the devil play with their sex drives, they'll die of horrible disease, that it's their fault if they stray from OUR preferences, then we have someone to blame. And those children born homosexual, faced with this rather vicious training, become celibate neurotics, then we have WON? Is that what you mean?

Sheesh. How about if we just address the disease instead?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,18:17   

Ooh, this is going to be a long post, I can tell.

Quote (thordaddy @ April 14 2006,17:43)
One side takes the extreme position that NO discrimination is justified as it pertains to gayness and male homosexuality in particular.  PERIOD!  NO QUESTIONS ASKED!  THINK HOW YOUR TOLD TO THINK, BOY!

Would you care to explain, Thordaddy, why it's a radical and extreme position to state that there's no rational basis for discrimination against gay people? How is discriminating against gay people any different from discriminating against African-American people? And before you say that "gay people cause diseases," I would retort that even if that were true, they wouldn't be causing diseases for non-gay people.

My side has been that there are JUSTIFIED reasons for discriminating against gayness in general and homosexuality (gay male sex) in particular especially in the areas of public and individual health and social and family cohesion.

Nope. Wrong as usual, Thordaddy. Gay people present no health risk at all to straight people, and the idea that gay people somehow put "social cohesiveness" at risk is utterly preposterous. There have been gay people as long as there have been people, and the idea that somehow gay people are bad for society is utterly laughable.

So when the public schools TEACH (for you Russell) that individuals, students or citizens CANNOT and SHOULD NOT discriminate against "sexual orientation" there is little doubt that they are putting young impressionable children in harm's way.  Isn't discriminating critical for survival?

Right. Telling elementary school children that there's nothing wrong with being gay puts them in harm's way in some way that, say, telling them they should fight in wars doesn't? If you're saying there are risks involved with being gay, I won't argue the point, but almost all of those risks are directly attributable to the kind of discrimination against gay people you claim is justified.

WHY, I ask?  Gay sex and homosexuality (gay male sex) in particular have very real consequences for those that engage in these activities BEYOND and out of PROPORTION to their numbers.

Again, see above, and again, those risks do not affect non-gay members of society.

eiricmurphy brought up the analogy to smoking.  I think this is the perfect analogy because no one would suggest that we can't discriminate against those smokers and all the associative health risks that go with this habit.  And no one would suggest a "non-discrimination" policy against "toxic orientations" in the public school system.

Good analogy for my point, horrible analogy for your point. Discrimination against people who are smoking (as opposed to people who smoke, a distinction that is as far beyond Thordaddy as quantum physics is beyond a housecat) is justifiable on the grounds that smoking affects people who don't smoke. Gay sex presents no risks whatsoever to people who don't have sex with gay people. 

To say we can't discriminate against "homosexuality" given all the evidence is tantamount to saying we must bow to liberal orthodoxy.

Given what conservative orthodoxy has done to this country, I can't believe you'd make a point against your own self-interest, but you said it, not I. In the meantime, saying we can't discriminate against "homosexuality" is exactly analogous to saying we can't discriminate against "African-American ancestry." No distinction.


Yes, but it's beside the point. EVEN IF homosexuals "are actively going around raping straight people and giving them diseases", this is STILL no reason to discriminate against homosexuality. It's an excellent reason to prosecute those who commit actual crimes, which is something entirely different. Rapists should be punished. Sexual orientation is irrelevant.

Good point; I agree 100%. People should be punished for crimes they themselves commit, not for crimes people like themselves commit. Some Muslims believe it's justifiable to murder non-Muslims, and in fact have done so. Should we convict all Muslims of murder?


Since when can't "homosexuals" marry in the US?  You're confusing being able to marry (which gays can at a Church that will marry them) and being sanctioned by the state.

Being sanctioned by the state is exactly what gays want. 90% of gay men and women couldn't give a crap about being married by a minister. They want the same legal rights in civil union, in things like Social Security survivors' rights, insurance coverage, financial non-discrimination, etc. Obviously, no one can force any church to marry people it doesn't want to marry. You can't force an Orthodox Jewish rabbi to marry a Jew to a Gentile.

If anyone's confused here, Thordaddy, guess who it is?

You don't see the manipulation.  Gays want both the government to get out of their business AND also help in advancing their agenda.  They want to have their cake and eat it too.

Do you know what the "gay agenda" is, Thordaddy? The "gay agenda" is the subversive idea that gay people should be treated exactly the same as straight people. They don't want to be discriminated against, beaten, or killed for who they are. Yeah, that sure is a radical agenda.

What gay people mostly want, more than anything else, is to be ignored. If straight people treated gay people exactly the way they treated themselves, they'd be perfectly happy. Even talking about a "gay agenda" reeks of homophobia, which is exactly what you have, Thordaddy. Not that that's news to anyone here.

Exactly, this ISN'T about getting "married."  This is about DEMANDING recognition from state and mainstreaming homosexuality.  Homosexual activists are turning the meaning of marriage on its head to get what they want.  Go to the liberal pastor and exchange vows if they want to get married.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Gay people are "demanding" exactly what you've taken for granted all your life, Thordaddy. Did you have the slightest concern about not being able to marry your wife? Are you worried that if your wife is in an auto accident, you might not be able to visit her in the hospital? Are you concerned that if your wife gets cancer and can't work, your insurance won't cover her hospital bills?

That's what gay people are "demanding," Thordaddy. They're "demanding" what you don't even have to worry about having.

What of adult incestual marriages?  What of bigamy and polygamy?  Is society equally required to stay mute in these matters, to.

This is my favorite stupid homophobic argument. "God, if we let gay people marry, soon people will be marrying their sisters, or their dogs, or maybe their vibrators! Heavens!"

You know what, Thordaddy? A guy could want to marry his microwave oven, and that would affect me how, exactly? And before you go off on some tirade about how gay marriage undermines the sanctity of marriage, I have two words for you: "Britney," and "Spears."

Straight people have been doing a great job of destroying the institution all by themselves. I don't think there's anything gay people can do to make things worse.

If a clean homosexual (gay male) discriminates against another homosexual he finds an attraction to because of an unknown HIV status, is this wrong?  You are claiming that discrimination is wrong and therefore guilting this homosexual to play dice with his life.

Here's another distinction Thordaddy doesn't have a prayer of understanding: there's a difference between discriminating between, say, chocolate ice cream and vanilla ice cream, and legal discrimination in lending practices between gay couples and straight couples. Please, for the love of god, tell me I don't have to belabor this distinction again over twenty posts.

If homosexuality doesn't cause social cohesion concerns then why are we having this discussion?

Because homophobes like you think it causes social cohesion concerns. That's the only reason it's even an issue. If homophobic jerks didn't bring the subject up, how do you think it would come up in the first place?

The enemy is the BEHAVIOR.  The BEHAVIOR is what puts the "homosexual" (gay male) in great risk of AIDS, STDs and early mortality.

If this were so, then why don't we discriminate against sexually-promiscuous straight people, Thordaddy? Would you care to estimate how many straight people have infected each other with Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Herpes, and other STDs over the past few hundred years? As usual, you're trying to make science support your own bigotry, and as usual, you don't have a prayer of succeeding.

And, if the science points to a genetically-based predisposition that is manifested by an encouraging environment, then why are we teaching young children the "normalcy" of gayness and homosexuality in particular?  Why are we playing dice with some children's lives?

Well, first of all, because it's the truth, and second of all, if young people understood that being gay was a normal part of being human, 99% of the bad parts of being gay would be gone, and gay people could just go about the business of being human beings, a state that you, Thordaddy, claim is particularly precious. Need I mention the hypocrisy of such overweening concern over the well-being of a couple of dozen cells, and such lack of concern over the well-being of several hundred million adult human beings?

Oh, by the way—I thought I'd leave you with this little observation, Thordaddy: in my experience, the more homophobic someone is, the less secure he is about his own sexuality. Are you trying to tell us something here?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,18:53   

eric murphy:

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,19:08   

Thordaddy said:

If you would like to engage like an adult, I would love to field your questions.

I keep asking you these tough questions, but you keep refusing to answer.  Engaging you like an adult is as productive as teaching calculus to a pig.  Guess you're just another another "Liar for Jesus", eh?

Here are questions for you to field if you can stop humping your Bible for a minute.

There are plenty of monogamous homosexual couples who practice nothing but safe sex when making love.  How are they are exhibiting very dangerous and deadly behavior?  Why should they be discriminated against?

Some young virginal teenagers hit puberty and find in their sexual awakening that they are attracted to members of the same sex.  In attempts to understand  and discuss their feelings, many times they are kicked out by their parents, ostracized by their friends, told by their “loving” church that they’re evil sinners and God hates them.  Many are driven into suicidal despair by such rejection.  How are these young people guilty of very dangerous and deadly behavior?  Why should they be discriminated against?

Pedophile Catholic priests are certainly guilty of guilty of very dangerous and deadly behavior.  Would you agree to public schools teaching that ALL Catholic priests are harmful to society just by virtue of there being SOME Catholic priests who are pedophiles?

Thordaddy said:

My side has been that there are JUSTIFIED reasons for discriminating against gayness in general and homosexuality (gay male sex) in particular especially in the areas of public and individual health and social and family cohesion.

And you haven't given one single rational reason to justify punishing ALL gays because of the actions of some INDIVIDUAL gays.  You just keep spewing the same statistics ("But...but...more gays get AIDS that straights!!") like it was some fundy mantra without discussing WHY the rates are higher. You seem to think that more discrimination against gays will somehow magically make the rates go lower, but you won't address the fact that existing discrimination is one of the main causes for the higher rates to begin with.

You also still have this creepy fixation about "homosexuality = anal sex" for some reason. Why is that?  Did you have a bad experience with a Catholic priest as a child?  

If two gay men form a monogamous couple and do nothing to pleasure each other except fellatio and mutual masturbation, does that mean they're NOT homosexual in your eyes?  And what about hetero couples - do hetero couples ever engage in anal sex?  Is hetero anal sex any more or less unhealthy that gay anal sex?

If two gay men agreed to sign a legally binding contract that guaranteed they would never engage in anal sex under penalty of law in exchange for the right to be legally married, would you then condone the marriage?

You are a strange, twisted fundy Thordaddy.  Your homophobia has turned you into a bigot, and a coward, and a liar.  I strongly suggest you go for counseling.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,21:10   

Quote (stevestory @ April 14 2006,23:53)
eric murphy:

Steve - Thanks. :-)

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,01:18   

RE: pearls before swine.

Yep. I've seen the light.  It's going to take a "bunker buster" to get through that skull.

I'm outta here.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,10:04   


Where did you get your 1 out of 45 STD figure from? A careful review of my source shows that 6.5% men have the HIV virus, which is ominous since 43.3% never even bothered to have a test. Other surveys show that around 7 - 12% of gay Londoners have tested positive for HIV at least once in their lives. True, this is inflated by false positives; however, this result also doesn't account for the quarter of gays who haven't tested. In section 3.6, the report concludes that approximately 1 out of 8 gay men have tested positive, think they're positive, or have a positive partner. Given the growth of AIDs in Europe, this doesn't bode well for the gay community.


Yes, researchers are getting better at controlling AIDs: this will create complacency until the next viral mutation or disease hits, and then the process starts over. As I've stated before, AIDs wasn't the first "gay" disease, it's just the first to get wide media exposure. As for your smoking analogy, the health threat from second-hand smoke has already been addressed by essentially banning smoking from public places. Even where it's allowed, the smokers are segregated. So once again we see how the facts inform the regulation of civil liberties. And, of course, one musn't confuse the refusal to sanction a ceremony with murder and violence.


For someone who wants neutral language, you sure like to psychoanalyze your opponents. How do you know that my opinions are a "mere smokescreen". Perhaps I start with different philosophical assumptions than you, and this causes my conclusions to diverge from yours. Personally, I wouldn't mind if gay marriages are recognised if I didn't see a lot of historical and medical evidence that this will cause harmful, even catastrophic outcomes. Once again, look at the effects of prior progressive policies, and the lies that were told to justify them. What makes you think that gay marriage isn't yet another Trojan Horse for an overthrow of Western society?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,10:28   


How do you know that my opinions are a "mere smokescreen".

Because I gave you credit for intelligence. You are as obviously working backwards to rationalize your desires as I am. Do you think I can't see this?

Perhaps I start with different philosophical assumptions than you, and this causes my conclusions to diverge from yours.

I'm sure this is the case. As I wrote earlier, the Golden Rule is nearly never followed when the status quo favors the rule-breaker. There are *always* persuasive reasons why *this* is an exception. Even if you are the only one persuaded.

Personally, I wouldn't mind if gay marriages are recognised if I didn't see a lot of historical and medical evidence that this will cause harmful, even catastrophic outcomes.

But you haven't made this case, that I can see. You have STATED that if those whose sexual practices make you uncomfortable, are granted ordinary civil rights just like they were (gasp) citizens, then catastrophe will follow. And you don't understand that this claim is 100% self-serving, and based on nothing but itself?

Once again, look at the effects of prior progressive policies, and the lies that were told to justify them.

I wish you could specify one, so we could contrast and compare it. To me, granting all citizens the same civil rights is not "progressive", it is fundamental.

What makes you think that gay marriage isn't yet another Trojan Horse for an overthrow of Western society?

Weird, man. For the most part, gay marriage is nothing more than the legal recognition of an existing relationship. Some of the gays who applied for marriage licenses had been in monogamous relationships for *decades*. So all we're really talking about is reducing the cost of constructing the legal relationship, so that gays need not spend $10,000 to get the privileges and responsibilities that straights get for $25. And I can't believe you are saying that eliminating this discriminatory cost difference will overthrow Western society.

So basically, I stand by what I've said. You do not WANT to grant rights you enjoy, to people you dislike for whatever reasons. You have no problem abandoning equality, the golden rule, civil rights, American political goals, or whatever it takes so long as your prejudices are ratified in the law. And ANY argument you can find is good enough for you, even if it's completely irrelevant.

What I don't understand is, why do you find all this circumlocution necessary. Why not be as honest as thordaddy and simply say "homosexuality is SINFUL, it's terrible, I can't help feeling this way, I can't admit I might be wrong, I don't regard social principles as valid if they say otherwise. So there!" After all, these ARE your "philosophical assumptions."

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,10:31   

Sorry for the "rushed" feeling of the last post, but I'm working under severe time constraints. I'm not losing my composure or anything.  :)

I forgot to answer Flint's question: no, I've never been tempted to experiment. In addition, I really don't have anything against gays that I wouldn't have against, say, smokers or excessive drinkers. I don't wish to limit their rights to free speech or employment or living arrangements or public displays of affection - I just don't think marriage is an absolute right. If it was, we'd allow polygamy and (yes) incestuous marriages. We don't, and for a very good reason - polygamy would destroy the social fabric (lots and lots of lonely, unmarried men above and beyond what we have now), while incest can lead to children with genetic problems. It's really not so hard to see, guys. If we can use evidence to restrict some types of marriage, why can't we use it to challenge other types? In other words, why do liberals get to select the ways in which we can approach topics? And by the way, nobody ever addressed my concern that we might be enabling another class of professional victims. And yes, I think that many gays would campaign for affirmative action regardless of the circumstances - it's just human nature. And this is one step to ensuring that yet another group gets jobs and university seats that it doesn't deserve. And once A.A. is established, it never goes away. Ever.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,10:46   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 15 2006,15:31)
And yes, I think that many gays would campaign for affirmative action regardless of the circumstances - it's just human nature. And this is one step to ensuring that yet another group gets jobs and university seats that it doesn't deserve. And once A.A. is established, it never goes away. Ever.

Sorry, Bill, I just don't see it.

The main thing gay people seem to be looking for is to be treated just like everyone else. They're not looking for "special" rights; they're looking for the same rights as everyone else.

Marriage, in the sense of a religious ceremony where two become one in the eyes of one supernatural being or other, don't seem to be very high on the list. And besides, it's not a right they'll ever have anyway, because straight people don't have the right either (straight people can't force a particular church or synagog or mosque to marry them).

The main "right" gay people are looking for that they don't already have is the same right to civil union under the law straight people have. Right now, if you're gay, you have no inheritance rights under the law. Your lover dies, and instead of you inheriting the state, a gaggle of squabbling relatives who excommunicated your lover three decades ago gets everything.

This is wrong, and should be addressed in the law. (In fact, if the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment had meaning for human beings, as opposed to corporate beings, it would already have been addressed.) There's no "affirmative action" here.

Also, as I said to BlockheadDaddy, the argument that gay marriage would somehow destroy the institution is dead on arrival. Marriage, despite the best efforts of heterosexuals everywhere, is going strong, with no signs of going away any time soon.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,10:48   

&*%$ library computers! Maybe this post will get through......
Because I gave you credit for intelligence. You are as obviously working backwards to rationalize your desires as I am. Do you think I can't see this?

I'm sorry, I just don't see this. I don't think the right to marriage is fundamental, and that society has some leeway to discriminate in this area. How this is making up special rules for gays (or polygamists, or first-cousins)? Obviously you disagree. Fine. That's what this debate's about.
There are *always* persuasive reasons why *this* is an exception.

Look, even for fundamental rights exceptions exist. Why shouldn't this be the case for non-fundamental ones (if indeed they be).
You have STATED that if those whose sexual practices make you uncomfortable, are granted ordinary civil rights just like they were (gasp) citizens, then catastrophe will follow. And you don't understand that this claim is 100% self-serving, and based on nothing but itself?

First, gay sex doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. Second, I've been trying to supply evidence for my position. More later.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,11:19   

The main thing gay people seem to be looking for is to be treated just like everyone else. They're not looking for "special" rights; they're looking for the same rights as everyone else.

OK, let me try again:

1) I do not believe that asking for the right to marry is "campaigning" for "special privileges"; I'm aware that this debate is over equal rights.

2) Problem is, the courts define equal rights as equal outcomes in employment, housing, schooling, etc. This means lots of work for the government to do, as outcomes are never equal - it's practically a statistical impossibility.

3) How to redress this obvious inequity? Well, we've already deemed gay relationships as deserving of federal recognition, why not expand this recognition to gays as a distinct, victimized group?

4) And how best to reduce the inequity of this victimised group? Why, the way we've done it for other victimised groups: quotas, set-asides, "hate-crime" legislation, etc. Ooops- not working? Obviously we need to really get to work......and the cycle continues......

    This could never happen, right? Well, that's what they said about the 1964 Civil Rights Act. "Man, you must be a Bircher to think that this'll lead to quotas....what are you, a bigot?" Almost the same litany, word for word. But this time liberals are telling the truth, right?

So what can we do to ensure that equal rights stay equal? I'm open to suggestions.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,11:32   


I don't wish to limit their rights to free speech or employment or living arrangements or public displays of affection - I just don't think marriage is an absolute right. If it was, we'd allow polygamy and (yes) incestuous marriages. We don't, and for a very good reason - polygamy would destroy the social fabric (lots and lots of lonely, unmarried men above and beyond what we have now), while incest can lead to children with genetic problems. It's really not so hard to see, guys. If we can use evidence to restrict some types of marriage, why can't we use it to challenge other types? In other words, why do liberals get to select the ways in which we can approach topics?

An awful lot of baggage being lugged around by these questions, you know?

Let's agree, just to clarify a bit, that where good reasons exist, marriages should not be recognized. But I don't think anyone is claiming marriage is an *absolute* right, I think people are saying that marriage is a civil right that should be denied only for relevant reasons. So we're trying to decide what's relevant here.

I'll grant that incest is genetically hazardous. I can see no reason why the "social fabric" would be threatened by 3+ person marriages; these have been experimented with fairly often without the loss of "social fabric" and indeed are still practiced in some places in the US. Similarly, I see no compelling reason to prohibit gay marriage. Maybe I lack your hotline to the social fabric, but from my perspective, you are saying "If we change SOME rules (which just happen to be hobbyhorses of the religious right), the boogeymay will git you!" So far, your evidence has not been relevant. You speak at length about disease, but never once have you suggested any evidence that marriage makes disease worse in any way.

So from my perspective, this comes down to a demand on my part that you show cause why marriage should be denied. So far, you have shown none. Ericmurphy and I have tried multiple times to point out that we're talking here NOT about any "blessed relationship" but rather a specific set of legal provisions. If you think changing some peoples' legal status threatens society, you should explain why, rather than ducking the issue over and over.

Because that's all we're talking about. Would you find it acceptable if we dubbed such arrangements "civil unions" so long as they were legally identical? It's not as though doing thos is going to change anyone's social or sexual behavior.

even for fundamental rights exceptions exist. Why shouldn't this be the case for non-fundamental ones?

This is a pathetic argument. Yes, exceptions are always made for *immediate, obvious, clear and present compelling cause*, not for hazy fears that maybe someday some change will somehow unravel someone's hazy notion of a "social fabric." That's just noise.

Second, I've been trying to supply evidence for my position.

Maybe I just don't know what your position is. What I'm trying to talk about is the legal condition of marriage, and whether extending that condition to people whose relationship is *otherwise no different* is appropriate. So far, you have come up with two "evidences" - the first is that the sexual behavior of that part of the gay community that does NOT WISH TO MARRY, should prohibit marriage for those who do. Which is frankly silly. And the second "evidence" is the claim that if these people ARE granted the legal condition of marriage, society will self-destruct. But this isn't any sort of evidence, this is directionless fear, straight homophobia.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,11:46   


So what can we do to ensure that equal rights stay equal? I'm open to suggestions.

Sigh. Let's set the domino theory aside for a moment. You may be fully sincere in thinking that if we let these people have SOME rights, they'll want FULL rights. And I wouldn't be surprised.

Problem is, the courts define equal rights as equal outcomes in employment, housing, schooling, etc. This means lots of work for the government to do, as outcomes are never equal - it's practically a statistical impossibility.

This is an echo of the standard creationist argument that if science doesn't know everything, it doesn't know anything. The kind of all-or-nothing argument. But it's not correct. Granted, equality is a slippery notion. Ideally, we wish to guarantee equality of opportunity, not equality of results. But if results are all we have to measure by, and the results are WAY WAY different, is it legitimate to conclude that maybe the opportunities were also different? This is a hard question, but not impossible.

In the case of race relations, without question results are starkly different. Nearly ALL the blacks cross the finish line well after all but the most incompetent of everyone else. And granted, government (and perhaps society?) has made the equality of the races a matter of faith, or definition. The difference in results can't be explained by a difference in ability, therefore it MUST be a difference in opportunity.

My reading is that it's a combination of the two, but maybe that situation is different. It's not philosophically impossible to determine whether a house or a job is being denied to someone strictly on the grounds of sexual orientation. And not hard to prevent this.

(As a footnote, for whatever reasons, blacks DO score a standard deviation below whites, and TWO standard deviations below asians. Perhaps whatever the reasons for this are can be corrected, perhaps not. But I've never seen the slightest suggestion that gays would need special "affirmative action" programs on the grounds that they are as a group plain less intelligent, educated, or competent. In fact, gays are spread throughout the workforce at every level. So I think your only valid concern would be that in order to REACH these positions, they had to stay in the closet. However, coming out of the closet and THEN finding their paths suddenly and newly blocked means real discrimination for the sake of discrimination. Are you defending this?)

we've already deemed gay relationships as deserving of federal recognition, why not expand this recognition to gays as a distinct, victimized group?

If they ARE a victimized group, would this STILL be a terrible thing? Personally, I have not seen gays asking for a single opportunity that you or I don't already have.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,11:52   

So far, you have come up with two "evidences" - the first is that the sexual behavior of that part of the gay community that does NOT WISH TO MARRY, should prohibit marriage for those who do. Which is frankly silly.

But you're assuming that sexual behavior is static regardless of circumstances. Not necessarily true. I'm arguing that societal disapproval acts as a brake to spreading disease, and that removing that brake might cause an acceleration in promiscuity. For example, it used to be true that men were more likely to cheat on their spouses. Not anymore: the latest surveys show that female infidelity rates have finally approached men's. Why? Society has changed: feminism led to the loss in patriarchal "hegemony", then in all male moral authority. Also, women bought the entitlement myth: my immediate desires trump all other concerns. It used to be that women were ashamed of acting like such brazen hussies; now they glorify in their sluttiness. That may be OK if they're single and disease-free, but this attitude also poisons their matrimonial relations. Moral attitudes that you took for granted as a child have been driven underground. Out of time - more later.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,12:08   

I'm arguing that societal disapproval acts as a brake to spreading disease, and that removing that brake might cause an acceleration in promiscuity. For example, it used to be true that men were more likely to cheat on their spouses. Not anymore: the latest surveys show that female infidelity rates have finally approached men's. Why? Society has changed:

By this logic, why don't you advocate eliminating marriage as an institution. By your reasoning, discouraging the effort to live in a monogamous relationship should suppress BOTH the spread of disease, and the frequency of infidelity.

Maybe when your concerns are taken to their logical conclusions and you see how foolish your position actually is. But I seriously doubt this. Golly, if only we went back to a patriarchical society, where disobedient women were hussies and sluts, everyone would be ever so much happier. But this is a rearguard battle, to be sure.

But I think I'm starting to understand where you're coming from: for a conservative, change is wrong. ANY change, in ANY direction, is bad. And it's bad because it's different, and different is always worse. Back in the good old days when men were men, women weren't uppity, crime was rare, queers were invisible, gratification was delayed, and right-thinking families every night by golly got down on their collective knees and *prayed*, why, the world used to be wonderful. Back when equal rights, like the right to vote, belonged solely to white Christian adult men who owned land. And nobody else was equal because by gum, they WEREN'T equal, they were inferior on the merits, back when liberals weren't distorting what merits really ARE.

And in this larger context, this marvelous mythical dream fantasy, your policy positions fit right in and make perfect sense. I can dig it.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,12:27   

First, "homosexuals" can marry in any liberal Church that will exchange their vows.  This is not the agenda.

Secondly, civil rights apply to individuals and not couples or groups of people.  This is the American way.

Thirdly, "homosexuals" can marry and be recognized by the state , but MUST abide by the same RULES as the rest of us.

I can no more marry a man than a homosexual can.  How is this inequality?

The claim is that "homosexuals" deserve equal rights.  This translates into "homosexuals" can redefine marriage for the whole of society.

Any "homosexual" couple can write up the required contracts concerning property, wills, etc. to serve their personal interests

How did such oppressed peoples get such power?

"Homosexuals" AREN'T victims, they're in large part bullies looking to mold society in their image and the heck with the consequences.

But what does this have to do with manifesting dangerous behaviors in young school children that could lead to deadly diseases and early death through teaching the "normalcy" of such behavior?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,12:48   

Paley, why are you capitalizing it as AIDs with a small s?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,13:01   

[quote=thordaddy,April 15 2006,17:27]
Secondly, civil rights apply to individuals and not couples or groups of people.  This is the American way.

Wrong. Slavery applied to an entire race, not individuals. The 14th Amendment was crafted to free slaves, not individuals. Do a little research, will you.

Thirdly, "homosexuals" can marry and be recognized by the state , but MUST abide by the same RULES as the rest of us.

Is this another of your non-sequitors? What gay person is asking for additional rights, or asks to be excused from abiding rules the rest of us our bound to?

I can no more marry a man than a homosexual can.  How is this inequality?

The fact that you can't marry someone you don't want to marry anyway has nothing to do with the fact that gay people can't marry someone they do want to marry.

But I'm sure this is exactly the kind of fine distinction you're congenitally incapable of understanding, so it's pointless to argue with you on this topic as it is on any other.

The claim is that "homosexuals" deserve equal rights.  This translates into "homosexuals" can redefine marriage for the whole of society.

And how, exactly, would this affect you, or any other straight person, even if it were true? Oh, wait; I'm repeating myself. Given who I'm addressing, you can imagine my surprise.

Any "homosexual" couple can write up the required contracts concerning property, wills, etc. to serve their personal interests.

Nope. Time and again state law has trumped such contracts. Again and again a will has been successfully contested in probate, leaving a gay person's partner with nothing and estranged relatives with everything.

"Homosexuals" AREN'T victims, they're in large part bullies looking to mold society in their image and the heck with the consequences.

Tell that to Matthew Sheppard, Thordaddy. Oh, wait, you can't—he's dead.

But what does this have to do with manifesting dangerous behaviors in young school children that could lead to deadly diseases and early death through teaching the "normalcy" of such behavior?

Do read anything anyone else says? Why do you keep repeating the same questions over and over that have been answered to death by others? Are you aware of the fact that other people exist besides you?

Could you please take your narrow-minded bigotry elsewhere?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,13:13   


Wrong. Slavery applied to an entire race, not individuals. The 14th Amendment was crafted to free slaves, not individuals. Do a little research, will you.

Wrong!  "Civil rights" meant no slavery for any individual.  The 14th Amendment applies to individuals as do all amendments.

Is this another of your non-sequitors? What gay person is asking for additional rights, or asks to be excused from abiding rules the rest of us our bound to?

This is fact.  "Homosexuals" can marry and be recognized like the rest of individuals in our society and we must ALL follow the requirements of that privilege.  This is equality, my friend.

The fact that you can't marry someone you don't want to marry anyway has nothing to do with the fact that gay people can't marry someone they do want to marry.

Oh, I thought you were opining on equality under the law and not people's personal choices codified into law.

And how, exactly, would this affect you, or any other straight person, even if it were true? Oh, wait; I'm repeating myself. Given who I'm addressing, you can imagine my surprise.

It need not affect me if it affects society at large in a negative fashion.  We've already established that "marriage" is not the agenda for "homosexuals."

Nope. Time and again state law has trumped such contracts. Again and again a will has been successfully contested in probate, leaving a gay person's partner with nothing and estranged relatives with everything.

Well, that's were the law needs to be changed and I think we can all agree on this while keeping the traditional definition of marriage intact since "marriage" is not the agenda anyway.  Accruing benefits is the agenda.

Tell that to Matthew Sheppard, Thordaddy. Oh, wait, you can't—he's dead.

Do some research on gay male and gay female domestic violence.  You'll see a lot of bullying going on.

Do read anything anyone else says? Why do you keep repeating the same questions over and over that have been answered to death by others? Are you aware of the fact that other people exist besides you?

Could you please take your narrow-minded bigotry elsewhere?

Then who would tear the paperbag of your head?

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,13:31   

Thordaddy, you still have a lot of tought questions about your homophobia waiting for you at the bottom of page 9 of this thread.

Why do refuse to answer them?  Is it because after all your mouthy bluster, you have no answers?  Gee, who'da thunk ;)

I thought your Bible gave you all the answers.

I'll repost them for the fourth time if you can't find them.

The board is waiting, your  Bigotness.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,14:14   

"Homosexuals" AREN'T victims, they're in large part bullies looking to mold society in their image and the heck with the consequences.

But what does this have to do with manifesting dangerous behaviors in young school children that could lead to deadly diseases and early death through teaching the "normalcy" of such behavior?
What evidence do you have that gay people a) want more people to be gay and b) are trying to 'recruit' people in schools. If you actually talk to gay people you get a different story, assuming they're not lying to me in case I rumble their scheme.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,14:32   

Since every post he does provides further evidence of how much of a waste of time it is even to respond to Thordaddy, this will be my last post directed at his diatribes.

Quote (thordaddy @ April 15 2006,18:13)
This is fact.  "Homosexuals" can marry and be recognized like the rest of individuals in our society and we must ALL follow the requirements of that privilege.  This is equality, my friend.

Only a complete, utter idiot would think that gay people have the same rights to marriage as straight people. Other than in Massachusetts, gay people have no marriage rights at all, unless they want to marry someone of the opposite sex. Thordaddy, no one has a "right" to be married in a religious ceremony. We're talking the right to a legally-recognized union, a right straight people have and gay people do not. Why do you think gay people are arguing the issue, Thordaddy? Do you think they're pining after a right they already have? If you think there's an equality of rights between gay people and straight people, you're hallucinating.

It's hard to believe anyone could be this obtuse.

Oh, I thought you were opining on equality under the law and not people's personal choices codified into law.

I am talking about equality under the law. Two married gay people do not have the same rights as two married straight people. You can deny this all you want, but your denial is comically wrong.

It need not affect me if it affects society at large in a negative fashion.  We've already established that "marriage" is not the agenda for "homosexuals."

But it doesn't affect society at large in a negative fashion. You're posing a pointless hypothetical, and as usual, have completely failed to address my charge that there's nothing gay people could do to the institution of marriage that straight people haven't already done, in spades. What is Elizabeth Taylor's affect on the institution of marriage?

Thordaddy, there is no "gay agenda." You, along with the rest of the religious right, have fabricated it out of the febrile depths of your own imagination.

Well, that's were the law needs to be changed and I think we can all agree on this while keeping the traditional definition of marriage intact since "marriage" is not the agenda anyway.  Accruing benefits is the agenda.

So you're now saying you have no problem with civil unions between gay people that have the exact same rights and responsibilities as such unions between straight people? Then why are we even having this argument? If you merely want to keep gay people from being married in church (a war you've already lost), but have no problem with gay legal rights in civil unions, then I fail to see why you even care about this issue.

Do some research on gay male and gay female domestic violence.  You'll see a lot of bullying going on.

Another non-sequitor. Gay people don't batter each other because they're gay. Matthew Sheppard was killed because he was gay.

Then who would tear the paperbag of your head?

Thodaddy, if you think your arguments are giving me anything to think about, you're flattering yourself. If you think you're exposing me to the "reality about how dangerous gay people are to society," you're delusional. All you're really showing me is how much of a bigot you are.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,14:38   

Since every post he does provides further evidence of how much of a waste of time it is even to respond to Thordaddy, this will be my last post directed at his diatribes.

I have to say, I called it on Thordaddy weeks ago.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2006,14:53   

I have to say, I called it on Thordaddy weeks ago.

Agreed, thordaddy is intellectually challenged - that is, a very dim bulb. But I think it's important to recognize that his convictions aren't the result of lack of mental processing power. Ghost is certainly NOT stupid, and marshals a great deal of processing power in a subtle, indirect, and misleading structure of careful rationalizations of *exactly the same convictions.*

Religious faith is not a matter of intelligence, and not a matter of evidence or knowledge. Dawkins describes it best, I think, as a virus, an actual organic brain malfunction introduced before self-defense is possible. Evidence DOES tell us that neither intelligence nor education is particularly effective against this affliction.

I consider thordaddy's approach more boring, like punching a heavy bag that ignores any efforts and just swings back into the same place. Ghost is more entertaining, like trying to outflank smoke and mirrors. But in either case, the result is the Kurt Wise Syndrome: evidence simply *does not matter*. Logic, reason, all irrelevant. The virus simply doesn't live where such medications can reach.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2006,00:56   

For Ghost:

Yes, it seems I missed the 6,5% mention. I tried to figure out the number looking at the data provided in 2.8: That 10,2% of the sample said they suffered from some illness, and that 20,7% of those (not 22%, as I remembered) said it was from infectious diseases (mostly HIV). That is one in 50 more or less, or 2%.

Now, that did seem small, especially for a high risk group- but I now realise the reason. In 3.5.8, it mentions that 4,5% claimed not to have a disability, although they were HIV(+). I can only assume that these people may be carriers but think of themselves as healthy because they have not developed ARC yet.

However, assuming that the actual number is way larger is completely unfounded and, IMO, based on bias.
Saying that a large number of gays does not get tested because they are reckless and don't bother is pure speculation, based on what you think gays do- would you say the same about heterosexuals? When was the last time you (or I) had a HIV test?
In reality, a group that displays  indiffference for screening would be one that is less aware of the dangers of AIDS, and heterosexuals fit that profile better.
Since you agree that about 3/4 of the sample display mild or normal sexual behavior, why is it not likely that the reason for lack of screening in a part of those is the one you'd readily assume for heteros -namely, that most of these people feel confident because they practice safety in their sexual lives?

And even if the 1 in 8 number is the actual number of HIV(+) cases (which would also assume that all those who think it's possible they have AIDS, do -and also that all those who have a partner who is a HIV carrier do so because they could care less, and not because they care enough to stay with him), It's still way off your claims for saturation and subsequent spread to heterosexual population. Again, compare this to IV drug users, where, when a STD is induced in an insulated urban community, it's rate quickly reaches 50% or more.

What this survey essentially shows is that gays are a high risk group, something nobody argues against: Nothing about promisquity, nothing about reckless behavior -which is why it was brought up in the first place.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2006,09:41   

Here's why I think the current infection levels pose a risk for a future epidemic:

Let's assume that the typical British gay/bisexual man has a median number of 4 partners a year, and that the HIV infection rate is 8%, a reasonably conservative figure. Assuming that a man chooses his partners randomly, the probability that he will avoid the HIV virus in a given year is simply (.92)^4, or roughly .72, which leads to a percentage of 72%. The "odds" that he will encounter at least one partner with the disease is the complement of this, or 28%. Over a 1 in 4 chance! And this is for a year. Obviously, his odds go up over several years, even if he sticks with his original partners (for they might become infected with the disease from their other partners). Now I know that even Los Angelinos don't choose their lovers at random, but consider this: the men most likely to present the most risk will be the companions that everyone covets; i.e. the attractive and promiscuous. This is why a modest change in the infection rate can serve to trigger an outbreak.

Obviously you feel that men will be men regardless of societal pressure, and that marriage may reduce risky behavior. The right to marriage is fundamental, and any challenges to this freedom must bear the burden of proof. Furthermore, any challenge towards fundamental rights such as marriage must survive strict scrutiny, and that I have not adequately coupled the putative dangers of legalising gay marriage with a compelling societal interest. In other words, my action acts too broadly to serve its purpose (and may even counteract the purpose), and therefore does not achieve its goals. Fair summary?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2006,11:49   

One more thing. How about a trade: let gays have full marriage privileges, while everyone, including gays, gets their right of free association back. It's not like gays would be giving up entitlements they already have, since their group isn't formally recognised as a victim group. In fact, their net and absolute rights will expand. Everyone else will also be more free. Yes, bigots will use this freedom to reinstate restrictive covenants in a few areas, but for gays, what else is new? It's not like bigoted landlords didn't already have de facto discrimination in place. So what do you think? Would you take the tradeoff? All opinions welcome, especially the usual gang and T-daddy's. Remember, I'm not asking if it's realistic, just if you would make the swap. I would, in a heartbeat.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2006,13:00   


Sadly, a very long and detailed reply fell victim to the "lose everything you've typed instantly" keystroke, whatever it is. Took me over an hour to create. This software SUCKS!!!

Anyway, since I don't feel like replicating everything this software deleted, I don't feel you have made ANY case that the social grant of civil marriage *increases* any of the health threats you've been talking about.

So we have two basic issues here. First, does State grant of legal marriage increase the incidence of behaviors dangerous to social health? So far, you have not addressed this at all. I'm not aware of any suggestion this is so. Do you have evidence that those gays who now have married (or attempted to do so) are *more dangerous* to social health than those who have not?

Second, IF the behavior of certain identifiable groups of people is demonstrably unhealthy, should this behavior disqualify those practicing it from the institution of marriage? By comparison, should felons in jail be prohibited from marrying? They are not, today. Should they be? People suffering from any disease you can name are not prohibited from marriage. Should they be? In fact, with the signal exception of gays, society falls over backwards encouraging marriage, on the hopeful grounds that this institution will discourage any OTHER antisocial behavior. Why is homosexuality different other than straight homophobia?

One more thing. How about a trade: let gays have full marriage privileges, while everyone, including gays, gets their right of free association back. It's not like gays would be giving up entitlements they already have, since their group isn't formally recognised as a victim group. In fact, their net and absolute rights will expand. Everyone else will also be more free. Yes, bigots will use this freedom to reinstate restrictive covenants in a few areas, but for gays, what else is new? It's not like bigoted landlords didn't already have de facto discrimination in place. So what do you think? Would you take the tradeoff? All opinions welcome, especially the usual gang and T-daddy's. Remember, I'm not asking if it's realistic, just if you would make the swap. I would, in a heartbeat.

I quoted all this because after several re-readings, I don't get it. The trade seems to be, WE will allow gays to marry, and in exchage WE will get free association. But non-gays have never to my knowledge lost the right to free association. What is the trade here? How will I be MORE free? How will bigots use what hasn't changed to make any change? What am I missing here? So I don't see any kind of swap involved. I agree to grant gays the same rights I have, and in exchange my rights don't change. Well, duh! Isn't that the whole idea? People are people, they have the same rights and priviliges. Grant those rights and priviliges to those who lack them for no relevant reasons. Everyone wins, nobody loses a danm thing. Who could disagree?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2006,23:49   

ericmurphy opines,

Only a complete, utter idiot would think that gay people have the same rights to marriage as straight people. Other than in Massachusetts, gay people have no marriage rights at all, unless they want to marry someone of the opposite sex. Thordaddy, no one has a "right" to be married in a religious ceremony. We're talking the right to a legally-recognized union, a right straight people have and gay people do not. Why do you think gay people are arguing the issue, Thordaddy? Do you think they're pining after a right they already have? If you think there's an equality of rights between gay people and straight people, you're hallucinating.

You mean "homosexuals" can't marry people of the same sex?  I thought you were talking about an inequality in the law?  I can't marry someone of the same sex, either.  Unless of course I find a liberal church to exchange our vows.  Gays can find a liberal pastor and get "married."  Gays don't want "marriage."  They want to mainstrean gayness.

It's hard to believe anyone could be this obtuse.

It's hard to believe that someone could argue for equal rights while arguing special rights for some minority demographic.

I am talking about equality under the law. Two married gay people do not have the same rights as two married straight people. You can deny this all you want, but your denial is comically wrong.

Oh... Now your talking about "group" rights?  You're not talking about the "rights" of individuals.  We are ALL equal under the law as it pertains to marriage.  Those that abide by its rules (one man, one women) accrue its benefits.  Gays are trying to reshape the rules for their personal benefit.  This has nothing to do with marriage (they could get married in a liberal church), but mainstreaming gayness.

But it doesn't affect society at large in a negative fashion. You're posing a pointless hypothetical, and as usual, have completely failed to address my charge that there's nothing gay people could do to the institution of marriage that straight people haven't already done, in spades. What is Elizabeth Taylor's affect on the institution of marriage?

Then why all the discrimination?  Are we really to believe ericmurphy over hundreds of years of tradition and history?  Is homosexual "marriage" really equivalent to traditional marriage?

Thordaddy, there is no "gay agenda." You, along with the rest of the religious right, have fabricated it out of the febrile depths of your own imagination.

What exactly are my "religious" arguments?

So you're now saying you have no problem with civil unions between gay people that have the exact same rights and responsibilities as such unions between straight people? Then why are we even having this argument? If you merely want to keep gay people from being married in church (a war you've already lost), but have no problem with gay legal rights in civil unions, then I fail to see why you even care about this issue.

I'm saying that all the appropriate contracts can be created sufficing all the matters concerning property, wills, assets, visitation, etc.  Why marriage?  Go to the church.  Why do "homosexual" couples require state sanction?

Thodaddy, if you think your arguments are giving me anything to think about, you're flattering yourself. If you think you're exposing me to the "reality about how dangerous gay people are to society," you're delusional. All you're really showing me is how much of a bigot you are.

Anyone that worships at the alter of equality, non-discrimination and tolerance will always have a hard time understanding other's arguments for he has thrown away all the necessary tools required for discernment.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,01:18   

Two points: First, no matter how many annual partners a person has, he chooses one at a time. Maybe I'm wrong but, doesn't the chance of finding a HIV carrier remain the same (8%, in our case) every time he makes a choice? Disregarding the previous choices doesn't change the odds in any way either, since the sample is a substantial number (otherwise it wouldn't be statistically significant, anyway).
The main problem, however, is this: Your calculation implies that every contact between a HIV(-) and an HIV(+) person results in infection.
That couldn't be farther away from the truth.
Nevermind the fact that the HIV virus doesn't have a 100% transfer rate- Whatever happened to safe sex?
Are you saying that no homosexual uses protection during sex ever? Well, even if you believe that, it's not what the survey shows.
The fact is that practicing safe sex reduces the risks of being infected during intercourse to minimal numbers. And that's for gays and heterosexuals alike. It's true that some gays don't use protection often (then again, it's the same with many heterosexual males) and that's exactly where we should focus on: Educating gays -and all of us, really- to practice safe sex, not treat them like lepers because they are potentially "unclean".

PS. I know I said I wouldn't respond to the troll again, but this was too precious to let it pass:
You mean "homosexuals" can't marry people of the same sex?  I thought you were talking about an inequality in the law?  I can't marry someone of the same sex, either.

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D

Oh man, this is just like that ancient joke...
Here it is, in case you don't know it -although I doubt there's anyone who doesn't:
(note: Italics for stupid fake Russian accent)
"USA is a free country"

"Well, so is the USSR!"

"That's BS- In the US, you can stand outside the White House in broad daylight, shout 'Ronald Reagan is an ***hole, and nobody will do anything to you!"

"Big deal- it is so in the USSR, too: You can stand outside the Kremlin in broad daylight, shout 'Ronald Reagan is an ***hole' and nobody does nothing to you!"

...OK, I didn't say it was a funny joke. But then, Trolldaddy isn't funny either; he's just a joke.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,06:33   

Two points: First, no matter how many annual partners a person has, he chooses one at a time. Maybe I'm wrong but, doesn't the chance of finding a HIV carrier remain the same (8%, in our case) every time he makes a choice?

Absolutely. But each different partner represents another "chance" to contact the disease. It's like drawing a card from a deck, recording the value, replacing the card, and then shuffling the deck. Let's say you're calculating the probability of drawing at least one king in 4 attempts. You could use the binomial formula and sum the relevant possibilities, but this strategy is tedious without computer software or a graphing calculator. So let's use an indirect strategy: find the opposite probability and subtract from the total probability (which is "1" in decimal form). Now, the chance of avoiding a king is 48/52 for each pick, and since the events are independent, we calculate the chance of missing the king all 4 times as 48/52*48/52*48/52*48/52. Since this is the opposite of what we're trying to find, we can calculate our probability by subtracting our answer from 1 (the total probability). So our answer is 1 - (48/52)^4.
The main problem, however, is this: Your calculation implies that every contact between a HIV(-) and an HIV(+) person results in infection.

This formula does make a lot of assumptions; you wouldn't use it to model the spread of disease in the real world. But it illustrates my point that a small change in the infection rate can lead to catastrophic outcomes. For a real model you would need a differential equation with a lot of empirically-derived constants. More later.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,07:33   

So we have two basic issues here. First, does State grant of legal marriage increase the incidence of behaviors dangerous to social health? So far, you have not addressed this at all. I'm not aware of any suggestion this is so.

Yes, this is what I thought you were saying - I just didn't express myself very well. So you're assuming that marriage is one of the fundamental rights grounded in free society, that it applies to all consenting adults (with narrow exceptions), and cannot be denied to certain groups without showing a clear and present danger. This is why I brought up the legal definitions - what we have here is a failure to agree on whether:

1) Marriage is a fundamental right that requires strict scrutiny to overturn*
2) the restriction must be narrowly tailored to meet its objective
3) we can assume that marriage trumps culture

Second, IF the behavior of certain identifiable groups of people is demonstrably unhealthy, should this behavior disqualify those practicing it from the institution of marriage? By comparison, should felons in jail be prohibited from marrying?
Good question. Let me think about it.

*Contra Flint, I assume a "rational basis" scrutiny, which is the minimal standard of proof, and is closer to society's standard.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,07:43   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 17 2006,04:49)
Anyone that worships at the alter of equality, non-discrimination and tolerance will always have a hard time understanding other's arguments for he has thrown away all the necessary tools required for discernment.

As someone who evidently cannot distinguish between a fertilized ovum and an infant (and who believes a zygote is conscious but a newborn isn't), you're the last person who should be talking about "discernment."

Which is one reason I'm not addressing any of your arguments. The other reasons are 1) they're laugable; and 2) you don't listen to counter-arguments anyway.

One other comment: evidently you do not believe in the importance of "equality, non-discrimination and tolerance." Not surprising, given that you consistently argue for inequality, discrimination, and intolerance.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,08:56   

Hey Eric, how far would you compromise to make gay marriage come about? If I had any control over the matter, I wouldn't mind allowing full equality for gay couples provided I got something in return (we'll ignore real-world considerations here). Would you be willing to bend a little to my immigration model for example? Or chuck affirmative action (forcing a strict constructionist reading of the 1964 Civil Rights Act). Or allowing a full restoration of free association rights within U.S. borders? Which compromise would you be willing to make? Anybody else is welcome to participate. And by freedom of association, I mean the real thing:
Freedom of association is a term popular in libertarian literature. It is used to describe the concept of absolute freedom to live in a community whose values, laws, and culture are closely related to what one wants.

Most libertarians believe that federally enforced laws and difficulty in moving between countries limits peoples' freedom of association, and are in favor of local control.

The libertarian concept of freedom of association is often rebuked from a moral/ethical context. Under libertarian laws, businessowners could refuse custom to anyone for whatever reason. Opponents argue that such practices are regressive and would lead to greater prejudice within society. Those sympathetic to freedom of association, such as Richard Epstein, in a case of refusing service, a case of the freedom of contract, respond that unjustified discrimination incurs a cost and therefore a competitive disadvantage.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,10:15   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 17 2006,13:56)
Hey Eric, how far would you compromise to make gay marriage come about? If I had any control over the matter, I wouldn't mind allowing full equality for gay couples provided I got something in return (we'll ignore real-world considerations here). Would you be willing to bend a little to my immigration model for example? Or chuck affirmative action (forcing a strict constructionist reading of the 1964 Civil Rights Act). Or allowing a full restoration of free association rights within U.S. borders? Which compromise would you be willing to make? Anybody else is welcome to participate.

Well, being straight, technically I don't have a dog in this fight, but I think from the beginning I should object to the premise of your question: in the current context, we're not talking a zero-sum game. In other words, straight people don't have to give up anything in order for gay people to be allowed civil union, and gay people shouldn't have to give up anything in exchange for something that, if they weren't gay, they would already have.

And why do you think you should be entitled to anything in return for granting full rights to gay people, Bill? First, those rights aren't yours to give: they're inherent rights. In my way of looking at things; these aren't rights you're giving, they're inherent rights you're blocking (an analogy would be damming up a river, and then charging downstream users for the use of water they'd have for free if it weren't for your dam). Second, as I said, you're not giving anything up by allowing full rights to gay people, so why should you get something for nothing?

But in any event, I'll play by the rules currently in force. I think if I had to compromise on any of the three, I'd probably go with affirmative action. However, I think I'd have to give you only half of affirmative action, in the sense that I would want to strengthen anti-discrimination laws so that it becomes more difficult to discrimate in housing, lending, employment, etc. against minorities, whether they be African Americans, Hispanics, homosexuals, witches, etc.

But I can't help asking this question: why is gay marriage even an issue for anyone who isn't gay? Why do straight people even have an opinion on the subject? I simply cannot imagine how my life, or the life of any non-gay person, could possibly be affected by allowing gay people to marry the person of their choice. (This is where Thordaddy is comically wrong in saying his rights are equivalent to a gay person's rights when he points out that he can't marry someone he doesn't want to marry anyway, because a gay person can't mary someone he or she does want to marry.)  I can't imagine how my life, or anyone else's life, would be affected if a guy was allowed to marry his horse if he wanted to.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,11:20   

ericmurphy wrote:

In other words, straight people don't have to give up anything in order for gay people to be allowed civil union, and gay people shouldn't have to give up anything in exchange for something that, if they weren't gay, they would already have.

If no social harm ensues by "normalizing" gay relationships. And assuming this doesn't lead to quotas, set-asides, and other entitlements down the road. I will concede that gay people are extremely competitive, and wouldn't have an immediate need for such things. Just call me a cynic where human nature's involved.

But I can't help asking this question: why is gay marriage even an issue for anyone who isn't gay? Why do straight people even have an opinion on the subject?

Part of it involves religion, of course. I suspect that "traditional" Americans view all sex acts with suspicion, but are willing to tolerate sex that serves a critical function (reproduction).

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,12:26   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 17 2006,16:20)
If no social harm ensues by "normalizing" gay relationships. And assuming this doesn't lead to quotas, set-asides, and other entitlements down the road. I will concede that gay people are extremely competitive, and wouldn't have an immediate need for such things. Just call me a cynic where human nature's involved.

No social harm is going to ensue by allowing gay people the same rights as straight people. It's just not going to happen. Sure, some right-wing crazies are going to pitch a fit and burn down some houses, etc., but that's a problem with the crazies, not with gay marriage.

And I simply don't see any "quotas, set-asides, or entitlements" coming out of the right to marry whomever one wants. What "entitlements," even in principle, would gay people want? Jobs? Got that. Educational opportunities? Got that. I'd be the first to admit that while gay people may not have all the rights that straight people have, they're not exactly a down-trodden minority. At least, not in those areas of the country where they don't have to worry about getting murdered because of their sexuality. But how do you solve that particular problem with an "entitlement"?

Part of it involves religion, of course. I suspect that "traditional" Americans view all sex acts with suspicion, but are willing to tolerate sex that serves a critical function (reproduction).

Again, this is not something that gay people cause. It's not their fault a solid majority of Americans are uptight about sex.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,12:53   

No social harm is going to ensue by allowing gay people the same rights as straight people.
I imagine it will make things better, a gay man who can not have an open monogomous relationship is more likely to be promiscuos.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,13:15   

Mmmmm. Bacon.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,13:29   

Quote (BWE @ April 17 2006,18:15)
Mmmmm. Bacon.

No, that's pancetta. "Promiscuos" is cured ham. Sort of.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,13:43   

Again, this is not something that gay people cause. It's not their fault a solid majority of Americans are uptight about sex.

Perhaps not, but that doesn't change the facts. Who knows, maybe there's something to being a little uptight. Keeps the guard up.
   It also goes back to the level of distrust between liberals and conservatives. That's one reason I'm discussing compromise: compromise forces people to re-evaluate their priorities, adopt the other guy's POV, and codify their underlying assumptions. So which gov. regulations would each of you surrender to make gay marriage a reality?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,13:59   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 17 2006,18:43)

   It also goes back to the level of distrust between liberals and conservatives. That's one reason I'm discussing compromise: compromise forces people to re-evaluate their priorities, adopt the other guy's POV, and codify their underlying assumptions. So which gov. regulations would each of you surrender to make gay marriage a reality?

No problem: I'd surrender all government regulations on abortion. :-)

I'd also surrender the government regulations that prevent winegrowers from listing the health benefits of drinking wine.

And while we're at it, I'd surrender all the government regulations on controlled substances, i.e., illegal drugs.

Seems like that would be a trade worth making. :-)

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,14:46   


This is why I brought up the legal definitions - what we have here is a failure to agree on whether:

1) Marriage is a fundamental right that requires strict scrutiny to overturn*
2) the restriction must be narrowly tailored to meet its objective
3) we can assume that marriage trumps culture

OK, I guess we disagree here about the default. For me, the default is that rights granted to citizens are granted to ALL citizens, and denied only for non-capricious violations (i.e. violations that specifically abuse the right being granted). For you, the default is that rights are granted selectively, to those groups who have demonstrated that they "deserve" the rights, in the opinion of, well, you, I guess.

I suppose we can say that marriage is *defined* as a grant of (very extensive) legal distinction, to two consenting adults of opposite sex. And that this grant is NOT extended (and thus none of the legal conditions apply) to any variation - same sex, more than two people, any minors involved, someone nonconsenting, etc.

As to whether any or all of these limitations and restrictions help or hurt society as a whole, this isn't something science is competent to determine. Science is competent, in principle anyway, to determine the EFFECTS on society, perhaps in great detail. The value placed on these effects, though, is what really counts.

And so we adopt normative positions. True, we don't really know these effects, but I think that's beside the point. I suspect that if you were to discover that the costs were in fact beneficial to society in your opinion, you would still be opposed, and vice versa for me.

I agree with you that there are no "fundamental" rights, and I disagree with ericmurphy on this. We have battling principles here. I admire the society I live in, and I think it is admirable because of the (results of the) effort made to grant equal opportunities to everyone. You apparently also admire this society, which you believe is made admirable by our ability to apply rights sensibly as opposed to broadly. An interesting conflict of viewpoints.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2006,23:50   

I remain a little puzzled with your calculations... Then again, math is not my field, so it's entirely possible (even probable) I'm wrong- anyway, this is how I see it:
What we have here is not 4 independent events, and try to calculate the probability of their simultaneous occurence; we have the same event, observed 4 times subsequently.
Now, it seems to me that, whether we try to estimate the probability of 'x', or of '1-x', your method makes the results of the first measurement affect the probability of the next one, which seems kinda weird.

But like I said: It's likely that I'm simply misunderstanding this, and I apologize in advance; The real problem with your model, however, is that it's based on false assumptions. Assuming that 100% of sexual encounters with HIV carriers leads to infection is grossly inaccurate; using that assumption to base your model for the spread of the virus makes your model seriously flawed.
When you use words like major epidemic to describe your conclusion, your model must be realistic enough to describe the real data. Excluding the probability of infection during intercourse (which depends on the kind of intercourse, is small anyway -HIV is approximately 80 times less infective than HBV- and, of course, is almost negligible when safe sex is practiced) from your model does not make it simpler or more abstract: It makes it wrong.

And, of course, all this still has nothing to do with the supposed way that homosexual behavior, or lifestyle, affects the danger of HIV infection to the population. All we've established so far is that gays are, and were, a high-risk group. Nobody argues against that.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,09:42   


The software ate my detailed response so let me be brief:

1) My calculation assumes a sequence of independent events, similar to the card analogy. Furthermore, it assumes that the probability for each event is fixed, and that the partners are randomly drawn from the population.
2)  Recrunching the numbers to reflect a 10% condom failure rate and a median of 2 sex acts per partner (the median number of partners remaining at 4 every year), I find that the risk of infection is still around 5.6% a year. Over a period of 5 years (not necessarily consecutive), the risk of at least one unprotected exposure to the virus returns to a rather gloomy 25%. Of course, one may be exposed to the virus without contracting the disease.

More later.

[I edited this post to correct a bone-headed error that inflated the percentages]

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,09:46   

And how do you think societies treatment of homosexuals affects these numbers?

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,11:35   

Well we have had gay marriage (actually a "civil ceremony") legalised in the UK for some short time now. Society has yet to collapse.

BTW Ghost, I thought trying to lump gay marriage and A.A. as the same was very disingenuous.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,12:38   

Stephen Elliot:
BTW Ghost, I thought trying to lump gay marriage and A.A. as the same was very disingenuous.

But I didn't. I said that recognition of the ceremony might soon lead to recognition of gays as an "official" minority group, which will then lead to A.A. If you doubt me, see my link to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The libs have pulled the wool over our eyes before, but they ain't gonna do it again. In the eyes of American courts, "equal rights" means "equal outcomes" unless the outcomes favor the minority. Sort of like in Great Britain, where whites can be jailed for stuff that wouldn't raise a yawn if a member of a protected group did it.
Well we have had gay marriage (actually a "civil ceremony") legalised in the UK for some short time now. Society has yet to collapse.

And hopefully it won't. But as infection rates continue to increase.....well, we'll have to see.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,12:43   

TBH Ghost, A cousin of mine is gay. I want him to enjoy the same rights as I do.

He should be alowed to "marry" his boyfriend so they are not punitively taxed upon death.

A.A. on the other hand is discrimination.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,12:54   

I've been devising my "slippery-slope" theory.  The problem with legalising "gay" marriage is that it will become a "integral" part of our society before any repercussions will be felt.  This is how all "progressive" policies move forward.  Of course, this policy is usually preceded by some judicial fiat.  We basically have rule by judicial oligarchy in America and "progressives" have little problem with this antithetical idea to American tradition.

The "slippery-slope" theory would bring the repercussions about suddenly to marginalize the current "progressive" policy.  

In the case of "gay" marriage, the arguments are predicated on "equal rights" concerning consenting adults.  Anyone can clearly surmise that the legalization of "gay" marriage opens the doorway to any and all "unions" between consenting adults and the "progressives" are restrained in arguing against such a liberalization of recognized "unions" lest they contradict their own arguments for "gay" marriage.

That's why my five brothers and I are looking to get "married" in order to further our financial and business interests.  Since we love each other like brothers and sex and/or reproduction have no legitimate basis in "marriage" then there is NO sound or principled arguments against such a "union" between consenting adults.  

We must slide down the "slippery-slope" much more rapidly so as to show the absurdity of the arguments for "gay" marriage.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,13:26   

Oh good Thordaddy, you're back!

Now you can answer all those though questions about your homophobia.  You know, the questions you've avoided like the plague since you started spouting your bigoted rants

There are plenty of monogamous homosexual couples who practice nothing but safe sex when making love.  How are they are exhibiting very dangerous and deadly behavior?  Why should they be discriminated against?

Some young virginal teenagers hit puberty and find in their sexual awakening that they are attracted to members of the same sex.  In attempts to understand  and discuss their feelings, many times they are kicked out by their parents, ostracized by their friends, told by their “loving” church that they’re evil sinners and God hates them.  Many are driven into suicidal despair by such rejection.  How are these young people guilty of very dangerous and deadly behavior?  Why should they be discriminated against?

Pedophile Catholic priests are certainly guilty of guilty of very dangerous and deadly behavior. Would you agree to public schools teaching that ALL Catholic priests are harmful to society just by virtue of there being SOME Catholic priests who are pedophiles?

You also still have this creepy fixation about "homosexuality = anal sex" for some reason. Why is that?  Did you have a bad experience with a Catholic priest as a child?  

If two gay men form a monogamous couple and do nothing to pleasure each other except fellatio and mutual masturbation, does that mean they're NOT homosexual in your eyes?  And what about hetero couples - do hetero couples ever engage in anal sex?  Is hetero anal sex any more or less unhealthy that gay anal sex?

If two gay men agreed to sign a legally binding contract that guaranteed they would never engage in anal sex under penalty of law in exchange for the right to be legally married, would you then condone the marriage?

BTW, looks like ericmurphy already anticipated your latest anti-gay "reasoning"

ericmurphy wrote:

This is my favorite stupid homophobic argument. "God, if we let gay people marry, soon people will be marrying their sisters, or their dogs, or maybe their vibrators! Heavens!"

You fundie bigots need to come up with some better, more original arguments.  You're getting boring.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,13:31   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 18 2006,17:54)
I've been devising my "slippery-slope" theory.  

What, you think this "slippery slope" argument is your development? I got news for you, Thordaddy.

We must slide down the "slippery-slope" much more rapidly so as to show the absurdity of the arguments for "gay" marriage.

Actually, your absurd examples show how absurd your argument is.

Would you care to explain exactly how your marrying all five of your brothers (and having nightly orgies together) would have the slightest effect on my, or anyone else's, life?

Now, if you show up at my apartment at two in the morning demanding to have an orgy with your five brothers in my living room, that's going to have an affect on me.

If you're going to have an orgy with your five brothers in your own living room, I frankly couldn't care less. So unless you can show me how allowing gay people to marry the individuals of their choice is going to end up, at the end of some slippery slope, with you and your five brothers having an orgy in my living room, your argument crashes and burns.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,13:35   

OK, I guess we disagree here about the default. For me, the default is that rights granted to citizens are granted to ALL citizens, and denied only for non-capricious violations (i.e. violations that specifically abuse the right being granted). For you, the default is that rights are granted selectively, to those groups who have demonstrated that they "deserve" the rights, in the opinion of, well, you, I guess.

First, I do believe that some rights are fundamental: the right to speech, assembly, fair trial, etc. Marriage, in my opinion, is not one of them. Nor should it be. I think it's dangerous to force society to bear a high burden of proof before restricting the franchise; otherwise, who knows what type of marriage we'll wind up with (and this is where T-Daddy's slippery slope arguments make their appearance). Now you bring up the point that the horses are already out of the barn, so why not allow marriage so that it may discourage the worst excesses of the gay lifestyle? I might go for that except for the fact that the normalization of any behavior encourages all expressions of that behavior, and thrusts that behavior in everyone's face. Gays holding hands and kissing in public is OK; a leather bar on every street corner isn't. And believe me, the feds won't allow communities to zone leather bars the way they would strip clubs. Cause, you know, that would be bigoted. If I could get legal assurances that gays will be held to the same (admittedly modest) civilisational standards as straights, I would support gay marriage. But until then - no dice.
TBH Ghost, A cousin of mine is gay. I want him to enjoy the same rights as I do.

He should be alowed to "marry" his boyfriend so they are not punitively taxed upon death.

Believe it or not, I'm sympathetic to your cousin. I wish that all gays were like him. But it seems that they aren't. As I've shown, about a quarter of gay men are extremely promiscuous, and combined with the reckless behavior of most HIV carriers, this endangers the remaining group (and with normalization, the straight community as well).
And how do you think societies treatment of homosexuals affects these numbers?

I suspect that homophobia is one factor keeping the infection rate under control. Before the gay community collectively came out of the closet, infection rates were low simply because the opportunity wasn't there. Now it is, and a substantial percentage abuse it. If people weren't dying, this wouldn't be any of my business; but they are, so it is. And I can't say, "Well, I'll just avoid gay sex", because any woman I might sleep with may carry the virus (passed along by a bisexual man or a frisky straight). Look at the African-American community for an example of what's in store for us.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,13:54   

This is a question specifically for Bill o' the Paley clan (note I didn't spell it with a "K" :-) ), but anyone else can feel free to jump in.

I don't consider myself a libertarian, but I suspect that you, Bill, would feel reasonably comfortable being referred to as a libertarian (maybe not so accurately as a cultural conservative, but bear with me for now). My understanding of the libertarian legal philosophy is (loosely speaking): the bare minimum laws restricting individual freedom that suffice to keep society functioning. Is that close enough for a working definition?

This is what I would add: the bare minimum laws restricting individual freedom while also restricting infringing on the rights and freedoms of others.

In other words, you're free to to do whatever you want, provided you don't infringe on the rights of others. Does that seem a pretty reasonable way to run a society?

Okay, assuming (if I haven't made an ass out of u and me) we're in agreement so far, shouldn't we allow gay people to marry individuals of the same sex unless we can show that doing so would infringe on the rights of others? What other justification would there be? And again, even Thordaddy seems dimly aware (except in this context) that you shouldn't hold individuals responsible for the actions of others who in some way resemble them. As Flint pointed out, even if lots of gay people did go around raping and murdering straight people, you couldn't justify imprisoning all gay people, on the off chance that they might rape and murder straight people if given half a chance.

Normally, pre-crime doesn't work in this country, Phillip K. Dick notwithstanding.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,14:18   

Homophobia certainly isn't going to keep gay people from having sex any more. There is no going back, you are not going to stop people who want to have sex from having sex, unless you introduce some pretty harsh punishments. I really think at this point legalising gay marriage can at worst have no effect on the problem of promiscuity. We don't really have black communities in England, but there certainly are several groups that have a much higher rate of STDs than normal such as students and chavs, who in fact have a higher rate than gays in most areas. However this is due to lack of money, laziness (students) and lack of education (chavs) that leads to higher rates of unprotected sex. In fact where I went to university and was able to look at the records the majority of AIDS cases were among immigrants, so I dont think the gay marriage laws in the UK will make any difference whatsoever. If you are worried I suggest not having unprotected sex with anyone who hasn't been tested.

If you think American marriage could go down a slippery slope look at what we have to contend with.

ps this happened before the gay marriage law was inacted.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,14:53   

ericmurphy said:
This is a question specifically for Bill o' the Paley clan (note I didn't spell it with a "K" :-) ), but anyone else can feel free to jump in.

Hey T-Daddy, do you know how to tell if you're winning a debate with a liberal?

Answer: They bring up the Klan.

[edit: I think I misunderstood Eric here. I thought he was encouraging others to call me a Klansman. Sorry, Eric. The challenge still stands, however.]
As for my won-loss record, let's just say I get called a Klansman an awful lot in these here parts.  :D
Okay, assuming (if I haven't made an ass out of u and me) we're in agreement so far, shouldn't we allow gay people to marry individuals of the same sex unless we can show that doing so would infringe on the rights of others? What other justification would there be?

Tell you what, Eric. How about this. We allow gay marriage and drugs:

1) You allow us the freedom of association (the real kind: absolute freedom to hire, serve, and live wherever one wants), and
2) No laws favoring any race, gender, creed, or nationality. No affirmative action, no Jim Crow, no government looking over your shoulder.

So far, I haven't heard a peep from any liberal on this (including your vaguely worded "compromise"). Why is that? I thought liberals were all for civil liberties, and here I am offering freedom for everyone. seems that some people are more equal than others after all.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,15:01   

It's probably worth pointing out since you quoted the libertarian defininition of freedom of association, that libertarians regard any company with limited liability as an extension of the state, so any freedom of association law would not apply according to the libertarians who I have asked about this. Also, under freedom of association is freedom of contract, so gay marriage is covered.

Remember the difference between liberal and left-wing.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,15:09   

Homophobia certainly isn't going to keep gay people from having sex any more. There is no going back, you are not going to stop people who want to have sex from having sex, unless you introduce some pretty harsh punishments. I really think at this point legalising gay marriage can at worst have no effect on the problem of promiscuity.

Considering future trends, I hope you're right.
If you think American marriage could go down a slippery slope look at what we have to contend with.

Heh. If she was a US citizen the Democrats would run her for president. And she'd probably be better than Bush.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,15:13   

Ghost of Paley says:
Hey T-Daddy, do you know how to tell if you're winning a debate with a liberal?

Answer: They bring up the Klan.

Do you know how to tell if you're winning a debate with a homophobe?

After you point out the self-serving hypocrisy and total lack of rational arguments for their prejudice and bigotry, they'll call you a liberal!  ;)

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,15:31   

Mr. Aftershave:
Do you know how to tell if you're winning a debate with a homophobe?

After you point out the self-serving hypocrisy and total lack of rational arguments for their prejudice and bigotry, they'll call you a liberal!  

Yep, and we need to cut it out, as it's clearly one of the worst smears around.  ;)

It's probably worth pointing out since you quoted the libertarian defininition of freedom of association, that libertarians regard any company with limited liability as an extension of the state, so any freedom of association law would not apply according to the libertarians who I have asked about this.

What a bunch of wimps. I hope the libertarians on this side of the pond are different. Here's a link that you might find interesting:
On the other hand, if  you are a private organization (that is to say, you fund what you do with your own money) then go ahead and form your associations (or not) however you choose.  I may not approve of the associations you make or choose not to make, but I do not have the right to force you to do otherwise.  For example, The Gideons (those people who place Bibles in hotel night stands) not only require their members to be men, but they limit their membership to men who are white-collar professionals.  I don’t pretend to agree with or even understand their rational.  But, it would be a misuse of the law and of government to force them as a private organization to structure themselves otherwise.
I hope that the Boy Scouts of America have learned a lesson about the value of remaining a strictly private organization supported by non-tax dollars.  I am glad that the Supreme Court saw its way clear on this issue.  I am relieved that the freedom to associate (and the freedom not to associate) has been preserved . . . at least for the time being.  

P.S.  Closing thought:  Instead of  “Supreme Court says Scouts can ban gay leaders”, couldn’t the story just as easily have been reported as “Court strikes down activists’ attempts to ban freedom of association”?  Why the use of the word “ban”?  The Boy Scouts don’t want to “ban” anyone.  They simply want to be able to choose whom they associate with, like the rest of us do every single day.  When I chose to marry my wife, did anyone say that I “banned” the millions of other women I chose not to marry?  Of course not.  It was simply a choice to associate and many more choices not to associate.  Nobody “banned” anybody.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,15:51   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 18 2006,19:53)
ericmurphy said:
This is a question specifically for Bill o' the Paley clan (note I didn't spell it with a "K" :-) ), but anyone else can feel free to jump in.

Hey T-Daddy, do you know how to tell if you're winning a debate with a liberal?

Answer: They bring up the Klan.

Just kidding! Sheesh… :-)

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,16:07   

Yes, Ghost of Paley, the liberal arguments aren't what they seem.

What we have established is that,

Gays can marry in liberal churches and form convenants, but accruing federal benefits and mainstreaming gayness is the agenda.

The slippery-slope has already seen the absurd with a woman "marrying" a dolphin.

Gays are not unequal under the law as they may marry with state sanction someone of the opposite sex.

Gays want state sanction for their "marriage" and are using the courts to redefine traditional marriage.

The arguments put forth by gays to bolster their claims are the usual suspects, namely, equality and non-discrimination.

These arguments can be readily used by ANY adult seeking state sanction (benefit) for his/her consenting "union."

Hence, liberals have no legitimate argument against 6 brothers getting married, 2 adult daughters and their father getting married, 3 adult gay brothers and adult sister getting married, etc.

Traditional marriage wasn't define by "one man, one woman" to discriminate, but rather was defined as such to establish its fundamental uniqueness to a civilized society.

These "liberal" arguments consist of nothing more than, "I don't see anything wrong with it?"


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,16:13   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 18 2006,19:53)
Tell you what, Eric. How about this. We allow gay marriage and drugs:

1) You allow us the freedom of association (the real kind: absolute freedom to hire, serve, and live wherever one wants), and
2) No laws favoring any race, gender, creed, or nationality. No affirmative action, no Jim Crow, no government looking over your shoulder.

So far, I haven't heard a peep from any liberal on this (including your vaguely worded "compromise"). Why is that? I thought liberals were all for civil liberties, and here I am offering freedom for everyone. seems that some people are more equal than others after all.

See, here's the problem I have with this kind of deal, Bill: you're giving rights to one group (which they're arguably already entitled to under the 14th Amendment), and taking rights away from another group (which is probably unconstitutional under the same Amendment).

What? you say. Where am I taking rights away?

But you are.

If you want pure, unadulterated free association, you're taking rights away from people who would otherwise be able to do whatever it is you don't want them to do: live in your neighborhood, teach in your schools, gain employment in your businesses, etc. This goes against my earlier principle that individual rights and freedoms shouldn't infringe on the rights and freedoms of others. Sure, it's great that you can live in the kind of burbclave you want to live in, but you're infringing on the rights and freedoms of others who might want to live in the same burbclave.

As to the Jim Crow laws, affirmative action, etc.: I am in general not opposed to giving up such laws, but the problem is, in order to prevent discrimination on the basis of, e.g., gender, race, religion, etc., it seems you have to bend over backwards in the opposite direction. My personal belief is that such laws are a necessary evil in society as it is currently constituted, because people are more than willing to bend the rules in the opposite direction. In a perfect world, there would be no need for such laws, but today, here, in the U.S., I think you can make a compelling argument that without such laws, various forms of institutionalized discrimination will persist to the detriment of the protected classes who are the subject of those laws.

So, at least in principle, I would be willing to trade giving gay people the same rights and freedoms as straight people in exchange for an exactly level playing field for everyone (i.e., no anti-discrimination laws), provided that no de facto discrimination actually takes place. But I'm afraid free association isn't part of the deal, because as I said before, it's definitely trading giving back rights to one group in exchange for reduced rights for another group. It's a devil's bargain, in that gay people should have the rights you're willing to "give" them in the first place.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,16:37   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 18 2006,21<!--emo&:0)
Yes, Ghost of Paley, the liberal arguments aren't what they seem.

Maybe, but on the other hand, Thordaddy's arguments don't exist.

Arguing with Thordaddy is only slightly more productive than arguing with the umpire in a televised rebroadcast of a baseball game. If you challenge him, he simply ignores you. An example:

The slippery-slope has already seen the absurd with a woman "marrying" a dolphin.

You seem to have entirely missed the point here, Thordaddy (imagine my astonishment). I'll ask you for the third time: this affects you how? Sure, it's amusing to think of a woman "marrying" a dolphin (personally I think it's kinda hot), but it's no more absurd than someone bungee jumping, or gambling at a casino, or believing in Intelligent Design. And it affects me, and you, just about as much. You're going to make something illegal on the grounds that it's ridiculous? I'd be careful before I went anywhere with that argument.

If someone insisted that I marry a dolphin, I'd probably have a problem with that, but since no one is, or is even thinking about it, what exactly is the problem with it?

Until you answer that question, Thordaddy, you can assume that your "slippery slope" argument has been refuted.

Gays are not unequal under the law as they may marry with state sanction someone of the opposite sex.

Ignoring other peoples' arguments and saying the same thing over and over doesn't really mean you've won the argument, dude.

Gays want state sanction for their "marriage" and are using the courts to redefine traditional marriage.

And what's the problem with this? Straight people certainly want state sanction for their marriage, and does the argument that straights get marriage and gays don't boil down to the fact that straights got there first?

The arguments put forth by gays to bolster their claims are the usual suspects, namely, equality and non-discrimination.

Thanks for pointing this out to us, Thordaddy. Everyone knows how bad equality and non-discrimination are, so I'm glad you pointed out the nefarious motives of these individuals.

These arguments can be readily used by ANY adult seeking state sanction (benefit) for his/her consenting "union."

Yep. Your point?

Actually, tell you what: take away all the special privileges that married people currently get, and I'll bet you gay people completely lose interest in state-sanctioned marriage.

These "liberal" arguments consist of nothing more than, "I don't see anything wrong with it?"

And your "bigoted" argument consists of nothing more than "I see something wrong with it." The difference is, you can't tell us exactly what that wrong thing is.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5286
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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,16:38   

Thordaddy the homophobe said:

Yes, Ghost of Paley, the liberal arguments aren't what they seem.

What we have established is that,

Gays can marry in liberal churches and form convenants, but accruing federal benefits and mainstreaming gayness is the agenda.

The slippery-slope has already seen the absurd with a woman "marrying" a dolphin.

Gays are not unequal under the law as they may marry with state sanction someone of the opposite sex.

Gays want state sanction for their "marriage" and are using the courts to redefine traditional marriage.

The arguments put forth by gays to bolster their claims are the usual suspects, namely, equality and non-discrimination.

These arguments can be readily used by ANY adult seeking state sanction (benefit) for his/her consenting "union."

Hence, liberals have no legitimate argument against 6 brothers getting married, 2 adult daughters and their father getting married, 3 adult gay brothers and adult sister getting married, etc.

Traditional marriage wasn't define by "one man, one woman" to discriminate, but rather was defined as such to establish its fundamental uniqueness to a civilized society.

These "liberal" arguments consist of nothing more than, "I don't see anything wrong with it?"

I can just hear Thordaddy’s bigoted voice in the early 1860’s in the U.S.:

Yes, the liberal arguments aren't what they seem.

What we have established is that,

Black slaves can meet in their liberal cotton fields and form their own chain gangs, but accruing federal benefits and mainstreaming “freedom” is the agenda.

The slippery-slope has already seen the absurd with a nigg*r being "free" to be seen with a white woman.

Black slaves are not unequal under the law as they may marry with state sanction another slave the Master approves of.

Blacks want state sanction for their "freedom" and are using the courts to redefine traditional whites-only freedom

The arguments put forth by Black slaves to bolster their claims are the usual suspects, namely, equality and non-discrimination.

These arguments can be readily used by ANY adult seeking state sanction (benefit) for his/her "freedom."

Hence, liberals have no legitimate argument against barnyard animals being granted “freedom”, plow horses being granted “freedom” etc.

Traditional freedom wasn't define by "all men are created equal" to discriminate, but rather was defined as such to establish its fundamental uniqueness to a civilized white society.

These "liberal" arguments consist of nothing more than, "I don't see anything wrong with it?"

Better watch out Thordaddy – if those evil atheist communist gay-loving liberals get their way, you’ll be first up against the wall facing in and bent over

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,16:56   

Here's another thought, Bill.

Presumably you're opposed to gay marriage for health reasons. In other words, you believe that if gay people could marry (I guess for the sake of Thordaddy I should specify that I'm talking about marrying someone of the same sex), the incidence of HIV and other STDs would increase. But is this really a rational position to take?

Let's assume arguendo that gay people can already marry, and that the incidence of HIV and other STDs in the gay population is the same as it currently is. Would it make sense to ban gay marriage, in the hopes that STD levels would go down? After all, it's not like forbidding people from marrying forbids them from having sex. Au contraire, I would argue.

Imagine it's the middle 19th century and a wave of syphilis and gonorrhea is sweeping through the country. Would banning marriage be part of the solution? Seems unlikely.

Obviously no one can say for sure if providing that gay people can marry will reduce the level of sexual promiscuity in that community. But I think it's virtually impossible to argue that it would increase it.

So, if that's not the argument for banning gay marriage, what is?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,18:24   


Can gays get married in a liberal church by a liberal pastor and form marriage convenants?

Yes or No

Can straights marry people of the same sex?

Yes or No

Since the answers are yes and no, respectively, what exactly is your pro-"gay marriage" argument based on and how does it include inequality and discrimination against individuals?

The only inequality and discrimination that will spring forward will be that of "homosexuals" slamming the door shut on other adult consenting "unions."  Typical narcissists.

Remember, you have no dog in this fight, but you discriminate in favor of "homosexuals" nonetheless.  The question is how that makes you any more moral than those trying to preserve traditional marriage because we recognize its fundamental uniqueness to our civilization.

The burden of proof is on those trying to usurp traditional marriage by judicial fiat using weak and pathethic "civil rights" arguments that don't apply to groups of people or homosexual couples.

Most people have enough common sense to recognize that "gay marriage" IS NOT the equivalent to traditional marriage and society need not be bullied into accepting what is unacceptable by a small, but powerful radical minority.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,19:17   


Can a gay couple get married in a legal, state recognized union that grants them the same legal rights (no more, no less) as hetero couples?

Yes or No?


Can a gay legally marry the person whom they love, cherish, honor, and respect enough to be willing to make a permanent monogamous lifetime legal commitment to?

Yes or No?


That is why your anti-gay argument is based on inequality and discrimination against individuals.

Thordaddy:  The question is how that makes you any more moral than those trying to preserve traditional marriage because we recognize its fundamental uniqueness to our civilization.

Denying civil rights to non-whites was a fundamental uniqueness to our civilization up until 140 years ago

Denying civil rights to women (i.e. the right to vote) was a fundamental uniqueness to our civilization up until 80 years ago

Denying civil rights to interracial couples (i.e. the right to marry) was a fundamental uniqueness to our civilization up until 40 years ago

In every case, the bigots made the identical arguments as you do now - "if we change the status quo, it will ruin society!!"

Now there is ample scientific evidence that a person's sexuality is defined by a whole lot more than just their physical external plumbing.  But that won't get in the way of your religiously inspired "all gays are evil sinners who want to harm children and wreck civilization!!" rants, now will it?

You've already established the fact that you're a bigot and a coward, with nothing to add except repetition of your same old prejudiced canards.  Just for curiosity's sake though, why in the world are you so hung up over what other consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,19:45   

Occam opines,

Denying civil rights to non-whites was a fundamental uniqueness to our civilization up until 140 years ago

What this has to do with "gay" marriage, I'm not so sure?  Are you saying that the tradition of marriage (one man, one woman) is somehow an equivalent tradition to slavery?  Yes, I agree that both have long histories that pre-exist America, but are they really equivalent in this context?

Denying civil rights to women (i.e. the right to vote) was a fundamental uniqueness to our civilization up until 80 years ago

Again, the same question applies as to above?  In fact, you seem to argue that all traditions need to be abandoned?  Does this include the liberal traditions of abortion and affirmative action (reverse racism)?

Denying civil rights to interracial couples (i.e. the right to marry) was a fundamental uniqueness to our civilization up until 40 years ago

This is the 3rd time you claimed that universal phenomena (slavery, woman's suffrage, interracial marriage) were fundamentally unique to our culture.  I claimed that marriage, traditionally defined as "one man, one woman," was recognized by Americans as fundamentally unique to a civilized society.  You seem to be saying just the opposite?  You are either quite bold or stupid?

In every case, the bigots made the identical arguments as you do now - "if we change the status quo, it will ruin society!!"

I've made no such claim.  I have said that no legitimate argument can be for ANY other consenting adult "union" if "homosexual" marriage is sanctioned by society.  Do you disagree?  I have also said that homosexual marriage IS NOT equivalent to tradition marriage.  Do you disagree?  I have also said that gay activists are subverting the American people and using courts to grant them personal benefits.  Do you disagree?

Now there is ample scientific evidence that a person's sexuality is defined by a whole lot more than just their physical external plumbing.  But that won't get in the way of your religiously inspired "all gays are evil sinners who want to harm children and wreck civilization!!" rants, now will it?

There is ample historical evidence that a society that recognizes the fundamental uniqueness of traditional marriage is a healthy society.  There is also ample evidence that a society that devalues the basic unit of civilization (one man, one women) is a decaying society.

You've already established the fact that you're a bigot and a coward, with nothing to add except repetition of your same old prejudiced canards.  Just for curiosity's sake though, why in the world are you so hung up over what other consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom?

Who said anything about homosexuals in the bedroom? I thought we were talking about marriage?  You think your weak arguments are suffice to usurp thousands of years of history.  If it was so obvious that "homosexual" marriage was both "beneficial" and "inconsequential" to society then why are so many cultures around the world still opposed to it after thousands of years?

Are we all so ignorant and you're so enlightened?  LOL!  What a joker!


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,21:11   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 18 2006,23:24)

Can gays get married in a liberal church by a liberal pastor and form marriage convenants?

Yes or No

Yes. What's your point? I could probably convince some liberal pastor somewhere to marry me and my spider plant. Will I get a tax break for being married? Will my spider plant's medical bills be covered? Do you have a clue?

Can straights marry people of the same sex?

Yes or No

Do they want to marry people of the same sex? Because if they do, they're not exactly straight, are they, Thordaddy? Do you ever come up with new arguments after your old arguments are shredded?

The only inequality and discrimination that will spring forward will be that of "homosexuals" slamming the door shut on other adult consenting "unions."  Typical narcissists.

What gives you that idea? I'm not even gay, and I could give a crap if someone wants to marry her vibrator. What makes you think gay people (who are way more like me than they are like you) would feel any different?

Remember, you have no dog in this fight, but you discriminate in favor of "homosexuals" nonetheless.  The question is how that makes you any more moral than those trying to preserve traditional marriage because we recognize its fundamental uniqueness to our civilization.

Really? I discriminate in favor of homosexuals and against whom, exactly? I can't discriminate in favor of one group without discriminating against another group. And so far, you haven't told me whom I'm discriminating against. You lose again. Don't you get tired of it?

Meanwhile, when are you going to get around to answering my question: how does a woman marrying a dolphin affect you? You keep saying gay marriage is "unacceptable," but so far the only reason you've given for that is your own naked homophobia. And, as I pointed out a few posts ago, I can't help wondering why, exactly, you're so homophobic, Thordaddy. Have you given any thought to that particular question? No?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,21:35   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 18 2006,23:24)
Remember, you have no dog in this fight, but you discriminate in favor of "homosexuals" nonetheless.  The question is how that makes you any more moral than those trying to preserve traditional marriage because we recognize its fundamental uniqueness to our civilization.

The burden of proof is on those trying to usurp traditional marriage by judicial fiat using weak and pathethic "civil rights" arguments that don't apply to groups of people or homosexual couples.

Why would alowing gays the same marriage rights as straights usurp traditional marriage?

I just can't see this. Try as I may, I can't spot the logical connection.

So please explain in simple words. How does granting = civil rights to gays remove those rights from straights?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,21:53   

ericmurphy opines,

Yes. What's your point? I could probably convince some liberal pastor somewhere to marry me and my spider plant. Will I get a tax break for being married? Will my spider plant's medical bills be covered? Do you have a clue?

The point is that this isn't about "gay" marriage, but financial incentive.  This is about personal benefits procured by a radical minority and if it requires a trashing and redefining of traditional marriage "then so be it," says the "progressive."

Do they want to marry people of the same sex? Because if they do, they're not exactly straight, are they, Thordaddy? Do you ever come up with new arguments after your old arguments are shredded?

Well, if they could get tax breaks and financial incentives, they may decide to "marry" and what would be your arguments against such arrangements?  You don't have to have sexual relations to love someone and give them a commitment, do you?

What gives you that idea? I'm not even gay, and I could give a crap if someone wants to marry her vibrator. What makes you think gay people (who are way more like me than they are like you) would feel any different?

Exactly... there are no consensual adult relationships that you could possibly argue against.  The government must sanction and incentivize ALL such arrangements.  You are calling for the radical transformation of our traditional society based on your "I could give a crap" analysis.  LOL!

Really? I discriminate in favor of homosexuals and against whom, exactly? I can't discriminate in favor of one group without discriminating against another group. And so far, you haven't told me whom I'm discriminating against. You lose again. Don't you get tired of it?/[quote]

You discriminate against traditional marriage and those that value it for its fundamentally unique position in civilized society.  By elevating "gay" marriage, you necessarily devalue traditional marriage.  Why is your discrimination more legitimate than the next guy, bigot?

[quote]Meanwhile, when are you going to get around to answering my question: how does a woman marrying a dolphin affect you? You keep saying gay marriage is "unacceptable," but so far the only reason you've given for that is your own naked homophobia. And, as I pointed out a few posts ago, I can't help wondering why, exactly, you're so homophobic, Thordaddy. Have you given any thought to that particular question? No?

If homosexuals die of AIDS, how does that affect me?  If Catholic school boys are molested by homosexual pedophiles, how does that affect me?  Is this really the basis for your argument... the "It doesn't affect ericmurphy," argument?  

And what exactly is homophobia?  Is that an evolutionary instinct that manifests an aversion to intimacy between similar sexes?  If so, yes, I am homophobic, but then homosexuals would seem to be heterophobic as they have an unnatural aversion to the opposite sex.  Is that the case?  Or, do you lack this natural aversion to intimacy between men?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2006,22:10   

Stephen Elliot asks,


Why would alowing gays the same marriage rights as straights usurp traditional marriage?

I just can't see this. Try as I may, I can't spot the logical connection.

So please explain in simple words. How does granting = civil rights to gays remove those rights from straights?

Because that is the entire point of pushing for "gay" marriage.  Anything that seeks to redefine traditional marriage is necessarily trying to destroy the traditional understanding of marriage.

We've already established several facts.

First, this isn't about marriage, but about accruing personal beneifts and mainstreaming homosexuality.

The way to do this is to destroy the traditional understanding of marriage by redefining it as ANY CONSENSUAL ADULT UNION.

We already know that gays can exchange vows and form covenants and then procede to create contracts concerning property, wills, visitation, etc.

But the above is not the agenda.  The agenda is to accrue more "benefits" by redefining traditional marriage and legitimizing homosexuality and using the court system to get what a small radical minority seeks... validation for their inexplicable orientation.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,00:17   

T-D, I do not believe we can choose who we are atracted to.

In a run-of-the-mill marriage between a man and a woman certain benefits are gained.

Why deny those (benefits) to homosexuals? How would homosexuals gaining them remove them (benefits) from a normal marriage? It wouldn't!

Bringing peadophiles into the argument is plain wrong. Abusing children is a long way from consentual adult relationships.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,04:47   

Compare these Thordaddy arguments

Anything that seeks to redefine traditional marriage is necessarily trying to destroy the traditional understanding of marriage.

The burden of proof is on those trying to usurp traditional marriage by judicial fiat using weak and pathethic "civil rights" arguments that don't apply to groups of people or homosexual couples.

The way to do this is to destroy the traditional understanding of marriage by redefining it as ANY CONSENSUAL ADULT UNION.

with these

A U.S. representative from Georgia declares that allowing this type of marriage "necessarily involves the degradation” of conventional marriage, an institution that “deserves admiration rather than execration."

This type of legal marriage must be forbidden, says the Republican senator from Wisconsin, "simply because natural instinct revolts at it as wrong."

"The next step will be the demand for a law allowing them, without restraint, to have free and unrestrained social intercourse with your unmarried sons and daughters," warns a Kentucky congressman. "It is bound to come to that! There is no disguising the fact. And the sooner the alarm is given and the people take heed, the better it will be for our civilization."

"When people (like this) marry, they cannot possibly have any progeny," writes an appeals judge in a Missouri case. "And such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid their marriages."

These types of marriages are "abominable," according to Virginia law. If allowed, they would "pollute" America.

In denying the appeal of this type of couple that had tried unsuccessfully to marry, a Georgia court wrote that such unions are "not only unnatural, but always productive of deplorable results," such as increased effeminate behavior in the population. "They are productive of evil, and evil only, without any corresponding good in accordance with the God of nature."

Attorneys for the state of Tennessee argue that such unions should be illegal because they are "distasteful to our people and unfit to produce the human race." The state Supreme Court agrees, declaring these types of marriages would be "a calamity full of the saddest and gloomiest portent to the generations that are to come after us."

Lawyers for California insist that a ban on this type of marriage is necessary to prevent "traditional marriage from being contaminated by the recognition of relationships that are physically and mentally inferior," and entered into by "the dregs of society."

"The law concerning marriages is to be construed and understood in relation to those persons only to whom that law relates," thunders a Virginia judge in response to a challenge to that state’s non-recognition of these types of unions. "And not," he continued, "to a class of persons clearly not within the idea of the legislature when contemplating the subject of marriage."

Do they sound similar?  Identical?

The second batch of quotes date from 1823 to 1964 and refer to interracial marriage. The quotes were culled from a Boston University Law Review article and a brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court.

Looks like those damm liberals have been trying to distroy traditional marriage for hundreds of years. ;) How could they do such a thing???

Man Thordaddy, you Bible humping bigots gotta get some new material!

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,05:11   

Similar arguments have been presented against such horrifying prospects as extending the vote to non-landholders, then to ex-slaves, and finally to (ghasp) women. And we continue to take straw votes of inmates at mental hospitals (who are not permitted to vote), and the results are a close match to the actual national vote every time.

We seem to have the viewpoints here that change is (1) harmless, (2) essential, and (3) destructive. TD and Ghost are card-carrying members of group 3. I personally belong in group 2 - adapt or die.

(And based on the general tenor of their arguments, I wouldn't be at all surprised if both TD and Ghost fundamentally agreed with Occam's quotes, even today. No question at all where they'd have stood at the time, though for different professed reasons. TD would have expressed lizard-brain revulsion, while Ghost would have stressed time-honored discriminatory traditions...)

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,06:06   

But the above is not the agenda.  The agenda is to accrue more "benefits" by redefining traditional marriage and legitimizing homosexuality and using the court system to get what a small radical minority seeks... validation for their inexplicable orientation.

Do you have any quotes from gay activists that back this up? I'm not saying you're necessarily wrong, but we should try to support each of our major contentions whenever possible. Otherwise, they will be dismissed (perhaps correctly) as the ravings of paranoid bigots.

For the rest of you: ahhh, I see the interracial trump card has finally been played. I'm only surprised it took so long. Never fear, I plan on addressing this argument as soon as possible.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 478
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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,07:30   

I see the interracial trump card has finally been played. I'm only surprised it took so long.

But are you surprised at the precise congruence of the arguments?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,07:31   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 19 2006,02:53)

The point is that this isn't about "gay" marriage, but financial incentive.  This is about personal benefits procured by a radical minority and if it requires a trashing and redefining of traditional marriage "then so be it," says the "progressive."

No it's not. It's about equal protection under the law, Thordaddy. As I said, if you're willing to give up the special privileges you get as a married person, gay people will suddenly lose interest in gay marriage.

And, it's about more than financial incentive. If your wife ends up in the hospital, are you worried about getting to see her? If a lesbian's girlfriend ends up in the hospital, she may not even get to see her. After all, she's not related to her.

But even if it were strictly about financial incentive, that would still leave your argument without merit. Why should gay people be denied financial incentives straight people are entitled to?

Well, if they could get tax breaks and financial incentives, they may decide to "marry" and what would be your arguments against such arrangements?  You don't have to have sexual relations to love someone and give them a commitment, do you?

I don't have an argument against such arrangements, because I don't need one. Pay attention, Thordaddy. I'm not opposed to marriages between two people of the same sex, whether they're gay or not. I'm not opposed to marriage between any two people for any reason, so long as they're both able to give consent to the arrangement.

Exactly... there are no consensual adult relationships that you could possibly argue against.  The government must sanction and incentivize ALL such arrangements.  You are calling for the radical transformation of our traditional society based on your "I could give a crap" analysis.  LOL!

Actually, there's an easier way around this. Simply give up all the special privileges you get from being married, and you won't have anything to worry about from weirdos down the street being in marriages you personally don't approve of. Deal?

You discriminate against traditional marriage and those that value it for its fundamentally unique position in civilized society.  By elevating "gay" marriage, you necessarily devalue traditional marriage.  Why is your discrimination more legitimate than the next guy, bigot?

This is a garbage argument, totally without merit. Calling it an "argument" is being way too generous.The idea that wanting to allow gay people to marry somehow discriminates against married straight people has got to be the biggest howler you've ever told, Thordaddy. And believe me, in your case, the competition is pretty fierce.

Additionally, the idea that allowing gay marriages somehow "devalues" straight marriage has as an inevitable assumption the idea that gay people are somehow less valuable than straight people. Which, of course, is exactly what you believe.

But this is a new experience for me. I've never been called a "bigot" for being in favor of granting rights to someone.

If homosexuals die of AIDS, how does that affect me?

It doesn't. Unless you're homosexual. But in any event, it's a non-sequitor. You act as if gay marriage somehow causes AIDS. Another completely meritless idea.

If Catholic school boys are molested by homosexual pedophiles, how does that affect me?

It doesn't. Unless you're a Catholic school boy. But again, you're acting as if gay marriage causes priests to molest schooboys. Your argument is not only meritless; it actually hurts your premise.

And, it doesn't sound like you're arguing against gay marriage (since gay marriage would potentially ameliorate some of these problems, and certainly wouldn't make any of them worse). You're actually arguing, whether you realize it or not, against the existence of gay people. It's just a tiny step from there to making gay sex illegal, along with gay marriage. Are you sure you want to go there, Thordaddy?

Is this really the basis for your argument... the "It doesn't affect ericmurphy," argument?

No, it's the "it doesn't affect anyone" argument. You have failed to show how gay marriage will affect anyone at all, other than the gay people who will benefit. Until you've done that, your entire argument collapses.

And what exactly is homophobia?  Is that an evolutionary instinct that manifests an aversion to intimacy between similar sexes?

No, Thordaddy. Homophobia isn't an aversion to homosexual sex. It's an aversion to homosexual people. No one, including gay people, is going to think the less of you if you're not interested in sex with other men. What makes you an insufferable bigot is that you're averse to gay people themselves. That's what basically excludes you from polite society.

If so, yes, I am homophobic

Yep, you sure are. By the real definition as well as your own broken definition.

but then homosexuals would seem to be heterophobic as they have an unnatural aversion to the opposite sex.  Is that the case?  Or, do you lack this natural aversion to intimacy between men?

Actually, quite a few homosexual men and women have no particular aversion to sex with people of the opposite gender. But even if they don't, that doesn't make them "heterophobic." They'd only be "heterophobic" if they didn't like straight people as well as straight sex, and sought to restrict the rights of heterosexuals to be less than the rights that they themselves enjoy. Such creatures are just as mythical as Rush Limbaughs "feminazis" who want to make sure everyone has as many abortions as possible.

And to answer your question: no, I have no aversion to intimacy between men, so long as neither one of them is me. You, on the other hand, have an aversion to intimacy between men, even if neither one of them is you. That's what makes you a bigot, Thordaddy. As well as an insufferable busybody.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,09:07   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 19 2006,11<!--emo&:0)
For the rest of you: ahhh, I see the interracial trump card has finally been played. I'm only surprised it took so long. Never fear, I plan on addressing this argument as soon as possible.

I'm surprised, too. After all, I fail to see the distinction between discrimination based on sexual orientation and discrimination based on race. If you see a distinction, what is that distinction?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,09:09   

But are you surprised at the precise congruence of the arguments?

Well, to start off, I don't see a precise congruence:
a) Opponents of interracial unions, unlike the opponents of gay marriage, have to deal with the fact that such unions can produce children. A social justification for these relationships is present from the beginning.
b)  It's more difficult to show social harm from such relations, since there is no expectation a priori for more promiscuity. With gays, however, two males are involved. Promiscuity may be assumed.
c) On the other hand, opponents of racial mixing can argue that the children of those unions degrade society with their allegedly low IQs, poor impulse control, or higher violent tendencies. Homophobes cannot use this argument.

So I'm planning on arguing three things in future posts:

1) Although many social conservatives have tried to prohibit interracial marriages, there is no necessary connection between racism and homophobia.
2) Although I believe that interracial unions are both moral and legal, they harm society in several ways that are obvious to anyone with a capacity to reason. Thus, I will have my work cut out for me in this forum. :(  The good news is, the social benefits far outweigh the liabilities.
3) The original opponents of interracial marriage, although wrong in several key areas, correctly projected some of the harm that would come from these marriages. Some of their other concerns may also be valid.

Thordaddy, get your asbestos undies on, for the battle's just beginning.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,09:21   

How does marriage promote promiscuity?

What is wrong with promiscuity if done in a responsible manner?

You baffle me ghost. You are obviously inteligent, yet you argue weird stuff, and asking for the aliance of Thordaddy is very strange.

From your last posts, I think you are atempting to sidetrack though.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,09:35   


a) Opponents of interracial unions, unlike the opponents of gay marriage, have to deal with the fact that such unions can produce children. A social justification for these relationships is present from the beginning.

Yes, granted. In fact, the fact that interracial unions COULD have children that was one of the most compelling reasons to prohibit them. The relationships weren't just abominations per se, they would BREED abominations. You can't even make that claim.

b)  It's more difficult to show social harm from such relations, since there is no expectation a priori for more promiscuity.

Your understandings are certainly selective. Maybe you don't live in Alabama? I can assure you that them niggers is *guaranteed* promiscuous. Not to mention too stupid to understand that marriage implies fidelity anyway. And sure enough, this guaranteed promiscuity was ANOTHER factor that would cause interracial marriage to destroy society. Some of my neighbors still argue this, sounding exactly like you.

c) On the other hand, opponents of racial mixing can argue that the children of those unions degrade society with their allegedly low IQs, poor impulse control, or higher violent tendencies. Homophobes cannot use this argument.

Here, you have lost me. Your point (1) was that you can justify anto-gay discrimination because unable to have children of their own, they deserve to be discriminated against. Now you argue that because interracial marriages CAN have children on their own, this ALSO justifies discrimination. Make up your mind. Are you saying that gay marriages are OK *provided* the couple raises children? Or what?

1) Although many social conservatives have tried to prohibit interracial marriages, there is no necessary connection between racism and homophobia.

If we get to play games with the definition of "connection", then of course what you say is true, or false, or irrelevant, just change the definition! What we're talking about here is identifiable out-groups, people unlike us in some way. Different=wrong. I said this earlier, but I see it didn't take. They are *different*, deny them their rights. Make up the reasons afterward, so long as they stay inferior!

Racism and homophobia may be identifiably distinct prejudices, but the principle of equality applies in both cases. You may very well know some homosexuals without even realizing it, but I discussed this before. Homosexuals, by remaining in the closet, have demonstrated broad competence, intelligence, responsibility in all walks of life. I submit that if they are granted the right to marry, and you were unaware of it, you would *never know it*. Not by any examination of anything - unless someone died, and you didn't receive some money because their will was reinforced enough by their marriage to withstand your effort to override it.

2) Although I believe that interracial unions are both moral and legal, they harm society in several ways that are obvious to anyone with a capacity to reason. Thus, I will have my work cut out for me in this forum.   The good news is, the social benefits far outweigh the liabilities.

Yet another exact congruence, yes? The social benefits far outweigh the liabilities. I've never said there are NO liabilities.

3) The original opponents of interracial marriage, although wrong in several key areas, correctly projected some of the harm that would come from these marriages. Some of their other concerns may also be valid.

You won't get any argument from me on this one. I can see problems with gay marriage myself. And I'm quite sure some of the problems you predict will in fact come to pass. But as you recognize about interracial marriage, the pros FAR outweigh the cons. You have at least distinguished between moral and legal on the one hand, and (within limits occasionally) harmful on the other.

Much the same has been the history of extending the vote to women. Terrible consequences were predicted. A case can be made that some of these have come to pass. So was giving women the vote an error?

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,09:37   

Stephen Elliot:
How does marriage promote promiscuity?

By giving social acceptance to a promiscuous culture.
What is wrong with promiscuity if done in a responsible manner?

In the long run, it can never be responsible.
From your last posts, I think you are atempting to sidetrack though.

I plan to show the relevance later.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,09:46   

a) Opponents of interracial unions, unlike the opponents of gay marriage, have to deal with the fact that such unions can produce children. A social justification for these relationships is present from the beginning.
b)  It's more difficult to show social harm from such relations, since there is no expectation a priori for more promiscuity. With gays, however, two males are involved. Promiscuity may be assumed.
c) On the other hand, opponents of racial mixing can argue that the children of those unions degrade society with their allegedly low IQs, poor impulse control, or higher violent tendencies. Homophobes cannot use this argument.

a) But what about all the traditionally married hetero couples that are, for whatever reason, unable to produce children of their own? They are still able to CARE for children, and provide a loving family environment for adoptees who need one. How is this different from gay couples who want to start a family? They are in the same boat.

b) Females are gay too! (whatever that has to do with promiscuity) And besides, wouldn't wanting to marry generally indicate the opposite of wanting promiscuity?

c) I thought homophobes argued that children raised in gay families would be taught that gay families are "all right" therefore creating more people for homophobes to have a problem with, and generally "degrade society" ... etc...

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,09:49   

What we're talking about here is identifiable out-groups, people unlike us in some way. Different=wrong. I said this earlier, but I see it didn't take. They are *different*, deny them their rights. Make up the reasons afterward, so long as they stay inferior!

But this assumes that the opponents of deviant* marriages must bear the burden of proof, and that marriage is a fundamental right available to all.

*In the statistical sense

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,09:49   


Making a long term comitment socialy and financialy rewarding might temper the promiscuity thing.

Maybe gays are more sexualy promiscuous because there is little/no incentive to be stable in relationships.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,10:08   


But this assumes that the opponents of deviant* marriages must bear the burden of proof, and that marriage is a fundamental right available to all.

Not only marriage, but equality under the law, eligibility to vote, elimination of slavery, the discontinuing of the requirement of land ownership.

To me, this is interesting, because the US was founded on principles that arose out of the times - that "all men were created equal" (in the eyes of the law), that nobody was BORN superior (no caste system, no peerage and commoners, no knighthood and lords, etc.). But even under the new Constitution, drastic inequalities remained, and had to be extracted from a society of equals, often at great expense (like war), always with great difficulty. And we see a consistent pattern in every case:

Those conservatives like you and TD fought against every one of these reforms, kicking and screaming about the collapse of society. Yet today at least you (I don't know what or even IF thordaddy thinks) can look back, at a couple or more generations removed, and see that every one of these reforms was a net benefit, and that US society was on balance strengthened rather than destroyed *every time equality was granted* to a previously deprived group.

I strongly suspect you're also intelligent and informed enough to know that the reasons WHY each of these proposed reforms was opposed, were regarded as specifically compelling. "We CANNOT extend the vote to those who don't own land, because they are in the majority, and will promptly vote to take our land away from us. Worse yet, they don't know what to DO with land, or how to husband it. We are doomed!"

My reading is that the burden of proof was placed by both sides of each of these issues, onto the other side: YOU need to show cause why granting/denying this right won't lead to terrible consequences/forward American principles, etc. And what's also interesting is, in each case the "inferior" or "dangerous" group had no input - they had no vote, or lacked the target right.

But the principle has remained the same: It is clearly to our social advantage as a nation to grant equal protection under the law to everyone. Always has been, and social conservatives have ALWAYS opposed this for reasons they considered compelling. In hindsight, we can see that their reasons were invariably self-serving, made up to support resistance to change. Nothing is new today.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,11:20   

Those conservatives like you and TD fought against every one of these reforms, kicking and screaming about the collapse of society. Yet today at least you (I don't know what or even IF thordaddy thinks) can look back, at a couple or more generations removed, and see that every one of these reforms was a net benefit, and that US society was on balance strengthened rather than destroyed *every time equality was granted* to a previously deprived group.

I guess it depends on the time scale. We conservatives have been wrong about several issues over the previous millenium or two, but I think our track record over the last 40 years can't be beat. Also, keep in mind that the idea of the religious conservative has evolved over time in American society; some of the most progressive causes of the past were championed by the same moral busybodies who were so eager to quash individual rights:
Because of the correlation between drinking and what we now recognize as domestic violence -- many of the women who were beaten by their husbands observed that their husbands were likely to do so when drunk -- the temperance movement existed alongside various women's rights and other movements, including the Progressive movement, and often the same activists were involved in all of the above. Many notable voices of the time, ranging from Lucy Webb Hayes to Susan B. Anthony, were active in the movement. In Canada, Nellie McClung was a longstanding advocate of temperance. As with most social movements, there was a gamut of activists running from violent (Carrie Nation) to mild (Neal S. Dow).

Many former abolitionists joined the temperance movement and it was also strongly supported by the second Ku Klux Klan. Often called the KKK of the 1920s, it had been established (or revived) in Georgia in 1915 largely to defend that state's prohibition laws. Promoting and even enforcing temperance became a cornerstone of the Klan's agenda as it spread throughout the country.

For decades prohibition had been touted as the almost magical solution to the nation's poverty, crime, violence, and other ills.

Also, many staunch conservatives opposed slavery:
Today Wilberforce is most loved and remembered for his campaign against the evil of slavery but he also campaigned successfully against many other ills of his time. Policing, penal reform, medical aid for the poor, education for the deaf, restrictions on the use of child labour, an improvement in the conditions of the Poor Law, action against gambling and the establishment of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals were all part of his extraordinary legacy. His biographer John Pollock was surely right when he said that Wilberforce was a "man who changed his times".

His life story acts as an inspiration for the Conservative Christian Fellowship. Not only did he show that a Christian can succeed at the highest level in politics in service of great causes, and against the greatest odds, he demonstrated a biblical model for political involvement. Wilberforce combined his love of Christ and commitment to Christian principles with humility, patience and tactical genius.
Wilberforce was the public face and leader of a much wider movement that included Thomas Clarkson, Edward James Eliot, Charles Grant, Zachary Macaulay, Hannah More, Granville Sharp, James Stephen, and Henry Thornton. This group of followers of Christ was called the Clapham Sect and met from approximately 1790 to 1830. These 'Saints' as they were first and not affectionately known provided practical skills such as research into the false economics of the slave trade in addition to pastoral encouragement of one another. Wilberforce was surely great but not great enough to undertake his work on his own.

But the principle has remained the same: It is clearly to our social advantage as a nation to grant equal protection under the law to everyone. Always has been, and social conservatives have ALWAYS opposed this for reasons they considered compelling. In hindsight, we can see that their reasons were invariably self-serving, made up to support resistance to change. Nothing is new today.

As the above shows, this is simply not true. Besides, what of the female conservatives that currently oppose abortion and feminism? That's not a convenient position for any woman.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,11:50   


Are we missing one another this badly? Weird...

As the above shows, this is simply not true.

Abolition was an "equal protection of the law" controversy? Nope, it was not. But if you're saying religious conservatives opposed abolition, I'd start to wonder...

Slavery is an interesting case, because conservatives both opposed and favored it. As your quote makes clear, it was framed as a religious issue. And maybe that's our problem here. I understand the futility of asking you to set aside your religious reflexes to examine cases on their merits; you believe your faith HAS merits, as firmly as I believe otherwise. So that's a waste of time.

Anyway, I'm conservative on fiscal matters. I think well over half of the government should be eliminated, social programs should be discarded, regulation should be cut back, the war on drugs dropped, the right to open carry guaranteed to everyone, etc.

So I have to laugh at the term "liberal", except in the original traditional sense: that all people are created equal in the eyes of the law, that no rights granted to anyone should be denied anyone else without clear and relevant cause. I'm opposed to affirmative action, I favor the death penalty. I think if government matched my vision, this entire question of marriage would be largely moot, because State regulation of marriage would be largely eliminated. I think the State has no business in our bedrooms. I'm opposed to the creation of victimless crimes, where every party to a transaction is satisfied but external parties otherwise not impacted try to meddle.

How 'liberal' is all this? In my own eyes, I'm very conservative in a historical sense. Small government, light regulation, no meddling in private affairs, equality before the law for everyone unless the right itself is abused, no favoratism of any kind, not to minorities, not to majorities. My idea of conservatism is that government is blind to color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.

You seem, at least from here, to be a kind of combination: you take principled positions except where right-wing religious fundamentalism grabs your brain and YANKS. I described this earlier as like watching a decathlete having an epileptic fit. Where you are allowed to think, you do it well. Where you are NOT allowed, you can't even see that this is the case, and will deny it forever. What a terrible thing has been done.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,12:05   

I still want to know why two women getting married leads to the spread of AIDS

If I fly the coop some time
And take nothing but a grip
With the few good books that really count
It's a necessary trip

I'll be gone with the girl in the gold silk jacket
The girl with the pearl-driller's hands


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,12:26   

Bill, I think your opposition to gay marriage is not only illogical and irrational (based on your stated grounds), but actually accomplishes the opposite of what you want it to accomplish.

From your posts, it seems that your main complaint with gay people is that they're "promiscuous." I could spend some time pinning you down to what exactly what you mean by that term, and why promiscuity is inherently a bad thing, but it's unnecessary to do so to defeat your argument.

Let's assume, arguendo, that a) promiscuity is a bad thing, and b) that steps should be taken to reduce it. Given those two assumptions, does it make any sense to ban gay marriage?

At worst, it's difficult to imagine how allowing gay people to marry other gay people could possibly lead to increased promiscuity. For one thing, if two gay people are married, and one of them cheats, the aggrieved party can sue for damages (at least in some states), something that party currently has no standing to do. Further, the expense and difficulty of getting a divorce (yes, even today it can be difficult and expensive) is a disincentive to cheating (if you don't think it is for gay people, then you must not think it is for straight people, which leads me to wonder what your argument in favor of straight marriage is).

Let's imagine that gay people already had the right to marry. Would revoking that right lead to decreased promiscuity? If you think so, I'd like to hear your reasons.

Or, maybe you think gay people should be punished for their promiscuity by being denied that right to marry. Well, what about straight people? Their record for fidelity isn't so hot either (I once dated a straight woman who'd had sex with over 150 partners; I kinda wish she'd told me that before we started having sex). Shouldn't they be punished for their promiscuity too?

Or maybe you think only extreme promiscuity should be punished. But even if you do think so, what's the argument for making those who are not promiscuous pay for the transgressions of those who are? (Wouldn't you agree that those most desirous of getting married are the same ones least likely to be promiscuous?) Doesn't sound like a very conservative/libertarian position to me.

You've implied several times that "mainstreaming" homosexuality would lead to increased promiscuity, but I'm having difficulty imagining why this would be. I think a much stronger argument can be made that promiscuity in the gay community would decrease if homosexuality were much less of a big deal than it is now, and if being a married gay couple were completely unexceptional. I'm not sure it's valid to say that there's something specific about gay people that makes them promiscuous, other than the marginalization they're subject to.

In any event, you're taking a drastic solution now (denying basic rights to an entire class of people) to solve what is at best a potential problem. And as Flint just pointed out, these potential problems have a habit of never actually arising in the real world.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,15:03   

The sad thing is, Ghost's arguments are worse than weak, they are silly. The closest I can come to anything rational is that maybe, if by reducing the cost of a marital relationship for gays to be equal to that for straights, more gays are inspired to marry,, that's the *opposite* of what he says he worries about.

OK, maybe by lowering this cost, society is tacitly condoning an existing committed relationship, which will inspire those involved to break, that doesn't make sense either.

OK, maybe it's the domino theory. If we give gay people the right to marry for $25 rather than $10,000, this will inspire gays to demand equal access to jobs and...wait, they already *have* equal access and aren't asking for more. But maybe they WILL ask for more? What Ghost seems most concerned about is that those who are discriminated against tend to dislike this, which leads to attempts to end the discrimination, which sometimes *actually work*, which is terrible because...well, I guess if society does NOT discriminate against those Ghost dislikes, it will collapse, as it always does whenever equal rights are granted - doesn't it?

Come on, let's face it. The problem is, evangelical Christians have three current boogeymen, evolution, gay marriage, and freedom for OTHER people to choose (they themselves, of course ALSO choose, but that's different, because they LIKE the choices THEY make). There is no defensible reason, indeed no *remotely plausible* reason, for opposing gay marriage, except fundie-inspired prejudice. In 12+ pages of posts, so far, Ghost has failed to come up with one single defense of his position that is more than "If things were different in ways my religion dislikes, they might be much worse."

I wonder how most gay fundamentalists feel? I met one about a year ago, and her story is nearly criminal. Her pastor has sent her to a deprogramming outfit, who have managed to convince her that she's filthy, that she's cured, that she can never be cured, that it's all her fault, that God is punishing her, and that she's a worthless loser for choosing to insult God. Last I spoke to her, she was absolutely depressed and miserable, and God was answering none of her prayers. She STILL was aroused by filth and she'd decided God must hate her. Haven't seen her for a while, she worked at the local grocery but quit a few months back.

After listening to some of that, I know that if I had a "see how YOU like it" gay-ray, I wouldn't even shoot thordaddy with it. Setting the sex drive head-to-head against religious brainwashing is a fast track to suicide - neither of them is even the slightest bit tractable.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,15:08   

Ok, I think we need to clarify some basic issues:

1) Can a principled objection be made to same sex marriage?

              Flint seems doubtful, because he considers any infringement of civil rights antithetical to the spirit of American society, especially after the adoption of the 14th Amendment. Therefore, any person who shares core American values yet seeks to abridge a particular group's liberties must possess an ulterior motive for doing so. Marriage is one such liberty. Marriage is not a privilege bestowed on those groups with proven track records; it is, barring unusual circumstances, an entitlement to each adult citizen. When freedoms expand, society benefits, and in any case historical evidence demonstrates that the benefits invariably outweigh the liabilities. Past worries have largely proven groundless. Given the inherent contradictions within a homophobia grounded in American values, combined with the dreadful history of previous attempts to quash liberty, the advocate of gay marriage may assume that his opponent is deluded, self-serving, evil, or some combination of the above.
                Eric seems to agree with much of this, and highlights the problems that gays often face in their marriage-less existence. Surely anyone with any sense of human compassion would allow gay people the same rights that straights take for granted, especially since the moral person assumes an equal distribution of rights and privileges across groups, and revises that assumption only under severe circumstances. Opposing gay marriage is no less arbitrary than opposing interracial unions, and we see how irrational that was in retrospect. But that is not all. The opponent must assume that gay marriage would increase unhealthy behavior, a position that is prima facie irrational and self-refuting.

How am I doing?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,15:37   

2) Do gay people behave badly?

      Panda's Thumb argues that they don't, and gives several reasons:

1) Any attempt to argue against promiscuous behavior founders on its religious circularity: no one can objectively classify acts as good or evil unless such acts infringe other people's rights. Voluntary sex, no matter how common, clearly infringes on nobody's rights. Those who are offended by a particular behavior may refuse to engage, and in fact may take reasonable steps to shield themselves from the act and its consequences (if any exist).

2) In any event, gays are not necessarily more promiscuous than straights with similar oppotunities, and do not engage in unsual levels of risk-taking. Even if they do, it's no one else's business, and drugs are available to combat most diseases - including AIDS. Infection rates are under control, and the gay community is much more cautious today than in the past.

3) And what about lesbians? Their lifestyle is restrained even by heterosexual standards, so the usual dumbass arguments don't apply to them. It's all a continuum, babe, and the sooner homophobes abandon their binary view of the world, the better. Besides, who wants to be married to a closet case? Well, that's what we would have in a fundie society.

4) This is because gay feelings are biologically driven to a certain extent. The gay, like the poor, will always be with us. So why not accept the facts and accomodate those who are not responsible for their feelings, and even if they were, are certainly entitled to them.

Still with me?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,16:35   

God, Bill, you sound so reasonable.

If I were Malcolm Reynolds, I'd definitely suspect a trap.

Therefore, any person who shares core American values yet seeks to abridge a particular group's liberties must possess an ulterior motive for doing so.

I'm not sure I necessarily agree with this point. For example, I suspect one can have a principled objection to the legalization of, say, heroin. But having a principled objection doesn't necessarily mean your objection is justified.

Other than that, and a certain sneaking suspicion, I think we're at least on the same page, if not in the same paragraph.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,16:36   

Oh, let me add one:

5) Treating gays badly is well along the route treating blacks badly went down. Regardless of an internet argument, your belief will eventually earn you the kind of respect and admiration racial separatists receive.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,23:53   

Do these pro-gay advocates really believe they are putting together coherent arguments?

We have established the following.

1.  Gays CAN GET MARRIED at any liberal church by any liberal pastor and exchange vows and make lifelong convenants.

2.  Gay marriage is the means and not the ends.

3.  The end is to extract benefits and mainstream homosexuality through state sanction using equality and tolerance as their battle cries.

4.  There is NO equal protections relevancy as ALL Americans are bound by the same law concerning marriage (one man, one woman).  Our society recognizes the unique value of marriage and this is why a radical homosexual minority seeks out the courts to do what can't be done in the ballot box.

5.  Traditional Marriage was defined, not to discriminate, but to recognize the fundamental uniqueness of the core unit of civilized society, namely, one man and one woman.

6.  There is no equivalency between traditional marriage and gay "marriage" and society isn't required to bend to the will of a radical minority that will use judicial fiat to accomplish their goal.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,02:02   

Voluntary sex, no matter how common, clearly infringes on nobody's rights. Those who are offended by a particular behavior may refuse to engage, and in fact may take reasonable steps to shield themselves from the act and its consequences (if any exist).
I think this is the most important point.

There is NO equal protections relevancy as ALL Americans are bound by the same law concerning marriage (one man, one woman).  Our society recognizes the unique value of marriage and this is why a radical homosexual minority seeks out the courts to do what can't be done in the ballot box.
Is your problem to do with family and the possibility of children etc. If so I agree this isn't as black and white and research needs to be done. Althought studies show that children raised with two lesbian parents are as well adjusted as children raised in a 'normal' family environment and better of than the children of single parents.

The end is to extract benefits and mainstream homosexuality through state sanction using equality and tolerance as their battle cries.
So your main concern is the drain on the economy?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,03:44   


OK, I'm willing to go this way.

Can a principled objection be made to same sex marriage?

In an abstract sense, yes it can. What we have here is battling principles. On the one hand, we have equality under the law for all consenting adult citizens. On the other hand, we have the principle that marriage is a compact (sanctioned by the state, to be sure) that *by definition* is between one man and one woman (not necessarily voluntarily, not necessarily adults or (in parts of the world) even *born yet*, policies vary but we call all these marriages). In other words, marriage is a *definition* we are trying to change.

And I can understand the argument that changing this definition means opening it up to change, which might let in all kinds of awful things like group marriages, or coerced marriages, or marriages involving minors, etc. Which in turn is based on the assumption that it's not possible to save the village without destroying it.

the advocate of gay marriage may assume that his opponent is deluded, self-serving, evil, or some combination of the above.

These terms are excessively harsh, perhaps. As I wrote, from what I've seen, the opponent dislikes change, thinks such a change risks *the unknown!*, which is always terrifying. No matter how clearly it appears that such a change in the definition of marriage will change nobody's behavior, and bestow benefits without cost, this appearance *might* be wrong.

The opponent must assume that gay marriage would increase unhealthy behavior, a position that is prima facie irrational and self-refuting.

Well, it's certainly a stretch. But I think this sort of argument allows the camel's nose into the tent. Healthy behavior is a matter of public health, not a matter of civil rights.

Do gay people behave badly?

This question is DOA. Gay people certainly behave in ways straights do not. Some of those ways present different, perhaps even more severe, health hazards. But "badly" is a *purely subjective* assessment. Do sky divers or bungee jumpers behave "badly" in light of the risks they take? What standard are we using here?

Well, let's say that drunk drivers are behaving "badly", because they represent a public danger. If I understand your argument, you find strong parallels here. Gays are like drunks - they recklessly place society in danger by being irresponsible. Where I get confused is, why don't you advocate that drunk drivers lose their right to marry? The punishment is no LESS appropriate.

no one can objectively classify acts as good or evil unless such acts infringe other people's rights. Voluntary sex, no matter how common, clearly infringes on nobody's rights.

I smell a 'penumbra' argument here, similar to the one made about guns. So long as nobody is hurt, say the conservatives, responsible people should not lose their right to carry because irresponsible people are violent. And the liberal argues, if guns were rare ipso facto gun violence would be rare. No social policy exists in a social vacuum; there's always a tradeoff because there are always indirect downstream effects.

And so we have intelligent, sincere, informed people who feel that morality in the US has been heading downhill for a long time, as society becomes more and more irresponsibly permissive, and equally competent people celebrating the gradual emancipation from the bad old days of institutionalized discrimination and favoritism.

Even if they do, it's no one else's business, and drugs are available to combat most diseases - including AIDS. Infection rates are under control, and the gay community is much more cautious today than in the past.

Again, this is a different subject, and probably a red herring. We can generalize here and say "Let's deny marriage to anyone *similar to* anyone else who does antisocial things." Whether or not this penalty is even remotely relevant.

What seems to make marriage denial relevant is the a priori conviction that gays are undesirable icky people, that God hates them, that they *deserve* to be denied ordinary civil rights because they are *different* and life is much more pleasant if we keep them in their place, which is as far away from US as possible. NOW, the task is to find a "principled" and at least remotely plausible rationalization for this policy. Good thing gays in the US are still the primary vector for HIV. After all, we needed SOME excuse.

This is because gay feelings are biologically driven to a certain extent.

By all indications, it's harder to cure being gay than being fundamentalist Christian.

So the argument seems to be:
1) Promiscuity is bad, period. Just bad. Trust me, bad.
2) Gays are more promiscuous than straights, *except* straights with equal access, who behave the same way. But even those straights can marry because, well, because.
3) If we sanction NON-promiscuous gay relationships, gays will become even MORE promiscuous. Trust me on this. I know. Maybe the married gays won't, but we'll send a social signal that being promiscuous is better than it used to be, and *everyone* will become promiscuous, and disease will run rampant, which is the punishment we deserve for becoming LESS moral rather than MORE moral, and just BEING gay is immoral, much less ACTING gay.

Now we continue the elaborate dance. You have presented a fairly long list here of support for civil rights. Clearly, you don't consider this support sufficient to override whatever your reasons are for denying them. And those reasons seem to be "I know this is wrong." And that core conviction being impermeable, all else follows.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,04:21   

Thordaddy whines...

Do these pro-gay advocates really believe they are putting together coherent arguments?

I, Thordaddy, have established in my own little mind the following

blah blah blah...Gays are sinful and evil!

blah blah blah...the Gay agenda is to ruin civilization!

blah blah blah...Gayness cause AIDS!

blah blah blah...I don't like Gays, they make me feel ickky!!

blah blah blah...because I don't like them, that means all Gays are sub-human and deserve no rights!

blah blah blah...the world would be better if all Gays just went away!

Ya know Thordaddy, the only thing you've established is the fact that you're a pin-headed bigot.  No need to be an obsessive compulsive about demonstrating it every day.

The same lies and misrepresentations you repeat with every message have been dealt with ad nauseum.  If your prejudiced hateful pea-brain has nothing new to add, I respectfully suggest you go take a flying f*ck at a rolling donut.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,04:49   


Yeah, yeah. Now I have a question for you: is Ghost basing his policy preferences on anything similar to thordaddy, but gussying it up with more sophisticated rationalizations? Or is Ghost's rejection based on anything more substantive?

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,05:12   

What seems to make marriage denial relevant is the a priori conviction that gays are undesirable icky people, that God hates them, that they *deserve* to be denied ordinary civil rights because they are *different* and life is much more pleasant if we keep them in their place, which is as far away from US as possible. NOW, the task is to find a "principled" and at least remotely plausible rationalization for this policy. Good thing gays in the US are still the primary vector for HIV. After all, we needed SOME excuse.

This is why I'm trying to codify everyone's assumptions. You seem to approach the issue like this:
1) The traditional definition of marriage is arbitrary. Its  raison d'etre? To exclude and oppress sexual minorities.
2) Gay marriage is a logical consequence of the 14th Amendment.
3) Therefore, any reasonable person would advocate gay marriage given the chance.
4) Corollary: anyone who wishes to deny said rights must be a bigot.
5) So the debate revolves around exposing the bigotry underlying the opponent's position. If he frets over the spread of deadly diseases, that's just a ruse. If he cites a study, it's merely to pollute the liberal mind with sophistry.  We're liberals after all - we possess a purity of heart and clarity of mind that lets us see through the haze of smoke that cloaks the conservative's atavistic loathing of Liberty, Truth and Beauty. I mean, we're Progressive, by god, and nothing evil ever comes from us. Just ask any Russian. Or Cambodian.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,05:33   

thordaddy asks:
Do these pro-gay advocates really believe they are putting together coherent arguments?

Coherent? Certainly. Logical? Surprisingly, yes. And to be fair, Flint and S. Elliot have some sympathy for the conservative point of view. Keep in mind that I used to be one of those dreaded liberals, so I can empathise with their POV. Doesn't change the fact that:


Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,05:38   


OK, maybe now we're getting somewhere.

1) The traditional definition of marriage is arbitrary. Its  raison d'etre? To exclude and oppress sexual minorities.

Huh? What we're talking about here is the degree to which the State bureaucracy has institutionalized what marriage means in legal practice. Someone counted over 10,000 separate legal differences between married and not married. These differences cost gays over $10,000 as opposed to $25 for straights, and STILL don't quite cover the territory as thoroughly.

2) Gay marriage is a logical consequence of the 14th Amendment.

Ugh. The 14th Amendment is a consequence of the recognition that citizens of the States are citizens of the Nation, and ipso facto inherit rights granted by the US Constitution to all citizens. The US Constitution is itself a product of a political philosophy of legal equality for all citizens. So I would say that the US Constitution including all amendments and marriage derive from the same source. They are logical consequences of the same political philosophy.

3) Therefore, any reasonable person would advocate gay marriage given the chance.

That's very misleading. No, I would say that anyone who *values American political ideals* would advocate that what are considered basic civil rights be extended to all citizens, and that institutionalized discrimination violates those ideals. Please note that de facto discrimination is a different matter, handled differently. Marriage is so thoroughly intertwined with laws and regulations by now that any denial of these legalities is institutionalized discrimination. And please note that marriage is being addressed here because this seems to be the ONLY civil rights legally denied to gays. If they were allowed to marry but had to sit at the back of the bus, I'd still be trying to "mainstream" them. They are ordinary taxpaying citizens.

4) Corollary: anyone who wishes to deny said rights must be a bigot

Sigh. There are many entirely reasonable people worldwide who do NOT share American political values and ideals. But I'll concede that I consider the golden rule to be a human universal; it's very cross cultural. And accordingly, those who wish to violate this rule, in my opinion, need some pretty compelling and relevant reasons. Otherwise, as I keep saying, we can note that the golden rule is awfully hard to follow when the status quo favors those who break it.

5) So the debate revolves around exposing the bigotry underlying the opponent's position. If he frets over the spread of deadly diseases, that's just a ruse.

No, it's a different issue. Let's say the issue is whether women should be allowed to drive. We note that women DO drive despite not having licenses, and that they have accidents sometimes due to being drunk. Is focusing on the sobriety of these individuals proximately appropriate to the general issue of drivers licenses?

So I think you're using a "look over there" argument. If we're concerned about the spread of deadly diseases, let's focus on the disease. EVEN IF marriage by some incomprehensible mechanism increases the spread of the disease, the focus is still the disease and not the 10,000 legal distinctions and the $10,000 difference in cost to achieve them.

If he cites a study, it's merely to pollute the liberal mind with sophistry.

You know better than this, so shame on you! Studies of disease aren't sophistry, but claiming that these studies justify denial of equality under the law flagrantly misses the point. And you know it.

We're liberals after all - we possess a purity of heart and clarity of mind that lets us see through the haze of smoke that cloaks the conservative's atavistic loathing of Liberty, Truth and Beauty.

I would hope we value American political ideals. This doesn't necessarily mean purity of heart, I suppose. I've said nothing about truth and beauty, as you know. I'm talking about a *legal condition*, and the difference in the way the State treats people based on this legal condition. And the differential cost of achieving comparable conditions.

Look, nowhere have you said that gays should not be allowed to *approximate* marriage, very very closely, by going through this very extensive and expensive legal process. Yet by so doing, they achieve basically the same purpose (if they are wealthy enough).

So the challenge you continue to dodge is very simple: How will reducing the price of these legal arrangements cause damage to society? Let's TRY to stay focused, OK?

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,06:38   

Flint said

Yeah, yeah. Now I have a question for you: is Ghost basing his policy preferences on anything similar to thordaddy, but gussying it up with more sophisticated rationalizations? Or is Ghost's rejection based on anything more substantive?

Their styles are certainly different, but I can't tell any difference in the substance.  Thordaddy flings his dog turds through the porch window; GoP hand delivers his in a box with a bow ribbon.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,06:44   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 20 2006,04:53)
There is no equivalency between traditional marriage and gay "marriage" and society isn't required to bend to the will of a radical minority that will use judicial fiat to accomplish their goal.

Their goal being what, exactly? To be treated like everyone else?

God, Thordaddy, your agenda couldn't be any clearer. Are you hoping this kind of bigotry will grease the skids on your way to heaven?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,07:05   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 20 2006,04:53)
Do these pro-gay advocates really believe they are putting together coherent arguments?


I am hardly a pro-gay advocate. How does believing in fair treatment and equality for all citizens make me pro any single group?

My argument is simple. Hardly incoherent.

1. Marriage conveys certain financial/legal/social advantages to a couple.

2. Traditionaly, only heterosexual couples have been able to honestly take advantage of the marital institution.

Now that to me is just plain unfair. Do gays pay less tax due to enjoying less rights/oportunities?

In actuality I have no "interest" in the argument. Gays now enjoy full marital rights in the UK. Although it isn't called "marriage" the same rights are bestowed.

Anyway. Ghost I await getting clobbered. Be carefull, I might have the Hulk in reserve. Brick face is no match for the green one, nuff said. MMM.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,08:31   

Stephen Elliot:
Anyway. Ghost I await getting clobbered. Be carefull, I might have the Hulk in reserve. Brick face is no match for the green one, nuff said. MMM.

Crap, you may be right. I've always seen the Hulk as a right-thinking conservative, but if the TV shows are to be believed, Bruce Banner is a #### beatnik. Well, at least I've got Superman.....wait a minute.....supports nuclear disarmament.... locked lips with Michael Caine in Deathtrap....................

:0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0

Superman's a PINKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<....starts quivering......>

I think I'll lay down for a while......

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,08:54   

Another thought, Bill, with respect to your trade of gay marriage for free association.

If I give you free association, aren't you getting something for nothing? Because free association would effectively mean that gay people only got marriage at the suffrance of straight people anyway. If some community doesn't want gay people to marry (or even live) there, I guess they're (the guy people, that is) out of luck, right?

I had the feeling this was a sucker's bargain. But let me know if I'm misinterpreting.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:16   


One of the problems in this debate is that the "progressive" side really thinks it's progressive.

I homeschool my kids.  That's a "progressive" stance.

I'm against abortion.  That's a "progressive" stance.

I'm against "affirmative action."  That's a "progressive" stance.

I'm for a reduction in government interference including "free association."  That's a "progressive" stance.

On all these issues and more, the supposed "progressives" are actual trying to solidify the status quo.  Hence, they are the "conservatives."

On the issue of "gay" marriage, I am a traditionalist.  I recognize the unique value of the tradition of marriage and why it was elevated and promoted by sensible people in society.

Again, we clear the smoke and get down to the basics.

Gays CAN GET MARRIED by any liberal church and any liberal pastor and exchange vows and make convenants.

Gays CAN GET MARRIED and BE RECOGNIZED by the STATE as long as they follow the rules laid down by society that APPLY TO ALL OF US!

The equal protection clause is irrelevant as no one believes that ANY ADULT UNION deserves state sanction.

Traditional Marriage was defined as one man and one woman because reasonable people recognized the value of promoting such a civilized ideal.

Traditional Marriage WAS NOT defined to discriminate against "homosexuals."  Only sheer arrogance on the part of radical activists can account for this silly notion.

The agenda is clear...  mainstreaming and normalizing homosexuality.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:21   

I dont think anyone is claiming that was why marriage was defined. I still don't understand your objections, do you think gay people are hoping that homosexuality being seen as normal will make more people gay?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:25   

Chris Hyland,

Why stop with homosexual couples?

Why can't my 5 brothers and I get "married" so we can further our financial and business interests and use the equal protection clause as the basis for our argument?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:41   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 20 2006,15:25)
Chris Hyland,

Why stop with homosexual couples?

Why can't my 5 brothers and I get "married" so we can further our financial and business interests and use the equal protection clause as the basis for our argument?

No reason I can think of, Thordaddy. So why don't you inform us all why you think it's a bad idea.

And when are you going to start answering any of the questions that have been posed to you?

Here's a quick list so you don't have to go back over the last 50 posts of questions you haven't answered:

a) what bad things will happen if gay people can get a marriage that is sanctioned by the state?

b) why should straight people have privileges that gay people do not have?

c) in what way does a marriage between two gay men affect you, or anyone else for that matter?

d) how is advocating for state-sanctioned gay marriage "discrimination" against straight people?

e) what privileges are gay people trying to get that straight people don't already have?

f) how will state-sanctioned gay marriages increase the incidence of AIDS or the incidence of sexual molestation by Catholic priests?

g) why do you think that straight married couples should enjoy privileges that others (including straight single people) are not entitled to?

h) why are you so afraid of gay people? Are you afraid that you might secretly gay?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:43   

Why can't my 5 brothers and I get "married" so we can further our financial and business interests and use the equal protection clause as the basis for our argument?

Hey, let me guess. It's because if we allowed, that, our entire society would collapse! Right? Right?

Uh, what financial and business interests would be furthered? If you have any real advantage to be gained, you might want to consider this option.

However, I might point out that sheer inertia is going to work against you. A change from two different-sex people to two same-sex people requires NO changes to any other rules or regulations. It simply extends *identical* rights to a legally identical arrangement.

However, adding additional people won't be anywhere near as transparent. Is the inheritance situation a tontine, where last one left alive gets it all? But tontines are now illegal, so something would have to change, risking unintended side effects. And how about such issues as child support/custody? I'm not saying that making these changes is impossible, I'm saying it would take a lot of work, and no matter how it was done, it would lead to a LOT of cases at law to hammer out the ramifications.

However, if you see any compelling business case to be made for this arrangement, you might see if you can build a social consensus. What do you have to lose?

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:53   

Why can't my 5 brothers and I get "married" so we can further our financial and business interests and use the equal protection clause as the basis for our argument?
You could start a homo-hexagamy pride march. Although I think you'd be hard pushed to convince people you were serious.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:58   

Next question: should obese people be permitted to marry? Obesity is a far worse public health problem than HIV or AIDS, so we have the disease angle. And there are studies showing that fat people are more likely to have fat children, so we have the science angle. And by HAVING fat children, obese people are surely spreading their disease even more than gay people are. And of course there is a *direct* relationship between marriage and spreading obesity, since fat people breed. And as we all know, if we outlawed "fat marriage", these people would no longer breed and would probably stop overeating and start exercising as well.

So here we have Ghost's case in every respect, plus some respects that would make his case even stronger. Sadly, when directly challenged above: How will reducing the price of these legal arrangements cause damage to society?, Ghost responded by changing the subject. Will he do it again? Is the bear Catholic?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:58   

Traditional Marriage was defined as one man and one woman because reasonable people recognized the value of promoting such a civilized ideal.

Which would be what, exactly?

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,11:00   

Which would be what, exactly?

Already answered. The value is, society would otherwise collapse. You wouldn't want that, would you?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,11:02   

eric murphy opines,

No reason I can think of, Thordaddy. So why don't you inform us all why you think it's a bad idea.

Because one man and one woman is the foundation of society.  If we simply recognize any ADULT UNION as legitimate and equal to all others then we are necessarily stating that one man and one woman is/was a foolish and antiquated notion.  Such arrogance.

And when are you going to start answering any of the questions that have been posed to you?

Here's a quick list so you don't have to go back over the last 50 posts of questions you haven't answered:

[quote]a) what bad things will happen if gay people can get a marriage that is sanctioned by the state?

Our society will falsely come to believe that the foundation of a civilized society (one man, one woman) is/was a mere illusion.

b) why should straight people have privileges that gay people do not have?

I have no privileges unless I get married and then society recognizes my unique relationship and wishes to encourage and promote it.  I see no restrictions or inequalities in the law that forbid "homosexual" from enjoying the same "privileges" as anyone who wishes to get married.  Both I and homosexuals are bound by the exact same laws.

c) in what way does a marriage between two gay men affect you, or anyone else for that matter?

It need not "affect" me.  If a homosexual dies of AIDS, how does that affect me?  If my next door neighbor gets murdered, how does that affect me?  But clearly, these things AFFECT society at large.  2 gay men getting "married" would effectively denigrate and devalue the foundation of any civilized society, namely, one man and one woman.

d) how is advocating for state-sanctioned gay marriage "discrimination" against straight people?

It's discrimination against traditional marriage and those that see its unique societal value.  And advocating through the courts and using judicial fiat to get what you want is plain unAmerican.

e) what privileges are gay people trying to get that straight people don't already have?

No straight person has a privilege denied to gays.  Both gays and straights can choose to get a traditional marriage and benefit from union.  Until they make that commitment then the "rights" of gay and straights are rather indistinguishable.

f) how will state-sanctioned gay marriages increase the incidence of AIDS or the incidence of sexual molestation by Catholic priests?

Because the act that is most associated with male gayness (anal sex) will be normalized.  If murder were legalised, would we have less incidences of murder?  Look at abortion as the prime example of that which we speak.

g) why do you think that straight married couples should enjoy privileges that others (including straight single people) are not entitled to?

Because most reasonable people recognize the inherent value of encouraging and promoting the basic foundation of a civilized society (one man, one woman).  Except for you, of course.

h) why are you so afraid of gay people? Are you afraid that you might secretly gay?

I love this argument.  How come no one ever says that the KKK member secretly wanted to be black?  Or the Islamic fundamentalist really pines to be a Zionist?  

I don't fear gays, gays fear heterosexuality.  I have a natural evolutionary aversion to any sexual intimacy between men.  I can't help.  And I suppose you don't have this same aversion?  Wouldn't this scenario more likely cast you as the one with homosexual tendencies?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,11:16   


You expected rational answers? Bad is bad, evil is evil, my opinions are infallible, gays are bad. No right-thinking person would disagree with me, therefore I'm right.

At least it's simple.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,11:35   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 20 2006,16<!--emo&:0)
Because one man and one woman is the foundation of society.  If we simply recognize any ADULT UNION as legitimate and equal to all others then we are necessarily stating that one man and one woman is/was a foolish and antiquated notion.  Such arrogance.

No it's not. Otherwise, you're saying single people like me are just as much second-class citizens as gay people who want to get married. On what grounds do you establish married couples as the "foundation of society"? On what grounds should married couples be entitled to their exalted status (along with all their financial and social privileges) denied to everyone else? Coffee grounds?

Our society will falsely come to believe that the foundation of a civilized society (one man, one woman) is/was a mere illusion.

What do you mean "falsely"? Marriage isn't the foundation of our society. If anything, the rule of law is the foundation of society, not the institution of marriage. So you're wrong on this one, too.

I have no privileges unless I get married and then society recognizes my unique relationship and wishes to encourage and promote it.  I see no restrictions or inequalities in the law that forbid "homosexual" from enjoying the same "privileges" as anyone who wishes to get married.  Both I and homosexuals are bound by the exact same laws.

Wrong again. You have all kinds of privileges once you're married, and you're denying those privileges to those who either are not or cannot become married. The fact that you can't see those inequalities or restrictions (not surprising given your selective blindness) doesn't mean they're not there.

And what's unique about being married? That's the same question you assume is already answered, and it isn't.

It need not "affect" me.  If a homosexual dies of AIDS, how does that affect me?  If my next door neighbor gets murdered, how does that affect me?  But clearly, these things AFFECT society at large.  2 gay men getting "married" would effectively denigrate and devalue the foundation of any civilized society, namely, one man and one woman.

No, not clearly at all. You assume there's a (bad) effect on society, but I'm not going to let you get away with that assumption. Until you can clearly and unambiguously demonstrate that gay marriage has a negative effect on society, you're wrong on this one too. You can't just assume what you're trying to prove, Thordaddy.

It's discrimination against traditional marriage and those that see its unique societal value.  And advocating through the courts and using judicial fiat to get what you want is plain unAmerican.

Your saying something is discrimination because it's discrimination. You're getting exactly nowhere in your argument. Meanwhile, you're saying that marriage is unique because it's unique. You're piling one circular definition on top of another.

Believe it or not, something doesn't become true because you say it's true.

No straight person has a privilege denied to gays.  Both gays and straights can choose to get a traditional marriage and benefit from union.  Until they make that commitment then the "rights" of gay and straights are rather indistinguishable.

Every straight person has a privilege denied to gays. Every straight person is entitled to a straight marriage to another straight person which is sanctioned by the state. No gay person can marry any gay person of the same gender and have that marriage sanctioned by the state. You're not too blind to see this. You're too bigoted to admit it.

Because the act that is most associated with male gayness (anal sex) will be normalized.  If murder were legalised, would we have less incidences of murder?  Look at abortion as the prime example of that which we speak.

Wrong, wrong wrong. The issue isn't, "if we legalized giving AIDS to people, the incidence of AIDS would increase." Marriage, including gay marriage, does not "cause" AIDS. Anal sex does not "cause" AIDS (you seem to be under the erroneous impression that anal sex all by itself causes AIDS). Gay marriage does not "cause" anal sex. Yet another completely wrong argument. So far, you're batting zero, Thordaddy.

Because most reasonable people recognize the inherent value of encouraging and promoting the basic foundation of a civilized society (one man, one woman).  Except for you, of course.

No, most bigots recognize that their comfort level will be increased if they don't have to see, or deal with, or acknowledge the existence of gay people. If gay people can get married, and their existence is acknowledged by the state, bigots cannot be comfortable in their ignorance and cannot pretend that gay people don't exist. Saying over and over again that heterosexual marriage is the foundation of a civilized society doen't make it true.

I don't fear gays, gays fear heterosexuality.  I have a natural evolutionary aversion to any sexual intimacy between men.  I can't help.  And I suppose you don't have this same aversion?  Wouldn't this scenario more likely cast you as the one with homosexual tendencies?

Gays don't fear heterosexuals. They fear heterosexual bigots who do not believe gay people should have the same rights as straight people. Can you blame them?

Do you ever read and understand anyone else's posts, Thordaddy? I already explained to you that I have no aversion to sex between two men, so long as neither one of them is me. You have an aversion to sex between two men no matter who those two men are.

And if you think you're insulting me by implying I might have homosexual tendencies, you're even more clueless than you think I think you are.

BTW, here's another question you've never answered: what is your obsession with anal sex? And, why do you think anal sex is the exclusive province of gay men?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,11:41   

Because the act that is most associated with male gayness (anal sex) will be normalized.
How will legalizing gay marriage increase the amount of anal sex?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,11:41   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 20 2006,16<!--emo&:0)
Because most reasonable people recognize the inherent value of encouraging and promoting the basic foundation of a civilized society (one man, one woman).  Except for you, of course.

Funny, I always assumed the foundation of a civilized society was one man, one vote.

So every man gets a woman? Is that how it works? And where do the children fit into all this? Or is it really one man, one woman, and a litter of squalling brats?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,11:48   

Quote (Flint @ April 20 2006,16:16)

You expected rational answers? Bad is bad, evil is evil, my opinions are infallible, gays are bad. No right-thinking person would disagree with me, therefore I'm right.

At least it's simple.

Of course not. But I thought I'd try showing other, less cement-headed individuals just how empty these so-called "arguments" are.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,12:21   

Next question: should obese people be permitted to marry? [or drunks, or felons,......]

You mean you were serious with this question? Well, one reason might be that eating and sex are completely unrelated acts (Hey you in the back row! Stop giggling!;)). So a law prohibiting marriage would have zero chance of suppressing an unnaturally large appetite. In addition, nobody would have to change the definition of marriage in order to marry two fatties, as they would with homosexual couples. Furthermore, there is de facto discrimination against obese people: if their weight exceeds a certain level, they will pay double for airline seats, their range of occupations is restricted, and so on. In other words, society already has disincentives in place for unrestrained obesity. On top of this, fat people struggle for societal acceptance as a group. I'm not defending these things; I'm just noting that your little analogy fails on multiple levels.
     Once again, you hold me to an unusually high burden of proof: If I can't prove that homosexual marriage by itself would cause a societal collapse, I have no case. Once again, I must point out that this is based on assumptions that I do not hold, and that you have never defended without recourse to those very same axioms. Why should we assume that marriage is an unalienable right like speech or religion? Please show me where Lilburne or Thomas Jefferson or George Mason defended unlimited choice in marriage as a fundamental right. If you can't, then you're the one that's blowing smoke.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,12:40   

So I think you're using a "look over there" argument. If we're concerned about the spread of deadly diseases, let's focus on the disease.

But you're assuming that allowing gay marriage won't have a positive impact on infection rates. But assume that marriage encourages much more homosexual behavior, and that this behavior leads to more disease. Wouldn't a ban be effective then? And we know that gay behavior is dramatically more common in societies which normalize it (Ancient Greece and Rome, to give two historical examples, or prisons, for a contemporary one). Do we really want another bubonic plague on our hands?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,13:09   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 20 2006,17:21)
Well, one reason might be that eating and sex are completely unrelated acts (Hey you in the back row! Stop giggling!;)). So a law prohibiting marriage would have zero chance of suppressing an unnaturally large appetite.

But Bill, surely you don't believe that a lack of matrimony prevents sex, do you? I'd guess it's actually the other way around. :-)

In addition, nobody would have to change the definition of marriage in order to marry two fatties, as they would with homosexual couples.

I find this argument pretty unpersuasive. Here's the huge, upheaving-of-society, civilization-collapsing change to the definition of marriage we need:

(Before) a union between one man and one woman.

(after) a union between one person and one person.

That's what I might call a de minimus change.

Once again, you hold me to an unusually high burden of proof: If I can't prove that homosexual marriage by itself would cause a societal collapse, I have no case.

I think you're overstating things, Bill. Flint is saying that unless you can prove (or even show that it's likely) that homosexual marriage by itself would cause significant negative effects to society, you have no case. And I think that's an eminently reasonable position to take. What other reason would there be to deny homosexual marriage? So Thordaddy doesn't have to risk being grossed out by his Big Gay Neighbors?

But the real issue, as Flint pointed out, is where's the benefit to society in denying to gay people the very real rights and privileges married heterosexuals receive merely by virtue of being married?

Why should we assume that marriage is an unalienable right like speech or religion?

We shouldn't assume any such thing, because it's undeniably a false assumption. Do I have a "right" to be married? Not unless I can find someone who wants to marry me. But if we're going to allow some people to be married, we should allow all people to be married.

And, as a single person, gay or not, I object to the idea that married people, merely by virtue of being married, are somehow entitled to tax breaks, inheritance rights, etc. If marriage is, as Thordaddy claims, the "foundation of society," then why do we have to bribe people to get married?

But that's all sideshow. The real question is, what social good is served by denying rights and privileges to gay people that straight people take for granted? So far, that's been the great unanswerable, both by you and by Mr. T. At least you seem to agree that limiting rights should only be done with a compelling reason. Thordaddy seems to either think that a) there are no rights being limited, which frankly is absurd, or b) that they should be merely because he thinks they should be.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,13:17   


I'm afraid we're going in circles:

You mean you were serious with this question? Well, one reason might be...

I hope you realize you have underscored my point repeatedly. You are starting to distinguish like a Philadelphia lawyer. Yes, absolutely, post facto rationalizations can be provided FOR a policy you like, and AGAINST a policy you don't like. No two fact situations are alike. So long as we have no general principles, we can rationalize any prejudice.

Once again, you hold me to an unusually high burden of proof: If I can't prove that homosexual marriage by itself would cause a societal collapse, I have no case.

If you exaggerate this enough, you'll lose track of what I DID say, so let's not. I held you to a much lower burden of proof than you describe: I said you had no case if you could not demonstrate ANY relevant justification for charging homosexuals $10,000 for what straights get for $25. Remember? All you have to do is explain why homosexuals *deserve* to have to pay the much higher rate. As ericmurphy asked (and you also ignored), is your argument really that the loss of this income presents a financial burden to the state?

But you're assuming that allowing gay marriage won't have a positive impact on infection rates.

As a matter of fact, I'd really like it if you could find where I made this assumption. I have *explicitly and repeatedly* said that allowing marriage is a matter of equality under the law for all citizens, and infection rates is a matter of public health policies and irresponsible behavior, and that these are conceptually distinct, independent, unrelated topics!. Again, I urge you not to change the subject. I'm not willing to "look over there" and get sidetracked. I'm talking about legal equality.

Why should we assume that marriage is an unalienable right like speech or religion?

Because presumably we support American philosophical and political ideals. Because presumably we believe that all people are created equal in the eyes of the law. Now, I admit we don't need to do this. For many centuries, the British presumed that some people were born noble and others born common, and that the one could never earn the other by good works; the condition was inborn. And I suppose we could presume that marriage is a privilege granted BY the privileged TO the privileged, and that being homosexual ipso facto deprives one of that privilege, so be it, amen, period.

And if this is how you feel, then fine, SAY so. Quit trying to hide behind concerns about public health. EVEN if the ban on marriage is suppressing serious disease, banning marriage is the wrong medicine. Straights also pass STDs around very commonly, and there's no indication that banning marriage altogether would improve this condition.

So we're back where we started. As far as I can tell, you have decided a priori that same-sex marriage is wrong and bad, and now you are casting around for some rationalization for this, however irrelevant, far-fetched, counter-intuitive, unsupported by any evidence (since I grant we haven't had enough legalized gay marriage to form a statistical baseline), or otherwise persuasive or even plausible. Do you think nobody can see what you're saying? You "know" it's wrong, you are not open even to experiment, and your justifications are without merit independent of your strong prejudices. Your justifications ARE your prejudices, and every attempt you make to decouple them only emphasizes that this is the case.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,13:23   

ericmurphy opines,

No it's not. Otherwise, you're saying single people like me are just as much second-class citizens as gay people who want to get married. On what grounds do you establish married couples as the "foundation of society"? On what grounds should married couples be entitled to their exalted status (along with all their financial and social privileges) denied to everyone else? Coffee grounds?

I guess I'm demoting myself to second class citizen as I am not married.  You are now claiming that one man/one woman has no real societal significance and yet you take up the cause of homosexual insignificance?  If one man/one woman is rather meaningless in your eyes then why should one man/ one man have any inherent meaning?  Who cares if gays want to marry... it's rather meaningless, no?

What do you mean "falsely"? Marriage isn't the foundation of our society. If anything, the rule of law is the foundation of society, not the institution of marriage. So you're wrong on this one, too.

Really?  And just how have those laws come about if not in the obvious context of man, woman and child?  You're argument makes your motives clear.  You aren't an advocate for "gay" marriage, but merely a usurper of traditional values.  You are merely attempting to denigrate traditional marriage and cast yourself as a pathetic victim of society's intolerance and discrimination.  If the "gay" marriage serves your purpose then "so be it."

Wrong again. You have all kinds of privileges once you're married, and you're denying those privileges to those who either are not or cannot become married. The fact that you can't see those inequalities or restrictions (not surprising given your selective blindness) doesn't mean they're not there.

A "homosexual" can get married both in the church and by the state.  To deny this is laughable.  What gays can't do is change the law through judicial fiat in order to grant themselves special privileges and redefine marriage for an entire people and their society.

And what's unique about being married? That's the same question you assume is already answered, and it isn't.

Again, we see your true motives as "gay" marriage is of little interest because marriage in and of itself is meaningless to you.  What a phony.

No, not clearly at all. You assume there's a (bad) effect on society, but I'm not going to let you get away with that assumption. Until you can clearly and unambiguously demonstrate that gay marriage has a negative effect on society, you're wrong on this one too. You can't just assume what you're trying to prove, Thordaddy.

How can I show you something that won't come about until the future?  Sanctioning "homosexual" marriage will necessarily redefine marriage and render it meaningless.  This is exactly the goal.  Look at your rebuttals for anecdotal proof.

Your saying something is discrimination because it's discrimination. You're getting exactly nowhere in your argument. Meanwhile, you're saying that marriage is unique because it's unique. You're piling one circular definition on top of another.

If you do not truly discriminate then you would not be arguing your point.  You clearly discriminate against traditional marriage and therefore discriminate against those that value it.  Marriage is unique because it has a very particular meaning, namely, the union of one mand and one woman.  You seek to render it meaningless by destroying this defining attribute.

Every straight person has a privilege denied to gays. Every straight person is entitled to a straight marriage to another straight person which is sanctioned by the state. No gay person can marry any gay person of the same gender and have that marriage sanctioned by the state. You're not too blind to see this. You're too bigoted to admit it.

Your changing the argument.  Your claiming a specific law applies differently to Americans.  This is false.  The marriage laws apply EQUALLY to ALL citizens.  If you follow the laws concerning marriage then you benefit from them.  If you decide to marry two woman or another man then you have broken the law and do not then benefit.  "Homosexual" don't want to follow the law, but change it for their personal benefit and the larger societal consequences be damned.

Wrong, wrong wrong. The issue isn't, "if we legalized giving AIDS to people, the incidence of AIDS would increase." Marriage, including gay marriage, does not "cause" AIDS. Anal sex does not "cause" AIDS (you seem to be under the erroneous impression that anal sex all by itself causes AIDS). Gay marriage does not "cause" anal sex. Yet another completely wrong argument. So far, you're batting zero, Thordaddy.

Anyone with even a smidgeon of brains recognizes the inherent risk of normalizing the "union" of two testosterone-driven males who's main sexual act is that of anal sex.  You seem to be making the claim that the incidence of AIDS will decline with "gay" marriage?  Now you seem to be arguing the efficacy of marriage?  Where do you stand exactly on this issue?

No, most bigots recognize that their comfort level will be increased if they don't have to see, or deal with, or acknowledge the existence of gay people. If gay people can get married, and their existence is acknowledged by the state, bigots cannot be comfortable in their ignorance and cannot pretend that gay people don't exist. Saying over and over again that heterosexual marriage is the foundation of a civilized society doen't make it true.

And saying "bigot" over and over again only shows how beholden you are to pathetic liberal arguments.  If gays get "married" then marriage does not exist as anything relevant.  Traditional marriage is already irrelevant in your eyes and you only seek to further that irrelevancy as you half-heartedly argue for something you have little interest in.  You are more interested in fighting these so-called "bigots" you see around every corner.

Gays don't fear heterosexuals. They fear heterosexual bigots who do not believe gay people should have the same rights as straight people. Can you blame them?

Yes, I can blame them for being hypnotized by group think.  The gays that really believe in marriage will take it to their church and be done with and live out that convenant.  Gays that are just seeking to validate their lifestyle and will use any means necessary don't have my sympathy.

Do you ever read and understand anyone else's posts, Thordaddy? I already explained to you that I have no aversion to sex between two men, so long as neither one of them is me. You have an aversion to sex between two men no matter who those two men are.

This hair-splitting on an exceptional scale.  LOL.

And if you think you're insulting me by implying I might have homosexual tendencies, you're even more clueless than you think I think you are.

BTW, here's another question you've never answered: what is your obsession with anal sex? And, why do you think anal sex is the exclusive province of gay men?

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,13:24   



We KNOW you hate all gays

We KNOW you think they don't deserve to live

We KNOW you're a mouthy, bigoted, holier-than-thou prick.

There's no need to be a redundant mouthy bigoted holier-than-thou prick.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,13:25   


Believe it or not, something doesn't become true because you say it's true.

Surely you're kidding! Why, this is the ONLY way that ANYTHING EVER becomes true in the world of religion.

That's what I might call a de minimus change.

Boy howdy. In fact, one of the points homosexuals make is that NOT ONE of ANY of those 10,000+ provisions for marriage would have to change AT ALL if same-sex marriage were legalized. None of them.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,13:31   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 20 2006,17:40)
But you're assuming that allowing gay marriage won't have a positive impact on infection rates. But assume that marriage encourages much more homosexual behavior, and that this behavior leads to more disease.

Bill, Bill, Bill.

(When you say "positive" effect on infection rates, I assume you mean "bad" effect on infection rates).

What other assumption would I make? Infection rates are a function of the number of sexual partners, not the kind of sex. Unless you can show that gay marriage would increase, not decrease, sexual promiscuity, the only reasonable assumption is that gay marriage would reduce infection rates.

Again, I know you know this, but it bears repeating: gay sex doesn't cause AIDS. A monogamous married gay couple who have sex together five times a day doesn't increase infection rates. An unmarried gay man who has sex once a month with a different sex partner every time does.

Wouldn't a ban be effective then? And we know that gay behavior is dramatically more common in societies which normalize it (Ancient Greece and Rome, to give two historical examples, or prisons, for a contemporary one). Do we really want another bubonic plague on our hands?

It would only be effective if you believe that a ban on gay marriage equates to a ban on gay sex, and I know you don't believe that. Again (one more time for the hearing-impaired, and I don't mean you, Bill), gay behavior, in and of itself, does not spread infection. Multiple sex partners can spread infection, and how does gay marriage promote multiple sexual partners? Doesn't it have the opposite effect?

Also, why the worry about some sort of pandemic? HIV infection rates have been constant (i.e., not increasing) for twenty years now, with no reason to think gay marriage will change that, and there's no sign, after 20 years, that AIDS is going to "break out" of its current at-risk population. Everyone thought, 20 years ago, that it was only a matter of time before AIDS would burn its way through the het population, but it hasn't happened; it hasn't even burned its way through the gay population.

(Africa's another story, but I don't think anyone has a real grasp of what AIDS infection rates really are in Africa, nor does anyone have a plausible explanation for why the epidemiology is totally different in Africa.)

But in any event, I think it's a really tough row to hoe if you want to show that gay marriage will somehow increase promiscuity, since it's the promiscuity, and not "gay behavior" that increases infection rates.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,13:31   

Lurkers, please note that although liberals whine a lot about "civil" rights, they have little interest in restoring civil liberties for majority groups. Gay marriage? Oh yes, must be done, regardless of the impact on society. Freedom of association for everyone (as opposed to minority groups only, which is the situation in America)? #### no, because a few bigots might make it a little harder for minorities in some ways. Doesn't matter that this speculation is based on 40-year-old history and that contemporary surveys suggest that America's attitudes have changed. You see, liberals never have to show that they have cause - only conservatives.
Speaking of which:
ericmurphy writes:
Another thought, Bill, with respect to your trade of gay marriage for free association.

If I give you free association, aren't you getting something for nothing? Because free association would effectively mean that gay people only got marriage at the suffrance of straight people anyway. If some community doesn't want gay people to marry (or even live) there, I guess they're (the guy people, that is) out of luck, right?

No, communities wouldn't have the right to prohibit gay marriage, nor "zone" gays out. The right to association would apply only to privately-funded businesses, private clubs, and isolated neighborhoods. And remember, everyone would share the same rights. Please keep in mind that businesses value profit over bigotry, and that most Americans desire clean, safe neighborhoods where the same standard of behavior applies to each resident. This is the 21st century, you know. Time to get rid of the lava lamps.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,13:32   

ericmurphy opines,

(Before) a union between one man and one woman.

(after) a union between one person and one person.

On what basis have you restricted marriage to one person and one person?  Can some one person just marry himself?  Can one person and one person and one person not have a union sanctioned by the state?  Where are your equal protection laws in the case of 6 brothers looking to marrying and coerce society into benefitting our "union?"  

You have no rationale basis to exclude ANY consenting ADULT UNION, do you?  You are defining traditional marriage and therefore marriage itself out of existence.  Excuse me if some of us think you are quite arrogant.


You are a parody of modern "progressives" and all the stale and laughable arguments they put forward in any cultural debate.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,13:40   

Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ April 20 2006,18:24)


There's no need to be a redundant mouthy bigoted holier-than-thou prick.

Thanks, OA. You just saved me twenty minutes of typing.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,13:43   

Thordaddy the bigot foams:

You are a parody of modern "progressives" and all the stale and laughable arguments they put forward in any cultural debate.

LMAO!  This coming from a rabid homophobic bigot who himself has a deep obsession with anal sex, claims that homosexuality causes AIDS, and that gays have a secret agenda to distroy civilized society as we know it  :D  :D  :D

T-daddy, aren't you afraid to walk outside where a gay might accidentally brush against you and give you gay cooties?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,13:56   

Ghost, I am as frustrated with societies general attitude towards civil iberties as you are, and if legalizing gay marriage was a restriction on your freedoms, the I agree there would need to be some give and take, but I don't see how it is.

Anyone with even a smidgeon of brains recognizes the inherent risk of normalizing the "union" of two testosterone-driven males who's main sexual act is that of anal sex. You seem to be making the claim that the incidence of AIDS will decline with "gay" marriage?
No one is claiming to have any proof for that. What we are saying is that there is no reason to believe legalizing gay marriage will increase the amount of gay sex or promiscuity. Anal sex is already normalized to the point that anyone who wants to do it will do it, it isn't really a societal taboo anymore.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,14:11   


I'm afraid we're going in circles:

         Eric and Flint, obviously I'm trying to understand your position. In fact I think I do. You're both saying that I should make a reasonable case that allowing gay marriage, in and of itself, would effect the dire consequences I forsee. Now obviously I can't do that, because allowing gay marriage by itself won't do much of anything, at least immediately. Great. I admit that if you focus narrowly on this issue, it's hard to see the harm, particularly if you also assume that the right to marriage is not the state's to give. If I shared your assumptions and myopia on this topic, I would have conceded the argument long ago. However, I do not share these assumptions. Marriage is not a right that springs, full grown, from the brow of Justice, but rather a clever way for society to channel the people's sex drive for productive purposes. Look: sex is necessary for reproduction. However, unbridled sex is not only unnecessary, it's downright dangerous. Marriage ties the joy of sex to the responsibility of parenthood without causing an undue burden on unwilling participants. It bribes, yes bribes, people into behaving responsibly. But in order to understand its virtues, you must first recognize it for the compromise it is.
  Also: If my arguments about disease, the social compact, etc are just rationalizations for a visceral dislike for gay sex, then why did I offer a compromise? Why am I the only one who's trying to support his case with facts? Why am I working so hard to understand your point of view? None of my actions can be explained by your model.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,14:24   

Thordaddy rants:

Because most reasonable people recognize the inherent value of encouraging and promoting the basic foundation of a civilized society (one man, one woman)

For the lurkers:

What this debate really boils down to is the definition of man and woman.

For millennia the sexes have been defined only in those binary terms, based solely on a person's external plumbing.  As a general rule this works for most all cases, probably >95%.  The right to form legally recognized pairs has been based on this simple binary standard since the get go.

However, as human understanding has increased, it has become obvious that there exists a small but significant portion (<5%) of the population whose sexuality is NOT dependent solely on their genitalia.  Scientific evidence continues to mount that human sexuality is actually determined by a mixture of many factors - genetic, hormonal, and environmental - and that human sexuality can naturally fall anywhere along a spectrum, not just a binary genital-based either/or.

Gays and bi-sexuals are human beings who happen to fall on the edges of this spectrum.  They are not sinners, or evil, or decadent.  They're just everyday regular people, like every one else on this crowded planet.

The question now arises – given our new understanding, should society refuse to recognize the scientific realities and continue to unfairly discriminate against a portion of the naturally occurring population?

Gays and bisexuals don't want special rights or privileges.  They only want the exact same privileges granted to everyone else.  They want the right to form legally recognized pairs.  They want the right to not be fired from a job, or socially ostracized, or kicked and beaten just for being different.  And contrary to the bigoted bleating of sanctimonious assh*les like Thordaddy, society won’t crumble and fire & brimstone won’t rain down if gays are permitted the same legal rights as everyone is guaranteed under the Constitution.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,15:34   


Lurkers, please note that although liberals whine a lot about "civil" rights, they have little interest in restoring civil liberties for majority groups. Gay marriage? Oh yes, must be done, regardless of the impact on society. Freedom of association for everyone (as opposed to minority groups only, which is the situation in America)? #### no, because a few bigots might make it a little harder for minorities in some ways.

This complaint doesn't make sense to me, I admit. HOW does granting a right you have, to someone else equally deserving or not, diminish your right? YOUR marriage (if any) has not changed in any way. How is YOUR freedom of association diminished? I just don't see it. You seem to be implying that if gays have rights, you lose rights, as though this were a zero sum game, and by giving them the rights you have, you don't have them anymore. But rights are like happiness - you can make others happy and STILL be happy yourself.

I admit that if you focus narrowly on this issue, it's hard to see the harm, particularly if you also assume that the right to marriage is not the state's to give.

Confusing. What I've been talking about here is ONLY what the State has done. Maybe the "right" to marriage is part of the philosophy of equality under the law (a general principle you label "myopic", incredibly), but the legal condition of marriage is strictly a matter of State regulation and legal definition and precedent.

Marriage is not a right that springs, full grown, from the forehead of Justice, but rather a clever way for society to channel the people's sex drive for productive purposes.

Aha, we really ARE failing to communicate. Marriage is a *legal convention*, from the viewpoint of the State, to provide defaults for the distribution of property and the disposition of children. Legal marriage has nothing to do with sex, as I see it. The State isn't trying to "channel the sex drive", the State is trying to reduce the burden on the legal system.

Look: sex is necessary for reproduction. However, unbridled sex is not only unnecessary, it's downright dangerous.

And once again, a clear misunderstanding. I'm glad you've made this clear. I don't see sex and marriage as that closely tied together. From what I have read, there's a surprising number of mutually satisfying marriages where sex is no longer practiced (and in most of these, couldn't produce children anyway. Marriage in old age STILL involves the distribution of property).

Marriage ties the joy of sex to the responsibility of parenthood without causing an undue burden on unwilling participants. It bribes, yes bribes, people into behaving responsibly.

This is not what I've been talking about, but I can see that we have been talking past one another without realizing it. Marriage ties property rights to individuals, allocates legal responsibilities and privileges, simplifies probate, etc. Indeed, I'm kind of hard pressed to tie marriage to sex in the way you're saying here. If I am responsible, then I will bear children when I'm capable of raising them properly, and share the duties with someone I trust and am willing to spend that large chunk of my with with. If I am NOT responsible, committing marriage, regardless of the level of pomp and ceremony, is of no avail. I'd simply screw, breed, and bug out. What's the law going to do, really? Threaten me with property loss? If I'm irresponsible, chances are I won't have enough property to care about.

Also: If my arguments about disease, the social compact, etc are just rationalizations for a visceral dislike for gay sex, then why did I offer a compromise?

I didn't understand the compromise. I tried a few times, but still couldn't see it. Could you present it in different words? Presumably, this is what you're referring to when you speak of the 'social compact', but I'd like to understand this better.

Why am I the only one who's trying to support his case with facts?

So far, you have not done so, and I don't believe you CAN do so. If I were to produce scientific studies that fat people tend to have fat children, would that be "supporting my case" that fat people should be denied legal marriage? Would it be relevant at all?

Why am I working so hard to understand your point of view?

Believe it or not, I'm struggling to understand your point of view as well. So far, perhaps I am just dense. Here, at least I think we have made some progress. Marriage as I see it is a property arrangement. Procreation is biological, not legal. There's no real difference between children born to unwed mothers and children born in broken homes - both are raised by one or no parents.

When I decided to marry, I went down to the courthouse, paid $20, signed a form, and walked out married 10 minutes later. This was a couple decades ago, and my wife and I have never had any children. It was a property deal, plain and simple. My niece, now 45, decided to have a child and did so. Her parents never have found out who the father may have been; my niece doesn't consider this relevant. There is no shared property; marriage is moot. She is raising a wonderful son, planned it all out, is doing a fine job. And HER parents (my sister and her SO) also never married, because they never got around to it. They have wills leaving everything they have to each other; their children are long grown. Did marriage ever matter to them? SHOULD it have mattered?

(It just occurred to me that my next door neighbors just got married. They've been together 5 years, and have three children. What triggered the marriage is that they just started a small business with a bunch of inventory, investment, loans, and the like. Marriage simplified who owns what in the case of the death of either of them, and ensures that their children are beneficiaries in case they die together, since they now have something of real value to leave to their kids. A business deal. Otherwise, marriage is *entirely irrelevant*.)

And so I hope you can see that from my viewpoint, marriage is a legal condition, pure and simple, nothing else. Maybe the reason you don't respond to my question is because you don't understand what gays are asking. They are asking for the legal condition I purchased from the State for $20. That's all.

Anyway, I don't see any compromise when one side has a great deal to gain and neither side has anything to lose. I don't see that the facts you've presented are relevant to my notion of what marriage is all about, and so I'm not sure about your actions. I simply cannot see ANY plausible argument underlying your position. Maybe I'm just too much a victim, blinded by my ideology. I just know that essentially similar arguments have been made against freeing slaves, interracial marriage, enfranchising women, and the like. Always with what the heel-draggers consider good and sufficient cause.

But I did learn something here. For you, marriage is where sex happens (my position: false, weirdly false), if sex is not properly and narrowly channeled, society suffers (my position: almost surely false), marriage is NOT about property (my position: almost entirely false), condoning gay marriage will increase infection rates (my position: absurd! MUCH more likely that it will not change anyone's behavior in any visible way), and therefore, given this chain whose links aren't even in the same time zone, marriage should be denied. I remain dumbfounded. Maybe you aren't rationalizing a visceral dislike or a religious training, but in all sincerety, if that's not the reason, I'm going to have to start fishing in the waters of psychopathology. Because I'm otherwise defeated in my effort to make sense of this.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,15:52   

I'll have to pick this up later, but let me explain one thing. I made my "compromise" offer partly because I believe that legalization of gay marriage will lead to diminished freedom for everyone else down the road (including, ironically, gay people themselves). However, most of the rationale was to gain insight into other people's belief systems: what is most important to you, and why? I find it a little disturbing that no one would concede anything substantial (although Eric did try a little).

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,16:32   

... liberals ... have little interest in restoring civil liberties for majority groups. Gay marriage? Oh yes, must be done, regardless of the impact on society. Freedom of association for everyone (as opposed to minority groups only, which is the situation in America)? #### no, because a few bigots might make it a little harder for minorities in some ways.
I haven't been following this conversation closely, once I concluded it was going nowhere. So forgive me if this is covering old territory, but what this is code for? What conservatives' freedom of association is being blocked? KKK sockhops?  Timothy McVeigh memorial scout troops? People blocking access to minorities' access to schools? People blocking access to medical clinics? What?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,17:15   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 20 2006,19:11)
Eric and Flint, obviously I'm trying to understand your position. In fact I think I do. …

Look: sex is necessary for reproduction. However, unbridled sex is not only unnecessary, it's downright dangerous. Marriage ties the joy of sex to the responsibility of parenthood without causing an undue burden on unwilling participants. It bribes, yes bribes, people into behaving responsibly. But in order to understand its virtues, you must first recognize it for the compromise it is.
  Also: If my arguments about disease, the social compact, etc are just rationalizations for a visceral dislike for gay sex, then why did I offer a compromise? Why am I the only one who's trying to support his case with facts? Why am I working so hard to understand your point of view? None of my actions can be explained by your model.

Frankly, Bill, I'm not that interested in your motivations. You may be opposed to gay marriage because you genuinely believe it would have a negative effect on society, or you might be a rabid homophobe who's merely casting about for support, any support, for your febrile imaginings. I don't need to figure out your motivations, because they're really not that important to me.

But it seems strange to me that a conservative/libertarian would advocate using regulation to protect people from themselves. Seems to sort of go against the whole ethos, as it were.

My feeling is, everyone knows (or should know; it's not like the information is being hidden) that "unbridled sex" can be dangerous. So can bungee jumping, smoking, or driving your car. I trust the people can make informed decisions about what risks they're willing to take, and given that the behavior you're so worried about, i.e., promiscuous homosexual sex, is pretty easily avoided by those who wish to avoid it, I simply cannot see why the state has a vested interest in trying to protect people from themselves, especially given that your proposed fix, banning gay marriage, is unlikely to make the situation better, and in fact probably makes it worse.

If you think that forcing people to have children if they're going to have sex is going to reduce how much sex they have, I can point to almost 200,000 years of high fertility, and a current world population in excess of 6 billion, as pretty compelling evidence that you're wrong. Like most attempts at prohibition, trying to make people not have sex is doomed to failure. Never has worked, never will work.

On the other hand, allowing gay people to marry, and thereby enjoying the various rights and responsibilities appertaining thereunto, will at a minimum provide some additional incentive, however small, to engage in long-term, monogamous relationships, and isn't that actually the goal you claim to seek? I just cannot see legalizing gay marriage working any other way. Gay men will continue to have sex with each other, marriage or not, but preventing gay marriage is likely having the opposite effect you would like it to have.

I think it really is as simple as that.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,17:44   


Are you really arguing that "homosexuals" are advocating for "marriage" so they will commit themselves to long-term relationships?

Homosexuals that seek long-term commitments will go to a liberal church and exchange vows and make convenants.

Homosexuals that seek personal validation will redefine traditional marriage using judicial fiats.

If you're are fine with the latter then all your appeals to American values is but a smokescreen.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,18:36   

Thordaddy the bigot continues with his infinite loop of stupidity:

Homosexuals that seek long-term commitments will go to a liberal church and exchange vows and make convenants.

And for the fifteenth time It will be pointed out to this dumba$$ that gays are denied the right to form a legally binding state recognized partnership of marriage with all its associated privileges, a right that is freely available to all other non-gay citizens through marriage.

Homosexuals that seek personal validation will redefine traditional marriage using judicial fiats.

Another lie from the dumba$$.  Actually it’s the same lie he has repeated over and over and over, as if he tells it enough times it will become true.

Gays do not seek to redefine the rights and privileges granted to a couple that is engaged in a traditional marriage.  They only wish to not be denied those same rights.

I do not answer Thordaddy’s rants to try and change his mind.  He was a self righteous homophobic bigot yesterday, he’s a self righteous homophobic bigot today, and tomorrow’s not looking any better.  My comments are for the lurkers, with the idea that prejudice and hatred like Thordaddy’s should be opposed every time it rears its ugly head.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,19:01   


Is this some kind of Pavlonian experiment?  As you repeat the same tired "progressive" cliche time after time, you then accuse me of repeating myself.

You opine,

And for the fifteenth time It will be pointed out to this dumba$$ that gays are denied the right to form a legally binding state recognized partnership of marriage with all its associated privileges, a right that is freely available to all other non-gay citizens through marriage.

And for the 15th time we can unequivocally state that this isn't about marriage, but instead accruing benefits by changing the law through judicial fiat to assuage a very small, but powerful radical minority.

Next you say,

Another lie from the dumba$$.  Actually it’s the same lie he has repeated over and over and over, as if he tells it enough times it will become true.

Gays do not seek to redefine the rights and privileges granted to a couple that is engaged in a traditional marriage.  They only wish to not be denied those same rights.

Gay advocates aren't seeking to redefine traditional marriage?  Then let the "homosexual" marry according to the same law that applies to ALL of US who intend to get married.

How does the law apply differently to those who seek to get married, straight or gay?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,19:22   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 21 2006,00<!--emo&:0)

Is this some kind of Pavlonian experiment?  As you repeat the same tired "progressive" cliche time after time, you then accuse me of repeating myself.

You opine,

And for the fifteenth time It will be pointed out to this dumba$$ that gays are denied the right to form a legally binding state recognized partnership of marriage with all its associated privileges, a right that is freely available to all other non-gay citizens through marriage.

And for the 15th time we can unequivocally state that this isn't about marriage, but instead accruing benefits by changing the law through judicial fiat to assuage a very small, but powerful radical minority.

Next you say,

Another lie from the dumba$$.  Actually it’s the same lie he has repeated over and over and over, as if he tells it enough times it will become true.

Gays do not seek to redefine the rights and privileges granted to a couple that is engaged in a traditional marriage.  They only wish to not be denied those same rights.

Gay advocates aren't seeking to redefine traditional marriage?  Then let the "homosexual" marry according to the same law that applies to ALL of US who intend to get married.
How does the law apply differently to those who seek to get married, straight or gay?

1. Yes. Those unholy gays want the same rights as everyone else. Shocking!

2. Straights can gain financial/legal/social advantages from marrying somebody they love and find sexualy atractive. You would deny that to gays.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,19:53   

Thordaddy the bigot rants:

Is this some kind of Pavlonian experiment?  As you repeat the same tired "progressive" cliche time after time, you then accuse me of repeating myself.

You have been repeating yourself dumba$$, over and over and over with the same tired lies.  And each time you were answered, and each time *you* were too chickensh*t to answer all the other questions you've left hanging on this thread. Why is that?

And for the 15th time we can unequivocally state that this isn't about marriage, but instead accruing benefits by changing the law through judicial fiat to assuage a very small, but powerful radical minority.

First you started out with "being gay is a lifestyle choice", then moved to "Gays cause AIDS", then "Gays are pedophiles", then "Gays want to destroy society", and now its "Gays just want marriage for financial gain".  Your bigoted little mind just doesn't know what lie to use next, now does it dumba$$?

Gay advocates aren't seeking to redefine traditional marriage?

Oh, like the definition of "traditional marriage" that said one couldn't marry outside of one's race until that law was changed?   Did giving interracial couples the right to marry destroy "traditional marriage"?  

Then let the "homosexual" marry according to the same law that applies to ALL of US who intend to get married.

Gee, that's the exact same argument the racial bigots used to oppose interracial marriage.  It was a worthless argument that failed miserably then, it's still a worthless argument that's failing miserably now.

Here's an idea -  we could change the law so that it no longer unfairly discriminates but applies equally to ALL couples who wish to marry.  Equality under the law - what a novel concept for a bigoted dumba$$ like you, eh?

The more you rant and lie, the more you remind me of another dishonest sh*t-for-brains moron named Larry Fafarman.  Are you guys related?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,21:27   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 20 2006,22:44)

Are you really arguing that "homosexuals" are advocating for "marriage" so they will blah blah blah…

Thordaddy—[thinking better of it] never mind.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,02:39   

Just to point out the obvious, TD still hasn't explained why he thinks traditional male/female marriages are so special.  They simply are, and anyone who doesn't know why is apparently an idiot.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,02:41   


I find it a little disturbing that no one would concede anything substantial (although Eric did try a little).

Concede what, and to whom? "Concessions" are only meaningful if your assumptions are correct. As I have explained, what I'm arguing for is to change a win-lose situation into a win-win situation *at no cost to anyone and great benefit to some*. Are you saying that those who neither gain nor lose (according to my assumptions) must nonetheless volunteer to lose something to meet your assumptions?

I believe that legalization of gay marriage will lead to diminished freedom for everyone else down the road (including, ironically, gay people themselves).

OK, this is the crux of the matter. So far, I haven't seen any trace of either (1) what anyone might conceivably lose; or (2) how that might happen. I've seen your repeated assertion that everyone WILL lose, according to assumptions I can't attach to any underlying reality.

I understand that some people regard previous extensions of civil rights to identified groups (blacks, women) to have been a net cost. I also understand that the net cost has been, THEY are no longer institutionally superior. They can no longer own slaves, and women tend to vote slightly more to the left than men. Terrible social cost, eh?


So forgive me if this is covering old territory, but what this is code for? What conservatives' freedom of association is being blocked?

While this question is old territory, any *answer* to this question would be new and exciting. So far, the closest we have come is "I assume I would lose freedom of association, I won't say why or how, I assume this, and it's your fault for not conceding the truth of my assumption." I think this is where we reach the end of the road.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,02:45   

What is meant by "freedom of association"?

Is this it?

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,03:23   

Ghost quoted the libertarian definition. Basically the result is that it allows people to discriminate against whoever they want. So for example a company could refuse to hire gay people, or a shop to refuse to serve black people. Although as I pointed out before, to make most libertarian economic ideas workable, you either need to abolish limited liability all together, or accept that these companies are extensions of the state, and freedom of association does not mean state sponsered discrimination. This also means ending any kind of positive discrimination on the part of the state, except perhaps where it is of practical benefit.

I don't understand the point of bringing this up though, because I don't see how legalizing gay marriage will have as nearly as much of an effect as complete freedom of association. It isn't give and take, allowing gays to marry will not affect Ghost or Thordaddy in the slightest. The only peoples lives to be affected will be the people who get married. I think Ghost would agree with me that no one has the right not to be offended by the sight of gay people any more than a gay person would have the right to be offended in his world where he wasn't allowed into a shop. I am still waiting on this thread for someone to give a reason why legalizing gay marriage would cause an increase in anal sex, promiscuity or HIV infection rate. There seems to be an assumption that more people will be gay if it is 'normalized'. Im sure more people will be openly gay who wouldn't have been before, but I can guarentee that they were still having sex with men, and in my experience gay people who are not openly gay are more likely to be promiscuos because they are not able to have a steady relationship.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,03:32   

Has he ever suggested what he'd do differently if he had his perfect freedom of association?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,04:34   


There seems to be an assumption that more people will be gay if it is 'normalized'. Im sure more people will be openly gay who wouldn't have been before, but I can guarentee that they were still having sex with men, and in my experience gay people who are not openly gay are more likely to be promiscuos because they are not able to have a steady relationship.

I don't think there's an assumption that more people will be gay, which seems to be an involuntary condition from very early in life. I think instead the assumption is that without the stigma of social disapproval, more people with homosexual tendencies will experiment with their inclinations, since they would face less risk of social rejection. And I'd be willing to consider that more experimenters means more opportunity for disease to be spread, even to the heterosexual community.

So the next chain in the argument seems to be that the State's official sanction of same-sex marriage would go a long way toward (or at least sharply start the process of) alleviating the pure blind bigotry thordaddy epitomizes. Ghost surely relies on the many thordaddies' totally brainless hatred to serve as his spear-carriers.

But I don't think current State marriage policies really affect gay relationships very much. The desire to be part of a loyally monogamous partnership isn't something the State can possibly either give you, or deny you.

What I don't see is how the possibility of greater prevalence of certain serious diseases is a valid reason to deny due process of law. If anything, this would incite more effective public health programs. I think Ghost has made a deal with the devil here.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,04:46   

I also cannot see how allowing gays to marry will make more people gay.

Possibly it would encourage more gays to be open about thier sexuality.

Could that help spread disease? Possibly, but not conclusive.

Surely it is a worse tragedy for both partners if a gay person marries a member of the opposite sex to pretend at "normality".

Also it could be that having a possibility of state recognised "marriage" could persuade some gays into a long term relationship and away from promiscuous casual sexual encounters.

Most of that is just conjecture though. My main argument is that all citizens should be entitled to the same freedoms under the law.

EDIT: I am confused as to why "freedom of asociation" should enter into the argument. Sounds like another misnomer. How is one persons right to refuse service to another "freedom of asociation"? What about the freedom of the person refused service?

To me it is a grey area. The choice of words is missleading.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,05:24   


Since Ghost doesn't seem to be around right now, I'll play devil's advocate and guess in his stead, probably wildly wrong:

How is one persons right to refuse service to another "freedom of asociation"? What about the freedom of the person refused service?

The argument isn't that there is a one-to-one correspondence between a gay person being granted equal rights, and Ghost losing that right. The argument is that permitting gay marriage is Yet Another Step in the gradual deterioration of the national moral fiber. Gays face discrimination over more than marriage; they face a lot of de facto discrimination from the national thordaddy army. Overcoming that sort of discrimination typically means affirmative action type programs, increasingly intrusive and micromanaging legislation. "What, your company has no gays, when gays represent 3% of your local population? You are ipso facto discriminating, you must hire 11 gays and pay a fine. THEN, of course, you must associate with those gays we made you hire *whether you want to or not.* You must not discriminate against them in promotions, wage scales, benefits, or any other way. And to make sure you don't, you must submit (in triplicate) a zillion forms and hire an extra lawyer to handle it, and so on ad nauseum." And that's the American approach to solving social injustices.

And of course the same rules forbidding discrimination-in-practice apply to the clubs you belong to, the bars you visit, the restaurants you eat at, and everywhere else where not associating with those you don't wish to associate with constitutes illegal discrimination. Which may very well mean you can no longer avoid extensive daily association with victims of a deadly incurable disease, which may very well be getting more widespread as a result of these policies. So you're hit with a double whammy: more people have the disease, and it's basically impossible to avoid them anymore.

Yeah, you can still marry and/or befriend the people of your choice. But does that mean you pay no costs?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,07:25   

Quote (Flint @ April 21 2006,10:24)

Since Ghost doesn't seem to be around right now, I'll play devil's advocate and guess in his stead, probably wildly wrong…


I'm impressed. I could be wrong here (and I'm sure Bill will point it out to me if I am), but I think you've really articulated Mr. Paley's arguments better than he himself has.

But to play your anti-devil's advocate: as you said yourself, these dire predictions about immense social upheavals (ending slavery, women's suffrage, ending anti-miscegination laws) have a history of never coming true. Bill has never tried to hide his resentment of affirmative action laws, but he's also never really come up with evidence that they've been terribly destructive.

Sure, sometimes affirmative action laws go awry, and sometimes unqualified people end up in positions they're not competent enough to execute (on the other hand, one look at the White House is enough to show that plenty of incompetents end up in positions of responsibility with no help from affirmative action laws). But personally I think the whole anti-A.A. argument is making a mountain range out of a mole hill. Obviously, I think the same is true of the anti-gay marriage argument.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,07:44   

I admit that I am totally against A.A. Assuming that it means the same a Positive Discrimination in the UK.

In the long-run, I doubt it will help anyone.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,07:50   

Gays face discrimination over more than marriage; they face a lot of de facto discrimination from the national thordaddy army. Overcoming that sort of discrimination typically means affirmative action type programs, increasingly intrusive and micromanaging legislation. "What, your company has no gays, when gays represent 3% of your local population? You are ipso facto discriminating, you must hire 11 gays and pay a fine. THEN, of course, you must associate with those gays we made you hire *whether you want to or not.* You must not discriminate against them in promotions, wage scales, benefits, or any other way. And to make sure you don't, you must submit (in triplicate) a zillion forms and hire an extra lawyer to handle it, and so on ad nauseum." And that's the American approach to solving social injustices.

Yes! you're so close, now take that final step. What if a lack of proportional representation is not due to bigotry, but simply an example of bad logic wedded to innumeracy. For example, basic probability argues that we would expect a sizable number of companies to have an unusually high or low proportion of gays; when you consider that many gays actively choose occupations conducive to their culture (the fashion industry and Hollywood, for example), that increases the likehood of "discrimination". In other words, probability predicts an unequal distribution of groups across industries absent culture. And as we know, culture is never absent. The government knows this very well - they just hope that Joe Sixpack continues to flunk his statistics classes. More later.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,07:53   


Since we're playing this game...

as you said yourself, these dire predictions about immense social upheavals (ending slavery, women's suffrage, ending anti-miscegination laws) have a history of never coming true.

But they most emphatically DID come true for certain people. Slaveowners lost *very* expensive property without recompense, and also lost what historians have determine was in fact (by about 3-4%) the most profitable way to operate their businesses. Affirmative action has cost me at least two jobs I wanted, and made another impossible to perform. It has kept qualified people out of college programs. It has obliged bigots to share bus seats with untouchables. The costs all along the line have been very real, and *on balance* quite negative for quite a few people, in their assessment. It's certainly not a slam dunk.

Yes, even despite my experiences, I find the nation a better place to live. Maybe the majority does.

And there is some suggestion in the morass of evidence that extending the vote to women accelerated the "government owes you a living" mentality exaggerated by Ghost's flavor of conservative.

My own politics are that by and large this has NOT been a net benefit for the nation. Most past social programs have been brute-force paint-over-the-symptoms efforts, requiring huge bureaucracy and stonkingly high taxes to BOTH give lots of people a fish every single day, AND ensure that whatever they do, the can NEVER learn to fish. In the name of compassion, we have been *purchasing* dependency and ignorance at great expense, both financial and human.

Part of the argument I've made is that gays have not historically been obvious enough to enable the kind of broad discrimination aimed at those (like blacks and women) visibly "not like us". Which is to say, they are NOT wildly underrepresented in most walks of life; they are even (mis)represented on TV as having unusually good taste. Compare how gays are depicted on TV and in movies with (shudder) motorcyclists or (even today) Germans.

So I think Ghost's worries have some basis in precedent, but he's targeting a population where these concerns are only very weakly applicable. And he seems to recognize this, so he focuses instead on the potential for the spread of disease. And I don't see any compelling reason to accept that prediction. Doesn't mean I'm right, but denial of marriage is STILL not an appropriate response to a public health issue.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,08:11   


What if a lack of proportional representation is not due to bigotry, but simply an example of bad logic wedded to innumeracy.

Not sure I understand what step you're asking me to take here. Surely (just as an example) whites are WAY underrepresented in the NBA, while blacks are essentially nonexistent in the NHL. Nobody is (at least to my knowledge) charging discrimination in either case. Why not?

In other words, probability predicts an unequal distribution of groups across industries absent culture. And as we know, culture is never absent.

You are surely correct. Culture combined with stochastics will mean a highly unequal representation of EVERY identifiable group nearly everywhere. And so, like you, I oppose the simplistic approach of trying to impose equal representation in opposition to normal trends and forces having nothing to do with bigotry. I much prefer that where bigotry clearly exists, redress should be possible.

But I can't believe your argument is that to avoid trying to battle this tar baby case by case, we should institutionalize bigotry. That cure is much worse than the disease.

As I told ericmurphy, I think the connection you're trying to draw is too weak to carry the weight you give it. Gays are really not facing much of that sort of discrimination. Yes, my personal conviction that affirmative action got out of hand, doesn't counter the fact that it DID get out of hand. I just don't see it as being the case that gays lack objective merit at job requirements across the board, and so there's no need to cram those who LACK merit into positions that require it, in the hopes that someday maybe it will kind of happen somehow.

So we're reached an impasse: I claim (in the absence of any supporting national experience) that extending legal marriage to gays will prove satisfactory and sufficient, and change nothing about anyone's behavior. You claim (in equal absence of experience) that granting legal marriage will initiate a cascade of unpleasant reactions.

Perhaps we should both turn a careful eye toward Massachusetts. The experience there may well provide a strong indication as to whose anticipations are the more accurate. What do you think?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,09:18   

What none of the "gay" marriage advocates seem to want to face is that marriage will become a meaningless concept and that certainly seems their intent.

One what basis will the government (our society) have to DENY ANY ADULT UNION and grant it "equal" privileges?

It's very simple.  If any adult union is required state sanction then we are simply back to square one with a population that is "oblivious" to ANY civilizational foundations.

Are the "gay" advocates really claiming that ALL ADULT UNIONS are equal to each other and the ONE MAN/ONE WOMAN has no inherent value above and beyond the infinite number of other potential adult unions?

This question will be avoided like the plague.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,09:21   


Just guessing, I'd say that majority of people posting to this thread, for one reason or another, are opposed to affirmative action. I agree that a pretty good case can be made that it's not a very good solution to the problem of historical lack of opportunity for some groups of people.

However, despite all its warts, I think affirmative action is pretty far down the list of significant social issues that needs to be remedied. Let's admit, for the sake of argument, that affirmative action results in some qualified people from majority populations losing economic opportunities they wouldn't have lost in a perfect world, and some unqualified people undeservedly getting economic advantages they would not have gotten in a perfect world.

So what? How much past injustice have these groups suffered? Okay, so a few white males have been passed over in favor of less-qualifed minorites. Looking at the current economic opportunities available to a European-American male in San Francisco, compared to the economic opportunities available to, say an African-American female, it's hard for me to generate much sympathy for the white dude. And I am a white dude.

If you want to argue that affirmative action doesn't help minorities, okay, that's a legitimate argument, and I think it's possible to take a principled stance on either side of that fence. But whining about poor, oppressed white people  suffering at the hands of state-sponsored discimination just doesn't resonate with me.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,09:31   

Okay, Thordaddy, despite the fact that I've answered this question at least half a dozen times, I'll answer it once more in case you missed it (pardon me while I fail to show astonishment), and never again:
Quote (thordaddy @ April 21 2006,14:18)
Are the "gay" advocates really claiming that ALL ADULT UNIONS are equal to each other and the ONE MAN/ONE WOMAN has no inherent value above and beyond the infinite number of other potential adult unions.

Yep. That's what we're claiming.

Now, for the question I guarantee you'll never answer, because you don't have a clue how to answer it, other than to say, "well, it's obvious, isn't it!":

Why does the one man/one woman union have inherent value above and beyond all other potential adult unions?

Until you've answered this question, I request you stop posting to this thread, because until you do answer it, you've got nothing further to argue.

And I don't want to hear "because a one man/one woman union is the foundation of all society," because a) we've all heard you say that about a million times before, and b) it assumes what you're trying to prove.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,09:33   

Well, it's hard to resist shooting fish in barrels:

Are the "gay" advocates

No gay advocates here. Equal rights under the law advocates only.

really claiming that ALL ADULT UNIONS are equal to each other

In principle, probably. Depends on how the law would be modified to accommodate them. Same-sex unions require no legal modifications, so there's no speculation there. They are equal. Period.

and the ONE MAN/ONE WOMAN has no inherent value above and beyond the infinite number of other potential adult unions?

Nope, one man/one woman has no inherent value above and beyond any legal marriage (according to current legal provisions encompassing legal marriage) involving any two consenting adults.

Changing the scope of marriage to allow MORE than two consenting adults would entail rewriting a great many regulations and policies. Whether or not the result is desirable would depend on how these policies were modified.

This question will be avoided like the plague.

Obviously not so. Current marriage regulations (all 10,000+ of them) can equally accommodate any 2-adult relationship, without change. That's because any such relationships ARE the same, in the eyes of the law. And when you get over 10,000 detailed differences, we're talking about a legal coverage as specific as a paint job on a car. If that paint job fits another car *without changing whatsoever*, you have two identical cars.

And the conclusion is unavoidable: ALL current detailed legalities apply to ANY 2-adult relationship, regardless of gender. Nothing needs to change except the bigotry.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,09:38   


But whining about poor, oppressed white people  suffering at the hands of state-sponsored discimination just doesn't resonate with me.

I don't think that's really the complaint here. What I'm reading is a kind of chain-reaction where affirmative action will serve to insert gays into society pervasively enough to make them hard to avoid, while simultaneously encouraging them to spread disease more effectively, thus exposing us normal people unnecessarily.

The whole thing smells like a "keep them in their place and avoid trouble before it starts" argument.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,09:40   

Not sure I understand what step you're asking me to take here. Surely (just as an example) whites are WAY underrepresented in the NBA, while blacks are essentially nonexistent in the NHL. Nobody is (at least to my knowledge) charging discrimination in either case. Why not?

Apparently you don't follow sports very much: if fact, that's exactly what the media charges. Of course, they only fret if there are too many whites; majority-black sports like basketball or track never suffer from a lack of "diversity". Let's do a little quiz: which of the following athletes has made the cover of Time?

1) Jeremy Wariner
2) Roman Sebrle
3) Vitali Klitschko
4) Tiger Woods
5) Yuliya Nesterenko

Be honest, Flint: How many of these names do you even recognise?

But I can't believe your argument is that to avoid trying to battle this tar baby case by case, we should institutionalize bigotry. That cure is much worse than the disease.

Eh? Allowing freedom of association is institutionalising bigotry? Who's making unwarranted assumptions now?  :p
Perhaps we should both turn a careful eye toward Massachusetts. The experience there may well provide a strong indication as to whose anticipations are the more accurate. What do you think?

I was going to propose Great Britain as a test case, but Massachusetts works. By the way, here's a sample of what British crime thinkers can expect in the future:

Swedish anti-gay pastor acquitted  

Pastor Ake Green: Tested Sweden's tough hate crimes legislation
Sweden's Supreme Court has acquitted a Pentecostal pastor accused of inciting hatred against homosexuals.
In a sermon two years ago, Pastor Ake Green told his congregation that homosexuality was a "deep cancer tumour" on society.

He was convicted in 2004 under Sweden's hate crimes law.

But on Tuesday the court upheld an appeals court verdict that Pastor Green's remarks did not constitute incitement to hatred.

In a 16-page ruling, the Supreme Court said his sermon was protected by freedom of speech and religion.

Mr Green was the first cleric convicted under Sweden's new hate crimes law, which was amended two years ago to include homosexuals.

[Paley's emphasis]

But all we have to fear itself - right guys?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,09:46   


Eh? Allowing freedom of association is institutionalising bigotry? Who's making unwarranted assumptions now?

We seem to have a terminology issue. How does *forbidding* gay people from marrying translate to "allowing freedom of association"? I doubt even George Orwell could have connected them this way.

But all we have to fear itself - right guys?

Again, I don't quite see your point. In the cited case, I agree with the judge. In fact, I think the whole idea of "hate crimes" is much too difficult to define, to be supportable. If someone commits a crime, they should be punished for the crime they commited *irrespective* of any purported hateful motivation they may harbor.

But where is your problem specifically?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,10:05   

Quote (Flint @ April 21 2006,14:38)

I don't think that's really the complaint here. What I'm reading is a kind of chain-reaction where affirmative action will serve to insert gays into society pervasively enough to make them hard to avoid, while simultaneously encouraging them to spread disease more effectively, thus exposing us normal people unnecessarily.

Agreed, that's not the specific issue here. I was making a more general comment about A.A. in general.

And it's always interesting how problems like proverty, lack of immunization programs for children, etc. get short shrift, but AIDS looms as a civilization killer in the minds of many. Let's face it: if you're straight, the chances of contracting AIDS are slightly higher than the chances of being struck by a meteor.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,10:13   

While Flint is squinting at my multiple-choice quiz while asking himself, "Who the #### are these people surrounding Tiger Woods?", let me just say that I finally figured out why we've been talking past each other: we have radically different conceptions of what marriage does. Although societies and their monarchs have traditionally used marriage as a means to cement treaties, transfer property, and grant privileges, marriage mainly serves as an incentive (along with the economic goodies that surround it) to keep men faithful to their families. Tons of research document how children suffer when they are raised illegitimately; I won't insult your intelligence by citing it. Marriage is not a right one has, it is a privilege one earns.
We seem to have a terminology issue. How does *forbidding* gay people from marrying translate to "allowing freedom of association"? I doubt even George Orwell could have connected them this way.

I never said it does. But if nontraditional groups wish to marry, shouldn't others have the right to shield themselves from the consequences of granting that right? This is what progressives consistently fail to recognise: freedom without responsibility is a meaningless concept. Sometimes, it's the difference between life and death.

Just out of curiousity: how many names did you recognise? Flint? Eric? Anyone? I'm genuinely curious about this.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,10:19   

And it's always interesting how problems like proverty, lack of immunization programs for children, etc. get short shrift, but AIDS looms as a civilization killer in the minds of many.

Yep. And if we have an epidemic on our hands, would that increase the level of funds for childhood immunization, or decrease it?
Let's face it: if you're straight, the chances of contracting AIDS are slightly higher than the chances of being struck by a meteor.

And that meteor's headed right for Earth.  :(

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,10:22   

Flint and Eric,

If one man/one woman has "no inherent value" then certainly one man/one man has no inherent value either and yet both of you are debating vigoriously for its sanctioning.  Why?

Why are you opining for equal insignificance?

And why are you against ADULT CONSENTING UNIONS outside of one man/one man or one woman/one woman?  Bigotry, intolerance, discrimination?

Neither of you seem to take your stance to its logical conclusion which is to dismantle traditional marriage and its underlying foundation for civilized society.

You both are rendering ANY and ALL UNIONS meaningless by destroying the standard-bearer, namely, one man/one woman.  Neither you have any positive argument for "gay" marriage other than you think it's only "fair."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,10:23   

I just did a little research on the  Centers for Disease Control's website, and I came across some statistics for deaths per 100,000 in the U.S. from various causes for 2003 (the most recent year available). Of the 17 listed causes, HIV/AIDS comes in dead last, at 4.7/100,000, behind homicide (6.0), chronic liver disease (9.3), and influenza (22.0). And, in response to Bill's fears of a new plague, that number is less than half the figure for 1990 (10.2). Sure doesn't look like any kind of epidemic to me. Generally, with an epidemic, you'd expect to see the numbers increasing, but in fact they've been declining every single year.

The good Rev has yet to describe a mechanism by which a social institution that promotes sexual monogamy will actually result in increased sexual promiscuity, other than the rather slippery hypothesis that "mainstreaming" gays will somehow make them more promiscuous as a group than they already are. But let's face it: in order to make HIV/AIDS any kind of a healthcare crisis, even on the level of, e.g. diabetes, all those party-boys would really have to get busy.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,10:25   

Tons of research document how children suffer when they are raised illegitimately; I won't insult your intelligence by citing it.

You sure know how not to make a point. So OK, are you saying that gays should be permitted to marry but not raise children? Or that they shouldn't be permitted to marry until AFTER they have adopted children? Just exactly what relationship exists in your mind between gay marriage and illegitimate children that you are taking so much for granted you didn't even need to say it?

Marriage is not a right one has, it is a privilege one earns.

OK, I'll bite. Let's say you are gay, you have been living with a steady partner for a decade or two, and you wish to marry him. What *additional hoops* do you think you should jump through, to earn this 'privilege'? A 'privilege' that, if you were NOT gay, you'd have 'earned' simply by being born - EVEN IF you were in jail for child molestation!

But if nontraditional groups wish to marry, shouldn't others have the right to shield themselves from the consequences of granting that right?

WHAT consequences? Again, you take these things so much for granted you don't seem to understand that you are the ONLY one who can find anything to worry about, or even *define* what *might* happen, to worry about. How are two committed people in a marriage causing you consequences you need to be shielded from? What ARE these consequences? How are those two committed people less responsible than you are? How are they so MUCH less responsible than the child molester in prison that they should be denied what the child molester is not? PLEASE make sense.

how many names did you recognise?

None of them.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,10:26   

You both are rendering ANY and ALL UNIONS meaningless by destroying the standard-bearer, namely, one man/one woman.

If you can't come up with any specific, unique value for this "standard-bearer", why are you defending it?

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,10:39   

I did make the effort to look up Ghost's names, all but 2 of which are track and field athletes mentioned only during the Olympics. Klitschko is a boxer.

I admit the point escapes me. I'm a baseball fan, and I'm sure I could name half a dozen members of the World Series champion White Sox that Ghost has never heard of. So?

Meanwhile, in that same post, I realize that Ghost and I are talking past one another once again. I agreed that granting equal legal rights to gays would have legal ramifications, which (as in Sweden) would need to be hammered out case by case over time. I suggested that knowing in advance that this happens, ought not to be justification for denying equal rights altogether. Apparently Ghost believes otherwise -- *provided*, of course, HE isn't the one denied due process... HE 'earns' the 'privilege' of marriage by, well, because. So there.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,10:51   

You know, Thordaddy, I can only imagine how appallingly badly you did on your reading comprehension tests in school.

Exhibit A:

Quote (thordaddy @ April 21 2006,15:22)
Flint and Eric,

If one man/one woman has "no inherent value" then certainly one man/one man has no inherent value either and yet both of you are debating vigoriously for its sanctioning.  Why?

Where did anyone say there's "no inherent value" to a one man/one woman union? No one has ever said that. If you'd slow down and actually read the entire sentence, you'd be able to contribute meaningfully to this discussion.

What people are actually saying is that a one man/one woman union has no inherent value over and above all other types of union. How many times are we going to have to admonish you to read what's actually written, and not just a fragement of what's actually written?

And why are you against ADULT CONSENTING UNIONS outside of one man/one man or one woman/one woman?  Bigotry, intolerance, discrimination?

Thordaddy, are you having a bad day today, or what? Where have I ever said that I'm against any kind of union between or among consenting adults? Whatever kind of crazed misreading of anyone's posts here led you to the conclusion that anyone is opposed to heterosexual marriage?

Neither of you seem to take your stance to its logical conclusion which is to dismantle traditional marriage and its underlying foundation for civilized society.

I'm not going to let you get away with this, Thordaddy. I've asked you half a dozen times to justify your claim that one man/one woman unions are the foundation for civilized society, and so far I've come up empty-handed. You seem to think that this claim is so self-evident that it needs no justification. You couldn't be more wrong.

You're also wrong that allowing gay marrige would "dismantle traditional marriage," and haven't given any argument why you think this is the case. Do you believe that if gay people started getting married, straight people would stop getting married? As I said a few pages ago, this is about the stupidest argument against gay marriage it's possible to make.

You both are rendering ANY and ALL UNIONS meaningless by destroying the standard-bearer, namely, one man/one woman.  Neither you have any positive argument for "gay" marriage other than you think it's only "fair."

One more time, you've failed to explain how letting gay people marry will stop straight people from marrying, or indeed how gay marriage would have any effect whatsoever on straight marriage, let alone "destroy" it.

And what do you mean we haven't given any positive argument in favor of gay marriage? Oh, wait—I forgot; you don't really read other people's posts. So you didn't see that several people have argued that allowing gay marriage is likely to reduce promiscuity in the gay population, thereby reducing the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases.

Or maybe you don't think that's a positive argument?

I asked you stop posting to this thread until you could answer the question I posed: why do you think that a one man/one woman union is inherently of greater value than any other sort of union. Since you have so far failed to answer that question, my request stands.

P.S. Before anyone upbraids me for wasting my time responding to Thordaddy's rants, let me reiterate that my responses are not for Thordaddy's benefit.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,11:25   

The only reason I can see for claiming a special case for 1 man + 1 woman marriage is child rearing.

I can see an inherant value for a state to encourage a couple to stay in a stable relationship and share responsibility for raising children.

However, in this day and age plenty of couples remain childless. Why are they more deserving of tax/social/legal privileges because the couple is not same-sex?

TBH I am sick of trying to answer t-daddy.

Ghost: Tiger Woods was the only name I recognised.

Eric: The reasons I am oposed to A.A is that I dislike racial discrimination while you seem to be saying it is ok so long as only whites suffer it.

Also if people are allowed to do jobs they are not qualified to do. You are patronising them. Basically you will be saying "you are only a poor ignorant non-white, nobody could expect you to atain our ability".

Now imagine in ten years time after this policy has been ongoing, your child is ill. Something life threatening. You have a choice of 2 doctors. 1 black 1 white. You would go for the white 1 every single time if that is all you know about them. After all, you know the white guy has to be far more qualified to achieve the same position.

The whole notion of overcoming discrimination by practicing discrimination is apalling to me. Far better to give everyone an equal oportunity to better themselves and judge only on merit.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,11:29   

I can see an inherant value for a state to encourage a couple to stay in a stable relationship and share responsibility for raising children.

But obviously this is not exclusive of 1 man + 1 woman couples.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,11:41   

Quote (improvius @ April 21 2006,16:29)
I can see an inherant value for a state to encourage a couple to stay in a stable relationship and share responsibility for raising children.

But obviously this is not exclusive of 1 man + 1 woman couples.

No it isn't now. Traditionaly though, this has been the case. After all, it takes a man woman union to naturally produce kids.

I imagine that the original idea behind providing incentives (a bribe) to stay as a couple was to do with taking joint responsibility for raising the product of sexual activity.

It is surely ideal for a child to be raised by a loving couple. That they (the couple) take responsibility for producing educated well-adjusted adults.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,11:59   


I'm not going to spend too much time on the subject of affirmative action because it's not a subject near and dear to my heart. But heavens, I think I might have caught you (presumably unwittingly) making an ugly racist remark:

Quote (Stephen Elliott @ April 21 2006,16:25)
Now imagine in ten years time after this policy has been ongoing, your child is ill. Something life threatening. You have a choice of 2 doctors. 1 black 1 white. You would go for the white 1 every single time if that is all you know about them. After all, you know the white guy has to be far more qualified to achieve the same position.

(which is not to be construed to mean that I think you personally are an ugly racist. You may just not have thought through the implications of what you're saying).

I definitely do not know that just because a black doctor was hired in an affirmative action regime, he must necessarily be less qualified than a white doctor. There's nothing in affirmative action that would deny employment to a minority who is qualified for the job. I think in an ideal world, here's the way A.A. would work: two candidates for a position, both equally qualified (equally, not one better than the other). One's European-American, one's African-American. Because 70% of the people in this occupation are European-American, the job goes to the African-American.

Yes, I'm aware that A.A. does not, and probably never could, work exactly this way.

But here's another scenario. Ten years from now, Thordaddy's child has a serious illness. He has a choice of two doctors, one black, one white. Because Thordaddy believes that white people are more intelligent than black people because they score better on standardized tests, Thordaddy chooses the white doctor. Unfortunately for Thordaddy's child, the black doctor is the Nobel candidate in medicine, and the white doctor has been previously censured for malpractice.

It's a books/covers kind of thing, I think.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,12:20   

No Eric my remark was not racist. Under the A.A. scheme the white guy would have to be more qualified to atain the same position. Now it might be the case where the black Dr. was more qualified, but that would be unusual.

For example, the minimum qualifications for the white Dr. to reach a consultants position would be higher than for a black Dr.

Therefore the white Dr. requires higher stats than the black Dr. True the black Dr. may be more qualified, but then that would be over and above what he needed for an = position to the white 1.

A.A. would also incur a huge cost in cash and bueraucracy to enforce. Personally I believe that money would be much better spent on providing educational/training oportunities.

Keep standards = for everybody. Improve oportunities.

A.A. seems to me to be patronising.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,12:52   

ericmurphy asks,

Why does the one man/one woman union have inherent value above and beyond all other potential adult unions?

What is the implication of this question if not to assert that ANY and ALL ADULTS are equally legitimate?  

Then you say,

What people are actually saying is that a one man/one woman union has no inherent value over and above all other types of union.

Again, you are stating that traditional marriage is equal to "gay" marriage.  But you are also stating that "gay" marriage is equal to adult incestual "marriage."  You are also stating that "gay" marriage is equal to a grandmother marrying her adult granddaughter.  In fact, there is no difference (equality) between "gay" marriage and any number of potential consentual adult unions.  

All these "unions" either have inherent value to society or they don't.  Your take seems to be that any adult union has inherent value to society, but please do tell us the inherent value of fathers marrying daughters or women marrying 3 men or ericmurphy marrying Flint who is married to Russell who is married to Stephen.  Are all these "unions" equally valid and inherently valuable to society?

You must assert the inherent value of ANY AND ALL  adult "unions" or you are left discriminating and dimishing the value of ANY AND ALL "unions" including traditional marriage. I'd rather be discriminatory.  It doesn't bother me at all to assert the value of one man/ one woman above ALL other ADULT "unions."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,15:42   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 21 2006,17:52)
Again, you are stating that traditional marriage is equal to "gay" marriage.  But you are also stating that "gay" marriage is equal to adult incestual "marriage."  You are also stating that "gay" marriage is equal to a grandmother marrying her adult granddaughterblahblahblahblahblahblah—

Thordaddy, we've been over and over this ground again and again while you come up with more and more outlandish examples. "What if a transgendered biological male now living as a female lesbian wanted to marry her Winnebago…"

—oh, never mind. This is long past tedious.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,15:54   

Quote (Stephen Elliott @ April 21 2006,17:20)
No Eric my remark was not racist. Under the A.A. scheme the white guy would have to be more qualified to atain the same position. Now it might be the case where the black Dr. was more qualified, but that would be unusual.

Well, I never claimed that A.A. was perfect—or even close. But I frankly just can't get that excited about it one way or another. It just doesn't strike me as a monstrous injustice compared to the many, many other monstrous injustices out there. Okay, so there are a few African American doctors out there who aren't quite as qualified as the European-American doctors whose jobs they stole. Compared to the vast numbers of underprivileged black people out there who are denied opportunities based largely on their accent and their skin color, I just can't work up any crocodile tears.

At least the intent of A.A. is noble (and yes, I know what road to where is paved with those). There are other windmills to tilt at, as far as I'm concerned.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,17:27   


You're a staunch evolutionist and you can't tell me why one man/ one woman has any inherent value?

It seems to me that you have 3 choices.


ALL ADULT UNIONS are equal and worthy of state sanction,


ALL ADULT UNIONS are equal and hence unworthy of state sanction,


Some ADULT UNIONS get special recognition through a "discriminating" society/government.

Since you don't believe in the latter then which of the first two do you propose?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,17:39   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 21 2006,22:27)

You're a staunch evolutionist and you can't tell me why one man/ one woman has any inherent value? 1 etc. 2 etc. 3 etc.

Given that I've already answered this question on at least four separate occasions, Thordaddy, and you have yet to answer my question—namely, what is it about one man/one woman unions that makes them special—well, you know what to do. Go ahead and do it, man. And yes, I am going to force you to go back and re-read this thread to find my answer. It will be good practice for you.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,17:41   

Thordaddy the obsessive compulsive bigoted dumba$$


Blah blah blah... I hate gays!

Bla blah blah...if gays can marry, then why can't I marry my blow-up sheep?

Blah blah blah....

Fred Phelps, er,  Thordaddy: if we wanted any more sh*t from you we'd squeeze your head.

Now go make yourself a nice warm cup of shut the #### up and let the adults continue the discussion.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 21 2006,18:16   

Oops, I missed this the first time:

Quote (thordaddy @ April 21 2006,22:27)

You're a staunch evolutionist and you can't tell me why one man/ one woman has any inherent value?

Didn't I just get finished telling you that no one is denying that a heterosexual union has inherent value? No one. If we were conducting this discussion in person I'd have an overwhelming urge to rap the side of your skull to see if there's any grey matter in there, or if it's solid bone all the way to the center.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,04:16   

Let me try to clarify some of my cultural arguments. Why do I think that changing the definition of marriage will lead to such disastrous consequences?

    Consider how cultures form. Human beings are fundamentally biological beings. While the evos and I differ on the genesis of our drives, we all agree that humans share many biological needs with animals. As human societies evolve, they network with other tribes, invent technologies, and develop social structures to manage their affairs. Societies experiment. Soon, historical contingency selects the strategy that successfully defines, and therby demarcates, a culture. As modern research shows, many biological and technological networks such as the internet exhibit a scale-free structure. A scale-free structure is characterised by the development of a few early hubs, which serve as a nexus for most social interactions. Since they are primal, they develop a rich delta of connections and become crucial to the development of the society. As the society becomes more complicated, peripheral hubs form to add flexibility to the original structure. Of course, flexibility is the key; just as a Gothic structure relies on lancet arches, so must a society allow its citizens some freedom to pursue their interest. The central hub must be maintained, however; one may remove a peripheral node at one's convenience, but fiddling with one of the central connections will destroy the system:
Scale-free networks tend to contain centrally located and interconnected high degree "hubs", which dramatically influences the way a network operates. For example, random node failures have very little effect on a scale-free network's connectivity or effectiveness, however deliberate attacks on such a network's hubs can dismantle a network with alarming ease.

 So, then, is marriage itself a central hub? No one can say, but the conservative notices that all attempts to radically restructure marriage has foundered, from the free love movement to the communal children's houses of the kibbutzim:
At first kibbutz society as a whole took precedence over the family unit. In time, this priority shifted, as the community became increasingly family­centered. Today, in the context of a normal society of grandparents, mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, sons and daughters, the kibbutz still offers a level of cooperation which provides a social framework and personal economic security.

   But surely we can tweak the institution a little?  
No. Economic, academic, and behavioral problems follow.

More later.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,05:26   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 22 2006,09:16)
Let me try to clarify some of my cultural arguments. Why do I think that changing the definition of marriage will lead to such disastrous consequences?

Here's the flaw in your reasoning, Bill.

Will gay marriage change straight marriages? No. Nothing will change about the definition of straight marriages. Straight people will not be discouraged from marrying (nor will they be encouraged to marry).

It's probably a bad idea to get gay people into straight marriages. What are the usual results of closeted gay people in straight marriages? Depression, suicide, emotional stress, broken homes, divorce.

So is it better to have gay people in casual, informal, short-lived, non-monogamous relationships, or is it better to have them in stable, long-lived, monogamous relationships? Kind of an automatic self-answering question, don't you think? As Flint has pointed out more than once, allowing gay people to marry makes almost no difference in the definition of marriage, nor does it as a practical matter change what marriage means to most people (Thordaddy's increasingly surreal rants about greasy slopes notwithstanding).

Allowing gay people to marry is an extremely minor "fiddling" with the definition of a marriage, and a fiddling that happens to have at least the potential to solve some problems for society in the meantime. In the context of your scale-free networks, the net effect of gay marriages is merely to increase the number of nodes. It certainly wouldn't decrease them, and certainly doesn't operate to "radically change them."

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,05:35   

Listening to someone talk about the horrors of gay marriage is very similar to listening to christians tell you what murderous rapists they would all be if they were atheists. It's just not true, but their religion tells them it is, so they're not going to be convinced by any rational argument.

And by the way, that stuff about marriage and scale free networks is just gibberish.

It would be nice though if christians wanting to follow christian rules would at least be honest about it, and not try to disguise their wishes with incoherent arguments about STDs and such.

Correction: christians wanting to make everyone follow christian rules.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,06:05   


I totally agree with EricMurphy on this point. Nobody arguing against you so far want to ban marriage (tinker with the hub). We just believe gays should have a hub of their own.

"Free love" was anti marriage pro short term casual sexual relationships. The comparison is not aplicable.

Allowing gays to marry will encourage at least a % of them to build long term monogamous relationships. Thus helping to prevent some of the spread of infections propagated by casual sex.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,10:46   

Will gay marriage change straight marriages? No. Nothing will change about the definition of straight marriages. Straight people will not be discouraged from marrying (nor will they be encouraged to marry).

           Well, strictly speaking, people bearing children out of wedlock doesn't directly affect my marriage either, but the consequence of their actions - the creation of violent, mentally disturbed children - hurts society, which finally boomerangs on me in the form of increased taxes, higher crime rates, etc. This is because each action taken against a central hub ripples throughout society as it damages node connections, etc. This is why the Law of Unintended Consequences looms over every policy decision: what are the downstream effects of my actions? If you limit a policy move to a secondary hub, or better yet, construct a new one, the changes will be minor or even beneficial. Tamper with the central hub, however, and the results are almost always disastrous. There are just too many interrelationships. Now, technology may build a hub by increasing the complexity of social interactions; but revisiting failed strategies invariably shuts the system down.
    Please remember that this is a widespread phenomenon that applies to many biological/social systems that evolve through the joint processes of networking and historical accretion. Also note that the model applies to the spread of epidemics, especially those caused by individuals with a very active sexual history. In other words, a sexually right-skewed distribution like we see in the gay community.
As Flint has pointed out more than once, allowing gay people to marry makes almost no difference in the definition of marriage, nor does it as a practical matter change what marriage means to most people (Thordaddy's increasingly surreal rants about greasy slopes notwithstanding).

Central hubs are sensitive to very small perturbations. And if you choose unwisely........

Listening to someone talk about the horrors of gay marriage is very similar to listening to christians tell you what murderous rapists they would all be if they were atheists. It's just not true, but their religion tells them it is, so they're not going to be convinced by any rational argument.

Wow, aren't you relieved. You're freed of the burden of attempting to listen to an opposing point of view. Convenient. And by the way, didn't you once say that you would censor me if you had the chance? Of what are you afraid?
And by the way, that stuff about marriage and scale free networks is just gibberish.

Why? I find the historical evidence very informative.

Stephen Elliot:
We just believe gays should have a hub of their own.

In a way they already do. They can marry if they wish; they just don't get the economic goodies that come with marriage. Is this discrimination? Unfortunately, yes. But I don't think it's irrational discrimination. For example, one thing I've noticed about many black neighborhoods is the scarcity of mid-or upper scale restaurants. Why? Is it because black people don't like to eat out? No, research shows that despite this inhibition, blacks attend restaurants more than average. (I guess they have to drive a bit.) And it's not as if there's a scarcity of fast food restaurants: just sit-down restaurants. Is it due to a weird sort of institution racism that riddles The Olive Garden while leaving McDonald's unscathed? Possibly. But if you talk to any former waiter or waitress, you'll get a different answer: for whatever reason, blacks don't tip as much as other racial groups. No tipping; no waiters. No waiters, no restaurant. Yes, I know, what a terrible thing to say, yadda-yadda-yadda, but it's true. There have been actual studies done that confirm this (no, not by Jared Taylor). Surveys of food service personnel also bear this out. Heck, servers tell me this without my even asking; I've had several liberal ex-waiters confess this in hushed tones. The moral of the story: even small group behaviors can lead to large social consequences. And by the way, I've noticed that servers treat me much better when I'm with a female companion than when I'm dining alone. Why? Because it's a well-known fact that single guys tip worse. I don't complain - I just pay 20 - 25% and hope they remember me next time.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,11:05   

By the way Flint, I wasn't trying to poke fun at you with the name thing. I just wanted to prove my point of media bias. The media really should be all over the Jeremy Wariner story; instead, they downplay it while going to ridiculous lengths to lionize Tiger Woods. Why? The underlying stories are the same: a charismatic man battles stereotypes to achieve his ultimate dream. And where are the stories covering the renaissance of the Eastern European athlete?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,11:48   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 22 2006,15:46)
Well, strictly speaking, people bearing children out of wedlock doesn't directly affect my marriage either, but the consequence of their actions - the creation of violent, mentally disturbed children - hurts society, which finally boomerangs on me in the form of increased taxes, higher crime rates, etc.

Good point. Problem is, it helps my case and hurts yours (and yes, I'm aware that you're only using it as an analogy; you just happened to have picked one that works well for my argument). Allowing gay people to marry definitely will not increase the number of children living in single-parent homes, and it probably will decrease the number.

This is because each action taken against a central hub ripples throughout society as it damages node connections, etc. This is why the Law of Unintended Consequences looms over every policy decision: what are the downstream effects of my actions? If you limit a policy move to a secondary hub, or better yet, construct a new one, the changes will be minor or even beneficial.

Again, your point hurts your argument and helps mine. Allowing gay marriage isn't "damaging" any pre-existing nodes, because it doesn't affect straight marriage at all. In fact, it may repair previously damaged modes, if closeted gay people in straight marriages get out of a damaged marriage and into a working (gay) marriage. And, it's doing what you think is "better yet": it's adding hubs to your network.

Tamper with the central hub, however, and the results are almost always disastrous. There are just too many interrelationships. Now, technology may build a hub by increasing the complexity of social interactions; but revisiting failed strategies invariably shuts the system down.

This would be a compelling argument if we were talking about dismantling marriages. Thordaddy's hysterical claims aside, that's not what's happening here. In fact, we're adding nodes to the network that would otherwise just be broken connections leading nowhere—or, at least nowhere good (if we grant your argument, which I'm not necessarily willing to do, that all gay men are by nature dangerously promiscuous).

Please remember that this is a widespread phenomenon that applies to many biological/social systems that evolve through the joint processes of networking and historical accretion. Also note that the model applies to the spread of epidemics, especially those caused by individuals with a very active sexual history. In other words, a sexually right-skewed distribution like we see in the gay community.

Right. But as I've said, we're not substantially changing the nature of our network. What we're really doing is adding additional nodes, and in at least in some cases are replacing defective nodes with more robust ones. If you analogize single, promiscuous gay men to, say, open relays through which e-mail borne viruses can spread, then gay marriages would analogize to mail servers with relaying turned off.

Central hubs are sensitive to very small perturbations. And if you choose unwisely........

But again, we're not changing hubs. All the hubs that were there before our experiment are still there, functioning exactly as they always have. All we're doing is adding additional hubs with slightly different functionality.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,11:52   

All we're doing is adding additional hubs with slightly different functionality.

But we're changing the nature of marriage. Out of time.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,12:34   


Are you going to answer which model you prefer?

It seems to me that you have 3 choices (If you see other choices then please elaborate).


ALL ADULT UNIONS are equal and worthy of state sanction,


ALL ADULT UNIONS are equal and hence unworthy of state sanction,


Some ADULT UNIONS get special recognition through a "discriminating" society/government.

Since you don't believe in the latter then which of the first two do you propose?

You are invariably required to either SANCTION ANY and ALL Adult Unions or take government out of the business of sanctioning ANY and ALL Adult Unions altogether.

Which do you prefer?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,12:41   

Wow, aren't you relieved. You're freed of the burden of attempting to listen to an opposing point of view. Convenient.

Yes, it is. There are all kinds of arguments I don't waste time listening to. Like geocentrists, NAMBLA, White Supremacists, the list goes on....

And by the way, didn't you once say that you would censor me if you had the chance? Of what are you afraid?
Yes, I would like to censor you from my threads if you mucked them up with your nonsense. But if I ran the Antievolution board I wouldn't censor you from the whole board. Just threads where I was interested in hearing a particular topic discussed by smart and sane people. I wouldn't care what any creationist said about them.

As far as your scale free networks bit, you get the Dembski Trophy for lengthy discussions of scientific concepts while utterly failing to tie them to your argument.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,13:02   

Wouldn't you love to see a polygamist use GoP's line of reasoning?

"Your honor, considering marriages to be nodes on a scale free network, the fact that I have 23 wives back at the house makes me a huge hub. Just enormous. And us huge hubs are sooooo sensitive to any change, why, the slightest change in my linkages could bring the whole system just crashing down. Your wife, your son's wife, all over, man, gone, just gone...."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,13:26   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 22 2006,17:34)

Are you going to answer which model you prefer?

It seems to me that you have 3 choices (If you see other choices then please elaborate).

Thodaddy, you're like write-only memory. I can tell you what my opinion is, but since you can't read it (or refuse to read it), the whole exercise becomes rather pointless.

I just told you I'd already answered this question, on several occasions. Everyone else on this thread seems to know how I feel about it, except for you. Now go back like a good little homophobe and read what I've said on this topic, and then you can come back and answer my question: what makes you think that heterosexual unions are so special, so unique, compared to any other kind of union, that they're deserving of state sanction to the exclusion of any other form of union?

At least Mr. Bill can read, for crying out loud.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,13:37   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 22 2006,16:52)
But we're changing the nature of marriage.

No we're not. Marriages will still be exactly the same as they've always been. As Flint has mentioned several times, of all the thousands of regulations involving marriage, you wouldn't have to change any of them to accommodate gay marriage. Straight marriages won't change one whit; either the ones that pre-existed gay marriages or the new ones that come into being after gay marriages do.

All we're doing is expanding the franchise. This has happened many times throughout history, whether we're talking who is allowed to vote, who's allowed to own property, or who is allowed to have human rights. Through all those changes, civilization has failed to collapse. Or at least, when it has collapsed, it's collapsed for entirely different reasons.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,13:42   

Question for Eric Murphy, Steven Elliot, and Occam's Aftershave. When Thor and GoP say these ridiculous things about STD rates and Scale Free Networks and what have you, does it cause you to think they're being dishonest? Do any of you three believe that Thor and GoP are motivated by a careful study of health statistics or graph theory?

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,13:55   

Thordaddy continues his idiot act

It seems to me that you have 3 choices (If you see other choices then please elaborate).

Blah blah blah...ALL gays are sinners, or

Blah blah blah...ALL gays are evil, or

Blah blah blah...ALL gays need to be locked up

Here's a fourth choice - bigoted assh*les like you need to raise your IQ above room temperature, and that's in degrees Celsius.

Since you won't put a sock in it - here's what you can do:

We live in a free country.  If you want to marry your five brothers, or marry your blow-up sheep, you are free to petition the government for a change in the laws.

If you feel that sheep f*ckers or brother marriers like you are being discriminated against, all you need to do is convince enough other people of the goodness of your cause.  If you can find enough other sheep f*ckers or brother marriers to get on the ballot - more power to you.  

Right now there are several million gay U.S. citizens who are being unfairly punished just for being who they are.  There is overwhelming scientific evidence that gay people did not choose their sexuality. Nevertheless, they are being denied the right to form a one-on-one legal union with a person they love, a right granted to non-gay citizens, because of it.

These folks and others who agree that the current wrong need righting are working within the legal system to change the laws. No one is changing the definition of marriage as a one-on-one legal union.  All that’s changing is the legal definition of who that one legal partner can be.  Changing and expanding the definition of what constitutes a legal partner has been done many times in the past, from allowing those of different religions to marry (it used to be illegal for a Catholic to marry a Protestant), to the most recent change of allowing interracial marriages.  This is no different – extending marriage rights to ALL citizens who wish one-on-one commitments.

If you can muster evidence that you deserve the right to change the definition of marriage from one-on-one to five-on-one, or to one-on-sheep, please present it.  Otherwise, go stick your head back under the sh*tpile.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,13:57   

Quote (stevestory @ April 22 2006,18:42)
Question for Eric Murphy, Steven Elliot, and Occam's Aftershave. When Thor and GoP say these ridiculous things about STD rates and Scale Free Networks and what have you, does it cause you to think they're being dishonest? Do any of you three believe that Thor and GoP are motivated by a careful study of health statistics or graph theory?

Here's what I think about the good Rev. I believe that Bill has an emotional distaste for gay people that he may not even be aware he has, or may not be willing to admit to himself that he has it. I think he's trying very hard to come up with a rational justification for his bias, but it's becoming clear to me that he's currently casting about for a persuasive argument to support a conclusion he's already made.

But. I'm not persuaded that Bill is necessarily being dishonest with us. I think it's just as likely that he's being dishonest with himself. But what do I know; I can't psychoanalyze people from their posts online. And I kind of like Bill (online, at least; not having ever met him in person), so my opinion might be shaded by that.

Thordaddy, on the other hand, doesn't even try to hide his homophobia. I don't think I've ever seen anyone online so icked out by anal sex. Or if he is trying, he's botching it so horribly that I can't even see evidence of his efforts.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,15:17   

Quote (stevestory @ April 22 2006,18:42)
Question for Eric Murphy, Steven Elliot, and Occam's Aftershave. When Thor and GoP say these ridiculous things about STD rates and Scale Free Networks and what have you, does it cause you to think they're being dishonest? Do any of you three believe that Thor and GoP are motivated by a careful study of health statistics or graph theory?

I personaly do not find Ghost ridiculous. I consider him/her an inteligent dissenter. Ghost makes good points most of the time.

Thordaddy on the other hand, is a clown. The only reason I respond is due to being unable to leave his ridiculous statements unchalenged.

I doubt either of them is truly dishonest. They  may be wrong, but I think they believe what they are typing.

Possible error: There is a chance that "Ghost" is just playing. Ghost is unusual, obviously inteligent and educated, decent sense of humour, usually polite. Way-off-track of your normal "fundy".


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,15:32   

I doubt either of them is truly dishonest. They  may be wrong, but I think they believe what they are typing.
I suppose. And there are regions in the USofA where the T-diddy mindset holds a lot of sway. Which means, unfortunately, that you can't just ignore it.

Ghosty - I don't know about him. His spelling seems to indicate a British (or Australian or something) origin - not American - so if he does reside here in the USofA, he's probably dismissed by those with a brain as a crank, and by those who might be open to his message as a "dam# furriner".

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 22 2006,15:57   

Quote (Russell @ April 22 2006,20:32)
Ghosty - I don't know about him. His spelling seems to indicate a British (or Australian or something) origin - not American - so if he does reside here in the USofA, he's probably dismissed by those with a brain as a crank, and by those who might be open to his message as a "dam# furriner".

Well, he lives outside Atlanta, and I think the diction might be an affectation, given his chosen moniker. Seems like a Southern gent, but that might be an affectation, too.

God, Bill, I hope you don't mind that we're talking about you behind your back. :-)

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2006,10:01   

No we're not. Marriages will still be exactly the same as they've always been. As Flint has mentioned several times, of all the thousands of regulations involving marriage, you wouldn't have to change any of them to accommodate gay marriage.

I see. So you consider gay marriage to be analogous to a gene duplication rather than a mutation. I'm not so sure that this distinction matters. For example, the 1965 Immigration Act only sought to extend immigration to other ethnic groups. The bill's supporters assured the American public that the results would be inconsequential. However, the effects have been dramatic, and American society has been completely transformed as a result. We certainly live in very interesting times. So why can't we assume a similar result from extending marriage rights?
     Once again, civil rights can only be enjoyed if the public assumes the responsibilities that come with those rights. Liberty does not exist in a vacuum. You can't toss Western culture overboard and still keep the goodies that flow from it. Western rights have no meaning outside of Western society. A free mainstream media is already a thing of the past. How much longer before we lose the rest? Apparently, the canary's already a bit woozy:
Contrary to earlier utopian theories of the Internet, it takes very little effort for governments to cause certain information simply to vanish for a huge number of people.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2006,11:40   

Several people have pointed out how family disruption affects the children, and a single parent family fares worse than those with two parents. The point is that children from a two parent gay faimly are no more emotionally worse off than with a heterosexual family, and are no more likely to become gay themselves. The difference between allowing gay people to marry and allowing any arbitrary union is that the vast majority of openly gay people are not attracted to the opposite sex. So for example if we allowed 5 people to marry this would not solve any problem whatsoever and is unessecary, I am of course assuming that there is not a large number of people who are only attracted to 4 other people and no other number. So for the vast majority of the population the union of either man/man or man/woman will suffice. Regarding the 'normailizing gay marriage will encourage more people to experiment with their tendancies' argument: in many cases that might be true but in most cases these people will find a way to experiment regardless, which if they are terrified of anyone finding out is likely to be more promiscuos than otherwise.

Once again, civil rights can only be enjoyed if the public assumes the responsibilities that come with those rights.
Gay people will have the same responsibilities as married heterosexual people. I really don't understand what you think the impact on society will be. Legalising gay marriage will not increase the number of gay people, so I'm not sure how your immigration analogy holds. Also could you please define the nodes and edges in your network in which marriage is a hub.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2006,12:07   

But Chris, have you not considered Chaos Theory? A gay man getting married in Massachussetts could cause hurricanes in Louisiana. You need to read more Ghost of Paley.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2006,12:11   

Also could you please define the nodes and edges in your network in which marriage is a hub.
And explain why it's scale-free.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2006,12:18   

And explain why [marriage is] scale-free.
Oh, that's easy.
Once you're married, and finding a mate is no longer an issue, gaining weight ceases to be a concern.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2006,12:41   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 23 2006,15<!--emo&:0)
I see. So you consider gay marriage to be analogous to a gene duplication rather than a mutation.

Yeah, I guess that would be a reasonable analogy. But seriously, Bill: what do you think allowing gay marriage would change? I'm assuming you can do better than Thordaddy's plaintive "But the foundations of society will crumble!" Something a little more specific. Based on your previous responses, I'm assuming you think gay marriage will legitimize homosexual relationships (which it probably will) and thereby increase the spread of communicable diseases (which it won't; in fact, the only reasonable expectation is that it will decrease it).

Once again, civil rights can only be enjoyed if the public assumes the responsibilities that come with those rights. Liberty does not exist in a vacuum. You can't toss Western culture overboard and still keep the goodies that flow from it. Western rights have no meaning outside of Western society.

This is the part I really don't get. Why would you suppose that gay people would take marriage less seriously than straight people, especially after having fought long and hard for the privilege? And besides, I think it would take some concerted effort for gay people to take marriage less seriously than straight people do anyway!

How does allowing gay marriage amount to jettisoning Western society? If Western society crumbles as a result of something as inconsequential as allowing gay people to marry each other, Western society is a lot more fragile than I ever imagined it was.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2006,12:48   

So you consider gay marriage to be analogous to a gene duplication rather than a mutation.
Well depending on what your network is I'm saying it is a small mutation that slightly increases binding sensitivity, has a small phenotypic effect but no effect on fitness.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,02:52   

For example, the 1965 Immigration Act only sought to extend immigration to other ethnic groups. The bill's supporters assured the American public that the results would be inconsequential. However, the effects have been dramatic, and American society has been completely transformed as a result. We certainly live in very interesting times. So why can't we assume a similar result from extending marriage rights?

Uh, because I don't think it's particularly valid to say that because a law that *changes* what people are doing has had dramatic consequences, a laws that does *not* change what people are already doing will also have such consequences. These arguments are getting increasingly far-fetched. It's probably not worth mentioning (being beside the point as usual) that drastic consequences in regions of rapid immigration have been due to *illegal* immigration, not as a consequence of the 1965 Act.

So here we have as close as I can come to Ghost's chain of reasoning: If we sanction what people are doing now anyway, this will *still* cause massive changes in existing behavior by rewarding certain types of behavior. And the types of behavior being rewarded are exactly the changes we WANT to see, but this will nonetheless cause unspecified changes to unspecified people, on a large scale, broadly destructive in unspecified ways. Conversely, punishing the kind of behavior we desire will retain social stability becase, well, because it will.

So I'm with ericmurphy on this one. Ghost "knows" reducing the cost of monogamous relationships will cause Bad Things in a part of his brain not open to any alternatives. His reasoning faculties don't *make* this decision, they can only seek to rationalize it. When the position itself not only lacks merit, but is directly antithetical to his nominal goals (stable relationships, reduction in promiscuity, control of disease), the results would be comical if they weren't so sad.

He seems to have no choice here. His training *requires* that he seek to punish the behavior he desires, and his intellect is tasked to "explain" why this will work, and rewarding that behavior will fail. Is it any wonder these
"explanations" oscillate between fatuous and irrelevant?

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,04:39   

I'm gonna try to flesh out my model, cause I realise it's a little sketchy at this point. But let me ask a few questions first:

1) Eric, I haven't had time to study your CDC research, but has the CDC accounted for the fact that some of the declines in the HIV rate from 1990 -  2003 are probably due to a high die-off rate in that community? Seems like a plausible factor.
2) Flint and Hyland: how are you prepared to deal with some of the negative effects of extending the franchise, i.e. loss in free speech and hiring rights? I don't think a case-by-case method will work here.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,05:05   

Remind me again how legalizing gay marriage will result in loss of free speech and hiring rights.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,05:05   

It's probably not worth mentioning (being beside the point as usual) that drastic consequences in regions of rapid immigration have been due to *illegal* immigration, not as a consequence of the 1965 Act.

Which is a direct consequence of the Act. Remember, the borders were just as "open" 50 years ago, but only after the Act's passage has enforcement become problematic.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,05:10   


2) Flint and Hyland: how are you prepared to deal with some of the negative effects of extending the franchise, i.e. loss in free speech and hiring rights? I don't think a case-by-case method will work here.

So far, your argument that reducing the cost of legal marriage for homosexuals will have these negative effects is to SAY that these effects are negative and that they will happen. Yes, we understand that you believe such things will come to pass. We understand that for you what you believe WILL happen has already happened.

But some plausible mechanism would be welcome. Loss ot free speech rights? You mean, like the KKK lost the right to march through black neighborhoods? You mean, like the anti-abortionists lost the right to protest at clinics? What DO you mean?

As for hiring, this 'loss' seems to depend on whether you're the employer or the applicant. I'm aware that legal efforts to enforce equality of results have had an ambiguous track record. But once again (you know, I tire of repeating things you ignore), I'm not aware that gays ARE facing hiring discrimination.

Attempting to anticipate potential negative side effects of beneficial policies isn't foolish in itself. Forewarned is forearmed, etc. But *assuming the worst* and then discarding beneficial policies because the worst (in your view of course, not perhaps in the view of most people) is all you're willing to consider, is what bigotry is all about.

I'm gonna try to flesh out my model, cause I realise it's a little sketchy at this point.

You might, just maybe, consider that the reason your model is 'sketchy' is because it is WRONG, and is really an artifact of assuming results contrary to fact. All you're saying here is, you've become aware that you haven't fully manufactured all the "facts" necessary to support a foregone conclusion that's beyond your ability to question.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,05:13   


Which is a direct consequence of the Act. Remember, the borders were just as "open" 50 years ago, but only after the Act's passage has enforcement become problematic.

I disagree. The Act and the illegal immigration stem from the same underlying causes - demographic changes, mobility changes, economic changes. What you're doing here is backwards as usual. Like saying "back before there was burglary, nobody had any locks on their doors. Note that locks corresponded with increased burglary. Therefore, burglary is a direct consequence of locks." I really have to wonder sometimes...


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,05:54   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 24 2006,09:39)
1) Eric, I haven't had time to study your CDC research, but has the CDC accounted for the fact that some of the declines in the HIV rate from 1990 -  2003 are probably due to a high die-off rate in that community? Seems like a plausible factor.

Yes. The figures from 1990 to 2003 include deaths due to AIDS, and deaths due to AIDS  don't even make it into the top 10 causes of death in any community other than African-American males, where it just squeaks in. Most of the high mortality rates from AIDS were in the early-to-mid 80s, when the nature of the disease was not well understood (well, even more poorly understood than it is now), and when gay men had not had time to adjust their behavior to accommodate a different situation.

But the fact remains, Bill, that HIV infection rates and AIDS deaths have been declining for more than ten years, and in an epidemic, infection rates and deaths never decline. Otherwise, you don't have an epidemic. And remember, as of 2002 (the most recent year for which the WHO publishes the figures) total AIDS cases in the U.S., including HIV infections and deaths, from the time the disease was first characterized in 1981, is 806,157, or about two years' worth of death from smoking. Given that AIDS deaths are currently running around 7,500 a year, you can see that deaths have been steadily declining for some years.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,06:16   

But the fact remains, Bill, that HIV infection rates and AIDS deaths have been declining for more than ten years, and in an epidemic, infection rates and deaths never decline. Otherwise, you don't have an epidemic. And remember, as of 2002 (the most recent year for which the WHO publishes the figures) total AIDS cases in the U.S., including HIV infections and deaths, from the time the disease was first characterized in 1981, is 806,157, or about two years' worth of death from smoking.

Thanks for the clarification. I'll look into this. Just one thing, however: even though the absolute number of deaths is small, these deaths are occuring in a relatively small community. So this underestimates the negative impact of the disease. But let me study this a bit before saying anything else...
But once again (you know, I tire of repeating things you ignore), I'm not aware that gays ARE facing hiring discrimination.

Well of course some gays do face real discrimination. And given the government's skewed definition (proportional underrepresentation), they're going to find a #### of a lot more. Remember, it's not what we think that counts, but what the feds think. I've already made this point several times, and you've already agreed that it has some merit. So what am I ignoring?
I disagree. The Act and the illegal immigration stem from the same underlying causes - demographic changes, mobility changes, economic changes. What you're doing here is backwards as usual.

Yes, demographic transitions have also played a part. The birth rate of American citizens has been declining for some time now. But legal changes have exacerbated this. Once again, businesses have always been tempted to hire cheap illegal labor. Yet it wasn't until the Act's passage that we've been inundated by illegal workers. Why is this?
But some plausible mechanism would be welcome. Loss ot free speech rights? You mean, like the KKK lost the right to march through black neighborhoods? You mean, like the anti-abortionists lost the right to protest at clinics? What DO you mean?

I've already cited several instances, but I see you're gonna be stubborn about this. Give me some time and I'll show you what kind of country we live in....

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,06:48   

One more thing: I know a lot of you are skeptical about my model. But let's review the reasons why a model is necessary in the first place:

1) Fact: When progressives try to tinker with the social fabric (single parenthood, free love, etc.), very bad consequences often ensue.
2) Fact: Many of these consequences are unanticipated, even by conservatives.
3) Fact: Some traditions resist change more than others. These traditions are usually the ones that, however irrational they seem on the surface, have a long history within the society that seeks to eliminate them.
4) Fact: These traditions are often deeply embedded within that society's legal code.
5) Fact: Mathematical models exist that seek to explain societal changes.
6) Fact: One model (scale free networks) has been successfully applied to a wide range of natural phenomena. Cultural change plausibly satisfies some of the model's prerequisites.
7) Fact: The existence of bold, free-thinking individuals allows these models to be studied and (possibly) applied to cultural change.
8) Fact: These individuals often experience ridicule as they work out the model's consequences.  :p

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,06:51   

Therefore blacks shouldn't be allowed to marry whites.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,06:51   

I've already cited several instances
I've scanned all your input since I asked the question: what is "freedom of association" code for?  I haven't found a response.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,07:00   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 24 2006,11:48)
One more thing: I know a lot of you are skeptical about my model. But let's review the reasons why a model is necessary in the first place:

1) Fact: When progressives try to tinker with the social fabric (single parenthood, free love, etc.), very bad consequences often ensue.
2) Fact: Many of these consequences are unanticipated, even by conservatives.
3) Fact: Some traditions resist change more than others. These traditions are usually the ones that, however irrational they seem on the surface, have a long history within the society that seeks to eliminate them.
4) Fact: These traditions are often deeply embedded within that society's legal code.
5) Fact: Mathematical models exist that seek to explain societal changes.
6) Fact: One model (scale free networks) has been successfully applied to a wide range of natural phenomena. Cultural change plausibly satisfies some of the model's prerequisites.
7) Fact: The existence of bold, free-thinking individuals allows these models to be studied and (possibly) applied to cultural change.
8) Fact: These individuals often experience ridicule as they work out the model's consequences.  :p

1) Fact: When conservatives try to tinker with the biological fabric of society (single parenthood, free love, etc.), very bad consequences often ensue.
2) Fact: Many of these consequences are unanticipated, even by liberals.
3) Fact: Some traditions resist change more than others. These traditions are usually the ones that, however irrational they seem on the surface, have a long history, such as homosexuality in society.
4) Fact: These traditions are often deeply embedded within that society's legal code, and sometimes not.

7) Fact: The existence of bold, free-thinking individuals allows these models to be studied and (possibly) applied to cultural change, hence the success of evolutionary theory.
8) Fact: These individuals often experience ridicule as they work out the model's consequences, usually be conservatives

If I fly the coop some time
And take nothing but a grip
With the few good books that really count
It's a necessary trip

I'll be gone with the girl in the gold silk jacket
The girl with the pearl-driller's hands

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,07:22   

You have spoken about affirmitive action and freedom of hiring. I still don't see how legalizing gay marriage will change this.

Saying that the 'hub of marriage' will be altered by allowing homosexuals to marry is not self-evident unless you define what the network is.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,07:40   


"Freedom of association" is shorthand for: IF we let gays marry, they'll get their foot in the door and demand *just as many rights as you have*, on the silly grounds that given equal opportunities, gays can achieve equal competence. And the government will then promulgate regulations requiring proportional representation everywhere, even when it can be demonstrated that merit or qualifications are insufficient.

Now, in the case of blacks, I think Ghost has a case: regulations have in fact established quotas that simply cannot be achieved if we ALSO require competitive merit. And the justification is that if we don't place a proportional number of blacks (or more, which is always fine) into positions they are not competent to perform today, then they will NEVER be given the opportunity to obtain the desired competence.

And there is some pretty solid data backing this up: Before affirmative action, obtaining a college or graduate degree was pretty useless in getting an appropriate job. As John Griffin documented so eloquently, when he painted himself black, not all his degrees, publications or accomplishments could get him employed. Additionally, many of the positions that government regulation has pried and wedged open for blacks are positions nearly anyone can develop reasonable competence at in a matter of a few months to a year.

But is the statistically undeniable success of affirmative action type programs a Good Thing? Absolutely NOT! Why, it forces us to *associate* with blacks on our jobs, in our clubs, at our restaurants, why, it has become nearly impossible avoid seeing these people.

And there you have it. Freedom of association means "keeping those we don't like in their place by denying them rights, opportunities and due process of law, so that we don't have to associate with them." In other words, it's freedom of OUR association, at the cost of theirs.

Now, as for how reducing the cost of establishing the legal condition of marriage will somehow lead to Ghost having to risk associating with gay people, what we're looking at is a general trend. We are changing a custom, and changing customs leads to Bad Things. Change itself is bad.

Think of winning the lottery. By observation, this very often leads people into serious troubles; a high percentage (perhaps the majority) end up even LESS happy than they used to be. Therefore, lottery winnings should only be awarded to those who DON'T NEED them.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,08:56   

I've scanned all your input since I asked the question: what is "freedom of association" code for?  I haven't found a response.

"Freedom of Association" is not code for anything. Yes, I'm aware that bigots use freedom of association as shorthand for, "Let's git the #### away from all the queers, kikes, gooks, chinks, wetbacks, and coons". ####, I know this better than you: I live in Atlanta, Georgia. But libertarians do not have this meaning in mind, and lumping conservatives sympathetic to the libertarian POV with the radical right is just as stupid as claiming that Wes and Kenneth Miller are really atheists since they support atheist-friendly Darwinism. I mean, lots of atheists argue that evolution proves that life has no purpose, so boy, all Darwinists are just atheists in disguise, right? Change yer diaper before your behind gets as pink as your politics.

I'll try to address the adult criticisms later today.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,09:02   


I hope you realize what you produced is NOT a reponse? You said what "freedom of association" is NOT. It's not a code, it does not have the meaning of not associating with people, it's not like some other unrelated invidious comparison that it's not like, and Russell is a pinko and an infant for even asking what you meant. Now, what you DO mean remains as much as mystery as ever.

I took a guess, and I notice you didn't comment on that either.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,09:11   

I hope you realize what you produced is NOT a reponse? You said what "freedom of association" is NOT. It's not a code, it does not have the meaning of not associating with people, it's not like some other unrelated invidious comparison that it's not like, and Russell is a pinko and an infant for even asking what you meant. Now, what you DO mean remains as much as mystery as ever.

You mean that my earlier citation and extensive quotation of the Wikipedia source didn't count as a response? Funny, Mr. Hyland seemed to have no trouble understanding my definition.
I took a guess, and I notice you didn't comment on that either.

Because your response, like Russell's question, was hopelessly slanted. You guys can think what you wish, but I'm going to fight for my civil liberties just as fiercely as ever. I'm not intimidated by insinuation. Sorry.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,09:42   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 24 2006,11:16)
Thanks for the clarification. I'll look into this. Just one thing, however: even though the absolute number of deaths is small, these deaths are occuring in a relatively small community. So this underestimates the negative impact of the disease. But let me study this a bit before saying anything else...

Well, sure, the raw numbers radically underestimate the impact of AIDS on the gay community, espcially in the early-to-mid eighties. But how does this help the argument that gays should not be allowed to marry each other? If anything, the prevalence of AIDS in the gay male community, a community notorious for sexual promiscuity, strengthens the argument for gay marriage, in the same way the prevalence of syphilis in the 19th century amongst heterosexuals would have strengthened the argument for straight marriage at the time.

For example, in the 1970s, sexually transmitted diseases became a more serious problem due at least partially to a climate of more open sexuality. Would the solution at that time have been to restrict heterosexual access to marriage, perhaps by preventing non-virgins from marrying?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,09:54   


You guys can think what you wish, but I'm going to fight for my civil liberties just as fiercely as ever.

Believe me or not, but I suggest that you do NOT gain civil liberties by denying them to others, but rather quite the contrary. You do not become more free by increasing the number of people denied freedom.

As I wrote earlier, this isn't a zero sum game, where you must give up a civil liberty so that someone else can get one. You live in a land of freedom by GRANTING freedom. I simply can't understand why you find that concept so baffling.


I also despair of ever getting the point across that rewarding the undesired behavior and penalizing the desired behavior does NOT achieve the target goals, but in fact works directly against them. George Orwell would have felt right at home. I'm coming to the conclusion that thordaddy is taking the high road of honesty here, and Ghost is trying to *trick* himself into thinking he's outsmarted his own training.

Fighting for civil liberties indeed.  Ghost argues that if he can blind enough people, his own vision will be better protected. That he can live in a land of peace if he chops up enough people with his sword. That he can achieve quiet if he continuously bellows for it through a bullhorn.

However, I think the time is rapidly approaching when yet another group will be granted equal rights.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,09:58   

Well, Ghosty has convinced me he's too much of an a$$hole to have a sensible conversation with. I guess anyone who continues to converse with him after that outburst must have a different opinion. I'd be curious to know why.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,10:02   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 24 2006,11:48)
One more thing: I know a lot of you are skeptical about my model. But let's review the reasons why a model is necessary in the first place:

1) Fact: When progressives try to tinker with the social fabric (single parenthood, free love, etc.), very bad consequences often ensue. etc. etc. etc.

I'm going to make a somewhat inflammatory analogy here, so I'm going to preface this by saying I'm not accusing Bill of racism or homophobia, appearances notwithstanding. Anyway, here goes:

Bill, as a principled conservative (in the classic sense of the term), could have used the exact same arguments to oppose abolition in, say, 1859. If Bill had been born 80 years later, say, in 1823, he could be making the same arguments about freeing the slaves, not because he was a racist, but because he thought it was a bad idea to a) tinker with the social fabric, leading to b) unanticipated consequences, especially with institutions like slavery, which obviously are massively resistance to change (witness the Civil War), and which are deeply embedded within the society that seeks to eliminate them, etc. I'm sure many opponents of abolition who were personally entirely free of the taint of racism used substantially the same arguments as Bill is using today to oppose gay marriage. Similar arguments were no doubt made in favor of anti-miscegenation laws, in favor of keeping women out of the universities, and in favor of almost any exclusionary practice you'd care to name.

This is a standard conservative objection to any social change, however small. Bill's right; often such changes do result in unintended consequences. But, in the fullness of time, extending the franchise of almost any "right," whether fundamental or not, usually confers a net benefit on the society that extends it.

And considering how minor extending the franchise of marriage to gay people (and let's not forget, Bill: your STD objection fails completely for lesbians), it's hard to imagine what those unintended consequences would be. Wouuld straight people stop marrying? Doubtful. Would they take marriage less seriously? Unlikely even to be possible. Would the government go bankrupt by forgoing the tax revenues from married gays? Certainly not to the extent it's already going bankrupt between the Bush tax cuts and the Bush wars.

In my opinion, it's simply not justifiable to deny a civil right to a class of people based merely on the supposition that granting that right could conceivably result in unanticipated social consequences, without even a plausible analysis of what those consequences could be.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,10:08   

As I wrote earlier, this isn't a zero sum game, where you must give up a civil liberty so that someone else can get one. You live in a land of freedom by GRANTING freedom. I simply can't understand why you find that concept so baffling.

Because I'm focusing on the reality of the situation instead of abstract theory. True, in theory, civil rights are not a zero-sum game. But on planet Earth, they often are. Let me ask you this: by extending immigration rights to people from Muslim lands, we have expanded freedom for the immigrants. True or false? I'm assuming the answer will be "True". Now, here's a follow-up question: "Are native citizens freer after immigration than before immigration?". I assert that the answer is "No!", especially in European countries. Native Europeans can be jailed for saying things today that wouldn't have raised an eyebrow yesterday. Americans suffer under the ramifications of the Patriot Act, which was created in part due to the fears of future terrorist acts from......Muslim immigrants.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,10:10   

I will ask again: How does legalizing gay marriage infringe upon your civil rights?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,10:12   

I agree with Ghost.  Gay extemeists have already tried to blow up the white house once.  Letting them marry will only encourage more attacks in the future.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,10:22   

True, in theory, civil rights are not a zero-sum game. But on planet Earth, they often are.

So you're saying, sometimes, under some circumstances, the practice defies the theory. And I agree with this: If there were no restrictions on what the majority could vote for, they could vote themselves a dictatorship - one time. If we allowed the free market to be totally free, and if some quack claiming to be a brain surgeon botches the job, then just go to someone else next time, the market will eventually eliminate the quack!

So, as we tried to discuss a long ways back, we're talking about what the default should be, and what mechanisms should we have in place in case the practice isn't what the theory predicts.

And here I think we can't ever quite get together. You take it for granted that UNTIL some group can demonstrate that having a specific right doesn't make things worse, they should be denied that right. The fact that they can't demonstrate until they have the right doesn't seem to impress you any.

I don't think Chris's question is answered by your model of how just about any imaginable change you don't like will inevitably lead to social collapse. Yes, Chris is assuming the same default I am: that equality under the law is the proper default, and that people should LOSE rights individually and for cause, not fail to be granted rights broadly and for no clear reason beyond fear of change.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,10:24   

Quote (Flint @ April 24 2006,14:54)

I also despair of ever getting the point across that rewarding the undesired behavior and penalizing the desired behavior does NOT achieve the target goals, but in fact works directly against them. George Orwell would have felt right at home. I'm coming to the conclusion that thordaddy is taking the high road of honesty here, and Ghost is trying to *trick* himself into thinking he's outsmarted his own training.

Yes, this is the part I find most mystifying. Obviously, no one can guarantee that allowing gay people to marry each other will lead to reduced infection rates of STDs, but it's difficult to imagine how it could possibly increase those rates. So far, to my knowledge, this is the only concrete prediction Bill has made as to the consequences of legalizing gay marriage. And his argument seems to have it exactly backwards. Nevertheless, I don't see much movement away from this argument on the Reverend's part.


However, I think the time is rapidly approaching when yet another group will be granted equal rights.

It does appear that way. But I do find it interesting that the major GOP (the political party, not the nom de 'net) talking points for the 2006 election appear to be gay marriage, abortion, and immigration. All three of these points involve restricting rights of some, ostensibly to preserve the rights of others. I'm hoping that the moderate core of the country gets this.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,11:06   

So you're saying, sometimes, under some circumstances, the practice defies the theory. And I agree with this: If there were no restrictions on what the majority could vote for, they could vote themselves a dictatorship - one time. If we allowed the free market to be totally free, and if some quack claiming to be a brain surgeon botches the job, then just go to someone else next time, the market will eventually eliminate the quack!

Uhhhhh Flint, you do realise our freedoms are being eroded as we speak. I already cited the case of Ake Green, which you largely ignored. Here are some more:
In Britain, police investigated Anglican Bishop Peter Forster after he told a local paper: "Some people who are primarily homosexual can reorientate themselves. I would encourage them to consider that as an option." And in Ireland, the Irish Council on Civil Liberties warned that clergy who circulated a 2003 Vatican statement opposing gay marriage could face prosecution under incitement-to-hatred legislation.

Canada is the current horrible national example of pro-gay censorship. The Quebec Human Rights Commission fined a man $1,000 for referring to another man as a "fifi," the French equivalent of "fag." A Canadian teacher was suspended from teaching for sending to a newspaper letters to the editor expressing disapproval of homosexuality. In Saskatchewan, a newspaper ad listing biblical citations against homosexuality was ruled a human-rights offense, and the man who placed the ad was directed to pay $1,500 each to three gay men who were offended by the text.

In the United States, cases of speech control are commonly triggered by school administrators who are apparently unaware of the First Amendment. These include the attempt to ban a "straight pride" sweatshirt at a high school in St. Paul, Minn., the decision to send four students home for wearing "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" T-shirts at South Windsor High School in Connecticut, and a suit filed by a student suspended for wearing a religious antigay T-shirt at Poway High School in California.
Some campuses "derecognize," defund, or ban Christian student groups that do not allow homosexuals in leadership positions. Grinnell College in Iowa banned a student group for its belief that only married heterosexuals should have sex. Many college administrators are frank about their willingness to move against student groups that express Bible-based opposition to homosexuality. A 2003 report from Freedom and Individual Rights in Education found that 19 percent of administrators at public universities, and 40 percent of those at private universities, disagree with the statement: "Students should be allowed to form a club on your campus that argues that homosexual behavior is sinful and can be altered by prayer." This is another indication, if we need one, that in the interest of fighting bias, a substantial minority of school administrators are willing to ignore or override the First Amendment.

Here are a couple for the road:
Matthew Shepard, a homosexual in Wyoming, is brutally attacked by two thugs and left to die, tied to a fence in sub-freezing temperature. The story is, quite properly, a nationwide media sensation. Not long after, a 13-year-old Arkansas boy named Jesse Dirkhising is sadistically raped for hours, then left to die, by two next-door homosexuals. The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC ignore the story entirely.
This double-barreled theme was the dominating idea of a 1992 revival meeting (to caricature only slightly the spirit of the occasion) sponsored jointly by the American Society of Newspaper Editors and the Newspaper Association of America. Arthur Sulzberger Jr., the publisher of the New York Times, was a major speaker at the meeting and in its aftermath repeatedly proclaimed that "diversity is the single most important issue" facing the Times. He pledged to hire an openly gay editor and in other ways pushed minority preferences to the limit, observing at one point: "We can no longer offer our readers a predominantly white, straight male version of events and say that we, as journalists, are doing our job."

[all emphases mine]

Are these examples pertinent enough for you?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,11:32   

Ghost, I agree with what you are saying in your last post.

However, I fail to see how it backs up a claim that gay marriage should not be allowed.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,11:32   

Seriously, don't you libtards get it?  If we let gays get married, it will just encourage them to rape and murder more and more 13-year-olds.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


Posts: 478
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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,11:41   


I already cited the case of Ake Green, which you largely ignored. Here are some more:

OK, I'm willing to address this directly. You're absolutely right, if things continue as they are, your freedom to discriminate, to hate, to impose double standards, to deny people rights because you don't like those people, and so on will erode away. And in the effort to impose by fiat a golden rule Christians such as yourself just can't bring yourself to follow when it doesn't suit you, silly injustices will happen, overreactions will be unavoidable, and those who WISH to hate and discriminate will be inconvenienced when they try to do so. MUCH better that those systematically discriminated against bear all the ill treatment. Provided, of course, you aren't one of them.

But I'll join the chorus here, asking you how those terrible impositions will arise by reducing the cost of legal marriage.

(Incidentally, I think John Leo's collection of material is a most wonderful illustration of the Biblical injunction that you reap what you sow. Much (but not all) of that material is simply pointing to what happens when *the shoe is on the other foot*, and Christians are being done unto as they did unto others. When THEY are the target, why, THEN our freedoms are eroding. Imagine that!;))

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,11:58   

What has anything you quoted got to do with marriage? I can sympathise with you on some of the things you have said, I despair at the erosion of freedom of speech, but it's a seperate issue to gay marriage.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,12:18   

Ghost, I agree with what you are saying in your last post.
Agree with what? What is Ghost saying in his last post? I'd be very wary of accepting at face value any news items right-wing wing-nuts present as evidence of eroding their rights. I fail to see how decisions the New York Times makes about hiring erodes wing-nuts' freedoms. And the fact that a kid Arkansas is raped and murdered does not make national news, unfortunately, is not particularly shocking because, unfortunately, it's not all that uncommon. Now, if the kid was raped and murdered because of his sexual orientation, that would be news - as was the sickening Mathew Shepard story.

I might be troubled by some of the apparent infringements on freedom of speech suggested by the English, Irish, and Canadian cases, but (a) there's a limit to how much righteous indignation I can muster about how other countries manage their affairs and (b) I would need to read about it - in context - from some more reliable source than the Ghost Man and his obviously slanted sources.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,12:55   

I'm still waiting for GoP to explain why heterosexual couples are richly-connected nodes on a scale-free network.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,13:02   

OK, I'm willing to address this directly. You're absolutely right, if things continue as they are, your freedom to discriminate,

.....which the government will define as unequal outcomes, of course......
to hate,

.....Flint blunders here. He doesn't seem to realise that he's implicitly condoning the right to censor speech that he (actually the government) considers hateful. I'm sounding less paranoid by the minute.......
to impose double standards, mean like the New York Times is doing now? Or were you referring to our universities? Or perhaps Canada and the UK?.....
to deny people rights because you don't like those people,, to allow businessmen more economic freedom, and all neighborhoods the freedom of association. And remember, a wise man once said that restoring freedom isn't a zero sum game.
and so on will erode away.

.....that are eroding away. You did read my post, didn't you?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 2460
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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,13:26   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 24 2006,18<!--emo&:0), to allow businessmen more economic freedom, and all neighborhoods the freedom of association. And remember, a wise man once said that restoring freedom isn't a zero sum game.
and so on will erode away.

.....that are eroding away. You did read my post, didn't you?

But Bill, you still haven't connected any of these eventualities to the legalization of gay marriage. Unless, that is, you're claiming that if we give gay people rights that they do not now enjoy (specifically the right to marry), they'll want to demand additional rights they do not now enjoy. Even if that were the case, it doesn't really support your argument. If you want to argue that gay people are not entitled to additional rights, you can argue that. But you can't say "this class of person is not entitled to right A, which they would otherwise be entitled to, specifically because giving them right A will encourage them to demand right B as well."

Well, okay, you can say that, but it's not going to carry much weight as an argument.

You still have not come up with a plausible "consequence" of legalizing gay marriage that would make me wonder whether it is a good idea or not.

And just by way of comparison, which do you think is more likely to infringe on your rights: allowing gay people to marry, or keeping the USA PATRIOT Act on the books?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,14:11   

Agree with what? What is Ghost saying in his last post?

Ahh, yes, the liberal shell game in action:

Liberal: I demand that you outline your position, in fifteen words or less!
Conservative: Well, if A, then B, if B, then C. Therefore...

L: What? Where's the detail? What do you mean by A? By B? By C?
C: According to Webster's...

L: Stop playing semantic games with me! Show me the evidence!
C: (conservative does so)

L: That source is biased! And that source would require a trip to a library! Show me real evidence!
C: (does as asked)

L: Well, evidence without a theory means nothing! Where is your theory?!
C: If A, then B.....

L:What does 'A' mean?
C: (Using an analogy), Suppose you built a mousetrap...

L: You spend a lot of time building mousetraps, don't you?! (Smirks at audience)
C: No, I said if one were to build a mousetrap...

L: Who's building a mousetrap? I don't see any mousetraps here!
C: Well, this a hypothetical situation. I'm not suggesting anyone should rush out and build one right this minute.....

L: Are you telling black people not to build mousetraps?
C: What! That's crazy! This is just an analogy...

L: Because the only thing keeping black people from building mousetraps is haters like you.
C: You're cracked!!

L: Oh, so now supporting civil rights is crazy, eh? Well, let me tell you something: bigotry is bad. That's why I can't wait for the day when Christianity bites the dust....
C: OK, let's try another approach....

L: I still haven't seen any evidence for any of your positions..
C: But what about the studies I showed you earlier?

L: But that's the past. What relevance does that have to the future?
C: But I was using it to support my predictions about the future!

L: What predictions?
C: Well, if A happens, then B....

L: Why do you keep obsessing over this issue? Show me some evidence!.....

[Rinse and repeat]

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Jay Ray

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,14:18   


Ghostie, the only one I know of using the "mousetrap" analogy is Michael Behe.  In fact, most of that is right out of the ID playbook.

Evolution (or homosexuality) is bad for society!  
Because the designer says so!

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,14:21   

For some reason, I find this essay relevant right now.....

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,14:34   

You've shown studies regarding a number of things but none of the points you are making are to do with gay marriage. I do not want to see a general increase in unprotected promiscuous sex, anal or otherwise (although if it has to happen I'd prefer the option that reduces unwanted pregnancies). I do not wan't to see my freedom of speech eroded based on someone elses imaginary right not to be insulted by what I say. I don't want to see a reduction of peoples freedom of association. I agree that single parent families are more likely to lead to emotionally unhealthy children. All you need to do is say how gay marriage will lead to any of this. There is no evidence that it will increase promiscuity, that it will reduce freedom of speech any more than it already has been, that it will affect hiring laws, or that childern raised with gay parents are any worse off than with straight parents.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,14:53   

Hey Ghost, how are heterosexual couples richly-connected nodes on a scale-free network?

And don't skimp on the math details. I can hang. I had plenty of 400-level math classes at State.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:00   

Quote (Russell @ April 24 2006,17:18)
Ghost, I agree with what you are saying in your last post.
Agree with what? What is Ghost saying in his last post? I'd be very wary of accepting at face value any news items right-wing wing-nuts present as evidence of eroding their rights. I fail to see how decisions the New York Times makes about hiring erodes wing-nuts' freedoms. And the fact that a kid Arkansas is raped and murdered does not make national news, unfortunately, is not particularly shocking because, unfortunately, it's not all that uncommon. Now, if the kid was raped and murdered because of his sexual orientation, that would be news - as was the sickening Mathew Shepard story.

I might be troubled by some of the apparent infringements on freedom of speech suggested by the English, Irish, and Canadian cases, but (a) there's a limit to how much righteous indignation I can muster about how other countries manage their affairs and (b) I would need to read about it - in context - from some more reliable source than the Ghost Man and his obviously slanted sources.

I agree with Ghost that double standards are operating in the media.

This is certainly true in the UK and suspect the same thing is happening in the USA.

However, I fail to see how that has anything to do with gay marriage.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:01   

Paley, we've asked you three or four times to back up that scale-free network hokum claim you tossed out, and you've moved on to other arguments, and you're accusing us of shell games?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:04   

I am very dissapointed in Ghost. What happened to "Clobbering time"?

I doubt Ben Grim would dodge in this way.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:08   

JayRay writes:
Ghostie, the only one I know of using the "mousetrap" analogy is Michael Behe.  In fact, most of that is right out of the ID playbook.

See what I mean? Touche, God.

You've shown studies regarding a number of things but none of the points you are making are to do with gay marriage.

Not in the narrow sense, perhaps. And if I had good reason to believe the matter would end there, I would be OK. But as I've tried to show, the matter won't end there, can't end there, ####, the liberals don't even want it to end there. Simply pay attention to what others have said on this thread. Granting equal rights to gays now will lead to superior rights for gays later, precisely because our governments define "equality" as equal outcomes, which can't be met even in an equal society. And since basic probability theory argues that the goal is impossible to meet (ask Stevestory if you don't believe me - he's had plenty of 400-level math classes), the only option is to chip away at majority rights. In fact, this has already happened.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:11   

blah blah blah probability theory blah blah blah

Ghost, how are heterosexual couples richly-connected nodes on a scale-free network?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:17   

And don't think I'm doing a Lenny Flank here and making the point that you can't answer the question. I'm hoping you actually come up with a nitwitted network model and argument for why it's scale free, so I can laugh at it.

But you don't have a reputation for coming through with the models you purport to work on.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:22   

Ghost, how are heterosexual couples richly-connected nodes on a scale-free network?

So are you saying that probability theory does allow for equal outcomes? Or not? Consider this an opportunity to show off your math skills. If your answer is anything other than, "Here's why basic probability theory shows that equal outcomes are possible, just like the courts demand.....", then everyone will know that either:
1) You don't know crap
2) You agree with me, and can't admit it.

C'mon, dude. I'm working on my scale-free network model. You liberals have had decades to explain why equal outcomes don't violate the basic tenets of probability. So show me what you got. You can do it, can't you?  ???

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:26   

I'm not going to play a shell game and jump to a new argument, Ghosty, it's such a bad habit of us liberals I'm taking a stand against it. I want to know why hetero marriages are scale free networks, how gay marriage would upset the linkages, etc.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:36   

And don't think I'm doing a Lenny Flank here and making the point that you can't answer the question. I'm hoping you actually come up with a nitwitted network model and argument for why it's scale free, so I can laugh at it.

Quid pro quo. Given the basic tenets of probability theory, how are equal outcomes possible? Please - use all the math, evidence, and technology at your disposal. Or just say you can't, because I know you can't, Flint knows you can't, Cogzie knows you can't.....I just want the lurkers to see what's behind that liberal mask. Here's your chance - don't let us down.
I'm not going to play a shell game and jump to a new argument, Ghosty, it's such a bad habit of us liberals I'm taking a stand against it. I want to know why hetero marriages are scale free networks, how gay marriage would upset the linkages, etc.

No shell game. I'm working on my model - all I'm asking is that you establish one of the basic tenets of liberalism. You know, the justification for Affirmative Action, set asides, et al. You don't have to be creative - surely there's a boatload of research on this. Just cite, and summarise, a sample of this lucid reasoning. Or admit it's not there.

[edit: I'll have to pick this up tomorrow. This should give Stevestory plenty of time to work on his explanation, or a least summarise a pre-existing one.]

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:37   

Jeez, it's taking so long I'll go ahead and give you a scenario in which you're kind of right, just to amuse myself.

1 Imagine an alternate USA where polygamy was legal.
2 The wealth of the rich can be roughly described as a power law.
3 Assuming that rich guys could have wives proportional to their income,
4 The graph of people where a marriage is a link would have a power law distribution, and therefore would be scale free.

How you're going to make marriages into hubs on a scale free network in reality, I'm all ears.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:44   

Jeez, it's taking so long I'll go ahead and give you a scenario in which you're kind of right, just to amuse myself.

Oh please, don't bother helping me. You can answer the question, can't you? Here, let me ask it one more time:
Given the basic tenets of probability theory, how are equal outcomes possible?

Really, it's not a hard thing to do. So why aren't you doing it?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:44   

I'm not making any explanation for Affirmative Action because I've never used it to support any argument. Paley did throw out scale free networks, and since we're trying to avoid shell games here, we need to see this argument through. How are marriages hubs in a scale free network, and how would the linkages destructively change if gay marriage is introduced?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:46   

Ahh, yes, the liberal shell game in action:

Liberal: I demand that you outline your position, in fifteen words or less!
Conservative: Well, if A, then B, if B, then C. Therefore...

L: What? Where's the detail? What do you mean by A? By B? By C?
C: According to Webster's...etc. etc. etc.

Yes, but the truth of the matter, Bill, is you could switch the "C"s and the "L"s, and "liberals" and the "conservatives," and you'd still have a realistic dialog. :-) All you have to do is watch a little Fox News, and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

Alternatively, you could replace the "L" with "IDist," and "C" with "evo." I've seen it happen a million times…

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:51   

I'm not making any explanation for Affirmative Action because I've never used it to support any argument.

Ahhhh....but the courts will be using such arguments on the behalf of gays in the near future. Which is part of my argument. Really, Steve, just answer the question or admit you can't.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,15:53   

Anyway, why are you trying to make such a model? You said 'no one could say' if marriages were hubs in a scale free network:

Let me try to clarify some of my cultural arguments. Why do I think that changing the definition of marriage will lead to such disastrous consequences?

   Consider how cultures form. Human beings are fundamentally biological beings. While the evos and I differ on the genesis of our drives, we all agree that humans share many biological needs with animals. As human societies evolve, they network with other tribes, invent technologies, and develop social structures to manage their affairs. Societies experiment. Soon, historical contingency selects the strategy that successfully defines, and therby demarcates, a culture. As modern research shows, many biological and technological networks such as the internet exhibit a scale-free structure. A scale-free structure is characterised by the development of a few early hubs, which serve as a nexus for most social interactions. Since they are primal, they develop a rich delta of connections and become crucial to the development of the society. As the society becomes more complicated, peripheral hubs form to add flexibility to the original structure. Of course, flexibility is the key; just as a Gothic structure relies on lancet arches, so must a society allow its citizens some freedom to pursue their interest. The central hub must be maintained, however; one may remove a peripheral node at one's convenience, but fiddling with one of the central connections will destroy the system:

Scale-free networks tend to contain centrally located and interconnected high degree "hubs", which dramatically influences the way a network operates. For example, random node failures have very little effect on a scale-free network's connectivity or effectiveness, however deliberate attacks on such a network's hubs can dismantle a network with alarming ease.

So, then, is marriage itself a central hub? No one can say, but the conservative notices that all attempts to radically restructure marriage has foundered, from the free love movement to the communal children's houses of the kibbutzim:
Now you say you're working on a model to show that marriage itself is a central hub? You already said 'no one can say' if marriage is a central hub. So what are you trying to do with this model of yours?

Oh, and I thought you were going to have to pick this up tomorrow? But you're still talking? If you can talk, you can provide us with your model, show us that marriages are central hubs on a scale free network, show us that gay marriage would ruin the network, and then show us why no one can say if marriages are central hubs on a network.

I'm all ears.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,16:05   

Ghost of Paley says

No shell game. I'm working on my model - all I'm asking is that you establish one of the basic tenets of liberalism. You know, the justification for Affirmative Action, set asides, et al. You don't have to be creative - surely there's a boatload of research on this. Just cite, and summarise, a sample of this lucid reasoning. Or admit it's not there.

...and Ghost of Paley delivers another dog turd with a pretty bow ribbon.

It's obvious to all by now that Ghost of Paley is floundering badly.  His confused attempts to claim legalizing gay marriage must lead to massive affirmative action programs have crashed and burned.  His "free scale networks" nonsense deserves a nomination for math gobbledygook post of the month.  Finally, realizing that he has caught himself in his own zipper big time, he attempts a lame burden-of-proof shift maneuver coupled with screaming "damm liberals!!!" as often as he can.

Pretty pathetic, even for a ghost.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,16:08   

I'm actually going to email Mark Chu-Carroll a link to Ghosty's little scale-free shuck and jive. He might not touch it, but who knows, he might be a little thin on material right now.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,16:15   

stevestory says:
I'm actually going to email Mark Chu-Carroll a link to Ghosty's little scale-free shuck and jive. He might not touch it, but who knows, he might be a little thin on material right now.

LOL!  Actually, MCC's Good Math, Bad Math was the first thing I thought of a few days ago when I initially read GoP's goofy sidebar into math fantasyland.

Convergent evolution?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,16:17   



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(Permalink) Posted: April 24 2006,17:48   

At risk of pulling this thread even further off topic than it already is, but before anyone spends three evenings rebutting the good rev's "equal outcomes" argument, I want to point out that "equal outcomes" is not, and never has been, a liberal goal. Equal opportunity is the actual goal; increasingly equal outcomes, to the extent that ever happens, would be at best an indicator of how equal those opportunities are becoming.

Here's an example: let's take the Fortune 500. There are 500 CEOs of the Fortune 500 companies. African Americans make up approximately 12% of the population (the actual figure isn't that important). If African Americans had the same opportunity as European-Americans, we would expect to see about 60 African American CEOs in the Fortune 500. If we saw, say, 20, or alternatively, 100 African American CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, we could reasonably assume that there is no systemic racial bias in American society that is preventing African Americans from succeeding in the business world.

But what if we see two, or zero, African American CEOs in the Fortune 500? What inferences could we draw from that? We could infer that there is, in fact, systemic racial bias in American society that serves as a barrier to the advancement of African Americans in the business world. (Or, alternatively, we could assume if we wanted to that African Americans lack the innate ability to compete in the business world, but we'd hard-pressed to come up with data to support that contention; on the other hand, there's plenty of evidence of racial bias in American culture.)

At that point, noting the dearth of successful African Americans in the business world, we could try to come up with a solution. Affirmative Action was one attempt to solve the problem. But there are those who simply refuse to admit that there is a problem. Which, of course, means it will never be solved.

But the whole "equal outcomes" position is a straw man; a canard. Given a large enough data set, you might end up with an average of equal outcomes, but it's not really something you can ever actually hope to achieve. Approaching more equal (or equivalently less unequal) outcomes is a signal that you're approaching your aim of eliminating racial bias in society.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,02:43   

I agree with Ghost that double standards are operating in the media.
Given the fact that media is plural, it would be pretty distressing if multiple standards were not operating. But  specifically, what did our vaporous friend raise that you think is hypocritical, which I guess is really more the point?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,02:44   

Here's another case of rights activists trying to undermine traditional marriage. Man, it's happening everywhere!


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,03:22   

Ghost argues that reducing the cost of legal gay marriage will rapidly lead to pro-gay affirmative action programs on steroids. This argument seems to be based on two assumptions:

1) The US government will simply adopt the racial model as-is.
2) This model as implemented has been a Terrible Thing ™ because the undeniable rights some people have gained have in fact violated others' right to DENY them those rights.

The reasonable point has been made (by Ghost) that normal variations in taste and preference, combined with the general stochastic distribution process, is guaranteed to produce unequal representation of ALL groups across ALL professions and pastimes, *even if* everyone started out absolutely equal.

The equally reasonable point has been raised (by ericmurphy) that a combination of factors can be appropriately used to determine whether unequal results derive from natural processes. For example, when desirable positions held by large numbers of people have essentially NO representation by some group. And/or when members of that group are actively, visibly attempting to achieve these results in large enough numbers to see that they are actively, visibly being excluded.

It seems that Ghost is very carefully dodging this question, as well as other issues. If Ghost were himself gay, would he use his same grounds to defend the process of denying him equal rights? Would he be so vocal in supporting those who pronounce him perverted, subhuman, or second-class? Would he enjoy paying taxes to a government that refuses to let him marry, on the grounds that if he HAD equal rights, someone somewhere *might* feel they were losing their "freedom of association"?

Earlier, I raised what I considered a genuine consideration, and Ghost's care in ignoring it convinces me it's meaningful. The conservatives ARE reaping what they sowed. The politics of exclusion and privilege eventually triggers a reaction. To the degree that this reaction is stifled, it becomes an OVER reaction. When the conservatives refuse to concede even an inch, eventually the overreaction obliges them to give more than they ever would have needed to.

And thus Ghost's prophecy becomes self-fulfilling. Compromise, and the world compromises with you. Dig in your heels and concede nothing, and the world must fight, with an intensity inversely proportional to your willingness to consider a quid pro quo. And THEN, Ghost turns around and says "I told you so. I told you those homosexuals would demand the moon."

So we're back to ericmurphy's observation - the key factor isn't whether we see over or underrepresentation and conclude ipso facto discrimination. The key factor is whether potentially qualified people are being visibly, actively excluded from either achieving those qualifications, or practicing them.

"Freedom of association" is indeed code, and it is code for "protection of privilege." As an example, there is a qualitative difference between wanting to spend your time with like-minded people, and making sure that people who are not of like mind MUST spend their time in separate and *very inferior* conditions. When freedom of association means YOU get to go where and do what YOU want, and those with whom you don't wish to associate do NOT get to go where or do what THEY want, then this is protection of privilege. Not the same thing.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,03:31   

Flint, you're not being very scientific about this. You see, marriages are deeply-connected hubs on a scale-free network. And clearly, allowing gay marriages would decimate the linking structure and cause the whole system to short out. Any minute now Ghost is going to deliver a model which proves this. And then won't you be embarrassed.

Haven't you learned your lesson by now? When GoP says he's soon to deliver a devastating, scientific argument, he always comes through. Time after time.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,04:19   

Quote (Russell @ April 25 2006,07:43)
I agree with Ghost that double standards are operating in the media.
Given the fact that media is plural, it would be pretty distressing if multiple standards were not operating. But  specifically, what did our vaporous friend raise that you think is hypocritical, which I guess is really more the point?

Assuming it it true, this:-

Matthew Shepard, a homosexual in Wyoming, is brutally attacked by two thugs and left to die, tied to a fence in sub-freezing temperature. The story is, quite properly, a nationwide media sensation. Not long after, a 13-year-old Arkansas boy named Jesse Dirkhising is sadistically raped for hours, then left to die, by two next-door homosexuals. The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC ignore the story entirely.  

But like I said earlier. I fail to see what media bias has to do with gay marriage.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,04:25   

What's amusing to me is how strenuously Ghost works to *avoid* saying "We deny equal rights to gays in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!"

But much of my education is in political processes, so I see this as an exercise in political negotiation. I suppose if your background is more in math, you can laugh at self-serving "mathmatical" models. Thordaddy seems to be operating on the kneejerk-reflex model.

I personally see Ghost as using a political approach: If we grant gays equal rights, they will *use* those rights, which means we may have to treat them as we ourselves wish to be treated, which impinges on our freedom and liberty to prevent this.

But at least Ghost doesn't seem to be trying very hard to make a broad or inclusive case here. He personally has a narrow privilege, and if those he dislikes were granted the same, he would necessarily LOSE his privilege. And unlike rights, privilege IS a zero-sum game. Privileges are like secrets: if you tell, you still have the information but you lose the secret.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,04:37   

Assuming it it true, this:
[comparing Mathew Shepard with Jesse Dirkhising stories]
 Why? The point of the national press coverage of the Mathew Shepard story was that he was murdered because of his homosexuality. Unfortunately, horrors like the Jesse Dirkhising story are all too common and are, correspondingly and appropriately, covered in the more local press. Ghosty seems to be suggesting that news of homosexual on heterosexual atrocities is suppressed in the media.

If the national press did play up the Dirkhising story, I would wonder why is that horror more nationally newsworthy than all the other adult-on-child rape/murders that never make it past the local press. Because the perpetrators were homosexual?

Stephen, you're too smart to fall for Ghosty's shell games.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,04:42   

Maybe it is because I live in the UK then. Adults killing/raping children are big news here. Probably because it is rare.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,05:47   

What's amusing to me is how strenuously Ghost works to *avoid* saying "We deny equal rights to gays in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!"

Any BS argument he puts forth about STDs and scale free networks is a lie. He doesn't like gays, they repulse him and the bible says it's wrong, and that's why he opposes gay marriage. Anything else is a dishonest post-facto argument.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,06:21   

Maybe it is because I live in the UK then. Adults killing/raping children are big news here. Probably because it is rare.
Apparently the story was picked up by the Assciated Press, which qualifies as "the national press". Note, also, that the story dates back seven years. You'd think, from Ghosty's remarks, that the liberal press's war on heterosexuality was getting more blatant, and that he could find a more current example. Going back seven years has the advantage that no one will remember the details, like how widely the story was covered, and Ghosty and his right-wing spin-buddies can get away with whatever version they choose.

Now, so far as I can tell, the story about the Anglican bishop - for which Ghosty only had to go back 2.5 years - is real, and if it were my country, I would object. In our country, at least, saying uninformed moronic bigoted things is not supposed to subject you to police investigation. In fact, prominent churchmen say such things all the time and, so far as I know, the police don't get involved.

In fact, the ACLU has pissed off a lot of "liberals" in defending the free speech rights of KKK and neo-Nazi types. I hope Ghosty has expressed his support for them.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,07:34   

He doesn't like gays, they repulse him and the bible says it's wrong, and that's why he opposes gay marriage. Anything else is a dishonest post-facto argument.

Considering how very very selectively verses are extracted from their biblical contexts, I'd omit that last step. As we've surely all seen too many times to count, IF someone disapproves of something, AND they are religious Believers of the intolerant persuasion, THEN they will find and interpret some verbiage from the bible to ratify their gut reactions.

For the most part, Ghost hasn't waved his bible around; he apparently realizes that his enemies regard it as a book of ancient local superstitions and *continue to think* even when confronted with it. He has generally stuck with overstretched special pleading, hazy fears of dominos, and taking it for granted that the rest of us (even if we don't admit it) share his desire to retain privilege.

There is without question a goodly number of fellow conservatives combing the media (including the net) for examples where overreactions to bigotry have occurred; these are collected in a few places. I suppose the idea is, if we skim the worst offenders off the top and represent them as typical, we're doing a fair representation of what we should be concerned about.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,08:15   

There is without question a goodly number of fellow conservatives combing the media (including the net) for examples where overreactions to bigotry have occurred; these are collected in a few places. I suppose the idea is, if we skim the worst offenders off the top and represent them as typical, we're doing a fair representation of what we should be concerned about.
Given the length of time over which the Ghost-Man has been searching for examples, and the unconvincing nature of those he's found, I'd say he's pretty well laid to rest the boogeyman of the so-called "liberal" mainstream press. (You know, that left-wing cabal that even now is giving Bush et al. a pass on WMD, Rove/Libby, warrantless spying... all in a diabolical plot to give them enough rope to hang themselves when, in a surprise about-face, the press suddenly stops playing along with them by distracting the public with bogus issues like the doomsday threat of gay marriage.)

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,08:30   

For the most part, Ghost hasn't waved his bible around;
I'm actually complaining about that. If he did that, he would be honest. He didn't get these beliefs from his stupid STD and scale-free network claims. Those are decoy arguments.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,09:29   

Why? The point of the national press coverage of the Mathew Shepard story was that he was murdered because of his homosexuality. Unfortunately, horrors like the Jesse Dirkhising story are all too common and are, correspondingly and appropriately, covered in the more local press. Ghosty seems to be suggesting that news of homosexual on heterosexual atrocities is suppressed in the media.

OK, so let's look at some crimes with a racial bias:

Exhibit A:
KMBC's Chris Nagus reported that two cars with two different couples were on the way to Children's Mercy Hospital when another car cut between them.

One of the drivers asked the cutting driver not to block them. Then, things got out of control when a mob came out of nowhere, Nagus reported.

"Just a whole bunch of people rushed the car. I was thinking 20 girls; my husband said more like 30," said Michelle Essig, who was driving to the hospital when the people stormed her car. "They opened up my car door and started punching my friend, who just had a C-section three weeks ago."
Essig called 911 after the attack, but she could not give a good description of any particular person in the crowd who rushed her car -- only that many of the attackers were black and that they were wearing green.

Exhibit B:
Brown is accused of walking up to the student and knocking him unconscious with a punch to the head, then kicking the student as he was on the ground. The attack occurred Wednesday during a lunch break across the street from Lewis and Clark. The victim was treated and released at a hospital.

Brown was arrested a few blocks away. While he was being taken to jail, a police officer said Brown called himself a "racist," according to the affidavit. He added, "I should have kicked him until he'd never get up … I'm a racist, and I hate all you white boys."

Exhibit C:
According to the arrest report, Jean Belizaire, 18, struck a 17-year-old girl in the back of the head with a rolled up package of papers with such force that she became dizzy and nauseous.

When questioned by police, Belizaire, who is black, admitted striking the girl because she was white.

Belizaire is charged with battery. While that charge is normally a misdemeanor, when the hate crime notation is added it becomes a felony.

Exhibit D:
KAILUA-KONA >> A group of people who allegedly attacked campers at isolated Makalawena Beach in Kona early Saturday morning were shouting racial insults against Caucasians, says one of the victims.

Kai Dechape said yesterday that he heard one attacker say, "Any f..... haoles want to die?"

"I think they would have attacked anyone with white skin," Dechape, 18, told the Star-Bulletin.

But two high-ranking police officers expressed doubt that race motivated the attack. "That's the first time I've heard that," said Assistant Chief Thomas Hickcox.

Capt. Robert Hickcox, the assistant chief's brother, also said he doubted a racial motivation, suggesting instead that alcohol led to the alleged attack.
Dechape said one of the newcomers suddenly attacked his roommate, Garrett Fitts, 18. Some partygoers went to protect Fitts while some of the attackers' friends joined the attack, Dechape said.

Fitts, who later told Dechape he was knocked out, was taken to Kona Hospital for treatment. Two other men, both 21, lay on the ground, not moving to avoid further attack, Dechape said.

Dechape said he and others sat frozen in a locked four-wheel-drive vehicle during the attack.

One attacker smashed a window, spraying broken glass over them, he said. The same attacker grabbed another man's glasses and ran away, he said.

Most of the 50 initial partygoers scattered, but the attack against about eight of them continued until one woman was able to call police at 1:42 a.m.

When things calmed down, the victims tried to drive away, but found the rugged, rocky road from the beach blocked by the attackers, Dechape said. One of the victims' cars broke through, but Dechape said he and others had to wait until police made arrests.

Exhibit E:
Mall slay seen as hate crime
The slaying of a law-firm receptionist at a Westchester mall will be prosecuted as a hate crime because the ex-con charged with the crime confessed "he wanted to kill a white person," District Attorney Jeanine Pirro said yesterday.

Exhibit F: (The religion of peace):
In Australia, Norway, Sweden and other Western nations, there is a distinct race-based crime in motion being ignored by the diversity police: Islamic men are raping Western women for ethnic reasons. We know this because the rapists have openly declared their sectarian motivations.

When a number of teenage Australian girls were subjected to hours of sexual degradation during a spate of gang rapes in Sydney that occurred between 1998 and 2002, the perpetrators of these assaults framed their rationale in ethnic terms. The young victims were informed that they were “sluts” and “Aussie pigs” while they were being hunted down and abused.

In Australia's New South Wales Supreme Court in December 2005, a visiting Pakistani rapist testified that his victims had no right to say no, because they were not wearing a headscarf.

Exhibit G:
WHITE PLAINS — Concetta Russo-Carriero "had to die" because she was white, the man accused of killing her told White Plains detectives in a 45-minute videotaped statement during which he also claims to have killed others and says he is at war with the white race.

"I never seen her before, and I didn't care," Phillip Grant said on the tape, which was played at his felony hearing in City Court yesterday. "As long as she had blond hair and blue eyes, she had to die."

Grant said he knew he would get caught.

"I want the death penalty," he said. "I want to die. But I wanted to kill somebody white first."

Exhibit H:
Police Chief Chuck Harmon cut short his holiday vacation to hold a news conference about the numbers, contained in an annual report by Attorney General Charlie Crist. The figures were an aberration, Harmon said, largely the result of one evening of civil unrest on May 12, in which a group of about 125 people, mostly black, threw bricks and bottles at drivers, mostly white. One man's face was beaten so badly that he needed reconstructive surgery.

Harmon noted that the disturbance accounted for 29 of the city's 49 reported hate crime victims. Without those, the number would have been 20, similar to the previous year. In 2005, police said, the number of reported hate crime victims in St. Petersburg has fallen to 13.

Exhibit I:
From the beginning, it was uncomfortable. Both children were taunted with racial slurs, particularly Alexis. The Sweeneys tried to make this a life lesson, coaching their kids to respond appropriately. They advised the children to report any threats or poor treatment to teachers, assuming the adults were addressing the problems. And they prayed their kids were simply learning the uncomfortable truth that life can be tough. But the incidents didn't stop, despite a lot of back-and-forth with the school. The kids kept their grades up, but they got pretty quiet.

In mid-March, matters came to a head during an after-school program. Alexis was alone in a bathroom when she was threatened by three other girls. Jessica went to the principal, who brought the ringleader in and made her apologize. Days later, the same girl was back - with a box cutter - threatening to kill Alexis. On the ride home after that incident, Jacob displayed a large bruise on his arm from being shoved to the ground and called a "stupid white boy."

Jessica pulled both kids out of the school immediately.

"I'm done," she says. "I'm done putting her life at risk because you won't do anything."

"This is beyond standard fourth-grade stuff," agrees Joe. "This is becoming racial now. They're not going back."

Exhibit J
Three people were beaten early Friday morning in Greensburg, according to police.

The first incident occurred at a house on Westminster Avenue around 2 a.m. According to police, two black men struck a white man after he got out of his car. The victim, along with his female passenger, drove away as a third black man approached the vehicle.

The second occurred a half an hour later outside the Sunoco Mini Market at Mount Pleasant Street and Urbania Avenue. Three black men approached a white man while he was pumping gas. The men started beating him and struck his passenger after she exited the car, according to police.

Fliers with racist epithets against whites were also found on car windshields and utility poles in Greensburg.

Exhibit K( somebody alert the Yenta! Racist pun in process!;) see the video):
It was just past 2:20 a.m. Saturday night a group of young people walks by and individual who is believed to be a maintenance worker on a golfcart.

One of the persons in the group stops at the cart and grabs the worker's walkie-talkie.

The worker says something to the group and grabs for his cell phone. But what happens next has Metro Capt. David O'Leary in awe.

"I think the video speaks for itself," O'Leary said. "I don't think anyone in this community would tolerate this behavior anywhere."

The worker is beaten by hand and with a belt. He tries to get away but the beating continued

"I can speak for the resort corridor as well as the neighborhoods," O'Leary said. "This type of crowd attack mentality is something that we don't ever see in Las Vegas.

Exhibit L:
MOST SERIAL KILLINGS in America take on a life of their own through movies, books and documentaries. The crimes of Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer and The Son of Sam are still well remembered years after they were committed. Yet there is one set of serial killings that has been almost completely forgotten and is rarely mentioned in popular culture.

The Zebra Killings occurred in the San Francisco bay area between 1972 and 1974 and left 71 people dead. They were dubbed the Zebra Killings because of the radio channel used by the police investigating the case (channel Z). The name would take on a more sinister meaning as it became apparent that a group of blacks was systematically stalking and killing whites simply because of the color of their skin.

Would you like some more, Russell? I purposely held back a few just for you.....
Given the length of time over which the Ghost-Man has been searching for examples, and the unconvincing nature of those he's found, I'd say he's pretty well laid to rest the boogeyman of the so-called "liberal" mainstream press.

Oh, this is nothing. I just wanted to give you a little sample for now......

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,09:42   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 25 2006,14:29)
OK, so let's look at some crimes with a racial bias:

So, what, Bill, does any of this have to do with gay marriage?

If your point is that there's a liberal bias to the mainstream media, I suppose if I thought it were germane to the matter at hand, I could present you with a book's worth (and several million dollars in special prosecutors investigations' worth) of examples of conservative bias in the media. For that matter, I could show you an entire cable news network's worth of examples.

But what did you say your objections to gay marriage were?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,09:49   

I seem to have mislaid the train of thought here. Yes, absolutely there are racial tensions, racially motivated crimes, and purely racial atrocities. Was anyone saying these things don't exist?

Now, all we need is some indication that granting interracial marriages are the root cause of these crimes. Hey, I'd even be happy if it could be demonstrated that the elimination of slavery was the origin of race-based atrocities. Or perhaps it was the growth of affirmative action programs that led to all this. But I just can't see it.

Are racial tensions worse today than they were 40 years ago? 80 years ago? 120 years ago? What basis of comparison should we use to answer this? News stories? But news reporting has itself changed dramatically over time. How about membership in the KKK? Representation on voting rolls? Life expectancy? Relative median income? Years of education? Anything?

I wonder if Ghost could have come up with any cases, from anywhere in history, where white people committed atrocities on black people. Any? Do you suppose he thinks that if he omits any mention of this, THEREFORE granting civil rights was the cause of everything done for racial reasons ever since?

What is the point of this list? That some people are violent for bigoted reasons, and THEREFORE we should institutionalize bigotry? Is that really the argument here?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,09:54   


Remember, these fellas don't think there is a liberal media even though a majority of journalists are politically liberal?

These fellas don't think that science is biased even thought all the "scientists" in this debate are clearly so?

These fellas think there is ABSOLUTELY NO rationale for discriminating against "homosexuality" in any way, shape or form even though they are all "evolutionists?"

These fellas think the Catholic Church scandal was in the hierarchy when the real scandal was the influx of homosexual "priests" praying on young boys during the last 40 or so years?

And these fellas don't think that the sanctioning of gay "marriage" won't necessarily redefine and hence destroy the meaning of what most of us identify as "traditional marriage" or just marriage, generally.

But lastly, these fellas are yet to condemn that loopy youngster who doesn't have enough life experience to recognize how dangerous a non-discriminating ethos can be.

Let us debate , nonetheless.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,10:19   

Got that model for us Paley?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,10:32   

[edit; see below]

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,10:38   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 25 2006,14:29)
Why? The point of the national press coverage of the Mathew Shepard story was that he was murdered because of his homosexuality. Unfortunately, horrors like the Jesse Dirkhising story are all too common and are, correspondingly and appropriately, covered in the more local press. Ghosty seems to be suggesting that news of homosexual on heterosexual atrocities is suppressed in the media.

OK, so let's look at some crimes with a racial bias:


EDITED for brevity.

What on Earth has that got to do with legalising gay marriage?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,10:44   


Do you still dispute that the public school system isn't teaching the "normalization" of homosexuality by effectively stifling any criticism of homosexuality or those that practice it?

If hate and discrimination are so prevalent towards gays then the Sheppard killing should have been a public yawn, no?  Instead, it's the story that keeps getting told year after year as evidence for gay discrimination.

But you're not looking, so how can we expect you to see?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,10:45   

What on Earth has that got to do with legalising gay marriage?

My best guess is that Ghost is having trouble finding appropriate material on his usual self-serving sites. Or maybe he has been reading too much thordaddy, and has forgotten that staying on topic, answering questions, and avoiding non-sequiturs works better in forwarding discussions.

According to my display settings, he's been threatening to support his position for 20 pages now...


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,10:54   

Stephen Elliot asks,

What on Earth has that got to do with legalising gay marriage?

Because gay "marriage" is a means and not the end.

We've already established that gays can get married in a liberal church and exchange vows and make covenants.

Then the argument becomes one of "equal rights," but in America "equal rights" applies to individuals and not couples and groups of individuals.

But obviously, in this context and in what's becoming increasingly clear, minority victim groups are asserting a collective sense of righteousness and accruing "special rights" that apply unequally to their specific victim group.

You have fallen for their argument because you self-admittingly practice tolerance and non-discrimination towards this self-proclaimed victim group.

Just like Russell, you don't see because you've acquiesced to those telling you not to look.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,10:56   

I wrote:
Ghosty seems to be suggesting that news of homosexual on heterosexual atrocities is suppressed in the media.
To which our vaporous friend responded with a list of media reports of racial hate crimes.

The point being... what?   That they were reported by some newspapers and not by all newspapers?

Was anyone under the impression that racial hate and hate crimes were restricted to white against nonwhite?

What do any of these incidents have to do with anything we're discussing here?

As to the so-called liberal bias in the mainstream media -I'll let David Brock, erstwhile darling of the right-wing propaganda mill, explain why that's a crock of horse-s##t.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,11:09   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 25 2006,15:54)
Stephen Elliot asks,

What on Earth has that got to do with legalising gay marriage?

Because gay "marriage" is a means and not the end.


You have fallen for their argument because you self-admittingly practice tolerance and non-discrimination towards this self-proclaimed victim group.


Yes Thordaddy I do. I am not ashamed of it either. Why do you consider tolerance and equality under law a bad thing?

Your assertions make no sense to me whatsoever. How can extending marital/legal/social rights to law abiding members of society be a bad thing?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,11:10   


Apparently, something you said contained a keyword which triggered an avalanche of irrelevance. AI systems have this problem...


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,12:06   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 25 2006,15:54)
You have fallen for their argument because you self-admittingly practice tolerance and non-discrimination towards this self-proclaimed victim group.

Thordaddy, what planet are you from?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,12:41   

Russell wrote:
What do any of these incidents have to do with anything we're discussing here?

Let's see....I showed some evidence of media bias, which included the slanted (almost nonexistent, in fact) coverage of the brutal rape/torture/murder of a young boy. You said that this bit of evidence didn't count since there was no evidence of bigotry motivating the crime, and that if there was, then the national media would have covered it. Well, I just showed you a blizzard of cases which were clearly racially motivated. Yet not a peep from the national media. This shows that the  media suppresses politically incorrect crimes. But if you're still skeptical, I'll show you several more. Anyone want to try me on this?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,12:52   

The bias is obvious.  I am sick and tired of hearing all of these news stories about missing black children, when you never hear anything if something happens to a white child.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,13:15   

Russell wrote:
And the fact that a kid Arkansas is raped and murdered does not make national news, unfortunately, is not particularly shocking because, unfortunately, it's not all that uncommon. Now, if the kid was raped and murdered because of his sexual orientation, that would be news - as was the sickening Mathew Shepard story.

A young boy being repeatedly sodomised, tortured, and murdered by a pair of next door neighbors is not that common. The very luridness of the case should have guaranteed moderate national coverage.
  See why my satire is necessary? Russell made a clear claim: that the Mathew Shepard story was a national sensation precisely because of the bigotry behind it. I showed, in extensive detail, that his claim was false. This supports one of my major contentions, which is that multiculturalism and freedom can't coexist. Yet instead of admitting that the media might, just might, suppress stories contrary to the multicultural POV, the liberal IQs immediately plummet. All of a sudden they become concrete thinkers. But that crap ain't gonna work with me; I'm a former liberal and I'm on to all your shabby tricks. Your name calling, hee-hawing, and shell games are over.

The bias is obvious.  I am sick and tired of hearing all of these news stories about missing black children, when you never hear anything if something happens to a white child.

Nope. I'm not gonna let you miss the point, which is that the media suppresses stories that support the multicultural POV. As to why black victims are underreported, could it have something to do with the fact that blacks are usually victimised by other blacks, and the media doesn't like to publicise black criminals? Just a thought......

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,13:16   

I don't see a model there Ghost.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,13:34   

I see the thread has gone completely of gay marriage then. Never mind.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,13:36   

<lame excuse>Well, this is a thordaddy thread. Do you imagine he is capable of being on topic, even by himself?</lame>


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,13:45   

And if it's a thread the reverend is posting to, it usually comes down to some sort of rant about how liberal ideas like tolerance for people who are not white, Christian, and English-speaking are causing the whole nation to circle the drain.

Frankly, I think there are more serious issues currently threatening the future of America and the rest of the planet.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,14:13   

A young boy being repeatedly sodomised, tortured, and murdered by a pair of next door neighbors is not that common. The very luridness of the case should have guaranteed moderate national coverage.
First of all, as I pointed out, the story was carried in the Associated Press. The Washington Post printed it. I imagine other newspapers that subscribe to AP did as well. (Being, as it was, seven years ago, it's a little hard to document). So the point is, what? That the Mathew Shepard story unfairly received more attention? That the Arkansas case was hushed up because the murderers were homosexual? What do you make of the Versace murder case? Do you suppose the mainstream press was dragged, kicking and screaming, into disclosing the murderer's homosexuality just because of the victim's fame?
Russell made a clear claim: that the Mathew Shepard story was a national sensation precisely because of the bigotry behind it. far, so good...
I showed, in extensive detail, that his claim was false.
I guess you showed that to your satisfaction. Personally, I can't see how you've even addressed it. If anyone else reading this sees how he's shown this, please: chime in. Are you trying to show that the Mathew Shepard story was a national sensation for some reason other than the bigotry behind it? Are you trying to say that the Mathew Shepard story received such attention just because of the savagery involved and that the bigotry was beside the point? Are you trying to say that the Arkansas case is symmetrical - a hate crime committed by homosexuals against this kid because he was heterosexual? Honestly, I really don't know what you think you've shown.

This supports one of my major contentions, which is that multiculturalism and freedom can't coexist.
Does it, indeed. Your concluding that supports my contention that this attempt to rationalize your bigotry does not even brush up against logic and reality.

But that crap ain't gonna work with me; I'm a former liberal and I'm on to all your shabby tricks. Your name calling, hee-hawing, and shell games are over.
Tell me, Ghost - are you flattered or insulted to know that I see you as a Bill O'Reilly clone? The point being: one man's name calling is another's compliment.

If you're trying to make a case for left-biased mainstream media, you're failing miserably. I find David Brock's case for a  right-leaning - or at least right-intimidated - mainstream media much more lucid and compelling. Why don't you take him on, with current news stories, rather than going through the garbage of seven years ago, and maniacally changing the topic from sexual orientation to racial hatred to Muslim bashing?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,15:52   

First of all, as I pointed out, the story was carried in the Associated Press. The Washington Post printed it. I imagine other newspapers that subscribe to AP did as well. (Being, as it was, seven years ago, it's a little hard to document). So the point is, what? That the Mathew Shepard story unfairly received more attention? That the Arkansas case was hushed up because the murderers were homosexual?

Of course the story was hushed up because of the identity of the murderers. Just like all the hate crimes I quoted above. Do any of you really think that if the races/sexual orientations were reversed, the national media would have ignored these stories? This is the same media that made James Byrd and Mathew Shepard into household names. Once again, you were the one who demanded proof that the MSM quashes stories. When I supplied some, you said it wasn't "enough", the sources were "biased", the stories "too old". Furthermore, it was you, Russell, who claimed that the major reason the Shepard case was featured so prominently was because of the murderer's bigotry. So I supplied boatloads of local, recent stories featuring hateful crimes driven by bigotry, all ignored by the national media. Now you're moving the goalposts, while simultaneously accusing me of racism for pointing out the coverup. But the only racists I see are the ones who would cover up a hateful crime, simply due to the identity of the victim (in this case, white). I don't want any hate crimes covered up: I want to hear about James Byrd and Mathew Shepard and Emmit Till. But I also want to hear about the white victims of racism. You, apparently, want the media to continue to sit on these stories while you smear the whistle-blowers. Well, Paley don't play that.
Do you suppose the mainstream press was dragged, kicking and screaming, into disclosing the murderer's homosexuality just because of the victim's fame?

I'm happy the media disclosed all relevant details of this case. But let's be honest, the famous are not like you or me. But now that you bring it up, how do you feel about GLAAD attempting to  dictate the terms under which the media "may" report crimes with gay victims/criminals?
Do not identify someone as a "gay killer." A term such as this is extremely problematic because it links one's sexual orientation directly with his or her crimes. In the case of Andrew Cunanan, one would be outraged to see him termed as a "Filipino killer." The same should apply with sexual orientation. The relevance of Cunanan's sexual orientation is only as important as it pertains to his life story, and as far as it serves to inform the gay and lesbian community as to his possible whereabouts.

Do not refer to gay bars, clubs and nightlife as a "gay underworld" or "gay underground." Many bars and clubs are decades-old institutions that have been important in the development of lesbian and gay communities. Furthermore, the implication is that if Andrew Cunanan were to move through a local gay community, that he would be "hidden" by them. This is false: No one, gay or straight, wants a murderer walking the streets.

Do not mention the gay or lesbian angle only when a story is negative. Historically, a criminal who happens to be gay has been identified as a "gay criminal," even when sexual orientation is irrelevant to the story, while the gay humanitarian is simply a "humanitarian." A heterosexual murderer would never be coined a "straight murderer." If a crime involves a homosexual or heterosexual act, this is usually made clear from the facts presented in a story.
Do use the term "sexual orientation" instead of "sexual preference" or "alternative lifestyle." Most authorities agree that a person's basic sexual orientation is established at a very young age and, as a rule, can be hidden but not changed in later life.

Do include the viewpoint of someone who is actually lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender when reporting an issue that affects our communities. Indeed, more than one viewpoint should be solicited, since our communities are very diverse.
Do not reduce the lesbian and gay communities to a single presumed way of life. Like many heterosexuals, many lesbians and gay men are involved in monogamous relationships. Indeed, it is all the more remarkable that these couples build lives together without the support of social sanctions like marriage and spousal benefits, and often without the support of their own families.

Do not use inappropriate or stereotypical imagery, such as footage of gay men "cruising" at parks to illustrate an AIDS story, or images of naked men in a shower for a piece on gays in the military.

Do not stereotype lesbians and gay men by focusing on a particular segment of our population. Coverage of lesbian and gay pride parades often centers around stereotyped images of transgendered persons or members of the leather community. In addition, coverage generally excludes the many people in our communities who are not white, middle class, or male. Both kinds of presentations misrepresent the reality of the lesbian and gay community by failing to reflect our true diversity.

Now, I agree that stories about sensitive topics should be reported professionally and with as much humanity as possible, but some of these demands, if followed, would stifle free expression.
I guess you showed that to your satisfaction. Personally, I can't see how you've even addressed it.

I showed that the national media quashes hate crimes against whites. Aren't we people too?
Why don't you take him on, with current news stories, rather than going through the garbage of seven years ago, and maniacally changing the topic from sexual orientation to racial hatred to Muslim bashing? reporting on nationally censored hate crimes committed by racial minorities and Muslims is "hatred" and "bashing". Is this how the editors intimidate reporters, then? Good to know. Too bad I'm a hard man to intimidate. Lucky you.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,15:55   

Still no model.


Posts: 2460
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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,16:06   

Quote (stevestory @ April 25 2006,20:55)
Still no model.

Still no connection to gay marriage, either. Maybe we should rename this thread to, "Will a perceived liberal bias in the media refute evolution?"

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5286
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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,16:25   

Ghost of Paley says
Too bad I'm a hard man to intimidate. Lucky you.

Maybe, but you're an easy man to make look foolish, severely biased, and addle-brained. Your wandering, rant-filled, off topic posts do most of the work for us.  You began trying to defend your anti-gay stance and ended up raving about the liberal media. WTF?

The only difference I can see between you and that mouth-breathing bigoted idiot Thordaddy is that you’re much more verbose.  Neither of you can back up a single “gay marriage will ruin society” claim you’ve made.

Do you enjoy this process of publicly humiliating yourself?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,17:38   


Are we to "know" the effect before the cause?  

Gay "marriage" is a means to an end, but represents a major point of cultural contention.  It is a goal in the works finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Your claim is untenable as you basically claim that gay "marriage" will have no cultural side effects, but your youthful vulgar righteousness says otherwise.

The whole point of gay "marriage" is to fundamentally change our culture, but you're too bigoted towards "homosexuals" to see it.

We see that gay advocates will once again subvert the American process and instead use the power of the courts to procure themselves "special rights."

This new "special right" will be the power of about 1-2% of the population to dictate to the rest of the 98% what will now become the new definition of what we have know as traditional marriage for centuries.

This victim group certainly doesn't seem to be being victimized.


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Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,18:03   

Once again, you were the one who demanded proof that the MSM quashes stories. When I supplied some, you said it wasn't "enough", the sources were "biased", the stories "too old".
You're making stuff up, GhostMan, and you don't even seem to know it. Now, if these stories were "quashed", how do you know about them? You're just unhappy that they got less attention than other stories. What do you want? Affirmative action for news stories?

Here. Let's take a close look at your laundry list of "quashed" news stories - that you somehow learned about. Yeah, they're all terrible. But I suspect that the reason that most of these are not nationally notorious has something to do with the fact that most of them are just not as lurid, sadistic, or fatal as stories that are.

Exhibit A.
Essig called 911 after the attack, but she could not give a good description of any particular person in the crowd who rushed her car -- only that many of the attackers were black and that they were wearing green.
Yep. A mob - some fraction of which is apparently black - menaces occupants of a car involved in some kind of traffic contretemps. Heavens! I imagine that, once this scourge of a liberal press is removed, kids will be reading about this in history books chronicling the twentieth century.

Exhibit B
The victim was treated and released at a hospital.
Oh my goodness! What are all those bleeding heart journalists doing, wasting their time on Darfur, when this stuff is going on!?

Exhibit C
...struck a 17-year-old girl in the back of the head with a rolled up package of papers with such force that she became dizzy and nauseous.
What!? And the press would have us believe the sky is falling just because some guy is chained to a truck and dragged until pieces of his body are being scattered around the Texas roadside? Where are our priorities?

Exhibit D
"I think they would have attacked anyone with white skin," Dechape, 18, told the Star-Bulletin.

But two high-ranking police officers expressed doubt that race motivated the attack. "That's the first time I've heard that," said Assistant Chief Thomas Hickcox.

Capt. Robert Hickcox, the assistant chief's brother, also said he doubted a racial motivation, suggesting instead that alcohol led to the alleged attack.
Hmmm. Sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference between a racist mob and a bunch of drunks. You're right! CNN should have been all over this one.

Exhibit E
Mall slay seen as hate crime
The slaying of a law-firm receptionist at a Westchester mall will be prosecuted as a hate crime because the ex-con charged with the crime confessed "he wanted to kill a white person," District Attorney Jeanine Pirro said yesterday.
Well, now. Here's an actual murder. But guess what? There are dozens of murders in the country every day. All of them are horrible. A lot of them involving crazies, like this guy. Do you think every one of them involving a white murderer and a nonwhite victim is national news?

Exhibit F
In Australia's New South Wales Supreme Court in December 2005, a visiting Pakistani rapist testified that his victims had no right to say no, because they were not wearing a headscarf.
Now, just in case there's any confusion - I'm not a big fan of any of these religions. Call me an anti-religious bigot if you will, but I think religious fundamentalism is one of the scourges of humanity. So I think this should have made national news. And I hope it did. In Australia. Where it happened.

Exhibit G
"I want the death penalty," he said. "I want to die. But I wanted to kill somebody white first."
(See Exhibit E, above)

Exhibit H
...the same girl was back - with a box cutter - threatening to kill Alexis. On the ride home after that incident, Jacob displayed a large bruise on his arm from being shoved to the ground and called a "stupid white boy."
Yeah. It's a darn shame. Kids can be pretty barbaric. But again... if the Mathew Shepard story is worth, say, 1000 "horror units", how many should this one be assigned?

Exhibit I
The men started beating him and struck his passenger after she exited the car, according to police. Fliers with racist epithets against whites were also found on car windshields and utility poles in Greensburg.
...the men then chained the woman to a fence, beat her senseless and left her to die as her swollen brain herniated through the base of her skull. Nah. I made that last part up. But you know, if that had happened, I bet it would have made the nightly news.

Exhibit J
The worker does manage to get up and walk back to his cart.
Not sure what this one's all about. Is the mob one race and the victim another? I don't know. In any case, the report was on the local CBS nightly news. If the worker had not managed to get up and walk back to his cart, perhaps we would have heard more about it. But like I say, with dozens of lethal crimes in the country every day, there's a bit of competition for news coverage.

Exhibit K
The Zebra Killings occurred in the San Francisco bay area between 1972 and 1974 and left 71 people dead.
You're telling me the news did not cover this story? Where were you at the time?

Now here's a couple of "exhibits" for you. As I recall there was a news story that some small fraction of the press made some to do over several years back. It involved a murder in which an African-American man was accused of murdering his estranged Euro-American wife. "O.J"- something-or-other. Ring a bell? And are you familiar with the "Central Park Jogger" story from 15 years ago or so? You know how that one played out? Here's a hint: the press did not do itself proud.

So you see, I'm not saying the press is doing a great job, or that they are fearlessly facing down pressure and intimidation, Edward R. Murrow-style. In fact, I think the failure of the press is one of the main reasons for a lot of the most vexing national problems . I just disagree with you on the source of the pressure and intimidation that they're bending to.

But that crap ain't gonna work with me; I'm a former liberal and I'm on to all your shabby tricks. Your name calling, hee-hawing, and shell games are over.

Shabby tricks? Hee-hawing? Who's calling whom names here?  Now, don't get me wrong. I don't want to pretend that I don't think you're a bigoted moron; I do. But I like to think I address the content of the argument, and not the character of the arguer. If I've strayed from that goal, I do beg your pardon.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,19:57   

Well, it was too good to last.  Three whole days without Thordaddy’s rancid homophobic stench permeating the place…

All quotes by Thordaddy the bigot

Gay "marriage" is a means to an end, but represents a major point of cultural contention.  It is a goal in the works finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Yes, I agree.  The forces of goodness and decency are making progress against assh*le bigots like you.

Your claim is untenable as you basically claim that gay "marriage" will have no cultural side effects, but your youthful vulgar righteousness says otherwise.

That makes no sense whatsoever

The whole point of gay "marriage" is to fundamentally change our culture, but you're too bigoted towards "homosexuals" to see it.

The point is to give same sex couples the identical rights now afforded hetero couples.  It’s just icing on the cake if as a result culture moves towards more tolerance and away from hateful bigotry like you espouse.

We see that gay advocates will once again subvert the American process and instead use the power of the courts to procure themselves "special rights."

The “American process” IS to use the legal system and free elections to achieve equal rights you f*cking moron.  What planet ARE you from?

This new "special right" will be the power of about 1-2% of the population to dictate to the rest of the 98% what will now become the new definition of what we have know as traditional marriage for centuries.

You mean it will redefine what Thordaddy the bigot has proclaimed as “traditional marriage” - isn't that just tough sh*t for you. The rest of society will still define marriage as a one-on-one legally recognized partnership.  All that’s changing is expanding the definition of who can enter into such legal partnerships, just like the definition has been expanded in the past.

When the tiny minority of inter-religion couples were given their “special right” to marriage, did they dictate a new definition for “traditional marriage” to the rest of society?

When the tiny minority of interracial couples were given their “special right” to marriage, did they dictate a new definition for “traditional marriage” to the rest of society?

Thordaddy, you’re so full of sh*t your eyes are brown.

How’s that petition to marry your five brothers coming?  Any support? Got any more sheep-f*ckers like you to come out of the “cote”?  Are your children really your "kids" and do they call you Thorda-a-a-a-a-a-a-dy? :p

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

Jay Ray

Posts: 92
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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,20:44   

The only possible answer.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,21:28   


Anyone reading your rants would have a hard time comprehending how you could be on the side of "good and decency" unless we now define such things in terms of profanity and juvenile language.

So you readily agree that a radical, but powerful minority is redefining marriage to a "one-on-one legally recognized partnership."

The problem of course comes when one asks the youngster why he has decided on that new definition to the exclusion and suppression of ALL OTHER ADULT UNIONS?

This is where the liberally-inclined become illiberal lest they show us that no standard exist or should exist in our society.


Posts: 380
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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,21:35   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 26 2006,02:28)
Anyone reading your rants would have a hard time comprehending how you could be on the side of "good and decency" unless we now define such things in terms of profanity and juvenile language.

Even the best of us us get frustrated and irritated when faced by asine, intellectually dishonest hatred and bigotry.  The vileness of such positions sometimes gets to us.

If I fly the coop some time
And take nothing but a grip
With the few good books that really count
It's a necessary trip

I'll be gone with the girl in the gold silk jacket
The girl with the pearl-driller's hands


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,21:52   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 26 2006,02:28)

Anyone reading your rants would have a hard time comprehending how you could be on the side of "good and decency" unless we now define such things in terms of profanity and juvenile language.

Only what you deserve, Thordaddy.

The rest of us ain't sayin' it, but rest assured, we're thinkin' it.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,21:53   


For someone who preaches non-discrimination like Occam, his practice is all we need to witness to see how hypocritical he is.  

One is either tolerant and non-discriminatory in all situations or he/she is not.

Occam is just as bigoted and hateful as anyone and he has the posts to prove it.  The only difference being his bigotry is directed towards the benefit of a very small, but radically-powerful minority.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,21:59   


Why don't you get bold and QUOTE 5 hateful things that I've said in this thread towards gays.

You have 20 pages and please don't pull an Occam and make up your own quote like, "All gays are evil" and then attribute it to me.  I want to see examples of this hatred and bigotry using my own words.  

Can you do this?  I doubt it.

You're a fundamentalist no different from those you accuse of being fundamentalists.

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
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(Permalink) Posted: April 25 2006,23:58   


IIRC you have failed to back-up a single claim that you have Bolded.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,00:31   

Man, this thread got all interesting while I was away...

But it seems trolldaddy remembered it too, so I'm afraid it'll be all downhill again.
Isn't anyone tired of replying to the same and the same "arguments" he makes all the time? I know I am.

Anyway, after looking through the posts again, it seems to me that the real issue debated here is not gay marriage, but tolerance of homosexuality in general. That's the only way the arguments presented against it even begin to make sense. I may be wrong, but I still have to see a convincing argument (or any argument at all, actually) that explains how legalizing gay marriage would result in any of the ill omens mentioned already (AIDS and other STD epidemics, tyrrany of the minority, increase in promisquity, crumbling of the foundations of society etc) becoming true.

As for this last topic drift to liberal bias in the media- I wouldn't know. I belong to that insignificant portion of humanity that lives outside the US, and if there's any kind of media bias in my country, it's definitely a conservative one.  :)

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,01:54   

I may be wrong, but I still have to see a convincing argument (or any argument at all, actually) that explains how legalizing gay marriage would result in any of the ill omens mentioned already (AIDS and other STD epidemics, tyrrany of the minority, increase in promisquity, crumbling of the foundations of society etc) becoming true.

Oh yeah, well, any minute now Ghost will post his explanation of how marriages are hubs on a scale free network which would be shattered by gay marriages. He said it was compelling, so it must just be taking a while to type up. It's not like Ghost would promise to back up a seemingly crazy claim and then just utterly fail to do so.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,02:42   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 26 2006,02:59)
Why don't you get bold and QUOTE 5 hateful things that I've said in this thread towards gays.
Can you do this?  I doubt it.

This is true.  Clearly thordaddy has great admiration and respect for homosexuals.  He has been asked several times to explain how heterosexual couples are somehow better than homosexual ones, yet he has refused to even acknowledge such a hateful question.  It is obvious that thordaddy loves gay people just as much as he loves straights.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,02:46   

Media bias is an interesting charge, since bias is inherent in the human condition. So of course we have conservatives complaining that the media are liberal, and liberals complaining that the media are conservative. We have Fox News, a somewhat mainstream echo of the WeirdNutDaily, and we have CNN, sometimes referred to as the Communist News Network. What we do NOT have is anything we can point to and say it's the "generic media bias."

Additionally, since we as individuals are all biased, we tend to have different sensitivities. Blacks attack whites and Fox reports it, Ghost tunes it out. It's not bias, it's reporting the facts. Invert the color of those involved, CNN reports it, and it's liberal bias.

The principle, such as it is, is fairly straightforward. A media bias means less press coverage of stories we wish to see exaggerated, and more coverage of stores we wish to see ignored.

Now, as others have pointed out, the connection between the media NOT being ENTIRELY biased in Ghost's preferred direction, and prohibiting gay marriage, has never been remotely made. Even if we grant that Ghost is not simply changing the subject rather than answering simple questions, we must take some connection on faith - Ghost certainly hasn't supplied any.

Maybe Faid has it right. Gay marriage is simply a symptom of how tolerance for those we dislike poisons our society somehow. The media not being biased entirely according to Ghost's preferences is another symptom of the evils of equality and tolerance. The golden rule was obviously only meant to apply to equals, and WE get to decide who's too inferior to be equal. If we don't recover from this destructive course, the time may come when Ghost is on as close to equal footing as anyone else.

This great nation was founded on *discrimination*. White male landowners ran it, the slaves were property, women were chattel, the poor couldn't vote, gays were beneath notice, and even the votes of the privileged 8% (white adult male landowners) were filtered through a body of electors for both President and Senate to make sure nobody was elected to any important office who was not properly representative of the ruling class.

And the dang kneejerk liberal idiots have, over the course of time, wrecked this wonderful system. They have *defined* all these inferior and even subhuman groups as being actual people. Every step along the way has been for the worse. Permitting gay marriage, in and of itself, may not be the proximate cause of catastrophe, but it's without question a newsworthy step in the same downhill direction we've been stumbling along for so many years. You have to put your fingers in the dikes wherever leaks develop.

This entire argument sounds like a general version of the Christian Persecution Complex (CPC), whereby anyone not enthusiastically pimping for nominal Christian social goals is regarded as "out to get them". Pluralistic multicultural live-and-let-live goals are WRONG, because anyone not part of the solution is part of the problem.

Ghost's "I used to be a liberal" claims sound a lot like the "I used to be an atheist before I let Christ into my heart" variety. Neither is really credible, from someone who clearly has no clue what tolerance is or what the golden rule actually means.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,05:37   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 26 2006,02:53)

For someone who preaches non-discrimination like Occam, his practice is all we need to witness to see how hypocritical he is.  

One is either tolerant and non-discriminatory in all situations or he/she is not.

Occam is just as bigoted and hateful as anyone and he has the posts to prove it.  The only difference being his bigotry is directed towards the benefit of a very small, but radically-powerful minority.

A big question in liberal circles, Thordaddy, has been how tolerant need one be of intolerance. The general consensus these days is, not very. Therefore, you shouldn't be surprised at the vitriol directed at you. After all, you're kinda asking for it.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,06:19   

Russell, I'll have to deal with your pathetic rebuttal later, but just two questions. When you said:

Well, now. Here's an actual murder. But guess what? There are dozens of murders in the country every day. All of them are horrible. A lot of them involving crazies, like this guy. Do you think every one of them involving a white murderer and a nonwhite victim is national news?


Yeah. It's a darn shame. Kids can be pretty barbaric. But again... if the Mathew Shepard story is worth, say, 1000 "horror units", how many should this one be assigned?

.....are you implying that the media doesn't have space to cover hate crimes that don't involve murder? In other words, it should be impossible to find a well-hyped white-on-black hate crime that didn't end in torture and/or murder, correct?

Also, do you consider multiple rape, confinement, and murder to be a serious crime, especially when the criminal does all three to the same victim(s)? Just "Yes" or "No", please.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,06:39   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 26 2006,11:19)
Russell, I'll have to deal with your pathetic rebuttal later, but just two questions….

Bill, I'm wondering where you're going with this. If you're trying to demonstrate a systemic liberal bias to the media, you've already lost that argument. While it's easy to find whatever kind of bias you're looking for in some media outlets or other, at this stage of the game it's pretty hard to deny that the loudest, most pervasive media outlets have a pronounced rightward tilt, and while the so-called liberal media may have a leftward tilt, right-leaning voices are hardly shut out. Compare the editorial pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post to the Wall Street Journal editorial pages or the Weekly Standard.

Flint makes a good point. Sure, you have stories you'd like to see reported more in the news. But I have plenty of stories I'd like to see more of in the news as well. Let's compare the coverage of the multiple scandals in this White House with coverage of the so-called scandals in the previous White House, the two biggest of which were both broken by the New York Times, and then see if you still think there's a pervasive liberal slant in the media.

We liberals have been hearing this conservative cant for the past 40 years, and it's getting less true every year.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5286
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,06:45   

Thorda-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-dy says

Anyone reading your rants would have a hard time comprehending how you could be on the side of "good and decency" unless we now define such things in terms of profanity and juvenile language.

As many others have noted, you get exactly the respect you have earned.  I make no apologies for having no patience with bigoted assh*les like you.  My wife and I live near SF, know many gays as coworkers and friends, and have seen up close and personal just how hurtful your hateful prejudice can be on real, live people.

So you readily agree that a radical, but powerful minority is redefining marriage to a "one-on-one legally recognized partnership."

Of course not you lying moron.  I said society already defines marriage as a one-on-one legally recognized partnership.  That definition is not being challenged or changed. The definition of who is eligible is being expanded, just as it has been expanded multiple times already in the recent past.

The problem of course comes when one asks the youngster why he has decided on that new definition to the exclusion and suppression of ALL OTHER ADULT UNIONS?

YOU are the only one who has mentioned changing the definition to one-on-five, or one-on sheep.  Not the gay community Thorbigot - YOU only.

Worthless f*cks like you have no clue as to how much real world pain you cause to innocent people.  That's why your type will be confronted every time you rear your ugly bigoted head.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,07:10   

Bill, I'm wondering where you're going with this. If you're trying to demonstrate a systemic liberal bias to the media, you've already lost that argument.

I think most of you misunderstand me, but in this case I have to take the blame. I'm actually trying to establish a multicultural bias to the media, which is not the same thing. Please keep in mind that the neocon-leaning open-borders crowd (whose POV can be found in the Wall Street Journal and Faux News) also wishes to de-emphasize minority-on-white crime, because they know that whites will become a racial minority in another generation, and they don't want Joe Sixpack worrying about any negative consequences that may flow from that. And if he worries, they can argue, "What are you crying about, you paranoid bigot? There's no evidence of discrimination against whites! If there was, you'd see it in the papers!" That's where Russell comes in. As for me, I don't mind being a racial minority so long as Western, Judeo-Christian civilisation gets preserved. Therefore, I oppose some immigration and gay marriage, as I associate both with the destruction of the West. But as you know, Eric, I fully support Jewish, North-East Asian, and Indian immigration since these groups support Western society. (Not that individuals from other groups don't, but I'm concerned with group assimilation).

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,07:29   

Ghost's "I used to be a liberal" claims sound a lot like the "I used to be an atheist before I let Christ into my heart" variety. Neither is really credible, from someone who clearly has no clue what tolerance is or what the golden rule actually means.

I can see why you're skeptical, but it's true.
This great nation was founded on *discrimination*.

Yes, Flint, Western society is inherently evil and we'd be much better if we destroyed it as soon as possible. All cultures are equal (except for Western culture, which is degenerate). That's why every country has extensive border problems. I mean, just last week I read that Mexico was constructing a giant fence to keep all the Amuricans out.......

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 478
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,07:32   

So now, if I'm reading this correctly, the villain isn't the liberals, it's those whose cultures for one reason or another work against homogeneity. This includes those who both hold and *believe* foreign religions, those whose skin color militates against blending in, those whose sexual orientations prevent them from assimilating, etc. We're not trying to discriminate against those able and willing to be like us, only against those who either CAN not or WILL not behave properly (i.e. the way we prefer).

And gays are like Muslims - they are irretrievably different. Not their fault, necessarily, but we certainly don't wish to sully our culture or society by granting them equal rights. They do not deserve equal rights, and never can.

The more Ghost says, the closer he and thordaddy become in presentation as well as prejudice.


Posts: 1143
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,07:34   

Ghost can you please explain why gay marriage will destroy Western civilization thank you

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,07:38   

So now, if I'm reading this correctly, the villain isn't the liberals, it's those whose cultures for one reason or another work against homogeneity. This includes those who both hold and *believe* foreign religions, those whose skin color militates against blending in,

No, not skin color. If that was the case, I'd be against Indian immigration. Cultural differences, on the other hand, are important, easily distinguishable, and very resistant to change.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 478
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,07:40   


Yes, Flint, Western society is inherently evil and we'd be much better if we destroyed it as soon as possible.

You might be more credible if you addressed the point I was making rather than dodging it once again. I listed quite a few groups deprived of equality originally. For the most part, each group has had to fight like wet cats past people like yourself to gain anything, which lo and behold have made the nation even stronger. Now it's happening once again, and people like yourself demonstrate your ability to learn from the past - none whatsoever.

All cultures are equal.

This is not quite honest. All cultures are *different*, and all cultures change over the course of time. But you seem to be trying to say that some cultures are WORSE, without actually saying this directly. If you would say what you mean rather than make us keep doing it for you, we could discuss this stuff a lot better, you know.

Yes, allowing gay marriage will change our culture minimally (since the goal is to grant legal recognition to relationships that already exist, changing nothing meaningful). This is only worrisome if different EQUALS worse. Yes, we know you have this equation branded into your hindbrain. You take it absolutely for granted.

And so we keep asking: where is the harm? And you keep answering "take my word for it." Basically, that's the ONLY argument you have.


Posts: 807
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,07:41   

Quote (Faid @ April 26 2006,12:34)
Ghost can you please explain why gay marriage will destroy Western civilization thank you

It was a few pages back, you must have missed it.  Something about damaging everyone's nude connections, I think.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,07:47   

If that was the case, I'd be against Indian immigration. Cultural differences, on the other hand, are important, easily distinguishable, and very resistant to change.

The Indians don't have a different culture? Golly. They speak a different language, worship different gods, have a very different history, sacred cows wander the streets, reincarnation is taken for granted, but these are not cultural differences? Or are you saying that these are superficial differences, easy to discard? Or are you saying that those brought up in a totally different culture are OK but gays brought up as (and fully accepting of) American culture should be denied rights granted to Indians? You expect anyone to take this at face value?

Now, we also happen to be aware that your religion, virulently bigoted against gays, is silent on Indians. We're not supposed to notice this, or maybe we're supposed to consider this pure coincidence.

(As a footnote, Indian marriage customs have been a LOT more different from American customs than anything gays have even begun to ask for. But let's pretend...)

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,08:19   

You might be more credible if you addressed the point I was making rather than dodging it once again. I listed quite a few groups deprived of equality originally. For the most part, each group has had to fight like wet cats past people like yourself to gain anything, which lo and behold have made the nation even stronger. Now it's happening once again, and people like yourself demonstrate your ability to learn from the past - none whatsoever.

                  But most of these groups (women, non-landowners, etc) already accepted core Western values. The groups that haven't accepted these core values (due to cultural differences) have had considerably more trouble assimilating. You yourself have said as much. Look at the North Africans in France: it's been 40 years and no assimilation in sight. Look at the Muslim immigrants and compare them to, say, the Jews. Many Arabs are almost genetically indistinguishable from Jews (although Ashkenazis are more European - looking). Yet who assimilates better as a group? Who has more trouble assimilating: Pakis or East Indians? And why? Can't be biology, so what could it be?

          And as I've said many, many, times, I don't believe in Jim Crow laws of any kind. All law-abiding citizens should have equal rights of association, speech, religion (or lack of religion), etc. All law-abiding citizens should be able to arm themselves if they wish. All law - abiding citizens should have the right to vote, run for office, open a business, form or live in a neighborhood, etc. These are all fundamental rights. Marriage, however, is not fundamental in my opinion. However, for this plan too work, the citizens have to be willing to (voluntarily) abide by the tenets of Western Society. If we change into an Islamic society or a Third-World society, we might very well be stronger, but we won't be Western, and the liberals would be the first group to suffer.

            Hey Occam, who's this Theo Van Gogh I've been hearing so much about? He seems like a pretty Western kind of guy to me, and he's gay to boot. Made a film called Submission, I believe. When can I expect his next masterpiece?

The Indians don't have a different culture?

Well of course they do, and some of it is problematic. But:
1) They assimilate
2) Their culture contributed mightily to Western civilisation.

Of course, you know these things.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,08:29   

Flint and Eric:

Please stop lying about my views. It's bad enough I have to take Russell over my knee and give him the spanking his Daddy never did, but I expect more from the two of you.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,08:29   

Russell, I'll have to deal with your pathetic rebuttal later
Oh, well. If it was "pathetic", you needn't spend more than a minute on it. What seems to be the problem?
.....are you implying that the media doesn't have space to cover hate crimes that don't involve murder?
In other words, it should be impossible to find a well-hyped white-on-black hate crime that didn't end in torture and/or murder, correct?
Also, do you consider multiple rape, confinement, and murder to be a serious crime, especially when the criminal does all three to the same victim(s)? Just "Yes" or "No", please.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,08:40   

FFS Ghost, I wil concede this. Imigration should be controlled.

Now, what the #### has any of this got to do with gay marriage?

EDIT: BTW. I believe in integration rather than multi-culturism. Now please get back to the gay marriage argument or start another thread.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,09:00   

... I have to take Russell over my knee and give him the spanking...
Well, I guess the theme here is "consenting adults", but, um... I'm not into that stuff. You'll have to find another partner.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,09:05   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 26 2006,13:29)
Flint and Eric:

Please stop lying about my views. It's bad enough I have to take Russell over my knee and give him the spanking his Daddy never did, but I expect more from the two of you.

Which view of yours have I lied about?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,09:10   

EDIT: BTW. I believe in integration rather than multi-culturism. Now please get back to the gay marriage argument or start another thread.

The best-fit explanation I can find for this, is an effort to change the subject because Ghost simply has no good response for any of our direct questions, and knows that honest responses are guaranteed to make him look bad.

As for multi-culturalism/integration, this is certainly not a binary condition. What we're talking about his how thoroughly assimilation takes place, which aspects of a culture that does not assimilate well are important, how long assimilation takes, etc. So far, I haven't heard Ghost complain about the Amish, although they have rejected core American values completely. Maybe it's because their own (non-assimilated) value system isn't perceived as a threat? Or maybe because their practices, unique as they are, press none of Ghost's hot buttons?

What Ghost seems concerned about is groups that can not assimilate in key (i.e., rub Ghost the wrong way)respects, and are ALSO pushy about it.

I wonder whether Ghost would oppose gay marriage if gays lived in self-imposed, isolated communities like the Amish, and had as little as possible to do with the culture around them.


I have the same question. I have taken my sincere best guess about Ghost's views when my questions are ignored. If lies are untruths said *knowing* they are not true, I have not told any.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,10:24   


I have the same question. I have taken my sincere best guess about Ghost's views when my questions are ignored. If lies are untruths said *knowing* they are not true, I have not told any.

Don't have time to find the quotes right now, but both of you keep implying (and sometimes saying) that I want a White, Christian America, that I seek to deprive Muslims of their religious freedom, etc. Not true, and I explained the reasons above. Gotta run....

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,10:59   

I'm also not aware of having lied about any of GhostMan's views. But I never cease to be amazed at how creationists perceive the data, so who knows what he thinks we're "lying" about.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,11:03   

Ghost can you please also explain how gays refuse to be assimilated by Western culture thank you

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 1082
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,11:15   

can you please also explain how gays refuse to be assimilated by Western culture
Well for starters, they eschew that bedrock institution of western culture, marriage.  :D

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,11:26   

RE: "name-calling"

In response to this question:
I've scanned all your input since I asked the question: what is "freedom of association" code for?  I haven't found a response.
the GhostMan spat this:
"Freedom of Association" is not code for anything. Yes, I'm aware that bigots use freedom of association as shorthand for, "Let's git the #### away from all the queers, kikes, gooks, chinks, wetbacks, and coons". ####, I know this better than you: I live in Atlanta, Georgia. But libertarians do not have this meaning in mind, and lumping conservatives sympathetic to the libertarian POV with the radical right is just as stupid as claiming that Wes and Kenneth Miller are really atheists since they support atheist-friendly Darwinism. I mean, lots of atheists argue that evolution proves that life has no purpose, so boy, all Darwinists are just atheists in disguise, right? Change yer diaper before your behind gets as pink as your politics.

I'll try to address the adult criticisms later today.
Remind me again -  who's calling whom names?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,11:30   

Remind me again -  who's calling whom names?

Don't try to distract me.....just sit down and wait for Uncle Paley to bring the switch.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,11:48   


Is this an example of the "liberal" tolerance you proffer?

Black Expulsion


Once again, you and Eric avoid the crucial question.

Under what intolerant and discriminatory basis have you limited the definition of marriage to one person and one person?

All I want to hear is your justification for the bigotry shown towards those that are unfairly disqualified from getting state sanction for their "marriage?"


Posts: 807
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,12:01   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 26 2006,16:48)
Is this an example of the "liberal" tolerance you proffer?

Black Expulsion


I think this deserves a spot in the top 10 list of "Stupidest AtBC Posts Ever".

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,12:16   

You mean you actually have a clue of what he's trying to say there, however stupid? I don't.
Man, I can feel my brain cells burning just by trying to read and make sense out of TD's posts... :(

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,12:32   

God, Thordaddy, your complete, utter inability to parse standard written English never ceases to astonish me.

Quote (thordaddy @ April 26 2006,16:48)
Under what intolerant and discriminatory basis have you limited the definition of marriage to one person and one person?

If you want to marry your pet goat and your favorite preserved cucumber from last year's harvest, I honestly don't have any objections to that. So where, exactly, did you get this idea that I have any intolerant and discriminatory ideas about what constitutes a "marriage"?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,12:45   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 26 2006,15:24)
Don't have time to find the quotes right now, but both of you keep implying (and sometimes saying) that I want a White, Christian America, that I seek to deprive Muslims of their religious freedom, etc. Not true, and I explained the reasons above. Gotta run....

Well, I'm not sure I've ever stated that you want a White, Christian America, but I've probably implied that it seems like that's what you want. But I think we're talking about a distinction without a difference.

If I understand properly what your position is (and please clarify if I don't), it sounds like you're fine with Americans of whatever race, ethnicity, religion, or philosophical background, so long as they are willing to assmiliate with the dominant (i.e., White, Christian) culture. Is that a fair assessment of your position?

I personally wonder how much diversity any culture can tolerate while still laying claim to being  a "culture." But whether or not America has reached that point is an issue so far below my personal radar that I have difficulty understanding why this is such a big deal to you. Are you concerned that you may not be able to be understood when attempting to order breakfast at the local Denny's? Well, I have that concern, too. But it's not exactly the kind of thing that keeps me awake at night, and considering how many of the threads you post to seem to head in the direction of that particular strange attractor, I can't help wondering what your real motivations are.

But given that gay Americans are among the most thoroughly assimilated subcultures in contemporary America (in many ways, they define culture in contemporary America), this particular thread seems an odd place to be voicing such concerns.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,14:04   

If I understand properly what your position is (and please clarify if I don't), it sounds like you're fine with Americans of whatever race, ethnicity, religion, or philosophical background, so long as they are willing to assmiliate with the dominant (i.e., White, Christian) culture. Is that a fair assessment of your position?

Yes! Finally! Although I think it's a mistake to call the culture White, since N. East Asians and Indians have also played a large role in creating Western Civilisation. But that's just nitpicking: this definition works for me. So let's keep it in mind, eh?  ;)

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,14:11   

I think this deserves a spot in the top 10 list of "Stupidest AtBC Posts Ever".

Not necessarily. I think T-Daddy's just pointing out that liberals think blacks make fine neighbors for other people. For themselves, it's, "I think I'll just have two scoops of vanilla, please." But I could be misinterpreting the post.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,14:11   

Um, Ghost, speaking of keeping things in mind...
About, you know, that gay issue?

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 2460
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,15:32   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 26 2006,19:0)
Yes! Finally! Although I think it's a mistake to call the culture White, since N. East Asians and Indians have also played a large role in creating Western Civilisation. But that's just nitpicking: this definition works for me. So let's keep it in mind, eh?  <!--emo&;)

Okay, keeping that in mind, do you think it would be wise to move this discussion to a new thread so as not to further dilute the discussion about  the rights of certain Americans that are currently the subject of some controversy? I don't think Wesley will charge us extra for an additional thread…

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,15:45   

Once again, you were the one who demanded proof that the MSM quashes stories. When I supplied some, you said it wasn't "enough", the sources were "biased", the stories "too old".
You're making stuff up, GhostMan, and you don't even seem to know it. Now, if these stories were "quashed", how do you know about them? You're just unhappy that they got less attention than other stories. What do you want? Affirmative action for news stories?

Let's get one thing straight from the start. Local coverage does little for people who don't live in the areas where the crime takes place. As a citizen, I want to be informed about major events in the whole nation, because this influences my political and social choices. So the difference does count.
But I suspect that the reason that most of these are not nationally notorious has something to do with the fact that most of them are just not as lurid, sadistic, or fatal as stories that are.

And you would be dreadfully, painfully, tragically wrong. As I'll show later.
Exhibit A.Quote  
Essig called 911 after the attack, but she could not give a good description of any particular person in the crowd who rushed her car -- only that many of the attackers were black and that they were wearing green.
Yep. A mob - some fraction of which is apparently black - menaces occupants of a car involved in some kind of traffic contretemps. Heavens! I imagine that, once this scourge of a liberal press is removed, kids will be reading about this in history books chronicling the twentieth century.

Let's read a little more, shall we? All emphases are mine.
"Just a whole bunch of people rushed the car. I was thinking 20 girls; my husband said more like 30," said Michelle Essig, who was driving to the hospital when the people stormed her car. "They opened up my car door and started punching my friend, who just had a C-section three weeks ago."

Essig said she attempted to escape the mob.

"They shook the car, they were jumping on the windows. There was a guy on the roof of my car," Essig said. "They tried to pull me out of the vehicle, that's when I gassed it and floored it. They continued to assault my vehicle."

She said the incident was unprovoked, but she has one theory about why it happened.

"I took great offense to the stuff they were yelling. It seemed to be a racially-motivated thing," Essig said.

"'You white b's, you racist b's.' I don't remember everything -- I was caught up in the moment," said Sharon Roffitt, who was in the car when it was attacked. "My window was down. They were swinging at me and hit me."

Whatever the motivation was, witnesses said the attack escalated fast.

"They were shaking this car. It's hard to shake, but the group could have rolled it over," witness Russell Anderson said.

Essig called 911 after the attack, but she could not give a good description of any particular person in the crowd who rushed her car -- only that many of the attackers were black and that they were wearing green.

What would have happened to them if they hadn't escaped? The mob was attempting to beat them and drag them out of the car. Some "contretemps"!
Exhibit DQuote  
"I think they would have attacked anyone with white skin," Dechape, 18, told the Star-Bulletin.

But two high-ranking police officers expressed doubt that race motivated the attack. "That's the first time I've heard that," said Assistant Chief Thomas Hickcox.

Capt. Robert Hickcox, the assistant chief's brother, also said he doubted a racial motivation, suggesting instead that alcohol led to the alleged attack.
Hmmm. Sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference between a racist mob and a bunch of drunks. You're right! CNN should have been all over this one.

You snipped out the previous sentence. Here it is:
Kai Dechape said yesterday that he heard one attacker say, "Any f..... haoles want to die?"

Know what a "haole" is?
Well, now. Here's an actual murder. But guess what? There are dozens of murders in the country every day. All of them are horrible. A lot of them involving crazies, like this guy. Do you think every one of them involving a white murderer and a nonwhite victim is national news?

No. But a little balance would be nice. Perhaps the ratio of stories should roughly match the ratio of actual crimes?
The Bureau of Justice Statistics estimates that in 1999, there were about 657,008 blackonwhite crimes of violence, as compared to some 91,051 of the whiteonblack variety. Yet although blackperpetrated interracial crimes outnumbered whiteperpetrated interracial crimes by a ratio of about 7.2 to 1, the official hatecrime statistics showed white offenders outnumbering black offenders by a 4 to 1 margin. Put another way, about 1 out of every 45 whiteonblack attacks is classified as a hate crime, while the corresponding fraction for blackonwhite attacks is an astounding 1 out of 1,254.

Including this one:
For instance, in October 1999, a white man named Troy Knapp was attacked by a mob of black men wielding pipes and trash cans, while riding his bike with a companion in Charleston, SC. Knapp was beaten so severely that part of his skull and brain had to be removed, leaving him barely functional.

Seventeen suspects were arrested and charged with seconddegree lynching. However, local prosecutor David Schwacke commented, "We haven't been able to establish hate as a motive."

According to a Fox News report, Schwacke, "acknowledged that if it had been 17 white suspects and two black victims, hate would more likely be considered a motive." The report went on to note that, "Federal hatecrime law could apply in this case, but seven months after the incident the U.S. attorney's office in South Carolina is not even considering charges."

Does this meet your level of brutality?

OK, I'm running out of time, and since many people are complaining about me hijacking this topic, I'll move the rest of my rebuttal to its own thread. But don't worry - plenty more to come.....

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,15:50   

dang, Paley, I was sure this was going to be the comment where you explained the scale free model.

It's 'compelling', right? I can't wait to hear about it.

Jay Ray

Posts: 92
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,16:07   

Not likely to see one, Steve. :)

SOP for Ghostie.

A) Make an outrageous, often bigoted statement.
B) Attempt to back it up with various, often irrelevant data.
C) Be strongly refuted.
D) Promise a model.

(Behind the scenes, wring hands and google furiously!;)

E) Change the subject.
F) Flip back to step B.

Or in Dunderdaddie's case,

A) Make an outrageous, obviously bigoted statement
B) Be strongly refuted.
C) Flip back to step A.

This is the stripped down version, of course.  I left out things like lies, distortions, exaggerations, manipulations and other illogical neocon debate techniques.

But I guess it doesn't matter, because Jesus would approve.  I mean, he would approve, wouldn't he?

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,17:36   

Thorda-a-a-a-a-a-a-dy says

Under what intolerant and discriminatory basis have you limited the definition of marriage to one person and one person?

All I want to hear is your justification for the bigotry shown towards those that are unfairly disqualified from getting state sanction for their "marriage?"

Wow t-wad, you've got to be one of the funniest homophobic imbeciles to ever troll the internet!

If you want to petition for the right to marry your sheep, or marry your brothers, go right ahead with my blessing.  It's a free country, and the American process makes allowances even for bigoted nutcase assh*les like you.

Let me know when you and your fellow sheep f*ckers establish a quorum.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,17:43   

ericmurphy opines,

If you want to marry your pet goat and your favorite preserved cucumber from last year's harvest, I honestly don't have any objections to that. So where, exactly, did you get this idea that I have any intolerant and discriminatory ideas about what constitutes a "marriage"?

So is your preference that society recognize ANY and ALL Adult Unions as "marriage" and effectively defining the term out of existence?

Is this ericmurphy's new radical definition for marriage...

Marriage: (n) Any and all consensual adult union unlimited in number and requiring no standard, but given full sanction by the state?

That's your "progressive" idea?

Go ahead... give it a shot, eric!  Give us the new "progressive" definition for "marriage?"

PS Occam knows how bigoted and racist the lilly "liberals" in SF are... That's why the blacks are being expelled from the Bay area like NO WHERE ELSE, right?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,17:56   

Occam opines,

If you want to petition for the right to marry your sheep, or marry your brothers, go right ahead with my blessing.  It's a free country, and the American process makes allowances even for bigoted nutcase assh*les like you.

If this is how "liberals" talk in SF, it's no wonder the blacks are leaving/being expelled in droves?  It not as though there aren't enough problems within the black community concerning family unity and Occam says they should be able to "marry" sheep, brothers, etc.

Occam, you prove my point and show how "marriage" is just an unfortunate boundary to be toppled by "progressive" ideals.  

Marriage becomes nothing other than the whim of an American citizen and his pining for more goodies.

What would you marriage mean if ANY and ALL adult unions were to be sanctioned by the state?


Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5286
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,18:17   

Thorda-a-a-a-a-ady says
If this is how "liberals" talk in SF, it's no wonder the blacks are leaving/being expelled in droves?  It not as though there aren't enough problems within the black community concerning family unity and Occam says they should be able to "marry" sheep, brothers, etc.

Of course Larry, er, Thordaddy can't post without lying.  I said I'd support your right to petition the government for you to be a married sheep f*cker.  And indeed I will.  You got that quorum of sheep f*ckers yet T-wad?

What would your marriage mean if ANY and ALL adult unions were to be sanctioned by the state?

Actually, if sheep f*ckers like you got your way and you could marry your wooly true love, it wouldn't affect my marriage the slightest bit.

Two questions Thordaddy, if you aren't too chickensh*t to answer:

How did legalizing inter-religion marriages affect your marriage?

How did legalizing interracial marriages affect your marriage?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


Posts: 2460
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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,19:10   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 26 2006,22:43)
Is this ericmurphy's new radical definition for marriage...

Marriage: (n) Any and all consensual adult union unlimited in number and requiring no standard, but given full sanction by the state?

That's your "progressive" idea?

Go ahead... give it a shot, eric!  Give us the new "progressive" definition for "marriage?"

Actually, dude, you're the one who seems to want to marry your brothers. Am I right in assuming that sex will be involved? Or are you just marrying for the tax benefits? In which case you might want to see an estate planning attorney, which would save you the trouble of single-handedly ending Western Civilization.

In the meantime, can you please come up with something original? Maybe it could involve silicon-based space aliens marrying incestuously-homosexual vampires?

PS Occam knows how bigoted and racist the lilly "liberals" in SF are... That's why the blacks are being expelled from the Bay area like NO WHERE ELSE, right?

Dude, if you'd actually read the article you linked to, you'd realize that the cost of living is going through the roof out here (I should know; I have to pay these rents). If you think that somehow the economy itself is "racist," well, all I can say is you're not raising my estimate of your intelligence.

In short, I don't think I've ever seen anyone more vapid online. And believe me, the competition is stiff.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,19:19   


By your own standard my "marriage" to a sheep is the equivalent to your marriage to a woman (I'm assuming you're married to a woman).

There is NO difference between these "marriages" and each should be equally sanctioned and given equal privileges.

What does this say about your marriage?

It says you might as well be married to a sheep because they're a lot more subservient and obviously will not demand an equal distribution of the privileges granted to your "union."  LOL!

I bet your wife would be glad to know that your marriage is no different than thordaddy and his sheep.  LOL!  What a buffoon.

As for your last 2 questions...  I'm not married and have never been and so the point is moot.

But please do tell us how the traditional one man and one woman definition of marriage was changed by interracial or inter-religious marriage?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,19:27   


So far you've failed to provide quotes of my hateful bigotry towards gays and now you again to refuse to give us your new definition of marriage.

Come on, eric, you can do it.

As for SF and its rising rents, why aren't all the lilly-white "liberals" not leaving in droves?

Any "tolerant" and "non-discriminatory" lilly-white could forsee the consequences of sky-rocketing rents.  I smell a stench of racism coming from the Bay and we have a massive and steady exodus of black Americans to prove it.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,20:10   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 27 2006,00:27)
As for SF and its rising rents, why aren't all the lilly-white "liberals" not leaving in droves?

Um, could it be…because they're not as poor as most African American people? Do you think that could have something to do with it? Are African Americans less affluent than European Americans because the people of the San Francisco Bay Area are racist?

I tell ya, Thordaddy—you ain't getting any smarter.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,20:32   


Once again you failed to produce any hateful quotes or your new definition for marriage.  I'll wait patiently.

Secondly, if "progressives" are running SF, which they most certainly are, then why haven't they implemented the appropriate affirmative action to raise the pay of its black populace so as to reverse the mass expulsion/exodus?  Or, how come they haven't implemented the appropriate measures that would reduce the cost of housing?  I thought "progressives" were always touting their allegiance to equality and as SF bleeds its area of blacks, it's real hard not to consider an underlying racial motive as the Occams and Erics come up with convenient excuses for the failure to fulfill their commitment to equality.

If this isn't a case of racism in action then what is?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,20:59   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 27 2006,01:32)

Once again you failed to produce any hateful quotes or your new definition for marriage.  I'll wait patiently.

Long wait for a train don't come, Thordaddy.

If you think you're entitled to engage me in any sort of intelligent debate, you've long since disqualified yourself from that contest.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 26 2006,21:06   

ericmurphy opines,

If you think you're entitled to engage me in any sort of intelligent debate, you've long since disqualified yourself from that contest.

You probably say the same haughty thing to those blacks being expelled from SF?

"If you think your entitled... don't let the door hit you in your black butt."  Racist pig!

I didn't think you would provide a "progressive" definition for marriage because the "progressive" goal is to render marriage meaningless.  This is the goal of gay "marriage" and your obfuscation is just the evidence I've been looking for.

Your turn, Occam!  Give us your "progressive" definition for marriage.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,01:01   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 27 2006,00:19)
As for your last 2 questions...  I'm not married and have never been and so the point is moot.

Oh my goodness, thor.

You have two children, and you've never even been married?

Congratulations, you just destroyed Western Civilization.

Would you like to play again (Y/N)?

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,02:54   

Sigh. Let's see if I have this right now. If people of the same sex can reduce the price of effective legal marriage from $10,000 down to $25, soon gays will be designated as the target for "hate crimes", and by tradition, when the "persecuted minority" is the victim, a hate crime is assumed unless proven otherwise, whereas when the minority is the perpetrator, a hate crime is NOT presumed unless proven to be the case. And since a "hate crime" is a woolly and hazy notion to begin with, "proof" of a hate crime is largely subjective.

Now, this being the case, the non-gay majority is sure to be generally depicted by the media as hating and hateful, EVEN IF their hate levels are no different or even less than the minority group, and even if they act on them no more often or even less often.

Which in turn will illustrate the inevitable double standard both in the media and in government bureacratic/law enforcement standards generally, which is in turn just the most visible portion of a systematic policy of discrimination against the majority.

In other words, in an effort to impose equality, the Grand Goverment/Media/Liberal conspiracy will effectively grant a level of privilege to the designated minority unavailable to the majority. And that privilege will be systematically and immediately abused to the majority's helpless detriment. Which is just another step down the road to social collapse.

But we can forestall this entire unAmerican chain of events. How? By charging gays $10,000 for what we charge straights $25. This ensures that very very few gays will follow through, which keeps their relationships promiscuous, which demonstrates that they lack proper American values, which shows that they can't assimilate, which is why we need to prevent them from marrying in the first place!

Well, it was roundabout, but I think we got there. We need to keep gays in their (second-class) place because if we don't, they won't be treated as second-class anymore, which they NEED to be because they ARE second class. They're GAY, for Christ's sake!


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,03:06   

If you're looking for a good definition for marriage, I'd suggest "domestic partnership".

"A domestic partnership is a legal or personal relationship between individuals who live together and share a common domestic life."

(Obviously I've ommitted the marriage exclusion from the original statement.)

By the way, I think thordaddy's sheep marriage has to be thrown out, since animals can neither consent nor enter into a contract.  Plus, there's the whole animal abuse thing, but let's not get into that.

As for the racial issues brought up, I'll just say that any discussion of inequality is pointless if you don't include ecnonomic fators.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,04:30   

But we can forestall this entire unAmerican chain of events. How? By charging gays $10,000 for what we charge straights $25. This ensures that very very few gays will follow through, which keeps their relationships promiscuous, which demonstrates that they lack proper American values, which shows that they can't assimilate, which is why we need to prevent them from marrying in the first place!

Well, it was roundabout, but I think we got there. We need to keep gays in their (second-class) place because if we don't, they won't be treated as second-class anymore, which they NEED to be because they ARE second class. They're GAY, for Christ's sake!

Just three questions and I'll leave this side issue alone:
1) Jews have been harshly discriminated against for millenia: True or False?
2) Jews, taken as a group, have been extraordinarily productive and civilised relative to Gentiles: True or False?
3) If you answer "True" for both of the above: How is this possible under the liberal "discrimination" model?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,04:57   


Just three questions and I'll leave this side issue alone:

??? This isn't a side-issue, this is the central issue we're all trying as hard as we can to get you to address: HOW will reducing the cost of legal marriage lead to problems?

3) If you answer "True" for both of the above: How is this possible under the liberal "discrimination" model?

??? Jews aren't allowed to marry? Why are you changing the subject again?

I grant there has been discrimination against Jews. Yes, the Jews have been very capable and resourceful people. Would they have been even more successful without the discrimination? How can we know?

Now, let's say we had a long-standing policy forbidding Jews from legal marriage. Do you suppose that some people could find no reason, however unrelated or self-serving, to justify this policy and resist changing it? After all, the Jews have also resisted assimilation.

But I already asked you about the Amish, and you ignored it. So I'll join Faid and everyone else and ask once again: HOW will reducing the cost of legal marriage for gays lead to problems? They are TRYING to assimilate, whereas the Jews and Amish are not. So assimilation is another irrelevance you raise to avoid answering the question.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,04:59   

This seems WAY too easy, but I'll bite:

1. True
2. True
3. Economic issues were often trumped by religious intolerance at a time when the church had a tremendous amount of power.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,05:36   


Maybe his point is that *gay Jews* should be allowed to marry?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,05:48   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 27 2006,02<!--emo&:0)
You probably say the same haughty thing to those blacks being expelled from SF?

"If you think your entitled... don't let the door hit you in your black butt."  Racist pig!

I didn't think you would provide a "progressive" definition for marriage because the "progressive" goal is to render marriage meaningless.  This is the goal of gay "marriage" and your obfuscation is just the evidence I've been looking for.

Has it ever occurred to you, Thordaddy, that I might not need to give you a definition of marriage because I don't give a crap who marries whom? Or is that just too radical a position for your pea-brain to process?

Also, I'd like you to explain how likely it is that the "goal" of gay marriage is to render marriage "meaningless." Seems a little strange that a group of people would fight long and hard for a right just so they could obliterate that right. Is that the best you can come up with for an "argument"?

And as for "obfuscation": as I pointed out to you about four pages ago, I'd already answered your stupid question at least four times (this would be the fifth time), but you hadn't the wit to realize that. Somehow I'm not surprised that someone of your brilliance would see that as "obfuscation." I should also take this opportunity to point out that you have still failed to answer the question, one that you'd think would be on the tip of your tongue, what exactly is it about the one man/one woman union that you think is so extra-super-special that it deserves special consideration to the exclusion of all other unions. I'm sure it hasn't escaped anyone else's notice that you simply cannot come up with the answer to that question.

And if somehow it's "racist" to not be able to solve socio-economic inequalities single-handedly, then I'd have to say every single person on this planet is a "racist pig," to use your nomenclature.

Talk about rendering a term meaningless.

And here I was, just trying to make the rent every month. Who knew that made me a racist?

On the other hand, your claim that tests prove African Americans are less intelligent that European Americans strikes me as a more classically racist position.

Is it any wonder I don't bother debating this cretin?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,05:50   


A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,06:08   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 27 2006,09:30)

1) Jews have been harshly discriminated against for millenia: True or False?
2) Jews, taken as a group, have been extraordinarily productive and civilised relative to Gentiles: True or False?
3) If you answer "True" for both of the above: How is this possible under the liberal "discrimination" model?

I have a better one:

1) Gays have been harshly discriminated against for millenia: True or False?
2) Gays, taken as a group, have been extraordinarily productive and civilised relative to straights: True or False?
3) If you answer "True" (or even if you answer "False") for both of the above: How is it possible to justify denying gays the right to marry under the conservative "discrimination" model?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,06:30   

Thorda-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-dy says

By your own standard my "marriage" to a sheep is the equivalent to your marriage to a woman (I'm assuming you're married to a woman).

There is NO difference between these "marriages" and each should be equally sanctioned and given equal privileges.

Why do you keep lying about what was actually said?  Do you think everyone else is as stupid as you and can't go back and read the previous posts?

As for your last 2 questions...  I'm not married and have never been and so the point is moot.

Well how about that! Mr. "traditional marriage is the very foundation of our civilized society"  admits that he never bothered to get married himself.  He can raise bastard children in a "no commitment, free love" environment that spits in the face of traditional marriage, but here he's preaching to everyone else how those who respect the institution and desperately want to get married are ruining marriage somehow.

Larry or Thordaddy or whoever; you are the biggest lying hypocrite to ever put fingers to keyboard.  Don't ever, EVER presume to lecture others on the critical importance and sanctity of marriage when you yourself couldn't be bothered with it.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,08:56   


1) Jews have been harshly discriminated against for millenia: True or False?
2) Jews, taken as a group, have been extraordinarily productive and civilised relative to Gentiles: True or False?
3) If you answer "True" for both of the above: How is this possible under the liberal "discrimination" model?

I have a better one:

1) Gays have been harshly discriminated against for millenia: True or False?
2) Gays, taken as a group, have been extraordinarily productive and civilised relative to straights: True or False?
3) If you answer "True" (or even if you answer "False") for both of the above: How is it possible to justify denying gays the right to marry under the conservative "discrimination" model

I plan on answering your questions in this thread. Would you mind answering my questions in the new thread? I'm interested in your response.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,09:02   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 27 2006,13:56)
I plan on answering your questions in this thread. Would you mind answering my questions in the new thread? I'm interested in your response.

There's a new thread on anti-semitism?  I can't find it.  But if you post a link, I'll be more than happy to re-post my response there.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,09:20   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 27 2006,13:56)
I plan on answering your questions in this thread. Would you mind answering my questions in the new thread? I'm interested in your response.

Are you talking about the thread Russell started? I didn't see any questions from you there. Was there a particular question you wanted me to answer?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,09:35   

Haaaaaaaaa!  Did the babies momma have to "go away" to an"aunts" house like women used to do in the good old days here in the south?   Are the  bastards being passed off as the mothers siblings?  Hooo! Thor(breaking up the nuclear family)daddy, did you give her herpes too?
This is why we need sex ed in school, dammit.

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,10:16   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 27 2006,00:19)
As for your last 2 questions...  I'm not married and have never been and so the point is moot.

Just when we thought it couldn't get any worse... this is hypocrisy of the highest order.

My 2 cents, and speaking as a very happily married man:

Marriage is institutionalised pair bonding. I'm heterosexual; I pair-bond with a member of the opposite sex. A small but significant proportion of the population pair-bonds with members of the same sex. As a matter of simple justice, those people should be able to have their unions recognised just as I and my wife can.

Opponents of gay marriage should remember that they, personally, will not be required to be in a gay marriage.

Thordaddy's opinions are not important.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,10:21   

Quote (stephenWells @ April 27 2006,15:16)
Thordaddy's opinions are not important.

They are pretty comical, though. :-)

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,10:30   

Ericmurphy opines,

Has it ever occurred to you, Thordaddy, that I might not need to give you a definition of marriage because I don't give a crap who marries whom?

Does this mean you don't have a definition for marriage or that your definition renders such term meaningless?

And if you "don't give a crap who marries whom" then why are you so vociferous in the fight for gays to get state-sanctioned marriages?

Eric, you're own answer should help highlight exactly what I've been saying throughout this thread.  You see nothing special about one man/one woman so much so that ANY ADULT UNION is equally credible.  Even one man/ one sheep seems to get your blessing and one would be hard pressed to figure out what arguments you would have against such a union and its ability to get state-sanctioned.  But I digress, you've already said time and again that any Adult union deserves state- sanction and do seem to see how ridiculously untenable that is.


How can someone that devalues marriage such as yourself turn around and accuse me of being hypocritical when I'm merely the "liberal" you would ususally associate with in this circumstance?

You see, I don't see marriage as a financial agreement or a matter of "equal rights" like many are arguing in the gay "marriage" debate.  And because I'm a recovering "liberal" in this regard, my refusing to marry does nothing to lessen the importance of traditional marriage.  Please explain the hypocrisy?  Are those that use drugs and then opine about the negative effects of drugs, hypocrites?

Is traditional marriage important or not?  Is your traditional marriage important or not?  Does your wife think your marriage is no more valuable to society than a man marrying his sheep?  Give it shot and answer these important questions?  

As for me, I think traditional marriage is important, but since I'm immersed in a very "liberal" society it hadn't really occured to me until much later in life and I still debate whether I should get married to the mother of my kids.  But rest assured, if I do marry I will definitely value it more than the "marriage" between Adam and Steve or man and his sheep.  You... your marriage is meaningless because it's equal to ANY and ALL Adult unions.  Marry a sheep, marry a man, marry your sister... It's all the same and all these unions require equal sanction by society.  This is your take?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,10:43   

Stephen Wells opines,

Just when we thought it couldn't get any worse... this is hypocrisy of the highest order.

My 2 cents, and speaking as a very happily married man:

Marriage is institutionalised pair bonding. I'm heterosexual; I pair-bond with a member of the opposite sex. A small but significant proportion of the population pair-bonds with members of the same sex. As a matter of simple justice, those people should be able to have their unions recognised just as I and my wife can.

Opponents of gay marriage should remember that they, personally, will not be required to be in a gay marriage.

Thordaddy's opinions are not important.

Please explain the hypocrisy in saying that this "institutionalized pair bonding" has an inherent value in our society ABOVE all other unions?  Can only those that are married see the importance of marriage?  Then why did you marry when it was clearly not seen as valuable to your unmarried eye?

Please explain the hypocrisy in saying that gay "marriage" will redefine the very meaning of marriage and open the gateway for ANY and ALL consensual adult unions pining for state sanction?

I await your answer.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,10:49   

Well, if the sheep's an adult, and it can clearly state its consent (and sign the appropriate documents), then I guess it's fine by me...

...Not if both man and sheep are male, though. That's just sick.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,11:06   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 27 2006,15:43)
Please explain the hypocrisy in saying that this "institutionalized pair bonding" has an inherent value in our society ABOVE all other unions?  Can only those that are married see the importance of marriage?  Then why did you marry when it was clearly not seen as valuable to your unmarried eye?

Please explain the hypocrisy in saying that gay "marriage" will redefine the very meaning of marriage and open the gateway for ANY and ALL consensual adult unions pining for state sanction?

I await your answer.

The only proposed change to the definition of marriage is that the genders of the two responsible adult human beings involved should not be relevant. It's a matter of human rights and simple justice.

You're a hypocrite for making such a big show of how important and special marriage is, when it's clearly not at all important to you. I'm married, I value my marriage very highly, and I think it's unjust to deny this happy state to couples whose relationship is indistinguishable from that of me and my wife, just because those couples happen to be homosexual rather than heterosexual. Your medieval mindset clearly can't grasp this.

You might want to cut down on the sheep-f**king, Leviticus says we can stone you to death for that.

Now I'll go back to doing serious work in protein biology, and you can go back to foaming at the mouth.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,11:09   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 27 2006,15:30)
Does this mean you don't have a definition for marriage or that your definition renders such term meaningless?

And if you "don't give a crap who marries whom" then why are you so vociferous in the fight for gays to get state-sanctioned marriages?

Thordaddy, the problem with your posts is their own utter illogic. Nothing you say really makes sense. This is why a) it's so pointless to argue with you, but b) why it's entertaining to respond to your goofiness.

Why do I advocate strongly for gay marriage when I don't think marriage is all that important? Could it be because the gay people who want to get married do think it's important? Why is my opinion about the importance of marriage of such critical concern either to you or to people who want to get married? Whether I think marriage is an important social institution is unimportant, because that's not what's at issue here. What is at issue here is whether the danger of homosexual marrige (and let's not forget that neither you nor anyone else has been able to demonstrate that homosexual marriage presents any danger of any sort to anyone) outweighs the social benefits of greater tolerance and equality. You've completely lost the argument on that point, which is really the only point there is here.

Eric, you're own answer should help highlight exactly what I've been saying throughout this thread.  You see nothing special about one man/one woman so much so that ANY ADULT UNION is equally credible.  Even one man/ one sheep seems to get your blessing and one would be hard pressed to figure out what arguments you would have against such a union and its ability to get state-sanctioned.  But I digress, you've already said time and again that any Adult union deserves state- sanction and do seem to see how ridiculously untenable that is.

Actually, Thordaddy, you've got it exactly backwards (imagine my surprise). As half the people who have posted to this thread have observed, you've presented no evidence or reasoning why the one man/one woman variety of union is so special, so unique, that no other form of union should be allowed.

My position, again (I guess it's fruitless to hope that you'll actually go back and read my posts on the thread), is that I'm not in favor of preferential treatment of any particular kind of union, but if you think heterosexual unions are deserving of such preferences, I frankly cannot understand why you're opposed to homosexual unions' receiving the same preferences (unless you're nakedly homophobic, as you have admitted to being). How arguing that gay people should have the same rights and responsibilities as straight people becomes an argument in favor of marriages to sheep, or space aliens, or more than one person is something I've never understood.

As to my personal beliefs: if all the members of my high school graduating class want to join together in some sort of 400-strong uber-marriage, I have absolutely no problem with that, provided I'm not coerced into joining the love-in. Why this sets you off into fits of apoplexy is a matter better dealt with between you and your therapist, Thordaddy.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,11:26   


As to my personal beliefs: if all the members of my high school graduating class want to join together in some sort of 400-strong uber-marriage, I have absolutely no problem with that...

OK, in that case you will have to argue with me as well, because I DO have at least a potential problem there. Current marriage laws (and distinctions based on marriage are truly pervasive. Those 10,000+ distinctions are blended through the US regulatory and statutory systems like egg through cake batter) simply are not set up to handle group marriages.

Now, this may or may not pose a philosophical problem, depending on how laws (and court adjudications based on them) might be reconfigured to accommodate such arrangements. Currently, "last one left alive gets everything" inheritance arrangements are *illegal* except in the case of a 2-person marriage. If three people marry and one or more children are involved (either by birth or adoption) and one adult leaves, is this a "broken home" for legal purposes? Should the remaining adults receive "single parent" assistance? Or maybe there should be a "fewer parents" program of some kind? What kind?

I don't want to plow through 10,000 provisions, but I imagine there would be precious few of these provisions that would NOT need to change to accommodate group marriage. And I think it would be a serious error to presume that all of these legal changes will have no effect on anyone else. I think it's a good bet that you WILL feel quite some impact, and a great deal of negotiation would need to ensue.  Probate alone would become a nightmare. And it would be YOUR property (or maybe should have been, or maybe not...) involved.

So for this general reason, I prefer to draw a line between changes to current marriage practices that require legal and administrative changes, and those that require none. Gay marriage is transparent to our current laws and regulations, EVEN IF the gay couple adopts children. Other changes aren't transparent at all.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,11:36   

Quote (Flint @ April 27 2006,16:26)
OK, in that case you will have to argue with me as well, because I DO have at least a potential problem there.

No, not really. I'm not saying that marriages among 400 people should have state sanction (in fact, I'm on record as saying I'm not really in favor of any particular union getting preferential treatment). I'm merely saying that if such marriages did have state sanction, I wouldn't be up in arms about it. Which is an entirely different thing. That's why I said that's my personal opinion.

Obviously, allowing such arrangements would be unwieldy in the context of something resembling a "marriage." Fortunately, such an arrangement is unnecessary, because other legal entities such as corporations, limited partnerships, homeowners' associations, etc. serve the same purpose.

My point is that Thordaddy is trying to get me to admit that his wilder fantasies, e.g., his marrying all his brothers, are an argument against allowing gay marriages. Of course, they're nothing of the sort, and they merely point up the absurdity of Thordaddy's argument, which no matter how he tries to dress it up, always boils down to the same slippery-slope argument he's been advancing, and watching it get shot down, over and over again.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,11:50   

Thordaddy the flaming hypocrite says
How can someone that devalues marriage such as yourself turn around and accuse me of being hypocritical when I'm merely the "liberal" you would ususally associate with in this circumstance?

Because you are a hypocrite, you assh*le.  You scream that marriage is SO important, but you yourself refuse to make the commitment.  That makes you a hypocrite.
You see, I don't see marriage as a financial agreement or a matter of "equal rights" like many are arguing in the gay "marriage" debate.  

Then if you don’t care about marriage, why are you having such a hissy fit over those who are willing to make a lifetime one-on-one commitment to a person that they love?
And because I'm a recovering "liberal" in this regard, my refusing to marry does nothing to lessen the importance of traditional marriage.  Please explain the hypocrisy?

Already done, hypocrite.
Are those that use drugs and then opine about the negative effects of drugs, hypocrites?

Of course they are you moron.  Your stupidity never ceases to amaze.
Is traditional marriage important or not?  

Marriage as defined as a legal commitment to one loving, lifetime partner is certainly important.
Is your traditional marriage important or not?

The fact that I had the right to make a lifetime legal commitment to the person I love is very important to me.  Everyone willing to take that leap should have that right.
Does your wife think your marriage is no more valuable to society than a man marrying his sheep?

What you do with your personal life is of no concern to me or my wife.

Just because something is “traditional” doesn’t mean that it can’t be expanded and improved.

The “partners must be of the same religion” part of “traditional” marriage was changed, and the world didn’t end.

The “partners must be of the same race” part of “traditional” marriage was changed, and the world didn’t end.

Why do you think the “partners must have opposite external plumbing” part of “traditional” marriage is so important?  Why does defining “man” and “woman” in marriage have to be limited to just physical genitalia, and not include innate psychological and emotional make up too?

Give a rational reason, and folks may at least listen even if they do not agree.  Keep spouting the same homophobic bullsh*t like “the gay agenda is to ruin society!! or "gays cause AIDS!!!" or "gays have ickky butt sex!!!" or “but…but…but…it’s traditional!!!” and you’ll always be viewed correctly as nothing but a bigoted clown.
As for me, I think traditional marriage is important, but since I'm immersed in a very "liberal" society it hadn't really occured to me until much later in life and I still debate whether I should get married to the mother of my kids.  But rest assured, if I do marry I will definitely value it more than the "marriage" between Adam and Steve or man and his sheep.  

Well, since you’ve been too much of a hypocritical chickensh*t to make a marriage commitment, any claims as to how much you will value it are less than worthless.
You... your marriage is meaningless because it's equal to ANY and ALL Adult unions.  Marry a sheep, marry a man, marry your sister... It's all the same and all these unions require equal sanction by society.  This is your take?

Of course it’s not, but continually lying about it seems to be the only argument you can muster.  You’re making yourself look real good there sh*t-for-brains.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,12:13   

One other point. Thordaddy is on record as being opposed to any sort of civil union outside of the one man, one woman paradigm. But then he turns around and claims that those of us who are willing to expand that definition to include same-sex couples, but think it would be a bad idea to expand the franchise further, to e.g. sheep, multiple partners, etc., must be mouth-breathing, knuckle dragging bigots. Am I the only one who finds that argument just a little irrational?

This is the same sort of incomprehensible rant that makes me out to be a racist bigot because I live in a city where the net loss of African American residents is higher than in other cities. Presumably Thordaddy thinks I live in San Francisco because I don't like African Americans, even though African Americans make up a larger portion of the population here than they do in most areas of the country. I guess if I'd really been smart, I would have moved to Wyoming.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,12:24   

"Inconcievable" (from The Princess Bride). This argument has not moved a single inch in two days.

I know "Ghost" is intelligent. Pretty sure Thordaddy is a nincompoop. Can't see a coherent argument from either.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,14:00   

Hmm... maybe thordaddy is like drug users, after all: He knows that the "liberal lifestyle" is destructive for the individual and society, but he's so hooked to the obvious pleasures it provides (you know, no-strings-attached sex, hot girls putting out at his mere request, lesbians making out in public, the works) that he just can't escape anymore. So, all he can do is warn everyone else over the internet to save them from his gruesome fate... It's too late for him, but there's hope for others!

Thor, I take back everything I said. Don't ever leave.  :D

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,14:09   


Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,09:50   

I guess the final answer to "how will gay marriage harm anyone" turns out to be "Let's go to another thread and change the subject." Which is about as rational an answer as anyone expected.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,10:18   

I guess the final answer to "how will gay marriage harm anyone" turns out to be "Let's go to another thread and change the subject." Which is about as rational an answer as anyone expected.

What makes you think I'm done with this subject? I can only tackle one lefty delusion at a time........

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,10:41   

StephenWells opines,

The only proposed change to the definition of marriage is that the genders of the two responsible adult human beings involved should not be relevant. It's a matter of human rights and simple justice.

This is hilarious.  Why should anything be "relevant" if this is a "matter of human rights and simple justice?"  Why should the numbers of genders involved be relevant?  Why should the relation between genders be relevant?  Why should the species be relevant?  Look how discriminatory you are in who can and can't "marry?"

You're a hypocrite for making such a big show of how important and special marriage is, when it's clearly not at all important to you. I'm married, I value my marriage very highly, and I think it's unjust to deny this happy state to couples whose relationship is indistinguishable from that of me and my wife, just because those couples happen to be homosexual rather than heterosexual. Your medieval mindset clearly can't grasp this.

What a contradiction.  You say your marriage is "highly" valuable, but then turn around and ask how I could make such a "big show of how important and special marriage is?"  Huh?  

Once again, does someone need to be married in order to see its importance?  Doesn't the fact that our society gives special preference to one man/one woman evidence of the uniqueness of traditional marriage?  And you say I can't acknowledge this?  You're a buffoon.  

Then you say your marriage is "indistinguishable" from a "homosexual" couple.  But you only come to this conclusion because of your assumption that men and woman are "indistinguishable."  Surely, you wouldn't trade your wife for a husband, would you?  Is this not distinguishable in your eyes?

Lastly, you surely aren't arguing that gay couples can't exchange vows and make covenants and get married, are you?

You might want to cut down on the sheep-f**king, Leviticus says we can stone you to death for that.

Now I'll go back to doing serious work in protein biology, and you can go back to foaming at the mouth.

LOL!  This has to be a parody.  It's only you, Eric and Occam that see nothing wrong with marrying sheep.  I find it most distasteful and clear empirical evidence of a crumbling society.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,10:52   

What makes you think I'm done with this subject? I can only tackle one lefty delusion at a time

Because this one was first, because you haven't come within a couple of time zones of a rational answer to the same question everyone has been asking, because nobody had added anything to this thread while you had posted huge quantities on another.

Given all this, it's pretty obvious that you had little choice: you either had to answer or run. You ran. Nobody is surprised; you couldn't produce an answer you could defend.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,10:52   

The only evidence that I have ever seen for a crumbling or crumbled society involves overutilization of critical natural resources: Trees, water, fisheries, topsoil, etc., loss of trading partners, or military conflict. Can you point to a society that collapsed because of homosexual relations? Has buttsex ever destroyed a nation? Do you think the bit about the pillar of salt has a "grain" of truth?

Other than Soddam yada yada has any society ever collapsed due to anything other than environmental degradation, loss of trading partners or military conflict?

** note** I have read Collapse by Jared Diamond and I am aware of the similarities with my previous statement. However, in context, this is not borrowing someone else's ideas.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,10:54   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 28 2006,15:41)
This is hilarious.  Why should anything be "relevant" if this is a "matter of human rights and simple justice?"  Why should the numbers of genders involved be relevant?  Why should the relation between genders be relevant?  Why should the species be relevant?  Look how discriminatory you are in who can and can't "marry?"
What a contradiction.  You say your marriage is "highly" valuable, but then turn around and ask how I could make such a "big show of how important and special marriage is?"  Huh?  

Then you say your marriage is "indistinguishable" from a "homosexual" couple.  But you only come to this conclusion because of your assumption that men and woman are "indistinguishable."  Surely, you wouldn't trade your wife for a husband, would you?  Is this not distinguishable in your eyes?
Lastly, you surely aren't arguing that gay couples can't exchange vows and make covenants and get married, are you?

In matters of human rights and justice, human rights and justice are relevant. I have the right to marry the person that I love. I think everyone should have that right regardless of their gender. That's not so hard to understand, now is it? No sheep are involved.

You need to work on your reading comprehension. YOU are a hypocrite because YOU claim marriage is the bulwark os society but YOU can't be bothered to marry. I think marriage is very important and I am happily married and I think denying this happiness to others on gender grounds is wrong. So my position is consistent and yours is not.
Actually, that's probably one of the biggest differences between us; I am happy, and you are angry.

Again, reading comprehension: I and my wife have a relationship between two people who love each other. I have friends who are also in a relationship between two people who love each other. Why should my friends be denied the rights and privileges that my wife and I enjoy, just because they happen to be of the same gender?
Fortunately, my friends are in the UK and they now have the right to marry, beyond the reach of your intolerance.

Did you ever think how much better your life would be if you thought more about love and less about hate? And more about people, and less about sheep?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,11:00   


What is the "same question everyone has been asking?"


I think that if a society has within it an influencing minority that are of the opinion that marriage between one man/one woman is no better or no worse, but in fact EQUAL to a marriage between a man and a sheep then I see this as evidence of a crumbling society.  This is not the same as a "crumbled" society or a collapsed society.

What does it signify to you... "progressiveness?"

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,11:13   

Thordaddy the bigoted a$$clown says

I think that if a society has within it an influencing minority that are of the opinion that marriage between one man/one woman is no better or no worse, but in fact EQUAL to a marriage between a man and a sheep then I see this as evidence of a crumbling society.  This is not the same as a "crumbled" society or a collapsed society.

And I'll again point out to the lurkers that Thordaddy the homophobe is the only person on this whole thread who has mentioned anything about "marriage between one man/one woman is no better or no worse, but in fact EQUAL to a marriage between a man and a sheep"

Lying for Jesus makes Thordaddy feel better about his pathetic bigoted little world, which is why he does it virtually every post.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,11:34   

Thordaddy is laboring under the paranoid delusion that saying two men who want to marry each other should have the same legal rights and responsibilities as a man and a woman marrying each other is equivalent to saying that two rocks should be able to get married and have same the rights and responsibilities as a man and a woman marrying each other.

This is the same stupid slippery slope argument that's been used forever to oppose gay marriage, and it's just as irredeemably feeble-minded now as it was when I first criticized it on the first page of this thread.

Do you think you'll ever be able to come up with a new argument, Thordaddy? Because you've persuaded exactly no one by repeating this dud over and over again.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,11:42   

Weren't the early christians the shepherds?

I see this as evidence of a crumbling society.  This is not the same as a "crumbled" society or a collapsed society.

What does it signify to you... "progressiveness?"

Ah. Now I get it. You're an idiot. I'm sorry, I just didn't uderstand before.

In much the same way that "melting" ice cream is not the same as "melted" ice cream or "dried up melted ice cream".
What does this signify to you, "wasteful government spending?"

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,11:54   

Stephen Wells opines,

In matters of human rights and justice, human rights and justice are relevant. I have the right to marry the person that I love. I think everyone should have that right regardless of their gender. That's not so hard to understand, now is it? No sheep are involved.

There are many churches around the country that will "marry" homosexuals.  The real point is what our society as a whole should sanction as "marriage."  You say that man and woman (gender) are irrelevant to this "right" to marry.  If this is the case, then what could possiblly BE RELEVANT to marriage?

You need to work on your reading comprehension. YOU are a hypocrite because YOU claim marriage is the bulwark os society but YOU can't be bothered to marry. I think marriage is very important and I am happily married and I think denying this happiness to others on gender grounds is wrong. So my position is consistent and yours is not.

I claim traditional marriage is important to society and that gay "marriage" will define such an institution out of existence.  Our society, by your "liberal" arguments, will either have to elevate any and all adults unions to equal status or recognize (sanction) NONE of them.  Or,  we will redefine marriage so as to inlcude "homosexual" couples and the rest of those loving unions will have to be denied their human rights and simple justice based on your irrational intolerance and discrimination.  

Actually, that's probably one of the biggest differences between us; I am happy, and you are angry.

You can get this from such a small exchange?

Again, reading comprehension: I and my wife have a relationship between two people who love each other. I have friends who are also in a relationship between two people who love each other. Why should my friends be denied the rights and privileges that my wife and I enjoy, just because they happen to be of the same gender?

Well, according to you they shouldn't because their "marriage" is just as important as "yours."  But is this the case to our society AS A WHOLE?  I don't see 'homosexual" couples as important as traditional couples.  Our society and many societies have said as much for centuries.

But again, you miss the point.  

Why should your "homosexual" couple get the rights and privileges denied to a trio of brothers and sisters getting married?  What of any of the various combinations that could be considered a consensual adult union?  You have no logical argument against ANY and ALL adult unions being sanctioned by the state.  NONE!

Fortunately, my friends are in the UK and they now have the right to marry, beyond the reach of your intolerance.

Did you ever think how much better your life would be if you thought more about love and less about hate? And more about people, and less about sheep?

Don't you think some people have heard way too many "liberal" cliches`?  Your "tolerance" has NO boundaries.  Very simply, you must tolerate ANY and ALL adult unions that seek state sanction lest you be a hypocrite.  

You must bless the man and his sheep and proclaim loudly that his love for his sheep is as important as yours is for your wife and must he not be denied all the rights and privileges you enjoy.

Yell it loudly!


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,11:57   


Now that you've mentioned it...

What would be your argument againt a rock marrying a rock if they really loved each other?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,12:08   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 28 2006,16:54)

Our society, by your "liberal" arguments, will either have to elevate any and all adults unions to equal status or recognize (sanction) NONE of them.  Or,  we will redefine marriage so as to inlcude "homosexual" couples and the rest of those loving unions will have to be denied their human rights and simple justice based on your irrational intolerance and discrimination.

Q: Should we allow people to turn right on red lights?

A: No.

Q: Why ever not?

B: Because you can't redefine SOME laws without redefining ALL laws. You can't argue that people should be able to turn right on red without allowing them to turn left on red, or go straight on red, or back up on red, or drive up onto the sidewalk on red.

If you're going to say that you can turn right on red, how do you justify discriminating against ANY OTHER KIND OF TURN ON RED?  To do so would be bigoted and racist. In fact, if you allow people to turn right on red, how do you justify making ANYTHING illegal? Since making people stop at red lights is part of the foundation of civilization, if you allow people to turn right on red, you have to assume that all laws are equally meaningless.

This is the kind of illogical absurdity that results when everything comes down to some sort of stupid all or nothing duality. Thordaddy has been guilty of this sort of logical fallacy over and over again, and he never learns. No matter how often I point it out to him, it goes right over his head. It's like trying to teach quantum physics to a dog.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,12:11   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 28 2006,16:57)

Now that you've mentioned it...

What would be your argument againt a rock marrying a rock if they really loved each other?

Well, let's see: if they're able to enter into a binding contract under the law, and can pass the blood test…I can't see any reason why not.

That should give you all the clues you need, dude.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,12:14   


I think that if a society has within it an influencing minority that are of the opinion that marriage between one man/one woman is no better or no worse, but in fact EQUAL to a marriage between a man and a sheep then I see this as evidence of a crumbling society.  This is not the same as a "crumbled" society or a collapsed society.

Hmm. Now if a society has an influencing minority within it that believe that torture is appropriate policy for it's military, then I could see your point for a crumbling society. This is not the same as a "crumbled" society or a collapsed society, just one that is overreaching and trying to solve resource issues that it doesn't have internal mechanisms to confront. :D -you know, on it's way down, so to speak.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,12:14   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 28 2006,16:54)
Actually, that's probably one of the biggest differences between us; I am happy, and you are angry.

You can get this from such a small exchange?
I don't see 'homosexual" couples as important as traditional couples.  Our society and many societies have said as much for centuries.
You have no logical argument against ANY and ALL adult unions being sanctioned by the state.  NONE!
Very simply, you must tolerate ANY and ALL adult unions that seek state sanction lest you be a hypocrite.  
You must bless the man and his sheep...

Yes, it's easy, from this short exchange, to see that you are an angry, bitter man.

Your statement that you don't see homosexual couples as as important as traditional couples is the entire content of your argument this far. I know you don't see that. So what? I know that many societies have held the same view. On some issues, such as slavery, universal suffrage, geocentrism, or racism, you just have to accept that large numbers of sincere people have been completely wrong. Deal with it.

The logical end point of my argument is, as you note, that any consensual adult union, whose proponents can argue coherently that that their state is analogous to "traditional" marriage, should be recognised as a marriage. The difference is that I am fine with that, as tending to increase the sum of human happiness, whereas you are terrified. The specific case that's currently an issue is gay marriage.

I don't have to support man-on-sheep marriage, however much you insist, because a sheep is not a consenting adult human being. If you honestly can't tell that a sheep is not a consenting adult human being, then there is no hope for you. Similarly for rocks.

So, my position: marriage recognition for all consenting adult human relationships that seek it. Terrifying, eh?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,12:24   

What if it's ok with the sheep? I mean, er, well, sheep don't complain, if you ask them if they've been good or bad, they always say baaad. And we all know what you get to do to a woman who's been bad.

Hmm. There are some problems. Sheep can't cook or clean.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,12:30   


What is this about red lights?  You're arguments, similar to Occam's and Wells', is that gay "marriage" is a matter of tolerance, equal rights and non-discrimination.

That's IT!

What is your argument against ANY and ALL Adult unions getting state sanction (tax incentives) that wouldn't VIOLATE your righteousness above?


Either way, gay "marriage" presents the final assault against traditional marriage.  It's a free-for-all and you readily admit such.  Our society can't provide tax incentives for ANY and ALL adult unions seeking state sanction so it must necessarily get out of the business of marriage all together or continue to discriminate against some of its citizens.

Your argument sways either towards abandoning traditional marriage altogether (saying that society sees no inherent value in traditional marriage) or merely extending the discriminatory privilege of marriage to ONLY gay couples.  

You destroy traditional marriage in the former and display your bigotry in the latter.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,12:46   

StephenWells opines,

Yes, it's easy, from this short exchange, to see that you are an angry, bitter man.

I'm a healthy 32 year old father of 2 children that lives in between to bays and has a 10 min walk to the beach in sunny San Diego.  Boy, I'm real happy.

Your statement that you don't see homosexual couples as as important as traditional couples is the entire content of your argument this far. I know you don't see that. So what? I know that many societies have held the same view. On some issues, such as slavery, universal suffrage, geocentrism, or racism, you just have to accept that large numbers of sincere people have been completely wrong. Deal with it.

So what...?  Because liberal ideologues like yourself think that acknowledging the importance of traditional marriage by examining history is tantamount to having hatred for homosexuals.  You've been brainwashed into believing that by those very "homsexuals."  Look at your above response for the anecdotal evidence.

The logical end point of my argument is, as you note, that any consensual adult union, whose proponents can argue coherently that that their state is analogous to "traditional" marriage, should be recognised as a marriage. The difference is that I am fine with that, as tending to increase the sum of human happiness, whereas you are terrified. The specific case that's currently an issue is gay marriage.

But you've already stated that "gender" isn't relevant to marriage.  So what UNION WOULDN'T be analogous to traditional marriage in this context?  Are you going to claim that mere NUMBERS are relevant when "gender" isn't?  Preposterous!  And there you go again showing us how brainwashed by "homosexuals" you have become.  Terrified?  I would say it has more to do about worrying
about my children's future.  "Hating gays" is just  narcissistic projection.

I don't have to support man-on-sheep marriage, however much you insist, because a sheep is not a consenting adult human being. If you honestly can't tell that a sheep is not a consenting adult human being, then there is no hope for you. Similarly for rocks.

But I thought this was about adults getting their "love" sanctioned by the state and now you are throwing in some arbitrary discriminatory "rules."  Why deny a man the recognition he deserves for the commitment he makes to his sheep?  No one said it had to be sexual.  You can love without sex, no?  I didn't see that in your list of intolerant prerequisites.

So, my position: marriage recognition for all consenting adult human relationships that seek it. Terrifying, eh?

Terrifying for the country that accepts such an irrational and unworkable policy.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,12:54   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 28 2006,17:30)

What is this about red lights?

I'm willing to bet that you're the only one on this thread who doesn't understand what the business with the red lights is, Thordaddy.

You're arguments, similar to Occam's and Wells', is that gay "marriage" is a matter of tolerance, equal rights and non-discrimination.

That's IT!

Does it need to be something else? I would have thought that would be more than sufficient. Is there some requirement that I need to have multiple reasons for favoring gay marriage? I'd think one good reason would be plenty.

The only reason I'm aware of for your opposition to gay marriage is that, for reasons you've never explained, you think it will cause the collapse of society. But even if you had more reasons than I do, does that make you right?

What is your argument against ANY and ALL Adult unions getting state sanction (tax incentives) that wouldn't VIOLATE your righteousness above?


How many times do I have to repeat that I don't need any such argument. You're the one who needs an argument here, not me.

Either way, gay "marriage" presents the final assault against traditional marriage.  It's a free-for-all and you readily admit such.

I've admitted no such thing, and I've said time and again that your slippery slope argument is utterly meritless. It's your bad, wrong idea that allowing gay marriage must necessarily allow any sort of marriage whatsoever. It's the same thing as saying if you change one law, you have to change all laws. Is the thing about the red lights coming any clearer now?

Our society can't provide tax incentives for ANY and ALL adult unions seeking state sanction so it must necessarily get out of the business of marriage all together or continue to discriminate against some of its citizens.

First, no one is saying it should provide tax incentives for any and all (oops, I meant to say) ANY and ALL adult unions, so there's absolutely no reason why it would have to get out of the business of marriage altogether (even if I think it should get out of the marriage business altogether). If you think forbidding marriages between humans and sheep, or between two rocks, or between a man and his TV remote is somehow discriminatory, all I can say is you're a raving, drooling lunatic. You've never been able to substantiate your claim that expanding the marriage franchise to include gay people necessarily demands it be expanded to include any conceivable union between or among any conceivable assemblage of objects, animate or not. As Flint has pointed out to you over and over ad nauseum, virtually nothing in the law would change by allowing gays to marry.

God you're repetitive, and it's no more persuasive the 20th or 30th time than it was the first time.

Your argument sways either towards abandoning traditional marriage altogether (saying that society sees no inherent value in traditional marriage) or merely extending the discriminatory privilege of marriage to ONLY gay couples.  

What garbage. So either no one gets married or only gay couples get married? What crazed misreading of anyone's posts gives you that idea?

How about this? Any two adults who can give consent, can enter into a contract, and can pass the blood test get to marry. Is there some reason why such an arragement either makes marriage meaningless or allows two rocks to get married?

Do you drool on the keyboard while you type, Thordaddy?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,13:05   

why does anyone waste their time on someone as idiotic and backwards and prone to trolling as thordaddy?


Uncommon Descent is a moral cesspool, a festering intellectual ghetto that intoxicates and degrades its inhabitants - Stephen Matheson


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,13:07   

Thodaddy, what the he!! is your problem? What's traditional marriage got that interspecies sex hasn't got? Huh? Liberal? Dude, you don't have to hate yourself for your gay experimenting in college in order to keep from doing it again. Just chalk it up as a learning experience about your personal preferences.

Also, what happens to you if gays can marry?

I see this as evidence of a crumbling society.  This is not the same as a "crumbled" society or a collapsed society.

Also, do you see how utterly pointless and stupid this statement is? I mean, you are off the charts buddy.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,13:08   

Quote (BWE @ April 28 2006,17:24)
What if it's ok with the sheep? I mean, er, well, sheep don't complain, if you ask them if they've been good or bad, they always say baaad. And we all know what you get to do to a woman who's been bad.

Hmm. There are some problems. Sheep can't cook or clean.

Sheep can't bring you a beer when you're watching football either (no matter how nicely you ask them).  They simply don't make very good spouses.

Uncommon Descent is a moral cesspool, a festering intellectual ghetto that intoxicates and degrades its inhabitants - Stephen Matheson


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,13:21   


You will readily admit to having no idea what potential negative consequences gay "marriage" may have on society?

You think because you are fighting for "tolerance, equal rights and non-discrimination" then your fight is righteous?  

But your fight is hollow because without some kind of standard how exactly do you fight for "tolerance, equal rights and non-discrimination?"

What is marriage BY YOUR STANDARD?  What does it mean?  How are we to recognize it in society?  What makes a marriage a marriage in your eyes?

Anything you say to DEFINE marriage will necessarily undercut your argument for gay "marriage."

You can't DEFINE marriage because the very act of defining is discriminatory and so you play this game and act like you can't see the illogic of your position.

By defining marriage in such a way as to only include gay "couples" you are guilty of the very same things you accuse those who define marriage by the standard one man/ one woman.  Or, you must include it all.  Can society sanction ANY and ALL adult unions?  Should it?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,13:38   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 28 2006,18:21)

You will readily admit to having no idea what potential negative consequences gay "marriage" may have on society?

What kind of stupidity is this? I know, as much as I know the sun will rise tomorrow, that gay marriage poses no negative consequences for society.

You're the one who has no idea what potential negative consequences gay marriage has. You've been asked time and again, by virtually everyone else posting to this thread, to tell us what you think those negative consequences are, and so far you've come up with nothing. Other than to say, "Well, civilization will collapse!" You have as much evidence for that as I would have for saying "If gays can't marry, civilization will collapse!"

You think because you are fighting for "tolerance, equal rights and non-discrimination" then your fight is righteous?

Um, yeah. That's what I think. i take it you disagree.

But your fight is hollow because without some kind of standard how exactly do you fight for "tolerance, equal rights and non-discrimination?"

You mean my "standard" that everyone should have the same rights and responsibilities regardless of sexual orientation isn't a "standard"? What's your "standard," Thordaddy? That everyone was created equal, so long as they're not gay?

What is marriage BY YOUR STANDARD?  What does it mean?  How are we to recognize it in society?  What makes a marriage a marriage in your eyes?

If you'd read my very last post on this thread, you'd know the answer to this question.

You can't DEFINE marriage because the very act of defining is discriminatory and so you play this game and act like you can't see the illogic of your position.

You say this, despite the fact that I just gave you a perfectly adequate definition of marriage.

You still seem to be of the opinion that if I think some things (like, for example, two infants, or maybe a raccoon and a squirrel) can't get married, I must be some sort of hateful bigot. But somehow you're not a bigot for thinking gay people shouldn't have the same rights and responsibilities as straight people. This reminds me of your claim that you could tell the difference between your daugher now and your daughter at birth, but you couldn't tell the difference between your daughter now and at the instant she was conceived.

No wonder everyone here thinks you're an idiot.

By defining marriage in such a way as to only include gay "couples" you are guilty of the very same things you accuse those who define marriage by the standard one man/ one woman.  Or, you must include it all.  Can society sanction ANY and ALL adult unions?  Should it?

No matter how many times I tell you this is the dumbest idea you've ever come up with, you persist in coming up with it. The endless repetition is getting on my nerves. So, from now on, I will simply refuse to respond to any more claims that allowing gay marriage must necessarily allow marriage between or among any conceivable entities. I simply cannot impress upon you how vacuous such a claim is.

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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,13:41   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 28 2006,18:21)
You will readily admit to having no idea what potential negative consequences gay "marriage" may have on society?

Everyone here will readily admit to having no idea what negative consequences gay marriage might have. This is because you have comprehensively failed to show any such negative consequences.

In an earlier post you accused me of having been "brainwashed by homosexuals." This is not the case. I support equality in marriage rights because I was raised to believe that injustice is wrong, and should be opposed.

I see you're still babbling about sheep. The fact that sheep are not consenting adult human beings continues to escape you. Amusing.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,13:45   

ericmurphy's definition of marriage,

Any two adults who can give consent, can enter into a contract, and can pass the blood test get to marry.

Why just 2?  What does "pass a blood test" mean?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,13:53   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 28 2006,18:45)

Why just 2?  What does "pass a blood test" mean?

What did I just say about arguments like this, Thordaddy? Are you deef?

And in the meantime, would anyone care to explain what I mean by "passing the blood test" in the context of marriage?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,13:58   

Stephen Wells opines,

Everyone here will readily admit to having no idea what negative consequences gay marriage might have. This is because you have comprehensively failed to show any such negative consequences.

Does the effect precede the cause?  I have shown that by relying on the argument of "equal rights" and "tolerance" for gay "marriage" that you are effectively destroying traditional marriage as a societal institution.  Marriage has no discernible definition.  You have already equivocated on your own marriage as you see it no more or no less valuable to your society than the gay couple's "marriage" across the street.  

In an earlier post you accused me of having been "brainwashed by homosexuals." This is not the case. I support equality in marriage rights because I was raised to believe that injustice is wrong, and should be opposed.

Yes... You were raised to believe that society elevating traditional marriage above all other unions is an injustice.  How did you come to such a conclusion?  Who was feeding you that argument?  I was raised to believe that one man/ one woman was elevated among all other unions because it was inherently unique and valuable to our society as a whole.  Is this the stuff of hatred as you perpetually claim?

I see you're still babbling about sheep. The fact that sheep are not consenting adult human beings continues to escape you. Amusing.

"Rights" belongs to individuals and who are you to deny the rights and privileges of marriage to a man and his sheep?  Seriously?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,14:02   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 28 2006,18:58)
I have shown that by relying on the argument of "equal rights" and "tolerance" for gay "marriage" that you are effectively destroying traditional marriage as a societal institution.

You've "shown" this? Are you high? You've stated it. Over and over again, you've stated it. You haven't "shown" it, by any stretch of the imagination.

Get over yourself, Thordaddy.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,14:06   

And in the meantime, would anyone care to explain what I mean by "passing the blood test" in the context of marriage?


for a few years while I was putting myself through NCSU I was a math tutor to HS/college students. It paid $20/hr, but the work was very inconsistent. Anyway, I learned how to explain things to people. I'm confident that I could teach most people most things. The catch is, if they want to understand it. People who are committed to an ideology which demands they reject something, cannot be taught that thing. They will refuse to see it, they will object, object, object until you give up. So it's not worth my time to try. Someone in the depths of religious passion can refuse to see the sky is blue, and they will argue you to the grave. Is arguing with that person the best way to spend your life?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,14:17   

Thordaddy, you're still claiming that sheep are consenting adult human beings. What's wrong with this picture?

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,16:25   

Re "Any two adults who can give consent, can enter into a contract, and can pass the blood test get to marry."

Would a blood test apply to a gay marriage?



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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,16:35   

Quote (Henry J @ April 28 2006,21:25)
Re "Any two adults who can give consent, can enter into a contract, and can pass the blood test get to marry."

Would a blood test apply to a gay marriage?


No, but since straight people have to get one and would probably whine if gay people didn't, I thought it would be a small price to pay to have gay people get them, too.

It wouldn't be the first irrational rule to be passed by the legislature.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,17:17   


Why is your criteria (2 people, blood test) ANY LESS discriminatory than the criteria of 2 people, blood test and opposing genders?

Are you still not discriminating against those Adults that find love in groups of more than 2 or that maybe related and comprise of only 2?

You've merely erased, arbitrarily I might add, one criteria (opposing sexes) while giving no rational reason for not erasing them all?  

This is about "equal rights" and tolerance, no?

You seem to have a bigotry towards true equality and tolerance as you cling to irrational criteria for defining marriage.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,17:46   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 28 2006,22:17)

Why is your criteria (2 people, blood test) ANY LESS discriminatory than the criteria of 2 people, blood test and opposing genders?

Thordaddy, what did I tell you about raising this same stupid argument with me again? We've been through this about a million times already.

By the way, it occurred to me that I can make a stronger argument for forcing you to get married than you can for preventing gay people from getting married.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,20:44   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 28 2006,18:58)

"Rights" belongs to individuals and who are you to deny the rights and privileges of marriage to a man and his sheep?  Seriously?

Good grief. Still banging on about sheep! How can a sheep give consent?

Are you in a race to win the "crackpot of the decade" award?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,00:00   

Why is anybody arguing with this ... person? People like him were sending homosexuals to prisons and concentration camps (because otherwise civilization would collapse).


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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,00:17   

Stephen Elliot,

Why would a sheep need to give consent?  Are sheep now the equal to people?

But let's get off the sheep for a moment because it's obviously not getting the point across.

What are the criteria for marriage in your eyes?

Eric Murphy says that it must be confined to 2 people and be non-related.

What I can't seem to understand is how such discriminatory criteria passes the "equal rights" and tolerance argument?

Clearly, arguing that numbers and genetic relatedness are justified criteria for discrimination and inequality is no different than arguing that numbers, genetic relatedness and gender are also justified critieria for discrimination and inequality as far as the "equal rights" and tolerance argument goes.

In fact, of these 3 criteria for marriage, gender would seem to be the most important?  This is the one criteria gay "marriage" advocates are pining to render meaningless.  But if gender is a meaningless criteria for defining "marriage" then so are the number of people in the relationship and their genetic relatedness.

What are you to do?  What is marriage Stephen Elliot?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,01:11   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 29 2006,05:17)
 What is marriage Stephen Elliot?

My definition would be that marriage is a government recognised union of 2 adults. Entered into with free will. It gives a couple certain priviliges.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,10:38   

Stephen Elliot opines,

My definition would be that marriage is a government recognised union of 2 adults. Entered into with free will. It gives a couple certain priviliges

So you wouldn't be against 2 related adults marrying?  And how is limiting your marriage to 2 adults that may or may not be related any LESS discriminatory than limiting marriage to 2 adults, non-related and of opposing sexes as far as the "equal rights" and tolerance argument goes?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,11:23   

Of course it is less discriminatory, it has one condition less, doofus.

Now, "not relatives" clause is just nonsense - if people wish so, they should be able to marry without regard for kinship.

Without this clause the definition may be arbitrary (2 persons; not really arbitrary though, as it is based on long practice), but it is not discriminatory (discrimination by age doesn't count). Not allowing three persons to marry is not discrimination. Although polygamy should be allowed too, perhaps on special conditions.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,12:10   

Of course it is less discriminatory, it has one condition less

Exactly, hehe. Admit it thordaddy, the model of marriage with fewer requirements is less discriminatory, by the very definition of the word discriminate. However, this is not to say that this model is not more offensive to people who feel that allowing two men to marry is wrong. You are certainly entitled to feel that gay marriage is wrong, but you don't have the right to not be offended by it.

You've already said that gays are able to go say their little vows and have their "liberal" church recognize their pact. What's the big deal about having the state recognize this as well? Your church is not required to recognize their marriage.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,12:21   

Thor, today I had no connection to the net for quite some time, and also we had a blackout.
I'm sure these are only the first signs; pretty soon there'll be no central heating, or electricity, or fresh water.
There's not much time left for the West: Please, please get married already.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,12:30   

For those keeping score at home, I thought I'd come up with a list of Thordaddy's assertions for which he has yet to come up with proof, any evidence, or even a decent argument. He has merely stated these things as fact, as if they're so self-evident they don't even need an argument:

• Traditional, heterosexual marriage is the foundation of society.

• Any change to heterosexual marriage will eventually cause the collapse of society.

• Traditional heterosexual marriage is unique among all forms of human interactions, to such an extent that no other forms of union between human beings, no matter how similar to heterosexual marriage, should be recognized by the state.

• Allowing gay people to marry will undermine the very foundations of traditional heterosexual marriage, to the extent that civilization will collapse.

• If you argue that gay people should be allowed to marry, it is impossible for you to argue against any form of union whatsoever, including marriages among three or more people, between humans and animals, or between humans and inanimate objects.

• Restricting marriage to two adult humans who are competent to give consent and can be bound by a legal contract is more discriminatory than restricting marriage to one man and one woman.

• Wanting to restrict marriage to one man and one woman is not bigoted.

• Allowing gay marriage but not allowing, e.g., marriage to your five brothers, marriage to your pet goat, marriage to your toothbrush is bigoted.

Most of these assertions are well into the realm of the absurd. But in any event, Thordaddy has never even troubled himself to provide any evidence to support any of them, nor has he even tried to construct a logical argument for any of them. He has merely stated them as proven assertions, and then claims to have "shown" them to be true.

Has he persuaded anyone yet?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,13:06   


Perhaps you missed the "as far as the 'equal rights' and tolerance argument goes?"

If this is you argument for gay "marriage" then ANY criteria for marriage is discriminatory.  There is no way around this.

You say,

Without this clause the definition may be arbitrary (2 persons; not really arbitrary though, as it is based on long practice), but it is not discriminatory (discrimination by age doesn't count). Not allowing three persons to marry is not discrimination.

Basing marriage on opposing genders is "based on a long practice," too.  But I like how you pick and choose which criteria for marriage is legitimate and which is not.  You're no less bigoted than those that advocate for traditional marriage.

ericmurphy opines,

For those keeping score at home, I thought I'd come up with a list of Thordaddy's assertions for which he has yet to come up with proof, any evidence, or even a decent argument. He has merely stated these things as fact, as if they're so self-evident they don't even need an argument:

This is the view of a narrow-minded extremist.

• Traditional, heterosexual marriage is the foundation of society.

Then why has it been elevated to privileged status in our society for hundreds of years?  This is not proof?

• Any change to heterosexual marriage will eventually cause the collapse of society.

Pulling an Occam will not change what I've actually said.  Claiming that gender is an irrelevant criteria for marriage necessarily negate ANY criteria for marriage.  You are defining traditional marriage out of existence.

• Traditional heterosexual marriage is unique among all forms of human interactions, to such an extent that no other forms of union between human beings, no matter how similar to heterosexual marriage, should be recognized by the state.

Of course traditional marriage is unique as it recognizes  both the distinct differences between male and female and the complementary nature of these sexes.  You want to equate gay "marriage" to traditional marriage.  In what way are they equal?

• Allowing gay people to marry will undermine the very foundations of traditional heterosexual marriage, to the extent that civilization will collapse.

Gay people can ALREADY get married in the liberal church of their choice.  Sanctioning gay "marriage" will necessarily redefine traditional marriage out of existence as far as our society is concerned.  You cannot define marriage on anything legitimate (numbers, relatedness, etc.) if gender is an irrelevant criteria.

• If you argue that gay people should be allowed to marry, it is impossible for you to argue against any form of union whatsoever, including marriages among three or more people, between humans and animals, or between humans and inanimate objects.

Exactly... and this is because your argument for sanctioning gay "marriage" is based on "equal rights" and tolerance.  Such arguments must extend to ANY and ALL adult unions lest you be the bigoted and discriminatory louse you accuse me of being.

• Restricting marriage to two adult humans who are competent to give consent and can be bound by a legal contract is more discriminatory than restricting marriage to one man and one woman.

It is every bit as discriminatory to those that CAN'T have their union sanctioned by the state and you are to blame for that discrimination.  Remember, "equal rights" and tolerance MUST extend to ANY and ALL adult unions.  Anything less is intolerant, unequal and discriminatory.

• Wanting to restrict marriage to one man and one woman is not bigoted.

Exactly... it's tradition born of centuries of recognizing the uniqueness of such a union and its value to society.

• Allowing gay marriage but not allowing, e.g., marriage to your five brothers, marriage to your pet goat, marriage to your toothbrush is bigoted.

Correct... but only if your argument for gay "marriage" is based on "equal rights" and tolerance.  So, you are a bigot if you do not advocate for such unions.

Most of these assertions are well into the realm of the absurd. But in any event, Thordaddy has never even troubled himself to provide any evidence to support any of them, nor has he even tried to construct a logical argument for any of them. He has merely stated them as proven assertions, and then claims to have "shown" them to be true.

The absurdity is basing your argument for gay "marriage" on "equal rights" and tolerance.  It puts you in a very tough position when you try to discriminate against those unions that aren't of the gay variety.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,13:15   

So—did he convince anyone?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,15:07   

I've come to the conclusion that Thordaddy has problems - real psychological and emotional problems that he is struggling to deal with.  His irrational fear and hatred of gays makes me think that he himself has at one time been attracted to men, possibly to the point of experimenting, and is now filled with self-loathing.  Alternately, maybe he was molested by his parish priest and is now upset because he secretly liked it.  It would explain his aversion to marrying a woman, and his fixation on anal sex and sheep.

I think it's best we all give this nutbar a wide berth.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,21:29   

Basing marriage on opposing genders is "based on a long practice," too.

Which potentially makes it non-arbitrary, but it does not cease to be discriminatory.

But I like how you pick and choose which criteria for marriage is legitimate and which is not.  You're no less bigoted than those that advocate for traditional marriage.

I am not bigoted at all, unlike you, thornazi :-)

As I said, being arbitrary and being discriminatory is not the same. Not allowing 3 adults to marry is not discriminatory. At worst, it is arbitrary. And - you ignored my point about polygamy. How predictable.

Allowing only certain kinds of adults to marry is discriminatory.

Note that your argument works fine for those racists who would like interracial marriage to cease. After all, if we are not bigoted in discriminating against gays, why are we bigoted in discriminating against blacks, in not allowing them to marry whites?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 29 2006,23:49   

These have got to be some of the most pathethic rebuttals I've seen in sometime.


Are you qualified to make an online psychoanalysis?  LOL!

If eric, occam and hehe can tell me how [b]their new definition of "marriage" is not discriminatory and intolerant[b] towards certain adult unions then I would love to hear the explanation.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,00:13   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 30 2006,04:49)

Are you qualified to make an online psychoanalysis?  LOL!


I think Occam did strike a nerve after all...

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,00:24   


He hasn't struck a nerve.  Liberal buffoons are a dime-a-dozen on the internet and here in Southern California.  Afterall, would I actually move to Southern Cali if what Occam imagines was actually true?

If someone thinks that traditional marriage is inherently valuable to our society and that there are distinct differences between male and female that need to be incentivized for the betterment of our society as a whole, is this train of thought born of hatred?

This is the silly and obnoxious position that Occam takes.  It's an extremist and deeply ideological position.

Do you take this same bigoted and prejudicial LIBERAL position?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,00:53   

If someone thinks that traditional marriage is inherently valuable to our society and that there are distinct differences between male and female that need to be incentivized for the betterment of our society as a whole, is this train of thought born of hatred?

Well, thor, it's not- if you can demonstrate the reasons why, using reasoning.

Babbling about sheep and flowerpots does not help. Sorry.

So, I might break my promise and discuss with you directly, if you manage to explain, with reasonable arguments, why "distinct differences between male and female" need to be "incentivized for the betterment of our society as a whole". And, of course, why legalizing gay marriage would lead to the collapse of society.

However, seeing how you've failed to do that with every other position you took in this forum, I think I need to get a seat.

PS. I must say I really like the way you use the word "ideological" as a demeaning term, thordad.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,01:04   


I believe that you think you are making a good argument, but I just don't get-it.

I can think of only 1 reason for keeping marriage restricted to heterosexual relationships and that is to do with raising children.

As soon as a heterosexual couple are married they gain certain privileges. Why deny that to homosexual couples?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,05:49   

Quote (Faid @ April 30 2006,05:53)
So, I might break my promise and discuss with you directly, if you manage to explain, with reasonable arguments, why "distinct differences between male and female" need to be "incentivized for the betterment of our society as a whole". And, of course, why legalizing gay marriage would lead to the collapse of society.

However, seeing how you've failed to do that with every other position you took in this forum, I think I need to get a seat.

As I pointed out, Thordaddy has managed to support none of his contentions. Oh, he thinks he has. But he's wrong.

The two biggies, of course, are his contention that heterosexual marriage is somehow the foundation of civilization; and that allowing gay people to marry will somehow cause civilization to collapse. The rest of his contentions are merely silly, but without demonstrating the truth of these two, his whole position on gay marriage dries up and blows away.

By the way, Thordaddy, pointing out that heterosexual marriage has existed "for hundreds of years" does nothing to advance your argument. Slavery has existed for thousands of years; that doesn't make it the foundation of civilization.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,07:04   

Quote (ericmurphy @ April 30 2006,10:49)

By the way, Thordaddy, pointing out that heterosexual marriage has existed "for hundreds of years" does nothing to advance your argument. Slavery has existed for thousands of years; that doesn't make it the foundation of civilization.      

Actually. I think that would be an easier point to argue.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,11:09   

If eric, occam and hehe can tell me how [b]their new definition of "marriage" is not discriminatory and intolerant[b] towards certain adult unions then I would love to hear the explanation.

It is not discriminatory against any groups of consenting adults. We are discussing discrimination against individuals, not against abstract concepts like "unions" (which unions do not even exist in a legal sense, so how can they be discriminated against legally; catch-22). Moving the goalposts noted.

Which group, exactly, is discriminated against? Even if one rejects polygamy, then _no_ group will be allowed polygamy, not just gays or lesbians, or... So, no discrimination.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,11:58   

By the way, has anyone ever established a philosophical basis for the contention that marriage is a fundamental right? Because if it isn't, then it seems that the burden of evidence shifts to the gay marriage advocate. Please explain why the right to redefine marriage to include same-sex encounters is equivalent to, say, extending the right to vote to minority groups. Cause I sure can't see it, and nobody has provided any reasoning to justify this choice of axioms. And if it is a fundamental right, then why on Earth wouldn't it immediately follow that incestuous/group marriages should be legalised? Nobody's been able to make a clear philosophical distinction between these situations. I suspect that the framers of the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment would be surprised at the uses to which you're putting these Amendments.................

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,12:05   

Help my society's been collapsing since we allowed gays to marry and allow euthanasia and lots of other demonic things!

You are right Thor, get me out of Holland, QUICK!

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,12:23   

Oh yes, one more thing: once we establish the right to marriage-with-equal benefits, I'm afraid that we'll end up with, say, adoption-with-unequal benefits. Since straights will soon be demonised as "homophobes" who can only "hurt" a child's development (Paranoid? Try telling that to white couples who seek to adopt black infants, and listen to what they say), het couples will be pushed to the back of the adoption line. And what about the issue of gay parenting in general? This issue is a bit more complicated than the MSM implies.
Biblarz and Stacey examined 21 studies of "lesbigay" couples' children compared with heterosexual parents' children. While all of the researchers had claimed to find "no difference" in outcomes between the two groups, Biblarz and Stacey disagree. There are statistically significant differences in gender identity, sexual experimentation and promiscuity. The authors are quick to add that these observed differences do not alarm them. They are happy to embrace a variety of family forms. And if gay parenting means more gay offspring, the authors are not alarmed by this.
       First, not surprisingly, both boys and girls raised by homosexuals are far more likely to tell researchers that they have experimented with or considered homosexuality themselves. This is no shock. The research further shows that daughters raised by lesbians tend to have a larger number of sexual partners from puberty to adulthood than children in ordinary homes. It also, quite interestingly, shows that boys raised by lesbians have fewer sexual encounters than boys raised by heterosexual parents.

And that's after the Marxist establishment's best efforts. Will more conservative researchers replicate these (somewhat optimistic) results? Alls I knows is, the nuclear family is a very dangerous hub to tinker with. I plan to support this mathematically - but the historical evidence speaks for itself.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,13:18   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 30 2006,16:58)
By the way, has anyone ever established a philosophical basis for the contention that marriage is a fundamental right? Because if it isn't, then it seems that the burden of evidence shifts to the gay marriage advocate.

No, but they don't need to, and I don't see how failing to define marriage as a fundamental right shifts the burden of proof anywhere. Driving a car isn't a fundamental right either, but we don't deny the right to drive a car based on race, sex, or sexual orientation, do we?

Given the general belief that equal rights are, absent compelling reasons otherwise, an ideal to be aspired to, the burden of proof resides right where it always has. Opponents of gay marriage have to demonstrate some compelling reason why it's a bad idea, and so far they haven't come up with arguments much better than Thordaddy's rants.

So let's see: gay marriage will not make heterosexual marriage meaningless; it won't cause society to collapse; it won't hasten the spread of STDs. So what, exactly, are the reasons it should be banned, again? Because gay sex is icky?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,13:25   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 30 2006,17:23)
Oh yes, one more thing: once we establish the right to marriage-with-equal benefits, I'm afraid that we'll end up with, say, adoption-with-unequal benefits. Since straights will soon be demonised as "homophobes" who can only "hurt" a child's development

Bill, you've got to be joking. Are you really afraid that if gay couples can get married, straight people won't be able to adopt?? Or will somehow be discriminated against in adoptions?

Sorry, Bill. That's about the silliest concern about gay marriage I've ever heard from you.

The second silliest idea is that if gay people can get married, all straight people will be considered "homophobes." That seems about as bloody likely.

What is it about conservatives? As soon as some marginalized group gets some new right or privilege, conservatives are all afraid they're going to lose their rights.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,13:36   

Oh yes, one more thing: once we establish the right to marriage-with-equal benefits, I'm afraid that we'll end up with, say, adoption-with-unequal benefits. Since straights will soon be demonised as "homophobes" who can only "hurt" a child's development (Paranoid? Try telling that to white couples who seek to adopt black infants, and listen to what they say)

The black/white example is totally irrelevant. There are no homosexual children, while there are black children.

It also, quite interestingly, shows that boys raised by lesbians have fewer sexual encounters than boys raised by heterosexual parents.

This surprises me little. I think being raised by women alone generally impairs a male's sexuality compared to those with a normal father figure. I can not found this in science, but it's something I see in a lot of my friends who were raised by mothers and sisters without fathers. Whether this is good or bad is something that can be debated.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,13:51   

Quote (ericmurphy @ April 30 2006,18:25)
What is it about conservatives? As soon as some marginalized group gets some new right or privilege, conservatives are all afraid they're going to lose their rights.

Maybe conservatives think that there's only a finite amount of civil rights to go around, and if others get them, they'll lose theirs.  :p

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,17:52   

why on Earth wouldn't it immediately follow that incestuous/group marriages should be legalised?

Because virtually no one is asking to "legalize" incestuous and group marriages!!! All these sheep-lovers you guys keep going on about are going to have to rally quite a bit more in order for me to give them any attention. They've got to get some sheep-lover pride parades, some primetime-sheep lover makeover shows and sitcoms, and so on... so until they do could you guys just please drop it? Same goes for the incest and the polygamy. No one here is arguing for any of these to be accepted. No matter who you are and what you believe, you should be able to distinguish between gay marriage, pedophilia, sheep marriage, sibling marriage, polygamy, etc, and it should be perfectly acceptable to be opposed to any of them for different reasons.

By the way, has anyone ever established a philosophical basis for the contention that marriage is a fundamental right?

I'd consider marriage a religious freedom, if not a "happiness" that we should have the right to pursue.

OK, here's what I want to know. Presently in any state in this country, thordaddy could get married in his church to his babys' momma just like any other guy. He could also get his marriage recognized by his state.

Now, say "Mike" and "Steve" want to get married. They go to their gayliberalcommie church and get hitched. What would give their state the right to discriminate against their church by not recognizing their marriage?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,21:50   

Once again we see the "liberals" failing to address the critical point.

ericmurphy thinks he has a solid argument because "conservatives" can't predict the future before it happens.  He wants to know the effects before the cause.

The question is how the argument for gay "marriage," which renders gender meaningless, DOES NOT render all criteria for marriage meaningless?

Let's say that the right to gay "marriage" becomes law.

What will the gay advocates SAY when 3 gay brothers petition the State for marriage recognition?

Will they say NO, we have discriminatory and bigoted criteria for who can get married?

By rendering gender meaningless, marriage is meaningless because any other criteria for marriage MUST be arbitrary and discriminatory.

This is the argument that ericmurphy, Occam and crew wish to avoid at all costs.

They seek to persuade us with their naivete as though 10-15 years ago "they" weren't telling us how those warning about the push for gay "marriage" were just engaging in "slippery-slope" arguments.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,22:39   

Will they say NO, we have discriminatory and bigoted criteria for who can get married?

No, we won't, thornazi.

They will be discriminatory and bigoted if two gay brothers cannot marry, though ;-)

By rendering gender meaningless, marriage is meaningless because any other criteria for marriage MUST be arbitrary and discriminatory.

Arbitrary is not the same as discriminatory, thornazi.

Now, thornazi's argument is no different from any white supremacist's arguments:
By rendering race meaningless, marriage is meaningless, because any other criteria for marriage MUST be arbitrary and discriminatory.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 30 2006,23:52   

So, I might break my promise and discuss with you directly, if you manage to explain, with reasonable arguments, why "distinct differences between male and female" need to be "incentivized for the betterment of our society as a whole". And, of course, why legalizing gay marriage would lead to the collapse of society.

Quote (thordaddy @ May 01 2006,02:50)
blah blah blah incest blah blah polygamy blah blah blah sheep blah blah possums and sloths blahitty blah.

...Now why am I not surprised?

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,06:26   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 01 2006,02:50)
Once again we see the "liberals" failing to address the critical point.

ericmurphy thinks he has a solid argument because "conservatives" can't predict the future before it happens.  He wants to know the effects before the cause.

The question is how the argument for gay "marriage," which renders gender meaningless, DOES NOT render all criteria for marriage meaningless?

Let's say that the right to gay "marriage" becomes law.

What will the gay advocates SAY when 3 gay brothers petition the State for marriage recognition?

Will they say NO, we have discriminatory and bigoted criteria for who can get married?

By rendering gender meaningless, marriage is meaningless because any other criteria for marriage MUST be arbitrary and discriminatory.

This is the argument that ericmurphy, Occam and crew wish to avoid at all costs.

They seek to persuade us with their naivete as though 10-15 years ago "they" weren't telling us how those warning about the push for gay "marriage" were just engaging in "slippery-slope" arguments.

Could you possibly be any more vague?

Marriage atm is a union of 2 people (man and woman). How on Earth does removing the man/woman criteria allow for bestiality and incestuous marriage?

Just curious here, but why would 3, 4, or more brothers desire to be married? Assuming they are all having incestuous homosexual group sex, how would marriage help them? They already have such rights as hospital visitation/consultancy, heriditary rights etc. I guess the only advantage they would be missing would be tax related ones.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,09:03   

Colbert's "All You Need To Know" for the lurkers (or, "I read 25 pages so you don't have to"):

Many filthy liberals in this debate have proposed that, when it comes to state-sanctioned marriage contracts, "two consenting adult persons" could be appropriately substituted as functionally equivalent to "one man and one woman".  Whether you agree or disagree with this equivocation on religious/political/moral/arbitrary grounds, there is no denying that it considers gay men and women to be individuals of equal legal status to each other and to heterosexuals.  And oh yeah, one more thing, in case you think it should be obvious: it considers gay men and women to be non-criminal HUMANS.

Meanwhile, thordaddy proposes that any substitution for "one man and one woman" (including the above-mentioned "two consulting adult persons") is functionally equivalent to "one man and one sheep".  (He has mentioned other strange scenarios, but seems to like sheep best, so let's go with sheep.)  Whether or not you agree or disagree with his position on relgious/political/moral/agricultural grounds, there is no denying that his argument equivocates gay men (and women? do women like sheep?) as both (a) criminals (at least until the damned liberals succeed in repealing those bestiality laws), and (b) animals (which, no matter how much you like animals, remain undeniably inhuman).

Both thordaddy and those patient/insane/bored enough to argue with him have levelled charges of bigotry against each other.

You decide.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,09:52   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 01 2006,02:50)
Once again we see the "liberals" failing to address the critical point.

ericmurphy thinks he has a solid argument because "conservatives" can't predict the future before it happens.  He wants to know the effects before the cause.

No, I think I have a solid argument because you're trying to deny a right to a minority based on exactly nothing. You've never presented any remotely plausible reasons why gay people should be denied the right to marriage, and no amount of bleating about sheep or whining about brotherly circle-jerks will change that.

The question is how the argument for gay "marriage," which renders gender meaningless, DOES NOT render all criteria for marriage meaningless?

Oh, a new argument you've pulled out of your butt. You couldn't demonstrate how gay marriage renders marriage meaningless, so now you're claiming it renders gender meaningless. So allowing two guys to marry makes me unsure about whether I'm a guy or not? It might have that effect on you, but it certainly doesn't have that effect on me.

Let's say that the right to gay "marriage" becomes law.

What will the gay advocates SAY when 3 gay brothers petition the State for marriage recognition?

We say, sure, fine. Go find a few thousand other groups of brothers who want to get married, and we'll revisit the issue. Until then, you can get lost. And I'm sure now Thordaddy will inform us, for about the hundredth time, that makes us more bigoted than he is, when he wants to restrict marriage more than we do. I simply cannot convey to you, Thordaddy, how utterly moronic such a position is.

By rendering gender meaningless, marriage is meaningless because any other criteria for marriage MUST be arbitrary and discriminatory.

This is the argument that ericmurphy, Occam and crew wish to avoid at all costs.

No, Thordaddy, it's not the argument we've been avoiding at all costs. We've demolished this argument over and over again, from every possible perspective, but you're too clueless to notice. This idiotic idea you have that removing one criteria for something removes all criteria for something isn't a mistake a reasonably bright two year old would make.

You know, Thordaddy, you've been going on about this obsession of yours for a month now, and you haven't said anything new or persuasive yet. It's been the same old arguments, the same old moaning, for 25 pages now. You really do need to find something else to get obsessive about. Maybe you should think about maybe some heterosexual marriage. Does the mother of your child have any thoughts on the subject?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,17:02   

StephenElliot opines,

Could you possibly be any more vague?

Marriage atm is a union of 2 people (man and woman). How on Earth does removing the man/woman criteria allow for bestiality and incestuous marriage?

Because YOUR argument for gay "marriage" is based on the "equal rights" and tolerance argument.  

What argument WILL YOU HAVE when law-abiding citizens seek state sanction for their incestual, bigamist, polygamist, or bestial UNIONS?

Will you say..., "No, marriage IS ONLY between 2 people that are non-related?"  How does this pass the "equal rights" and tolerance argument?  Why is YOUR criteria legitimate criteria to discriminate against law-abiding citizens?

Just curious here, but why would 3, 4, or more brothers desire to be married? Assuming they are all having incestuous homosexual group sex, how would marriage help them? They already have such rights as hospital visitation/consultancy, heriditary rights etc. I guess the only advantage they would be missing would be tax related ones.

Because there will be an incentive offered by the state for that union and anything that was offered to traditional and gay "marriages" would necessarily need to extend to that 3 gay brother union lest it be a discriminatory and bigoted policy.

Again Stephen, if gender is an illegitimate criteria for marriage then how can the size of the union or the relatedness of its adherents be legitimate criteria for marriage?  

It can only be legitimate by the sheer discriminatory and bigoted worldview of the gay "marriage" advocates who have conveniently thrown the "equal rights" and tolerance argument overboard after getting what they want.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,18:11   

Thordaddy the mentally ill bigot spews again
Blah blah blah...

No rights for homos!  I hate homos!  They're!

Blah blah blah...

Tell us Thorbigot:  how are you gonna explain to your kids that you decided to stick them with the social stigma of being illegitimate bastards because their biological father disrespected traditional marriage so much he ran from it like a cockroach from the kitchen light?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,18:17   

ericmurphy opines,

No, I think I have a solid argument because you're trying to deny a right to a minority based on exactly nothing. You've never presented any remotely plausible reasons why gay people should be denied the right to marriage, and no amount of bleating about sheep or whining about brotherly circle-jerks will change that.

Nothing...?  What does traditional mean in traditional marriage?

You keep asking what is inherently valuable in traditional marriage while simultaneously advocating for gay "marriage."  WHY is the question?  

Your argument is based on "equal rights" and tolerance.  What is your argument against bigamy, polygamy, incestual or bestial unions being state sanctioned as long as they are adult oriented and consensual?

Oh, a new argument you've pulled out of your butt. You couldn't demonstrate how gay marriage renders marriage meaningless, so now you're claiming it renders gender meaningless. So allowing two guys to marry makes me unsure about whether I'm a guy or not? It might have that effect on you, but it certainly doesn't have that effect on me.

Again, you claim that one man/one woman is the equal to one man/one man or one woman/one woman.  You can only make this claim if you see gender as a meaningless concept to society's recognition of marriage.

If gender is meaningless in society's determination of what will be state sanctioned marriage then what criteria could possibly be legitimate?  You cannot limit state sanctioned marriage to just straight and gay couples based on the notion that only unions between 2 people that are unrelated qualify.

How does this PASS the "equal rights" and tolerance argument?  Your EXCLUSIONARY criteria just makes you a liberal bigot.

We say, sure, fine. Go find a few thousand other groups of brothers who want to get married, and we'll revisit the issue. Until then, you can get lost. And I'm sure now Thordaddy will inform us, for about the hundredth time, that makes us more bigoted than he is, when he wants to restrict marriage more than we do. I simply cannot convey to you, Thordaddy, how utterly moronic such a position is.

I only want traditional marriage to persist.  You want to redefine it to benefit a VERY SMALL but radical minority.  

No, Thordaddy, it's not the argument we've been avoiding at all costs. We've demolished this argument over and over again, from every possible perspective, but you're too clueless to notice. This idiotic idea you have that removing one criteria for something removes all criteria for something isn't a mistake a reasonably bright two year old would make.

Then your "equal rights" and tolerance argument is nothing but a farce.  You only seek to extend your tolerance a little bit and then slamming the door shut on those that don't qualify under your new and arbitrary definition of marriage.  How does this not make you a bigot towards practicing bigamists, polygamists, incestual and bestial unions?

You know, Thordaddy, you've been going on about this obsession of yours for a month now, and you haven't said anything new or persuasive yet. It's been the same old arguments, the same old moaning, for 25 pages now. You really do need to find something else to get obsessive about. Maybe you should think about maybe some heterosexual marriage. Does the mother of your child have any thoughts on the subject?

Again, you show yourself as merely an ideologue who's tolerance and non-discrimination only run as far as accomplishing the next goal in redefining our traditions.

"Heterosexual marriage...?"  Isn't that redundant?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,18:27   

Thordaddy, smoke a joint and forget about that time with the sheep, will you? Jeesuss F. Christ. WTF is the problem? Still stuck on the crumbling society bit? Resource overuse. That's what you need to watch for. Gay marriage means squat. The sheep too for that matter. Although, if the sheep doesn't like it, I hope you'd have the decency to stop.

Woo Hoo! I hear the unmistakable whine of a moron with high blood pressure, larry, er, thor, shut up. You'll start to feel better. Now that, said john, is ad hominemenem.


Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
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The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,18:31   

Do you take this same bigoted and prejudicial LIBERAL position?

Do I take this same bigoted and prejudicial LIBERAL position? Or am I too far off your chart for a name? I like names. How bout daisy? Do you like daisy? I'll be Richard?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,18:34   

Thordaddy the lying bigot
I only want traditional marriage to persist

No you don't you liar.  You disrespect traditional marriage at every turn.  You disrespected traditional marriage by fornicated outside of wedlock.  You disrespect traditional marriage by refusing to marry, making illegitimate bastards out of your two innocent children.  You disrespected traditional marriage by wanting to marry your three gay brothers.

When will a slimy LIBERAL like you quit trying to destroy America and the traditional marriage and family values she stands for ??!??

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,18:43   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 01 2006,23:17)
Nothing...?  What does traditional mean in traditional marriage?

So in other words you're all concerned about protecting traditional marriage's traditional? Good going, Thordaddy. That's a great reason.

You keep asking what is inherently valuable in traditional marriage while simultaneously advocating for gay "marriage."  WHY is the question?

No, that's not my question. My question to you is, what's so valuable about traditional marriage that you can justify banning gay marriage. You still can't answer that. You'll never be able to answer it, because you don't have a clue.

Your argument is based on "equal rights" and tolerance.  What is your argument against bigamy, polygamy, incestual or bestial unions being state sanctioned as long as they are adult oriented and consensual?

I've told you half a dozen times I'm not going to entertain argument on this incredibly inane, stupifyingly moronic question. You've asked a million times already, and you're never satisfied with the answer.

Meanwhile, I've pointed out the astounding stupidity of claiming if you change anything about marriage, you have to change everything about it.

Again, you claim that one man/one woman is the equal to one man/one man or one woman/one woman.  You can only make this claim if you see gender as a meaningless concept to society's recognition of marriage.

It is a meaningless concept in the context of society's recognition of marriage, because the distinction serves no useful purpose. That doesn't render the concept of gender meaningless, which is what you claimed.

If gender is meaningless in society's determination of what will be state sanctioned marriage then what criteria could possibly be legitimate?  You cannot limit state sanctioned marriage to just straight and gay couples based on the notion that only unions between 2 people that are unrelated qualify.

And why not? You say this over and over again as if it's self-evident, but you've never stopped to come up with an explanation of why you think it's so. In fact, it is not so, and repeating it over and over will not make it so.

How does this PASS the "equal rights" and tolerance argument?  Your EXCLUSIONARY criteria just makes you a liberal bigot.

One more time, for the intellectually-challenged. How can I be bigoted and you not be bigoted, if your restrictions on marriage are more restrictive than mine, Thordaddy? What kind of a cementhead are you?

I only want traditional marriage to persist.  You want to redefine it to benefit a VERY SMALL but radical minority.

What's radical about being gay? Humans have been gay for tens of thousands of years. There are almost as many gay Americans as there are African Americans. And yet somehow advocating gay marriage makes me a bigot, but wanting to deny it doesn't make you bigoted. Do you have any conception of how asinine that is?

Then your "equal rights" and tolerance argument is nothing but a farce.  You only seek to extend your tolerance a little bit and then slamming the door shut on those that don't qualify under your new and arbitrary definition of marriage.  How does this not make you a bigot towards practicing bigamists, polygamists, incestual and bestial unions?

You've lost this argument every single time you've brought it up, Thordaddy, everyone knows it except for you, and saying it over and over again merely demonstrates for everyone here how low your IQ is.

Again, you show yourself as merely an ideologue who's tolerance and non-discrimination only run as far as accomplishing the next goal in redefining our traditions.

But guess what, Thordaddy? You're an ideologue whose tolerance and non-discrimination run only as far as people exactly like you (except, of course, that they've bothered to get married, which is more than you can say). I simply cannot get over my astonishment that you think my wanting to extend rights to people who don't currently have them is somehow more bigoted than your desire to deny them that very same right! I mean, come on…how can you be that dumb and remain breathing?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,18:52   

Ok, Bartender? A round of Valium 5 mg and double scotches please. And make it snappy! Got a bunch of folks here who take 'emselves waaaayyy too serious. They gettin' all hot 'n bothered over gay marriage.


Yeah, at least some of em look like they might snap out of it. This one though, mmmm... don't know. Maybe add another double.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,19:38   

Occam, the "progressive" bigot, opines,

Tell us Thorbigot:  how are you gonna explain to your kids that you decided to stick them with the social stigma of being illegitimate bastards because their biological father disrespected traditional marriage so much he ran from it like a cockroach from the kitchen light?

Social stigma...?  LOL!  Are you serious?  There is no social stigma to having children out of wedlock.  In fact, in many "progressive" circles, it stands as a badge of honor as it seeks to subvert traditional values.

I will readily admit to being a "progressive" when I had my first child and laughed at the importance of traditional marriage.  And you condemn me for this?  Holy hypocrite!  I used to say all the same stupid things you are spewing in this debate.  So, have I evolved or devolved from my previous "progressive" state?  

You don't seem to really know?

And since you see traditional marriage as illegitimate and discriminatory, why are you partaking in this transgression and calling it personally valuable to you?  And how can you then chastise me for having kids outside an illegitimate institution?

This is called the unprincipled exception and it's exactly what you are engaing in when you try to extend marriage privileges to gays while leaving other unions to dangle in the wind due to your discriminatory and bigoted redefinition of marriage.

Either "equal rights" and tolerance extends to all ADULT UNIONS that seek it or it doesn't.  If you only allow gay couples to fall under the new definition of marriage then you are no less bigoted than those advocating for traditional marriage and your "equal rights" and tolerance argument is an illusion.

This is a lot for you to think about and childish rebuttals will do nothing to bolster your already seriously flawed thinking in this debate.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,20:35   

You know what, Thordaddy? You've convinced me. I don't know what I was thinking. Reading over your posts, I can see I was wrong all along. I gave your arguments a second chance, and now that I think about it, I can see your point. Why, if we let gay people marry, what will stop anyone from marrying anyone, or any thing, for that matter?

I mean, if we follow your logic to its conclusion, society will clearly collapse totally! And then where will we be?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,20:40   

Or…not, actually.

The truth is, Thordaddy, homosexual marriage is an inevitability. Homophobes like you will fight it off for a few more years, but the tide is running against you. Not too many years from now, Ted will be marrying Jeffrey, and Margot will be marrying Jennifer. And you know what will happen?


So get over it, will you? There must be something more intelligent you can vent your spleen over. Coke v. Pepsi? PC v. Mac? McDonald's v. Burger King?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,20:46   

I'm telling you: deforestation, salinization or loss of topsoil, desertification, water pollution or overuse, military conflict or loss of trading partners. Not Fags. THose first ones sneak up on you and spank you.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
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The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,20:48   

ericmurphy opines,

So in other words you're all concerned about protecting traditional marriage's traditional? Good going, Thordaddy. That's a great reason.

That is certainly the main reason.  But more importantly, what is your argument for gay "marriage" since traditional marriage is such an illegitimate tradition?

Since you devalue traditional marriage then gay "marriage" only becomes a matter of "equal rights" and tolerance.  Marriage is irrelevant.  But you have no rationale for not extending "marriage" rights to ANY and ALL adult unions.  NONE.  And because you are tolerant and non-discriminatory, you must retain a strict ideological position.  You have rendered yourself irrelevant in any argument that seeks to further redefine marriage no matter HOW OUTRAGEOUS.

You MUST accept ANY and ALL ADULT unions that seek state sanction.  Then what of marriage?  What would it mean?

No, that's not my question. My question to you is, what's so valuable about traditional marriage that you can justify banning gay marriage. You still can't answer that. You'll never be able to answer it, because you don't have a clue.

First, gay "marriage" isn't banned, but rather it's not recognized by the State.  Gays can get married all over the country in hundreds of liberal churches.  So you start from a false premise.  But then we ask why the State doesn't recognize gay "marriage?"  Isn't is obvious?  Gay "marriage" has no inherent value to our society as a whole.  This is even more obvious when you ask over and over again what inherent value there is for traditional marriage.  Obviously to you, there is no  society to elevate traditional marriage.  So what is your argument for gay "marriage" based upon?  "Equal rights"and tolerance?  It's a smokescreen.

I've told you half a dozen times I'm not going to entertain argument on this incredibly inane, stupifyingly moronic question. You've asked a million times already, and you're never satisfied with the answer.

Meanwhile, I've pointed out the astounding stupidity of claiming if you change anything about marriage, you have to change everything about it.

But you aren't changing anything.  You're making any criteria for marriage irrelevant against the "equal rights" and tolerance argument.  If gender is an illegitimate and discredited criteria for marriage then how is the number within the union and the relatedness between the member of that union be legitimate and justified criterions for marriage UNDER the "equal rights" and tolerance argument?

It is a meaningless concept in the context of society's recognition of marriage, because the distinction serves no useful purpose. That doesn't render the concept of gender meaningless, which is what you claimed.

Then what is traditional marriage?  And if gender serves to "no useful purpose" in the context of marriage then how can the number within the union or their relatedness serve a "useful purpose" UNDER the "equal rights" and tolerance argument?  Your new definition for marriage is no less discriminatory than the traditional one except for the very limited inclusion of a very small, but radically powerful victim group?  You're a bigot nonetheless to those that seek state recognition for their bigamy, polygamy, incestual or bestial unions.  Whatare you going to say then?  Go for it!

And why not? You say this over and over again as if it's self-evident, but you've never stopped to come up with an explanation of why you think it's so. In fact, it is not so, and repeating it over and over will not make it so.

Well... I can say it, but you can't.  You can't say it because you are a tolerant and non-discriminatory "progressive."  Or, you're not?

One more time, for the intellectually-challenged. How can I be bigoted and you not be bigoted, if your restrictions on marriage are more restrictive than mine, Thordaddy? What kind of a cementhead are you?

So if one advocates for traditional marriage, he's a bigot?  What a silly and obnoxious argument.  A bigot is one who advocates for a specific redefinition of marriage and then ARBITRARILY RESTRICTS the rights and privileges to some of its law-abiding citizens while he proclaims his admiration for "equal rights" and tolerance.

What's radical about being gay? Humans have been gay for tens of thousands of years. There are almost as many gay Americans as there are African Americans. And yet somehow advocating gay marriage makes me a bigot, but wanting to deny it doesn't make you bigoted. Do you have any conception of how asinine that is?

What's radical is redefining marriage by judicial fiat to serve the interests of a very, very small, but radically powerful victim group.  We are talking about a radical gay contingent that seeks to define traditional marriage out of existence.  That's radical and you are one of the useful idiots.

You've lost this argument every single time you've brought it up, Thordaddy, everyone knows it except for you, and saying it over and over again merely demonstrates for everyone here how low your IQ is.

I only lose this argument if the "progressives" are naive enough to believe YOU that the bigamists, polygamists, incestual and bestial unions won't seek state recognition with the acceptance of gay "marriage."  In fact, it's already underway.  And what do you say...?  

"Oh no, you can't do that because there is too many in your union and some of its members are related..."

What arbitrary and discriminatory criteria, eric the bigot!

But guess what, Thordaddy? You're an ideologue whose tolerance and non-discrimination run only as far as people exactly like you (except, of course, that they've bothered to get married, which is more than you can say). I simply cannot get over my astonishment that you think my wanting to extend rights to people who don't currently have them is somehow more bigoted than your desire to deny them that very same right! I mean, come on…how can you be that dumb and remain

I will readily admit to being discriminatory and intolerant.  Life requires it.  And this isn't about who is more bigoted, but the fact that YOU are bigoted even though you claim an utmost allegiance to "equal rights" and tolerance.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,20:51   

Why are you still discussing this, Thordaddy? As I've pointed out, you've already lost. The homosexuals are coming, so if I were you, I'd strap on my chastity belt and flee the country.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,21:08   

Thormonkey, You are avoiding me. You are saying stupid things and then jumping up and down trying to take your thumb out of your a$s.

What on earth is the crumbling you are talking about?  What is the bad thing that will happen?

Aren't there waaaaaaaaayyyy more important things to think about?

I can run faster, jump higher and screw better than you but you don't see me running around saying that we ought to have a law against you do you?

Well, do you?

You don't have to like it to not care about it. Go join the army and fight in Iraq. That way you won't have to put up with bozo's like us.

Or just go with this subconscious urge you are having and go down to the Fox and Hound and see if george is lonely tonight.

Hello? What the heck is your problem with this issue? It's stupid and trivial and mean-spirited to boot. You my friend, I can call you my friend can't I?, need to lighten up. You are born, you live, you die. That's it. Why be angry, bitter and mean in the brief part between point a and point c? I don't believe it makes you feel good. :)

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,21:08   

ericmurphy opines,

The truth is, Thordaddy, homosexual marriage is an inevitability. Homophobes like you will fight it off for a few more years, but the tide is running against you. Not too many years from now, Ted will be marrying Jeffrey, and Margot will be marrying Jennifer. And you know what will happen?

Again, you show remedial knowledge of this particular debate.  It's because you have no real passion for this debate.  You are simply submitting to the imperial forces of society like a good little "progressive.".

First, homosexuals can already get married in many liberal churches around this country and this has been acknowleged time and again.  This isn't a good enough compromise because "marriage" is of secondary concern to the radical advocates.  Secondly, state sanctioning of gay "marriage" is anything but inevitable especially since the argument that underlies it will define marriage out of existence as an institution recognized by the state.  

Your argument for gay "marriage" is so weak that once again we see a subversion of the America process by a radical victim group.  If gay "marriage" is so inevitable why can't the gays do in a legitimately American way... at the ballot box?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,21:21   


I wasn't avoiding you, but rather, I was allowing you to wallow in your distortion while giving you the chance to repent.

This is what I said,

This has to be a parody.  It's only you, Eric and Occam that see nothing wrong with marrying sheep.  I find it most distasteful and clear empirical evidence of a crumbling society.

Are you arguing that if our society were to give state sanction to a man/sheep union then this would NOT be empirical evidence of a "crumbling" society?

And since the "equal rights" and tolerance crowd has no legitimate argument against such a man/sheep union then they must necessarily endorse such a union lest they be discriminatory or indifferent to the unequal treatment of a law-abiding citizen.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,21:28   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 02 2006,02<!--emo&:0)
Again, you show remedial [sic] knowledge of this particular debate.  It's because you have no real passion for this debate.

You're right, Thordaddy. I have no particular passion for this debate, because it's a stupid debate. You're the one who's terrified that civilization will grind to a standstill if gay people can get married. You've been broadcasting your fear of this epochal event for 26 pages now.

You've been making the same asinine assertions over and over again, as if repeating them over and over will make them true.

Your fear is palpable, Thordaddy. You stink of it. Whatever will you do when your worst fears are realized?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,21:28   

I am  arguing that if our society were to give state sanction to a man/sheep union then this would NOT be empirical evidence of a "crumbling" society.

I am arguing that if our society were to give state sanction to a man/sheep union then this would be empirical evidence of a society that gives state sanction to a man/sheep union.

I am also arguing that you are a moron.

And that deforestation, salinization or loss of topsoil, desertification, water pollution or overuse, military conflict or loss of trading partners are empirical evidence of a crumbling society. Can you find a single society that crumbled for a reason that I didn't just list? That would be a fun debate. I like debates. How bout it Daisy, you in?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
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Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,21:39   

Thornazi still at it? Yawn.

Jay Ray

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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,21:54   



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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,23:25   

BWE opines,

Yes, I am  arguing that if our society were to give state sanction to a man/sheep union then this would NOT be empirical evidence of a "crumbling" society.

But this is mere speculation and seemingly leaves only two alternatives.  Either such a sanction benefits our society or it has no net effect.  If you can argue for either one, I would love to hear it.

I am arguing that if our society were to give state sanction to a man/sheep union then this would be empirical evidence of a society that gives state sanction to a man/sheep union.

But according to you, the sanctioning of traditional marriage is empirical evidence of discrimination and intolerance.  Wouldn't the sanctioning of a man/sheep union at least indicate evidence of non-discrimination and tolerance?  Isn't this tantamount to saying that a man/sheep union is a benefit to society?

I am also arguing that you are a moron.

Where's the argument?

And that deforestation, salinization or loss of topsoil, desertification, water pollution or overuse, military conflict or loss of trading partners are empirical evidence of a crumbling society. Can you find a single society that crumbled for a reason that I didn't just list? That would be a fun debate. I like debates. How bout it Daisy, you in?

So you look at a crumbled society and divine the cause of its collapse?  But a society sanctioning a man/sheep union could only be considered a bulwark against such a collapse?  Is this the "rationale" behind your advocacy of gay "marriage?"

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,23:36   


Has it not occured to you that some of the people arguing for gay marriage actually might just place value on traditional marriage?

What is the value of traditional marriage? I would argue that people in a stable relationship tend to be happier. That encouraging a couple to stay faithfull to each -other reduces the spread of sexualy transmitted disease.

Being allowed to have a state sanctioned union where people in a long term relationship are granted rights is a good thing.

I would argue that I value these benefits so much that I think all ctizens should be entitled to them.

Now the bestiality argument you like so much. How can an animal in any way be considered to be an adult. Once sheep start arguing for their right to marriage they should be given it.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2006,23:52   

Wow. Hmmm. Wow.
But according to you, the sanctioning of traditional marriage is empirical evidence of discrimination and intolerance.
I think that it is the other guy dressed as Santa Clause who said that. I could give A flying rip whether they sanction any kind of marriage. When Sheep Focking is outlawed only outlaws will fock sheep. If bigoted a$ses feel the need to exclude gays from social security and next of kin rights, I reserve the right to think they are bigoted as$es. I never said I expected the world to be fair. I am a married white male with an advanced college degree in America. Why should I ultimately care what butthumpers do or don't get? But I sure don't want the responsibility of keeping them in a lower class status.

Go hump a goddamn sheep if you want to. If I catch you, the first thing I will do is see if the sheep cares. If it doesn't then honestly I don't care either, and if you do, your priorities are pretty #### superficial. I promise not to call the cops unless the sheep looks distressed.

Sheep Focking has no net effect. It has been practiced by lots of cultures throughout the world most notably the tribes of Israel. They didn't all do so bad. I would propose that sheep focking has never contributed to the demise of a civilization. But I would propose that deforestation, salinization or loss of topsoil, loss of fisheries, desertification, water pollution or overuse, military conflict or loss of trading partners are empirical evidence of a crumbling society.

And the bulwark would have a lot more to do with sound environmental policy than sheep focking. Or brokeback mt. style buttlove.

But it does provide some entertainment along the way to watch people like you jump up and down trying to pull your finger out of your ass while you cry about the inevitable collapse of society.

I just finished assembling a pretty fat report for the state department on the updated state of the main fisheries off the Pacific Northwest. I can assure you that they were more concerned with Hippoglossus stenolepis than sheep focking. And you probably think that the fish will just keep on coming from the store where they have been coming from for as long as you can remember. Those who live around the sahara and gobi deserts care a lot more about trees than buttsex.

And those on the brunt end of a military effort care more about survival than about whether their father blows goats.

You are very nice though. I like you Daisy.

Maybe the guy who cut the last tree down on easter island was thinking about the weakening of his society's moral fabric due to the pig focking going on in the village below. But I doubt it.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
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The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,00:01   

StephenElliot opines,

Has it not occured to you that some of the people arguing for gay marriage actually might just place value on traditional marriage?

I don't doubt this is the case, but I don't see anyone in this thread that would fall under that categorization.  In fact, the implication is that traditional marriage is intolerant and discriminatory and has no legitimate reason to be elevated above any other adult consensual union within our society.

What is the value of traditional marriage? I would argue that people in a stable relationship tend to be happier. That encouraging a couple to stay faithfull to each -other reduces the spread of sexualy transmitted disease.

The most obvious value is the tradition, itself.  But your argument for gay "marriage" seems to be morphing from an "equal rights" and tolerance basis to a more traditional understanding for the importance of marriage.  You are giving the best evidence for the value of traditional marriage and its elevation within society when you claim it will have a stabilizing and positive health affect on gay "marriage."  So what exactly is your argument for gay "marriage?"

Being allowed to have a state sanctioned union where people in a long term relationship are granted rights is a good thing.

It's not a good thing if it devalues the foundation it relies upon for legitimacy.  If traditional marriage is inherently valuable to society then how can it be equated to gay "marriage?"  Likewise, if traditional marriage is illegitimate then how can gay "marriage" be a "good thing?"

I would argue that I value these benefits so much that I think all ctizens should be entitled to them.

Then you must be true to your "equal rights" and tolerance argument and cast aside any and all discriminatory criteria for marriage.  Marriage becomes the simple will of the individual and has no recognizable feature in the larger society.  Marriage becomes nonexistent as a discernible institution.

Now the bestiality argument you like so much. How can an animal in any way be considered to be an adult. Once sheep start arguing for their right to marriage they should be given it.

The continued insistence on the sheep only serves to highlight how your redefinition of marriage (individual will seeking state validation) defines the institution of traditional marriage out of existence.

Since the individual human will is preeminent in your redefinition of marriage, the wants, desires and age of the sheep are irrelevant.  

If a man wants to marry his sheep and seek state sanction, what will you say in opposition?

The birds are chirping, endlessly.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,00:09   


That's a lot of words to simply say you're an apathetic ideologue.

I used to have the "just don't care" attitude, but then realized I was being duped into intellectual laziness.

The kicker was the rabid fear-mongering about the epidemic of AIDS and its "non-discriminatory" nature during the late 80's to early 90's.  What a load of lies we've been fed with that one.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,00:36   

Guys guys, stop calling thor's non-existant children names.

You're being racist against that substantial portion of our population that is imaginary.

You're existential bigots, the lot of you!

...Seriously, after all this, does anyone really think that trolldaddy is anything more than some 14 year-old (mentally, at least) who's got difficulty keeping track of his lies? I don't.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,00:45   

That's a lot of words to simply say you're an apathetic ideologue.

I used to have the "just don't care" attitude, but then realized I was being duped into intellectual laziness.

The kicker was the rabid fear-mongering about the epidemic of AIDS and its "non-discriminatory" nature during the late 80's to early 90's.  What a load of lies we've been fed with that one.

And here I thought I was being clear and concise. I do care. Just not about the things that you seem to care about. Intelectual laziness manifests itself in caring about trivial things like social norms is my theory. Look, I have stayed up all night finishing a report that could potentially disrupt the lives of a lot of people and you are sitting here whining about gay marriage. Jesus, you have time to care about gay marriage? And you think you were lied to about the non-discriminitory nature of aids? Why, did you read a report that it was discriminitory? You were reading a synthesis of the best info available at the time and it wasn't too far off the mark.

I'm sorry, the coffee is wearing off and I have to present some of this stuff in 5 hours. I guess that was a bit grouchy. You are only ridiculous. Nothing more, nothing less. Good night.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,00:56   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 02 2006,05:01)

If a man wants to marry his sheep and seek state sanction, what will you say in opposition?

The birds are chirping, endlessly.

I would say "fine go ahead and get married". Just as long as the sheep says it agrees and signs the form.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,05:18   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 02 2006,01:48)
You MUST accept ANY and ALL ADULT unions that seek state sanction.

For chrissake, thordafty, stop disassembling.  Somewhere in that sclerotic cranium of yours, even you know that restricted freedoms are not "discriminatory" nor "bigoted", provided they are restricted equally and objectively.  If your vote is not counted because you are a woman, that's discrimination.  If your vote is not counted because you failed to register, voted for two candidates, aren't actually a citizen of the country, or happen to be a sheep, it's not.  See how that works?  Or did allowing women to vote open the door to sheep ballots?  In any case, let's take this slow, mmmkay?

By your own words, you've taken care of the sheep problem you keep returning to.  Sure, it may be an ADULT sheep, but I presume you actually mean adult human here. (Or am I presuming too much?)  A sheep does not have legal standing, cannot give consent, cannot enter into a binding legal agreement, etc. ad nauseum. Neither does a minor. This restriction is reasonable and non-discriminatory, not to mention bloody neccessary for a legal agreement. That takes care of bestiality.

Now, on to bigamy/polygamy. Once again, let's remember that marriage is a legal contract with accompanying legal and economic responsibilities and privileges sanctioned by the state. It is a legal agreement between TWO (and only two) parties.  While this may seem arbitrary (if you're an idiot), it is readily defensible on objective legal grounds.  For any citizen, the state is only willing to recognize and grant those privileges to one person of his or her choosing. You can have ONE power of attorney.  You can have ONE lawfully wedded partner. Stop for a second to think about tax, divorce, inheritance, etc., and it becomes pretty clear.  Want to shack up with four other guys or girls and have nightly orgies?  Go right ahead.  But if you want to engage in a binding legal agreement conferring the responsibilities and privileges of marriage, pick ONE. This is no more "biogoted" or "discriminatory" than anything else in contract or tax law, provided that every citizen has equal discretion when it comes to choosing which one other party with whom to enter the agreement.  You know, like the person they love and actually want to marry...wouldn't it be nice if everybody could enter into marriage with the one person they love? Too bad that's not the current case, eh?  

Which leaves us with incest.  In any realistic scenario (i.e., those in the mind of anybody but thordiddly), this is hardly likely to be an issue.  The objective basis and long history of laws against incest are rooted in biology. (Pssstt...thor...those deviant homos are no more likely to screw their brother than you are to screw your sister...or am I being too presumptuous again?)  For the rare individual who doesn't have this inborn self-imposed restriction on their desires, we're sorry, but it's illegal. The objective reason for this is obvious when it comes to heterosexual marriage and resulting children.  But  the law doesn't stop there (i.e., two sterile heterosexual siblings cannot wed), and neither could two homosexual siblings.  Why not? (I.e., if potential genetic disorders through inbreeding are not at issue?)  Frankly, this rarest of the rare situation (two family members who wish to marry and physically cannot bear offspring) may be a gray area, objectively speaking, since it has little potential of harming a non-consenting third party (whereas bestiality, pedophilia, and unions between fertile siblings may cause such harm without consent) and does not confer additional legal benefits to a select group (whereas bigamy/polygamy would confer such additional benefits). However, again likely based largely on our biology (e.g., look up gender-biased dispersal in animals), it is not a union society or the state will sanction, given the complications and ramifications. This may (arguably) be "arbitrary", but refusing to sanction this union is no more "discriminatory" than refusing to sanction relationships between doctors and patients, teachers and students, or coworkers in certain situations. Fertile straight people can't marry their siblings, nor can sterile straight people, and nor will gay people. This still provides equal opportunity to all individuals when choosing a partner and entering into the marriage contract.  If you fear a movement of sister-loving lesbians or brother-loving homos in a progressive society that allows gay marriage, you're beyond help.

So, now that we've established why your red herrings are red, perhaps you can provide an objective rationale as to why two consenting adults with equal status under the law cannot form a legal partnership based purely on plumbing?  (Hint: if the word "traditional" appears in your answer, you fail.)

You've been asked before.  You didn't answer then, and you won't now.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,05:36   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 02 2006,01:48)
I only lose this argument if the "progressives" are naive enough to believe YOU that the bigamists, polygamists, incestual and bestial unions won't seek state recognition with the acceptance of gay "marriage."  In fact, it's already underway.  And what do you say...?  

"Oh no, you can't do that because there is too many in your union and some of its members are related..."

What arbitrary and discriminatory criteria, eric the bigot!

Wait a minute. I'm bigoted because I don't carry who marries whom (or what)? In what way does that make me a bigot? I guess you could say I'm bigoted against sheep, goats, goldfish, etc., but you'd be wrong. I don't think you should be marrying three year olds, either, and for the same reason: they're not competent to give consent.

I'm willing to restrict marriage to two adult humans who are competent to give consent and can enter into a contract as an accommodation to your bigotry, Thordaddy.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,06:39   

[...] homosexuals can already get married in many liberal churches around this country and this has been acknowleged time and again [...]

Thordaddy, what gives your state the right to discriminate against liberal churches by not recognizing the gay marriages they perform?

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,09:03   

Which leaves us with incest.  In any realistic scenario (i.e., those in the mind of anybody but thordiddly), this is hardly likely to be an issue.  The objective basis and long history of laws against incest are rooted in biology. (Pssstt...thor...those deviant homos are no more likely to screw their brother than you are to screw your sister...or am I being too presumptuous again?)  For the rare individual who doesn't have this inborn self-imposed restriction on their desires, we're sorry, but it's illegal. The objective reason for this is obvious when it comes to heterosexual marriage and resulting children.  But  the law doesn't stop there (i.e., two sterile heterosexual siblings cannot wed), and neither could two homosexual siblings.  Why not? (I.e., if potential genetic disorders through inbreeding are not at issue?)  Frankly, this rarest of the rare situation (two family members who wish to marry and physically cannot bear offspring) may be a gray area, objectively speaking, since it has little potential of harming a non-consenting third party (whereas bestiality, pedophilia, and unions between fertile siblings may cause such harm without consent) and does not confer additional legal benefits to a select group (whereas bigamy/polygamy would confer such additional benefits).

And that's one of the problems I have with gay marriage. Remember the ultimate rationale for all those regulations surrounding marriage: society values marriage because it often leads to families, and families are the backbone of any healthy society. Now, it's true that one doesn't need marriage to raise children, but society recognises that it provides a good incentive for men to nuture both wife and children, and without this contract, fathers often behave irresponsibly. And plenty of research shows how well children fare without a father in their lives (hint: check out your local prison or graveyard).
  So what's the problem? Well, when it comes to raising children, gay couples are like a one-legged man in a marathon. Chidren come in both genders, and each sex needs a parental role model. Furthermore, homosexual relationships bring out the worst tendencies in each sex: rampant promiscuity and violence on the male side,  drifting and soft-headedness on the feminine. In the hetero nuclear family, one weakness balances another: the father provides discipline and guidance, while the mother tends to the child's emotional needs (of course this is only broadly true, but that doesn't obscure the fact that it is true).
   Worse yet, now society is left to deal with the consequences: the increased homosexual experimenting (with the concomitant diseases), the emotional instability and confusion ("Hmmmmm....what does it mean to be a man.....well, MTV teaches me that being a man is about joining a gang and hittin' 'hos. Sounds good to me!" "Hey Timmy, can I be your skank? Tiger Beat says that's the kewl trend nowadays!"), the increased disruption in general. Worse yet, society can't remedy these problems, because that might involve bigotry. Can't suspend Heather for whacking another kid over the head with her notebook, cause her two mommies will raise a fuss about how they're singling Heather out because the school hates, no fears, no hates and fears stong Lesbian Wymyn. ####, what Heather needs is a little federal funding to deal with her issues. And maybe a couple of extra points on her SAT. Can't blame her for having to live in such a cold, cold, society after all....and if a teacher complains just a little too loudly, we'll just toss him out on his Nazi ass. Cause there's no place for dissent in our Brave New World.........

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,09:08   

An alternate reality of imaginary hysterics.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,09:26   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 02 2006,14:03)
Which leaves us with incest...

And that's one of the problems I have with gay marriage...

Wow.  Never have I had something I wrote in any way connected (however loosely) which such paranoid drivel.  Good thing the quote and your reply is such an obvious, head-scratching non sequitur -- otherwise I'd be worried.


Posts: 398
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,09:27   

[...]rampant promiscuity and violence on the male side,  drifting and soft-headedness on the feminine[...]

Nice, I'll have to remember those... Maybe the state shouldn't recognize "trailer-trash marriages" either.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,09:46   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 02 2006,14:0)
And that's one of the problems I have with gay marriage. Remember the ultimate rationale for all those regulations surrounding marriage: society values marriage because it often leads to families, and families are the backbone of any healthy society. Now, it's true that one doesn't need marriage to raise children, but society recognises that it provides a good incentive for men to nuture both wife and children, and without this contract, fathers often behave irresponsibly. And plenty of research shows how well children fare without a father in their lives (hint: check out your local prison or graveyard).
  So what's the problem? Well, when it comes to raising children, gay couples are like a one-legged man in a marathon. Chidren come in both genders, and each sex needs a parental role model. Furthermore, homosexual relationships bring out the worst tendencies in each sex: rampant promiscuity and violence on the male side,  drifting and soft-headedness on the feminine. In the hetero nuclear family, one weakness balances another: the father provides discipline and guidance, while the mother tends to the child's emotional needs (of course this is only broadly true, but that doesn't obscure the fact that it is true).

Well, aside from piling generalization on top of stereotype on top of caricature (do you actually know any gay people, Bill?), at least you're coming up with something a little more sophisticated (if ultimately just as wrong-headed) as Thordaddy. But if that isn't damning with faint praise...

Anyway. Nothing you've said here functions as a reason to ban gay marriage, and here's why. Stopping gay people from marrying within their own gender is not going to make them marry straight people, so you haven't solved any problems by banning gay marriage. All you've done is continued the enforced and unjustifiable unhappiness of a significant segment of the population. Preventing gay people from marrying certainly isn't preventing them from being gay.

Further, your claim that homosexuality brings out the worst in people, aside from being unforgivably homophobic, is simply not born out by the facts. (Male homosexuality brings out violence? Give me a break! ) History is peppered with homosexual people of unique gifts who have made substantial contributions to civilization. Are our prisons full of homosexuals? No. Sure, a lot of homosexual sex happens in prison, but that's obligate homosexuality (what other sex is available?).

I'd like to see your studies, Bill (fire up your search engine! ) that demonstrate that homosexual relationships are more dysfunctional than straight relationships for reasons that have nothing to do with the social stigma gay people are forced to endure. Many straight relationships are already so famously dysfunctional that it's hard to imagine how gay relationships could best them in that particular category.

And let me ask you this, Bill: which do you think is more harmful to a child's development: being raised by a single mom who has to work two jobs to get the rent paid and food on the table, spending a good part of each day with no parental presence at all; or being raised by two loving men who both make a good living and as a result can work their schedules around their parenting responsibilities?

Worse yet, now society is left to deal with the consequences: the increased homosexual experimenting (with the concomitant diseases), the emotional instability and confusion ("Hmmmmm....what does it mean to be a man.....well, MTV teaches me that being a man is about joining a gang and hittin' 'hos. Sounds good to me!" "Hey Timmy, can I be your skank? Tiger Beat says that's the kewl trend nowadays!"), the increased disruption in general.

Gee, Bill, I don't know where you're getting your information about gay society, but what you're talking about here is all elements of straight society. I don't think you're going to find too many gay men or women prividing Tiger Beat to their kids for social instruction, for God's sake! And where do you get the idea that children raised by homosexual parents are more "disruptive" than those raised by straight parents?

And one more time: homosexuality in and of itself does not cause diseases. Are lesbians more disease-ridden than straight women? Sure, gay male sex carries with it a higher risk of disease than heterosexual sex, but heterosexual sex carries a greater risk of disease than lesbian sex. All forms of sex carry a higher risk than abstinence. Should we just be done with it and ban sex altogether?

Worse yet, society can't remedy these problems, because that might involve bigotry.

What problems? You're imagining problems where none exist. Granted, given the miniscule numbers of children raised in gay households, the data one way or another are sparse, but again, you're justifying sexual discrimination in marriage rights based on highly speculative grounds.

And again, none of these problems will be made better (or worse) by banning gay marriage.

Sorry, Bill. It still sounds like homophobia to me.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,10:26   

ericmurphy opines,

Anyway. Nothing you've said here functions as a reason to ban gay marriage, and here's why. Stopping gay people from marrying within their own gender is not going to make them marry straight people, so you haven't solved any problems by banning gay marriage. All you've done is continued the enforced and unjustifiable unhappiness of a significant segment of the population. Preventing gay people from marrying certainly isn't preventing them from being gay.

And herein lies the problem.  You start from a totally false premise that is nothing but the manipulating cyncism of the radical homosexuals.

First, gay "marriage" isn't banned and that's why you say that we won't stop gays from getting married.  Gays can get married and do get married in liberal churches across the country.  Rather, SOCIETY recognizes the inherent value of the one man/one woman union and has elevated this union to a unique status in our society.  You want to equate gay "marriage" to traditional marriage.  But, how are they equal in the eyes of our society?

You start from the false assumption that traditional marriage exists to discriminate against gays when you claim...,

All you've done is continued the enforced and unjustifiable unhappiness of a significant segment of the population.

Is 1-2% a "significant segment" of our society?  And if traditional marriage is an illegitimate institution as it enforces an "unjustifiable unhappiness" on gays then on what foundation does gay "marriage" reside?

It is you that has a weak argument for equating gay "marriage" to traditional marriage.  What's equal?  How are they the same?  Are they equally valuable or are they equally trivial?  Why is sanctioning gay "marriage" important to our society when the very tradition it relies upon (traditional marriage) is seen as irrelevant at best and downright discriminatory and illegitimate at its worst?

If you actually knew where you stood on this issue, we may be able to come to a better understanding of your position.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,10:35   

[...] Can't suspend Heather for whacking another kid over the head with her notebook, cause her two mommies will raise a fuss [...]

What is that drifting, soft-headed female doing hitting another kid?

Can't mention "millions of years" in science class, and risk uncomfortable conversations at the dinner table that lead to angry parents complaining to the school board, and putting your job at risk.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,10:42   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 02 2006,15:26)
First, gay "marriage" isn't banned and that's why you say that we won't stop gays from getting married.  Gays can get married and do get married in liberal churches across the country.

You've said this about a million times already. That doesn't make it any more relevant. Can you please stop making irrelevant rants? You know exactly why it's irrelevant. Are you purposely trying to irritate people?
You start from the false assumption that traditional marriage exists to discriminate against gays when you claim...

Where does that idea come from? God, Thordaddy, try to improve your reading comprehension. No one is making any such ridiculously idiotic assumption.
Is 1-2% a "significant segment" of our society?  And if traditional marriage is an illegitimate institution as it enforces an "unjustifiable unhappiness" on gays then on what foundation does gay "marriage" reside?

Where's your 1-2% figure coming from, Thordaddy? Did you pull it out of your butt? The accepted figure is more like 10%.
And who's claiming traditional marriage is an "illegitimate institution"? Are you suffering from Tourette's syndrome or something?
It is you that has a weak argument for equating gay "marriage" to traditional marriage.  What's equal?  How are they the same?

How are they different, Thordaddy? You've never been able to explain what the difference is, or why it matters. After twenty-seven stupid pages of this crap, you still haven't come up with a reason why gay marriage should be banned. And don't repeat your asinine tripe about "getting married in a liberal church." That only demonstrates your intellectual dishonesty.
Are they equally valuable or are they equally trivial?  Why is sanctioning gay "marriage" important to our society when the very tradition it relies upon (traditional marriage) is seen as irrelevant at best and downright discriminatory and illegitimate at its worst?

God, Thordaddy, you've got cement for brains. No one has ever claimed that traditional marriage is "irrelevant" or "discriminatory." Denying marriage rights to gay people is what's discriminatory.
If you actually knew where you stood on this issue, we may be able to come to a better understanding of your position.

I, and everyone else who's read this crap, knows exactly where I stand on this issue. I've only repeated it about a hundred times. If you don't know where I stand on this issue, it's because you haven't the wit to figure it out.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,10:45   

The entire debate over gay marriage is ridiculous....but with good reason....

The definition of "marriage" has always been a social issue.  Some societies have promoted polygamy...while other societies have promoted monogamy.  Some societies(though rare) have had gay marriage...

The issue is completely dependant on the social climate...and in this case we have a divided and combative societal issue.
The standard claim pro-gay marriage is that since it is opposed without reason.  Those who oppose gay marriage oppose it without any legitamite reason.  This may be true...but so many other social practices are opposed without any real reason

Those who argue against gay marriage run the gamut from the religious right to the "why shake the tree".  It would be as equally as valid for them to oppose gay marriage because they "dont want gay marriage"...and in fact many of them argue reason...just opinion.

Those who support gay marriage need to admit that they are simply advocating violating social norms that serve no purpose and based simply on might hurt the cause...but it would give them much more solid ground to stand on.

Those who oppose gay marriage need to admit that their opinion is just that...a mere opinion...completely free of actual reasoning....and thats ok....
The issue is social norms....and social norms will always exist in a society without reason....they just exist...

The question really isnt "should we allow gay marriage?"...the question is "Should we build a society around rational facts and reason or around tradition and societal acceptance?"


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,11:06   


You don't have any idea why you support gay "marriage" other than the fact that it represents your affinity for "equal rights" and tolerance.  Gay "marriage" is a secondary issue.

You need to read a little more about the issue because as of right now you only have a "liberal" understanding of issue which is tantamount to saying you have no understanding.

The questions you need to answer.

1.  Is traditional marriage an important societal tradition and institution?  If yes, why? If no, why?

2.  How is gay "marriage" equivalent to traditional marriage?

3.  Does traditional marriage enforce an "unjustifiable unhappiness" on "10%" of the population?

4.  Since this enforcement is "unjustified" then does it follow that traditional marriage is "unjustified?"

5.  Is gay "marriage" REALLY banned in America?  If so, then what do you call those ceremonies in liberal churches if not marriage?

This is just a few questions for you to chew on so I can get even an inkling of where you stand.

PuckSR opines,

Those who oppose gay marriage need to admit that their opinion is just that...a mere opinion...completely free of actual reasoning....and thats ok....

"Completely free of actual reasoning...?"  What nonsense!  There is centuries worth of evidence as to why OUR society elevated traditional marriage above all other unions.  The reasoning is quite solid and it's based on a clear understanding between both the different natures of man and woman plus the complementary effects they have as a union.

The lack of "actual reasoning" resides with those that claim that traditional marriage is a discriminatory and illegitimate institution and that man and woman are essentially interchangeable.  This is modern "liberalism."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,11:20   

They're coming, Thordaddy. They're coming for you.

Once we liberals force you to allow gay people to get married, they'll be in your neighborhood, they'll be your neighbors. You'll be forced to watch them perform their perverted sex acts. Right on their front lawn. Maybe on your front lawn.

Next, they'll kidnap you, and force you to marry some guy named Steve. Then they'll abduct the mother of your child, and force her to marry some diesel dyke who can snap your spine like a twig. When you try to object, they'll force a burlap sack over your head, bludgeon you with silicone dildos, and when you wake up, you'll be cold and naked in a  jail cell surround by giant African American gentlemen whose intentions towards you are far from honorable.

That's the future you have to look forward to, Thordaddy, so I hope you're getting ready for it.

In the meantime, could you re-read my prevoius post and see that every single one of your questions, the ones you've asked about a million times, have already been answered? And will you see that all your whining and moaning will not stop the inevitable?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Seven Popes

Posts: 190
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,11:26   

There is centuries worth of evidence as to why OUR society elevated traditional marriage above all other unions.  The reasoning is quite solid and it's based on a clear understanding between both the different natures of man and woman plus the complementary effects they have as a union.

Yes, one of the major reasons was to preserve familial stability by preventing bastard children.  Problem is, liberals like Thordaddy are having dirty, dirty sex out of wedlock.  Who suffers? The fatherless kids.  Thordaddy, who is raising your kids?

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,11:35   

Quote (ericmurphy @ May 02 2006,15:42)
You've said this about a million times already. That doesn't make it any more relevant. Can you please stop making irrelevant rants? You know exactly why it's irrelevant. Are you purposely trying to irritate people?


A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,11:38   


Next, they'll kidnap you, and force you to marry some guy named Steve.

You better get to the gym Thordaddy. I don't like fatties.


giant African American gentlemen whose intentions towards you are far from honorable.

If they are gentlemen, as you say, they would be honorable.


Posts: 314
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,11:41   

There is centuries worth of evidence as to why OUR society elevated traditional marriage above all other unions.  The reasoning is quite solid and it's based on a clear understanding between both the different natures of man and woman plus the complementary effects they have as a union.

If the evidence is so strong...why do many cultures practice and promote polygamy?

Seven Popes lists the main motivation for both sides....Children.... a society where 50% of "traditional" marriages end in divorce, where child/spousal abuse is a serious issue...I dont think that we have any right(either side) to talk about protecting children....

Now, I actually oppose gay marriage....
not for any particular reason except that the "gay community" pisses me off....
They arbitrarily chose to make the word "faggot" offensive...
They suddenly decided to ask for gay marriage....mostly to allow them adoption rights...and completely ignoring the fact that even if gay marriage is allowed...adoption agencies might discriminate against "gay married" couples...
I dont dislike homosexuals....I just dislike the motivations and actions of organizations like GLAAD. finish my rant...if one more gay rights group compares the struggles of homosexuals to the civil rights struggles of african americans....Im going to get pissed.

Ok...back on topic...
Thordaddy...if your only rational reason for opposing gay marriage is "its different than heterosexual marriage" and tradition...then your just making the same dont want gay marriage because it is different.... would be actively seeking to ban homosexuals having children and families...since that would be subject to the uncomplimentary nature of same-sex parents.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,11:42   

Now that I think of it...

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,11:53   

ericmurphy opines,

They're coming, Thordaddy. They're coming for you.

Again, you show how beholden to a particular ideology you are?  You're claiming a  MY fear for something your describe as completely harmless.  Huh?  This has to do with the importance of traditional marriage and the attempt to eradicate this cultural institution and replace is with nothing.

Once we liberals force you to allow gay people to get married, they'll be in your neighborhood, they'll be your neighbors. You'll be forced to watch them perform their perverted sex acts. Right on their front lawn. Maybe on your front lawn.

Again, this is a pathethic appeal.  It has no basis in reality.  But you have used the right word when you say "we liberals" will "FORCE" the rest of us to equate gay "marriage" with traditional marriage.  It's just more evidence of the bullying nature of the radical homosexuals and their useful idiots.  Why can't "homosexuals" just take it to the ballot box and do it the American Way...?  Because they want what they want and will do anything to get even if it means subverting the American people.  This makes you an extremist is every sense of the word.

Next, they'll kidnap you, and force you to marry some guy named Steve. Then they'll abduct the mother of your child, and force her to marry some diesel dyke who can snap your spine like a twig. When you try to object, they'll force a burlap sack over your head, bludgeon you with silicone dildos, and when you wake up, you'll be cold and naked in a  jail cell surround by giant African American gentlemen whose intentions towards you are far from honorable.

Silly tripe used when a "liberal" has nothing important to say about a real issue concerning our country.

That's the future you have to look forward to, Thordaddy, so I hope you're getting ready for it.

In the meantime, could you re-read my prevoius post and see that every single one of your questions, the ones you've asked about a million times, have already been answered? And will you see that all your whining and moaning will not stop the inevitable?

I was giving you the chance to articulate specifically and concisely where it is you stand on the issue since you seem to be all over the place.  But then again, you are a "liberal."  You have no core principles and certainly no respect for tradition.  I wouldn't be surprise if tomorrow you were telling us how bigoted the gays were for banning bestial marriages?

Seven Popes,

Yes, I am a product of your "liberal" society and you turn around and stab me in the back for being "liberal."  Shows you the true nature of a "liberal" and why I can no longer equate with such a mentality.

But if you are concerned, I had a lengthy co-habitation with the mother of my children and we continue to raise our kids together without the need for any court intervention.  My kids are hardly "fatherless," but we can see the result of the liberal notion of co-habitation.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,11:56   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 02 2006,16:53)
Once we liberals force you to allow gay people to get married, they'll be in your neighborhood, they'll be your neighbors. You'll be forced to watch them perform their perverted sex acts. Right on their front lawn. Maybe on your front lawn.

Again, this is a pathethic appeal.  It has no basis in reality.  But you have used the right word when you say "we liberals" will "FORCE" the rest of us to equate gay "marriage" with traditional marriage.  It's just more evidence of the bullying nature of the radical homosexuals and their useful idiots.

I see, Thordaddy, that not only are you impervious to logic, reason, and common sense; you're also impervious to irony.

God, what a pompous ass.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,12:00   

But then again, you are a "liberal."  You have no core principles...

Hey Thor, time to go to school!

Seven Popes

Posts: 190
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,12:14   


Yes, I am a product of your "liberal" society and you turn around and stab me in the back for being "liberal."  Shows you the true nature of a "liberal" and why I can no longer equate with such a mentality.

But if you are concerned, I had a lengthy co-habitation with the mother of my children and we continue to raise our kids together without the need for any court intervention.  My kids are hardly "fatherless," but we can see the result of the liberal notion of co-habitation.

Why do you think i'm a liberal?  I believe in marriage as a sacred bond between two people that lasts untill death. I think that a father marries a mother and is involved in the raising of a child (are your daughters even in the same county as you?)  I beleve what you are doing is very poor judgement.  I think that it's a shame that people who represent themselves as evangelicals or conservatve "Christians" divorce at a rate above the national average.  I do worry very much about your kids, Thordaddy...
Divorce data.
By the way, Athiests divorce rate was quite a bit lower than that of, for instance, baptists.

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.

Occam's Toothbrush

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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,12:20   

Somebody wanna fill me in on wtf any of this has to do with evolution?

"Molecular stuff seems to me not to be biology as much as it is a more atomic element of life" --Creo nut Robert Byers
"You need your arrogant ass kicked, and I would LOVE to be the guy who does it. Where do you live?" --Anger Management Problem Concern Troll "Kris"


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,12:24   

Seven Popes opines,

Why do you think i'm a liberal?  I believe in marriage as a sacred bond between to people that lasts untill death. I think that a father marries a mother and is involved in the raising of a child (are your daughters even in the same county as you?)  I beleve what you are doing is very poor judgement.  I think that it's a shame that people who represent themselves as evangelicals or conservatve "Christians" divorce at a rate above the national average.  I do worry very much about your kids, Thordaddy...
Divorce data.
By the way, Athiests divorce rate was quite a bit lower than that of, for instance, baptists.

I think you're a "liberal" because you think I'm a "Christian."  How have I represented myself as a "Christian" or a conservative, exactly?  Both my kids (a daughter and son) live with me on a weekly basis.  Their mother's place is 6 miles away in Southern California.

You think that one needs to be a conservative or "Christian" to support the elevation of traditional marriage above all other unions.  I don't see it that way.  All one really needs to do is reject modern "liberalism" to do such a thing.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,12:45   

PuckSR opines,

If the evidence is so strong...why do many cultures practice and promote polygamy?

Because polygamy is much closer to the ideal of traditional marriage than is gay "marriage."  Polygamy merely makes the criteria of numbers irrelevant while gay "marriage" makes gender irrelevant.  These are distinct differences.

Seven Popes lists the main motivation for both sides....Children.... a society where 50% of "traditional" marriages end in divorce, where child/spousal abuse is a serious issue...I dont think that we have any right(either side) to talk about protecting children....

But this didn't happen in a vacuum.  In fact, it happened because we have been systematically devaluing all our cultural traditions for the last 40+ years.  What did you think would happen to traditional marriage and child and spousal relationships when we've erased any distinction between man and woman, devalued children through abortion and knock one social norm down after another?  Traditional marriage is dying because we are killing it.

Now, I actually oppose gay marriage....
not for any particular reason except that the "gay community" pisses me off....
They arbitrarily chose to make the word "faggot" offensive...
They suddenly decided to ask for gay marriage....mostly to allow them adoption rights...and completely ignoring the fact that even if gay marriage is allowed...adoption agencies might discriminate against "gay married" couples...

I oppose gay "marriage" for many reasons the least of which is the goal of completely eradicating traditional marriage and the means by which the radical homosexuals are employing to get what they want.
I dont dislike homosexuals....I just dislike the motivations and actions of organizations like GLAAD. finish my rant...if one more gay rights group compares the struggles of homosexuals to the civil rights struggles of african americans....Im going to get pissed.

Again, you show the illegitimacy of their appeal.

Ok...back on topic...
Thordaddy...if your only rational reason for opposing gay marriage is "its different than heterosexual marriage" and tradition...then your just making the same dont want gay marriage because it is different.... would be actively seeking to ban homosexuals having children and families...since that would be subject to the uncomplimentary nature of same-sex parents.

I don't believe gays should be able to adopt and try to convince society that 2 men raising children is equal to a man and woman raising THEIR child.  Gay "marriage" isn't just unequal (different) to traditional marriage, it's oxymoronic in the societal sense.

Gay "marriage" advocates have a completely illogical argument.  Gay "marriage" can't rely upon "equal rights" and tolerance arguments because the importance of gay "marriage" needs to be founded on the importance of traditional marriage.  But the gay advocates have systematically devalued the importance of traditional marriage and so they rely on the "equal rights" and tolerance argument.  With no foundation for the importance of gay "marriage," gay "marriage" becomes nothing but the pursuit of personal benefit.  What logically follows is a total dissolution of traditional marriage with the emergence of individual wills seeking state benefit.

Gay "marriage" renders traditional marriage meaningless as the only important thing is to seek state validation through the procurement of state benefits.  It's what "liberals" call "equal rights" and tolerance.

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,13:02   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 02 2006,16:41)

Now, I actually oppose gay marriage....
not for any particular reason except that the "gay community" pisses me off....
They arbitrarily chose to make the word "faggot" offensive...
They suddenly decided to ask for gay marriage....mostly to allow them adoption rights...and completely ignoring the fact that even if gay marriage is allowed...adoption agencies might discriminate against "gay married" couples...
I dont dislike homosexuals....I just dislike the motivations and actions of organizations like GLAAD. finish my rant...if one more gay rights group compares the struggles of homosexuals to the civil rights struggles of african americans....Im going to get pissed...

Adoption rights may well be their next aim. It would not surprise me. But that is a slightly different issue.

The main reason that I support gays being able to "marry" is that I believe they should be allowed the same right to choose to have a stable relationship considered worthwhile. One that gives them "next of kin" rights.

Back to them being able to adopt children. I would support that also; Provided there was no evidence that doing so would cause a child more harm than being raised by the state.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,13:53   

Wow.  Never have I had something I wrote in any way connected (however loosely) which such paranoid drivel.  Good thing the quote and your reply is such an obvious, head-scratching non sequitur -- otherwise I'd be worried.

Welcome to America. What you call "paranoia" already happens in public schools:
In recent years, weapon carrying by students in schools has become a growing source of violence and threat of violence. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1995) found that nearly one-fourth of students nationwide had carried a weapon to school during the month preceding the survey.

Just for Mr. Murphy :)
[edit: my last source puts this figure at a super-low 17%. I, for one, am deeply relieved.]

Reported incidents of school violence are distributed among schools in similar patterns to crime and violence in the general society. Findings from the 2000 SSOCS indicate that a disproportionately small number of schools reported a large amount of violence and serious violence. Findings show that 18 percent of schools accounted for 75 percent of the reported incidents of violence, while 6.6 percent accounted for 50 percent. With respect to serious violence, 1.9 percent of schools reported 50 percent of the incidents.

To determine the characteristics of schools with high levels of violence, schools were divided into three groups: those with no violence, those with low to moderate levels (1-59 incidents), and those with high levels (60 or more incidents). These cutoffs were chosen so that schools with high levels of violence were defined as those that accounted for 50 percent of the reported incidents. When these high-level schools were compared to those with no violence or low to moderate levels, the following factors were found to be significant: school level, enrollment size, urbanicity, crime where students live, number of classroom changes, number of serious discipline problems, and number of schoolwide disruptions.

To determine the characteristics of schools with high levels of serious violence, schools were again divided into three groups: those with no serious violence, those with low to moderate levels of serious violence (1-8 incidents), and those with high levels of serious violence (9 or more incidents). A somewhat different list of characteristics was found to account for high levels of serious violence: enrollment size, students below the 15th percentile on standardized tests, student-teacher ratio, number of serious discipline problems, number of students transferring from the school, and number of schoolwide disruptions.


During the 1999-2000 school year, 71 percent of U.S. public schools reported experiencing at least one violent incident, and the total number of incidents reported was 1,466,395. With respect to serious violence, 20 percent reported at least one incident, and a total of 60,719 incidents were reported. Correspondingly, 36 percent of schools reported at least one violent incident to the police and a total of 256,876 incidents, whereas 15 percent of schools reported at least one incident of serious violence to police and a total of 34,281 incidents.

It is important to note that this survey finds, as previous research has concluded, that academic engagement and school discipline are significantly related to the prevalence of school violence. To understand the nature of school violence, teachers and administrators may analyze the characteristics of schools with low levels of violence, high levels of violence, and high levels of serious violence. For example, schools with high levels of serious violence also have large enrollments, high student-teacher ratios, and high percentages of students performing well below academic standards.

Comparing and analyzing these outcomes may provide information that focuses administrative practices and school policies on the factors most clearly associated with school violence.

[my emphases. Note: study does contain some good news]

One more (mostly optimistic) report, but I found this buried in a footnote:
In 1999, one in six teachers report having been the victim of violence in or around school. This compares to one in nine teachers in 1994. (The Metropolitan Life Survey of the American Teacher, 1999: Violence in America's Public Schools - Five Years Later, Metropolitan Life, 1999)

But hey, violent death is down!
In the wake of tragic incidents, such as school shootings, the subject of school violence has gotten more attention in the past decade than in previous years. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (Juvenile offenders and victims:1999 National report, 1999) , the actual occurrence of violent death in school is much lower than the media portrays. Between 2001 and 2002, 17 school age victims died in school related deaths, (including accidents and suicide) as opposed to the 1999-2000 school year, in which 32 violent school-related deaths occurred. Sadly, student reports of being bullied increased from 5% to 8% in 2001 as reported in Indicators of School Crime and Safety, 2002. In order to maintain a clear view of the issue, it is important to keep in mind that school violence can include emotional and physical ridicule or bullying, assaults, threats, sexual offenses, as well as the less apparent but equally important components of graffiti and vandalism, trespassing and gangs.

Just for Faid:
University of Southern California researchers Judith Stacey and Timothy J. Biblarz published an article titled "(How) Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?" last year in American Sociological Review. Stacey and Biblarz examined 21 gay-parenting studies. They concluded that there is "no notable difference between children reared by heterosexual parents and those reared by lesbian and gay parents."
Homosexual activists have commended the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for a February statement that "a growing body of scientific literature demonstrates that children who grow up with one or two gay or lesbian parents fare as well in emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as do children whose parents are heterosexual." The academy urged its 55,000 members to support "second-parent" adoptions, in which a homosexual adopts a partner's children.

Conservative rejection of the AAP announcement was swift. British sociologist Patricia Morgan, author of Children As Trophies? (Christian Institute, 2002), told CT, "There's a tremendous bias in both the publishing and acceptance" of results that support homosexual parenting.

Morgan, who has written extensively on family development, says that four dozen studies cited by the AAP are in error because researchers failed to use control groups, used self-selected volunteers, and relied on nonrandom samples. Morgan, senior research fellow at London's Institute for the Study of Civil Society, says research supportive of gay parenting shows a tendency toward "extravagant claims" from sympathetic researchers. "Any critical evaluation or examination of the work … is apt to invoke furious reflex accusations about homophobia."

Researchers Robert Lerner and Althea Nagai, coauthors of No Basis: What the Studies Don't Tell Us About Same-Sex Parenting (Marriage Law Project, 1991), support Morgan's findings. Lerner and Nagai evaluated 49 studies on gay parenting, finding significant mistakes in all of them.

They particularly criticized "convenience sampling," in which investigators select whoever is available, and "snowball sampling," in which homosexual activists help researchers find volunteers willing to answer questions.

"These studies prove nothing," Lerner and Nagai wrote. They say reliance on this suspect research has strongly influenced policymakers toward a positive view of gay parenting.

Morgan believes the most reliable research clearly shows that "children reared in a home with a married mother and father do far better than children in other circumstances."

She criticizes the current tendency to tout homosexual parenting despite the evidence against it. "We can't compromise where there are moral standards or empirical standards," Morgan says. "Both have been compromised at the moment."

And probably will be in the future.....

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 2460
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,16:37   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 02 2006,18:53)
Just for Mr. Murphy :)
[edit: my last source puts this figure at a super-low 17%. I, for one, am deeply relieved.]

Hmm…I'm trying to figure out what this has to do with gay marriage…I didn't see anything in here that says gay students are more violent than straight students, nor did I see anything that says students raised by gay couples were more violent than those raised by straight couples. I did see mention of a correlation between the number of male students and the level of serious violence, but unless you're equating "males" with "gay males," I'm afraid your point escapes me.

The link you posted for Faid stands most likely for the proposition that the jury is out on whether children of homosexual couples fare better or worse than children of heterosexual couples. Given what I said earlier about the very small sample size, this is hardly surprising. You'll notice that the anti-gay-adoption position seems to be mainly a criticism of the methodology of the pro-gay-adoption position, rather than contrary research results.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,16:59   

And I thought abortion was intended to rid us of all these "unwanted" children and then ericmurphy informs us that they're merely science projects for social engineers and radical homosexuals.

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5286
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,17:25   

Thorbigot rants again
blah blah blah… I hate fags!  Fags can’t marry!...blah blah blah

Thordaddy has already proven himself to be a homophobic shithead, and there’s no value whatsoever in attempting to get him to defend his irrational hatred.

Still, it serves a useful purpose to show just how f*cked up Thordaddy’s “logic” can be

Consider the following hypothetical situation:

Pat and Leslie, an unmarried couple, move into Thordaddy’s neighborhood.  They’re a quiet pair, both 40-something, both white collar professionals.  Both thin and plain looking with page boy haircuts, it’s impossible to tell their gender by just looking.  All the neighbors have to judge them by is their actions.  The two of them turn out to be great neighbors: going out of their way to help others, volunteering at the homeless shelter, giving generously to their local church charities.  Those who watch them see a loyal and devoted couple – always holding hands when they take their evening walks.  Once, when Leslie was seriously injured in a car accident, Pat agreed to work third shift so Leslie would have full time care during the day.  And when Pat got laid off, Leslie took a second job while Pat interviewed so they could keep their home together.  Finally, Pat and Leslie decide they are soulmates for life, and wish to formalize their union with both the church and the state.  They send wedding invitations to all the neighbors, including Thordaddy.  What does he do?

Now Thordaddy is really in a bind.  He wants to call in the ghost of J. Edgar Hoover, and have the FBI line up Pat and Leslie and make them drop their drawers in the town square so Thordaddy can closely inspect their genitalia.  That’s not a realistic plan though, so Thordaddy finds out who Pat and Leslie’s private physician is, and bribes the receptionist for information.

Scenario 1)  Thordaddy discovers that Pat and Leslie are both biologically male.  Thordaddy flies into a screaming rage and demands that those “traditional marriage" wrecking faggots get out of his neighborhood.  He offers his lighter to some fellow bigots who go to burn down Pat and Leslie’s house.

Scenario 2)  Thordaddy discovers that Pat and Leslie are both biologically female.  He still objects to the wedding, but now doesn’t mind watching Pat and Leslie do their PDAs.  In fact, at night he gets his Kleenex and sits looking out the window waiting for it.

Scenario 3)  Thordaddy discovers that Pat and Leslie are a heterosexual couple.  Thordaddy is overjoyed, and gives his blessing to the “traditional" wedding even though he still has no idea which of the two is male and which is female.

In each case, there was nothing at all that would lead one to believe Pat and Leslie would make a bad married couple, or speed up the downfall of society except Thordaddy’s bigoted perception.

That’s why Thordaddy is considered such a bigoted homophobic flaming assho1e.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,17:51   


What silliness you engage in.  To my knowledge, I've never confronted a gay person in a physically or verbally abrasive manner whether they be male or female.  In fact, I've been on the receiving end of much homosexual adoration.  Luckily for them, I'm not a "liberal" and so I'm not offended by their "sexual harassment," although, I find it distasteful, tacky and counter to the conventional gay wisdom.

So as long as you start from the premise that those who want to elevate traditional marriage above all other unions are mere hate-mongers, you do nothing more than expose your total submission to radical homosexual propaganda.  Everyone of your rants shows you to be nothing but the product of homosexual propaganda.

And as long as you denigrate traditional marriage, gay "marriage" hasn't a leg to stand on.  If traditional marriage is illegimate and discriminatory then gay "marriage" is born of an illegitimate and discriminatory foundation.

And we've already have seen how threadbare your argument is for gay "marriage" using the "equal rights" and tolerance argument.

What is left for you?  This is nothing more than individual wills seeking state validation for their particular lifestyle.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,18:36   

In fact, it happened because we have been systematically devaluing all our cultural traditions for the last 40+ years.  What did you think would happen to traditional marriage and child and spousal relationships when we've erased any distinction between man and woman, devalued children through abortion and knock one social norm down after another?  Traditional marriage is dying because we are killing it. forgot to mention that we also allowed black people the right to vote.  We apologized to the native americans for taking their land.  We made it illegal to discriminate against people based on uncontrollable factors of their life(race, age, sex, religion).

Lets explore "social norms" that have been knocked down in the past:
Child Molestation/pedophilia
Spousal abuse
Govt sponsered Racism
Holy Wars
Capital Punishment for non-lethal violations
Economics systems that exploited the poor(feudal system)
Human Sacrifice
medical bleeding
Illegalized education(education is illegal)

Liberal-being broadminded....look it up....thordaddy

I have a question...about gay marriage and next-of-kin....
Cant a gay person specify through legal documents that their significant other is entitled to all of the same legal rights in death/incapacitation as a souse?
Also...what about children.....if Dave and Tom have 3 girls...and Dave is the biological father of the girls...and Tom is not...and Dave dies....
If Tom legally adopted the children...he would be the default guardian...
But if Tom had simply "married" the father of the children...he wouldnt adopt them by default....
In the event of the death of Dave....Tom and their biological mother would have equal claim....
All gay families are going to consist of no more than one parent being the biological parent.  Will this not lead to a rather complex legal affair....since every gay married couple would be in this situation...and the rights of the biological mother...and any legal agreements about custody made with her would have to be researched???

BTW...Thordaddy said 1-2% of the population earlier...I dont believe he was talking about homosexuals...rather he was discussing homosexuals who want to be married...

If the repression of homosexual marriage revolves so tightly around the repression of homosexuals in this country...then why did the most homosexual culture that I know of not advocate the virtues of homosexual weddings?


Posts: 1902
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,18:36   

But this is mere speculation and seemingly leaves only two alternatives.  Either such a sanction benefits our society or it has no net effect.  If you can argue for either one, I would love to hear it.
Seemingly.   ... If you're a moron.

I am arguing that if our society were to give state sanction to a man/sheep union then this would be empirical evidence of a society that gives state sanction to a man/sheep union.


But according to you, the sanctioning of traditional marriage is empirical evidence of discrimination and intolerance.  Wouldn't the sanctioning of a man/sheep union at least indicate evidence of non-discrimination and tolerance?  Isn't this tantamount to saying that a man/sheep union is a benefit to society?


I am also arguing that you are a moron.

Where's the argument?

My point exactly

And that deforestation, salinization or loss of topsoil, desertification, loss of fisheries, water pollution or overuse, military conflict or loss of trading partners are empirical evidence of a crumbling society. Can you find a single society that crumbled for a reason that I didn't just list? That would be a fun debate. I like debates. How bout it Daisy, you in?(t-diddy quoting me)

So you look at a crumbled society and divine the cause of its collapse?  But a society sanctioning a man/sheep union could only be considered a bulwark against such a collapse?  Is this the "rationale" behind your advocacy of gay "marriage?"

Dude, I have a bachelor's degree in Political science and a masters in marine biology. Also, I read. Yes, I am divining the causes of past societal collapse. However, I am doing it by understanding the evidence. Read, COLLAPSE by Jared Diamond.

You my moniker challenged hobgoblin, are an idiot.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5286
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,18:40   

Thorbigot the shithead fumes

In fact, I've been on the receiving end of much homosexual adoration.  

I'm sure you have, and on the giving end too.  Being jilted by your gay lover explains a lot of your irrational anger and your disrespect for traditional marriage.

Tell us Thorbigot, what would you do in the Pat and Leslie case?  Rationalize away.

Everyone of your rants shows you to be nothing but the product of homosexual propaganda.

And we've already have seen how threadbare your argument is for gay "marriage" using the "equal rights" and tolerance argument.

Yeah, we're all suckers for that "homosexual propaganda" that merely asks for the same constitutional guarantees as provide to every other citizen.  And everyone knows "equal rights" and tolerance and liberal ideas that are expressly forbidden by the Constitution, right Thorbigot?

Are you this hateful and prejudiced towards other minorities as you are to gays?  Wouldn't it be great if we could just take away the "equal right" and tolerance them damm niggers and wops and chinks got by corrupting out traditional society, right tighty-whitey Thorbigot?

Don't you need to be out firebombing a Planned Parenthood Clinic or something?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


Posts: 374
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,18:42   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 02 2006,18:53)
Welcome to America. What you call "paranoia" already happens in public schools:

Uh...sure.  I believe you.  Rest assured, I've been watching warily from a (hopefully) safer vantage north of the border (where we, for the moment, allow gay marriage and a whole host of other subversive things, and don't appear to have quite the same problems -- at least not within an order of magnitude).  I never blamed you for being alarmed when it came to the world around you.  The charge of "paranoia" (not to mention non sequitur) that I levelled is manifested in your apparent implication (so far woefully unsubstantiated) of a  link between gay marriage and violent/sociopathic behaviour.  Having been known to roll my eyes at MTV (we have but just received that particular import here in the frigid north, though we've had our uniquely Soviet-Canuckistani analogue for a while) I might be willing to forgive the implied link between 50 Cent and 9 MMs (though I don't subscribe to it myself).  But where does gay marriage come in?  Shouldn't this terrible threat of suburban gay married teenage gangbangers be more prevalent here where we, while not smiling, at least frown a little less at the Adams and Steves of the world?  Newsflash: we're still alive and kicking, thanks.  Maybe the hockey and (real) beer dull the senses and soothe the savage beasts.  Speaking of which, I think I'll leave this little debate in favour of more fruitful battles...I'd certainly rather watch men with sticks in their hands and blades on their feet wail on each other with wild abandon than have to read one more post from thordaddy.  All the best, Ghost.



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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,19:12   


If you can equate all those "social norms" with traditional marriage then you have an even greater disrepect for traditional marriage than I previous thought.

You say,

If the repression of homosexual marriage revolves so tightly around the repression of homosexuals in this country...then why did the most homosexual culture that I know of not advocate the virtues of homosexual weddings?

Because you are merely acquiescing to the radical homosexual propaganda.  Most people don't advocate for traditional marriage because they hate gays, but advocate for traditional marriage because it is so obviously distinct and important to our larger society.  But watch closely and you will see the gay advocates beg for an answer as to why traditional marriage is so important as they advocate for gay "MARRIAGE."  Mindboggling?

Think how nonsensical it is to advocate for gay "marriage" while simultaneously devaluing traditional marriage?  On what foundation does gay "marriage" reside...?  "Equal rights" and tolerance?  This is an untenable and ridiculous argument as it renders traditional marriage as a meaningless concept to the larger society.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,19:29   

Occam opines,

I'm sure you have, and on the giving end too.  Being jilted by your gay lover explains a lot of your irrational anger and your disrespect for traditional marriage.

Once again we see the "true" liberal slide out from underneath his rock.  You're ready to wreck anyone that disrupts your quaint little world.  LOL!

Tell us Thorbigot, what would you do in the Pat and Leslie case?  Rationalize away.

I wouldn't do anything because you've given three different scenarios and in all three cases there seems to be no reason to think I would receive an invitation to the wedding in the first place.  

Yeah, we're all suckers for that "homosexual propaganda" that merely asks for the same constitutional guarantees as provide to every other citizen.  And everyone knows "equal rights" and tolerance and liberal ideas that are expressly forbidden by the Constitution, right Thorbigot?

I'm not aware of any Constitutional right to marriage?  Could you point that out please?  The homosexual propaganda is on full display when you claim that all those that advocate for traditional marriage are gay-haters.  What a silly position as it renders your argument for gay "marriage" essentially meaningless.  

Are you this hateful and prejudiced towards other minorities as you are to gays?  Wouldn't it be great if we could just take away the "equal right" and tolerance them damm niggers and wops and chinks got by corrupting out traditional society, right tighty-whitey Thorbigot?

Again, your indoctrinated mind at work.  I hate gays because I think that traditional marriage should be elevated above all other adult unions...?  This is your take?

How about you hate traditional marriage and what it represents and will use gay "marriage" to bash it out of existence?  We've already seen how you treat hypothetical "gays" that won't toe your line of indoctrination.

Don't you need to be out firebombing a Planned Parenthood Clinic or something?

And I thought you were a "liberal?"  It seems the tradition of abortion on demand is a tradition you can embrace?  What a hypocrite.  And you pine for "equal rights" and tolerance while the abortions go on unabated and at your approval.  The stinch of hypocrisy is overwhelming coming from Occam's Aftershave.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,21:17   


Calm down....take a breath...drink a beer one is accusing you of being a "gay hater" or homophobe because of your stance on gay marriage....
They are accusing you of being a homophobe and "gay hater" because of other comments you made...

You referred to gay marriage as a "social evil"....and have clearly lost any distinction between the people and organizations that represent them...


You my moniker challenged hobgoblin, are an idiot.

Umm...why am i an idiot?
Unless i randomly lobed an insult at me after chastising Thordaddy?


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2006,22:05   


You have this tendency to think I become heated in these debates.  This is a seriously false assumption.

You, like many others on this thread, think that most "conservatives" are born rather than evolve from a more primitive liberal state.  I fit the latter category as I was very much an apathetic "liberal" for the majority of my life and still succumb to "liberal" tendencies.  Fortunately, I am not oppressed by a rigid "liberal" ideology like many others on this site.  I can actually think outside the "liberal" paradigm that most of us remain entirely immersed in.  

And please do provide the quote where I say that gay "marriage" is a "social evil," so I may respond.

But if I did indeed say this, how is this any different than the "liberals" claiming that I hate gays because I support traditional marriage?

The question is what is the basis for advocating for gay "marriage" since the "equal rights" and tolerance argument is untenable and any foundation for gay "marriage" has been totally obliterated by those that have characterized traditional marriage as a bigoted and discriminatory societal tradition through the demonization of those that advocate for its continued unique recognition?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,00:22   


What is it with this "liberal" thing? What do you mean by it? This?



Liberalism is an ideology, philosophy, and political tradition which holds liberty as the primary political value.[1] Broadly speaking, liberalism seeks a society characterized by freedom of thought for individuals, limitations on power, especially of government and religion, the rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market economy that supports private enterprise, and a transparent system of government in which the rights of minorities are guaranteed. In modern society, liberals favour a liberal democracy in the form of either a republic or a constitutional monarchy, with open and fair elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law and an equal opportunity to succeed[2]. Liberalism rejected many foundational assumptions which dominated most earlier theories of government, such as the Divine Right of Kings, hereditary status, and established religion. Fundamental human rights that all liberals support include the right to life, liberty, and property. In many countries, modern liberalism differs from classical liberalism by asserting that government provision of some minimal level of material well-being takes priority over freedom from taxation. Liberalism has it roots in the Western Enlightenment, but the term now encompasses a diversity of political thought, with adherents spanning a large part of the political spectrum, from left to right. In the context of economics, the term "liberalism" refers to economic liberalism.

From Wikipedia

Or do you mean something different?


Posts: 13407
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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,03:01   

Oh, sure, if you get your information from radical leftists like "Wikipedia". If you got your information from logical, rational, objective observers such as Pat Robertson, you'd understand what Thordaddy means.


"Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."

"Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It's no different. It is the same thing. It is happening all over again. It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-based media and the homosexuals who want to destroy the Christians. Wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry directed toward any group in America today. More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history."

Did that clear things up, Stephen?

Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,03:26   

Or Dembski's pal Ann Coulter:
Conservatives believe man was created in God's image, while liberals believe they are gods. All of the behavioral tics of the liberals proceed from their godless belief that they can murder the unborn because they, the liberals, are themselves gods. They try to forcibly create 'equality' through affirmative action and wealth redistribution because they are gods. They flat-out lie, with no higher power to constrain them, because they are gods. They adore pornography and the mechanization of sex because man is just an animal, and they are gods. They revere the UN and not the U.S. because they aren't Americans -- they are gods.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,05:02   

Did Pat Robertson really imply that the Nazis were liberals there?



thordaddy's use:-Liberal = don't care anarchist.

Wikipedia:- Liberal = believer in liberty and justice for all citizens.

Pat Robertson:- Liberal = believer in dictatorial law and opresion/slaughter of disliked groups.

That looks a bit like they might not all be using the word liberal to mean the same thing. H'mmmm, any ideas which might be the most reliable source?

I did not have a clue who to believe so tried this dictionary here. Looks like wiki has the edge so far.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,05:03   

OA:  Tell us Thorbigot, what would you do in the Pat and Leslie case?  Rationalize away.

Thorbigot:  I wouldn't do anything because you've given three different scenarios and in all three cases there seems to be no reason to think I would receive an invitation to the wedding in the first place.

Pat and Leslie are kind, thoughtful people. They sent invitations to all their neighbors, even the bigoted jerks like you.

The question still stands Thorbigot.  What criteria would you use to judge a couple's fitness for marriage if you couldn't examine their genitalia?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,09:01   


Umm...why am i an idiot?
Unless i randomly lobed an insult at me after chastising Thordaddy?

You misunderstand. I lobbed rather than lobed and I was referring to Thordaddy, who's moniker is hobgoblinesque. Not quite divine etc...

So I will rephrase to be more clear:

you make false claims about others' points of view in order to make their statements fit your twisted sense of faggot lovers -not because you are trying to make them admit whatever wrong you are accusing them of but because you don't have a frame of reference that can accomodate their statements.

You consistently use the phrase homosexual propoganda. You spit out the word "Liberal" as if it had moral value at all, let alone the decidedly negative moral value you assign it. You ignore everything that has already been said and begin your arguments again rather than refine them. You are ignorant to a surprising degree. And to top it off, you count your ignorance as a virtue and condemn simple education, understanding and compassion as vices worthy of perhaps, well, I don't really know how far you want to take this thing. What should we do with Fags? Hmmm? What about people who aren't afraid of queers? What about people who take a step back from their surroundings enough to get a sense of the bigger picture and come back with conclusions that don't match yours?

And I am calling you an idiot mostly because of this statement:

So you look at a crumbled society and divine the cause of its collapse?  But a society sanctioning a man/sheep union could only be considered a bulwark against such a collapse?  Is this the "rationale" behind your advocacy of gay "marriage?"

If you can't see how truly stupid this was to say then I rest my case. I could dissect this for days. So could most educated people. Every sentence is so wrong as to be almost unbelievable.

So, look in the mirror Thordaddy, that is the face of an idiot. Maybe a nice idiot. Maybe an idiot who has many positive qualities. But an idiot none the less.


Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
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The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,11:52   

And please do provide the quote where I say that gay "marriage" is a "social evil," so I may respond.

In fact, it happened because we have been systematically devaluing all our cultural traditions for the last 40+ years.  What did you think would happen to traditional marriage and child and spousal relationships when we've erased any distinction between man and woman, devalued children through abortion and knock one social norm down after another?

Now...from my reading of that are claiming that homosexual marriage would be a further devaluation of cultural seem to be implying that this "devaluation" is harmful to society....
Wouldnt you therefore be claiming that gay marriage is a "social evil".(perhaps better refined as a societal evil).
You have a problem Thordaddy.  
If we are correct...then we are correct...even if you didnt directly make the claim....
You waste a good deal of your time arguing over your "precise statement"...but ignore the fact that people have accurately described your personal beliefs.
If someone mischaracterizes you...then by all means take them to task for their misunderstanding...but if they are accurate in their assumption about your personal views...then please quit making a big deal out of the fact that they "assumed" something.

You believe that gay marriage is harmful to society, correct?
You believe that it devalues cultural traditions, correct?
You believe gay marriage unfairly redefines the definition/purpose of marriage without the consent of the general population(collective redefinition), correct?
You believe that homosexuals are militantly requesting rights and privileges that are unreasonable and unjustified, correct?

Trust me, Thordaddy, if you ever clearly and concisely state your position and opinions...then we might be able to have a more constructive conversation.  It seems, however, that you purposefully disguise your true intentions/beliefs/opinions...for some yet unknown reason.

@BWE...sorry for the confusion...but my name is an alternative for hobgoblin


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,13:15   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 02 2006,18:53)
Just for Faid:
University of Southern California researchers Judith Stacey and Timothy J. Biblarz published an article titled "(How) Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?" last year in American Sociological Review. Stacey and Biblarz examined 21 gay-parenting studies. They concluded that there is "no notable difference between children reared by heterosexual parents and those reared by lesbian and gay parents."
Homosexual activists have commended the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for a February statement that "a growing body of scientific literature demonstrates that children who grow up with one or two gay or lesbian parents fare as well in emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as do children whose parents are heterosexual." The academy urged its 55,000 members to support "second-parent" adoptions, in which a homosexual adopts a partner's children.

Conservative rejection of the AAP announcement was swift. British sociologist Patricia Morgan, author of Children As Trophies? (Christian Institute, 2002), told CT, "There's a tremendous bias in both the publishing and acceptance" of results that support homosexual parenting.

Morgan, who has written extensively on family development, says that four dozen studies cited by the AAP are in error because researchers failed to use control groups, used self-selected volunteers, and relied on nonrandom samples. Morgan, senior research fellow at London's Institute for the Study of Civil Society, says research supportive of gay parenting shows a tendency toward "extravagant claims" from sympathetic researchers. "Any critical evaluation or examination of the work … is apt to invoke furious reflex accusations about homophobia."

Researchers Robert Lerner and Althea Nagai, coauthors of No Basis: What the Studies Don't Tell Us About Same-Sex Parenting (Marriage Law Project, 1991), support Morgan's findings. Lerner and Nagai evaluated 49 studies on gay parenting, finding significant mistakes in all of them.

They particularly criticized "convenience sampling," in which investigators select whoever is available, and "snowball sampling," in which homosexual activists help researchers find volunteers willing to answer questions.

"These studies prove nothing," Lerner and Nagai wrote. They say reliance on this suspect research has strongly influenced policymakers toward a positive view of gay parenting.

Morgan believes the most reliable research clearly shows that "children reared in a home with a married mother and father do far better than children in other circumstances."

She criticizes the current tendency to tout homosexual parenting despite the evidence against it. "We can't compromise where there are moral standards or empirical standards," Morgan says. "Both have been compromised at the moment."

And probably will be in the future.....

For Thanks! I don't see how this relates to anything we've discussed in this thread, though... Or is it a teaser for your model? You know, that {gay marriage = gay family, and since families = hubs in a scale-free network-of-something, tampering with the hubs---> collapse of society} thing. *wink wink*   :)

Anyway, it may surprise you, but I personally kinda agree with Patricia Morgan, author of Children As Trophies? (Christian Institute, 2002).
I do believe that we do not know yet for sure whether  chldren raised by srtictly gay foster parents are the same as those in "normal" families. So, to find out who should take precedence in adoption, more cases are needed, to form a larger statistical sample. That would make all the "convenience" and "snowball" sampling not needed to get to a valid data pool.
Now, if those studies show that children raised by homosexuals have a great danger of becoming disfunctional -greater than those of divorced parents, of single-parent families, even those raised by the state- than I have no problem with homosexual couples pushed to the end of the adoption line.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,13:42   

Quote (Faid @ May 03 2006,18:15)
Now, if those studies show that children raised by homosexuals have a great danger of becoming disfunctional -greater than those of divorced parents, of single-parent families, even those raised by the state- than I have no problem with homosexual couples pushed to the end of the adoption line.

Worse than the state, then never allow them to adopt. Any couple should be able to do a better job than the state though. Unless of course they are negligent or malignant.

This is how well the state raises children in the UK.

Local authorities were spending £100,000 a child in residential homes each year and the annual cost of foster care was between £20,000 and £50,000. “Despite this investment the outcomes are distressingly inadequate,” he said.

Only 6 per cent of pupils in care passed five good GCSEs, compared with 56 per cent of children nationally. Conviction rates for “looked-after children” were three times the rate for other juveniles.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,13:55   

At the risk of inciting more hysterical ranting, I'd like to ask Thordaddy a question: "What, in your opinion, is the 'radical homosexual agenda'?"

I'm trying to imagine what it is that gay people want in terms of rights and responsibilities that has Thordaddy's panties in a bunch.

Not, of course, that there's anything wrong with a guy wearing women's panties...

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"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,15:05   

What, in your opinion, is the 'radical homosexual agenda

Im actually going to side with thordaddy to some degree.....

While i fully support homosexuals being entitled to the same rights as everyone else...I think that a lot of their actions have been excessively forceful and their comparisons to previous civil rights issues are insulting.

The issue of homosexual rights is remarkably similiar to religious rights.  Even though it can strongly be argued that homosexuality is genetic....and not a choice like still bears a striking resemblance in regards to civil liberties.

Homosexuals do not physically display any trait of being homosexual.  Homosexuals are discriminated against because of a believed moral superiority...not a physical/mental superiority(with the minor exception being that they were classified as being insane...but several religious groups are considered cults).  Homosexual rights revolve heavily around altering the social norm, rather than recognizing them as equals to their fellow human beings.

The "radical homosexual agenda" would seem to be:
End all discrimination due to sexual orientation
End all derogatory remarks towards/about homosexuals
Allow any two people who love each other to marry
Allow any persons who wish to adopt the right to adopt
Guarantee that homophobia is wiped away

I am strongly opposed to this notion that Thordaddy is not allowed to dislike "gay people".  It is his right as an American citizen to dislike, speak out against, or denounce anyone he wants.  It is not his right to take any discriminating action against anyone.  I encourage him to take whatever position he wants on people who are homosexual.  It is his right.

It is not the right of any organization or group to try and stop people from hating one another via legal injunction.
The homosexual political organizations(such as GLAAD) seem to be dangerously close to proposing that homosexuals be granted "protection" that flies in the face of Constitutional liberties like free speech.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,16:20   

Stephen Elliot,

A modern "liberal" can obviously come in degrees, but essentially all "liberals" put the individual will as their primary value.  In accordance with this primary value, "liberals" reject all those things that "impedes" one's individual will including race, gender, orientation, ethnicity and nation.

As we can see in this gay "marriage" debate, the "liberals" are asserting the right of the individual will to be validated by society by rejecting any notion of the importance of gender.  Gender is an irrelevant factor because it "impedes" one's individual will to be whatever she/he pleases.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,16:28   


So, ?? Where is that going? How does that relate to your use of the word liberal?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,16:38   


I've been called all kinds of derogatory names including the use of profanity and you're all worked up because I call forumites "liberals" and use the phrase "homosexual propaganda?"

You're a joker that refuses to engage in the debate.


That was a real poor response.  You used quotes around "social evil" and that signifies a verbatim statement by myself.  Then, after your proclaiming the declining fortunes of traditional marriage, I respond by stating the obvious, which was the devaluing of America traditions, you claim I called gay "marriage" a "social evil."  Lame, dude!

Here's what intellectual honest debaters do.

You ask,

-You believe that gay marriage is harmful to society, correct?

Yes, because it NECESSARILY defines marriage out of existence in the realm of the larger society.

-You believe that it devalues cultural traditions, correct?

Yes, look at the responses of the gay "marriage" advocates in this debate.  Time after time they can't conceive of why traditional marriage is inherently valuable to society EVEN though it is a tradition.

-You believe gay marriage unfairly redefines the definition/purpose of marriage without the consent of the general population(collective redefinition), correct?

Yes, but it's actually defining marriage out of existence in the context of societal recognition and it's doing so through the courts and not the ballot box.

-You believe that homosexuals are militantly requesting rights and privileges that are unreasonable and unjustified, correct?

Some homosexuals... the radical activists.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,17:00   

ericmurphy opines,

At the risk of inciting more hysterical ranting, I'd like to ask Thordaddy a question: "What, in your opinion, is the 'radical homosexual agenda'?"

Are you claiming no agenda?  What does the AIDS scandal, the Boy Scout assault, Disney Gay Week and the Catholic Church rapes have in common?  What does speech codes, hate crime laws and gay "marriage" have in common?  You're a scientist and you don't gather ANYTHING from the empirical evidence around you?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,17:14   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 03 2006,20<!--emo&:0)
The "radical homosexual agenda" would seem to be:
[1.] End all discrimination due to sexual orientation
[2.] End all derogatory remarks towards/about homosexuals
[3.] Allow any two people who love each other to marry
[4.] Allow any persons who wish to adopt the right to adopt
[5.] Guarantee that homophobia is wiped away

I think this "radical homosexual agenda" is largely an invention of heterosexuals, in the same sense that "feminazis" are largely an invention of the radical right.

Of the five "rights" you enumerate above, rights 1 and 3 are (or should be) relatively uncontroversial, 4 is unlikely to be part of anyone's agenda (should we allow the mentally ill to adopt?), and 2 and 5 are impossible in principle to achieve in any event (except that 2 is probably achievable at least in public venues like the workplace, where women, at least, are already entitled to such consideration under the law presently). I doubt any mainstream gay/lesbian organization seriously advocates 2 or 5 as anything other than an ideal to be aspired to.

Are there some gay people, somewhere, who are seeking these "rights"? Sure. But any group has its extremists. Personally, I think the idea that advocating for gay marriage is in any way "radical" is pretty indefensible. Thordaddy's idea of advocating state sanction for inter-species or multiple-partner unions is, of course, pretty indefensible, but again, no one is really advocating any such thing anyway. Except, evidently, Thordaddy himself.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,17:20   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 03 2006,22:00)
You're a scientist and you don't gather ANYTHING from the empirical evidence around you?

I thought that "empirical evidence" is what we think it is, thor, so what's your problem?

Just a small trip down memory lane here... :p

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,17:22   

Well, sure enough, I incited an hysterical rant.

Why are you asking me questions? Are they supposed to be in some way an answer to my question? At least PuckSR can respond rationally to my post, rather than just foaming at the mouth.

Quote (thordaddy @ May 03 2006,22)
Are you claiming no agenda?  What does the AIDS scandal, the Boy Scout assault, Disney Gay Week and the Catholic Church rapes have in common?  What does speech codes, hate crime laws and gay "marriage" have in common?  You're a scientist and you don't gather ANYTHING from the empirical evidence around you?

What does any of this have to do with a purported "radical gay agenda"? Are you saying that Catholic Church rapes are part of the "radical gay agenda"? Are gay pride parades somehow "radical"? Are "hate crime laws" part of the "radical gay agenda" even when those laws are used to protect ethnic minorities?

Instead of ranting, Thordaddy, why don't you answer the question I actually asked?

And P.S., whatever gave you the idea that I'm a scientist?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,17:24   

The "radical homosexual agenda" promotes AIDS and Catholic Church rapes? ???


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,17:24   

PuckSR opines,

While i fully support homosexuals being entitled to the same rights as everyone else...I think that a lot of their actions have been excessively forceful and their comparisons to previous civil rights issues are insulting.

What rights do I have that homosexuals don't have?  I can't marry a man any more than a homosexual can and receive state sanction.  Homosexuals couples are seeking a SPECIAL LAW that sanctions their union and are willing to subvert the process and the American people to do it.  But why on earth would we only sanction gay "marriage" if this is about tolerance and "equal rights?"  This sanction MUST extend to ANY and ALL citizens seeking a validation of his/her union.

The issue of homosexual rights is remarkably similiar to religious rights.  Even though it can strongly be argued that homosexuality is genetic....and not a choice like still bears a striking resemblance in regards to civil liberties.

Genetic homosexuality...?  What on earth would lead one to believe that evolution predicts for homosexuality?  This seems counter-intuitive on its face and the genetic evidence is nil.  The genetic basis for heterosexuality seems must more reasonable and one wonders why those that have this natural aversion to homosexuality are demonized for this innate trait?

Homosexuals do not physically display any trait of being homosexual.  Homosexuals are discriminated against because of a believed moral superiority...not a physical/mental superiority(with the minor exception being that they were classified as being insane...but several religious groups are considered cults).

How about they are discriminated against because most people are naturally heterosexual?  How about they are discriminated against because most people instinctually feel the inferiority of such an orientation and gay sympathizers will readily admit that, "no one would choose to be this way?"  How about this discrimination being a natural and normal discrimination?  Wouldn't evolution say as much?

Homosexual rights revolve heavily around altering the social norm, rather than recognizing them as equals to their fellow human beings.

Not altering... but abolishing?  If gender is an irrevelent criteria for marriage then what criteria is relevant?  Numbers?  Relatedness?  Age?  What?  Individual homosexuals are equal in every manner under the law, but the union of 2 men and 2 women will never be equal to one man/ one woman and society shouldn't try to equate them.

I am strongly opposed to this notion that Thordaddy is not allowed to dislike "gay people".  It is his right as an American citizen to dislike, speak out against, or denounce anyone he wants.  It is not his right to take any discriminating action against anyone.  I encourage him to take whatever position he wants on people who are homosexual.  It is his right.

I dislike dislikeable people.  Radical homosexual activists come to mind.  The attempt to make this a personal issue is just one more piece of evidence of the narcissistic mentality of many "liberals."  This isn't about "hating" gays, but about radical gays hating the society they live in and their attempt to change it using any means necessary.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,17:35   


Are you expecting a Mission statement from the "RGA?"  I bet you thought that evidence of OBL and Hussein colluding was going to come in the form of a love letter, too?

Did you ever ask yourself why so many homosexuals found themselves in such a discriminatory organization like the Catholic Church?

Did you every wonder why gay adults would choose Disneyland, a child's playground, to hold a "Gay Week?"

Did it ever occur to you that the full out assault on the Boy Scouts, that organization that changes boys into men, followed the rejection of a homosexual scout leader?

Did you ever ask yourself why in such a homophobic society, the Matthew Sheppard story has been repeated ad nauseum for 8 years?

You can't see the agenda because you're a passive observer.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,17:52   

This is the issue at hand...

The question is what is the basis for advocating for gay "marriage" since the "equal rights" and tolerance argument is untenable and any foundation for gay "marriage" has been totally obliterated by those that have characterized traditional marriage as a bigoted and discriminatory societal tradition through the demonization of those that advocate for its continued unique recognition?

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,18:19   

As usual Thorbigot can't type two sentences without resorting to lying

Let’s see:

You believe that gay marriage is harmful to society, correct?

Yes, because it NECESSARILY defines marriage out of existence in the realm of the larger society.

BZZZZT!  There’s LIE No.1!  All that is being changed is the legal definition of who can get married.  This proposed change is EXACTLY what was done to allow interreligion marriages, and interracial marriages.  There are NO CHANGES AT ALL proposed to the rights and legal status of married couples themselves.

You believe that it devalues cultural traditions, correct?

Yes, look at the responses of the gay "marriage" advocates in this debate.  Time after time they can't conceive of why traditional marriage is inherently valuable to society EVEN though it is a tradition.

BZZZZT!  There’s LIE No.2!  NO ONE in this thread has argued that marriage as an institution is not inherently valuable.  All that is being argued is that this valuable privilege be extended to ALL citizens who wish it.

You believe gay marriage unfairly redefines the definition/purpose of marriage without the consent of the general population(collective redefinition), correct?

Yes, but it's actually defining marriage out of existence in the context of societal recognition and it's doing so through the courts and not the ballot box.

BZZZZT!  There’s LIE No.3!  NOWHERE in the world has there been any attempt to defined marriage out of existence!  All attempts to change the laws regarding who can get married have been done through proper existing legislative procedure.

For those students of history, it's interesting to look back on this thread and see all of Thorbigot's changing tactics in his gay-bashing rants

First, it was that gays alone are responsible for the AIDS epidemic.
Then it was that teaching that homosexuality is normal will corrupt innocent school children.
Then it was that all gays really want is promiscuous anal sex
Then it was that most gays are pedophiles
Then it was that gays have a master plan to destroy civilization
Then it was that gay marriage was equivalent to marrying your five brothers, or marrying a sheep

When all those got shot down, thorbigot switched to his latest fixation, that the "radical gay agenda" is to define marriage out of existence.

After all that, Thorbigot still wonders why everyone here considers him a hateful homophobic moron.

Folks, this assho1e is one sick puppy.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,18:26   

Oh, before I forget:

Thordaddy, you STILL keep avoiding this question

What criteria would you use to judge a couple's fitness for producing a viable, society-enhancing marriage if you couldn't examine their genitalia?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,18:38   

Thordaddy, you're not just an idiot. You're also a clown.
Quote (thordaddy @ May 03 2006,22:35)

Are you expecting a Mission statement from the "RGA?"  I bet you thought that evidence of OBL and Hussein colluding was going to come in the form of a love letter, too?

I already know there is no "radical homosexual agenda." My question was, what does Thordaddy imagine this "radical homosexual agenda" to be? Didn't seem that hard of an intellectual challenge, but I managed to overestimate him again.

(Not this has anything to do with gay rights, but I wonder what Thordaddy thinks the "evidence" of collusion between OBL and Saddam is…)

Did you ever ask yourself why so many homosexuals found themselves in such a discriminatory organization like the Catholic Church?

I can think of lots of reasons why there are gay priests, but none of them have to do with any sort of "radical homosexual agenda."

Did you every wonder why gay adults would choose Disneyland, a child's playground, to hold a "Gay Week?"

Well, I always assumed it was so that average Americans could see for themselves that gay people are also average Americans (okay, so maybe many of them are above average). I'm guessing Thordaddy assumes they were cruising for children to molest, since in his fevered imagination the "evidence" proves most child molesters are gay.

Did it ever occur to you that the full out assault on the Boy Scouts, that organization that changes boys into men, followed the rejection of a homosexual scout leader?

Actually, it occurred to me that the problem gay people have with the BSA has something to do with the rampant homophobia of that organization. You don't see the connection, I take it?

Did you ever ask yourself why in such a homophobic society, the Matthew Sheppard story has been repeated ad nauseum for 8 years?

I've never said that all of society is homophobic. Just the homophobic jerks there are tend to be irrational jerks like Thordaddy.

But of course nothing Thordaddy has said yet gives any clue as to what he thinks the "radical homosexual agenda" is, so I'm going to withdraw the question, given that he hasn't the wit to answer it.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,18:41   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 03 2006,22:24)
How about they are discriminated against because most people are naturally heterosexual?  How about they are discriminated against because most people instinctually feel the inferiority of such an orientation and gay sympathizers will readily admit that, "no one would choose to be this way?"  How about this discrimination being a natural and normal discrimination?  Wouldn't evolution say as much?

Well, looks to me like Thordaddy has investigated, indicted, tried, convicted, and hanged himself here. Any need to further debate this clown?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,19:44   

Of the five "rights" you enumerate above, rights 1 and 3 are (or should be) relatively uncontroversial, 4 is unlikely to be part of anyone's agenda (should we allow the mentally ill to adopt?), and 2 and 5 are impossible in principle to achieve in any event (except that 2 is probably achievable at least in public venues like the workplace, where women, at least, are already entitled to such consideration under the law presently). I doubt any mainstream gay/lesbian organization seriously advocates 2 or 5 as anything other than an ideal to be aspired to.

That was exactly my point...Im not claiming that all goals are wrongheaded or impossible.  Ive just noticed a general tendency of 'overzealous' action by gay rights advocates.  
I also believe that much of the homosexual discrimination is warranted.  This may seem odd, but I feel that much of the homosexual discrimination is based around behavior rather than 'homophobia'.
You cannot fire someone for being gay or a Souther Baptist.  If the person's behavior is upsetting to the workplace, then you have every right to fire that person.  If the Southern Baptist is constantly discussing his "love of Jesus"...he might get fired.  This would not be religious discrimination...simply annoyance.  If the gay employee was constantly talking about being gay....she might get fired.  This wouldnt be homosexual discrimination, just annoyance.  I understand that in both cases the annoyance might have come from the predisposed attitudes of the other people in the workplace...but I firmly believe that if an argument can be made that the voluntary behavior of the hypothetical employee was annoying...that the boss should have every right to terminate employement.  Sorry, thats just me....
NOW, if the Boss discovers the religious nature or sexual nature of the individual and then decides to fire them on that fact all means scream discrimination....but once again Im going to have to relate the rights of homosexuals more closely with the rights of the religious...

What is wrong with you?
You just posted a lengthy rebuttal that was meaningless...followed by what appeared to be an accusation that homosexual=pedophile

You argue that 'liberals' are attempting to abolish social norms.  You have yet to admit that many social norms are now considered evil.  You also fail to realize that societal norms cannot be abolished.  Lets pretend that the gays get their way...and everyone is forced to become gay.....that would be the new social norm.  Social norms are fluid and always in existence...twit

You arbitrarily defined liberalism....with the most confusing and self-serving definition I have ever read...and one that is almost entirely wrong.

Homosexuals couples are seeking a SPECIAL LAW that sanctions their union and are willing to subvert the process and the American people to do it.

This is where you go off the deep end....
LAWs are created by the GOVERNMENT....the PEOPLE control the GOVERNMENT in our society.  If a "SPECIAL LAW" is created to sanction gay marriage, it will be representive of the will of the majority of the PEOPLE.
Your upset because homosexuals are pursuing legal and political avenues?
Im sorry, what process would you like them to pursue?
Religious?  Some religions recognize gay marriage?

This isn't about "hating" gays, but about radical gays hating the society they live in and their attempt to change it using any means necessary.

Im sorry, where are you from Thordaddy???
Im an American, and maybe that is the problem.
In America we are compelled to change the government and society when we believe that it is flawed.  We also are encouraged to do this through any means necessary.

Thordaddy's idea of advocating state sanction for inter-species or multiple-partner unions is, of course, pretty indefensible, but again, no one is really advocating any such thing anyway. Except, evidently, Thordaddy himself.

Actually your wrong.
Several religions consider it their religious right to be married to multiple partners.  In the case of the polygamist their actually banned from this practice by a law that is strictly enforced.  
I would say that you probably have an equal number of advocates who support polygamy and gay marriage.
Gay marriage is a fairly recent phenomenom, while polygamy is an ancient practice with strong historical tradition.  I get upset whenever anyone tries to exclude polygamy from the conversation, since polygamy has more of a right to exist than gay marriage(if any difference between their eligibility exists)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,21:20   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 04 2006,00:44)
Thordaddy's idea of advocating state sanction for inter-species or multiple-partner unions is, of course, pretty indefensible, but again, no one is really advocating any such thing anyway. Except, evidently, Thordaddy himself.

Actually your wrong.
Several religions consider it their religious right to be married to multiple partners.  In the case of the polygamist their actually banned from this practice by a law that is strictly enforced.  

No I'm not. Show me: a) the high-profile groups advocating state-sanctioned polyamourous relationships; and b) proposed state constitutional amendments prohibiting such relationships.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,22:06   

Occam opines,

BZZZZT!  There’s LIE No.1!  All that is being changed is the legal definition of who can get married.  This proposed change is EXACTLY what was done to allow interreligion marriages, and interracial marriages.  There are NO CHANGES AT ALL proposed to the rights and legal status of married couples themselves.

But who is changing the definition of traditional marriage... gay radicals, that's who!  And in what fashion are they changing the definition of marriage... by making gender an irrelevant criteria in defining marriage by screaming the mantra of "equal rights" and tolerance.  By what logic then does the criteria of numbers in the union and the relatedness within the union STAY relevant criterions for marriage under the "equal rights" and tolerance argument?  They don't!  You are defining marriage out of existence for the society at large.  You say as much in your next answer.

BZZZZT!  There’s LIE No.2!  NO ONE in this thread has argued that marriage as an institution is not inherently valuable.  All that is being argued is that this valuable privilege be extended to ALL citizens who wish it.

That's not what's being argued.  You have argued over and over again that traditional marriage is an intolerant and discriminatory tradition and that's why you are seeking to make irrelevant the most relevant criteria, namely, sex.  You have argued this implicitly by claiming that I am a gay-hater because I support the exaltation of traditional marriage.  Should I call you a liar or should I just ask why your argument for gay "marriage" rests upon "equal rights" and tolerance as opposed to the grand tradition of marriage and its obvious inherent value to our society?

BZZZZT!  There’s LIE No.3!  NOWHERE in the world has there been any attempt to defined marriage out of existence!  All attempts to change the laws regarding who can get married have been done through proper existing legislative procedure.

Then when you say, "[a]ll that is being argued is that this valuable privilege be extended to ALL citizens who wish it," what does this mean other than "marriage" is whatever the individual wishes it to be?  How does society define marriage when it represents nothing more the individual will seeking state validation for his own personally chosen "union?"  And last time I checked, about 38 states passed laws defining marriage as the union between one man and one woman.  Why can't you be satisified with this since you claim such an admiration for traditional marriage?

For those students of history, it's interesting to look back on this thread and see all of Thorbigot's changing tactics in his gay-bashing rants

First, it was that gays alone are responsible for the AIDS epidemic.

Never said that... please provide quote!

Then it was that teaching that homosexuality is normal will corrupt innocent school children.

Teaching children about the "normalcy" of homosexuality certainly redefines the word normal.  Teaching young boys about the normalcy of homosexuality CAN HAVE very dangerous and deadly results.  Are these disputable assertions?  In what way is homosexuality "normal" other than the fact that is exists?

Then it was that all gays really want is promiscuous anal sex

Never said that... but anal sex is main sexual practice between gay males and the major reason why they suffer an overwhelmingly disproportionate amount of AIDS, STDs and early mortality.  Is this debatable, too?

Then it was that most gays are pedophiles

Never said that... but the majority of victims in the Catholic rape scandal were young boys and their rapists were gay males.  Is this debatable, too?  I do wonder what was so alluring about the Catholic Church, though?  Do you having any clue, Occam?  Was it their staunch and unequivocal stance against homosexuality that enticed these gay males to the Church?  Huh?

Then it was that gays have a master plan to destroy civilization

Never said that either... but there are radical gay activists that try to equate gay "marriage" to traditional marriage and they do have useful idiots that claim to respect traditional marriage while viciously disparaging those that believe traditional marriage deserves an exalted position in our society.  You know anyone like that, Occam?

Then it was that gay marriage was equivalent to marrying your five brothers, or marrying a sheep

Why not?  You try to equate gay "marriage" to traditional marriage.  Why is gender an irrelevant criteria for marriage, but mere numbers and relatedness are legitimate criteria to discriminate?  Didn't you just get done saying, "this valuable privilege be extended to ALL citizens who wish it?"  How does numbers in the union or relatedness within that union PASS your "equal rights" and tolerance test?  Shouldn't anyone who "wish[es]" it, get, Occam?  Who cares if it comes in numbers of more than 2 or some of the union is related?  You can't discriminate againt that, can you Occam?

When all those got shot down, thorbigot switched to his latest fixation, that the "radical gay agenda" is to define marriage out of existence.

After all that, Thorbigot still wonders why everyone here considers him a hateful homophobic moron.

Who cares what everybody else wonders about me when I'm concerned about what everbody else wonders about gay "marriage."

Your argument is so thin on any consistent principle that one is left to wonder why in the heck you are so adamant to the point of using perpetual profanity in advocating for gay "marriage?"  

Folks, this assho1e is one sick puppy.

And you wonder why people oppose you, Occam?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,22:38   

PuckSR opines,

What is wrong with you?
You just posted a lengthy rebuttal that was meaningless...followed by what appeared to be an accusation that homosexual=pedophile

It was only meaningless to those that are completely oblivious or intentionally so.  The radical gay agenda can be summed up pretty easily and it can be directly observed through its concerted attacks on SPECIFIC INSTITUTIONS.  Let's us not forget that as a demographic homosexuals are above average in both education and income.  Most people would equate this with a sense of power, but the radical activists try and sell us the idea that they remain victims of a homophobic society.  I just don't buy, but you do and that's why my response was so meaningless to you.  

You argue that 'liberals' are attempting to abolish social norms.  You have yet to admit that many social norms are now considered evil.

I assume you are referring to traditional marriage?  If this is the case, then gay "marriage" has absolutely no foundation in which to rest on to gain any kind of societal credibility.  It represents nothing more than the assertion of the individual will seeking state validation for his/her personally chosen "union."  Traditional marriage must be destroyed and gay "marriage" is the exact Trojan Horse.  The radicals know this.  Why don't you?
You also fail to realize that societal norms cannot be abolished.  Lets pretend that the gays get their way...and everyone is forced to become gay.....that would be the new social norm.  Social norms are fluid and always in existence...twit

What?  So what's "normal" if it is in constant transition?  It's fluid?  How do you know it's normal when it's fluid?

You arbitrarily defined liberalism....with the most confusing and self-serving definition I have ever read...and one that is almost entirely wrong.

It's not arbitrary... it's liberalism.  You could have easily quoted the exact parts you thought were wrong and why they were wrong, but instead you leave me with nothing but worthless opinion.  What is a liberal?  Someone who believes in liberty, right?  What else?

This is where you go off the deep end....
LAWs are created by the GOVERNMENT....the PEOPLE control the GOVERNMENT in our society.  If a "SPECIAL LAW" is created to sanction gay marriage, it will be representive of the will of the majority of the PEOPLE.

Then so be it, but the last time I checked 38 states PASSED state laws that defined marriage as a union between one man and one woman.  The radicals aren't going to have any of that and only a fool would believe that the radical gay activists are trying to win validation at the ballot box when their best chance is and has always been with the courts.

Your upset because homosexuals are pursuing legal and political avenues?
Im sorry, what process would you like them to pursue?
Religious?  Some religions recognize gay marriage?

The people have already spoken in 38 states including my state of California.  Why can't the gay radicals deal with reality?  Because it's just so unfair, discriminatory and intolerant.  I don't buy that whining self-serving argument.  Take it to the ballot box!  Don't just deliberately pick one radically left-leaning state legislature and then think through the use of the courts one can redefine marriage for the whole of society based on a handful of decisions made by some radical liberal judges.  Is that how things work nowadays here in America?

Im sorry, where are you from Thordaddy???
Im an American, and maybe that is the problem.
In America we are compelled to change the government and society when we believe that it is flawed.  We also are encouraged to do this through any means necessary.

How is traditional marriage flawed and in what way is gay "marriage" a correction of that flaw?  Wouldn't such an obviously good idea pass easily through state legislature after state legislature?  And your last statement is truly breathtaking and one more reason I am compelled to reject liberalism.

Actually your wrong.
Several religions consider it their religious right to be married to multiple partners.  In the case of the polygamist their actually banned from this practice by a law that is strictly enforced.  
I would say that you probably have an equal number of advocates who support polygamy and gay marriage.
Gay marriage is a fairly recent phenomenom, while polygamy is an ancient practice with strong historical tradition.  I get upset whenever anyone tries to exclude polygamy from the conversation, since polygamy has more of a right to exist than gay marriage(if any difference between their eligibility exists)

Yet, even you are oblivious to the obvious.  This isn't about extending the privileges of traditional marriage to gays or about "equal rights" or tolerance.  This is about a small, but radically-powerful minority seeking validation using the imposition of the state on their selfish behalf.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,22:49   


Is there such thing as good discrimination?  

And have I been convicted and sentenced to hanging by "evolutionary theory?"  LOL!  You've found me guilty for being heterosexual...  I confess my guilt, ole' wise one.  

Is this not a display of hate for what most people consider normal?  And is this not a display of your complete hypocrisy on this issue and an exposing of your "Alice-n-Wonderland" mentality?

Is my evolutionary aversion to homosexuality an abnormal trait?  It seems to me to be a highly critical and valuable trait.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,23:22   

Man I can't believe I missed that- I blame lack of sleep and too much Plaster of Paris dust inhaled.

That was a real poor response.  You used quotes around "social evil" and that signifies a verbatim statement by myself.

...says the guy who compulsively used quotes around the word "faith" in a hundred posts, and failed to explain why everytime we asked him.

Oh and, "evolutionary aversion to homosexuality"?  :D

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 03 2006,23:37   


Maybe you could articulate why you support and/or advocate for gay "marriage?"

Or, maybe you could ponder out loud why homosexuals are discriminated against and how this relates to the natural heterosexual orientation?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,00:29   

I'm just curious to know one thing. What's this 'traditional' in 'traditional marriage' that you keep talking about?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,06:06   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 04 2006,03:49)
You've found me guilty for being heterosexual...  I confess my guilt, ole' wise one.  

No, Thordaddy, you're guilty of claiming that one sort of human is "inferior" to another sort of human. That's dangerously close to claiming that gay people are "subhuman."

There's a word for people like you, Thordaddy.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,06:43   

Hey Flint, when I get more time, I'll explain the linkage between gay marriage and promiscuity. Basically, it boils down to gay marriage -> gay families -> more sexually ambivalent children + more "forced" societal acceptance + lax culture -> promiscuity. More later (but apparently, not much more, with the way the vote is shaping up).

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,07:23   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 04 2006,04:37)
Or, maybe you could ponder out loud why homosexuals are discriminated against and how this relates to the natural heterosexual orientation?

Hmm, Let's see...

In prehistoric days, Big Great Male Hunter was outside the cave all day, hunting the Dinosaur. The bigger the Dinosaur he slew with his man-weapons and his man-fists, The more willing would the Female Toys be to play hubba-hubba with him (which also mysteriously led to more Noisy Younglings in the cave after a few months).
Now, many tribes also had one or two Wimpy Whiny Girly-Males in the cave. Those individuals scorned Dinosaur-hunting for being a needless display of brutal force -and also bad for their complexion. Instead of hunting the Dinosaur with the males, they preferred to stay in the cave all day, and actually engage in verbal contact with the Female Toys- pursuing matters of common interest, like their feelings and Dinosaur recipes.
So, when the Big Great Male Hunter returned, the Female Toys were too preoccupied to hubba-hubba with him. Now, our friend the Big Great Male Hunter was not so bright in the attic to get the connection... but this is where our old pal, Natural Selection comes in:
The Male Hunters who instinctively loathed the Wimpy Whiny Girly-Male, and threw him out the cave early on, had more chances to get the attention of the females... And not that it mattered, but that also led to more Noisy Younglings after awhile. Younglings that seemed to look (and think) a lot like him as they grew up.
Pretty soon, Every male hunter hated the poor Wimpy Whiny Girly-Male with incredible passion...

Hope that was to your liking, thor...

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,09:55   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 04 2006,11:43)
Hey Flint, when I get more time, I'll explain the linkage between gay marriage and promiscuity. Basically, it boils down to gay marriage -> gay families -> more sexually ambivalent children + more "forced" societal acceptance + lax culture -> promiscuity. More later (but apparently, not much more, with the way the vote is shaping up).

Mendelian genetics at work.  If dad 1 is a carrier of gay, and dad 2 is full-blown gay, what are the chances that the son dad 1 is about to give birth to be gay? (Assuming gay is recessive)

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,10:21   

gay marriage -> gay families

Is there any evidence of this? What is a "gay family" anyway?

-> more sexually ambivalent children

My understanding is that this is not observed in practice. Sexual orientation seems to be much more inborn, not a particularly trainable attribute

+ more "forced" societal acceptance

By which I presume you mean, if we let gays marry, we may (or WILL?) "suffer" the requirement that they be granted legal equality in other ways? Two problems with this: First, I'm not convinced it will happen. Second, I'm not convinced it's undesirable even if it does happen.

+ lax culture

I have no idea what "lax culture" might refer to. My sincere best guess is, if YOU don't like it, it's "lax". If someone else doesn't mind it, it's because they're "liberal" and therefore ALSO "lax". Right?

-> promiscuity

And so, by a roundabout sequence of highly dubious and almost entirely irrational fears, we reach the foregone conclusion - that rewarding NON promiscuous behavior will lead to MORE promiscuity. All I can really say to all this is, if you hadn't known the "right" answer to begin with, you could never possibly have concocted ANY of the steps in your sequence. Not one of them.

Here's a suggestion: So long as you're going to assume what you set out to prove, why not skip all the rather absurd middlemen? Why not say "Here's what I know will happen, therefore it will happen because I know it." At least you'd look a lot MORE honest and a lot LESS self-serving.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,11:13   

I think one of the mistakes Bill's making is that he assumes there's something about homosexuality that is intrinsically promiscuous. Given that gay women don't seem to be any more promiscuous than straight women (and possibly less promiscuous than straight men), I doubt this is the case. That female homosexuality is significantly more socially acceptable than the male variety adds strength to this supposition.

My suspicion is that the cultural ghettoization of gay men, i.e., the social unacceptability of male homosexuality, is more responsible for male homosexual promiscuity than anything about male homosexuality itself. I believe that if male homosexuality were as socially-acceptable as heterosexuality, there would be no significant difference in promiscuity between male homosexuals and heterosexuals.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,11:32   

I believe that if male homosexuality were as socially-acceptable as heterosexuality, there would be no significant difference in promiscuity between male homosexuals and heterosexuals.

While this might be true, it's important to realize that the standard deviation of heterosexual male promiscuity is very very large. Some men can count the number of sex partners in their life on one hand, while others can only make estimates accurate to within a thousand or so.

I think we have good indication that homosexual males have a similar range of variation, implying that the desire for monagamy/multiple partners isn't linked to sexual orientation. And this in turn means that those at the far end of the curve can *always* be represented as "typical", and lots of anecdotal material can be presented in support.

I personally can't see any reason at all why granting the right to marry will change behaviors of large groups of people in any measurable way. Promiscuous homosexuals behave that way for the same reason promiscuous heterosexuals do: because they wish to, and because they can. I doubt that will ever change.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,11:44   

It's not arbitrary... it's liberalism.  You could have easily quoted the exact parts you thought were wrong and why they were wrong, but instead you leave me with nothing but worthless opinion

I dont even know what to tell you...
I defined liberal earlier...using a dictionary...It would be interesting to know where you got your definition
Your entire definition was wrong...I

Also...what was this about the Catholic Church and gays?
Pedophiles(even those who attack same-sex) are frequently not gay...I know that doesnt make sense to someone like you...but let me explain...
Pedophiles are normally attracted to the youth of their victims, and do not discriminate about the sex of the victim.
Many convicted pedophiles in psychological evaluation do not characterize themselves as gay.
Hebephiles(like the greeks)  are more inclined to engage in their pervesion with victims that are inline with their sexual persuasion

The Catholic Church also is very tolerant of homosexuals.  While the Catholic Church in no way condones the activities of also teaches that all people should be loved.  It even allows priests who were previously sexually active(homosexually) to become priests after a period of abstinence from gay sex.

How is traditional marriage flawed and in what way is gay "marriage" a correction of that flaw?  Wouldn't such an obviously good idea pass easily through state legislature after state legislature?  And your last statement is truly breathtaking and one more reason I am compelled to reject liberalism. dont really just scan over statements and then begin typing.
"flawed" is a subjective term, and apparently gay-marriage advocates believe that current laws about marriage are "flawed"
It doesnt mean that I believe they are flawed, or you believe they are flawed.
I think gun control laws are "flawed", but you may not.
I think prostitution laws are "flawed", but you may not
I was making the claim that if you, as an American, believe that the current govt or laws are is your duty as an American citizen to try and "fix" them.
No judge can create same-sex marriage, but he can strike down laws that ban same-sex marriage.  
Lets go over this again...
Legislature creates laws
Judiciary interprets and enforces laws....and determines the validity of the laws.....
The Judiciary lacks the powers to create the laws, and the legislature lacks the power to enforce the laws....


You argue that 'liberals' are attempting to abolish social norms.  You have yet to admit that many social norms are now considered evil.

I assume you are referring to traditional marriage?  If this is the case, then gay "marriage" has absolutely no foundation in which to rest on to gain any kind of societal credibility.  It represents nothing more than the assertion of the individual will seeking state validation for his/her personally chosen "union."  Traditional marriage must be destroyed and gay "marriage" is the exact Trojan Horse.  The radicals know this.  Why don't you?

Im referring to hebephilia, genocide, opression, slavery, etc.
Your claim:
Destroying social norms is bad
"Traditional" marriage is a social norm
Changing traditional marriage is bad

Im simply explaining to you the fallacy in this logic.
You can still argue that Changing traditional marriage is bad, but please refrain from using the "destroying social norms" argument.
Several previous social norms have been altered...with very positive results....

Let me explain how most people discuss things Thordaddy.
They have a belief...
They give a reason for their belief
People either agree or disagree with their reason.
If the reasoning is flawed, people point out the flaws
The person with the belief goes back to the drawing board and finds another reason....and the cycle continues...

No one in the entire world is going to be able to discuss, debate, argue, or alter your belief.  We can only discuss, debate, argue, and/or alter your reasoning.  Thats why rational people(most people here) try and discuss reasoning...not the actual belief....
Stick with one reason at a time, and when you come up with a good will be length...

Now, one more condition, when you can give us a will have to accept the fact that we will attempt to debate that reasoning outside of the realms of the original argument....
i.e.  destroying social norms is bad...
I gave you an example of how it can be good...
This ceases to be a conversation about gay marriage(temporarily) and becomes a conversation about destroying social norms in general(temporarily).

This is how civilized, sane individual discuss things...
ok Thor?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,11:53   

ericmurphy opines,

No, Thordaddy, you're guilty of claiming that one sort of human is "inferior" to another sort of human. That's dangerously close to claiming that gay people are "subhuman."

There's a word for people like you, Thordaddy.

But thordaddy actually ASKED,

How about they are discriminated against because most people are naturally heterosexual?  How about they are discriminated against because most people instinctually feel the inferiority of such an orientation and gay sympathizers will readily admit that, "no one would choose to be this way?"  How about this discrimination being a natural and normal discrimination?  Wouldn't evolution say as much?

How is asking why homosexuals are discriminated against equal to stating they are "inferior?"  And look closely at the bolded question and it is clear that I identified an "inferior" orientation and not a person.  In fact, look at what you have said and it is CLEAR that you see homosexuals as "one sort of human."  Man, I thought we were all equal?

Your reading and comprehension is poor, but I'm most perplexed how you can equate a heterosexual orientation to a homosexual one?  They are clearly different and only the most foolish anti-evolutionary fundie would claim that homosexuality was the superior orientation to heterosexuality.  But then again, according to you, homosexuals are "one sort of human."

I will state unequivocally that a heterosexual orientation is superior to a homosexual orientation and is probably a major contributor to discrimination against the practitioners of homosexuality.  Blame evolution, man!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,11:55   

Quote (ericmurphy @ May 04 2006,10:13)
My suspicion is that the cultural ghettoization of gay men, i.e., the social unacceptability of male homosexuality, is more responsible for male homosexual promiscuity than anything about male homosexuality itself. I believe that if male homosexuality were as socially-acceptable as heterosexuality, there would be no significant difference in promiscuity between male homosexuals and heterosexuals.

I dont know if thats true at all....
I think we can find cultures in the past where homosexuality was acceptable, and I would definately say that they had a more active sexual lifestyle than heterosexual males

I agree with the wide discrepancy in male libido, but in my general experience males are the more active of the two sexes.  The simple thought is that since men normally possess a greater libido than women, that men who engage in sexual activity with other men will have a greater rate of sexual success.

Once last thing, as far as the wide discrepancy is concerned...remember that the physical strength of males also varies greatly...but males are still considered the stronger sex.  Despite the fact that some females are stronger than some males.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,12:23   

gay marriage -> gay families

Is there any evidence of this? What is a "gay family" anyway?

A family with two openly homosexual parents. This isn't a hard concept to grasp...

-> more sexually ambivalent children

My understanding is that this is not observed in practice. Sexual orientation seems to be much more inborn, not a particularly trainable attribute

But even the "pro" gay research shows that children of gay parents are more likely to experiment. I've already cited the article by Mona Charen and the analysis done by Morgan, Lerner, and Nagai. I see you've already forgotten my point. And everyone wonders why I'm requiring people to vote for a model....<sigh>.
Mendelian genetics at work.

I suspect it's a interaction between regulatory genes, prenatal hormones, and the environment that causes the orientation. At least that's how I interpret the ID twins research.....

More later?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,12:36   


I think you're trying to throw in some diversion.

You say,

I dont even know what to tell you...
I defined liberal earlier...using a dictionary...It would be interesting to know where you got your definition
Your entire definition was wrong...I

I get my definition from the "liberals" themselves.  What is a "liberal," I ask again, other than one that asserts his/her individual will as their primary value?

Also...what was this about the Catholic Church and gays?
Pedophiles(even those who attack same-sex) are frequently not gay...I know that doesnt make sense to someone like you...but let me explain...
Pedophiles are normally attracted to the youth of their victims, and do not discriminate about the sex of the victim.
Many convicted pedophiles in psychological evaluation do not characterize themselves as gay.
Hebephiles(like the greeks)  are more inclined to engage in their pervesion with victims that are inline with their sexual persuasion

When did I mention "pedophiles" in anything I've said?  I said that the majority of victims in the Catholic rape scandal were young boys and their rapists were gay males.  Is this debatable?  I also asked why so many gay males found themselves in such an intolerant institution?  Do you have any ideas?  Or, are we all supposed to be as naive as you?

The Catholic Church also is very tolerant of homosexuals.  While the Catholic Church in no way condones the activities of also teaches that all people should be loved.  It even allows priests who were previously sexually active(homosexually) to become priests after a period of abstinence from gay sex.

Does it allow the systemic rape of young boys, too?

Quote dont really just scan over statements and then begin typing.
"flawed" is a subjective term, and apparently gay-marriage advocates believe that current laws about marriage are "flawed"
It doesnt mean that I believe they are flawed, or you believe they are flawed.
I think gun control laws are "flawed", but you may not.
I think prostitution laws are "flawed", but you may not
I was making the claim that if you, as an American, believe that the current govt or laws are is your duty as an American citizen to try and "fix" them.
No judge can create same-sex marriage, but he can strike down laws that ban same-sex marriage.  
Lets go over this again...
Legislature creates laws
Judiciary interprets and enforces laws....and determines the validity of the laws.....
The Judiciary lacks the powers to create the laws, and the legislature lacks the power to enforce the laws....

I don't need a lesson on the branches of government and their duties.  I've already stated that 38 states have passed LAWS defining marriage as the union between one man and one woman.  Are the gay radicals going to settle for this?  Of course not!  That's why they picked a very liberal state legislature to create gay "marriage" with the hope that the Constitution would then take over and declare gay "marriage" the law of the land.  We have a small radical group deciding law for the rest of the country.

Im referring to hebephilia, genocide, opression, slavery, etc.
Your claim:
Destroying social norms is bad
"Traditional" marriage is a social norm
Changing traditional marriage is bad

When did you refer to these things?  I thought we were talking about traditional marriage.  And none of these things has ever been a social norm in my lifetime.  Simply irrelevant.

Im simply explaining to you the fallacy in this logic.
You can still argue that Changing traditional marriage is bad, but please refrain from using the "destroying social norms" argument.
Several previous social norms have been altered...with very positive results....

So traditional marriage is a social norm and apparently one that needs changed?  But WHY, is the question?  What's the "flaw?"  The "flaw" is that it doesn't validate homosexual marriage?  Is that a "flaw?"  I think not and the argument put forth for a change in traditional marriage has been either the discriminatory and intolerant nature of this "social norm" or the assertion of "equal rights" and tolerance for specific citizens.  Both arguments fail miserably and I will be glad to rehash why.

Let me explain how most people discuss things Thordaddy.
They have a belief...
They give a reason for their belief
People either agree or disagree with their reason.
If the reasoning is flawed, people point out the flaws
The person with the belief goes back to the drawing board and finds another reason....and the cycle continues...

No one in the entire world is going to be able to discuss, debate, argue, or alter your belief.  We can only discuss, debate, argue, and/or alter your reasoning.  Thats why rational people(most people here) try and discuss reasoning...not the actual belief....
Stick with one reason at a time, and when you come up with a good will be length...

Now, one more condition, when you can give us a will have to accept the fact that we will attempt to debate that reasoning outside of the realms of the original argument....
i.e.  destroying social norms is bad...
I gave you an example of how it can be good...
This ceases to be a conversation about gay marriage(temporarily) and becomes a conversation about destroying social norms in general(temporarily).

This is how civilized, sane individual discuss things...
ok Thor?

Let's stick to gay "marriage" and you can tell me your reasons for why is should be recognized.  I will go from there.  All your supposed "social norms" have no relevance because as far as I can see NONE of them are actual "social norms."

What is YOUR argument for gay "marriage?"

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,13:01   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 04 2006,17:36)
What is YOUR argument for gay "marriage?"

What would be the point in answering you? :angry:


Posts: 846
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,13:08   

GoP answers Seven Pope's heritability of "gay" question...

fricking hilarious!


How many times do you think you will pass him in his truck before he figures it out?

Seven Popes

Posts: 190
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,13:58   

Yeah ToeJam, that was a little disquieting. (dad 2 is full-blown gay) To answer your question,
Would a "Gay Gene" disprove I.D.?

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,13:58   

GoP answers Seven Pope's heritability of "gay" question...

Oh, I didn't even read the chart. I thought he was hypothesizing a "gay allele" that was passed on through heterosexual sex by bisexuals or homosexually "recessive" people. But I noticed that you're both too scared to vote. Typical liberal posturing.....

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Seven Popes

Posts: 190
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,14:05   

Paley, why not practice a little self discipline and simply not post in any new threads until you have delivered what you agreed too?  We have all  been waiting patiently, YOU made all the promises.  If you would simply concede or forego arguments instead of forestalling the inevitable with your worthless promises, you might have a shred of credibility.  You broke your word at least 4 times by your own count.  You are saying now that you will keep one of your four promises if we jump through your hoop?

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,14:07   

A family with two openly homosexual parents. This isn't a hard concept to grasp...

But your link said that gay marriage would LEAD to "gay families", yet we already have openly gay couples raising children. What would change? Your link indicates a change, but you don't specify anything except that what exists now, would exist then. Lack of any change is also not that difficult to grasp.

But even the "pro" gay research shows that children of gay parents are more likely to experiment.

But why is this a problem? I wish you wouldn't take it for granted that we all share your prejudices so completely that we know what you're trying to say. So OK, we get more experimentation. I'm going to guess that you're trying to say that those children who ARE born with homosexual tendencies and experiment are more likely to discover this than those who do not experiment. And that those who fail to discover their tendencies are guaranteed to grow up to be "better people". Is this correct?

So I haven't forgotten your point. You have never MADE your point. Your point requires that you do two things: Show that given policies lead to given outcomes, and show that those outcomes are bad things. You've done little to help you on the first part, and NOTHING on the second.

I submit you haven't even tried to show that the results you fear (even if they DO happen, which I doubt) are bad results in any sense beyond your personal disapproval. As usual, you are assuming that we all share your prejudices in their full detailed virulence. Those of us who do NOT share them, continue to be baffled by your train of thought.

Kind of like saying "If we have better-paved roads, people will drive faster." And using this as an argument why improving our paving job is a terrible thing. And you keep saying "But people will drive faster. I have some studies showing this." Yeah, OK, so what? Is it bad to drive faster? Why?

And so: what is wrong with being, or acting, homosexual? Why should those people be denied equality under the law? Your bottom line seems to be, if we treat them as first-class citizens like YOU are treated, it's possible that a few more people might adopt the homosexual lifestyle, which is of course wrong and bad because you say so. But then again, a few more people might DROP that lifestyle as well. Either result is value-neutral as far as I'm concerned.

I'll appeal once again to the golden rule. I've raised this a great many times here, and you've totally ignored it an equal number of times. I thought even Christ was said to have recommended it. Why are you so afraid to apply it? Can you answer?

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5286
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,14:32   

Does anyone really see any value in engaging with a raving bigoted homophobic hypocrite like Thordaddy, or a quiet conniving one like GoP?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


Posts: 314
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,14:52   

Does anyone really see any value in engaging with a raving bigoted homophobic hypocrite like Thordaddy, or a quiet conniving one like GoP?

If Thordaddy was a raving bigoted homophobic hypocrite...I would find it much more acceptable....

Thordaddy is a thick-skulled, dishonest, lying, BSing, self-righteous ass.....
And I got that definition directly from Thordaddy himself :p

Being bigoted is ok....i may not agree with it...but it is his right
Being homophobic is ok....may not agree with it....but it is his right
We are all hypocritical at times....

But when he purposefully ignores people's posts that invalidate his argument....
I swear, I think the guy just scans through the posts looking for something to challenge....without reading at all

Seven Popes

Posts: 190
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,14:56   

At least GOP will discuss the chances of homosexual offspring resulting from man/man sex.  Most of you would never have done that! :0

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,15:27   

I feel like I'm wasting my time here...

Quote (thordaddy @ May 04 2006,16:53)
But thordaddy actually ASKED,

…How about they are discriminated against because most people instinctually feel the inferiority of such an orientation

Forgetting, for now, the canard about the evolutionary aspects of homosexuality, which have already beaten into the ground (along with most of Thordaddy's other opinions), you're saying a "homosexual orientation" is "inferior" to a heterosexual orientation, but somehow being homosexual isn't inferior to being heterosexual? If there's a distinction there, I don't see it. And where do you get off thinking that homosexuality is somehow "inferior" to heterosexuality?

 In fact, look at what you have said and it is CLEAR that you see homosexuals as "one sort of human."  Man, I thought we were all equal?

Redheads are one sort of person; blondes are another sort of person. What does this have to do with equality? You're the one who has consistently stated that homosexual unions are "inferior" to heterosexual unions, and by implication homosexuals are "inferior" to heterosexuals.

Your reading and comprehension is poor, but I'm most perplexed how you can equate a heterosexual orientation to a homosexual one?  They are clearly different and only the most foolish anti-evolutionary fundie would claim that homosexuality was the superior orientation to heterosexuality.  But then again, according to you, homosexuals are "one sort of human."

God, Thordaddy, you keep exceeding yourself when it comes to blatant, dumbfounding inability to reason. Who is saying that there's no "difference" between gay sex and straight sex? What kind of idiot misreading of anyone's post gave you that idea? And who said gay sex was "superior" to straight sex? Is saying gay sex is not inferior to straight sex the same thing as saying it's superior to straight sex?

Man, you never cease to astound me with your breathtaking vapidity.

I will state unequivocally that a heterosexual orientation is superior to a homosexual orientation and is probably a major contributor to discrimination against the practitioners of homosexuality.  Blame evolution, man!

I rest my case.

Also, Thordaddy, do believe in the Theory of Evolution or not? Given that you consistently denigrate homosexuality on evolutionary grounds (despite the stupidity of such an argument), I'm assuming you wouldn't make such and argument if you didn't evolution happens. On the other hand, given your irrationality…

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,15:28   


"Er, what I meant to say yer Majesty was, uh, was ummm.."

yes, yes?

"oh phhhbbbbbttt!"

He won't even admit he got caught on a rather simplistic joke.

when will these folks stop taking themselves so seriously?

I swear.

and the rest of you.  do you really find letting these idiots set the agenda for discussion at ATBC to be amusing after all this time?  That's what they are doing, in case you hadn't noticed.

As such, their troll-goal ™ has been achieved in more than full.  the terrorists have won; the towers are down.

aren't you bored out of your skulls yet?

I thought the unending UD thread to be more than sufficient as sustenance for laughing at clowns.

at some point, don't you just start to feel sorry for them?  what fun is that?


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,16:43   

I'm looking for any liberal that will clearly articulate their advocating for gay "marriage?"

Why is gay "marriage" necessary and needed in our society?

What are the liberal arguments, exactly?

PuckSR have some guts?
Come on, Occam?
EricMurphy, what's your argument?

Seven Popes

Posts: 190
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,16:45   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 04 2006,21:43)
I'm looking for any liberal that will clearly articulate their advocating for gay "marriage?"

Why is gay "marriage" necessary and needed in our society?

What are the liberal arguments, exactly?

PuckSR have some guts?
Come on, Occam?
EricMurphy, what's your argument?

Thor, as you have proven, we don't need heterosexual marriage either.

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,16:54   


So why are the liberals fighting for gay "marriage?"  Is it really necessary for a better society if traditional marriage is that worthless?

Seven Popes

Posts: 190
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,16:57   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 04 2006,21:54)

So why are the liberals fighting for gay "marriage?"  Is it really necessary for a better society if traditional marriage is that worthless?

Is it worthless? You are the one with bastards.  What will they say in a few years?

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,17:08   

Seven Popes,

I don't think they will say anything.  What's a bastard child these days anyway?  Traditional marriage is a discriminatory and intolerant institution.  You should be applauding my "liberalism" and instead you intend to stab me in the back.  This is "liberalism" at its finest.  No principles and no conviction.


Posts: 314
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,18:07   

Thordaddy kinda reminds me of a child....

I, for one, am done talking to him....
Why would you argue with a child...
If the child asks a question...feel free to answer it...
but if the child cannot or rather refuses to listen to the answer
The best thing is to just ignore the child....
He will probably throw a fit...but in the end he will calm down

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5286
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,18:21   

Thordaddy kinda reminds me of a child....

A severely retarded anal-retentive one at that.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,18:22   


Have you noticed how all the "liberals" pretty much use the same tactics?

You still haven't told me your argument for gay "marriage" and what it is based upon.

And you still haven't told me what's wrong with my definition of "liberal?"

In fact, you haven't said much of anything other than attribute made-up quotes to me, called me a liar without specifying the lie and introduced "social norms" that to my knowledge are entirely irrelevant to the debate behind advocating gay "marriage."

The only one that is taking the ball and whimpering home is you... look at your last post for the anecdotal evidence!

Lay down your case for gay "marriage."

Specify my "lies" by using EXACT quotes and not made-up ones.

I'm up for the challenge.

And remember, I was once given to your primitive liberal mindset.  I'm glad I'm free (truly liberal) of that stifling and nonthinking ideology.


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,18:28   


Can we pretty much sum up your argument for gay "marriage" as thus,

They want it and so they should get it?

That's "liberalism" for you and anyone can see how childish this argument is!


Posts: 314
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,18:29   

Well thor....

Im going to help you out a little....
Reread my posts.....carefully....
Then, maybe, you will be able to see why i havent presented an argument "in favor" of gay marriage

Then....go find a dictionary...ask your neighbors...since I know you do not own one.
Look up the world every definition...
Then flip over and look up the tomato....
Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?
Most people think a tomato is a vegetable...does that make it a vegetable?


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,18:35   


Liberal: a person who is liberal: as a : one who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways b capitalized : a member or supporter of a liberal political party c : an advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights


Again, I ask, what in my definition violated your sensitivities?

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5286
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,18:36   

Thordaddy kinda reminds me of a child....

A severely retarded anal-retentive one at that.

Better make that a severely retarded anal-retentive obsessive-compulsive one.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


Posts: 846
Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,18:38   

TDiddy says:

I don't think they will say anything.  What's a bastard child these days anyway?  Traditional marriage is a discriminatory and intolerant institution.  You should be applauding my "liberalism" and instead you intend to stab me in the back.  This is "liberalism" at its finest.  No principles and no conviction.

I suppose you think you meant that as a joke, but I don't see liberalism.  I see someone who is angry they have to pay child support, and/or angry that their wife dumped them, so now they claim marriage to be discriminatory and intolerant, and wants everybody else to feel his internalized hatred, including gays, and anybody else he feels he can marginalize.

Better make that a severely retarded anal-retentive obsessive-compulsive one.

don't go overboard.  he's just full of projection and denial, natural defense mechanisms, but amped up to "11" in his case.

He should still seek treatment.


Posts: 97
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,18:48   

thordaddy, no one here would know about your extramarital fucking and fathering if you hadn't volunteered the info. No one here disdains your children because of your fecklessness. No one here cares about where your penis has been or will go. No one here has slobbered and slavered and hollered about the essential sanctity of heterosexual marriage as the basis of society -- no one but you.

You can't be bothered to exert the minimal effort it would take to make your baby-mama your spouse, with all the attendant rights and advantages. Yet you're rabid about denying marriage to same-sex couples because -- why?

*Dr. Freud... paging Dr. Freud...*


Posts: 2460
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,19:14   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 04 2006,21:43)
I'm looking for any liberal that will clearly articulate their advocating for gay "marriage?"

Why is gay "marriage" necessary and needed in our society?

What are the liberal arguments, exactly?

PuckSR have some guts?
Come on, Occam?
EricMurphy, what's your argument?

So now the standard is "necessity"?

Come off it, Thordaddy. Let's put the onus where it belongs: why is it necessary to ban gay marriage?

And please, for the love of god, don't go off on your usual rant about collapsing civilizations and traditions stripped of meaning. Or inferior sexual practices, whatever that means.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


Posts: 314
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,19:15   

Again, I ask, what in my definition violated your sensitivities?

Hmmm....why dont you tell me how your definition and the actual definition are similiar?

Also....did you finally find my argument pro gay marriage back in my previous posts..????


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: May 04 2006,20:45   

Look at the liberals rage... LOL!

The only thing worth noting was ericmurphy's question.

EricMurphy asked,

Come off it, Thordaddy. Let's put the onus where it belongs: why is it necessary to ban gay marriage?

First, let's clarify that gays can get married in many liberal churches across the country and make vows and convenants proclaiming their life-long bond.  No one has banned gay "marriage."

So what you meant to ask was, "Why is it necessary to ban state-sanctioning of gay "marriages?"

1. Because making gender an irrelevant criteria for marriage, makes all criteria for marriage irrelevant if one is arguing for "equal rights" and tolerance.

2. Because traditional marriage and gay marriage are not equal.

3. Because traditional marriage is necessary for the survival and hence functioning of society.  Gay "marriage" only serves the individual need hence the argument based on "equal rights" and tolerance.

4. Because the majority of Americans have made it clear that traditional marriage deserves special and unique status in our society.

5. Because I no more need to be married to see the importance of traditional marriage than I need to be a scientist to see the importance of science.

6. Because gay "marriage" is a feeble and underhanded attempt at gaining mainstream validation by a <1.5% radical minority.  An undertaking bound to fail due to "evolutionary theory."

Now, will you be courteous enough to answer why you advocate for gay "marriage?"


Posts: 1143
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,01:11   

And remember, I was once given to your primitive liberal mindset.  I'm glad I'm free (truly liberal) of that stifling and nonthinking ideology.

You know, in all my travels across the wild internet seas, I don't remember ever meeting an extremely loud and raving fundie who didn't claim he was an atheist liberal once.
What happened, guys? The whole country obviously was 100% liberal a couple decaces ago. I mean, who voted for Reagan? Aliens?????

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 12
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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,02:30   

Look at the liberals rage... LOL!

You forgot the quotes there Thor :O

The only thing worth noting was ericmurphy's question.

Since it's the only one that allows you to harp on your points which you have been doing in the face of heaps of refutation for 30 pages now. You pathetic little poser.

First, let's clarify that gays can get married in many liberal churches across the country and make vows and convenants proclaiming their life-long bond.  No one has banned gay "marriage."

Hey, I could get ordained online as a minister, and I could probably conjunct cows and sheep if I wanted to. And little children. Does that make the marriage legal in the eyes of the state? Not to my knowledge. So, the state has illegalised and thus criminalised gay marriage. That's the gist of it.

1. Because making gender an irrelevant criteria for marriage, makes all criteria for marriage irrelevant if one is arguing for "equal rights" and tolerance.

Eh... you will still have age limits, species limits, consenting specifications, etc. etc. gay marriage is like all equal rights endeavours a selective one. Gay marriage activists are not asking for total equal rights for anyone and everything. They only want to have the same rights as heterosexuals. Which for an estimated 5% of the population is not such an extreme thing to ask.

They and we are NOT asking for the right to marry chairs, sheep, children. So yes, in true definition chairs are discriminated and will probably always be. But as far as marriage is concerned, why should we care about that? It has already been pointed out that legalising gay marriage will not lead to the collapse of western society.

2. Because traditional marriage and gay marriage are not equal.

Nor is president's Bush' marriage and yours. No marriage is equal. They only become equal if you change the criteria for equality. Yours are dogmatically and invariably 'the union of two people of opposite sexes'. Why is that the right interpretation? Because it is 'traditional'? You still have to explain to me why that is a good thing.

3. Because traditional marriage is necessary for the survival and hence functioning of society.  Gay "marriage" only serves the individual need hence the argument based on "equal rights" and tolerance.

This is strange in your position. You set up a point which makes us point out your hypocrisy in fostering bastards which is not marriage related at all, then you accuse us of a standard liberal tactic called backstabbing. While we're just pointing out that holding both positions at the same time is logically untenable. Cheap trick but, it works it seems. Doesn't make you any less pathetic.

4. Because the majority of Americans have made it clear that traditional marriage deserves special and unique status in our society.

Democracy in modern western states is not a dictatorship of the majority. You have your constitution to guard you from that. You do so love your constitution don't you?

5. Because I no more need to be married to see the importance of traditional marriage than I need to be a scientist to see the importance of science.

This point puzzles me. Because I do not know what it means I'll skip by it. If it's an argument from intuition or emotion, you should know that it's useless.

6. Because gay "marriage" is a feeble and underhanded attempt at gaining mainstream validation by a <1.5% radical minority.  An undertaking bound to fail due to "evolutionary theory."

More like 5%, and still, see above.

Now, will you be courteous enough to answer why you advocate for gay "marriage?"

Because non-gays will not be troubled (except in their mind) and gays will have equal rights, which they deserve as humans. So basically it's a win win situation.

Why do I feel like I'm throwing pearls to the swines?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,02:50   

Dear All,

Ok, I am getting bored. TrollDiddley is simply repeating himself in ever increasing bouts of frothing lunatic bigotry. Endless strawmen and irrelevancies are thrown left and right by this bumbling bumpkin.

So, in the interest of inculcating in this clueless imbecile some modicum of sanity I will finally, once and for all reveal the details of the "Liberal Gay Agenda" ™ and exactly why it is that us horrible stupid little liberals are so in favour of allowing evil homosexual deviants to share the same marital and societal rights as us godly and perfect heterosexuals.

I am sorry to give away one of the most cherished secrets of the Illuminati of the Liberal Conspiracy ™ (Slogan: "We're after your god and your anal virginity") but nothing else will shut TripeDumbie up.

Brace yourselves.

Thordaddy (You Carbunkle on the Brown Eye of Intellectual Discourse and Sadistic Flagellator of Deceased Equines)

The reason we heterosexual liberals support equal marital and social rights for homosexual people is as follows:

We heterosexuals are discriminated against because homosexual people can frotter and fondle and fornicate away without having to be legally bound to a Mother-in-law.

That's it. Pure envy. If I have be subjected to a mother-in-law as a consequence of me wanting to get my jollies with my lovely wife until death do us part, then chum, so do them gays. The lucky persons of illegitimate birth have escaped this punishment for too long. It simply ain't right. Dash their dangerously talented interior decorating capabilities directly to heck.



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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,03:00   


You know, in all my travels across the wild internet seas, I don't remember ever meeting an extremely loud and raving fundie who didn't claim he was an atheist liberal once.
I've met several fundies who talked about what hellraisers they used to be. I think they're just trying to be cool.


Posts: 1143
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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,03:22   

I gotta go print me a shirt that says "Liberal Atheists have more fun" for the summer...

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

Occam's Toothbrush

Posts: 555
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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,05:21   

I can't be the only person who has recognized the immutable 1st Law of Trolldynamics:

Ignore them and they will go away.

Y'all should try it sometime.

"Molecular stuff seems to me not to be biology as much as it is a more atomic element of life" --Creo nut Robert Byers
"You need your arrogant ass kicked, and I would LOVE to be the guy who does it. Where do you live?" --Anger Management Problem Concern Troll "Kris"


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,05:42   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 05 2006,01:45)
Look at the liberals rage... LOL!

The only thing worth noting was ericmurphy's question.

EricMurphy asked,

Come off it, Thordaddy. Let's put the onus where it belongs: why is it necessary to ban gay marriage?

First, let's clarify that gays can get married in many liberal churches blahblahblahblahrantrantrant...

Not until you come up with something new to say, Thordaddy. You've been making the same unsupported assertions for 30 pages now, and I cannot begin to describe to you how boring it's all becoming. You're a broken record, repeating the same fatuous inanities over and over and over again until, if we were at a bar, the bartender would have kicked you out a long time ago.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,05:43   


I've been called all kinds of derogatory names including the use of profanity and you're all worked up because I call forumites "liberals" and use the phrase "homosexual propaganda?"

You're a joker that refuses to engage in the debate.

You've earned your titles. I have engaged in the debate. You have not been able or willing to respond to my comments in a meaningful way.

So, my points have been:

1 -What difference does it make?
2 -What society has ever crumbled without, environmental pressure, military action or loss of trade partners being the major causes?
3 -How could queers getting social security and survivor rights possibly affect society in a negative way?
4 -How could a gay gene possibly refute evolution since positive functions of evolutionary changes can be positive functions to the group (as in we are social animals) since, in the savanah environment those with such a gene probably still did a little humping of the opposite sex?
5 -You are an idiot.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,07:37   

Honestly....I find Thordaddy interesting...
Let me explain...I have never, in my life(and i live in the bible belt) met someone who is so incapable of critical thinking.

Its not just thick-headedness.  He honestly lacks the ability to think.  How else can you account for his rants???

Ive seen trolls on the net too...but most of them lack the dedication.  They also normally go all over the place...but Thor has stayed in one place....

Thor is teaching me how stupid a human being can actually be....
Dont try to reason with him...or question his logic.  These concepts completely evade him.
He has a belief, supported by several reasons.  They exist as a single absolute entity.  It is impossible to alter someone's belief.  You can normally alter their reasoning though...but Thor treats them as one and the same.  His reasons are as sacred as his beliefs.  Just like a fundamentalist Christian, he insulates himself by merging belief and the reasoning for the belief.

Thor...just like his namesake....has oxen.  You can kill them, you can eat their meat.  You can leave only the bones...but they will always magically return to their full state.  It doesnt make any sense...but in his head...he is invincible....


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,08:57   

That has certainly been my fascination too. Well said PuckSR.

That is essentially my fascination with the whole content of PT, AtBC, UD, Larry's blog, And the major reason behind my blog. It's sort of like an experiment that puts a creature in a situation it is hopelessly unable to cope with in a petri dish and trying to find commonalities in the creatures' responses to the situation. Make the case for rational thought/behavior, (or add the unsolvable environmental dilemma) and try to understand the inevitable response in it's evironmental context. Fascinating. In the end, it always  seems to boil down to a vilification of education and an exaltation of ignorance. And, so far for me anyway, all the responses boil down to a fear-based reaction.

One interesting thing to note is that rational people will often resort to a fear-based reaction to the fear based cluelessness.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,10:34   

Eldin opines,

Since it's the only one that allows you to harp on your points which you have been doing in the face of heaps of refutation for 30 pages now. You pathetic little poser.

What refutation?  I still haven't seen a positive argument for gay "marriage" outside of the mantra...

If they WANT it, they should get it!

Hey, I could get ordained online as a minister, and I could probably conjunct cows and sheep if I wanted to. And little children. Does that make the marriage legal in the eyes of the state? Not to my knowledge. So, the state has illegalised and thus criminalised gay marriage. That's the gist of it.

So you agree that NO ONE has banned gay "marriage?"  And so your notion that gay "marriage" has been illegalised and made criminal by the state is NONSENSE.  Society has decided that traditional marriage deserves special recognition and this HAS NOTHING to do with gay "marriage."  Only a nonthinking "liberal" can spot the difference?

Eh... you will still have age limits, species limits, consenting specifications, etc. etc. gay marriage is like all equal rights endeavours a selective one. Gay marriage activists are not asking for total equal rights for anyone and everything. They only want to have the same rights as heterosexuals. Which for an estimated 5% of the population is not such an extreme thing to ask.

And once again we see the nonthinking "liberal" in action.  Why are ANY of these "limits" legitimate under the "equal rights" and tolerance argument... just because?  They're not and so your positive argument for gay "marriage" must rely upon something else?  But what?  You've already diminished any foundation upon which it may rest.  See below.

They and we are NOT asking for the right to marry chairs, sheep, children. So yes, in true definition chairs are discriminated and will probably always be. But as far as marriage is concerned, why should we care about that? It has already been pointed out that legalising gay marriage will not lead to the collapse of western society.

And who said that other than YOU?  Yes, gay radicals are asking for special laws DESIGNED purposely for themselves.  This is nothing more than a case of, "I want it therefore I should get it."  But remember, your argument for gay "marriage" is based on "equal rights" and tolerance and here we see that your extension of this argument has limitations.  WHY?  Intolerance and discrimination, PERIOD!

Nor is president's Bush' marriage and yours. No marriage is equal. They only become equal if you change the criteria for equality. Yours are dogmatically and invariably 'the union of two people of opposite sexes'. Why is that the right interpretation? Because it is 'traditional'? You still have to explain to me why that is a good thing.

If traditional marriage isn't a "good thing" then gay "marriage" doesn't have a leg to stand on, does it?  You don't even see how you undermine your own argument in typical "liberal" fashion.

This is strange in your position. You set up a point which makes us point out your hypocrisy in fostering bastards which is not marriage related at all, then you accuse us of a standard liberal tactic called backstabbing. While we're just pointing out that holding both positions at the same time is logically untenable. Cheap trick but, it works it seems. Doesn't make you any less pathetic.

The hypocrisy is all yours as the typical "liberal" claims to be tolerant and non-discriminatory.  Clearly, you are not.  That's hypocrisy.  Being "liberal" in years past DOES nothing to change the importance of traditional marriage.  See below for a rebuttal to this ignorant statement.

Democracy in modern western states is not a dictatorship of the majority. You have your constitution to guard you from that. You do so love your constitution don't you?

And it's not a tyranny of a radically small minority, either.  The people have spoken in 38 states about the issue of marriage codifiying one man and one woman as the definition for marriage.  Why can't gays settle for the voice of the people?  Because this is about self-serving goals that give NO consideration for the larger society.  "I want it and therefore I should get it," screams the gay "liberal!"

This point puzzles me. Because I do not know what it means I'll skip by it. If it's an argument from intuition or emotion, you should know that it's useless.

This means you don't have to be married to see the societal importance of marriage.  It means you don't have to be a scientist to see the societal importance of science.  It means you don't have to be gravity to see the importance of gravity.  I could go on and on with this one.  It means that those that haven't married AREN'T oblivious to the importance of marriage.  If one could only see the importance of marriage after he/she gets married then why are gays fighting for something that is OBVIOUSLY unimportant in their eyes?

More like 5%, and still, see above.

Bull... but even 5% is a paltry number of people to overturn an important tradition for nothing more than a self-serving objective.

Because non-gays will not be troubled (except in their mind) and gays will have equal rights, which they deserve as humans. So basically it's a win win situation.

But why does your "equal rights" only extend to gays?  And what exactly can I do that gays can't?  And how exactly does the SAME LAW treat us differently?

Why do I feel like I'm throwing pearls to the swines?

Because you're a modern-day nonthinking "liberal."  Look how you've parroted your fellow travelers.  You're part of a conforming mentality that spews all the same cliches and THINKS in ALL the SAME MANNER.  I hate being forced to think how others want me to think.  I'm the true liberal and you're the poser.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,10:40   


Why do I need to come up with something "new" when you keep providing the SAME OLD tired argument for gay "marriage?"

What is your argument other than...

Gays want it and so they should get it!

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,11:01   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 05 2006,15:40)

Why do I need to come up with something "new" when you keep providing the SAME OLD tired argument for gay "marriage?"

What is your argument other than...

Gays want it and so they should get it!

What the fuck is this shit?
I cannot believe.
T-D he just sprouts off.
Intends to decieve.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,11:08   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 05 2006,15:40)

Why do I need to come up with something "new" when you keep providing the SAME OLD tired argument for gay "marriage?"

Here's the difference, Thordaddy. My argument is simple, makes sense, and is relatively uncontroversial (other than to those who wish to prevent gay people from marrying): that people should be able to marry whoever they want to marry.

Your arguments, on the other hand, despite the fact that they've all been demolished, over and over again, have nothing new to say about the subject that hasn't been said a million times before: collapsing civilizations, sheep weddings, pedophile priests,  and anal sex.

And please, for the love of god, don't repeat them. We've heard them all until we're sick to death of them. They have no more merit the tenth, or fiftieth, or hundredth time you said them than they did the first time around.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,11:13   

Why bother with any further discourse with this fool?  Let him keep his bigoted opinion.  

At least Paley and AFDave can read and are interesting.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,11:17   

EricMurphy opines,

Here's the difference, Thordaddy. My argument is simple, makes sense, and is relatively uncontroversial (other than to those who wish to prevent gay people from marrying): that people should be able to marry whoever they want to marry.

First, you FALSELY claim ONCE AGAIN that gay people can't get married."  This is a continuously repeated falsehood that some would claim was a lie.  Are you lying?

Secondly, you say exactly what I've just claimed was your argument for gay "marriage" which is...

I want it therefore I should get!

If I want to marry a sheep, my 5 brothers or my grandmother I should "be able to marry whoever [I] want to marry" and the STATE must unequivocally grant my union full rights and privileges.

This is your argument and you can't see the absurdity in it?  Sheesh!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,11:20   


Do you really think other forumites need instructions on who and who not to respond to or what subject to or not to respond to?

What a patronizing "liberal."  In fact, many of you give "liberal" a bad name with your codified way of thinking.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,11:24   

For me, it's like COPS. Creationists are trying to do evil. Science is precious. And these christianists are trying to ruin it. But because they are crazy and obvious liars they drive right off a cliff like in Dover. Here's a picture of the Intelligent Design Movement:

So for me, it's the amusement and satisfaction of watching the mean braggart fall on his own sword, over and over. They are evil and arrogant and they are being laid low, and it's great fun to watch.

I love a dolt like Casey Luskin requiring his ID club officers to be christian, and then demanding ID has nothing to do with religion. I love when they call us Atheists. I love when the Young Earth Creationists swarm Davetard. When Bill Buckingam declares, "Won't somebody stand up for Jay-sis?" I laugh until my sides hurt. I love when they say that the Intelligent Designer, who could be, you know, anybody, is off-limits for study, or a topic for Philosophy. They are evil and dumb and the seeds of their undoing are right there in their words and deeds.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,11:39   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 05 2006,16:17)
First, you FALSELY claim ONCE AGAIN blahblahblahblahblahblahblah

Didn't I tell you to stop repeating your inanities?

What part of "stop" is giving you trouble?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,11:50   


You may have a point if this had anything to do with ID or Christians and the like or if I was an IDists or a Christian.  But it doesn't and so your "contribution" is meaningless.

Perhaps, you could put a positive argument forward for gay "marriage" that doesn't consist of ericmurphy's argument that gays want it and therefore they should get it.

Can you do that or are you secure in demolishing straw-men?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,12:15   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 05 2006,16:50)
Perhaps, you could put a positive argument forward for gay "marriage" that doesn't consist of ericmurphy's argument that gays want it and therefore they should get it.

Can you do that or are you secure in demolishing straw-men?

Why should Steve have to come up with an argument in favor of gay marriage when you've never put up any kind of  argument to oppose it, Thordaddy?

Normally, you have to put up your own strawman arguments to knock down, but Thordaddy puts up our strawman arguments for us.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,12:28   



You may have a point if this had anything to do with ID or Christians and the like or if I was an IDists or a Christian.  But it doesn't and so your "contribution" is meaningless.

Perhaps, you could put a positive argument forward for gay "marriage" that doesn't consist of ericmurphy's argument that gays want it and therefore they should get it.

Why would I waste time making logical arguments for you? I can't think of anything more futile.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,13:09   

Generally you'll find me using my time to read hysterical things creationists say and having a good laugh about them, and sharing them here where others can have a laugh. Not wasting my time arguing with you kooks. And sometimes I will engage them, like Ghost of Paley, to try to get them to produce some argument I believe will be hilarious. I wanna see Ghost try to come up with his scale free model. I mean, the guy's a geocentrist fer chrissakes. Whatever he comes up with to support that is going to be USDA Grade A Crazy. I'll go get my Marion & Thornton and refresh my noninertial reference frame calculational ability just so I can skewer him.'s what's fer dinner.

(of course, maybe Ghost is correct. If so he'll win $1000. LOL)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,13:17   


Do you really think other forumites need instructions on who and who not to respond to or what subject to or not to respond to?

Everyone needs some pushing in the right direction every now and then.  They certainly don't "need" instructions.  But what's the harm in throwing in some peer pressure every now and then?
What a patronizing "liberal."  In fact, many of you give "liberal" a bad name with your codified way of thinking.
Who said I was a liberal?  Do you get that idea just because I find you to be bigoted?  I guess everyone looks left when you're burning crosses in yards.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,13:45   


What is the "logical" argument for gay "marriage" and why have so many been unaware of this logic for so long?


I put up 6 rationales for opposing the state sanctioning of gay "marriages" and only Eldin had the cajones to respond to each one even though his responses, no doubt, left him more puzzled than before about his own belief system.

You, on the other hand, have put forth the argument that one should "be able to marry whoever they want to marry."  This is your logical argument?  LOL!  Not only is that already the case (are you aware of gays or straights being forced to marry someone they DON'T want), but it doesn't even broach the issue.

Your logical argument is IRRELEVANT to the matter at hand which is whether society should sanction gay "marriage."  You say it should, but you don't say why?



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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,13:57   

Thordaddy.....Im going to say something...
Im going to be very clear....
I dont want you getting confused...its also going to be very that you take the time to read it

Your logical argument is IRRELEVANT to the matter at hand which is whether society should sanction gay "marriage."  You say it should, but you don't say why?

Society should sanction GAY MARRIAGE if society wants to sanction GAY MARRIAGE.  If the general populace agrees that GAY MARRIAGE is ACCEPTABLE....then GAY MARRIAGE WILL EXIST.

I put up 6 rationales for opposing the state sanctioning of gay "marriages" and only Eldin had the cajones to respond to each one even though his responses, no doubt, left him more puzzled than before about his own belief system.

The only "problem" Eldin had was trying to reason with you....

You bumbling moron....
Every reason you listed is either irrevelant or wrong...
Some of them arent even reasons....#5 was just a lame excuse.....


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,14:01   


What is the "logical" argument for gay "marriage" and why have so many been unaware of this logic for so long?
Did I advocate gay marriage here? I can't remember. I don't remember advocating it any more than I advocate interracial marriage. I've never thought much about making a clear argument for it since it's so senseless to continue discriminating against gay couples, just as it was senseless in the 20th century to discriminate against interracial couples.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,14:09   

PuckSR opines,

Society should sanction GAY MARRIAGE if society wants to sanction GAY MARRIAGE.  If the general populace agrees that GAY MARRIAGE is ACCEPTABLE....then GAY MARRIAGE WILL EXIST.

Is this an argument for gay "marriage?"  What of the 38 states that have VOTED and passed laws declaring marriage as the union between one man and one woman?  Are gay activists going to accept the America process?

Then you say,

Every reason you listed is either irrevelant or wrong...
Some of them arent even reasons....#5 was just a lame excuse

Huh... Isn't there something that needs to go along with this?  Like maybe your response to each reason?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,14:14   

Did I advocate gay marriage here? I can't remember. I don't remember advocating it any more than I advocate interracial marriage. I've never thought much about making a clear argument for it since it's so senseless to continue discriminating against gay couples, just as it was senseless in the 20th century to discriminate against interracial couples.

The argument for gay marriage as similiar to interracial marriage is flawed.....
The entire issue of interracial marriage was based around equality....
The argument against interracial marriage is that somehow blacks weren't equal to whites.  

A white man could marry a white woman, but a black man couldnt marry a white woman....because they didnt consider a black man as the same as a white man.....

The arguments against gay marriage:
1.  Tradition
2.  Morality
3.  Unneccesary

Gay marriage has more in common with polygamy...rather than interracial marriage...

Also someone earlier made a statement about the lack of a desire for polygamy.  This would be wrong.  Several religions advocate polygamy.  It is actually even more offensive to deny the rights of polygamists since it has a rich tradition...and is a religiously justified position to many.
It has fewer arguments against it, and it is a religious right to many.  Just not are we discriminating against the polygamists rights to equality, we are discriminating against their religious beliefs.....
I would say that we need to legalize polygamy before we legalize gay marriage.

It would be similiar to the civil rights movement of the 60's fighting for african-american rights...but ignoring civil rights violations against Native Americans....


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,14:37   

that's crap.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,14:59   


Thanks for some reasoning that was actually cogent to the debate.

Unfortunately, stevestory thinks it's "crap."

The problem with the argument for sanctioning gay "marriage" and its supposed equivalence to interracial marriage is two-fold.

First, one is a fact of reality and has been, for most of us, a fact of reality for our entire lives.  Interracial marriage has no relevance because it just is.

Second, interracial marriage discredited "race" as a deciding criteria for marriage whereas gay "marriage" is trying to discredit "gender" as a criteria.

I think there can be little argument that the sanctioning of interracial marriage was the "slippery slope" towards abolishing other criteria for marriage, namely, the criteria of gender.

Although, interracial marriage DOES NOT redefine the one man/ one woman tradition of marriage whereas gay "marriage" DOES.

The question then becomes, what definition will be settled on for "marriage" if only numbers and relatedness within a union are legitimate criteria for marriage?

But as you have noted, the argument is based on "equal rights" and tolerance and if religion, race and gender are illegitimate criteria for defining marriage then so is numbers and relatedness within a union if one is arguing from the "equal rights" and tolerance perspective.

Gay "marriage" necessarily defines the institution of marriage out of existence.  "Marriage" would be nothing more than the individual will seeking state validation for his/her personally chosen "union."  It's not even feasible.

And it's why most "liberals" support it!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,15:00   

and that's ultracrap.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,15:09   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 05 2006,18:45)

I put up 6 rationales for opposing the state sanctioning of gay "marriages" and only Eldin had the cajones to respond to each one even though his responses, no doubt, left him more puzzled than before about his own belief system.

Thordaddy, go back and read this thread. Every single one of your "rationales" for opposing gay marriage has been demolished. And yet you continue to advance them.

Normally, even if someone doesn't retract a demolished argument, they stop mentioning it. But not you. You keep bringing it up, as if the sheer volume of repetition will somehow nullify its destruction.

Given that all of your rationales opposing gay marriage have been obliterated, what difference does it make if there are no arguments in favor of it? The default position would still be to favor it.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,15:13   


Could you provide those demolishing arguments as opposed to just asserting them and assuming we could end it there?

What is your demolishing argument...?

Gay people want it, therefore gay people get it!

Is this your hysterically-laughable demolishing argument?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,15:21   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 05 2006,20:13)

Could you provide those demolishing arguments as opposed to just asserting them and assuming we could end it there?

What is your demolishing argument...?

RTFT, Thordaddy.

I'm not going to repeat the same endlessly-repeated demolitions of your same tired old arguments when it's already been done a million times on this thread. Why do you think everyone is so exasperated with you? You've been beaten to death with a shovel, and you don't even realize it.

Read The Fucking Thread, Thordaddy.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,15:28   


And you still can't even provide ONE demolishing argument instead of JUST ASSERTING these phantom demolishing arguments over and over again.

Answer me this,

If gender is an illegitimate criteria for defining marriage, HOW are the numbers within a union or the relatedness within that union (the ONLY standing criteria left if gay "marriage" is sanctioned) LEGITIMATE criteria for defining marriage under the "equal rights" and tolerance argument?

Pure discrimination and intolerance... or, your inexplicable appeal to tradition, that's HOW!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,15:30   


is on the censor list, but not 'fucking'? weird.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,15:53   

I put up 6 rationales for opposing the state sanctioning of gay "marriages" and only Eldin had the cajones to respond to each one even though his responses, no doubt, left him more puzzled than before about his own belief system.

Oh I was puzzled alright.  :D

Did you even read my responses? I find your attitude insulting.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,16:00   


Did I read them...?  I responded to every one of them.

Please explain your puzzlement?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,16:01   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 05 2006,20:28)

And you still can't even provide ONE demolishing argument instead of JUST ASSERTING these phantom demolishing arguments over and over again.

Thordaddy, I'm not going to go back and cut and paste all the obliterations of your arguments that have already been posted. And besides, what would be the point? You didn't get them the first time around; there's essentially no chance you'd get them this time.

Answer me this,

If gender is an illegitimate criteria for defining marriage, HOW are the numbers within a union or the relatedness within that union (the ONLY standing criteria left if gay "marriage" is sanctioned) LEGITIMATE criteria for defining marriage [b]under the "equal rights" and tolerance argument?

We've already been over this a million times before, and I'm sick of replying to this stupidity, especially when every time you bring it up, you act like it's for the first time. What are you, Leonard Shelby?

Why would I waste my time reposting the same rejoinder the same stupid argument I begged you to stop bringing up about 50 posts ago? It didn't penetrate your rock-like skull then, so why would I assume it would penetrate your rock-like skull now? If you would go back and actually read this thread, you'd see this same stupid question has been answered at least a dozen times.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,16:04   

Eric's having a teachable moment here.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,16:06   


Again, NO demolishing argument put forward, but instead the ASSERTION of demolishing arguments.

I'll try again and see if you'll waste time responding with NO arguments and the MERE ASSERTION of arguments.

I asked,

If gender is an illegitimate criteria for defining marriage, HOW are the numbers within a union or the relatedness within that union (the ONLY standing criteria left if gay "marriage" is sanctioned) LEGITIMATE criteria for defining marriage under the "equal rights" and tolerance argument?

And I answered for you,

Pure discrimination and intolerance... or, your inexplicable appeal to tradition, that's HOW!

Now you have 2 things in which you can DIRECTLY dispute and demolish with your very next response.

Eldin, please chime in?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,16:45   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 05 2006,21:06)
I asked,

If gender is an illegitimate criteria for defining marriage, HOW are the numbers within a union or the relatedness within that union (the ONLY standing criteria left if gay "marriage" is sanctioned) LEGITIMATE criteria for defining marriage under the "equal rights" and tolerance argument?

Give it up, Thordaddy. You can either go back and read the countless times this very same question has been answered, over and over again…or you can keep asking it. But you've gotten all the answers you're getting.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,17:22   


What's the answer?

Just type it out in your next response INSTEAD of typing how the answer is obvious and YOU REFUSE to tell me what the answer is?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,17:28   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 05 2006,22:22)

What's the answer?

Just type it out in your next response INSTEAD of typing how the answer is obvious and YOU REFUSE to tell me what the answer is?

I told you where to look. The answer is there. If you're too lazy to look, then the answer can't be too important to you.

And by the way, how is an argument against more than two people being married an argument against two people getting married?

Just curious.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,17:37   


Here's what you do when someone asks a question?

You ask,

And by the way, how is an argument against more than two people being married an argument against two people getting married?

I don't know, how?

But, an argument against more than two people getting state-sanction for their "marriage" is either discriminatory and intolerant or an appeal to tradition.

Which argument DO YOU STAND BY?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,18:50   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 05 2006,22:37)
But, an argument against more than two people getting state-sanction for their "marriage" is either discriminatory and intolerant or an appeal to tradition.

Which argument DO YOU STAND BY?

The question wasn't for you, Thordaddy. I already know you don't have an answer.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,19:01   

Wow guys, this is just too funny.

Thordaddy has become our own little pet troll! :D

We can use him, and confuse him, and abuse him, and he keeps coming back for more!

I think we should start a contest:  let's see who can get Thorbigot to spew "but gays can get married in a liberal church!!!' the most time in a row.

I've seen T-idiot do it in three consecutive posts several times now.  Anyone think they can get the moron to stutter it out in four consecutive posts?

Step right up and try your luck at Troll-O-Rama!

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,19:33   

Ok wait....
Ignoring the psycho clown troll...
What was crap about my argument???

Do you honestly think it is fair to take away the religious and traditional rights of polygamy from mormons and muslims?

Agreed...not all factions of either faith fully promote polygamy...but it is a fact of both religions that several factions do support....

Are you honestly saying that we should allow gay marriage but not polygamy?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 05 2006,20:31   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 06 2006,00:33)
Do you honestly think it is fair to take away the religious and traditional rights of polygamy from mormons and muslims?

Agreed...not all factions of either faith fully promote polygamy...but it is a fact of both religions that several factions do support....

Are you honestly saying that we should allow gay marriage but not polygamy?

Polygamy is a problem in a way that gay marriage isn't. That is, who would have "next-of-kin" rights? Straight-away, that would have to have a seperate document, thus canceling the "specialness" of a monogamous marriage.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2006,00:14   


How many times do the "liberals" have to shoot down your advocacy of polygamy before you get a clue?

The point is to render gender a meaningless criteria for marriage.

Polygamy doesn't do this and so it is worthless to the AGENDA of the gay radicals and no one will care whether polygamists and bigamists get their "equal rights" and tolerance, least of all the gay radical seeking personal validation.

The only "psycho clown troll" is the one that can't see the obvious and instead remains mesmerized by the homosexual propaganda.

PS  How many gays do you really think are pining for state sanction marriage... 1%, 2%, 3%?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2006,00:22   


I bet you can't state either Occam's, Murphy's, Elliot's or Eldin's argument for gay marriage?

Is this a challenge worthy of your sharp intellect?

Remember, you've called me a liar, psycho clown troll and erroneously misquoted me amongst other transgressions unworthy of a serious mind.

In fact, I bet you can't put together all of the arguments made by the above 4 and put forth a coherent "liberal" argument for gay "marriage?"


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(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2006,02:40   

Great... After asking his opponents to explain their arguments to him again and again and again, thordeaf now asks them to also explain each other's arguments.

If we try to exhaust the possibilities of that, I'm sure this thread will break the page barrier in no time...

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2006,05:12   

Quote (Faid @ May 06 2006,07:40)
Great... After asking his opponents to explain their arguments to him again and again and again, thordeaf now asks them to also explain each other's arguments.

If we try to exhaust the possibilities of that, I'm sure this thread will break the page barrier in no time...

lol. How true.

thordaddy, Why do you label me as a liberal?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2006,10:27   

Polygamy is a problem in a way that gay marriage isn't. That is, who would have "next-of-kin" rights? Straight-away, that would have to have a seperate document, thus canceling the "specialness" of a monogamous marriage.

That doesnt seem like a very good argument against polygamy.
Next-of-kin rights could easily be distributed.
i.e.  If a mother dies....who has next of kin rights?
one of her sons....or all of her children?

Gay marriage would also inherit difficulties with children...a gay married couple that had children would definately have no more than a single biological parent.  The biological parentage of the child would become important in custody disputes.  If one of the parents adopted the child, while the other is the biological and legal parent...custody would almost definately reside with the biological parent.  This is very different than a majority of heterosexual marriages where both parents are biological parents...and therefore given equal consideration at a custody dispute.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2006,12:50   


I guess you aren't a "liberal" other than the fact that you support gay "marriage."

Still waiting for those demolishing arguments against traditional marriage and those positive arguments for gay "marriage?"

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
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(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2006,13:10   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 06 2006,17:50)

I guess you aren't a "liberal" other than the fact that you support gay "marriage."

Still waiting for those demolishing arguments against traditional marriage and those positive arguments for gay "marriage?"

I have no argument against "traditional" marriage. Can't you read?

My argument Pro-gay marriage I have already made, several times. Can't you read?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2006,13:17   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 06 2006,15:27)
Polygamy is a problem in a way that gay marriage isn't. That is, who would have "next-of-kin" rights? Straight-away, that would have to have a seperate document, thus canceling the "specialness" of a monogamous marriage.

That doesnt seem like a very good argument against polygamy.
Next-of-kin rights could easily be distributed.
i.e.  If a mother dies....who has next of kin rights?
one of her sons....or all of her children?

Gay marriage would also inherit difficulties with children...a gay married couple that had children would definately have no more than a single biological parent.  The biological parentage of the child would become important in custody disputes.  If one of the parents adopted the child, while the other is the biological and legal parent...custody would almost definately reside with the biological parent.  This is very different than a majority of heterosexual marriages where both parents are biological parents...and therefore given equal consideration at a custody dispute.

I don't actually have a good argument against polygammy. I just see a problem with it and that is a legal one.

If marriage is confined to 2 people then marriage rights are easy to bestow. That would be a problem if the marriage is a whole bunch of people.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2006,14:22   

I hereby nominate this for the post of the week award:

Quote (Faid @ May 06 2006,07:40)
Great... After asking his opponents to explain their arguments to him again and again and again, thordeaf now asks them to also explain each other's arguments.

Congrats all around, Faid. Buy that man a beer…

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2006,16:15   

If marriage is confined to 2 people then marriage rights are easy to bestow. That would be a problem if the marriage is a whole bunch of people.

But as i stated previously...the arguments for the difficulty of implementation can also be made for gay marriage....
The complication of something shouldnt be considered when disputing the merit of it from a civil liberties perspective.

Im sure ending slavery caused some complication too....
But that really shouldnt be a reason to keep slavery


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(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2006,17:17   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 06 2006,21:15)
But as i stated previously...the arguments for the difficulty of implementation can also be made for gay marriage....
The complication of something shouldnt be considered when disputing the merit of it from a civil liberties perspective.

Puck, one thing you need to keep in mind here is Thordaddy's seemingly principal objection to gay marriage, which if I untie the knots in his reasoning seems to be that if we allow gay people to marry, we have to allow everyone and everything to marry, from Thordaddy and his five brothers to Thordaddy and his pet sheep to Thordaddy and his pet rocks.

Stephen's (and, I believe, Flint's) point is that if gay people were allowed to marry (I'm picturing Thordaddy popping an aneurysm as he screams, "but gay people already can marry!!!!!"), virtually nothing would have to change in the statutes and regulations regarding marriage as they are currently constituted. While I personally have no real objections to virtually any sort of civil arrangements between individuals capable of giving consent and being bound by a contract, restricting civil marriage to couples seems a reasonable compromise for the short term, at least until people almost as irrational as Thordaddy have gotten over themselves.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 06 2006,23:33   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 06 2006,21:15)
If marriage is confined to 2 people then marriage rights are easy to bestow. That would be a problem if the marriage is a whole bunch of people.

But as i stated previously...the arguments for the difficulty of implementation can also be made for gay marriage....
The complication of something shouldnt be considered when disputing the merit of it from a civil liberties perspective.

Im sure ending slavery caused some complication too....
But that really shouldnt be a reason to keep slavery

But gay marriage is not complicated. All you have to do is remove gender prohibition. Multi-partner marriage is far more problematic.

Maybe I am not expressing myself well. Try again.

Marriage betwen a man and woman automatically gives certain rights. Gay marriage (asuming still just 2 people) is not a huge difference.

Multi-marriage is very different. Example thordaddy marries his 5 brothers, who is next-of-kin to who? Yes it could be aranged in a seperate legal document (or a bunch of them) but that removes what is special about marriage. ie 2 people commiting to each-other in a legally recognised way.

I am trying to be precise but my language skills fail me.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 07 2006,00:27   

Oh... I see... gay "marriage" should be sanctioned because it really wouldn't add any new layers to the bureaucracy.

And I thought gay "marriage" should be sanctioned because it was a matter of "equal rights," tolerance and our progressive moralism?

You guys are either disingenuous or clueless?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 07 2006,01:49   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 07 2006,05:27)

You guys are either disingenuous or clueless?

pmsl! That had me in stitches. #### near sprayed my monitor in drink.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 07 2006,02:12   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 07 2006,05:27)
You guys are either disingenuous or clueless?


I guess we need one of these:

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 07 2006,05:47   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 07 2006,05:27)
Oh... I see... gay "marriage" should be sanctioned because it really wouldn't add any new layers to the bureaucracy.

And I thought gay "marriage" should be sanctioned because it was a matter of "equal rights," tolerance and our progressive moralism?

You guys are either disingenuous or clueless?

Thordaddy, do you read anything before you start typing?

Your ability to ask the same questions, over and over again, after they've been answered over and over again, is truly impressive. I used to think your head was made of cement, but now I realize it must be made of a far denser substance.

Neutronium, perhaps? (Look it up, Thordaddy.)

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


Posts: 1902
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(Permalink) Posted: May 07 2006,05:50   

Anyone please correct me if I am wrong in these next several points:
1 -The world at large is not now, nor has it ever been, "fair".
2 -Fairness is like "truthiness" -subjective but at least nominally desirable.
3 -Gay mariage is essentially an issue of fairness. On one side and the other.
4 -Poligamy and most other things people want to do but can't because it is illegal are also issues of fairness.
5 -legally, the only thing that a law can rest on if it is in violation of fairness is public health, safety and welfare.
6 -Christian wingnuts could concievably go into anaphylactic shock over the gay marriage issue, as well as legalizing drugs and prostitution, man-goat love, polygamy, etc.
7 -therefore all kinds of things that really shouldn't make much difference to anyone are in fact a very bad idea because it endangers the public health, safety and welfare by exposing fear-driven folks who accidentally put their christianity on backwards to strange siezure related illnesses.
8 -Thordaddy is an idiot.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 07 2006,06:19   

Well...the way i see it we either have two options

#1  Realize that as BWE said, "Life isnt fair"...and unless the unfairness violates someone's well-being or unneccesarily dehumanizes them...we ignore it as long as fixing it would be an inconvenience....

#2  We attempt at every oppurtunity to make life and the world we live in more fair.  This, unfortunately, has the side of effect of being a lot of trouble.

I understand that Thordaddy is a raging lunatic...
but why exactly are we making such a big deal about granting certain people in our society a "right" that has never existed before?
Gay marriage isn't going to allow homosexuals to live more productive or fulfilling lives.
Gay marriage isnt going to end discrimination
One argument that could be made against this line of reasoning is that women's suffrage was a "new" right as well.  However, women had never been treated like equals.  There have been societies that have treated homosexuals as equals...even encouraged homosexual activity...but gay marriage has never been an act equivalent to heterosexual marriage....even when it did exist it was more of a novelty or joke than an actual life partnership.

Marriage may even be considered an outdated concept that was much more useful in times when women were not the equal of men.  If this is the case, then why are we trying to expand on such a clearly biased institution?

It seems that the only useful purpose that marriage serves any longer is for the legal/structural purposes of family.  I honestly believe that this is the motivation for gay marriage as well.  The only problem is that homosexual couples have very different family/child issues than heterosexual couples.

Marriage at one time was the ultimate sign of commitment in a relationship...but with the ease and popularity of the really has lost a lot of its resolve in the commitement category.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 07 2006,06:28   

One argument that could be made against this line of reasoning is that women's suffrage was a "new" right as well.  However, women had never been treated like equals.  There have been societies that have treated homosexuals as equals...even encouraged homosexual activity...but gay marriage has never been an act equivalent to heterosexual marriage....even when it did exist it was more of a novelty or joke than an actual life partnership.

What are you babbling about?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 07 2006,11:52   

Im arguing that gay marriage is an entirely new "right"...
it has never existed before....
It isnt like equality before the law for all ethnic groups...that had existed before...our society just didnt allow it....
The greeks, who openly encouraged homosexual relationships, did not have a standard practice of gay marriage.
The reason?
Probably because it was completely unneccesary.
Homosexual relationships were not about "families"...actually that was considered one of the benefits of a homosexual relationship
They also didnt have to worry about the inequality of their partner....


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,10:01   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 05 2006,15:34)

Thordaddy, I'm honestly sorry I missed your refutation. It's a big thread. Still, here's an answer.

What refutation?  I still haven't seen a positive argument for gay "marriage" outside of the mantra...

If they WANT it, they should get it!

No, that's not it. What is being said here is "If they want it, if noone is the worse of if they got it, they should get it." You have tried unsuccesfully to overthrow the 'noone is the worse of concern' but have not given any arguments

So you agree that NO ONE has banned gay "marriage?"  And so your notion that gay "marriage" has been illegalised and made criminal by the state is NONSENSE.  Society has decided that traditional marriage deserves special recognition and this HAS NOTHING to do with gay "marriage."  Only a nonthinking "liberal" can spot the difference?

*rolls eyes* Nobody cares about the church. The church is not a legal institution. It is subject to law but it can not ordain legal marriages, to my knowledge. There is a civil authority for that. To put it bluntly and shouting big caps so you won't miss it: THE CHURCH IS WORTH AS MUCH TO THE LAW AS IS SATANISM. Meaning that the church is worth jack shit to the law except from the fact that you can do whatever you want in it, including marrying yourself to a basket of peanutbutter. That marriage will however have no LEGAL significance and in the eyes of the state you will remain unmarried. Which is the case for gay marriage now.

And once again we see the nonthinking "liberal" in action.  Why are ANY of these "limits" legitimate under the "equal rights" and tolerance argument... just because?  They're not and so your positive argument for gay "marriage" must rely upon something else?  But what?  You've already diminished any foundation upon which it may rest.  See below.

Your negative is far worse. All of these limits are arbitrary, they just exist to make all people happy. The situation as it is already arbitrary, so the arbitrariness point is moot. Both situations are, but one situation makes 5% of the populace have rights that are equal to the rest. Arbitrarily, we exclude sheepfuckers. But you are being even more arbitrary by not only excluding them, but also excluding gays. So because we do that, we are being more arbitrary? Or what? Any point you try to make from this is inherently worthless, because by broad definition of arbitrariness, you are always excluding something from being equal. So please, don't bring up this point again.

And who said that other than YOU?  Yes, gay radicals are asking for special laws DESIGNED purposely for themselves.  This is nothing more than a case of, "I want it therefore I should get it."  But remember, your argument for gay "marriage" is based on "equal rights" and tolerance and here we see that your extension of this argument has limitations.  WHY?  Intolerance and discrimination, PERIOD!

You totally miss my point...

[quote]Nor is president's Bush' marriage and yours. No marriage is equal. They only become equal if you change the criteria for equality. Yours are dogmatically and invariably 'the union of two people of opposite sexes'. Why is that the right interpretation? Because it is 'traditional'? You still have to explain to me why that is a good thing.

If traditional marriage isn't a "good thing" then gay "marriage" doesn't have a leg to stand on, does it?  You don't even see how you undermine your own argument in typical "liberal" fashion.[/quote]

... and then continue to draw up a strawman and insult me using that. I never stated what you said I did, I ask you to clarify, no I ask you to specify what 'traditional' in 'traditional marriage' means. You do not answer that.

The hypocrisy is all yours as the typical "liberal" claims to be tolerant and non-discriminatory.  Clearly, you are not.  That's hypocrisy.  Being "liberal" in years past DOES nothing to change the importance of traditional marriage.  See below for a rebuttal to this ignorant statement.

You are insulting. But not me. I'm not a 'liberal'. So if you try to insult me, do not try to use generalisation, try to insult me by the points I make. Do you ever hear me saying discrimination is a bad thing? ####, humanity is discrimination incarnate. School is discrimination by intelligence, labour is discrimination by competence etc. However, discrimination always serves some purpose, and like segregation before it, discrimination of gays serves no indicatable purpose. Therefore it should be legalised.

[quote]Democracy in modern western states is not a dictatorship of the majority. You have your constitution to guard you from that. You do so love your constitution don't you?

And it's not a tyranny of a radically small minority, either.  The people have spoken in 38 states about the issue of marriage codifiying one man and one woman as the definition for marriage.  Why can't gays settle for the voice of the people?  Because this is about self-serving goals that give NO consideration for the larger society.  "I want it and therefore I should get it," screams the gay "liberal!"[/quote]

Err... that IS a dictatorship of the majority. Marriage of two people has nothing to do with the rest of the world, just those two people. What right does the majority have to speak up about those two people?

This means you don't have to be married to see the societal importance of marriage.  It means you don't have to be a scientist to see the societal importance of science.  It means you don't have to be gravity to see the importance of gravity.  I could go on and on with this one.  It means that those that haven't married AREN'T oblivious to the importance of marriage.  If one could only see the importance of marriage after he/she gets married then why are gays fighting for something that is OBVIOUSLY unimportant in their eyes?

It also means it is a point made out of emotion and therefore worthless in discussion.

[quote]More like 5%, and still, see above.

Bull... but even 5% is a paltry number of people to overturn an important tradition for nothing more than a self-serving objective.[/quote]

Tradition in and of itself has no value if it does not serve the people.

[quote]Because non-gays will not be troubled (except in their mind) and gays will have equal rights, which they deserve as humans. So basically it's a win win situation.

But why does your "equal rights" only extend to gays?  And what exactly can I do that gays can't?  And how exactly does the SAME LAW treat us differently?[/quote]

Equal rights extends to you too, my bigotted friend.

[quote]Why do I feel like I'm throwing pearls to the swines?

Because you're a modern-day nonthinking "liberal."  Look how you've parroted your fellow travelers.  You're part of a conforming mentality that spews all the same cliches and THINKS in ALL the SAME MANNER.  I hate being forced to think how others want me to think.  I'm the true liberal and you're the poser.[/quote]

I don't care what you think. I'm just showing you that your opinion is bigotted. And I don't care what you label me either. If you need the label liberal to think freely, you're more of an idiot than anyone here thought.


Posts: 1902
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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,10:19   

No, he's exactly the idiot I thought.


Why does it matter? What is the value of your tradition?

PuckSR, I think you coherently stated the only good argument against gay marriage and I see that Thordiddy doesn't like it.

Thordiddy, More questions:
1. why are the magnetic alignment of rocks on the seafloor interesting? What is one thing they tell us?

2. What society has ever crumbled due to lax morals?

3. Is god gay or lesbian?

4. Was jesus the product of rape?

5. If gay marriage was legal and your neighbors were 2 married men, would that bother you?

6. If you were injured, would you accept aid from them?

7. You are an idiot.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,10:27   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 04 2006,22:0)
Seven Popes,

I don't think they will say anything.  What's a bastard child these days anyway?  Traditional marriage is a discriminatory and intolerant institution.  You should be applauding my "liberalism" and instead you intend to stab me in the back.  This is "liberalism" at its finest.  No principles and no conviction.

Ironically, your children will benefit from a liberal society.  That's great for them, they are not guilty.  You are.  You and the woman who made the little bastards.  Bastard children tear apart the fabric of marriage.  Thordaddy, YOU are guilty of demeaning marriage.  Simply admit it, accept responsibility here.  You have no principles and no conviction.
<!--emo&:p  :p  :p  :p  :p  :p  :p  :p  :p

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.

Paul Flocken

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,10:32   

Quote (BWE @ May 07 2006,10:50)
Anyone please correct me if I am wrong in these next several points:
1 -The world at large is not now, nor has it ever been, "fair".
2 -Fairness is like "truthiness" -subjective but at least nominally desirable.
3 -Gay mariage is essentially an issue of fairness. On one side and the other.
4 -Poligamy and most other things people want to do but can't because it is illegal are also issues of fairness.
5 -legally, the only thing that a law can rest on if it is in violation of fairness is public health, safety and welfare.
6 -Christian wingnuts could concievably go into anaphylactic shock over the gay marriage issue, as well as legalizing drugs and prostitution, man-goat love, polygamy, etc.
7 -therefore all kinds of things that really shouldn't make much difference to anyone are in fact a very bad idea because it endangers the public health, safety and welfare by exposing fear-driven folks who accidentally put their christianity on backwards to strange siezure related illnesses.
8 -Thordaddy is an idiot.

Someone over at Uncommonly Dense once said something along the lines of:
"not being able to force other people to live by my standards is violation of my freedom"

The only thing I could think was 'it tough having to live in a free country, but i hear China is looking for a few good dictators' :0

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic.  Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."-John F. Kennedy


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,11:58   

Eldin opines,

No, that's not it. What is being said here is "If they want it, if noone is the worse of if they got it, they should get it." You have tried unsuccesfully to overthrow the 'noone is the worse of concern' but have not given any arguments

That argument could be put forth for ANY and ALL consensual adult relationships whether they be bigamist, polygamist, incestual or bestial in nature.  So why STOP with gay "marriage?"  

*rolls eyes* Nobody cares about the church. The church is not a legal institution. It is subject to law but it can not ordain legal marriages, to my knowledge. There is a civil authority for that. To put it bluntly and shouting big caps so you won't miss it: THE CHURCH IS WORTH AS MUCH TO THE LAW AS IS SATANISM. Meaning that the church is worth jack shit to the law except from the fact that you can do whatever you want in it, including marrying yourself to a basket of peanutbutter. That marriage will however have no LEGAL significance and in the eyes of the state you will remain unmarried. Which is the case for gay marriage now.

So make the differentiation.  Don't claim that gays can't marry BECAUSE you think "nobody cares about the church."  Instead, claim gays can't get state sanction for their "marriage" because that are trying to redefine the traditional meaning of marriage which is very much rooted in the "church."

Your negative is far worse. All of these limits are arbitrary, they just exist to make all people happy. The situation as it is already arbitrary, so the arbitrariness point is moot. Both situations are, but one situation makes 5% of the populace have rights that are equal to the rest. Arbitrarily, we exclude sheepfuckers. But you are being even more arbitrary by not only excluding them, but also excluding gays. So because we do that, we are being more arbitrary? Or what? Any point you try to make from this is inherently worthless, because by broad definition of arbitrariness, you are always excluding something from being equal. So please, don't bring up this point again.

Male and female are arbitrary criteria for marriage?  Really?  Is this a biological assumption?  

So if it's all "arbitrary" then I expect to see you advocating for man/sheep, granny/grandson, sister/sister/sister STATE SANCTIONED UNIONS?

Again, what's your argument for gay "marriage?"  It gives 5% of the population "equal rights?"  You can't possibly stop there, can you?  Aren't there more people in need of those "rights?"

You totally miss my point...

And apparently, I'll miss it again.

... and then continue to draw up a strawman and insult me using that. I never stated what you said I did, I ask you to clarify, no I ask you to specify what 'traditional' in 'traditional marriage' means. You do not answer that.

"Traditional" in traditional marriage means...?  Gay "marriage?"  No...?  But why?  Aren't they equal?  Well... it is equal to traditional marriage IF gender becomes an irrelevant criteria for marriage.

But, by what principle, basis or argument CAN ONE claim the relevancy of any of the remaining criteria (2 people and unrelatedness) for traditional marriage?

Pure discrimination and intolerance... Or, an inexplicable appeal to remaining tradition?

You are insulting. But not me. I'm not a 'liberal'. So if you try to insult me, do not try to use generalisation, try to insult me by the points I make. Do you ever hear me saying discrimination is a bad thing? ####, humanity is discrimination incarnate. School is discrimination by intelligence, labour is discrimination by competence etc. However, discrimination always serves some purpose, and like segregation before it, discrimination of gays serves no indicatable purpose. Therefore it should be legalised.

Being called a "liberal" is an insult?  WOW!   Discrimination serves a defining purpose in this case.  It says that the UNION between one man and one woman is a unique and valuable union within civilized society and so should be accorded special status.  You are either arguing against this tradition or you are claiming gay "marriage's" equal standing?

Which is it?

Err... that IS a dictatorship of the majority. Marriage of two people has nothing to do with the rest of the world, just those two people. What right does the majority have to speak up about those two people?

Voting is now equivalent to "dictatorship?"  And you claim you're not a "liberal."

But, I must ask, since marriage seems so irrelevant to the larger society, why are you advocating for something so meaningless as gay "marriage?"

It also means it is a point made out of emotion and therefore worthless in discussion.

No, it actually means you don't NEED to be married to see the value of marriage to the larger society.  That's all.  Do you dispute this?

Tradition in and of itself has no value if it does not serve the people.

Traditional marriage doesn't serve the people?  Then again, why are you advocating for gay "marriage?"  It can't possibly serve the people if traditional marriage doesn't.  It simply serves the individual radical gay.

Equal rights extends to you too, my bigotted friend.

Again, you avoid the question and stay nestled in your righteousness.  Gays can get married to people of the opposite sex the same as you and I.  Equally, neither I, you NOR the gay person can get married to someone of the same sex.  Where exactly is the INEQUALITY?  You are claiming an INEQUALITY because WE DON'T treat gays DIFFERENTLY UNDER THE LAW!  Instead, gays are treated equally under the law.  You are advocating for GROUPS rights and SPECIAL rights for gay COUPLES.

I don't care what you think. I'm just showing you that your opinion is bigotted. And I don't care what you label me either. If you need the label liberal to think freely, you're more of an idiot than anyone here thought.

To advocate for traditional marriage is to be a "bigot?"  

Again I ask, then what is your argument for gay "marriage?"  Bigotry against bigamists, polygamists, intestual and bestial relations and those that pine for state validation?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,12:02   

You are an idiot. Answer the questions.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,12:13   

Seven Popes,

I would be way more guilty if they were aborted.  I can deal with "illegitimate" children, or what you call "bastards," because the state doesn't confer legitimacy to my children in my book.  In fact, the "liberal" society you claim they will benefit from could have cared less whether they came into being or not.  So your "benefit" is hollow and only springs from apathy/indifference as oppsed to any genuine concern for my kids.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,12:36   

Quote (Eldin @ May 08 2006,15<!--emo&:0)

What refutation?  I still haven't seen a positive argument for gay "marriage" outside of the mantra...

If they WANT it, they should get it!

No, that's not it. What is being said here is "If they want it, if no one is the worse of if they got it, they should get it." You have tried unsuccesfully to overthrow the 'no one is the worse of concern' but have not given any arguments.

Eldin, I'd just like to point out that we've all been through these points with Thordaddy a million times, with precious little to show for it. Thordaddy is seemingly incapable of understanding that his arguments have been obliterated again and again, and is reduced to simply bringing up the same points over and over, no matter how many times they've been shown to be without merit. We're all frankly becoming exhausted by the repitition.

At this point we've all pretty much taken to just making fun of Thordaddy's inanity, because responding to his "arguments" is no more fruitful than arguing with the umpire in a re-run of a baseball game on the TV.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,12:56   

That argument could be put forth for ANY and ALL consensual adult relationships whether they be bigamist, polygamist, incestual or bestial in nature.  So why STOP with gay "marriage?"  

Stop yourself thordaddy....
While bigamy and polygamy are comparable....

incest and bestiality are not....
They are illegal because they endanger....
Incest endangers the offspring...
bestiality endangers the animal...
animals cannot consent...and sexual relationships with animals are a form of animal cruelty....

To advocate for traditional marriage is to be a "bigot?"  

Aye...there's the rub....

Your advocating for "traditional marriage"......
I love stories....let me try one out...
a householder went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard.
And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.
And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way.
Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.
And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?
They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.
So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first.
And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.
But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny.
And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house,
Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.
But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny?
Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee.
Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good?

The moral of this story?
Judge actions on their individual merit, and not on their comparitive merit.
Do not compare gay and straight marriage....or claim that gay marriage cheapens straight marriage
If you believe that gay marriage is wrong...then tell us why it is wrong....
But dont tell us that it is wrong because it undermines straight marriage...
It is either wrong or right...and the argument for/against it should be able to stand without mention of traditional forms of marriage....

Seven Popes

Posts: 190
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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,13:10   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 08 2006,17:13)
Seven Popes,

I would be way more guilty if they were aborted.  I can deal with "illegitimate" children, or what you call "bastards," because the state doesn't confer legitimacy to my children in my book.  In fact, the "liberal" society you claim they will benefit from could have cared less whether they came into being or not.  So your "benefit" is hollow and only springs from apathy/indifference as oppsed to any genuine concern for my kids.

At least you agree that you are guilty.
Surely you have heard how these things were viewed in the past?  In these kind times, at least your children won't be taunted, ridiculed, and ostracized by others, children and adults alike.  That is a kindness, you agree?

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,13:45   

PuckSR opines,

Stop yourself thordaddy....
While bigamy and polygamy are comparable....

incest and bestiality are not....
They are illegal because they endanger....
Incest endangers the offspring...
bestiality endangers the animal...
animals cannot consent...and sexual relationships with animals are a form of animal cruelty....

What?  How do these discriminatory criteria stand against the argument for "equal rights" or tolerance?

How does two sisters getting "married" endanger the "offspring?"  You weren't referring to adopted "offspring" were you?

And since when do animals claim "rights" that usurp that of its owner?  And who said that "sexual" contact was a requirement for the sanctioning of marriage?  Or, is this another tradition you find relevant when it is convenient to do so?

Then you say,

The moral of this story?
Judge actions on their individual merit, and not on their comparitive merit.

Do not compare gay and straight marriage....or claim that gay marriage cheapens straight marriage
If you believe that gay marriage is wrong...then tell us why it is wrong....
But dont tell us that it is wrong because it undermines straight marriage...
It is either wrong or right...and the argument for/against it should be able to stand without mention of traditional forms of marriage....[/quote]

Q. How can a positive or negative argument for gay "marriage" be given without a "comparative" mention of traditional marriage? (Hint: Answer below)

At minimum, gay "marriage" CAN'T be "right" if traditional marriage is not in part "right."

But what part of traditional marriage is "right...?"

That part that is "right" is that part which IS NOT WRONG as it pertains to the gay "marriage" advocates, EXCLUSIVELY.

So which part is "wrong...?"

That part that denies legitimacy to gay "marriage," namely, the discriminatory criteria of gender.

Is gender really an illegitimate criteria for defining marriage...?

Then what criteria is legitimate and how is that inexplicable appeal to tradition legitimate for DENYING state sanction to ANY and ALL consensual adult unions?

You want to argue in favor of gay "marriage" using "equal rights" and tolerance as your basis while you argue AGAINST other forms of adult unions using an inexplicable appeal to that part of traditional marriage you find useful.

Even you can see this?  No?


Posts: 486
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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,13:57   

Seven Popes,

At least you agree that you are guilty.
Surely you have heard how these things were viewed in the past?  In these kind times, at least your children won't be taunted, ridiculed, and ostracized by others, children and adults alike.  That is a kindness, you agree?

LOL!  Oh... the irony.  And I suppose referring to my non-guilty children as "bastards" was another example of "liberal" nondiscrimination and tolerance?

Or, I suppose, you were just trying to teach me how it was in the "olden" days?  Are you a "conservative," now?

But, was your "kindness" for the betterment of society?  Are my "bastard" children better for society?  Why then are they "bastards?"

Please, Seven Popes, let me understand where you stand?


Posts: 1082
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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,14:51   

LOL!  Oh... the irony.  And I suppose referring to my non-guilty children as "bastards" was another example of "liberal" nondiscrimination and tolerance?
ummm, Thordude? You seem to be confusing Webster's definition #1 ("illegitimate child") with definition #3a ("an offensive or disagreeable person -- used as a generalized term of abuse"). The first meaning does not impugn the child, just the parent.

You needn't take offense on their behalf. According to the official account, Jesus's Mom never married his Dad, so, yes, Christ was a bastard.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,15:09   

You want to argue in favor of gay "marriage" using "equal rights" and tolerance as your basis while you argue AGAINST other forms of adult unions using an inexplicable appeal to that part of traditional marriage you find useful.

You bumbling moron.....
I am against gay marriage....
Your too #### dense to even bother reading...

Unlike you...I argue with rational and logical arguments...
You just randomly throw together junk and hope that some of it sticks...
Because you obviously dont have any rational argument...and your basing your entire "belief" off of some pre-existing moral imperative....

How does two sisters getting "married" endanger the "offspring?"  You weren't referring to adopted "offspring" were you?

And since when do animals claim "rights" that usurp that of its owner?  And who said that "sexual" contact was a requirement for the sanctioning of marriage?  Or, is this another tradition you find relevant when it is convenient to do so?

The example of the two sisters is a mistake...first you would have to allow gay marriage before you could allow gay incestual marriage....

You may be right in your argument in favor of incestual marriage...but wait, isnt incest a crime?....

The bestiality one still bothers me though....
Marriage is a legal status...and by allowing bestial would be granting a human legal status to the animal....
I think we can agree that most laws have a tendency to only affect humans....and a marriage allowed to an animal would raise the rights of that animal....

Do you know why you didnt know I was against gay marriage?
Because i have disputed several of your arguments against gay marriage?
Does that strike you as odd?
That someone would argue with you while holding the same position?
Maybe you should learn to seperate your personal beliefs from your general reasoning before you make any more posts?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,17:16   


Why does it matter? What is the value of your tradition?

PuckSR, I think you coherently stated the only good argument against gay marriage and I see that Thordiddy doesn't like it.

Thordiddy, More questions:
1. why are the magnetic alignment of rocks on the seafloor interesting? What is one thing they tell us?

2. What society has ever crumbled due to lax morals?

3. Is god gay or lesbian?

4. Was jesus the product of rape?

5. If gay marriage was legal and your neighbors were 2 married men, would that bother you?

6. If you were injured, would you accept aid from them?

7. You are an idiot.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,17:51   


Your problem is the IDENTICAL assumptions you bring to every answer.

Whether my kids are "bastards" or not and whether that impugns me as a person was never an issue because it was never an issue.  I don't live in a society that makes a big deal about kids being born out of wedlock.  But, this CAN'T be automatically mistaken for a GOOD THING.  Only I can decide whether it is a good thing or not because by Seven Popes own admission, our society no longer makes such judgements.  Therefore, he defies his own "liberal" philosophy by referring to my children as illegitimate by labeling them "bastards."

PuckSR opines,

Because you obviously dont have any rational argument...and your basing your entire "belief" off of some pre-existing moral imperative

So if your argument AGAINST gay "marriage" isn't based on the uniqueness of traditional marriage because such an argument would be based on irrationality, then WHAT EXACTLY is your argument based on...?

It would be a "new right" that have never existed before?  How is this not the complimentary argument for traditional marriage?  It's a "new right" that never existed before because society recognized the inherent uniqueness and value in traditional marriage.

Then you say,

The example of the two sisters is a mistake...first you would have to allow gay marriage before you could allow gay incestual marriage....

But who said "marriage" had to be sexual?  Is this another inexplicable appeal to traditional marriage?  I don't get your stance.  Can't 2 sisters love each in a sisterly way and EXPECT state sanction for their union?  Why not?

You may be right in your argument in favor of incestual marriage...but wait, isnt incest a crime?....

But, I'm not arguing in favor of "incestual marriage."  I'm saying that by abolishing gender as a criteria for marriage then there is NO RATIONAL ARGUMENT AGAINST ABOLISHING ALL CRITERIA FOR MARRIAGE if one is arguing from an "equal rights" and tolerance basis UNLESS one is basing his argument on an inexplicable appeal to a "pre-existing moral imperative."

The bestiality one still bothers me though....
Marriage is a legal status...and by allowing bestial would be granting a human legal status to the animal....
I think we can agree that most laws have a tendency to only affect humans....and a marriage allowed to an animal would raise the rights of that animal....

Who said it needed to do that?  All the benefits from a state sanctioned bestial relation could go to the property owner.  But again, these are mere details to be hammered out because this is an issue of "equal rights" and tolerance, no?  

Do you know why you didnt know I was against gay marriage?
Because i have disputed several of your arguments against gay marriage?
Does that strike you as odd?
That someone would argue with you while holding the same position?
Maybe you should learn to seperate your personal beliefs from your general reasoning before you make any more posts?

I never really gave much thought to your position because you didn't seem to give much to mine.  All I wanted to point out was how the "liberals" were willing to discriminate against the polygamists even as they made appeals for gay "marriage" based on "equal rights" and tolerance.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,18:11   

But, I'm not arguing in favor of "incestual marriage."  I'm saying that by abolishing gender as a criteria for marriage then there is NO RATIONAL ARGUMENT AGAINST ABOLISHING ALL CRITERIA FOR MARRIAGE if one is arguing from an "equal rights" and tolerance basis UNLESS one is basing his argument on an inexplicable appeal to a "pre-existing moral imperative."

NO THORDADDY....this is wrong.....
This is the exact same argument that was used against interracial marriage....
Just because you do not feel that a particular criteria is unneccesary...that doesnt mean you can discard all criteria.

When the USA decided that age shouldnt be a requirement for employement.....
they didnt throw out all criteria for employement...
They simply made it illegal to actively discriminate against someone because of their age....

Polygamy and gay marriage would be seen more along these analog lines:
If you determine that age isnt a legal criteria for should also throw out gender, ethnicity, and non-interfering physical handicap...

****Defining words****
In the future thordaddy...please try to use the actual definition of a word....rather than your personal interpretation....
A tomato is still a matter how much you like thinking of it as a vegetable...

a couple examples


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,18:40   

PuckSR opines,

NO THORDADDY....this is wrong.....
This is the exact same argument that was used against interracial marriage....
Just because you do not feel that a particular criteria is unneccesary...that doesnt mean you can discard all criteria.

Yes... and now we are considering gay "marriage."  So those that argued that interracial marriage would lead to gay "marriage" were prescient.

But, there ARE 2 key differences.

First, sanctioning of interracial marriage is a fact of reality while gay marriage is not.

Second, interracial marriage illegitimized race as a rationale for sanctioning marriage while gay "marriage" is trying to illegitimize gender as a criteria.  The former does nothing to change the one man/ one woman paradigm while the latter looks to usurp it.

But more to your point, what is your argument for the remaining criteria that defines marriage and how is it not discriminatory and intolerant and an inexplicable appeal to tradition?  

Polygamy and gay marriage would be seen more along these analog lines:
If you determine that age isnt a legal criteria for should also throw out gender, ethnicity, and non-interfering physical handicap...

Let's just stick with marriage and how delegitimizing gender as a defining criteria for marriage would lead to the dissolution of marriage as an institution in our society.  

Remember, the argument for gay "marriage" is based on "equal rights" and tolerance.  Why do the gay advocates get to claim they are fighting for "equal rights" and tolerance while all they are really doing is redrawing the discriminatory and intolerant line for their OWN PERSONAL BENEFIT.

****Defining words****
In the future thordaddy...please try to use the actual definition of a word....rather than your personal interpretation....
A tomato is still a matter how much you like thinking of it as a vegetable...

a couple examples

If you could provide examples of my misuse of these words then please do?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,18:50   

In a nutshell, PuckSR is saying that gays have a different kind of arrangement historically than husband and wife and that marriage basically is a different thing. Fags aren't bad or good or whatever they are just different.

Thordiddy isn't really bad or good either, just stupid. And annoying. And:

NO THORDADDY....this is wrong.....
This is the exact same argument that was used against interracial marriage....

Yes... and now we are considering gay "marriage."  So those that argued that interracial marriage would lead to gay "marriage" were prescient.

And your feelings on abortion? Gun control? Environmental protection legislation? Yep. I know. It's hard to be one dimentional. Face it Thordiddy, you are a line. A solitary X axis. x=you. If you were to graph your argument it would look like this:


Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,19:06   


My argument isn't really that hard to follow.

Illegitimate criteria for DEFINING marriage.

1. Race
2. Religion
3. Gender (proposed)

Legitimate criteria for DEFINING marriage.

1. Size of Union (restricted to 2 people of opposite sex)
2. Relatedness within Union (Non-related)
3. Sexual contact (Not enforceable and so untenable)

What stands out almost immediately?  Are not the legitimate and illegitimate defining features of marriage BACKWARDS?

If one is arguing for gay "marriage" on the basis of "equal rights" and tolerance then how do the LEGITIMATE criteria for marriage RETAIN legitimacy if not through discrimination and intolerance or an inexplicable appeal to tradition?

How does the "liberal" confer legitimacy on the new definition for marriage, namely, one unrelated person/ one unrelated person when it argues for the illegitimacy of traditional marriage and its discriminatory and intolerant criteria of recognizing gender?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,20:56   

What stands out almost immediately?  Are not the legitimate and illegitimate defining features of marriage BACKWARDS?

Yes... and now we are considering gay "marriage."  So those that argued that interracial marriage would lead to gay "marriage" were prescient.

First, sanctioning of interracial marriage is a fact of reality while gay marriage is not.

interracial marriage illegitimized race as a rationale for sanctioning marriage while gay "marriage" is trying to illegitimize gender as a criteria. i confused?
Am i misreading...or did Thordumbass just argue against interracial marriage?
From what i can read his only reason to support interracial marriage is that it has already occurred?
My goodness, I thought he might have a brain squirrelled away in there somewhere....I didnt realize he didnt approve of interracial marriage.....

You can call us all liberals all you want Thor...if supporting interracial marriage is a liberal issue...then i will proudly proclaim that I am a liberal


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,21:21   


You claimed that my argument against gay "marriage" was the same as those arguments against interracial marriage.

Since my argument against gay "marriage" was that it will make gender an irrelevant criteria for defining marriage and therefore render traditional marriage  meaningless in a social context, one would suppose that this would be my argument against interracial marriage.

But alas, it could not be my hypothetical argument against interracial marriage because both the scenario and its potential effects are different.

I could not make an argument against interracial marriage based on the notion that it will redefine the one man/ one woman traditional notion of marriage.  Race does not effect this inherently valuable union.

The only possible argument I could make is that by making race an irrelevant criteria for defining marriage under the "equal rights" and tolerance argument then ALL criteria for defining marriage were potentially irrelevant.

And lo-n-behold, we have the "slippery-slope" argument right before our eyes, but the appeal for gay "marriage" will do what interracial marriage could never do and that is to define the one man and one woman union out of existence as the unique and inherently valuable union it is.

Again, I ask, how are any of the remaining criteria for defining marriage LEGITIMATE if religion, race and gender are illegitimate defining criteria for state sanctioned marriage UNLESS they are discriminatory and intolerant or have an inexplicable appeal to tradition?

What is so sacred about the remaining criteria for defining marriage that an appeal for "equal rights" and tolerance couldn't easily render irrelevant?

I'm still looking for the answer to the above?  Will you attempt to answer clearly and concisely?

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,21:49   

I was under the impression that marriage us so exhalted in society because it has been demonstrated to be the best support for a family. The reason we ask for gay marriage but still want to see marriage as important is that this would then allow practically everyone in society to start a family, legalizing polygamy, incest or any other kind of marriage would have no positive effects but some negative effects.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,03:30   


Your problem is the IDENTICAL assumptions you bring to every answer.
I had no idea I could lay claim to such admirable consistency. Unfortunately, the next paragraph was of no help at all in identifying what those assumptions might be, and whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,09:35   

Legitimate criteria for DEFINING marriage.

1. Size of Union (restricted to 2 people of opposite sex)

1. your one is two. two things.
2. your number two is exactly what this thread is discussing.
3. opium makes you sleepy because of its soporific effects.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,18:16   

I was under the impression that marriage us so exhalted in society because it has been demonstrated to be the best support for a family. The reason we ask for gay marriage but still want to see marriage as important is that this would then allow practically everyone in society to start a family, legalizing polygamy, incest or any other kind of marriage would have no positive effects but some negative effects.

I absolutely agree....traditionally this has been the goal of marriage....
I didnt want to say this....Im already afraid you will mistake me for some religious whack-job....
Polygamy is actually an excellent "family" scenario that is reciprocated throughout the animal kingdom.  

Going back to the Ancient Greeks....
While they were busy having all sorts of homosexual relationships...they were still getting married to women for the purposes of producing offspring.

I understand that current technology and the popularity of adoption have changed the landscape a bit....
But it still doesnt make much sense to have a gay marriage to raise a child....
Wouldnt it be entirely more productive for a gay male couple and lesbian couple to raise children together?
The children would be "their own" and the parenting responsibilities could easily be distributed amongst the 4 parents...

I will fully endorse homosexual cross-gender pairing marriages.  

I actually believe that gay marriage is cruel...
The idea that two people who love each other should be able to lock each other into a legally binding agreement requiring that they continue to be together seems barbaric.
It makes sense in the context of a family, to provide some extra incentive for raising the children together....but it doesnt make any sense when only one partner at most is technically the parent of the children.

Let people love each other and let them leave each other if they want....
We shouldnt force legal proceedings into loving relationships...or trivialize the relationships of those who do not wish to get married...
Want proof of all have been berating Thordaddy for not marrying the mother of his children...
I imagine the discrimination would be just as bad for a gay couple that didnt want to get married

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,00:08   

I am just speaking from a practical point of view regarding the emotional wellbeing of the children. On average a child being raised by a gay couple will be no worse off than a heterosexual couple, and better off than a child raised by a single parent with no contact from the other, on average.

Wouldnt it be entirely more productive for a gay male couple and lesbian couple to raise children together?
The children would be "their own" and the parenting responsibilities could easily be distributed amongst the 4 parents
I suspect this does happen although I haven't seen any research on the effects on the child.

Origionally I was concerned about gay marriage because I wasn't sure what effect a gay couple, even with the best intentions, would have on the child. However several sociologists and psychologists have assured me it doesn't make any difference, and that a child brought up by a gay familiy is no more likely to be gay than one brought up by a straight family.

The idea that two people who love each other should be able to lock each other into a legally binding agreement requiring that they continue to be together seems barbaric.
I guess It was originally an attempt to provide incentive for the father to stay with the family, which benefits the children. And of course it doesn't mean that they have to continue to be together. Legally it doesn't even mean that they can't go off and sleep with other people.

It makes sense in the context of a family, to provide some extra incentive for raising the children together....but it doesnt make any sense when only one partner at most is technically the parent of the children.
I would hope in most cases who the biological parents of the child are is irrellavent to whether or not they are in a stable family. If people who had children were legally forced to marry I would probably share your concern for it, although these days it seems to be basically an excuse for a big party and a holiday, and a way to achive certain legal benefits, for homosexuals and heterosexuals. Oh and the love.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,05:49   


Has a society ever collapsed or come close to collapse due to allowing gay sex?

Can you explain the carbon cycle?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,09:38   

Origionally I was concerned about gay marriage because I wasn't sure what effect a gay couple, even with the best intentions, would have on the child. However several sociologists and psychologists have assured me it doesn't make any difference, and that a child brought up by a gay familiy is no more likely to be gay than one brought up by a straight family.

This was never really my concern,  even if the children were more likely to be homosexual, I would still argue for gay adoption rights.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,12:04   

Chris Hyland opines,

Origionally I was concerned about gay marriage because I wasn't sure what effect a gay couple, even with the best intentions, would have on the child. However several sociologists and psychologists have assured me it doesn't make any difference, and that a child brought up by a gay familiy is no more likely to be gay than one brought up by a straight family.

This is bunk.  The mother and father are interchangeable roles?  We only need the male and female to reproduce the children, but whether the child is raised by a father and mother is irrelevant.

This is were science runs into big problems with us normal folks.

If a child is raised in Catholic family, would you say he/she has no more chance of being Catholic than one raised in a Muslim family?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,12:20   


Chris Hyland opines,
However several sociologists and psychologists have assured me it doesn't make any difference, and that a child brought up by a gay familiy is no more likely to be gay than one brought up by a straight family.

If a child is raised in Catholic family, would you say he/she has no more chance of being Catholic than one raised in a Muslim family?

Oh, T Diddy, you make me laugh til I cry.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,12:33   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 11 2006,17<!--emo&:0)
If a child is raised in Catholic family, would you say he/she has no more chance of being Catholic than one raised in a Muslim family?

God, thordaddy.

If a male child is raised by a lesbian couple, does he have a greater chance of growing up to be a man, or a woman?

You are, indeed, the king of the non-sequitors.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,12:34   

If a child is raised in Catholic family, would you say he/she has no more chance of being Catholic than one raised in a Muslim family?

Thordaddy, this is not opinion, this is the statistics. Children raised by homosexual couples are no more likely to become homosexual than those raised by straight parents. Yes a religious family will bring up the child religious, but this is completely different. Do you believe that homosexual parents will try and raise their children gay? I would love to know what evidence you have for this. Forgive me if I trust my friends with PhD dissertations in this area over your assumptions. I do not want to say that your ideas are based on predjudice but I really can't think where you are getting your arguments from becuase they definately are not based on evidence, experience or common sense, unless you have had some really bad experiences with homosexuals.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,12:48   

If a child is raised in Catholic family, would you say he/she has no more chance of being Catholic than one raised in a Muslim family?

Hey wait.....Thordaddy is right....
We should be able to take children away from religious extremists.
Think about it....if Fundamentalists were not allowed to raise children....the movement would die out almost entirely....

Good thought Thordaddy....make it mandatory to raise all children agnostically....and then allow them to decide on a religious belief later.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,14:01   

ericmurphy asks,

If a male child is raised by a lesbian couple, does he have a greater chance of growing up to be a man, or a woman?

I think the question should be whether that young boy being raised by 2 lesbians will grow up to be more "normal" that the boy raised by a mother and father?

I suppose you will say they would be equally "normal" just like the Catholic and Muslim boy would be "equally" religious.

Chris Hyland opines,

Thordaddy, this is not opinion, this is the statistics. Children raised by homosexual couples are no more likely to become homosexual than those raised by straight parents. Yes a religious family will bring up the child religious, but this is completely different. Do you believe that homosexual parents will try and raise their children gay?

First, is the presence of homosexuality the entire rationale for denying gay adoptions/gay parenting?  Secondly, it could certainly be assumed that gay parents will teach their children to identify with homosexuality whether it is intentional OR NOT.

These so-called scientists don't have any evidence for a genetic causation of homosexuality, but assure us that a young boy raised in a family with two dads being visually intimate and romantic (kissing, hand-holding, etc.) will HAVE NO EFFECT on the child especially one towards homosexuality?  This same boy will also be effected in NO MANNER due to the absence of a mother figure?

Sounds like pseudo-science to me!

I would love to know what evidence you have for this. Forgive me if I trust my friends with PhD dissertations in this area over your assumptions. I do not want to say that your ideas are based on predjudice but I really can't think where you are getting your arguments from becuase they definately are not based on evidence, experience or common sense, unless you have had some really bad experiences with homosexuals.

Not based on "experience or common sense...?"  What?  If these PhDs see nothing abnormal about homosexuality or take the position that male and female are interchangeable sexes, then no amount of evidence will suffice in order to convince them that male and female aren't interchangeable sexes and homosexuality is an abnormal orientation.  Yours is an appeal to ignorance.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,14:21   

I think the question should be whether that young boy being raised by 2 lesbians will grow up to be more "normal" that the boy raised by a mother and father?
What do you think the difference will be?

Secondly, it could certainly be assumed that gay parents will teach their children to identify with homosexuality whether it is intentional OR NOT
But children raised by gay parents are no more likely to become gay. This isn't just a guess, this is what has actually happened.

If these PhDs see nothing abnormal about homosexuality or take the position that male and female are interchangeable sexes, then no amount of evidence will suffice in order to convince them that male and female aren't interchangeable sexes and homosexuality is an abnormal orientation.
Children who are raised by two men or two women are on average just as emotionally healthy as those who are raised by a man and a woman. This is not a guess, this is what has occured. I am making no statements in this case anout the normality of homosexuality. As I said I was at first concerned that a child raised by a gay couple may be emotionally affected, but I was wrong, because they aren't. Gay people have been raising children in many countries for a long time, people have actually looked into this. The people I speak about who have the PhDs have actually done research on children who have been raised by gay parents. There are enough cases to get statistics, thousands of children in the US are currently being raised in a gay household, and there are many more who have already been. I am not making predictions, I do not know the reasons for these phenomena, I am telling you what the situation currently is.

This same boy will also be effected in NO MANNER due to the absence of a mother figure?
It is ussually the absense of a father figure, men raised by single women are  statistically more likely to be gay.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,14:53   

I am a tad confused here. As far as I can tell, sexual atraction is "hardwired".

Children raised by a straight couple may be gay or hetero or something in the middle.

Peadophiles may be raised by a "normal" couple.

Possibly a bisexual person could be more inclined to go for same sex relationships if raised by a same sex couple.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,15:16   

thordaddy stated,

I think the question should be whether that young boy being raised by 2 lesbians will grow up to be more "normal" that the boy raised by a mother and father?

To which Chris Hyland asked,

What do you think the difference will be?

But seemed to answer himself,

It is ussually (sic) the absense of a father figure, men raised by single women are  statistically more likely to be gay.

But how does this square with this,

Chris Hyland opined,

Children who are raised by two men or two women are on average just as emotionally healthy as those who are raised by a man and a woman.

I see, there is something magical in the notion of a couple raising children?

Take away a father and the child has a greater chance of being gay UNLESS mommy gets married to a woman then the child will be perfectly normal.

This is hocus pocus science.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,15:27   

Stephen Elliot opines,

I am a tad confused here. As far as I can tell, sexual atraction is "hardwired".

Wouldn't it be a little more realistic for you to say that a heterosexual attraction/homosexual aversion is "hardwired," ie., evolution?  

What is your evidence for the hardwiring of a homosexual attraction/heterosexual aversion or a homosexual/heterosexual attraction or a homosexual/heterosexual aversion?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,15:31   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 11 2006,20:27)
Stephen Elliot opines,

I am a tad confused here. As far as I can tell, sexual atraction is "hardwired".

Wouldn't it be a little more realistic for you to say that a heterosexual attraction/homosexual aversion is "hardwired," ie., evolution?  

What is your evidence for the hardwiring of a homosexual attraction/heterosexual aversion or a homosexual/heterosexual attraction or a homosexual/heterosexual aversion?

My entire argument here breaks down to this:

Do you think you could be conditioned as to who you are sexually atracted to?

Personaly, I doubt it. I might be wrong.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,15:44   

Stephen Elliot asks,

My entire argument here breaks down to this:

Do you think you could be conditioned as to who you are sexually atracted to?

Personaly, I doubt it. I might be wrong.

Yes, I think this is possible.  The reason I think this is possible is because we are able to detach the evolutionary purpose of heterosexuality (reproduction) from its natural effect (pleasure/pain).  If one can be conditioned to degrade reproduction then it seems plausible that one could be conditioned to be homosexual.  In fact, there is a derogatory term for heterosexuals within the gay community.  We're called "breeders."  Is this conditioned or what?  Is there really a genetic basis for the hatred of reproduction?  

The question really is where does this start?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,16:09   

Quote (ericmurphy @ May 08 2006,17:36)
[quote=Ericmurphy,May 08 2006,15<!--emo&:0]
Eldin, I'd just like to point out that we've all been through these points with Thordaddy a million times, with precious little to show for it. Thordaddy is seemingly incapable of understanding that his arguments have been obliterated again and again, and is reduced to simply bringing up the same points over and over, no matter how many times they've been shown to be without merit. We're all frankly becoming exhausted by the repitition.

At this point we've all pretty much taken to just making fun of Thordaddy's inanity, because responding to his "arguments" is no more fruitful than arguing with the umpire in a re-run of a baseball game on the TV.

Yeah, thanks for the heads up. But blatantly ignoring my request for specification here:

"Traditional" in traditional marriage means...?  Gay "marriage?"  No...?  But why?  Aren't they equal?  Well... it is equal to traditional marriage IF gender becomes an irrelevant criteria for marriage.

sort of told me that already.

Pardon me for being the 'typical liberal' to tell you, but Thordaddy, you are an empty and pathetic man.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,16:15   


Was your question meant to be rhetorical?

You really don't know what "traditional" in traditional marriage means?

In America, traditional marriage is actually redundant.  I would say just marriage, but then you might think I meant a union between a man and man or a woman and woman.  Therefore, I must use the adjective "traditional" so you understand that I mean one man and one woman in the social context.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,21:14   

But how does this square with this

Apologies, I didn't make myself clear. A child raised by two women is no less likely to be gay than a child raised by a man and a woman. Again this is based on studies of people who have been raised by two women. A man raised by single woman is slightly more likely to be gay, the absence of a father figure was my best guess as to why this occured.

This is hocus pocus science.
It is not science, it is statistics, it is what has actually occured. I am not sure how many times I can repeat myself. When I say children who are raised by gay parents are no more likely to be gay, it is based on studies of people who have been raised in a gay household. It is not a scientific prediction or a best guess, it is what actually happens in real life.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,21:31   

Thordaddy....your logical reasoning sucks

Gay parents--->gay kids

So straight parents raise straight kids?
I thought 10% of the population was gay, and im sure a very small number of sexually mature adults were raised by gay parents.....

My personal theory on homosexuality, if you all do not mind me interjecting is as follows:
Homosexuality is a combination of both enviromental and genetic factors.
My sister is a lesbian.  She is an identical twin.  Her twin is not a lesbian, but "possibly" bisexual(no aversion to homosexuality).
I have another sister who is strictly heterosexual
I am strictly heterosexual, and so i my brother.

The twin scenario is interesting.
Twins with different sexual persuasion would tend to violate the genetic hypothesis...but at the same time would seem to reject "enviromental" hypothesis.
Several things fall into this category....
one of the twins also has severe psychological problems, while the other is perfectly healthy psychologically.
The girls were raised together and spend so much time together that they are frequently confused with the other. do we explain the homosexuality or psychological issues of these identical twins?
The best explanation seems to be that certain individuals are predisposed to certain things, but require an appropriate trigger.

An example:
Certain people have a high probability of lung cancer.  IF they become smoker's they increase their odds exponentially.  Other people have a very low probability of lung cancer.  Smoking does not alter their chances nearly as much as it alters the chances of those predisposed.

Homosexuality is not purely genetic, but it is not purely an enviromental reaction either.  It is best described as a combination of the two that still stronly relies on probability.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,21:37   

Chris Hyland opines,

Apologies, I didn't make myself clear. A child raised by two women is no less likely to be gay than a child raised by a man and a woman. Again this is based on studies of people who have been raised by two women. A man raised by single woman is slightly more likely to be gay, the absence of a father figure was my best guess as to why this occured.

Why would you need a study when the built-in assumption is that homosexuality is genetic?  

If the absence of a father figure gives a child a greater "chance" (indicates an environmental cause for homosexuality) of being gay then how does the addition of another female figure erase that potentiality?  Can a lesbian woman really fill the father figure position?

Then you say,

It is not science, it is statistics, it is what has actually occured. I am not sure how many times I can repeat myself. When I say children who are raised by gay parents are no more likely to be gay, it is based on studies of people who have been raised in a gay household. It is not a scientific prediction or a best guess, it is what actually happens in real life.

But if homosexuality is genetic then these statistics represent no additional knowledge.  They merely repeat the core assumption.  But then, we have the problem of fatherless boys being more susceptible to be homosexuality?

Your contention is that a child raised by one man/one woman, one man/one man or one woman/one woman will, on average, all develop equally "normal" (heterosexual).

But, you are confronted with the single mother raising a boy who is statistically more susceptible to homosexuality?

Can you have it both ways?  

Wouldn't a one woman/one woman couple who is raising a boy show the same susceptibility to homosexuality as a single mother raising a boy?  If not, why not?

Is there something magical about parenting in 2s while the sexes of the parents are irrelevant?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,21:46   

PuckSR opines,

The best explanation seems to be that certain individuals are predisposed to certain things, but require an appropriate trigger.

So wouldn't being raised in a homosexual family be that "appropriate trigger" for those predisposed to homosexuality?

I didn't say that homosexual parents create homosexual kids.  On the contrary, I argue against the silly notion that homosexual parents HAVE NO EFFECT in the development of the children they raise in the context of sexual development.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,22:00   

Again I am not sure of the reasons for these occurences. Perhaps a lesbain can fill the 'father figure' role, I don't know. But that isn't my point.

It doesn't matter what you or I think, children who have been raised by homosexual parents are not more likely to be gay than those that weren't.This is based on people who have already been raised in a gay household, of which there are many all over the world.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,22:12   

Chris Hyland opines,

It doesn't matter what you or I think, children who have been raised by homosexual parents are not more likely to be gay than those that weren't.

Then this would be strong evidence for a genetic causation of homosexuality...,

But wait, boys raised by single mothers are statistically more likely to be gay.

One would then have to conclude that homsexuality has both genetic and environmental causations and then explain how a homosexual parenting environment has NO EFFECT on the sexual development of children while a boy raised in a heterosexual single mother environment is more susceptible to homosexuality?

This doesn't pass the smell test.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,22:53   

But wait, boys raised by single mothers are statistically more likely to be gay
I don't how significant it is. I think there is a possibility it has something to do with divorce as well, but don't quote me on it.

People are trying to explain the results, it's not my field so I don't know what the explanations are. I dont know if there is any evidence in the statistics for a genetic cause ie are children with gay parents more likely to be gay even if they are not brought up in a gay household. I don't think that anyone can argue that there is no environmental cause whatsoever, but what that is is a mystery. It might be something like high levels of a certain hormone suring pregnancy, or it might be linked to an event during childhood, such as a father leaving. I suspect it is different for different people. I am not arguing for or against a genetic cause, I am saying that it I have no problem with gay people to start a family becuase there will no emotional effects on the children, which was against my initial assumptions.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,23:08   

Chris Hyland opines,

...I am saying that it I have no problem with gay people to start a family becuase there will no emotional effects on the children, which was against my initial assumptions.

It was against your "initial assumptions" because it doesn't pass the smell test.  Doesn't your new assumption of "no emotional effects" really put into question the science that leads you to these conclusions?

You have concluded that the genetic evidence for homosexuality is unknown to you while stating that environment plays a role although it's a "mystery."

If one were to choose an environment to trigger a potential genetic predisposition towards homosexuality, are you suggesting they not choose a homosexual environment because it would have "no emotional effects?"

It doesn't make sense unless one takes an entirely genetic stance towards homosexuality which opens another whole can of worms.  Of course, there is scant evidence for a genetic causation for homosexuality.  And this makes evolutionary sense.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,00:19   

Doesn't your new assumption of "no emotional effects" really put into question the science that leads you to these conclusions?

Again, it is not scince describing the cause that has lead me to the conclusions of no emotional effects, it is the actual observations. There are ways we can measure emotional health, and children who have been raised by gay parents are just as emotionally healty as those who have been raised by straight parents. My statement that children will be just as healthy is not based on any idea about what causes homosexuality, it is based on observations of people who were raised in homosexual households.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,00:27   

Chris Hyland,

Doesn't this just put the lie to a homophobic society that makes life unbearable for homosexuals?  Wouldn't such a society have a negative effect on the children raised by gays?  But no, this discriminatory and intolerant society has no effect on the children of gay families?  

Again, basic commonsense leads one to change original assumptions.  If you're going to stand by your "observations" then you must stand by the notion that our society is so homosexual-friendly as to not have any effect on the emotional health of children in gay families?

This seems like lies built upon lies to serve a larger agenda?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,01:49   

In Soviet Russia, discriminatory and intolerant society is YOU.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,02:17   

Im sure there are pretty interesting statistics about where in America gay people raise emotionally healthy children.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,03:44   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 12 2006,05:27)
Chris Hyland,

Doesn't this just put the lie to a homophobic society that makes life unbearable for homosexuals?  Wouldn't such a society have a negative effect on the children raised by gays?  But no, this discriminatory and intolerant society has no effect on the children of gay families?  

Again, basic commonsense leads one to change original assumptions.  If you're going to stand by your "observations" then you must stand by the notion that our society is so homosexual-friendly as to not have any effect on the emotional health of children in gay families?

This seems like lies built upon lies to serve a larger agenda?


Since we hate gays, we give their children psycological problems.

Therefore, those darnn gays shouldn't have children.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,05:54   


For once, although it is also a problem with your argument, you are right. The two seem to be at odds. Gay parents no more likely to have gay children, single mothers - more likely to have gay children.

However, there are huge platform issues that you used to get to the point where that problem would come up. (Personally, I think it is poor form to cite a statistic without a source. Although that appears to be the norm in some spheres)

You are beginning with a set of assumptions that PuckSR tried to help you out with but you, being the ignorant ass that you are, entirely missed his lifeline.

You have to assign a value to gayness before any of this makes any difference. Then you have to defend your reasons for holding that value.

You can't do that without being a bigot.

Thordiddy, you are an idiot.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,07:29   


I understand your "logic"....if someone was predisposed to homosexuality...then being raised by a homosexual would help them lean more in that direction.....

This logic, however "obvious", is flawed.

Children are raised all of the time by parents with unique traits.  The general rule is that the children are more tolerant of other people with these unique traits....they dont gain the trait themselves....

I have a friend, his mother was mentally unbalanced.  It made his young life very difficult, but none of the children in the family are mentally unstable.  They are all very tolerant of people with psychological problems, but they do not have any themselves.

We have already established, and many studies have been conducted, about the probability of a certain outcome with certain genetics.  Some genes seem to have a direct physical effect, while others seem to increase the probability of a development.

The only homosexual tendencies that children raised by gay parents seem to exhibit is a higher degree of openness about sexual persuasion.  A higher percentage of children do not wind up gay, but a higher percentage of children who are raised by homosexual families have a tendency to openly consider their sexual preferences.

We really need to resolve something right now though....
what does "homosexual" mean?

Is a homosexual someone who does not feel a sexual attraction to the opposite sex?
Is a homosexual someone who does feel a sexual attraction to the same sex?

It is this is a question to everyone....

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,07:40   

I would say it is someone who is primarily attracted to people of the same gender.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,07:41   


Is a homosexual someone who does not feel a sexual attraction to the opposite sex?
Is a homosexual someone who does feel a sexual attraction to the same sex?
Both are required, I'd say.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,08:16   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 12 2006,12:29)
Is a homosexual someone who does not feel a sexual attraction to the opposite sex?
Is a homosexual someone who does feel a sexual attraction to the same sex?

It is this is a question to everyone....

No. A lot of gender identity comes from how people view themselves, not how they fit into some particular cubbyhole. As usual, Thordaddy sees life as a lot more black and white than it really is.

Living in San Francisco, and having had numerous gay and bisexual friends of both genders, I imagine I have a better grasp of the concept than most Americans. I can say with some authority that there are many gay men, who live an outwardly very gay lifestyle, who identify as gay, and who even an ignoramous like Thordaddy could probably identify from across the street as gay, who nevertheless have some sexual interest in women, and who occasionally have sex with women.

Also, there are many straight-identified men, who live a straight lifestyle, are married with children, and who no one would ever suspect of being gay, who are not above an occasional gay sexual encounter.

You could claim that technically, both groups of people are bisexual. But you'd be wrong. Bisexuality is a fundamentally different orientation.

Also, peoples' sexual orientation can often change over the course of their lives. Whether this is due to societal pressures is of course not known, but I have many women friends who have gone through periods where they are mostly attracted to women and later become more attracted to men, or vice versa. I have noted that it is much more common for notionally bisexual women to eventually become more heterosexual than it is for bisexual men to become more heterosexual. At least based on my experience, bisexual people are more likely eventually to settle on being attracted to men than to women (i.e., bisexual women often move in the direction of heterosexuality, and bisexual men move in the direction of homosexuality).

The point of all this is that, as Kinsey pointed out over half a century ago, human sexuality is vastly more complicated than a male/female/heterosexual/homosexual categorization would imply. Human sexuality isn't just points on a line; it's points on a plane, or maybe even in  higher-dimensional space.

This is not a subject I imagine Thordaddy will be able to relate to.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,08:20   

I think I see why you want to get at this definition but I wonder- either way, you have to start at your underlying assumptions.

For example, we assume that 2+2=4. It always appears to be accurate but it is still an assumption. We assume as we are walking that we will be able to continue walking. We assume that everyone thinks that eating is important. We assume that at least most people think that perpetuation of our species is important. We assume that there are specific qualities of being and that value exists for some of those qualities. Again, it appears to be true at every point when we examine it. We like certain foods more than others so we note value and assume that our sense of value is somehow an accurate way to make determinations about our world. And it is. But...

Often, our values are based on assumptions that other values we hold are more like 2+2=4 than "I like this more than that". If we are basing values on other values then it is important to understand those more primary values.

T-diddy has some core values that he holds to be self-evidenciary truths. Like, god created the world and humans too maybe. Or god, guns and guts are what made america strong. or whatever.

PuckSR, you are asking for a definition to move forward so that we can have a platform to begin our scientific inquiry from. But I suspect that platform is supported by dozens of tenous more primary platforms. Like "gay is bad", or "non-myFlavor-christian is bad". Or "gay is not bad", or "discrimination is bad". Those values in turn are supported by other values. The statistics are as close to value free as we can get (provided it is raw data) so I think those are important to this discussion but this discussion is only one of values. There are reasons to support those values and evidence is good but in the end, there are only minimal long-term consequenses (from an evolutionary point of view) for any of this particular value system.

T-diddy, evidence for our values:
1- Does gay have a pos. or neg. value?
2- Does gay hurt society at large?
3- What does it mean to be a "crumbling society"?

-PuckSR, my vote is that Homo's are those that are willing to have sex with members of their gender and prefer that kind of encounter to one involving an opposite gender encounter. Other than that, I would postulate a continuum.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,08:35   

There are going to be 'straight' cultures and 'gay' cultures which include the bisexuals eric describes. I wouldn't say those bisexual people are gay or straight, though, they're sexually attracted to both sexes. So they're bi. That's I think the normal way of defining the terms. If you're talking about the people within a particular social context it might be useful to use some different definitions, though.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,08:52   

Quote (stevestory @ May 12 2006,13:35)
If you're talking about the people within a particular social context it might be useful to use some different definitions, though.

As a practical matter, I think people are who they think they are when it comes to sexual identity. I have known a few women who consider themselves gay, but I've seen them more often in relationships with men than with women. A good friend of mine who is clearly gay (her honey is currently serving in Afghanistan with the U.S. military) spent five years in a relationship with a man; her longest relationship to date.

Does this mean these people are delusional? Or lying? I don't think so. Gender is a complex, multidimensional issue. Should we define a man as "gay" (or bisexual) if he's ever, even once had sex with another man? That doesn't seem useful. Should we describe a woman as "bisexual" only if she's exactly equally attracted to men and to women? That seems a little restrictive, and would leave virtually no bisexual people. On the other hand, if we describe someone as "bisexual" if they have an attraction, however slight, to someone of his or her own sex as well as the opposite sex, then almost everyone becomes bisexual.

The point is, everyone is on a continuum in terms of whom they're attracted to, and the differences between "gay," "bisexual," and "straight" are necessarily arbitrary. I believe that in a perfect society such distinctions would be unnecessary and meaningless, but currently, those definitions will probably change depending on context. Someone could be straight in one context, bisexual in another, and homosexual in a third.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,10:51 seems that a few of you have completely missed the point of my question.....

im not actually discussing our current conception of "Gayness"...Im asking for a strict definition for arguments sake....

Homosexuality is sexual attraction to the same sex....but the question Im asking definition is a bisexual person a homosexual or not a homosexual.

Why do I ask??...genetics....
In some cultures "bisexuality" has been incredibly popular(perhaps 70% of the population practicing).
In our current culture, bisexuality is at a much lower rate...especially amongst men.

If homosexuality is defined as the attraction to the same sex...then what term is used for someone who is not attracted to the opposite sex?  Also...if the definition of homosexuality is simply attraction to the same the term bisexual truly necessary?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,11:06   

Just for arguments sake, I would define a homosexual as somebody who is exclusively atracted to the same sex.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,11:26   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 12 2006,15:51)
im not actually discussing our current conception of "Gayness"...Im asking for a strict definition for arguments sake....

I'm not sure you can come up with a strict definition of "homosexuality" that is at the same time accurate and useful.

For example, could you come up with a strict defintion of "beauty" that is both accurate and useful?

If homosexuality is defined as the attraction to the same sex...then what term is used for someone who is not attracted to the opposite sex?  Also...if the definition of homosexuality is simply attraction to the same the term bisexual truly necessary?

I think you're beginning to see the problem. Very few gay people are exclusively attracted to one sex and at the same time completely uninterested in the opposite sex. If you make your definition too strict, you risk it being inapplicable to anyone.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,11:29   


For the sake of argument... Ya ya I get it. But I was saying...

I hear you asking "Let's create a platform from which to begin testing." Or "What are we using as our base assumptions." Or "Let's have a common definition from which to work." or something like.

And my point is, great. Lets. We can use that definition to begin to examine the circumstantial evidence for the "Gay" gene. But lets also establish what values we are assigning to the word. Because, as you point out in the culture bit there, the value has a lot to do with the definition. If Gay is "Bad" then any willingness to engage in gay sex is gay. If it is "Neutral", then being only attracted to the same sex is gay.

But T-diddy's problem (besides being an idiot) is that he is using his value structure to construct the platform where he begins. What this whole thread has been devoted to is pointing out the arbitrariness of his value structure. He can't even see that because those are the pillars holding up his platform. They must already be assumed in order to begin his argument.

You have to accept the whole construct of protestant stiffness (for lack of a better phrase) in order to begin this line of reasoning. You have to accept that gay is bad to even care.

For example, should pet rock ownership be allowed? Would a pet rock owner gene disprove evolution?
-Same question. Different platform.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,12:40   

Wow, we finally have some serious debate.

The point of this thread has been about the gay "gene," gay "marriage" and gay adoption.

EricMurphy has put forth the best anecdotal evidence for the nuture argument for homosexuality and has given the best anecdotal against a gay "gene."

The whole point of the gay agenda is the attempt to equate homoseuxality to heterosexuality based on some false notion that homosexuality is a genetic predisposition and hence "normal."

Most people can see the logic in the genetic basis for heterosexuality, but what is the logic behind a genetic basis for homosexuality?

So if the genetic basis for homosexuality is scant and EricMurphy readily admits that "homosexuals" change their attraction/aversion throughout their lifetime similar to a behavior then by what rationale can this be given equal weight to the necessary genetic heterosexual orientation?


I've made no religious arguments in this entire thread and yet you and many other keep referring to these invisible arguments?  Isn't this a case of you bringing your assumptions to the table and then building your values upon those assumptions?  Do I have to hate gays or be Christian to write anything that I've wrote in this entire thread?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,12:52   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 12 2006,17:40)

EricMurphy has put forth the best anecdotal evidence for the nuture argument for homosexuality and has given the best anecdotal against a gay "gene."

Really? What gave you that idea? I haven't said anything whatsoever about sexual orientation being the result of family upbringing.

Nor have I said anything about the genetic basis for sexual preference. Undoubtedly actual sexual orientation is a mixture of environmental and genetic factors, as are most things in life. But if you've interpreted anything I've written as evidence that sexual orientation is in some sense a "lifestyle choice," well, it would hardly be the first time you've radically misinterpreted a post here.

The whole point of the gay agenda is the attempt to equate homoseuxality to heterosexuality based on some false notion that homosexuality is a genetic predisposition and hence "normal."

Setting aside the fiction of any sort of "homosexual agenda," the evidence that homosexuality is at least partially genetic, and is in no sense a matter of choice, is conclusive. Further, the evidence that homosexuality is "normal" (and is present in many species other than humans) is also conclusive.

Thordaddy's claim that homosexuality is somehow "inferior" to heterosexuality is based on nothing other than his own irrational homophobia. Same as it's always been.

So if the genetic basis for homosexuality is scant and EricMurphy readily admits that "homosexuals" change their attraction/aversion throughout their lifetime similar to a behavior then by what rationale can this be given equal weight to the necessary genetic heterosexual orientation?

I can see that Thordaddy's reading comprehension isn't improving with time. Saying that peoples' (of any sexual orientation) sexual preferences can change over time has nothing whatsoever to do with whether that change is voluntary. I used to like vanilla more than chocolate; now the reverse is true. Was that change "voluntary"? Did I "decide" to like chocolate more than vanilla?

If this is what Thordaddy thinks is a "real" debate, I shudder to think what a "fake" debate is like.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,13:56   


If someone changes their attraction/aversion to other people in the course of their adult lifetime then how is this not equivalent to a "lifestyle choice?"

Are there any other genetically-based traits that are so malleable?

You say,

Setting aside the fiction of any sort of "homosexual agenda," the evidence that homosexuality is at least partially genetic, and is in no sense a matter of choice, is conclusive. Further, the evidence that homosexuality is "normal" (and is present in many species other than humans) is also conclusive.

Where is the evidence for the genetic basis for homosexuality and how do people then change this genetic basis at will?  And if you mean homosexuality is "normal" because it exists then rape, murder, pedophile among everything else that exists is "normal."  You've define "normal" out of any meaningful context.

Thordaddy's claim that homosexuality is somehow "inferior" to heterosexuality is based on nothing other than his own irrational homophobia. Same as it's always been.

And your take is that homosexuality is "equal" to heterosexuality.  Clearly, it is not.  Couldn't one make the same claim about gays?  Are they heterophobes?

Then the kicker,

I can see that Thordaddy's reading comprehension isn't improving with time. Saying that peoples' (of any sexual orientation) sexual preferences can change over time has nothing whatsoever to do with whether that change is voluntary. I used to like vanilla more than chocolate; now the reverse is true. Was that change "voluntary"? Did I "decide" to like chocolate more than vanilla?

So now our genetically-based sexual orientation changes involuntarily?  You don't even have a gentic basis for homosexuality and now you are claiming it transforms over the span of a lifetime.  Do you have a mechanism for this?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,14:33   

So now our genetically-based sexual orientation changes involuntarily?  You don't even have a gentic basis for homosexuality and now you are claiming it transforms over the span of a lifetime.  Do you have a mechanism for this?

You should go tell the people at a mental ward to "quit being crazy"....most of them were sane at some point...then suddenly they became crazy.  Many of them "snapped" for no apparent reason....

I hear you asking "Let's create a platform from which to begin testing." Or "What are we using as our base assumptions." Or "Let's have a common definition from which to work." or something like.

And my point is, great. Lets. We can use that definition to begin to examine the circumstantial evidence for the "Gay" gene. But lets also establish what values we are assigning to the word. Because, as you point out in the culture bit there, the value has a lot to do with the definition. If Gay is "Bad" then any willingness to engage in gay sex is gay. If it is "Neutral", then being only attracted to the same sex is gay is why i was asking....

There are obviously several easily defined types of sexual preference.
heterosexual-->those who are only attracted to the opposite sex
bisexual-->those who find both sexes attractive
homosexual-->those who find only the same sex attractive

However, as you pointed out several people who consider themselves "homosexual" are also sexually attracted to the opposite sex.  Im simply arguing that we should have a clear definition...for the sake of lexical consideration.

A tomato is a fruit.  Several people consider the tomatoes that they eat vegetables.  This doesnt change the fact that a tomato is defined as a fruit.  Forgetting the social and political implications of a tomato being a vegetable(ask the Supreme Court)...a tomato is always defined as a fruit.

I understand that there are several shades of gray between being completely straight and completely gay....
Im just saying that a clearly defined term should exist when the distinction is painfully obvious.  If you are only attracted to the opposite sex....that is clearly different than being attracted to the same lets come up with useful terms to refer to these different types of sexual persuasion.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,15:06   


The problem with your argument is similar to Eric's.  

Are there corresponding genetic markers for all the gray area that exists between strictly heterosexual and strictly homosexual?

Furthermore, isn't someone strictly heterosexual ONLY if he/she is attracted to the opposite sex PLUS have a corresponding AVERSION to sexual intimacy with the same sex?

Wouldn't this also apply to someone that was strictly homosexual, but in a reverse order?

Does evolution really predict for an anti-heterosexual orientation, ie., strict homosexuality?

I don't see any logic nor evidence in the notion for a genetic basis for strict homosexuality?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,16:20   

ignore evolution, genetics, and everything about "gay rights" for a moment...

Im simply arguing that we need clear definitions, since clear boundaries obviously exist.  It doesnt make the person good/bar/ or anything....

Furthermore, isn't someone strictly heterosexual ONLY if he/she is attracted to the opposite sex PLUS have a corresponding AVERSION to sexual intimacy with the same sex?

I dont think "AVERSION" is necessary....just a lack of desire.
I have an aversion to cannabilism...I am not a cannable
I do not have an aversion to stealing candy....I still am not a thief...because I have no desire to steal candy....


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,16:29   


Then I would suggest you fall somewhere in that gray area with a leaning towards heterosexuality.

If you say you don't have a "desire" then aren't you saying you could have that desire, but don't at this point?

Would there be a corresponding genetic marker for your particular orientation?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,16:35   

Thordaddy, your cranial density never ceases to astound me.
Quote (thordaddy @ May 12 2006,18:56)
If someone changes their attraction/aversion to other people in the course of their adult lifetime then how is this not equivalent to a "lifestyle choice?"

Has it occurred to you that the change in someone's attraction to someone else might be involuntary? Do you choose whom you're attracted to? Do you see some random woman on the street and "choose" to be attracted to her?

The fact that someone's sexual orientation changes during the course of his or her lifetime does not imply that he or she "chooses" to change it. Let me give you one other example, since this seems to be such a difficult concept for you: your average seven-year-old girl can't stand boys, has no use for boys, and the idea of actually kissing a boy is enough to make her retch. How does that attitude compare with your average seventeen-year-old girl? Do you suppose girls "decide," at the age of 16 or so, to become attracted to boys?

Where is the evidence for the genetic basis for homosexuality and how do people then change this genetic basis at will?  And if you mean homosexuality is "normal" because it exists then rape, murder, pedophile among everything else that exists is "normal."  You've define "normal" out of any meaningful context.

What gives you the idea that people can change their sexual orientation "at will"? Where's your evidence of that? Do you honestly think people "choose" to be gay? Or straight, for that matter? Anyone who thinks people can change their sexual orientation at will is a mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging moron.

I live in San Francisco. If I were gay, I could probably get laid in less than half an hour from a standing start, half a mile from where I live. I can think of lots of reasons why my sex-life would be a lot more exciting if I were gay. But you know what? No matter how hard I try, no matter how hard I concentrate, guys just don't do it for me. I have basically no say in whom I find attractive. Do you find that remotely surprising?

And are you implying that homosexuality is in the same category as rape, murder, and pedophilia?

Why is "normality" such an important concept to you, Thordaddy? Would it matter in the slightest if homosexuality were highly abnormal? So what? Do we now discriminate against people because they're not "normal"? Or is this just another lame excuse for your homophobia?

And your take is that homosexuality is "equal" to heterosexuality.  Clearly, it is not.  Couldn't one make the same claim about gays?  Are they heterophobes?

What do you mean by "equal"? That they're the same thing? Duh. The point is, homosexuality is just as valid a sexual orientation as any other sexual orientation. And, furthermore, why do you care? And don't give me the same old crap about diseases and pedophilia. We've been down that stupid road before.

So now our genetically-based sexual orientation changes involuntarily?  You don't even have a gentic basis for homosexuality and now you are claiming it transforms over the span of a lifetime.  Do you have a mechanism for this?

Frankly, I don't care whether there's evidence for a genetic basis for homosexuality or not. The point is, as has been stated over and over again, sexual orientation is largely involuntary. But tell me, Thordaddy, you've never seen anything that's genetically determined change over time? Your height is (largely) genetically determined. Your height has never changed over time?

No one is claiming that sexual orientation is exclusively determined by genetics. As usual, you're making a false dichotomy. (You really should discard those black-and-white sunglasses you wear). As any idiot should be able to tell, sexual orientation is likely to be partly hereditary, and partly environmental.

Why is this so impossible for you to understand?

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,16:42   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 12 2006,19:33)
Im just saying that a clearly defined term should exist when the distinction is painfully obvious.  If you are only attracted to the opposite sex....that is clearly different than being attracted to the same lets come up with useful terms to refer to these different types of sexual persuasion.

Okay, how's this sound: those people who have never, even slightly ever ever ever been remotely attracted to people of the same sex (not because they're culturally conditioned not to be, but because they really really really are not attracted to them)…those people can be heterosexual.

Then, those who have never, even slightly ever ever ever been remotely attracted to people of the opposite sex…those people can be homosexual.

Everyone else can be bisexual.

If we want to be pedantic about it, that's the only accurate definition for the terms.

But I bet you anything a significant fraction of humanity would object to being so classified. So I still think we're better grading on a curve.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,16:46   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 12 2006,20<!--emo&:0)
I don't see any logic nor evidence in the notion for a genetic basis for strict homosexuality?

That's because you understand neither evolution, nor genetics, nor homosexuality.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,17:02   


If we want to be pedantic about it, that's the only accurate definition for the terms.

Definitions operate within a context. They make distinctions, and statements can be made about the distinguished groups. The definition is a label for the group of things it defines. The label is then attached to statements about the group. But I don't know if it means anything to say that a label is 'accurate' unless you're measuring it against the attached statements.

Here's a thought experiment. Let's say everyone with white hair is labelled a 'blorkie'. We define 'blorkie' to mean a person with white hair. Then we can make statements about blorkies, like

1 blorkies are usually old
2 blorkies seldom use hair dye

so here we've got a definition of blorkie, and some statements about blorkies, but is it 'accurate' to say that blorkies are people with white hair? Is this the only 'accurate' way to define the word 'blorkie'?

So I submit that definitions are only 'accurate' with respect to some use of the definition to make additional statements, and definitions don't have any objective 'accuracy'.

But my blood alcohol level is quite high by now, and I might have missed something. But I'm throwing this out there to see what people say about it.

(and to avoid accusations of plagiarism, I should say that this is basically a reworked argument from the Feynman Lectures on Physics, where he defines a 'gorce'.)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,17:05   

Then I would suggest you fall somewhere in that gray area with a leaning towards heterosexuality.

If you say you don't have a "desire" then aren't you saying you could have that desire, but don't at this point?

Are you kidding me???

Yes, in the future I might have a desire.  In the future, you might have a desire.  There is absolutely no way to predict the future.  Im arguing that you dont have to be extremely disgusted by homosexuality to be heterosexual.

I love thinking about doesnt normally involve normally involves 2+ women....
How can you be "disgusted" by the same sex?
You are the same sex as yourself.  Are you disgusted by yourself?

Okay, how's this sound: those people who have never, even slightly ever ever ever been remotely attracted to people of the same sex (not because they're culturally conditioned not to be, but because they really really really are not attracted to them)…those people can be heterosexual.

Then, those who have never, even slightly ever ever ever been remotely attracted to people of the opposite sex…those people can be homosexual.

Everyone else can be bisexual.

I like that...but i think we can add two additional categories that we currently lack terms for...

homosexuals who mildly enterain the thought of the opposite sex
heterosexuals who mildly entertain the thought of the same sex.
Bisexuality should most likely be exclusively for people who have an equal attraction to both sexes. you have 3 distinct lines...and two gray regions between those 3 distinct lines....
(actually we could add 1 more region....people who find no one sexually attractive....i just dont know where to draw it)
If we want to be pedantic about it, that's the only accurate definition for the terms.

But I bet you anything a significant fraction of humanity would object to being so classified. So I still think we're better grading on a curve.

A significant fraction of humanity objects to being classified as a primate...but that doesnt stop the classification from happening.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,17:25   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 12 2006,22<!--emo&:0)
I like that...but i think we can add two additional categories that we currently lack terms for...

homosexuals who mildly enterain the thought of the opposite sex
heterosexuals who mildly entertain the thought of the same sex.
Bisexuality should most likely be exclusively for people who have an equal attraction to both sexes. you have 3 distinct lines...and two gray regions between those 3 distinct lines....
(actually we could add 1 more region....people who find no one sexually attractive....i just dont know where to draw it)

Well, being from San Francisco, the world capital of gender studies, I think I might have a deeper than average understanding of gender identities than your average bear. With that in mind, I have a few more things to toss into the mix that should really throw ol' Thordaddy for a loop:

Where do we place transgendered people on the scale? And how about this: there are m-to-f transgendered people who live as heterosexuals, i.e., they are attracted to and pair-bond with men. Slightly more common are m-to-f transgendered people who live as lesbians, i.e., they are attracted to and pair-bond with women. The same (or, I guess, opposite in some sense) is true for f-to-m transgendered people. So is someone who starts out life as a man, gets a sex-change operation, and dates women "straight" or "gay"? Do the terms even really have meaning in this context?

And then there are people who aren't technically transgendered, in that they haven't undergone sex reassignment surgery, but who live as the opposite sex they were born with. There's the same straight/gay/male/female Cartesian plane with these people, as well. And then there are transvestites (who are often straight men who like dressing up as women, but nevertheless are attracted to women). Then there are hermaphrodites, the legendary "she-males," drag queens, drag kings, Asian lady-boys, etc. A giant continuum of sexual preferences, predilections, affinities, orientations, and identities. (I can picture Thordaddy retching and making a dash for the head about now.)

It's a lot more complicated than straight, gay, or bi, folks. And, as Mr. Puck points out, there is a significant fraction of humanity that has no use for sex, sexuality, or gender at all.

And personally, I think all of these nice people have every right to live as they see fit. Something I imagine Thordaddy and I will just have to agree to disagree on, since I doubt he can even keep all the various permutations in his head at one time.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,18:28   

Where do we place transgendered people on the scale? And how about this: there are m-to-f transgendered people who live as heterosexuals, i.e., they are attracted to and pair-bond with men. Slightly more common are m-to-f transgendered people who live as lesbians, i.e., they are attracted to and pair-bond with women. The same (or, I guess, opposite in some sense) is true for f-to-m transgendered people. So is someone who starts out life as a man, gets a sex-change operation, and dates women "straight" or "gay"? Do the terms even really have meaning in this context?

Completely meaningless.....when someone has a "sex change" operation they do not become the opposite sex...
This is just ridiculous.....

Transgendered doesnt enter into the conversation anyway because it is a sexual identity issue instead of a sexual partner preference issue like homosexuality.

Until a female-to-male transexual grows testicles and a reproductive system...all you have is a male with mutilated genitalia and hormone injections....

And then there are people who aren't technically transgendered, in that they haven't undergone sex reassignment surgery, but who live as the opposite sex they were born with. There's the same straight/gay/male/female Cartesian plane with these people, as well. And then there are transvestites (who are often straight men who like dressing up as women, but nevertheless are attracted to women). Then there are hermaphrodites, the legendary "she-males," drag queens, drag kings, Asian lady-boys, etc. A giant continuum of sexual preferences, predilections, affinities, orientations, and identities. (I can picture Thordaddy retching and making a dash for the head about now.)

I love the idea of physically upsetting thordaddy....
but once again...these are meaningless to the conversation.
If you were born with XX chromosomes your a female
If you were born with XY chromosomes your a male
if you were born with a strange chromosomal anomaly...then your a freak...and exempt from all categories....
And yes...I can exempt freaks from all categories...
We dont consider eye colors to be green,brown, blue, and cyclopia...because cyclopia is an anomaly that has occured on rare occasions

If your genetically a female....and you are only attracted to other females....your a matter what clothing you wear...or what you do to your vagina...or whatever...
If some of those females want to identify themselves as "males"...fine...a tomato is still technically a fruit...even if you want to call it a vegetable


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,19:40   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 12 2006,23:28)
Completely meaningless.....when someone has a "sex change" operation they do not become the opposite sex...
This is just ridiculous.....

Well, what are we talking about here? Whether there's a "genetic" foundation for sexual orientation? Thordaddy's canard about a "gay gene" proving goddidit? Are we still beating the "gay marriage" horse to death with a shovel? Trying to slot all of humanity into one of three sexual categories?

Until you've decided on a context, you can't say what is, and what isn't, important in gender definitions.

Pick your poison, Puck.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,21:21   

The whole point of the gay agenda is the attempt to equate homoseuxality to heterosexuality based on some false notion that homosexuality is a genetic predisposition and hence "normal."
Hmmm. Where do you get that idea? You are hung up on something else. How do arrive at your value that gay is bad? Why is it bad?


Most people can see the logic in the genetic basis for heterosexuality, but what is the logic behind a genetic basis for homosexuality?

T-diddy, are you arguing for evolution here? you're Like the Old man and the Sea.

You are using your values as proof of your arguments T-diddy. You are an idiot.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,23:57   

Well, what are we talking about here? Whether there's a "genetic" foundation for sexual orientation? Thordaddy's canard about a "gay gene" proving goddidit? Are we still beating the "gay marriage" horse to death with a shovel? Trying to slot all of humanity into one of three sexual categories?

Until you've decided on a context, you can't say what is, and what isn't, important in gender definitions.

No...but we can clearly define the variation between homosexuality and heterosexuality.
My only argument it is that currently too much gray area lies between the two...and too much confusion over the actual defining makes conversation difficult.

BWE might define a homosexual as someone who has an interest in same-sex...Thor might define it as someone who is sexually repulsed by the opposite sex...
It just makes for a rather difficult conversation when we are all throwing around very different, very vague terms...

The terms...perhaps not the people...are easily definable...

I personally think that the "level" of homo/hetero sexuality is important.  Obviously a certain percentage of the population is completely predestined to be homosexual.  They have a complete aversion to heterosexual relationships....and they generally tend to maintain the same margin of popularity in most societies...(somewhere below 10%)....
A certain percentage of the population is "open" to the idea of homosexuality....but it is not a necessity of their existence.  This is why the actual level of homosexual activities changes depending on the social acceptance of the act.
Another portion of the population is completely straight.  This opposite end of the spectrum cannot be "enviromentally" conditioned to engage in same-sex activities.

This is what I was eventually getting to...but i felt that strictly defining the different levels of sexual preference was important to any general conversation...
I wasnt discussing it just to make a point....


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(Permalink) Posted: May 13 2006,13:51   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 13 2006,04:57)
No...but we can clearly define the variation between homosexuality and heterosexuality.
My only argument it is that currently too much gray area lies between the two...and too much confusion over the actual defining makes conversation difficult.

But this "gray area" is a necessary consequence of the almost infinite variability of human sexuality. That was the point of my previous point. Therefore, any division of human sexual orientations into "gay," "straight," and "bi" is necessarily going to be arbitrary, and where one draws the lines between those orientations is also going to be arbitrary.

It's kind of like quantum physics. There's a certain irreducible ambiguity that simply cannot, even in principle, be defined away.

BWE might define a homosexual as someone who has an interest in same-sex...Thor might define it as someone who is sexually repulsed by the opposite sex...
It just makes for a rather difficult conversation when we are all throwing around very different, very vague terms...

Agreed. But I don't think you can make those terms any less vague, unless your context is very strictly defined. For example, if we're talking epidemiology, we might define a "homosexual" as meaning "a male person who has ever had penetrative sex with another male person," and exclude gay women from the definition entirely because the epidemiology is indistinguishable from heterosexual women.

Or, for purposes of family law, we might define "homosexual unions" as "any long-term monogamous relationship between two individuals of the same gender," which would include transgendered people.

The terms...perhaps not the people...are easily definable...

Yep. You can define the terms however you want, in a given context, which may or may not reflect reality in a different context.

I personally think that the "level" of homo/hetero sexuality is important.  Obviously a certain percentage of the population is completely predestined to be homosexual.  They have a complete aversion to heterosexual relationships....and they generally tend to maintain the same margin of popularity in most societies...(somewhere below 10%)....

But I think even here you're not going to be able to draw hard and fast distinctions. Let's look at schizophrenia for a moment. It's thought that schizophrenia has a genetic component. However, someone who is genetically predisposed to schizophrenia is not guaranteed to end up mentally ill. A lot of it also depends on environment. I would imagine the same thing is true of a genetic predisposition towards homosexuality. Some people may have a genetic predisposition, but due to circumstance may remain hetero their entire lives. Others may not, but it's entirely possible there's a range of how completely "straight" or completely "gay" and individual may become, starting out with the same genetic predisposition (and no, Thordaddy, this is not evidence that sexual orientation is a matter of choice). It's entirely possible—even likely—that a population of individuals with the exact same genetic predisposition for homosexuality may still end up in different places along a continuum from purely homosexual behavior to purely heterosexual behavior.

But given all that, I'm sure we can, for the purposes of this discussion, come up with a working definition of homosexuality and heterosexuality (which may or may not reflect reality, but who cares?).

So. What'll it be? I say that if you've never, ever had sex with someone of your own sex, then you're straight. If you've never, ever had sex with someone of the opposite sex, you're gay. If you've had sex with both at one time or another (but at least one time each), then you're bi. This definition has the additional benefit of not worrying about "attractions" or "aversions," which is largely unknowable except to the person with the "attraction" or the "aversion" anyway. Plus, it will exclude too many people who obviously should belong in one of our categories. If a man has never had sex with a woman in his life, but does not have an "aversion" to sex with women, should we say he's not actually homosexual?

I think this definition will miscategorize a huge segment of the population, but hey—it's not like we're handing out marriage licenses.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 13 2006,14:56   

You seem to be making arguments where absolutely none are necessary.

I defined homosexual, heterosexual, and bisexual...and then allowed for gray areas between the categories....
The purpose of the discussion is to hypothetically discuss the reason for the massive variation in sexual preference.

As far as "gender identity" issues....I wish you would just leave it out of the conversation.  It truly isnt important to the discussion.  If you started life as a male...and found yourself attracted to other you had a sex change were still born a gay male and raised to be a gay male.  The fact that you later had 'sexual reassignment surgery' will have absolutely no bearing on the discussion of the genetic and enviromental factors that lead to your specific sexual preferences.
If I have "species reassignment surgery" we dont get to all sit around and figure out how a monkey was born from a human.

Also....actual sexual activity is unimportant to our conversation.  Our conversation is about sexual preferences.  If you have a sexual attraction to doesnt matter if you act on it.  This would be like arguing that we can only determine a characteristic as "beautiful" when we can find people who have had sexual relations with someone with these characteristics.

But I think even here you're not going to be able to draw hard and fast distinctions. Let's look at schizophrenia for a moment. It's thought that schizophrenia has a genetic component. However, someone who is genetically predisposed to schizophrenia is not guaranteed to end up mentally ill.

True....but a certain percentage of those who have the "chance"  of being schizophrenic are guaranteed to wind up that way.  Some of it could be considered enviromental...but I would be willing to bet that there are also a number of traits that can assist in counteracting the original "anomally".

For example....someone who is bisexual might have a strong desire for social approval.  The desire for social approval may force his bisexuality into remission.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 13 2006,15:54   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 13 2006,19:56)
You seem to be making arguments where absolutely none are necessary.

I defined homosexual, heterosexual, and bisexual...and then allowed for gray areas between the categories....

Well, possibly. But that might be because I'm not even sure what the topic of discussion is anymore. I hope it's not a) Thordaddy's argument that a "gay gene" would disprove evolution (because it wouldn't) or b) the gay marriage thing (because we've beaten that one to death, with precious little to show for it).

So—what is the topic of discussion here?
The purpose of the discussion is to hypothetically discuss the reason for the massive variation in sexual preference.

Or…maybe this is it? Well, my vote is for a mixture of genetic, family, and cultural causes. Anyone disagree? Why?

As far as "gender identity" issues....I wish you would just leave it out of the conversation.  It truly isnt important to the discussion.  If you started life as a male...and found yourself attracted to other you had a sex change were still born a gay male and raised to be a gay male.

Actually, this is far from true. A good friend of mine did her doctoral dissertation on the distinctions between gay and transgender individuals. They're not the same thing. They're not even in the same category. There are definitely people who have a very strong feeling that they were born with the wrong sex organs. These people are very different from homosexual people, and there's no obvious connection between their feelings of gender (i.e., their feeling that the gender they were born with is "wrong") and their sexual preferences.

Sure, we can exclude discussion of transgenders from the discussion. I only brought up the subject to illustrate that human sexuality is a very complex topic. Which makes it a bad topic for Thordaddy to try to talk about.

True....but a certain percentage of those who have the "chance"  of being schizophrenic are guaranteed to wind up that way.  Some of it could be considered enviromental...but I would be willing to bet that there are also a number of traits that can assist in counteracting the original "anomally".

For example....someone who is bisexual might have a strong desire for social approval.  The desire for social approval may force his bisexuality into remission.

Agreed. But I'd like to point out that while there are obvious reasons why we would want to cure someone of schizophrenia, it's far from clear that we should be trying to "cure" someone of their homosexuality.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 14 2006,02:39   

I think it is fair to say that the only guaranteed genetic orientation in humans is that of heterosexuality.  Heterosexuality being defined as a sexual attraction to the opposite sex plus a natural aversion towards sexual intimacy with the same sex.  All other sexual orientations having genetic origins is pure speculation.

Secondly, it seems the more ericmurphy argues for this seemingly infinite variation in sexual orientations the less credible it becomes to believe in a genetic basis for this vast array of sexual orientations.

Lastly, if one is to argue that there is a genetic predisposition towards homosexuality that can be triggered by one's environment then how does this square with the incredulous statistics claiming that children raised by homosexual parents are no more likely to be homosexual than those raised by a mother and a father?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 14 2006,05:15   


First: you are an idiot.

Second, If we follow PuckSR's idea out to it's logical conclusion, and actually did the reaseach, we might find a gene that predisposes one to some higher likelyhood of gayness. But we probably wouldn't find one that makes you gay. So all you need to discover is the continuum. That isn't how that kind of trait works. And T-diddy, you are an idiot. If there is a gene that makes you straight, what would happen if it was broken or malfunctioning?

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(Permalink) Posted: May 14 2006,08:15   

Lastly, if one is to argue that there is a genetic predisposition towards homosexuality that can be triggered by one's environment then how does this square with the incredulous statistics claiming that children raised by homosexual parents are no more likely to be homosexual than those raised by a mother and a father?

This is a stupid comment....because you have ignored everything that has been said.  The "environment" that could create homosexuality....doesnt necessarily mean that it is a homosexual environment.  A schizophrenic-potential child is not more likely to become schizophrenic if someone in his household is schizophrenic....that doesnt even make logical sense....

Your concept of gay parents producing gay children relies entirely on proposition that homosexuality is non-genetic, lifestyle choice.  Like fat kids....they learn to be fat from their parents and then they are fat.  We are arguing that almost every study conducted on this topic has shown that homosexuality is not a "learned" trait.  Some people will have homosexual tendencies even if they have never heard of homosexuality in their lives.  Children raised by homosexuals show an equal predisposition towards homosexuality.

BTW...this is where it becomes important to have clear definitions.  Children raised by homosexuals have a lesser chance of having an aversion to homosexual tendencies...but an equal chance of having a same-sex attraction.
So they are not strictly homosexual...but might be classified as bi-curious heterosexuals.

The openness towards homosexuality is most likely influenced by their parents....but actually being homosexual is strictly outside the control of the parents.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 14 2006,08:51   

I can see T-diddy shaking with confusion right now.  

"Homo bad, bad homo, gen^^**tic ...Not, is, is, not, Homo bad, bad homo."

That sums it up nicely.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 14 2006,09:19   

What about homosexuality in animals, thordaddy?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 14 2006,12:46   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 14 2006,07:39)
Secondly, it seems the more ericmurphy argues for this seemingly infinite variation in sexual orientations the less credible it becomes to believe in a genetic basis for this vast array of sexual orientations.

Thordaddy, the only reason you believe this is the case is because you don't understand evolution at all. There are plenty of genetic diseases that have existed for thousands of generations, and despite the fact that they often kill their hosts, they still persist. Any idea why?

And besides, you're under the entirely mistaken impression that genes function at the individual level. They don't. The function at the population level.

Think about it for a moment, Thordaddy. Imagine a population that has outgrown its supply of resources (food, water, etc.). Can you imagine that there could be a selective advantage to the population as a whole for certain members of that population to be non-breeding?

And besides, if you don't think homosexuality has a genetic basis, then how do you explain the existence of homosexuality in animal populations? Bonobos, unquestionably the most closely related organisms to humans, have a well-documented history of homosexuality in many individuals.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 14 2006,12:57   

Hey thor, if Cooley's anemia kills you, how come there's still Cooley's anemia?

Take some time off your trolling and give this a little thought.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 14 2006,14:09   


Are you trying to say that being gay is a bad thing or are you trying to say that a gene selecting for gayness ought to select itself out?
Would this not represent a refutation of evolution?  Or more modestly, would this not at the minimum represent a bad mutation naturally selected?  What in evolution would justify a selection of a "gay gene?"

Because your original question has been answered in oh so many ways by every one in this thread. No, it would not represent a problem with ToE.

On the other hand, how do you justify saying it is bad to be gay? Or good for that matter? Or how come you need to know about or at least care about other people's sex life?

What is it T-diddy? Why do you hate gays?

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Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,06:13   

What if gayness is caused, not by a gene, but by the lack of a gene? If anatomy is guided by one set of genes, and behavior by another, then there would presumably be a set of genes that normally associates male anatomy with liking of females - what if that gene (or set of genes) is simply inoperative in 5 to 10% of the population?



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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,07:56   

What if gayness is caused, not by a gene, but by the lack of a gene?

Im genetic biology is a lil rusty...but wouldnt that be exactly the same thing?

If a genetic sequence determined sexuality....then when that genetic sequence was in configuration A it would cause heterosexuality..if it was in configuration B it would cause homosexuality


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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,08:01   

Unless sexual orientation depends on prenatal environmental factors like mother's diet, pH levels, loud noises on day 17 of pregnancy, and how worried the mother was about her self-esteem during full moons.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,08:10   

Quote (ericmurphy @ May 14 2006,17:46)
[quote=thordaddy,May 14 2006,07:39]

And besides, you're under the entirely mistaken impression that genes function at the individual level. They don't. The function at the population level.

Think about it for a moment, Thordaddy. Imagine a population that has outgrown its supply of resources (food, water, etc.). Can you imagine that there could be a selective advantage to the population as a whole for certain members of that population to be non-breeding?

And besides, if you don't think homosexuality has a genetic basis, then how do you explain the existence of homosexuality in animal populations? Bonobos, unquestionably the most closely related organisms to humans, have a well-documented history of homosexuality in many individuals.

Er...I can't say I agree with this line of reasoning.  Genes most certainly DO function at the level of the individual organism.  Whether (and how) genes function at higher levels of organization is still a matter of considerable debate, and even staunch group selectionists would admit the individual effect is the stronger of the two.  IMHO, your "selective advantage" of human populations who carry non-breeders for times of limited resources is getting a little too close to "good of the species", and would be easily exploited by "cheating" breeders.

I'd say you're much better off arguing the social benefits (a la the Bonobos), or the arguments from inclusive fitness (a la Hamilton and recent studies that show improved fertility in sisters of gay males), or the maternal effect (wasn't there a recent study showing the influence of hormonal gender biasing in the womb after the first child, and potential influence on sexuality?), or...

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,08:49   

Re "Quote
What if gayness is caused, not by a gene, but by the lack of a gene?

Im genetic biology is a lil rusty...but wouldnt that be exactly the same thing?"

My guess is that there's genes (or regulatory DNA) to do various things:
1) Make male parts
2) Make female parts
3) Cause attraction to females
4) Cause attraction to males
5) Activate 3 and suppress 4 when organism is male.
6) Activate 4 and suppress 3 when organism is female.
(Note- there may be overlap among the various sets.)

So if 5 and/or 6 stop working for whatever reason, gayness would be one possible result. And even if caused by a mutation that eventually gets weeded out of the gene pool, additional mutations could occur in those areas. So I figure it's sort of a balancing act between effects that increase the % of gay and effects that decrease it.

Now, I'm an amateur and just guessing here, but that sounds to me more plausible than there being a set of genes (or alleles) that cause gayness directly.



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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,10:09   

Quote (incorygible @ May 15 2006,13:10)
Er...I can't say I agree with this line of reasoning.  Genes most certainly DO function at the level of the individual organism.  Whether (and how) genes function at higher levels of organization is still a matter of considerable debate, and even staunch group selectionists would admit the individual effect is the stronger of the two.  IMHO, your "selective advantage" of human populations who carry non-breeders for times of limited resources is getting a little too close to "good of the species", and would be easily exploited by "cheating" breeders.

I was thinking someone would object to this. What I should have said was, "genes don't only function at the level of the individual. They also function at the level of the population. Genes which may seem to have deleterious effect on the individual may be of benefit to the population at large."

I'd say you're much better off arguing the social benefits (a la the Bonobos), or the arguments from inclusive fitness (a la Hamilton and recent studies that show improved fertility in sisters of gay males), or the maternal effect (wasn't there a recent study showing the influence of hormonal gender biasing in the womb after the first child, and potential influence on sexuality?), or...

But at any rate, the fact that organisms other than humans occasionally manifest homosexual behavior pretty much puts the final nail in the coffin on Thordaddy's absurd claim that homosexuality is some sort of "lifestyle choice," and that it is somehow "against the natural order of things."

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,10:37   

Quote (ericmurphy @ May 15 2006,15:09)
But at any rate, the fact that organisms other than humans occasionally manifest homosexual behavior pretty much puts the final nail in the coffin on Thordaddy's absurd claim that homosexuality is some sort of "lifestyle choice," and that it is somehow "against the natural order of things."

To be sure.  Of course, we're just about due for a reminder that it really doesn't matter how many coffins or how many nails there are when there's no body to bury -- just the endless wailing and rending...


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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,13:09   

But at any rate, the fact that organisms other than humans occasionally manifest homosexual behavior pretty much puts the final nail in the coffin on Thordaddy's absurd claim that homosexuality is some sort of "lifestyle choice," and that it is somehow "against the natural order of things."

Jesus, I was hoping someone else would say it but-oh well:

Masturbation, oral sex and other stranger and more ingenious methods of inducing ejaculation ought to point to the fact that we're just damm horny. Have you ever heard the expression, "Thinking with the little head?"

The continuum is one of many shades and nuances.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,14:21   

You inhuman, ungodly deviant!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,14:27   

comes from studying marine biology.

all us fishy types are deviants.

embrace your inner fish.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,14:31   

Quote (sir_toejam @ May 15 2006,19:27)
comes from studying marine biology.

all us fishy types are deviants.

Preaching to the choir.  Salmon biologist here, not to mention a bit of a "precocious parr" in my youth...


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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,14:35   

salmonids, eh?

population biology?

Ever heard of Jennifer Nielson?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,14:46   

Quote (sir_toejam @ May 15 2006,19:35)
salmonids, eh?

population biology?

Ever heard of Jennifer Nielson?

Ayuh.  I do demographic modeling now, but my original PhD proposal was for population genetics and phylogeography of Pacific salmon introduced to the Great Lakes, so I'm very familiar with her work.  Friend of yours?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,15:45   

Which leads me to wonder, when corals, jellyfish and others of their ilk (Cnidaria and maybe some flatworms??) are reproducing asexually are they following god's plan? and when they are doing it sexually are they being deviant? And how the hel! would you know if they were gay? Or do they have to do it for the halibut to go to he!!? Is every sperm sacred? Is every sperm good?

T-diddy, this is getting confusing. I'm starting to really sweat. (Of course it is 93F in Portland today).

But seriously, you've got us on the ropes. I can't tell where gay stops and deviant starts. I mean, I can't tell where normal stops and molluscs start.  I mean, I don't know if that was my dog or my goat or my uncle last night. Jesus, I gotta lay off the hooch.

Where is the local place to get saved. I think I better go there.  @*Hic !**

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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,17:44   

Friend of yours?


yes, indeed.  We were friends when i was getting my degree at Berkeley, and afterwards when she was at Hopkins Marine Lab and I was working on elasmobranchs at Monterey Bay.

Unfortunately, we lost touch after she left Hopkins.  I heard she went "North", but nobody seemed to know exactly where.

It never ceases to amaze me how small the world of fish is.

Are you still working on salmonid demographics in the great lakes area?

send me a PM.

Us fishy folk need to figure out a way to hook up (pardon the pun) somehow.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,17:50   

Is every sperm good?

you DA*MN well know the answer to that....

more than good...

everybody sing...

oh, and before you start producing a laundry list of all the horrid little nasty beasties in "Creation", I suggest you grab your rosary beads and pray along, brother...


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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,18:00   

Sir T- Have you seen this book? My boss won't buy one. :(

As regards Jennifer, I might have heard of her. Is this her?
(PDF File)

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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,18:17   

that sounds like a great book!  I look forward to purchasing it once my budget recovers a bit.


here's a link to a used copy for 45.00

surprised Milton Love wasn't involved with that somehow.

yup, that's her.

No wonder I lost touch!

she's all the way up in Juneau now.



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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,19:00   

Thanks for the link! I think I'll buy it myself.

I've heard her name in the salmon circles maybe dealing with aquaculture? Not sure, I just remembered that report and pop! googled it on the first try. Go figure.

I'm not a salmon guy really, I deal with offshore groundfish counting, recounting and politicking. Er, I give reports and presentations to people who tell people who tell people who know politicians who tell My Boss's boss's boss that somewhere down the line, he should get someone to give reports to someone who can educate the office of _ who can explain to _ who can then report back to the ambassador who can then tell the Canadians what we think we should do this year. Mostly rockfish (Sebastes) above 40 fathoms to be more specific -although various other fisheries are involved in my job too. But it does provide some good fishing trips.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 15 2006,19:09   

man, it's been a few years since my last fishing trip.

I do miss those from time to time.

Jen is a high power population genetecist, primarily known for her work on genetic sustainability in salmonid populations in CA and the pacific NW.

Not sure what she's up to these days, but being up in Juneau it's a good bet she's now working for NMFS.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 16 2006,12:56   

So now we can't even define "homosexuality?"

And what's with the reluctance to completely define heterosexuality as having a component involving the aversion to same sex relations and not JUST an attraction to the opposite sex?

Wouldn't evolution require such an "aversion" in addition to the "attraction" in heterosexuality?

Does this mean that evolution ALSO results in an "aversion" to the opposite sex/reproduction seen in homosexuality?

This seems illogical on its face?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 16 2006,12:59   

oh, way to ruin a perfectly interesting conversation there, T-diddy.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 16 2006,14:19   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 16 2006,17:56)
So now we can't even define "homosexuality?"

And what's with the reluctance to completely define heterosexuality as having a component involving the aversion to same sex relations and not JUST an attraction to the opposite sex?

Wouldn't evolution require such an "aversion" in addition to the "attraction" in heterosexuality?

It hasn't escaped my notice, Thordaddy, that you're big on definitions. So, let's have your definition for the term "aversion."

If guys don't turn me on, I suppose that qualifies as having an "aversion" to gay male sex. But I have no "aversion" to two guys having sex, so long as neither of them is me. It's pretty clear at this point that you have an "aversion" to two guys getting it on, anytime anyplace anyhow, no matter who those guys are.

Are you claiming that unless the mere thought of two guys having sex somewhere makes my blood boil, I'm not actually "heterosexual"? Am I "homosexual" merely because I can tolerate the existence of gay sex?

What do you suppose the evolutionary "advantage" would be to having an "aversion" to any two guys (or any two girls) having sex, anywhere, at any time, that doesn't involve you?

Does this mean that evolution ALSO results in an "aversion" to the opposite sex/reproduction seen in homosexuality?

This seems illogical on its face?

I think this statement is one of those things that Wolfgang Pauli used to say "isn't even wrong." As has been explained to you time and time again, many if not most homosexuals are not "averse" to straight sex; they just prefer gay sex. But even if they were "averse" to straight sex, why would this lead you to believe that gay people are "averse" to sex that results in reproduction?

Were you drunk when you did this post?

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(Permalink) Posted: May 16 2006,21:09   

ericmurphy opines,

It hasn't escaped my notice, Thordaddy, that you're big on definitions. So, let's have your definition for the term "aversion."

If you don't want to use the common definition then imagine fresh road kill.

If guys don't turn me on, I suppose that qualifies as having an "aversion" to gay male sex. But I have no "aversion" to two guys having sex, so long as neither of them is me. It's pretty clear at this point that you have an "aversion" to two guys getting it on, anytime anyplace anyhow, no matter who those guys are.

Are you claiming that unless the mere thought of two guys having sex somewhere makes my blood boil, I'm not actually "heterosexual"? Am I "homosexual" merely because I can tolerate the existence of gay sex?

No, I'm arguing that both strict heterosexuality and strict homosexuality involve both an attraction and aversion component.  It is very clear why you relunctantly cling to this idea that an "aversion" component probably doesn't exist.

If my strict heterosexuality is the obvious result of efficient evolution then your argument for my bigotry and "hatred" of gays is pure slander.

Likewise, if strict homosexuality contains an "aversion" component then its supposed genetic causation is highly suspect.

What do you suppose the evolutionary "advantage" would be to having an "aversion" to any two guys (or any two girls) having sex, anywhere, at any time, that doesn't involve you?

If males had no "aversion" to sexual intimacy between men then how do you explain such a paltry number of adult males that engage in male sex?  And if gay males had no "aversion" to straight sex then why absorb all the discrimination and homophobia you say exists?

Then you say,

I think this statement is one of those things that Wolfgang Pauli used to say "isn't even wrong." As has been explained to you time and time again, many if not most homosexuals are not "averse" to straight sex; they just prefer gay sex. But even if they were "averse" to straight sex, why would this lead you to believe that gay people are "averse" to sex that results in reproduction?

If both heterosexuality and homosexuality exist on some kind of sexuality continuum then how is it that they only contain an "attraction" component?  Wouldn't your own assertion of a sexual continuum imply at least 2 components defining heterosexuality and homosexuality.  And wouldn't this result in a strict homosexual...?  One that was solely attracted to the same sex and solely averse to the opposite sex...?  If such a strict homosexual does not exist then doesn't this put into question your assertion of a sexual continuum?  If a strict homosexual does exist doesn't is put the genetic basis for homosexuality in question?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 16 2006,21:25   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 17 2006,02:09)
If my strict heterosexuality is the obvious result of efficient evolution then your argument for my bigotry and "hatred" of gays is pure slander.

Likewise, if strict homosexuality contains an "aversion" component then its supposed genetic causation is highly suspect.

Yep, it's as I suspected. Your hypothesis isn't even wrong. These two "if a then b" statements are the logical equivalent of saying that if fish live in trees it must be Tuesday.

You're a homophobe, Thordaddy, because you're a jerk. It's not because you're some sort of evolutionary achievement. Get over yourself.

As usual, you're trying to use your pathetically inept understanding of science to justify your Neanderthal conceptions of what's right and proper.

You're fooling no one.

If males had no "aversion" to sexual intimacy between men then how do you explain such a paltry number of adult males that engage in male sex?  And if gay males had no "aversion" to straight sex then why absorb all the discrimination and homophobia you say exists?

Gee, Thordaddy—there are probably a quarter of billion men worldwide who have had some sort of homosexual encounter during their lifetimes. Is that what you consider to be a "paltry" number?

And what kind of retarded logic is this? I prefer chocolate to vanilla. Given a choice, I'll choose chocolate 10 times out of 10. Do I therefore have an "aversion" to vanilla?

If both heterosexuality and homosexuality exist on some kind of sexuality continuum then how is it that they only contain an "attraction" component?  Wouldn't your own assertion of a sexual continuum imply at least 2 components defining heterosexuality and homosexuality.  And wouldn't this result in a strict homosexual...?  One that was solely attracted to the same sex and solely averse to the opposite sex...?  If such a strict homosexual does not exist then doesn't this put into question your assertion of a sexual continuum?  If a strict homosexual does exist doesn't is put the genetic basis for homosexuality in question?

You know, this paragraph has English words in it, and seems to have some concept of grammar and semantics, but other than it seems to be pretty much completely devoid of meaning. So if a "strict homosexual" exists that means "non-strict homosexuals" don't exist? What? And if a "strict homosexual" doesn't exist, that somehow leads to the conclusion that there's no genetic basis for homosexuality? What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even know?

I think you're really starting to descend into semantic noise, Thordaddy. It might be time to hang this one up.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 16 2006,21:58   


You're sounding less credible and more ideological with each new post.

What is homosexuality?

Eric: Nothing, everything, whatever I want!

thordaddy: Homosexuality is a sexual attraction towards the same sex PLUS an aversion towards intimacy with the opposite sex.

Agree or disagree?

Is homosexuality genetically-based?

Eric: Maybe or maybe not?  It can be for certain arguments and then might not be in other arguments.

thordaddy: There is scant evidence for a genetic causation for homosexuality and this seems the logical consequence of efficient evolution at the population level.

Agree or disagree?

Is heterosexuality genetically-based?

Eric: What's heterosexuality other than a preference for the opposite sex?

thordaddy: Yes, because evolution requires it.

Agree or disagree?

Eric, we need to figure out where you really stand because you seem to be all over the place.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,08:08   

You are an idiot. Besides that, you never answered my questions.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,09:40   

Since people often compare interracial marriage to gay marriage, I thought this study might be worth posting. It seems that mixed-race children often have difficulty coping in life:
Among the findings, the study found that multiracial adolescents were significantly more likely than white, black or Asian-American youth to have smoked cigarettes. The odds were 38 percent less for whites, 32 percent less for blacks and 51 percent less for Asian-Americans. Similarly, whites, blacks and Asian-Americans were 45, 30 and 65 percent less likely, respectively, to have ever consumed alcohol than multiracial youngsters.

Multiracial youngsters also were significantly more likely to have used marijuana and to have become drunk or high on drugs than white or Asian-Americans. There was little difference in these behaviors between multiracial and black youth.

When it came to violent behaviors such as carrying a weapon, being in a fight and threatening to stab someone, multiracial youth again were significantly more likely to report having engaged in these activities than were whites or Asian-Americans. Fewer differences were found between multiracial and black youths, although the multiracial adolescents reported significantly higher rates of hurting someone badly in a fight (39 percent) and having carried a gun (46 percent).

Overall, multiracial youth also reported a significantly higher mean frequency of engaging in violent behavior compared to each of the three single-race groups. All of these findings were adjusted for age, gender and socioeconomic status.

The authors give the usual whine about "discrimination", but also concede the importance of encouraging a strong ethnic identity in children. Apparently, however, a strong sexual identity doesn't matter, even though adolescents obsess over this issue, and gay couples are more stigmatised by society than mixed-race couples (in fact, one can argue that interracial relationships aren't even a problem for most Americans, and Madison Avenue, TV, and Hollywood seem to agree. The only ones who complain anymore are black women and Asian men, and that's because they come out on the losing end. Well, black men also complain if the woman's good looking, at least from what I've seen.)
  In other words, we shouldn't assume that children raised by gay parents will have an easy time coping in life. Mona Charen sounds wiser by the minute....

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,09:42   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 17 2006,02:58)

You're sounding less credible and more ideological with each new post.

Imagine my concern over your doubts about my credibility.

What is homosexuality?
thordaddy: Homosexuality is a sexual attraction towards the same sex PLUS an aversion towards intimacy with the opposite sex.

No. Wrong. There are plenty of homosexuals out there who are not averse to straight sex. If you want to make up your own definitions that don't reflect reality, be my guest. But you won't be any less wrong.

Is homosexuality genetically-based?

thordaddy: There is scant evidence for a genetic causation for homosexuality and this seems the logical consequence of efficient evolution at the population level.

Wrong again. If there's no genetic component to homosexuality, then how do you explain homosexual behavior in animals? Your position is based on a fundamental misunderstanding, that has been pointed out to you again and again, of how evolution works.

Is heterosexuality genetically-based?

thordaddy: Yes, because evolution requires it.

Duh on the "yes," dead wrong on the "because evolution requires it." Organisms happily evolved and reproduced for billions of years before sex was even invented. Evolution does not "require" heterosexual sex. It doesn't "require" sex at all.

Eric, we need to figure out where you really stand because you seem to be all over the place.

Stand on what? What position would you like me to take on what issue? Do I think homosexuals should have the same rights as other people? I think everyone here knows where I stand on that. Is there some other issue you'd like to discuss?

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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,16:52   

What is it about the word horny that you guys don't understand?

Have you ever wondered why guys in prison have gay sex? Because they have moral inferiority as evidenced by their incarceration? No. Because they are horny. Now if you are a little boston terrier and you owner forgot to fix you, you will hump #### near anything that moves. We as people also have a big head to help temper the little one but essentially we do what it takes to achieve orgasm.

If some folks for whatever reason have the switch set backwards, it doesn't lessen their horniness. Come on T-diddy, GoP, every single woman you see, you look at her breasts, hips, Posterior, and stomach. You assess not whether but how it would be first. Whether she is 16 or 65, you do this. We have the good fortune to be able to temper this impulse with positive social skills.

Let's try this one:

You haven't had sex in 2 years and your hands are both in casts. Say you walk down a street every day. One day, a prostitute offers sex for cash. You find the offer repulsive and say no. You get home, stare angrily at your cruel casts and open your mind just a crack. The next day you say no, and the next, but at some point you crack and say yes because you can't stand it. You get your BJ or whatever and she leaves. You feel terrible. You are consumed with guilt because you had such a mental block to it before you did it.

Now, it is a man.

Correct me if I am wrong but that is the situation you are trying to prevent, right? By not allowing gays into the culture, you are trying to prevent people from having this situation to deal with?

This is a serious line of inquiry. It is not a trap or anything, I just want to know why you care about gays so much.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,17:10   

so BWE...your theory is that homosexuality is an issue of your sexual drive and oppurtunity??? its not a just means your open minded and horny as heck.....


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,17:23   

BWE, in your scenario above, I still wouldn't go for the male prostitute. If he was a twink, it might be sort of close (I keed, I keed ;-) ) , but I think I'd resort to building something to screw, and fantasizing about women, before going gay.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,00:09   


Is it your contention that neither homosexuality nor heterosexuality contains an aversion component?  

Is it your contention that both homosexuality and heterosexuality only contain an affection component?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,07:50   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 18 2006,22:10)
so BWE...your theory is that homosexuality is an issue of your sexual drive and oppurtunity??? its not a just means your open minded and horny as heck.....

I don't know if I have a theory exactly. Genetics would certainly drive elements of sexuality. But horniness ought to have a strong component. I mean, really, haven't you ever felt like just finding a hole in a hollow tree an lubing it up and praying there aren't any bees? It doesn't mean you do it but, feelings in general are the result of genes aren't they?

What I was really getting at is what is T-diddy trying to save? or stop? or say?

It seems to me like some people get pretty hung up on sexuality and have a lot of socially contructed beliefs that affect their emotional reactions to various activities. T-diddy made the claim that a society that allowed sheepfocking was objectively "crumbling" because of that social norm. I replied that, without more evidence, all you could objectively say is that the society allowed sheepfocking. But T-diddy obviously had a problem with sheepfocking. He made the assertion that there was some connection between human sexuality manifesting between two people of the same sex and sheepfocking. I am examining the construct that underlies this assumption.


In the absence of social norms, getting off is pretty much just getting off. We are obviously predispositioned to try to get someone of the opposite sex if possible but we don't really have periods of "non-horniness". So, "is there a genetic component to gayness" has to be seen in the context of the memes that interact with our emotions as well as the situational aspect of our human sexuality.

Also, T-diddy will have to consider that if he chooses to answer the question.

Is T-diddy advocating using legislation or other normative techniques to reduce the opportunity for these situations or is he just randomly against homo sex?

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,08:07   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 19 2006,05:09)

Is it your contention that neither homosexuality nor heterosexuality contains an aversion component?  

Is it your contention that both homosexuality and heterosexuality only contain an affection component?

Thordaddy, when are you going to get over this one-size-fits-all bucket you've got your head wedged into?

Sure, there are some gay people who are totally turned off by straight sex. So what? There are plenty of gay people who not only have no problem with it, but occasionally partake of it themselves.

Are you going to insist that a guy who's had nothing but gay sex his entire adult life but had sex once with a cheerleader in high school (and liked it) is therefore bisexual?

And more to the point: where are you going with any of this? Everyone has aversion to sex with some kinds of people. I have an aversion to sex with fatties and old women. What does that say about me?

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,08:27   

So Thor...
How would you describe and explain bisexuality?  I'm not sure where it fits into your "aversion" description.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,09:49   

Quote (ericmurphy @ May 19 2006,13:07)
I have an aversion to sex with old women. What does that say about me?

Please define "old"  :D

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,09:52   

Quote (MidnightVoice @ May 19 2006,14:49)
Please define "old"  :D

More than 20 years older than I am.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,13:47   


The point is that those of your mentality are convinced that those that advocate for traditional marriage and advocate against the "normalization"of homosexuality do so out of bigotry and hatred for homosexuals.  You are either an unwitting pawn of the radical gay agenda or you are perfectly aware of your duplicity.

Why can't it just be a matter of OUR heterosexuality?

You don't want to have an "aversion" component to homosexuality because it would indicate an "aversion" component in heterosexuality.  And this "aversion" component for heterosexuality would go a long way in explaining RATIONAL and REASONED discrimination against homosexuality.

And the more you mudding the waters of what it means to be "homosexual" the more you give credence to those that say all sexual proclivities outside of heterosexual reproduction are mere CHOICES.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,14:46   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 19 2006,18:47)

The point is that those of your mentality are convinced that those that advocate for traditional marriage and advocate against the "normalization"of homosexuality do so out of bigotry and hatred for homosexuals.  You are either an unwitting pawn of the radical gay agenda or you are perfectly aware of your duplicity.

Why can't it just be a matter of OUR heterosexuality?

You don't want to have an "aversion" component to homosexuality because it would indicate an "aversion" component in heterosexuality.  And this "aversion" component for heterosexuality would go a long way in explaining RATIONAL and REASONED discrimination against homosexuality.

And the more you mudding the waters of what it means to be "homosexual" the more you give credence to those that say all sexual proclivities outside of heterosexual reproduction are mere CHOICES.

I was going to shorten your quote to just the good parts but it's all so darn ridiculous, I just included the whole thing.

First, How does A lead to B in your first Paragraph? Please elaborate, I am really interested. Right now it is just untinelligible gibberish.

2nd- Why can't it what??? Dude, you just thoroughly emasculated yourself with that one.

3rd- Rational and Reasoned ... in bizarro world

4th-Choices driven by the genetic urge to get off. We didn't get a highly discriminate horny button.

Tell me again T-diddy, how do societies collapse?
What about my hypothetical situation posted above?
I am getting confused between the mackerel brains posting around here. How old do you suppose the earth is?

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,14:54   


I can't really understand any question you just asked.  Sorry!

Maybe you will elaborate further?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,16:03   

Ok, one at a time
Quote (thordaddy @ May 19 2006,18:47)
The point is that those of your mentality are convinced that those that advocate for traditional marriage and advocate against the "normalization"of homosexuality do so out of bigotry and hatred for homosexuals.  You are either an unwitting pawn of the radical gay agenda or you are perfectly aware of your duplicity.

First, that's a big supposition to assume eric's mentality. but that aside, how does being "convinced that those that advocate for traditional marriage and advocate against the "normalization"of homosexuality do so out of bigotry and hatred for homosexuals."

lead to being "either an unwitting pawn of the radical gay agenda or ... perfectly aware of your duplicity."

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,16:23   


My supposed motivations in this debate have been clearly articulated by ericmurphy.

The way I get from A to B is the same way ericmurphy gets from A to B.  Is it not legitimate for me to think he is either a pawn or a duplicitious advocate for homosexuality when he truly believes that I advocate for traditional marriage and advocate against the "normalization" of homosexuality because I supposedly hate gays?  

Ask ericmurphy how he gets from A to B and you will have your answer.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,16:37   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 19 2006,18:47)

The point is that those of your mentality are convinced that those that advocate for traditional marriage and advocate against the "normalization"of homosexuality do so out of bigotry and hatred for homosexuals.  You are either an unwitting pawn of the radical gay agenda or you are perfectly aware of your duplicity.

Why can't it just be a matter of OUR heterosexuality?

You don't want to have an "aversion" component to homosexuality because it would indicate an "aversion" component in heterosexuality.  And this "aversion" component for heterosexuality would go a long way in explaining RATIONAL and REASONED discrimination against homosexuality.

And the more you mudding the waters of what it means to be "homosexual" the more you give credence to those that say all sexual proclivities outside of heterosexual reproduction are mere CHOICES.

Thordaddy, the depth of your stupidity knows no bounds.

As usual, you insist on making black-and-white distinctions where no such distinctions belong.

As I've said at least two or three times, there are heterosexuals who are averse to homosexual sex, and homosexuals who are averse to straight sex. There are also both who have no such aversion. What the fuck is your point?

Thordaddy, the reasons why assholes like you are homophobic bigots don't have the slightest interest for me. The fact that you have an "aversion" to gay sex doesn't begin to explain it, though, because under no conceivable array of "gay rights" would you ever be obliged to indulge in gay sex. So why do you care if others do so? Why is this even an issue for you?

You act like gay people wanting rights will somehow encroach on your "heterosexual rights." Would you care to eludicate on how that would happen?

Actually, don't bother. I can't imagine that you have anything intelligent to say on the topic, since you never have in the past.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,17:27   


See above about jumping from A to B.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,17:36   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 19 2006,22:27)

See above about jumping from A to B.

And you haven't shown any reason for anyone to think otherwise. You've never been able to explain why the mere existence of gay sex causes you such alarm. Are you worried that someone might force you to have sex with a dude?

What other conceivable reason could you have for being opposed to the "normalization" of homosexuality?

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,17:39   


If you can articulate in what way "homosexuality" is normal then I will tell you why I'm against is "normalization."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,19:13   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 19 2006,22:39)

If you can articulate in what way "homosexuality" is normal then I will tell you why I'm against is "normalization."

What possible difference does it make whether homosexuality is "normal"? It exists. It's not restricted to humans. It has absolutely no effect on you whatsoever.

So tell me why you're opposed to the very existence of gay people. Why do you think they should be discriminated against?

By the way, "normalization" is your term, not mine.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,06:23   

Again, Thor, I ask:

How would you describe and explain bisexuality re: aversion and attraction?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,10:16   

The way I get from A to B is the same way ericmurphy gets from A to B.

I trust at this point that it is abundandtly clear that this is NOT the case.

In fact, both T-diddy and AFDave seem to share similar ways of getting from A to B, but are not shared by anybody who thinks rationally.

I'm gaining more and more support for my theory that there is a common pathology (beyond religious belief) that these types of creationists share.

I'm not going to try to get a degree in psych, er, not that it's necessary to observe the rampant behvioral malfunctions exhibited by folks of T-diddy's ilk, but I might go so far to invite someone who does have a degree to come observe and comment.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,12:27   

Just more potential excersizes for those of us in the "Ironic Humor School of Creative Writing".
The point is that those of your mentality are convinced that those that advocate for traditional marriage and advocate against the "normalization"of homosexuality do so out of bigotry and hatred for homosexuals.  You are either an unwitting pawn of the radical gay agenda or you are perfectly aware of your duplicity.

Why can't it just be a matter of OUR heterosexuality?

Because OUR heterosexuality happens within US, not THEM. When YOUR heterosexuality happens within THEM then THEIR homosexuality happens in YOU and the space aliens return to probe YOU again. Then YOU become THEM and THEY become rulers and force YOU to have GAY SEX with GOATS!

Got that? Write that down.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,12:50   


I would explain bisexuality the same way I explain smoking cigarettes, taking drugs, working out or getting a different style haircut.

It's called making choices.

sir toejam,

You might be taken more seriously if your didn't start with faulty assumptions.  I'm neither a creationist, a Christian nor any religion.

I grew up in a liberal society and only now am I beginning to see the deception I was immersed in.  

Fortunately or unfortunately, I have not had the kind of negative experience with religion that you apparently have had.


Do you think discrimination against homosexuality is wrong?  Why?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,12:58   

You might be taken more seriously if your didn't start with faulty assumptions.  I'm neither a creationist, a Christian nor any religion.

that was funny.


I grew up in a liberal society and only now am I beginning to see the deception I was immersed in.

was REALLY funny.

I could care less what you call yourself, doofus, you missed the point entirely.

your last quote exhibits a pychological malady you and AFDave share in abundance.


look it up.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,19:09   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 20 2006,17:50)

Do you think discrimination against homosexuality is wrong?  Why?

Yep. It sure is. It's wrong for the same reasons that discrimination against Jews, African-Americans, or Asians is wrong.

No difference. No distinction.

The only group for which discrimination is not wrong that I can think of is bigots.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,19:16   

the only group which can justifiably be discriminated against are those who discriminate.



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(Permalink) Posted: May 20 2006,20:06   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 20 2006,17:50)

Do you think discrimination against homosexuality is wrong?  Why?

Well... I guess I would have to say that I think you have your  brain in backward. No. I don't think it is wrong. Because there are so many choices you have to make before you ever get to the point where you have to decide to discriminate that there is no point in making a deal out that particular choice.

I suppose that I would ask that question in a different way:

Why do you care what other people do?

And, about the "Crumbling Society" bit, have you given my questions any thought?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
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The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,00:17   

ericmurphy opines,

The only group for which discrimination is not wrong that I can think of is bigots.

The unprinciple exception, no doubt.  And how do we know your not the bigot against traditional marriage?  You're everybit as stuck to your opinions and prejudices than the next guy.  So much so, that you can't think of ANY REASON to discriminate against homosexuality.  By this very fact, you take an extremist position that goes against hundreds of years of history.  We usually call this a radical.


I care if a radical super-minority tries to completely abolish a cultural institution that has served our country well even with the relentless assault that has taken place over the last 50 years.  I care even more when the decision to redefine this institution lies in the hands of a few black robes in one very radical state as opposed to the American people.  What an insult that the gay radicals who claim to be so "normal" are trying to subvert the American people and demand "rights" in the name of their homosexual orientation.  If they are seeking societal validation this is the wrong way to seek it.

sir toejam,

You might have to articulate a little further.  I'm not sure why creationism or religion enters into any of your posts in this thread.  That was my point.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,03:11   

And how do we know your not the bigot against traditional marriage?
Eric's trying to illegalize heterosexual marriage?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,09:37   

sir toejam,

You might have to articulate a little further.  I'm not sure why creationism or religion enters into any of your posts in this thread.  That was my point.

sorry, i really can't take anything you say seriously enough to bother to elaborate.

have fun with your thread.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,10:56   


Can you articulate the defining criteria for marriage if gay "marriage" is legalised?

sir toejam,

I wouldn't bother elaborating either if I was you.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,11:18   


Can you articulate the defining criteria for marriage if gay "marriage" is legalised?
Well, right now, the marriage law in NC is this
(A)"The consent of a male and a female person who may lawfully marry, presently to take each other as husband and wife, freely, seriously and plainly expressed by each in the presence of the other, and in the presence of an ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister of officer that such persons are husband and wife, shall be a valid and sufficient marriage; provided, that the rite of marriage among the Society of Friends, according to a form and custom peculiar to themselves, shall not be interfered with by the provisions of this Chapter: provided further, that marriages solemnized and witnessed by a local Assembly of the Baha' is according to the usage of their religious community is valid."

  1. Both applicants should be present at the time of making application for a marriage license
  2. Picture ID is required of each, i.e. Drivers License or certified copy of Birth Certificate
  3. Each is required to present their Social Security card or documentary proof of their Social Security number, i.e. W-2 form, payroll stub, or a statement from the Social Security Office stating their Social Security number.
  4. The legal age for marriage is 18 years. If either or both of the applicants are under the legal age, the consent of one of the parents must be obtained. In case of divorced parents, the parent who received custody of the minor must give the consent to marry
  5. The marriage license is valid for sixty (60) days from the date of issuance
  6. The office hours for most County Register of Deeds offices are 8:00-5:00 p.m. To insure that issuance is completed by the 5:00 p.m. closing time, applicants should be in the office no later than 4:00 p.m.
  7. The marriage license fee is $50.00

And if gay marriage was allowed it would change to something like this:

(A)"The consent of two persons who may lawfully marry, presently to take each other as spouses, freely, seriously and plainly expressed by each in the presence of the other, and in the presence of an ordained minister of any religious denomination, minister of officer that such persons are married, shall be a valid and sufficient marriage; provided, that the rite of marriage among the Society of Friends, according to a form and custom peculiar to themselves, shall not be interfered with by the provisions of this Chapter: provided further, that marriages solemnized and witnessed by a local Assembly of the Baha' is according to the usage of their religious community is valid."

  1. Both applicants should be present at the time of making application for a marriage license
  2. Picture ID is required of each, i.e. Drivers License or certified copy of Birth Certificate
  3. Each is required to present their Social Security card or documentary proof of their Social Security number, i.e. W-2 form, payroll stub, or a statement from the Social Security Office stating their Social Security number.
  4. The legal age for marriage is 18 years. If either or both of the applicants are under the legal age, the consent of one of the parents must be obtained. In case of divorced parents, the parent who received custody of the minor must give the consent to marry
  5. The marriage license is valid for sixty (60) days from the date of issuance
  6. The office hours for most County Register of Deeds offices are 8:00-5:00 p.m. To insure that issuance is completed by the 5:00 p.m. closing time, applicants should be in the office no later than 4:00 p.m.
  7. The marriage license fee is $50.00

Not sure why you needed something so simple explained to you.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,11:34   


The unprinciple exception, no doubt.  And how do we know your not the bigot against traditional marriage?  You're everybit as stuck to your opinions and prejudices than the next guy.  So much so, that you can't think of ANY REASON to discriminate against homosexuality.  By this very fact, you take an extremist position that goes against hundreds of years of history.  We usually call this a radical.

"The bigot against traditional marriage". Wow.

Thordaddy lays it on the line: unless you support WITHOLDING civil rights from certain unpopular groups, "your" a bigot.  

So I guess this means that the least bigoted people in America are, by extension, those groups that SUPPORT having unpopular groups lose their civil rights -- like Thordaddy.

Or, back in the pre-civil rights South, the people who wanted Blacks to vote and have their civil rights -- a VERY UNPOPULAR position in the South -- those Civil Rights advocates were the REAL bigots!

And it was bigoted for the North to OPPOSE slavery, since it had served the South so well for 200 years.

And you know what we call people who oppose popular, old ideas? "We usually call this a radical".

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,12:40   


I care if a radical super-minority tries to completely abolish a cultural institution that has served our country well even with the relentless assault that has taken place over the last 50 years.  I care even more when the decision to redefine this institution lies in the hands of a few black robes in one very radical state as opposed to the American people.  What an insult that the gay radicals who claim to be so "normal" are trying to subvert the American people and demand "rights" in the name of their homosexual orientation.  If they are seeking societal validation this is the wrong way to seek it.

T-diddy, Hmmm. relentless assault that has taken place over the last 50 years????

Um, what exactly has been assaulted and what is the price for having it pass away?

You said earlier that you "used" to be a liberal til you woke up and realized the lies. (or something like that)

There might be a better way to look at something like that:

I was stuck as an ideologue at one extreme and, because the extremes are the only part of the spectrum I know how to inhabit because of my poorly integrated neural circuitry, when I discovered the problems with the left extreme, I had to throw the whole kit and caboodle away and leap over to the other extreme. When I discover the absurdity of that extreme, I will probably curle up in a ball and start rocking... for the rest of my life.

What does this collapse you are alluding to look like? What bad thing happens?

Mmm. Are you posting under 2 names?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,12:43   


I care if a radical super-minority tries to completely abolish a cultural institution that has served our country well...

Ericmurphy, I had no idea you were trying to illegalize heterosexual marriage. Explain yourself!

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,12:57   

I care if a radical super-minority tries to completely abolish a cultural institution that has served our country well even with the relentless assault that has taken place over the last 50 years.

Really, it's quite simple. If gays are allowed to marry, the entire institution of marriage will cease to exist. Period.

How do we know this? Well, Thordaddy hasn't offered any, like, evidence, but he's given me his word, and that's good enough for me.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,13:29   

Let's say the 3 homosexuals ask for a state-sanctioned marriage, what will the progressive say about this gay "marriage?"

Or, let's say that 2 gay adult brothers ask for a state-sanctioned union, what will the progressives say about this gay "marriage?"

Hopefully, we can get some straightforward answers so as to see the full implication of legalising gay "marriage."


A bigot is one who sticks to his opinions and prejudices regardless of outside influence.  It has nothing to do with giving or withholding civil rights.  Ericmurphy seems to fit the definition of a bigot towards traditional marriage.  

Secondly, civil rights apply to individuals and not groups of people.  Are you unaware of this simple American tradition?

Gay "marriage" renders marriage meaningless at any societal level.  If you're honest enough to answer the above questions then you will see it very clearly.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,13:41   

[quote=thordaddy,May 21 2006,18:29][/quote]
A bigot is one who sticks to his opinions and prejudices regardless of outside influence.  It has nothing to do with giving or withholding civil rights.  

REALLY? Does that mean that if you lived in a place where your political and religious beliefs made you an unpopular minority, and everyone around you, say, tried to force you to abandon Christianity, and you resisted, then you would be a 'bigot'?

So, basically ANY persecuted group that refuses to change its opinions under societal pressure is 'bigoted'.

TD, you don't get to redefine words based on your, well, bigotry. Here's a definition 'bigot' that's a bit more reality-based:

"One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."


Ericmurphy seems to fit the definition of a bigot towards traditional marriage.  

Why would your bizarre definition of bigot somehow not apply to people trying to, say, give blacks the right to vote? Because such people certainly 'stuck to their opinions and prejudices regardless of outside influence.'

Secondly, civil rights apply to individuals and not groups of people.  Are you unaware of this simple American tradition?

If civil rights apply to individuals, and not groups, how can you ban marriage to gays? How can you codify that into law without mentioning a group?

Gay "marriage" renders marriage meaningless at any societal level.  

How? You saying it doesn't make it so. You've failed to give ANY coherent explanation of why gay marriage would have the disastrous effects you fantasize.

If you're honest enough to answer the above questions then you will see it very clearly.

Wrong. Tossing an unsupported opinion of yours into the middle of the room does not constitute 'argumentation'. But I have no idea why any of us expect better from you.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,14:05   

It's really no surprise that everyone here thinks you're retarded, Thordaddy. You give us fresh evidence with every post.
Quote (thordaddy @ May 21 2006,05:17)
The unprinciple exception, no doubt.  And how do we know your not the bigot against traditional marriage?

Well, you don't know I'm not a space alien from Messier 33, either, do you? But so what? In case you haven't noticed after the 20th or 30th time I've said it, Thordaddy, I am straight, so it would be more than a little weird if I were biased against straight marriage, wouldn't it? Plus, the fact that I've never given any hint of being opposed to the idea of straight marriage; that might be a clue, too. Or are you so astoundingly mentally defective that you can't fathom how someone could be okay with gay marriage and also okay with straight marriage? I know thinking that way would be a leap for you, but since you somehow manage to occasionally swallow food without choking, you should be able to manage it.
You're everybit as stuck to your opinions and prejudices than the next guy.

Really? The fact that I have no problem whatsoever with gay or straight marriage makes me just as stuck to my opinions and prejudices as you are in your fear and hatred of gay marriage? Do you have any idea how incredibly stupid that sounds?
So much so, that you can't think of ANY REASON to discriminate against homosexuality.

Yep, I can't think of ANY REASON to discriminate against homosexuality. Neither, evidently, can you, since you have yet to cite one. But you manage to do it anyway. That's what we call "irrational."
I care if a radical super-minority tries to completely abolish a cultural institution that has served our country well even with the relentless assault that has taken place over the last 50 years.

Once again, Thordaddy shows that he's definitely in the running for the award of dumbest fuck on the planet. Because some gay people desperately would like to get state sanction for their marriage, that must of course mean that they want to abolish the institution of marriage. This is how Thordaddy gets from A to B, presumably by taking a detour through the transcendental numbers, elliptical functions, and maybe through the electromagnetic spectrum too.

I have to agree with BWE, Thordaddy. You're an idiot. You make AFDave look like a rocket scientist.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,14:17   


I care if a radical super-minority tries to completely abolish a cultural institution that has served our country well even with the relentless assault that has taken place over the last 50 years.

[Flashback: Washington, 1863]

"Mister President!"
"Yes, Mister Brown?"
"Sir I heard you are on the eve of abolishing slavery!"
"But are you planning on doing this?"
"Ah, Charles, it's very simple. Take a look at this document I drew up."
"lessee...we the people...blah blah blah...chinese slaves. wait, what was that?"
"Heh heh heh."
"Um...President Lincoln, I...uh...I don't get this."
"Devious, ain't it?"
"I can't say I follow. How does this abolish traditional slavery?"
"Can't you read?"
"Yeah. Yeah I can read. How does this abolish traditional slavery?"
"Dum dum, I redefined it to include the chinese! HA HA!"
"Pretty slick, eh?"
"I don't get it. I thought you were abolishing slavery."
"I am. By expanding it to allow a tiny fraction more slaves, I'm abolishing traditional slavery. Gonna totally wipe it out."
"No, see, it just means we're going to have a few chinese slaves too."
"You don't get it. By changing the definition I'm totally destroying the concept of traditional slavery. As an institution it's completely undermined."
"No it's not, it's slightly expanded."
"No, see, slavery, as traditionally defined in our society, is all about blacks. Can you articulate the defining criteria for slavery if chinese "slavery" is legalised?"
"Yeah, pretty much the same as it is, just with a few chinese slaves."
"No no no, see, by making this slight change, there are no rules anymore, everything falls into complete chaos. You'll be able to make a slave out of anybody, teenage girls, elderly jews, anybody, it'll totally undermine the traditional concept."
"I think you've lost your mind sir. All you're going to do is add a few chinese slaves."
"Well, maybe your brain's just not sophisticated enough. Professor Erasmus G. O. Paley was here last month and he had some very intriguing results in the theory of fractions which supports my claim. At least, he said he did. In February? Anyway, he said he'd mail it soon."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,14:31   

Quote (stevestory @ May 21 2006,19:17)
[Flashback: Washington, 1863]

"Mister President!"
"Yes, Mister Brown?"
"Sir I heard you are on the eve of abolishing slavery!"
"But are you planning on doing this?"
"Ah, Charles, it's very simple. Take a look at this document I drew up."
"lessee...we the people...blah blah blah...chinese slaves. wait, what was that?"

Great story, Steve.

But I'm wondering if Thordaddy will get it. At all. Like, even be able to figure out what it has to do with gay marriage.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,14:33   


But I'm wondering if Thordaddy will get it. At all.

Of course he won't. I didn't write it to convince him. He's unconvinceable. I wrote it to make fun of him.

My general philosophy is more or less articulated by this Ed Brayton post re Larry Falafelman:

Here's the rule when you deal with cranks and trolls - if you engage them, it proves that their ideas have to be taken seriously; if you ignore them, it shows that you're afraid of their ideas. Heads they win, tails you lose. That's why there's really only one way to deal with them: mock the #### out of them. No, it won't actually deflate them any, but it at least turns the annoyance into a bit of amusement.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,16:30   

T-diddy, Hmmm. relentless assault that has taken place over the last 50 years????

Um, what exactly has been assaulted and what is the price for having it pass away?

You said earlier that you "used" to be a liberal til you woke up and realized the lies. (or something like that)

There might be a better way to look at something like that:

I was stuck as an ideologue at one extreme and, because the extremes are the only part of the spectrum I know how to inhabit because of my poorly integrated neural circuitry, when I discovered the problems with the left extreme, I had to throw the whole kit and caboodle away and leap over to the other extreme. When I discover the absurdity of that extreme, I will probably curle up in a ball and start rocking... for the rest of my life.

What does this collapse you are alluding to look like? What bad thing happens?

Let's say the 3 homosexuals ask for a state-sanctioned marriage, what will the progressive say about this gay "marriage?"

T-diddy, who cares what they say? What is the bad thing that happens?

Or, let's say that 2 gay adult brothers ask for a state-sanctioned union, what will the progressives say about this gay "marriage?"

T-diddy, who cares what they say? What is the bad thing that happens?

Secondly, civil rights apply to individuals and not groups of people.  Are you unaware of this simple American tradition?

Um. Jesus you are stupid.

Gay "marriage" renders marriage meaningless at any societal level.  If you're honest enough to answer the above questions then you will see it very clearly.

What are the different societal levels where the existance of gay marriage makes regular marriage meaningless?  It's not that I'm trying to pick on you t-diddy, it's just that you are so darnded stupid that it's hard to figure out what you mean.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
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Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,18:58   

Quote (stevestory @ May 21 2006,17:43)
Ericmurphy, I had no idea you were trying to illegalize heterosexual marriage. Explain yourself!

Hey, I'm only in favor of heterosexual marriage if the chicks are hot.

Oh, wait…

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,19:19   

Once again, Thordaddy shows that he's definitely in the running for the award of dumbest fuck on the planet.
He's certainly made the short bus... er, list, hasn't he? :)

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 21 2006,19:27   

yeah, but he's got competion from AFDave.

Is there a clear winner?

I can't tell.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,00:32   

Let's see if we can't follow this through.

If 3 gay males petition to get a state-sanction marriage, what will the gay "marriage" advocates say for this gay "marriage?"

Will you say, "No, we can't give you a state-sanctioned marriage because you violate the 'couple' criteria?"

Likewise, if 2 gay brothers petition to get a state-sanction marriage, what will the gay "marriage" advocates say for this gay "marriage?"

Will you say, "No, we can't give you a state-sanctioned marriage because you violate the 'non-relateded' criteria?"

Remember, by any definition these are gay "marriages...?"

Or, they ARE NOT?

Which way do you go, my progressives friends?  This is the argument I am stuck on because discrimination in the institution of marraige will either exist for all time at some level or the institution will simply not exist at all.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,02:28   

There are good reasons why people who are related shouldn't marry. If you are aware of people who are only attracted to multiple people at the same time please let me know.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,05:12   

Which way do you go, my progressives friends?  This is the argument I am stuck on because discrimination in the institution of marraige will either exist for all time at some level or the institution will simply not exist at all.
Right. It doesn't seem as if there are more choices does it?

You and AFDave have a running contest to see who can hit more branches as they fall out of the stupid tree.

Let me get this straight. You are claiming a collapse of society. Can you tell us what that would look like?

And, assume I am at home with my wife and kids. We are having a nice evening in the art room doing various craft projects. My daughter is playing piano.

Three doors down, a man is living with a goat and their union is sanctioned by the state. My marriage is in jeopardy?

(By the way, just to add some fuel to your fire, at my wedding, My good friend got a mail order ordination and quoted Khalil-Gibran, Ghandi and Thoureau. Hahahaha!- Maybe MY marriage is the one that is chipping away at the foundation of marriage in this country made strong by god guns and guts.!;)

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,06:45   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 20 2006,18:50)

I would explain bisexuality the same way I explain smoking cigarettes, taking drugs, working out or getting a different style haircut.

It's called making choices.

So... being bisexual is choosing not being squeamish about the sex of the person one's attracted to?  Otherwise I don't see where your sense of aversion re: sexuality applies to bisexuality.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,06:54   

Quote (Chris Hyland @ May 22 2006,08:28)
There are good reasons why people who are related shouldn't marry. If you are aware of people who are only attracted to multiple people at the same time please let me know.

Actually, there are good reasons why people who are closely related shouldn't reproduce (although it depends on what they are carriers for, of course), but there is no biological reason as for why they shouldn't be allowed to marry.

Now, there is some psychological merit for preventing incest...


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,06:57   

A pro-incest person could be motivated by the bible. Where did Cain's wife come from?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,07:02   

Quote (stevestory @ May 22 2006,11:57)
A pro-incest person could be motivated by the bible. Where did Cain's wife come from?

I think AFDave has an answer for that one.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,07:07   

Quote (ericmurphy @ May 22 2006,12:02)
Quote (stevestory @ May 22 2006,11:57)
A pro-incest person could be motivated by the bible. Where did Cain's wife come from?

I think AFDave has an answer for that one.

We know what Carol Clouser would say:

That is none of your business!

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,09:31   

I suspect that future, more comprehensive research will reveal severe social / sexual identity problems among the children of gay parents. Look at the study I cited above - if interracial children have issues, I can't see why these kids wouldn't, especially since their own parents had trouble adjusting as teenagers (admittedly, much of this wasn't the fault of the gays themselves, but the reality remains unchanged). Sampling problems render current studies next to useless. I'm afraid that we'll see the light after many lives are irreparably damaged....and for what? To prop up an ahistoric, philosophically bankrupt view of civil rights?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,09:35   

Maybe children are hubs on a scale-free network? A geocentric, scale-free network?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,10:11   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 22 2006,14:31)
I suspect that future, more comprehensive research will reveal severe social / sexual identity problems among the children of gay parents. Look at the study I cited above - if interracial children have issues, I can't see why these kids wouldn't, especially since their own parents had trouble adjusting as teenagers (admittedly, much of this wasn't the fault of the gays themselves, but the reality remains unchanged).

I predict that in the future, as more and more people come to understand that homosexuals are people too, and as homosexuality becomes more and more acceptable (look how popular lesbian porn is these days among straight men! ), there will be less and less reason for children of gay parents to have social/sexual problems.

As you point out, Bill, a lot of the problems gay people have are as a result of society's inability to deal with homosexuality. As society matures, and becomes more tolerant (assuming we don't end up in some sort of medieval theocracy first), children of gay parents will be no more exceptional than children of divorced parents are today.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,12:15   

Isn't there one gay "marriage" advocate honest enough to take their advocacy to its very logical conclusion?

Will no gay "marriage" advocate answer the following questions?

If 3 gay males petition to get a state-sanction marriage, what will the gay "marriage" advocates say for this gay "marriage?"

Will you say, "No, we can't give you a state-sanctioned marriage because you violate the 'couple' criteria?"

Likewise, if 2 gay brothers petition to get a state-sanction marriage, what will the gay "marriage" advocates say for this gay "marriage?"

Will you say, "No, we can't give you a state-sanctioned marriage because you violate the 'non-related' criteria?"

Remember, by any definition these are gay "marriages...?"

Or, they ARE NOT?

When you avoid these very simple and straightforward questions, how is one supposed to think that your motivation for advocating for gay "marriage" is not rooted in deception?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,12:28   




(wiping tears from eyes)


OK, let's find out where you're going. They are all ok. So is sex with goats. Then what?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,13:06   

can you out-thordaddy thordaddy?

And what if a mother wants to marry her three year old twins? Will you evolutionists accept the logical conclusions of your philosophy?!?!?!?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,14:11   

Quote (stevestory @ May 22 2006,18:06)
can you out-thordaddy thordaddy?

And what if a mother wants to marry her three year old twins? Will you evolutionists accept the logical conclusions of your philosophy?!?!?!?

Both her 3 year old twins, or all 4 of em?
Maybe 1 1/2 of the twins and T-Diddly as well?
Is a goat involved?
Why do you want to remove my rights by leaving them as they are now, but extending them to others?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,16:59   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 22 2006,17:15)
Isn't there one gay "marriage" advocate honest enough to take their advocacy to its very logical conclusion?

Will no gay "marriage" advocate answer the following questions? Blahbitty Blahbitty Blahbitty BlahBlahBlahBlahBlah—

God, Thordaddy…how many times are we going to go through this? You were asking these exact same stupid fucking questions 39 pages ago! And we've answered them over, and over, and over again. Maybe you're thinking if you wait a while, we'll have forgotten that we already answered them?

Don't you remember coming up with more and more surreal hypotheticals, involving you and your five gay brothers, maybe with a sheep tossed in there (and maybe a ram for those of the more unorthodox persuasions), a microwave oven, a Mercury Montego, a Mazda, a Monza, a Winnebago—a whole herd o' Winnebagos, we're givin' 'em away!—and, of course

a baby's arm holding an apple.

Get a life, will you?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,17:09   

If homosexual marriages are legal, then won't you be able to marry your rental car, and the rental company won't be able to use the mileage data to charge you more, because the data will fall under spousal privilege??!?!?! Oh noes!?!?!?!?!

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,18:05   

(shakes head and laughs)  Damm...Thorbigot is still at it after 39 f'ing pages   :p   :p   :p

Hey Thordaddy,  what if a gay man builds a time machine and goes back in time to have sex with himself?  Is that still homosexual behavior, or is it just masturbation?  What if a woman travels back in time to have sex with herself.  That's not homosexual then, right?  What if she agrees to let you watch.  Is what she does OK by you then?

You better start lining up your legal arguments now.  Who knows what those sneaky queers will dream up next?  :D  :D  :D

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,18:31   

...a microwave oven, a Mercury Montego, a Mazda, a Monza, a Winnebago—a whole herd o' Winnebagos, we're givin' 'em away! )—and, of course

a baby's arm holding an apple.

thanks, that does bring back some memories.


I haven't even heard that on the radio in at least 10 years.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,20:38   

Quote (sir_toejam @ May 22 2006,23:31)
...a microwave oven, a Mercury Montego, a Mazda, a Monza, a Winnebago—a whole herd o' Winnebagos, we're givin' 'em away!—and, of course

a baby's arm holding an apple.

thanks, that does bring back some memories.


I haven't even heard that on the radio in at least 10 years.

Man, iTunes rocks.

(Not that I'm looking to start a flame war or anything…)

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,20:52

hmm.  I don't suppose you're a Guess Who fan as well?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 22 2006,21:43   

Quote (sir_toejam @ May 23 2006,01:52)

hmm.  I don't suppose you're a Guess Who fan as well?

Too cool. I've been meaning to look up those lyrics for a while.

I like a few Guess Who tunes here and there (These Eyes, American Woman, etc.), but I wouldn't characterize myself as a "fan." I like all kinds of weird stuff, from Bartok to Sex Pistols to Evanescence to Groove Collective to Zappa.

But, of course, none of that refutes the notion that God Hates Fags…

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,05:16   

And commies, pinkos, liberals, blacks, browns, uppity women, Labor Unions, volvos, perrier, and the educated intelligent class.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,05:36   

Quote (stevestory @ May 22 2006,18:06)
can you out-thordaddy thordaddy?

And what if a mother wants to marry her three year old twins? Will you evolutionists accept the logical conclusions of your philosophy?!?!?!?

Let me give it a shot...

(takes deep breath, cracks knuckles, stretches)


Okay, I have to take a shower now...

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,05:45   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ May 23 2006,10:36)
Quote (stevestory @ May 22 2006,18:06)
can you out-thordaddy thordaddy?

And what if a mother wants to marry her three year old twins? Will you evolutionists accept the logical conclusions of your philosophy?!?!?!?

Let me give it a shot...

(takes deep breath, cracks knuckles, stretches)


The interesting thing about Thordaddy is he's self-parodying. It's hard to come up with more outlandish scenarios than the ones he's come up with himself.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,06:55   

If 3 gay males petition to get a state-sanction marriage, what will the gay "marriage" advocates say for this gay "marriage?"

Will you say, "No, we can't give you a state-sanctioned marriage because you violate the 'couple' criteria?"

Likewise, if 2 gay brothers petition to get a state-sanction marriage, what will the gay "marriage" advocates say for this gay "marriage?"

Will you say, "No, we can't give you a state-sanctioned marriage because you violate the 'non-related' criteria?"

Remember, by any definition these are gay "marriages...?"

Or, they ARE NOT?

When you avoid these very simple and straightforward questions, how is one supposed to think that your motivation for advocating for gay "marriage" is not rooted in deception?

Now come on, Thor, don't be so tough on the libbies - after all, their amoral ontology doesn't permit an examination of consequences. That's so, like, adult. Notice how they pointedly ignore the study I cited above. Logic, precedent, evidence....none shall penetrate the evo mind (so-called).

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,06:58   

logic, precedent, evidence....


Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,06:59   

GoP, you used the phrase 'amoral ontology' yesterday. You need to work up some new material.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,07:12   

Although you are orders of magnitude smarter than T-diddy, you are drawing unfounded inferences from the article you posted that summarized some key findings of a larger piece of research. And, well, you are both toward the left of the curve x*2=y

Multiracial youngsters also were significantly more likely to have used marijuana and to have become drunk or high on drugs than white or Asian-Americans. There was little difference in these behaviors between multiracial and black youth.

When it came to violent behaviors such as carrying a weapon, being in a fight and threatening to stab someone, multiracial youth again were significantly more likely to report having engaged in these activities than were whites or Asian-Americans. Fewer differences were found between multiracial and black youths, although the multiracial adolescents reported significantly higher rates of hurting someone badly in a fight (39 percent) and having carried a gun (46 percent).

Among the students who identified themselves as multiracial, there were 25 different combinations of racial or ethnic backgrounds including 10 combinations of three racial backgrounds and five combinations of four backgrounds. About 80 percent of the multiracial students included some background.

"When it comes to multiracial youngsters, you have to take into account the experiences they are having with discrimination," Catalano said. "Discrimination felt by these children no doubt contributed to involvement in problem behaviors. Formation of identity is more difficult for multiracial children who have to figure out where they fit in and belong."

Harachi noted that while multiracial children are at higher risk for substance abuse and violent behavior, in most cases the majority of the multiracial youth were not involved in these problems.

This is not an argument against the mixing of the races. This is an identification of where mixed races tend to fit in a socio-cultural and socio-economic framework. It is also not an argument against gay marriage.

I was asking a serious question back there. So what? What if ten gay men are married to a goat and society allows it? What does it do to a traditional marriage?

And I was referring back to a point where T-diddy used the word collapse as in society will collapse or is collapsing. I want to know what that looks like. What bad things are happening and what does the end result look like?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,07:59   

This is not an argument against the mixing of the races. This is an identification of where mixed races tend to fit in a socio-cultural and socio-economic framework. It is also not an argument against gay marriage.

But my citation of this study wasn't meant to argue against interracial relationships. In fact, I was assuming that we all agreed on the morality of allowing them. My point was, "If significant child-rearing problems can arise from relationships that are broadly accepted in society and don't stir up mixed sexual signals, then what about relationships that are not socially acceptable, and that do muddy the waters of sexual identity?" We all know how important sex is to the adolescent mind. The teenaged years are a tough time, and children need role models who have successfully navigated those turbulent waters. Children also need fathers and mothers, and gay marriage is missing one of those. If someone could provide a philosophical, legal, or historical justification for the contention that marriage is a fundamental right, I might be able to look past these difficulties and rubber-stamp alternative unions. But no one has. All I've seen are fundamentally flawed studies and a weak appeal to the 14th Amendment. And unless Eric's firm has uncovered a secret diary, I suspect John Bingham would be astonished at your use of his lovely Amendment.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,07:59   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 23 2006,11:55)
Now come on, Thor, don't be so tough on the libbies - after all, their amoral ontology doesn't permit an examination of consequences. That's so, like, adult.

Bill, if you'll read earlier in this thread, you'll see that Thordaddy's already flogged this particular hobby-horse to death about a million times already, and he's gotten all the answers on the subject from the rest of us that he'll ever be likely to want. Not that he paid any attention to any of us. As I said, Thordaddy is like write-only memory. Stuff goes out, but nothing ever comes back in.
Notice how they pointedly ignore the study I cited above. Logic, precedent, evidence....none shall penetrate the evo mind (so-called).

But Bill, wasn't it you yourself who said that human reasoning was worse than useless when it comes to the study of mankind? Why are you citing logic, precedent, or evidence, when by your own lights the only authority worth considering is in that big ol' leatherbound book of yours?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,08:25   

But Bill, wasn't it you yourself who said that human reasoning was worse than useless when it comes to the study of mankind? Why are you citing logic, precedent, or evidence, when by your own lights the only authority worth considering is in that big ol' leatherbound book of yours?


Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,08:29   

But Bill, wasn't it you yourself who said that human reasoning was worse than useless when it comes to the study of mankind?

Good catch.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,08:41   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 23 2006,13:25)
But Bill, wasn't it you yourself who said that human reasoning was worse than useless when it comes to the study of mankind? Why are you citing logic, precedent, or evidence, when by your own lights the only authority worth considering is in that big ol' leatherbound book of yours?


…because you were…lying? You were trying to lull us into thinking reasoning was worthless so you could then pull some reasoning on us?

But by your own advice we should ignore any arguments you make, right?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,08:50   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 23 2006,12:59)
All I've seen are fundamentally flawed studies and a weak appeal to the 14th Amendment. And unless Eric's firm has uncovered a secret diary, I suspect John Bingham would be astonished at your use of his lovely Amendment.

Actually, it probably wouldn't be liberals' use of the 14th Amendment that would astonish him. It would be conservatives' use of it.

The vast majority of lawsuits citing the "equal protection" clause of the 14th amendment have been to protect corporate rights, not human rights. And yet if you read Santa Clara County v. S. Pac. RR, you'll discover that the only place this seminal case refers to the "personhood" of corporations entitling them to equal protection is in the headnotes. (And who wrote the headnotes? An attorney for the railroads, strangely enough.)

A first-year associate would be fired for citing the headnotes to a case, and yet most of U.S. corporations law is based on this one case.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,09:32   

Actually, it probably wouldn't be liberals' use of the 14th Amendment that would astonish him. It would be conservatives' use of it.

Ummmm....that's nice, but I think we were discussing this board's interpretation of the 14th Amendment, so perhaps we should stick with that for now.  ;)

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,09:51   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 23 2006,14:32)
Actually, it probably wouldn't be liberals' use of the 14th Amendment that would astonish him. It would be conservatives' use of it.

Ummmm....that's nice, but I think we were discussing this board's interpretation of the 14th Amendment, so perhaps we should stick with that for now.  ;)

I just wanted to correct one of your many misapprehensions of political reality, Bill. A minor aside, if you will.

Now, we can get back to listening to Thordaddy ranting on about incestuous homosexuality (which I'm all for if the chicks are hot) and similarly titillating topics…

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,10:11   

Astonishingly GoP, I agree. The 14th ammendment thing was OT.

And I appreciate your honesty on the following:
My point was, "If significant child-rearing problems can arise from relationships that are broadly accepted in society and don't stir up mixed sexual signals, then what about relationships that are not socially acceptable, and that do muddy the waters of sexual identity?" We all know how important sex is to the adolescent mind. The teenaged years are a tough time, and children need role models who have successfully navigated those turbulent waters. Children also need fathers and mothers, and gay marriage is missing one of those. If someone could provide a philosophical, legal, or historical justification for the contention that marriage is a fundamental right, I might be able to look past these difficulties and rubber-stamp alternative unions. But no one has.

That is the only coherent argument against gay marriage that I can see. But it would have to be accurate for it to work. I'm not saying it is inaccurate but the mixed race issue is inherently different. That is a socio-cultural and socio-economic issue relating to cultural biases on race, not sexual orientation. But, if that is what we have to work with then lets try this:

If mixed race were considered "normal" or "OK" and not a noticable distinction, would those children still have the same problem? It seems to me, if race identity is a factor, then it would be society's attitude toward race that would be causing the problem.

Same for sexuality. If no one cares about your sexual preference, then it ceases to be a problem for everyone, right?

It sounds to me like you don't want kids to have the choice of being gay.

Bottom line, I don't care what my neighbor does as long as he isn't predatory. And that has to do with hate, fear, guilt, repression and a host of other things that aren't related to sexual orientation.

It sounds like you do care what your neighbor does. Maybe your neighbor feels bad because you don't like it so he bottles it up and it comes out sideways in bad ways? What do you think of that?

If you aren't afraid of recrimination, it seems to me like you are more likely to discuss the way you feel with others and people can help you when you are close to the boundaries.

And GoP, the boundaries are where we are when we might hurt people.

A well-adjusted gay man who can talk about how he feels is a lot less likely I bet to hurt people than a Christian man who can't talk about the fantasies he is harboring and no one comes to help.

I guess that makes me liberal eh?

I wonder if anyone has ever done a study of church attendance records of child molesters? My cynical mind suspects that it is higher than the national average.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,10:12   

I just wanted to correct one of your many misapprehensions of political reality, Bill. A minor aside, if you will.

Ahh yes, as Gore Vidal said of Santa Clara County v. S. Pac. RR Co., "The Supreme Court, often witty if seldom wise." So the spirit, let alone the letter, of the 14th Amendment hasn't always been followed. So let's just read it to mean anything we want, right? Let the future take care of itself, and the Devil take the hindmost.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,10:32   

It sounds like you do care what your neighbor does. Maybe your neighbor feels bad because you don't like it so he bottles it up and it comes out sideways in bad ways? What do you think of that?

If you aren't afraid of recrimination, it seems to me like you are more likely to discuss the way you feel with others and people can help you when you are close to the boundaries.

The funny thing is, I really don't care what my neighbor does. And if I could get some legal guarantee (a constitutional amendment, perhaps?) that gay marriage today wouldn't lead to affirmative action tomorrow, or that I could live free from the inevitable fruit of such unions (angry, disturbed children, for example), then I might be more willing to compromise. But T-daddy and I can see where this policy will lead. Then again, we're not blinded by the incense.

  I guess we'll have to see what happens in England and Massachusetts.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,10:45   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 23 2006,16:32)

The funny thing is, I really don't care what my neighbor does. And if I could get some legal guarantee (a constitutional amendment, perhaps?) that gay marriage today wouldn't lead to affirmative action tomorrow, or that I could live free from the inevitable fruit of such unions (angry, disturbed children, for example), then I might be more willing to compromise. But T-daddy and I can see where this policy will lead. Then again, we're not blinded by the incense.

  I guess we'll have to see what happens in England and Massachusetts.

All children go through a time when they're angry and disturbed.  It's called adolescence.  How are the children of gay or bisexual parents any different?  And don't pull the bullshit of needing both a father and a mother.  Psych studies say you're wrong (and if you're going to say they're flawed, say how they're flawed).

And Massachusetts has the lowest divorce rate in the US.  Just FYI.


Posts: 846
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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,10:46   

And commies, pinkos, liberals, blacks, browns, uppity women, Labor Unions, volvos, perrier, and the educated intelligent class.

I think we established in one of AFDave's threads that he must hate all primates in general, and maybe even certain rodentia.

The Ghost of Paley

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,11:07   

Ladlergo fumed:
All children go through a time when they're angry and disturbed.  It's called adolescence.

Yep. And some go through it a little harder than others. And bring their guns along for the ride.
How are the children of gay or bisexual parents any different?  And don't pull the bullshit of needing both a father and a mother.  Psych studies say you're wrong (and if you're going to say they're flawed, say how they're flawed).

Tons of studies show that fatherless households are unstable ones. I do believe I've quoted a few on this very board. Now, let's see... the majority of freshly married couples will be lesbian - many already have children, and this new right will probably encourage them to have even more. Now, lesbian couples tend to be fatherless....still with me, ladlergo? all of these children will have to find their masculine role models outside the home. Gee, I wonder which ones they'll pick? Turn on the TV for a few hints. Oh, but it's not the lack of dads, it's just the lack of two parents? Color me skeptical. Here's another source just to hear you whine.  :p

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,11:10   

Quote (Ladlergo @ May 23 2006,15:45)
Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 23 2006,16:32)

The funny thing is, I really don't care what my neighbor does. And if I could get some legal guarantee (a constitutional amendment, perhaps?) that gay marriage today wouldn't lead to affirmative action tomorrow, or that I could live free from the inevitable fruit of such unions (angry, disturbed children, for example), then I might be more willing to compromise. But T-daddy and I can see where this policy will lead. Then again, we're not blinded by the incense.

  I guess we'll have to see what happens in England and Massachusetts.

All children go through a time when they're angry and disturbed.  It's called adolescence.  How are the children of gay or bisexual parents any different?  And don't pull the bullshit of needing both a father and a mother.  Psych studies say you're wrong (and if you're going to say they're flawed, say how they're flawed).

And Massachusetts has the lowest divorce rate in the US.  Just FYI.

And canada.

And these studies would seem to get to the heart of the matter. Can anyone point to them? My suspicions are strong but I see that so are GoP's and we appear to have conflicting suspicions. Also that could put the whole thing to rest as far as this particular thread goes. We could critique the studies' methods and conclusions and at least know what we are disagreeing about.

GoP, it was nice of you to bail out poor T-diddy, he was really falling apart there. You're like a big brother who tries to let your little bro take care of himself but steps in when little bro falls apart.

Like Hector did for Paris.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


Posts: 32
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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,11:20   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 23 2006,17:07)

Tons of studies show that fatherless households are unstable ones. I do believe I've quoted a few on this very board. Now, let's see... the majority of freshly married couples will be lesbian - many already have children, and this new right will probably encourage them to have even more. Now, lesbian couples tend to be fatherless....still with me, ladlergo? all of these children will have to find their masculine role models outside the home. Gee, I wonder which ones they'll pick? Turn on the TV for a few hints. Oh, but it's not the lack of dads, it's just the lack of two parents? Color me skeptical. Here's another source just to hear you whine.  :p

Duh.  Of course a family with one parent is going to be less stable (on average) that a family with two parents.

Now please show the studies that say that same-sex two-parent households fall under this category of single-parent homes.  I'm not seeing them.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,11:23   

Now, lesbian couples tend to be fatherless...
Just a quickie. Just because lesbians don't have a penis doesn't mean they don't have enough masculinity to supply a "male" role model to properly raise a child.  Many real lesbians seem like they have more testosterone than I do.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,11:34   

And these studies would seem to get to the heart of the matter. Can anyone point to them? My suspicions are strong but I see that so are GoP's and we appear to have conflicting suspicions. Also that could put the whole thing to rest as far as this particular thread goes. We could critique the studies' methods and conclusions and at least know what we are disagreeing about.

Unfortunately, the impact of father absence is confounded by poverty and the stresses inherent within single parenthood. I guess we could compare single-parent paternal homes to mother-only households, but the former tend to arise from unusual circumstances (mother is a total pusbag, etc., etc.), so I wouldn't necessarily trust the conclusions that flow from such research. But I'll see what I can find...

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,11:39   

I bet that you won't be able to tease out economic and socio-economic factors.

Also, that is a pretty weak argument on another front:
The way someone else raises their kids isn't really your business. Now I would prefer that christians like Davey wouldn't raise kids because that kind of person creates a society that I don't like and that is dangerous in ways that are tangible to me.

I can't imagine that children of loving parents could be any worse off than children of parents who aren't socialized well enough to be loving. Or are you arguing that Gay people don't really love?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,13:15   

For those of us who think that I believe heterosexual sex and marriage should be banned (I think I'm talking just about Thodaddy, but if anyone else thinks so too, let me know), I thought I'd post this snippet from Dan Savage's "Savage Love" column in The Stranger up in Seattle:

STRAIGHT RIGHTS UPDATE: I've been running around with my hair on fire trying to convince my straight readers that religious conservatives don't just hate homos. Their attacks on gay people, relationships, parents, and sex get all the press, but the American Taliban has an anti-straight-rights agenda too. As I wrote on March 23: "The GOP's message to straight Americans: If you have sex, we want it to fuck up your lives as much as possible. No birth control, no emergency contraception, no abortion services, no lifesaving vaccines. If you get pregnant, tough shit. You're going to have those babies, ladies, and you're going to make those child-support payments, gentlemen."

For those who don't know, Mr. Savage is as queer as a three-dollar bill, and is in a stable monogamous relationship (notice I didn't say "marriage") with his long-time honey, and they are raising their son in as much bliss as one can hope for in rain-kissed Washington State.

So lest anyone think I think straight people should have all their rights taken away so they can be given to gay people, let's just say, not.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,13:19   

Lie all you want Eric Murphy, according to thordaddy you're trying to 'abolish' traditional marriage. So yes, you obviously are trying to illegalize heterosexual marriage, because otherwise, heteros will continue getting married like they always have.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,13:23   

The thing that I walways wonder about, is that last I saw, a lot of the negative things that occur when raising children actually happen most in porr families.  Does GoP agree that we should restrict peoples breeding or marriage rights according to how much money they have?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,13:57   

Quote (stevestory @ May 23 2006,18:19)
Lie all you want Eric Murphy, according to thordaddy you're trying to 'abolish' traditional marriage.

Well, dammit, if I can't get married, why should anyone be able to get married? I demand my right to be exactly like everyone else! I'm stamping me little foot right now, and if I were a judge, I'd be bangin' me gavel, too.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,14:02   


Why can't you answer these very simple questions?

If 3 gay males petition to get a state-sanctioned marriage, what will you say about this gay "marriage?"


If 2 gay brothers petition to get a state-sanctioned marriage, what will you say about this gay "marriage?"

Will you GRANT these homosexuals their "marriage" and render such thing meaningless in a cultural context...?


Will you DENY these homosexuals the very non-discrimination and tolerance you have ARBITRARILY afforded other homosexuals...?


Will you just pretend like such scenario is inconceivable and join those forebearers that claimed the legalization of sodomy wouldn't lead to gay "marriage" and represented nothing but a "slippery-slope" argument.

Which do you choose?  Be a man eric and tell us your position?


I also find it quite amusing that the best science can say about the nature of homosexuality is that one may have a genetic disposition towards homosexuality that a particular environment may trigger, but this environment IS NOT a home headed by homosexuals?

What environment CAN trigger a homosexual disposition if not a homosexual environment?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,14:18   

You know something GOP? I actually agree, I think that a child raised by 2 loving parents has a better chance at doing well in this world (all other things being equal).


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,14:21   

If a blind man and a male-to-male stereo cable petition to get a state-sanctioned marriage, what will you say about this gay "marriage?!?!?!?!?!"

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,14:46   

I bet that you won't be able to tease out economic and socio-economic factors.

Probably not. That's why I found the interracial study so appealing - despite what Jared Taylor may think, long-term interracial marriages do exist. Yet stable, two-parent families weren't enough for these kids. The implication for other "nontraditional" marriages is obvious.
The way someone else raises their kids isn't really your business.

Until their kids start hassling my kids.* Then it becomes my business.
I can't imagine that children of loving parents could be any worse off than children of parents who aren't socialized well enough to be loving. Or are you arguing that Gay people don't really love?

I'm sure they'll do their best, but reality will remain unmoved. It is as it was, and continues to be.

*Hypothetical situation for now.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,14:57   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 23 2006,19:46)
I bet that you won't be able to tease out economic and socio-economic factors.

Probably not. That's why I found the interracial study so appealing - despite what Jared Taylor may think, long-term interracial marriages do exist. Yet stable, two-parent families weren't enough for these kids. The implication for other "nontraditional" marriages is obvious.
The way someone else raises their kids isn't really your business.

Until their kids start hassling my kids.* Then it becomes my business.
I can't imagine that children of loving parents could be any worse off than children of parents who aren't socialized well enough to be loving. Or are you arguing that Gay people don't really love?

I'm sure they'll do their best, but reality will remain unmoved. It is as it was, and continues to be.

*Hypothetical situation for now.

It's that amoral ontology what does it.

[clucks disapprovingly]

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,17:24   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 23 2006,19:02)

Why can't you answer these very simple questions? Blah-buh blah-buh Blah-buh blah-buh Blah-buh blah-buh Blahbitty Blahbitty Blah.

Thordaddy, why don't you be a man and go back to the beginning of this thread and look up the fucking answers yourself? I'm simply not going to get dragged into this stupidity of listening to you proposing increasingly ludicrous scenarios until at some point someone cries uncle. We've been around this same idiotic merry-go-round with you so many times I'm surprised no one's puked on your shoes from motion sickness.

I also find it quite amusing that the best science can say about the nature of homosexuality is that one may have a genetic disposition towards homosexuality that a particular environment may trigger, but this environment IS NOT a home headed by homosexuals?

What environment CAN trigger a homosexual disposition if not a homosexual environment?

Thordaddy, you're just another one of those scientifically-illiterate idiots who thinks science is a load of crap because it doesn't have an explanation for every single phenomenon under the sun. The fact is, the reasons why some people become homosexual and others don't are poorly understood. BFD, man. The reasons the Planck energy is so high are also poorly understood. What's your point? That science doesn't have an explanation for everything?

But if you think people only become gay if they're raised by gay couples—well, let me just say it wouldn't particularly surprise me if you did believe that.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,17:45   


Does the profanity help your argument?

Both of the scenarios I've highlighted involved gay people and both make irrelevant 2 of the 3 remaining traditional criteria for gay "marriage."

So what is the definition of marriage in the cultural sense other than the will of the individual seeking validation for his/her union?

If you DENY those that don't fit your NEW discriminatory definition of "marriage" then what DOES THIS MAKE YOU other than a nice bigot and undercover hater of some particular gays that find a union in 3s or a union between blood preferable?

As for your last point, I love science, but I can't stand ideology masked as science.

On this issue, we see a lot of ideology pretending to be science.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,18:15   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 23 2006,22:45)

Does the profanity help your argument?

Does the interminable repetition help yours?
Both of the scenarios I've highlighted involved gay people and yadayadayadayadayadayadidtyyadidtya

Both of the scenarios you've highlighted are preposterously absurd, and have no practical application to the real world. They're no more believable than a woman wanting to marry her Winnebago. This is why no one cares, Thordaddy. Is it any wonder that everyone ignores your ridiculous hypotheticals, and merely makes fun of you by coming up with ones almost extreme as the ones you come up with? Doesn't any of this sound remotely familar to you, or are you doing your best Leonard Shelby impression?

As for your last point, I love science, but I can't stand ideology masked as science.

Thordaddy, you know less about science than I know about needlepoint. If anyone here is spouting ideology masked as science, it's you. It was the same way with the abortion debate. Unfortunately for you, many of the people who read this site are scientists, and virtually everyone who reads this site has forgotten more science than you'll ever know.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:00   


Repetitive profanity is not equivalent to repetitive principled argument.  But as a liberal, they very much are and you no doubt try and say so.  

Back to the point, though...,

How is 3 lesbians petitioning for a state-sanctioned marriage "preposterously absurd" while 2 lesbians doing the same should be an undeniable reality?


How is 2 homosexual brothers petitioning for a state-sanctioned marriage "preposterously absurd" while 2 homosexual males doing the same should be an undeniable reality?

Gay "marriage" with its remaining traditional criteria was once thought to be "preposterously absurd."

Why are you putting on such a phony front?  Do you really think the gay radicals behind the push for state-sanctioned recognition do so out of a realization for the trancendant value of traditional marriage?

The radicals despise the institution of marriage and its exclusionary criteria and yet they look to join this institution and then shut the door closed behind them.

The practical effect will be a redistribution of wealth between those with less disposable cash to those with more.  The long term effect will be those who do not marry, but wouldn't dare seek some silly alternative union, will see a negative economic future.

But the real effect will be that the institution of marriage will still be discriminatory and intolerant.  

What will you "progressives" do next?

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:13   

EDIT. Never mind. Pointless arguing.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:17   

repetitive principled argument


that's a great catchphrase!

full of irony.

mmm, irony goodness.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:20   

You never give up, Thordaddy.

Despite the abolute inanity of your position, despite having made yourself the laughingstock of this board (you make AF Dave look like a Rhodes scholar by comparison) you persist in your asinine cement-headed "argument."

Get it through your thick, brainless skull, Thordaddy: gay marriage will affect neither you, nor anyone else, in any negative fashion. You keep insisting that it will, without a shred of evidence, to say nothing of proof. And you're not even married! Why, for God's sake, do you even care? Even if the "radical gay agenda" were to ban straight marriage, what difference would that make to you?

And here's yet another in a long string of vacuities issuing from your keyboard:

Quote (thordaddy @ May 24 2006,01:00)
The radicals despise the institution of marriage and its exclusionary criteria and yet they look to join this institution and then shut the door closed behind them.

I wish I could impress upon you how tiresome this same stupid argument is, the same one you've been advancing for forty pages now. It's just as dumb now as it was the first time you said it.

Can you please move on to something else? You're a fucking broken record. Why are you so obsessed with this nothing issue? Isn't there anything else you're concerned about in the slightest? War, poverty, disease, or who's going to get voted off the island next on Survivor? For crying out loud, Thordaddy, get a life.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:23   


Why argue when all you need to do is answer my scenarios above?  

Would you deny the petition or not to these gay unions?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:27   

Quote (ericmurphy @ May 24 2006,01:20)
You never give up, Thordaddy.

Despite the abolute inanity of your position, despite having made yourself the laughingstock of this board (you make AF Dave look like a Rhodes scholar by comparison) you persist in your asinine cement-headed "argument."

Get it through your thick, brainless skull, Thordaddy: gay marriage will affect neither you, nor anyone else, in any negative fashion. You keep insisting that it will, without a shred of evidence, to say nothing of proof. And you're not even married! Why, for God's sake, do you even care? Even if the "radical gay agenda" were to ban straight marriage, what difference would that make to you?

And here's yet another in a long string of vacuities issuing from your keyboard:

Quote (thordaddy @ May 24 2006,01:00)
The radicals despise the institution of marriage and its exclusionary criteria and yet they look to join this institution and then shut the door closed behind them.

I wish I could impress upon you how tiresome this same stupid argument is, the same one you've been advancing for forty pages now. It's just as dumb now as it was the first time you said it.

Can you please move on to something else? You're a fucking broken record. Why are you so obsessed with this nothing issue? Isn't there anything else you're concerned about in the slightest? War, poverty, disease, or who's going to get voted off the island next on Survivor? For crying out loud, Thordaddy, get a life.

Actually, you know what? Forget I said anything. Stephen's right. As I've said before, arguing with Thordaddy is like yelling at the umpire watching a re-run of last year's World Series on TV.

He probably thinks he's actually stumped us. The reality is, we're so worn out by his stupifying repetitiveness that we'd rather eat worms than even read his crap anymore.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:27   


You know I have always had the utmost respect for your positions and debate skills but this time I think I have to hand it to EricMurphy, the Irishman.

Listen, you're down but you're not out. Try bringing up Hitler. Gosh I don't know, you're the idea guy. Just make sure it's the ol' one-two. Don't let 'em put cha down just 'cause he's got cha on the ropes.

We'll keep those fags out of Venezuela yet. Just try and marry a goat you fags. Go ahead, try and take marriage away from me. You'll see my buddy Thordaddy here'll defend it with a left hook that'll sneak up on ya and put cher lights out ya fags. Yeah.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Alan Fox

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:29   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ May 23 2006,11:34)
And these studies would seem to get to the heart of the matter. Can anyone point to them? My suspicions are strong but I see that so are GoP's and we appear to have conflicting suspicions. Also that could put the whole thing to rest as far as this particular thread goes. We could critique the studies' methods and conclusions and at least know what we are disagreeing about.

Unfortunately, the impact of father absence is confounded by poverty and the stresses inherent within single parenthood. I guess we could compare single-parent paternal homes to mother-only households, but the former tend to arise from unusual circumstances (mother is a total pusbag, etc., etc.), so I wouldn't necessarily trust the conclusions that flow from such research. But I'll see what I can find...

Mr The Ghost of Paley

Come on, you sometimes display integrity. Admit you can't back up your guts to gametes, geocentrism, scale-free thingy etc assertions, so I could regain some respect for you.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:30   

***Criteria for Marriage****

Throughout human history only ONE criteria has existed for marriage universally.  Marriage is designed to nurture families(either through forcing responsibility or legal protection and consideration).  Polygamy, incestual marriage, and gay marriage have all existed for the purposes of family.  The purpose may not always be "procreation"...but the well-being of the entire family unit has always been central to the theme of marriage.

1st argument
What about marriages that cannot produce offspring...and are legally incapable of adoption....
They probably shouldnt get married....their motivation is almost entirely "social pressure" and monetary.

2nd argument..
Should we allow two gay brothers to marry each other? or whatever other random scenario thordaddy can envision?

The validity of incestual marriage is completely irrelevant to the conversation...and I will address this concern later. the "univeral" criteria for marriage seems to be family.  Even the Christians would agree with me on this point.  Race, number, sex, age, degrees of ancesteral seperation, etc...are all arbitrary criteria that depend completely on the society.
So...Thordaddy quit referring to the "criteria" for just sound like an idiot.

Arguments against polygamy parallel arguments against homosexual marriage.  They mostly involve the practical implication of new laws...and cultural standards.  If one is allowed then the other should automatically be allowed...

Arguments against incest mostly involve morality.  Our culture condems incest...and we have absolutely no reason to break this precedent.

So...should two brothers who want to raise children be allowed to marry?
This marriage first violates our incestual "clause"...
Even if the guarantee against incest was in place...there would be absolutely no reason to legally "force" the two brothers to be mutually responsible for children.  If they were raising younger siblings their family responsibility would already be implied.

If you claim, and Thordaddy will, that I am now implying that "romantic" relations must be a criteria for marriage...then he is absolutely correct.  

Thordaddy you sit on a delicate fence.
If you claim that only families that can procreate should be allowed to exclude sterile couples from the mix
If you claim that families that wish to raise children should be allowed to marry...then we get all of your crazy hypotheticals....
If we begin to insert your laundry list of marriage "criteria" then we ban interracial marriage.

The best compromise of these positions would seem to be that any couple that is "romantically" involved and does not violate the incest/bestial clause should be allowed to be married.

This means that two people cannot marry each other if they are not romantically involved.  Therefore a gay man cannot marry a gay woman.  This would also invalidate the gay male couple/lesbian couple union.  This would however allow for gay marriage and polygamy.

I oppose gay marriage and polygamy on the grounds of practical implication....which is just about the only non-biased position that one can take in opposition to gay marriage.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:32   

why do I see Eric with far fewer hairs on his head after all this, and a big bruise on his forehead?

In fact, that looks pretty bad, Eric.  I think you should get a head CT after banging your head so hard against that rock.

I gotta give you credit though, your skull must be far more resistant to damage than mine is.  I would have had severe brain damage after the 10th page or so, and be totally bald from ripping my hair out.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:33   


It should be obvious to anyone that gay "marriage" will consist of tax burden shift from those gay couples getting married to those that are not married.  Ironically, this will include both of us assuming you aren't married yet.  Now, I consider this the most obvious example of a "negative" consequence from gay "marriage."

This speaks nothing of its cultural effect.

Will you deny the petitions or not?  By your own professed principles, YOU CAN'T, as such would be discriminatory and intolerant.  You must by your own liberal principles discard ALL criteria for marriage as they represent discrimination and intolerance.

You're in quite a conundrum.

Alan Fox

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:57   

It should be obvious to anyone that gay "marriage" will consist of tax burden shift from those gay couples getting married to those that are not married.

What is obvious is that the fiscal burden can be adjusted in any way that a government wishes (if democratic, within the limits of electability).In an ideal world, fairness might be an important criterion, also stability (family units -in the broadest sense, straight, gay or other- are likely to be more stable than single people). Slanting the burden could either encourage or discourage people to set up as couples, and to have no, less or more children, depending on what short or long term objectives are aimed at.

If you feel financially disadvantaged, blame the tax regime. It is separate from any moral consideration.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,20:58   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 24 2006,01:33)
You're in quite a conundrum.

Actually, Thordaddy, I couldn't possibly care less.

Can someone wake me up when he's finished his rant?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,21:01   


You didn't notice who the new FBI's most wanted happened to be, did you?

You can't answer the above scenarios unless you stay within the confines of the liberal context.

The institution of marriage is a "discriminatory and intolerant" institution.  This says nothing of the "discriminatory and intolerant" nature of any real institution.

Gay "marriage" must have either the effect of stamping out discrimination and intolerance completely or the institution of marriage IS STILL discriminatory and intolerant.

What is the "progressive" to do if he hasn't rendered the institution of marriage void of discrimination and intolerance?

You're not viewing this issue in the eyes of a gay radical bent on social validation or a "progressive" seeking social superiority.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,21:18   

I may be going to #### in a bucket, but at least I'm enjoying the ride. :D

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,21:35   

You didn't notice who the new FBI's most wanted happened to be, did you?

Its official...Thordaddy is insane...
I have no idea what he was trying to say....

You can't answer the above scenarios unless you stay within the confines of the liberal context.

"Confines of the liberal context"?
That doesnt even make sense....
But i did just answer the question...
I explained why your "scenarios" were flawed(they either dismissed the romantic nature of a marriage...or they were incestual)

Gay "marriage" must have either the effect of stamping out discrimination and intolerance completely or the institution of marriage IS STILL discriminatory and intolerant.

What is the "progressive" to do if he hasn't rendered the institution of marriage void of discrimination and intolerance?

Why must gay marriage "stamp out discrimination"?
I guess the progressive can go f*ck himself...because it honestly doesnt matter.

You're not viewing this issue in the eyes of a gay radical bent on social validation or a "progressive" seeking social superiority.

Absolutely not...
But I am viewing this as a rationalist....
Which is the same way i view everything.....
I can see obvious arguments in support of gay marriage that do not rely on "progressive" agendas or "gay radicals bent on social validation".
I can also see obvious difficulties in the implication of new marriage requirements.

Does it bother you that I refuse to argue with you from any position but the rational, sane, and logical?
Does it bother you that I have agreed with you...but for completely different reasons?
Does it bother you that I refuse to engage in an ideological debate?
Trust me...the logic exists...I just hope you can see it...


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,21:52   


The new face on the FBI's "Most Wanted" is some avowed polygamist.  Go figure?

How can one be "Liberal-broad-minded" if one is wedded to equality, non-discrimination and tolerance?  That sounds more like Liberal-no-minded.

You can obviously conceive of restrictive criteria for marriage, but this means nothing when the fundamental criteria (opposing sexes) of marriage becomes irrelevant.

You think bureaucratic redtape is a sufficient reason to deny someone their "equal rights?"

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,22:42   

In the UK we have had gay "marriage" legalised for about 6 months now. I am unable to notice any major change to society because of this. It's total impact on my life is a big fat zero without the ring.

EDIT> Strangely enough, straight people are still getting married. Weird! Surely T-Diddly could not be wrong in his prediction?

Alan Fox

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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,22:56   

Quote (Stephen Elliott @ May 23 2006,22:42)
In the UK we have had gay "marriage" legalised for about 6 months now. I am unable to notice any major change to society because of this. It's total impact on my life is a big fat zero without the ring.

EDIT> Strangely enough, straight people are still getting married. Weird! Surely T-Diddly could not be wrong in his prediction?

But not as often, Stephen. The lack of a fiscal advantage may have something to do with it. Ditto on having children.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 23 2006,23:06   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 24 2006,02:52)
How can one be "Liberal-broad-minded" if one is wedded to equality, non-discrimination and tolerance?  That sounds more like Liberal-no-minded.

Sounds like you're under attack from the educated, intelligent section of the culture  ;)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 24 2006,03:30   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 24 2006,02:30)
I oppose gay marriage and polygamy on the grounds of practical implication....which is just about the only non-biased position that one can take in opposition to gay marriage.

Would you mind explaining this "practical implication" position?  I'm genuinely curious.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 24 2006,03:39   

Quote (Alan Fox @ May 24 2006,04:56)
Quote (Stephen Elliott @ May 23 2006,22:42)
EDIT> Strangely enough, straight people are still getting married. Weird! Surely T-Diddly could not be wrong in his prediction?

But not as often, Stephen. The lack of a fiscal advantage may have something to do with it. Ditto on having children.

If financial benefits are the reason people are getting married and having children, I suspect that something's wrong with their idea of "marriage."

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 24 2006,07:00   

Quote (thordaddy @ May 24 2006,02:52)

The new face on the FBI's "Most Wanted" is some avowed polygamist.  Go figure?

How can one be "Liberal-broad-minded" if one is wedded to equality, non-discrimination and tolerance?  That sounds more like Liberal-no-minded.

You can obviously conceive of restrictive criteria for marriage, but this means nothing when the fundamental criteria (opposing sexes) of marriage becomes irrelevant.

You think bureaucratic redtape is a sufficient reason to deny someone their "equal rights?"

So now T-Diddy assumes 'liberals' want to legalize polygamy. Cool. What a mind.

That Polygamist on the FBI list must be a liberal, eh, Thordaddy?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Alan Fox

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(Permalink) Posted: May 24 2006,07:12   

If financial benefits are the reason people are getting married and having children, I suspect that something's wrong with their idea of "marriage."

In the UK at least, couples who set up home together can choose to marry or not. Were there a strong financial incentive either way, then this would affect the percentage of those cohabiting as against marrying. Now fertility can be controlled means couples can decide on how many children to have. Raising a child is a huge economic burden, and that choice will be affected by matters such as what level of financial support is available.

I am certainly not implying people should be paid to marry or have children, but it is a fact of life that countries such as Italy who have a very low birthrate are offering cash incentives for women to have more children.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 24 2006,12:51   

sorry...realized this was confusing...
"Confines of the liberal context"?
That doesnt even make sense....
But i did just answer the question...
I explained why your "scenarios" were flawed(they either dismissed the romantic nature of a marriage...or they were incestual)

Should read
Liberal=broad minded

Would you mind explaining this "practical implication" position?  I'm genuinely curious.

Your dealing with a union that is alien to the current rules and regulations regarding marriage.
No gay couple will ever produce offspring...(at least not together)
No sexual inequality exists(the original reason for 50% laws and alimony) you keep the common-law marriage laws as is...or do you modify them?
Basically...both polygamy and homosexual marriage have intrinsic complications when compared to current marriage laws.  Right now a homosexual or polygamist group can achieve almost all of the same rights and protection as "legal" marriage without actually getting married....

Plus...I find the "gay rights" movement mildly offensive....since they are requesting rights that don't exactly qualify as "basic human rights".  I am not going to allow my personal feelings about "gay rights advocates" get in the way...
They do annoy me though...


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(Permalink) Posted: May 24 2006,13:06   

Sorry for just jumping in here, but everyone seems to be talking about how the government should be involved in people's personal lives and dictate what they can do and who they can do it with.

But hasn't it occured to anyone that maybe the government shouldn't even have any influence whatsoever on marriage? I'm sure this has been brought up at some point in this massive thread.

I mean, gay people are married all over the place here. Their marriages just aren't recognized by the government. I say the government should not recognize any marriage, for taxes or any other reason.

Why does anyone want the government telling them what to do when it comes to marriage?

(Please, I'm not advocating marriages to cucumbers, although, who's it going to hurt? If Rick Santorum wants to marry a dog though, and the dog didn't consent, well, that's just wrong, eh?)

It should be obvious to anyone that gay "marriage" will consist of tax burden shift from those gay couples getting married to those that are not married.

I don't know whose opinion this is, but this is the kind of stupidity that is central to these arguments.

Any argument like this against gay marriage is also an argument against straight marriage. "The more people get married, the more of a tax burden then rest of those unmarried clods will have to bear." Give me a break. If the govt didn't make a special tax class out of married people, then there wouldn't be this "problem."

Sorry, probably won't return to reply.

("It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into."--Jonathan Swift)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 24 2006,13:43   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 24 2006,18:51)
Your dealing with a union that is alien to the current rules and regulations regarding marriage.

You know, divorce was something "alien" when it first existed.  So was universal suffrage.
No gay couple will ever produce offspring...(at least not together)

And a heterosexual couple that marries in their 70s will never produce offspring together.  Same for a couple that has an infertile partner.
No sexual inequality exists(the original reason for 50% laws and alimony)

That's actually not true, though it's very PC right now.  There are very real brain differences between the sexes.
Quote you keep the common-law marriage laws as is...or do you modify them?

Oh no!  People might have to rethink a flawed system!
Basically...both polygamy and homosexual marriage have intrinsic complications when compared to current marriage laws.

Those "intrinsic complications" only exist in countries where polygamy and gay marriage is outlawed and/or a social minefield.
Right now a homosexual or polygamist group can achieve almost all of the same rights and protection as "legal" marriage without actually getting married....

You actually don't know, do you?  People who are legally married get the following:
Social security, medicare, disability, and military benefits of the spouses.
The right to make medical decisions for the spouse, should he or she become incapacitated.
The right to visit the spouse in the hospital during non-visiting hours.
The right of joint adoption.
The right to arrange a burial for the spouse.

In total, there are over 1000 federal rights that homosexual couples are prevented from obtaining.  Now do you really think that homosexual couples have "almost all" of the rights of heterosexual ones?
Plus...I find the "gay rights" movement mildly offensive....since they are requesting rights that don't exactly qualify as "basic human rights".

Goshdarnit, gay people shouldn't have the right to walk down the street unassaulted!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 24 2006,13:45   

Quote (beervolcano @ May 24 2006,18:06)
Sorry, probably won't return to reply.

Don't worry—you won't be missing anything. Thordaddy cycles back around to the same old fatuous assertions on about a 15-day cycle.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 24 2006,13:54   

No sexual inequality exists(the original reason for 50% laws and alimony)

That's actually not true, though it's very PC right now.  There are very real brain differences between the sexes.

What was meant here was no sexual inequality exists in a homosexual relationship.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 24 2006,14:25   

Quote (stevestory @ May 24 2006,19:54)
No sexual inequality exists(the original reason for 50% laws and alimony)

That's actually not true, though it's very PC right now.  There are very real brain differences between the sexes.

What was meant here was no sexual inequality exists in a homosexual relationship.

I really don't see how that's in any way relevant to gay marriage.  Maybe he'll actually translate it into logic.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 24 2006,14:42   

No gay couple will ever produce offspring...(at least not together)

And a heterosexual couple that marries in their 70s will never produce offspring together.  Same for a couple that has an infertile partner.

Im not arguing that....
but the law generally applies to the majority of situations..and legal interpretations are made for app abnormal scenarios....

If your going to create gay marriage...certain legal precedents will need to be established concerning children...
And since every gay marriage will have more complicated child custody would be advisable to address these issues when establishing the new form of marriage

Basically...both polygamy and homosexual marriage have intrinsic complications when compared to current marriage laws.

Those "intrinsic complications" only exist in countries where polygamy and gay marriage is outlawed and/or a social minefield.

Actually...those complications would exist anywhere...
Im simply claiming that polygamy and homosexual marriage are more complex than heterosexual marriage....

Incestual marriage is outlawed....but it doesnt contain any "intrinsic complications" least from a legal perspective..

BTW...I will agree with Thordaddy on one point...
Gay marriage technically isnt outlawed(current state legislature excluded).  It has never existed...and really has never been considered until recently....
(Im ignoring current "laws" since they only exist as knee-jerk reactions to perceived 'future' laws)

You actually don't know, do you?  People who are legally married get the following:
Social security, medicare, disability, and military benefits of the spouses.
The right to make medical decisions for the spouse, should he or she become incapacitated.
The right to visit the spouse in the hospital during non-visiting hours.
The right of joint adoption.
The right to arrange a burial for the spouse.

Hmm...should we really care about "financial benefits"?
Is that really what the "gay rights" movement is about?

So...have you ever heard of "power of attorney"...that would cover many of the other benefits....
Joint adoption....change adoption laws
I once heard about a gay couple where the boyfriend was not allowed to visit in the hospital...despite prior legal arrangments....
What would a gay married couple do?
Would he have brought the marriage license?

Gay married couples want 2 things
1.  Financial breaks given to married couples
2.  Acceptance for their lifestyle

Every other "right" can be granted via alternative legal proceedings....
Im not trying to be inflammatory...but could you either point me towards a "right" that doesnt involve finances or acceptance....that they cannot obtain right now
(an example of acceptance would be "visitation in the hospital" or "co-adoption" rights)

Goshdarnit, gay people shouldn't have the right to walk down the street unassaulted!

Absolutely not...but I dont have that right either...
I have the right to press charges against someone who does assault me...but there is no guarantee that I will not be assaulted...

The explanation of "sexual equality" is self-explanatory


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,05:56   

Quote (PuckSR @ May 24 2006,20:42)

You actually don't know, do you?  People who are legally married get the following:
Social security, medicare, disability, and military benefits of the spouses.
The right to make medical decisions for the spouse, should he or she become incapacitated.
The right to visit the spouse in the hospital during non-visiting hours.
The right of joint adoption.
The right to arrange a burial for the spouse.

Hmm...should we really care about "financial benefits"?
Is that really what the "gay rights" movement is about?

Did you really see the bit about medical care?  How is that in any way related to financial benefits?  And, by the way, giving financial breaks to one type of couple and not to another is f***ing hypocritical.  I'm all for removing them from marriage, period.
So...have you ever heard of "power of attorney"...that would cover many of the other benefits....

Wrong.  Many gay couples have made various arrangements, only to find them considered invalid by various organizations.
Joint adoption....change adoption laws

Except that many states are making laws outlawing it right now.  The only way that gay couples will be getting joint adoption in those states is if the laws are struck down by the courts or reversed by the citizens (and in order to do that, you have to convince them that homosexuals are not child molesters).
I once heard about a gay couple where the boyfriend was not allowed to visit in the hospital...despite prior legal arrangments....

Exactly my point above.  Those arrangements aren't seen as legal by many groups.
What would a gay married couple do?

Have that right.
Would he have brought the marriage license?

Are you a moron?  He would be listed as a spouse and be allowed to visit.  Do heterosexual couples have to jump through hoops?
Gay married couples want 2 things
1.  Financial breaks given to married couples
2.  Acceptance for their lifestyle

No shit to #2.  Being gay is any other minority, only without protection from hate crimes.
Every other "right" can be granted via alternative legal proceedings....

Not if citizens keep on passing laws and ammending state constitutions.
Im not trying to be inflammatory...but could you either point me towards a "right" that doesnt involve finances or acceptance....that they cannot obtain right now
(an example of acceptance would be "visitation in the hospital" or "co-adoption" rights)

You know, if people actually accepted gay people and didn't discriminate (something that's perfectly legal in many states), there wouldn't be the whole gay rights movement.  Would there have been a black rights movment if they weren't treated like second-class citizens.
In other words, you're not making any sense.  
Goshdarnit, gay people shouldn't have the right to walk down the street unassaulted!

Absolutely not...but I dont have that right either...
I have the right to press charges against someone who does assault me...but there is no guarantee that I will not be assaulted...

If you were attacked because of your ethnicity, sex, age, or disability, you would be protected under the law.  Many states do not have sexual orientation hate crime laws.
The explanation of "sexual equality" is self-explanatory

No really, I don't know how you're using the phrase, as it's used in so many ways.  Sexual equality as in equal human rights?  Equal rights to a job?  Equality as in the same abilities across the sexes?  How does any of it have to do with marriage?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,08:21   

Did you really see the bit about medical care?  How is that in any way related to financial benefits?

Hmmm...because gay couples can still go visit a doctor!!!!
They just dont get the same medical insurance benefits....which is financial....

Wrong.  Many gay couples have made various arrangements, only to find them considered invalid by various organizations.

Those arrangements aren't seen as legal by many groups.

The courts decide if it is legal or not....and power of attorney(for example) is always matter if your gay or not.

The only way that gay couples will be getting joint adoption in those states is if the laws are struck down by the courts or reversed by the citizens

Right...but those same laws could be leveraged against homosexual married couples....did you even think of that?

Are you a moron?  He would be listed as a spouse and be allowed to visit.  Do heterosexual couples have to jump through hoops?

Really...because he was listed as a "Special visitor"...but they wouldnt allow him to visit.

You know, if people actually accepted gay people and didn't discriminate (something that's perfectly legal in many states), there wouldn't be the whole gay rights movement.  Would there have been a black rights movment if they weren't treated like second-class citizens. im calling you out.....
Blacks were treated as subHuman.  They were not afforded some of the most basic human rights.  After their legal rights to be "human" were passed...they still had to fight oppressive practices that tried to continue to label them as sub-human.
Black rights was never about acceptance....
Martin Luther King did not protest because people did not "accept" blacks as equals.  Martin Luther King protested because blacks were not being afforded the same basic human rights.
Gay people have never been denied basic human rights...
Yes, people have been mean to homosexuals...but tough

If you were attacked because of your ethnicity, sex, age, or disability, you would be protected under the law.  Many states do not have sexual orientation hate crime laws.

Right...if I was attacked for any reason I would be protected under the law.  If a homosexual is attacked for any reason they are protected under the law.  The law is known as assault.

Hate crime law?

Maybe we should let angry people go free...they were just too angry that day...
but if they committed a "hate-crime"...well then we should kill them
Shut up about hate crime laws.
They shouldnt exist...for any discrimination

No really, I don't know how you're using the phrase, as it's used in so many ways.  Sexual equality as in equal human rights?  Equal rights to a job?  Equality as in the same abilities across the sexes?  How does any of it have to do with marriage?

In any way...
Many marriage laws were created with the intent of "helping" women.  I am not discussing the validity of these laws.
Im arguing that the motive for these laws are meaningless in a same-sex marriage.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,09:44   

People, people,

Aren't we forgetting the main thing here? T-diddy is an idiot. Really. C'mon. Yes gay marriage can be debated by rational people and the debate can be heated but this isn't about that. It's about something far more sublime: a guy who can honestly talk about a liberal agenda as if it were a massive, unified thing and somehow turn that into an argument against evolution. This guy is really far out there and puts himself here as sport for the creative side of the posters here. Save real debate for real people. Wow, maybe that will be my little tagline that some people put at the bottom of their posts in a different color:

Save real debate for real people. :)

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,09:57   

Quote (BWE @ May 25 2006,15:44)
People, people,

Aren't we forgetting the main thing here? T-diddy is an idiot. Really. C'mon. Yes gay marriage can be debated by rational people and the debate can be heated but this isn't about that. It's about something far more sublime: a guy who can honestly talk about a liberal agenda as if it were a massive, unified thing and somehow turn that into an argument against evolution. This guy is really far out there and puts himself here as sport for the creative side of the posters here. Save real debate for real people. Wow, maybe that will be my little tagline that some people put at the bottom of their posts in a different color:

Save real debate for real people. :)

Thanks for the sanity check.  I'm going to try to ignore this thread now.  I don't understand how PuckSR can be willingly blind to the fact that a minority is suffering because the majority is too hung up on their own problems, is scared of people who aren't "normal," and wants a scapegoat for current social problems.  Maybe he has a mirror neuron dysfunction. ;)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,10:22   

A Memorable Fancy.
An Angel came to me and said: 'O pitiable foolish young man! O horrible! O dreadful state! consider the hot burning dungeon thou art preparing for thyself to all eternity, to which thou art going in such career.'
I said: 'perhaps you will be willing to shew me my eternal lot & we will contemplate together upon it and see whether your lot or mine is most desirable.'
So he took me thro' a stable & thro' a church & down into the church vault at the end of which was a mill: thro' the mill we went, and came to a cave: down the winding cavern we groped our tedious way till a void boundless as a nether sky appear'd beneath us & we held by the roots of trees and hung over this immensity; but I said, 'if you please we will commit ourselves to this void, and see whether providence is here also, if you will not, I will?' but he answer'd: 'do not presume, O young-man, but as we here remain, behold thy lot which will soon appear when the darkness passes away.'
So I remain'd with him, sitting in the twisted root of an oak; he was suspended in a fungus, which hung with the head downward into the deep.
By degrees we beheld the infinite Abyss, fiery as the smoke of a burning city; beneath us at an immense distance, was the sun, black but shining; round it were fiery tracks on which revolv'd vast spiders, crawling after their prey; which flew, or rather swum, in the infinite deep, in the most terrific shapes of animals sprung from corruption; & the air was full of them, & seem'd composed of them: these are Devils, and are called Powers of the air. I now asked my companion which was my eternal lot? he said, 'between the black & white spiders.'
But now, from between the black & white spiders, a cloud and fire burst and rolled thro' the deep black'ning all beneath, so that the nether deep grew black as a sea, & rolled with a terrible noise; beneath us was nothing now to be seen but a black tempest, till looking east between the clouds & the waves, we saw a cataract of blood mixed with fire, and not many stones' throw from us appear'd and sunk again the scaly fold of a monstrous serpent; at last, to the east, distant about three degrees appear'd a fiery crest above the waves; slowly it reared like a ridge of golden rocks, till we discover'd two globes of crimson fire, from which the sea fled away in clouds of smoke; and now we saw, it was the head of Leviathan; his forehead was divided into streaks of green & purple like those on a tyger's forehead: soon we saw his mouth & red gills hang just above the raging foam tinging the black deep with beams of blood, advancing toward us with all the fury of a spiritual existence.
My friend the Angel climb'd up from his station into the mill; I remain'd alone, & then this appearance was no more, but I found myself sitting on a pleasant bank beside a river by moonlight, hearing a harper who sung to the harp; & his theme was: 'The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, & breeds reptiles of the mind.'
But I arose, and sought for the mill, & there I found my Angel, who surprised, asked me how I escaped?
I answer'd: ' All that we saw was owing to your metaphysics; for when you ran away, I found myself on a bank by moonlight hearing a harper, But now we have seen my eternal lot, shall I shew you yours?' he laugh'd at my proposal; but I by force suddenly caught him in my arms, & flew westerly thro' the night, till we were elevated above the earth's shadow; then I flung myself with him directly into the body of the sun; here I clothed myself in white, & taking in my hand Swedenborg's, volumes sunk from the glorious clime, and passed all the planets till we came to saturn: here I staid to rest & then leap'd into the void, between saturn & the fixed stars.
'Here,' said I, 'is your lot, in this space, if space it may be call'd.' Soon we saw the stable and the church, & I took him to the altar and open'd the Bible, and lo! it was a deep pit, into which I descended driving the Angel before me, soon we saw seven houses of brick; one we enter'd; in it were a number of monkeys, baboons, & all of that species, chain'd by the middle, grinning and snatching at one another, but witheld by the shortness of their chains: however, I saw that they sometimes grew numerous, and then the weak were caught by the strong, and with a grinning aspect, first coupled with, & then devour'd, by plucking off first one limb and then another till the body was left a helpless trunk; this after grinning & kissing it with seeming fondness they devour'd too; and here & there I saw one savourily picking the flesh off of his own tail; as the stench terribly annoy'd us both, we went into the mill, & I in my hand brought the skeleton of a body, which in the mill was Aristotle's Analytics.
So the Angel said: 'thy phantasy has imposed upon me, & thou oughtest to be ashamed.'
I answer'd: 'we impose on one another, & it is but lost time to converse with you whose works are only Analytics.'

-william blake

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,11:36   

Amazingly, that last post is relevant to this discussion. :)

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,12:24   

I don't understand how PuckSR can be willingly blind to the fact that a minority is suffering because the majority is too hung up on their own problems, is scared of people who aren't "normal," and wants a scapegoat for current social problems

Hmmm....probably because no one is suffering....
I will readily agree that certain elements of modern society have become strongly anti-homosexual.  Their motives are normally questionable...
At the same time, a minority of the population has taken to grand standing and hyperbole to make a point.
Gay rights is a pathetic attempt to compare the current anti-homosexual sentiment to previous civil rights issues
Gay marriage is a modern invention of the "gay rights" advocates....(please show me a society that did not distinguish between homosexual relationships and heterosexual marriage)
Should we stamp out discrimination against homosexuals?
Is there a legitimate way to stamp out discrimination without violating civil liberties?  
Absolutely not...

I will, however, resign myself from this conversation.
I agree that we have completely lost track of the original topic..making fun of Thordaddy.

I just had to make the point that opposition exists to gay marriage that is not founded on bigotry. does Ladlergo know that Im not a homosexual?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,12:52   

PuckSR opines,

I just had to make the point that opposition exists to gay marriage that is not founded on bigotry.

Two points:

First, liberals and gay radicals ABSOLUTELY DENY this statement.  This makes them extremists by any definition.

Second, the most obvious opposition to gay "marriage" is due to the effect of rendering marriage of any larger societal meaning.  This is the MAIN MOTIVATION behind the push for gay "marriage."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,13:13   

Second, the most obvious opposition to gay "marriage" is due to the effect of rendering marriage of any larger societal meaning.  This is the MAIN MOTIVATION behind the push for gay "marriage."

See....some people oppose marriage because of bigotry....or insanity.....

I do not.....
I also understand what the word "liberal" means...a definition that Thor might want to look up...
Oh Thordaddy redefining words again?
Thordaddy....are we supposed to use YOUR definition of liberal or Websters?

Oh...and dont get to complain that people consider all who oppose gay marriage are a bigot

Earlier you spoke out on interracial marriage


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,13:29   


I realize you're interested in staying popular within this forum, but since you oppose gay "marriage" and those that advocate for gay "marriage" absolutely deny any legitimate opposition to gay "marriage," this would DEFINE you as a bigot (This is of course a "liberal" definition).

You can't escape with this "practical implication" ploy.

You said the motivations behind gay "marriage" were financial and personal validation.  Are you positive these are the MAIN MOTIVATIONS of the radical homosexuals especially given the opinion that NO LEGITIMATE OPPOSITION to gay "marriage" exists according to said radicals?

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,13:45   

Oh...and dont get to complain that people consider all who oppose gay marriage are a bigot

Earlier you spoke out on interracial marriage

But did he? I've heard this type of allegation before....but where has Thordaddy argued racist points of view? Could someone point this out?

I do agree with you that gay marriage apologists are too quick to play the "bigot" or "homophobe" card.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,13:45   

You are an idiot.

PuckSR is not in jeopardy for his opinions because he explains them and defends them in coherent and rational ways. What you are witnessing is two different points of view being discussed by sane people. That is how sane people do it. Disturbing isn't it?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
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The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,17:52   


Of course I never made an argument against interracial marriage although one could be made, I'm sure.

The problem is the radicalness of the "other" side and its insistence that no legitimate argument can be made in opposition to gay "marriage."  This is an ABSOLUTIST position as I'm sure you are well aware of.  This would, in any other normal circumstance, make the advocates for gay "marriage" certain extremists.


What is PuckSR's "coherent" argument...?  That gay "marriage" should be opposed due to its "practical implication[s]?"  LOL!

Is there a particular argument you find "coherent" in opposition to gay "marriage," but still oppose because of your extremism?  Just curious?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,18:18   

Here is his entire its entirety.

Posted: May 05 2006,13:59  

Thanks for some reasoning that was actually cogent to the debate.

Unfortunately, stevestory thinks it's "crap."

The problem with the argument for sanctioning gay "marriage" and its supposed equivalence to interracial marriage is two-fold.

First, one is a fact of reality and has been, for most of us, a fact of reality for our entire lives.  Interracial marriage has no relevance because it just is.

Second, interracial marriage discredited "race" as a deciding criteria for marriage whereas gay "marriage" is trying to discredit "gender" as a criteria.

I think there can be little argument that the sanctioning of interracial marriage was the "slippery slope" towards abolishing other criteria for marriage, namely, the criteria of gender.

Although, interracial marriage DOES NOT redefine the one man/ one woman tradition of marriage whereas gay "marriage" DOES.

The question then becomes, what definition will be settled on for "marriage" if only numbers and relatedness within a union are legitimate criteria for marriage?

But as you have noted, the argument is based on "equal rights" and tolerance and if religion, race and gender are illegitimate criteria for defining marriage then so is numbers and relatedness within a union if one is arguing from the "equal rights" and tolerance perspective.

Gay "marriage" necessarily defines the institution of marriage out of existence.  "Marriage" would be nothing more than the individual will seeking state validation for his/her personally chosen "union."  It's not even feasible.

And it's why most "liberals" support it!

He apparently claims that interracial marriage started the "slippery slope" to gay marriage.
He argues that we just keep removing criteria(such as race) and that eventually we will run out(which apparently we are about to) of criteria

Its not directly racist...but the general theme of his post seems to be that interracial marriage does more harm than good


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,18:26   

I realize you're interested in staying popular within this forum, but since you oppose gay "marriage" and those that advocate for gay "marriage" absolutely deny any legitimate opposition to gay "marriage," this would DEFINE you as a bigot

I am hardly trying to stay popular...but if you notice NO ONE has attacked me like they attack you...
Because my posts can be read without giving the reader a headache
Because I respond to criticism, and I do it logically
Because I make all of my arguments with an appeal towards rationalism

It might also help that I am a member of a dying religion.

Who knows?

But trust me...Im also not a any definition
A bigot is someone with a strong opinion who refuses to even acknowledge anyone else's views on a topic.
Everyone can see that I obviously acknowledge the views of the people who disagree with me.

Most extremists are bigots...because they wouldnt be able to be "extreme" unless they refused to acknowledge those who disagree with them


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,20:34   

PuckSR opines,

He apparently claims that interracial marriage started the "slippery slope" to gay marriage.
He argues that we just keep removing criteria(such as race) and that eventually we will run out(which apparently we are about to) of criteria

Its not directly racist...but the general theme of his post seems to be that interracial marriage does more harm than good

Let's dissect this specifically.  First, "liberals" don't believe in "slippery-slope" arguments because a belief in such arguments would force them to face the consequences of their actions.  That's why they deny any and all "slippery-slope" arguments.  

Secondly, the only reason "liberals" are able to claim "racism" when the discussion of interracial marriage takes place is because they retain a narcissistic view of politics.  The personal is political.  Most "liberals" (especially the ones on this forum) have no real experience with real racism yet they pontificate like they were blacks in the 1960's or homosexuals in the 21st century.  Likewise, most real traditionalists have little experience with real racism because oppressing blacks or homosexuals is really only something "liberals" are always ranting about.  

I take a more comprehensive view.  I don't just want to know if a particular "ideal" will benefit some particular minority.  I want to know if this "ideal" will benefit our nation as a whole?  I want to know why the traditional ways of changing and redefining institutions has been usurped by a new and less representative method?  I want to know the real motivations behind the impetus for this change in the cultural landscape?

Lastly, you have seemingly conceded my point about gay "marriage?"  It is the end game for the radical homosexuals (those that have emnity towards traditional marriage, family and children).  They do exist, no?  Once this foundational criteria is toppled, marriage is meaningless in any cultural context.  It is simply the assertion of the will of the individual for societal validation.  All the "liberals" can see this, but playing dumb is the best strategy to get what they want.

In short, my statement about interracial marriage had nothing whatsoever to do with racism and it is a testament to the stifling ways of the "liberals" that it could even be construed as such.  They have no REAL experience with racism and yet they can gleen it from mere words.  Preposterous, I say!

Then you say,

A bigot is someone with a strong opinion who refuses to even acknowledge anyone else's views on a topic.

This is the exact definition for the gay "marriage" advocates.  They ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION to gay "marriage."  All opposing views, no matter how seemingly legitimate, are illegitimate, PERIOD.  Just peruse Occam's, Murphy's, Elliot's or BWE's posts to see what is clearly obvious?  And see if one advocate will deny my clear statement that they ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION to gay "marriage."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,08:13   

PuckSR, aren't you proud to be on the same side as this genius?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,08:38   

Not really....but that happens alot....
Apparently Dembski and I are both Theists....but I dont like to talk about it
Apparently Hitler and I both tried to be painters....but its embarassing.
Apparently Castro and I both love baseball....but he is older.

Oh....I may find Thordaddy to be a raving lunatic...but I'm not planning on letting that effect my viewpoint.

This is the exact definition for the gay "marriage" advocates

Great thordaddy...but I posted the definition in response to your claim:
I realize you're interested in staying popular within this forum, but since you oppose gay "marriage" and those that advocate for gay "marriage" absolutely deny any legitimate opposition to gay "marriage," this would DEFINE you as a bigot

Of forgot that you made this comment earlier...probably because you realized that no one would ever call me a bigot for my viewpoint.

Secondly, the only reason "liberals" are able to claim "racism" when the discussion of interracial marriage takes place is because they retain a narcissistic view of politics.  The personal is political.  Most "liberals" (especially the ones on this forum) have no real experience with real racism yet they pontificate like they were blacks in the 1960's or homosexuals in the 21st century.  Likewise, most real traditionalists have little experience with real racism because oppressing blacks or homosexuals is really only something "liberals" are always ranting about.  

Did you smoke some pot and not tell us?
Denying people interracial marriage was/is racist...
are you arguing this?
The personal experiences of the members of this forum with racism is so irrelevent that even you should be ashamed.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,11:08   


You oppose gay "marriage" on "practical implications."  Some one asked what that meant and you still haven't given a straightforward answer.  Anyway, this opposition of yours, whatever it consists of, is TOTALLY illegitimate to the gay "marriage" advocates.  This in turn makes YOU a bigot in THEIR eyes.  But, who are the real bigots other than those that ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION to gay "marriage?"  This is the very definition of a bigot.  So who are the bigots, us or them?

And if denying interracial marriage is/was racist then why was Muhammad Ali such a "liberal" icon?  Stinky hypocrisy once again!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,11:17   

Puck, do you agree with your BFF thordaddy, that we who support gay marriage are Teh REAL BIGGOTS!!!!!?

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,11:26   

This in turn makes YOU a bigot in THEIR eyes.  But, who are the real bigots other than those that ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION to gay "marriage?"  This is the very definition of a bigot.  So who are the bigots, us or them?

I've learned a lot from this thread. First and foremost, I've learned that I can spout off any subjective, sillyass nonsense I want AND AS LONG AS I PUT IT BOLD AND IN ALL CAPS, it all becomes true!

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,11:29   

This is the exact definition for the gay "marriage" advocates.  They ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION to gay "marriage."  All opposing views, no matter how seemingly legitimate, are illegitimate, PERIOD.  Just peruse Occam's, Murphy's, Elliot's or BWE's posts to see what is clearly obvious?  And see if one advocate will deny my clear statement that they ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION to gay "marriage."

Boy, you've really got me there T-diddy. Perusing my posts, while obviously enlightening in many ways, puts me square in the middle of that definition. I certainly do not have opposition to gay marriage. I suspect that, in your symantically challenged way, you might mean something a little bit different. So, is this news? If being a liberal means not taking a position which firmly defines the person holding it as an a$$hole, then, well, I try to be liberal. But I suspect you mean liberal in the sense of that quote I posted a while back in this thread. It was Ted Kaczinski.

Secondly, the only reason "liberals" are able to claim "racism" when the discussion of interracial marriage takes place is because they retain a narcissistic view of politics.  The personal is political.  Most "liberals" (especially the ones on this forum) have no real experience with real racism yet they pontificate like they were blacks in the 1960's or homosexuals in the 21st century.  Likewise, most real traditionalists have little experience with real racism because oppressing blacks or homosexuals is really only something "liberals" are always ranting about.  
Well, not quite. When someone claims that something is racist, they are usually making a claim that could be semi-objectively verified. Courts do this sometimes. You should read Brown v Board of Education. And I personally find it distasteful to interrupt someone's will to be wierd unless it is quite likely to cause personal injury to others.

You fit that second category. I'll tell you how sometime. Maybe we can go get a few drinks, go to a porno theatre, and, well, talk about it. :)

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,13:22   

You oppose gay "marriage" on "practical implications."  Some one asked what that meant and you still haven't given a straightforward answer.

1.  It is completely unnecessary...other legal action could grant the same rights and privelages
2.  It has almost no historical basis(universal sufferage, interracial marriage, polygamy all had previous historical basis)
3. It would complicate current law(which I wouldnt really mind...except refer back to #1)
4.  It would be biased against polygamists
5.  The idea behind it is firmly grounded in "gaining acceptance" for a certain group.  Acceptance is not a right...
Legal protection is not afforded for ACCEPTANCE

The only reasons I have currently had presented pro-gay marriage are:
1.  Acceptance
2.  Financial benefit
3.  Love(between the 2 getting married)

I find none of these as justifiable reasons to start screwing with legal institutions.
I find #2 as a perfectly legitimate reason to establish new financial laws
I find #1 as a mildly acceptable reason to more strongly enforce legally binding documents(such as the power of attorney argument)

Honestly...I'm not at all concerned about "destroying" the sanctity of marriage.  I am also not opposed to "opening the flood gates".  I am opposed to half-ass legal reform that is selectively beneficial to a very small minority(gays who wish to get married).

Let me see if I can give another example that is not as mired in controversy.
I believe in free speech...ALL FREE SPEECH.
I only make exception for "clear and present danger" scenarios.
Censorship is a violation of free speech....but if someone proposed a reform to current censorship laws that allowed the discussion of "anal penetration"(currently you can refer to someone as an "ass" but you cannot tell them to go shove it up their "ass")...then I would argue that unless the proposition advocated the end of all censorship...I would not endorse it.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,13:47   

Sounds like you wouldn't mind a 'civil union' type deal. Marriage, without the name marriage. Would you?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,14:16   

eh...if "civil union" is going to be exactly the same as marriage...go ahead and call it marriage

A better summary of my position is that I fully agree that the current law is flawed...but instead of solving the problem for a minority of the population...I believe we should solve it for a majority


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,14:18   

Well, if you're saying that all the stuff could be done in contract law, isn't that more or less a civil union?


A better summary of my position is that I fully agree that the current law is flawed...but instead of solving the problem for a minority of the population...I believe we should solve it for a majority

The majority have a problem getting married?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,16:27   

Well, if you're saying that all the stuff could be done in contract law, isn't that more or less a civil union?

Yes...but it is far short from instituting a new legal concept.  Such as gay marriage or civil union

The majority have a problem getting married?

but the majority have a problem with the enforcement of legal documents, commonlaw marriage, financial classification of marriage, work benefits for married people.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,10:39   

stevestory wrote:
PuckSR, aren't you proud to be on the same side as this genius?

Just as I suspected. Front runner.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,10:43   

Ok, to #### with it.

Second, the most obvious opposition to gay "marriage" is due to the effect of rendering marriage of any larger societal meaning.  This is the MAIN MOTIVATION behind the push for gay "marriage."

So, when gay people say they just want to be able to visit their spouses in the hospital or let them inheret their property by default or file for joint insurance policies, what they REALLY want is to undermine the "larger societal meaning" of marriage. Yeah, makes sense.

The problem is the radicalness of the "other" side and its insistence that no legitimate argument can be made in opposition to gay "marriage."
An argument can be legitimate and be totally wrong. All I have ever said, is that any argument against gay marriage that is not really based in religion will invariably be an argument against heterosexual marriage too.

Let's dissect this specifically.  First, "liberals" don't believe in "slippery-slope" arguments because a belief in such arguments would force them to face the consequences of their actions.  That's why they deny any and all "slippery-slope" arguments.  
Haven't been paying attention to the Privacy debate have you? These are all slippery slope arguments made by liberals. Oh, the NSA just says they are spying on terrorists, but it's a slippery slope and they might be spying on their political rivals or even private citizens. Net Neutrality is another slippery slope argument made by liberals. First they wall off websites that didn't pay enough, then they control your lives...classic slippery slope stuff.

Most "liberals" (especially the ones on this forum) have no real experience with real racism yet they pontificate like they were blacks in the 1960's or homosexuals in the 21st century.  Likewise, most real traditionalists have little experience with real racism because oppressing blacks or homosexuals is really only something "liberals" are always ranting about.

This is some amazingly boneheaded stuff right here.
I've never been in a war, but can that stop me from opposing war?

I don't just want to know if a particular "ideal" will benefit some particular minority.  I want to know if this "ideal" will benefit our nation as a whole?
Wow, man, wow! I'm sure I could pull out numerous analogies to show why this is totally fascist thinking. If the majority of the nation is xian, then who cares about some piddling minority like jews or athiests? If the majority is white, who cares about those damned asians? Lesbians? Who cares what happens to them as long as the rest of the country isn't "burdened" by letting them have legal marriage rights.

I say the country as a whole would benefit if the govt got completely out of the marriage business. Don't you?

It is the end game for the radical homosexuals (those that have emnity towards traditional marriage, family and children).  They do exist, no?


At least not as a political entity. There may be one or two nutcases out there that thinks this, but come on. You might not be so paranoid if you laid off the crack. Once you realize that you are being manipulated and motivated by fear, you might become more reasonable about things like this. Once you realize that Republicans are using this as a wedge issue ONLY and have no real desire one way or the other as long as it gets people like you off their butts to go vote for their corrupt asses. If those damned gays didn't want to be treated like everyone else, they couldn't use it as an issue right? Just like if those damned blacks hadn't started so much trouble, racist politicians wouldn't have a platform, would they?

Once this foundational criteria is toppled, marriage is meaningless in any cultural context.  It is simply the assertion of the will of the individual for societal validation.
Is this even supposed to mean anything?

From PuckSR:    
Honestly...I'm not at all concerned about "destroying" the sanctity of marriage.  I am also not opposed to "opening the flood gates".  I am opposed to half-ass legal reform that is selectively beneficial to a very small minority(gays who wish to get married).
That's the way I see it. get govt out of marriage altogether.

But in lieu of that, for now, most gays would settle for the half-assed legal reform.

but the majority have a problem with the enforcement of legal documents, commonlaw marriage, financial classification of marriage, work benefits for married people.

Here's an example. It's not a huge deal, but it's just illustrative.

Personally, I don't see a real need to be married. If my gf and I wanted to have kids one day, then we'd get married, for them. But until that day, there really isn't any need in my eyes to go through an expensive ceremony, sign contracts, and buy rings and all that just to be together. So we've just been living together (in sin! ) for the past 6 years. Now, I don't have dental insurance right now, but she does. It would be cheaper on both of us if I could be on her policy. But we can't because we're not married. Ah! But at her company if we were the same sex, we could. This is obvious discrimination. Non-married (legally) gay partners can apply for joint health/dental insurance policies, but non-married hetero couples cannot.

Again, this isn't a big deal to me since I could just go get my own policy for more money, but it's just illustrative of the kind of petty BS that permeates this whole "debate."

("It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into."--Jonathan Swift)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,11:56   

But in lieu of that, for now, most gays would settle for the half-assed legal reform.

True...they would....
But I don't think that is right....

Think of blacks.....and reperations... would really help poor black people...but it would only help poor black people and therefore it discriminates against everyone else.

half-assed legal reform that is designed to only assist a selective portion of the population is discriminatory.
It discriminates against everyone who is not part of the minority it assists.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,12:02   

It's a bit shocking watching people come up with halfassed justifications for their desires. "Allowing gays to get married discriminates against heteros" is disappointing.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,12:26   

beervolcano opines,

So, when gay people say they just want to be able to visit their spouses in the hospital or let them inheret their property by default or file for joint insurance policies, what they REALLY want is to undermine the "larger societal meaning" of marriage. Yeah, makes sense.

You need to distinguish between ordinary homosexuals and the radical activists.  Ordinary homosexuals may want these things, but this isn't the underlying motivation of the radical gays.

Next you say,

An argument can be legitimate and be totally wrong. All I have ever said, is that any argument against gay marriage that is not really based in religion will invariably be an argument against heterosexual marriage too.

You mean an argument FOR gay "marriage" that isn't based on traditional marriage is a illegitimate argument?  If traditional marriage is an intolerant and discriminatory institution then gays are simply joining the club and shutting the door behind them.  The point is that the gay "marriage" advocates on this thread ACKNOWLEDGE NO OPPOSITION arguments.  They are, by definition, extremists.

Then you say,

Haven't been paying attention to the Privacy debate have you? These are all slippery slope arguments made by liberals. Oh, the NSA just says they are spying on terrorists, but it's a slippery slope and they might be spying on their political rivals or even private citizens. Net Neutrality is another slippery slope argument made by liberals. First they wall off websites that didn't pay enough, then they control your lives...classic slippery slope stuff.

So "slippery-slope" arguments are legitimate in regards to the potential negative consequences of gay "marriage?"

And then you say,

This is some amazingly boneheaded stuff right here.
I've never been in a war, but can that stop me from opposing war?

No, but if you accuse someone of "racism" because they discussed interracial marriage in a critical way then you a least have to have either some experience with racism or some experience with the person you are accusing of racism.  Since I was accused of racism in my discussion of interracial marriage, I was perplexed how such a conclusion could be reached by said "liberals?"


I say the country as a whole would benefit if the govt got completely out of the marriage business. Don't you?

Why would our society decide that traditional marriage was no longer in need of exaltation?  Didn't you say the motivation behind gay "marriage" was to get things on a personal level and now you want to scrap the whole institution?  Your stand is very much equivalent to the radical gay's stand.

Next you say,


At least not as a political entity. There may be one or two nutcases out there that thinks this, but come on. You might not be so paranoid if you laid off the crack. Once you realize that you are being manipulated and motivated by fear, you might become more reasonable about things like this. Once you realize that Republicans are using this as a wedge issue ONLY and have no real desire one way or the other as long as it gets people like you off their butts to go vote for their corrupt asses. If those damned gays didn't want to be treated like everyone else, they couldn't use it as an issue right? Just like if those damned blacks hadn't started so much trouble, racist politicians wouldn't have a platform, would they?

It sounds like you are the one manipulated by propaganda.  What does this have to do with blacks or Republicans?  And if you really believe that radical homosexuals don't exist as a political entity then you must explain who is behind this push for gay "marriage?"  Who?


Is this even supposed to mean anything?

Yes, it means that the argument for gay "marriage" is...

I want it, therefore I should get it!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,16:28   

It's a bit shocking watching people come up with halfassed justifications for their desires. "Allowing gays to get married discriminates against heteros" is disappointing.

Allowing gays to get married BECAUSE poorly written/poorly executed laws that effect everyone are flawed is discrimination against everyone who is not a homosexual planning on getting married.

Police officers are using highly inaccurate radar guns.
Out-of-state drivers are complaining that they get bogus tickets...and cannot fight them because they are out-of-state...and it is even more of a hassle for them to fight the tickets....
Should we stop the police from writing speeding tickets for anything less than 20 mph over the speed limit for out-of-staters?
Or should we create legislation that requires police to use accurate radar that everyone(both in and out of state) benefits...and justice is served?

I agree that homosexuals may be more effected by the current legal system...but as long as it is a burden on everyone(to some degree)...we should seek to fix it for everyone.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,16:34   

Just thought I'd check in and see if Thordaddy has said anything new or interesting lately. Nope. Just the same old crap about how "radical homosexuals" want to dynamite traditional marriage, and hence civilization itself, at its roots. And that advocating for gay marriage is necessarily advocating for the abolition of traditional marriage.

42 pages of this verbal diarrhea. Amazing.

Can someone wake me when Thordaddy says something new?

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"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,16:39   

Painful to watch, Puck.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,18:22   

Painful to watch, Puck.

Ahh...but isn't self-expression a beautiful thing


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(Permalink) Posted: May 27 2006,18:24   

Birth may be a beautiful thing too, but when the afterbirth hits the floor I go




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(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,00:51   

Oh phlying phasmatoids of phuckwhittery is ThudBumchum still going with his standard garden fertiliser produced by male ruminents?

You guys have patience I can only dream of. I couldn't deal with 42 pages of "no, supporting gay marriage does not mean we hate heterosexual marriage and think that people should be able to marry their twin underage piglets. Buy a clue."

Oh and just to stir the pot some more, ThickDimwit, I think that polyamourous marriages should be allowed. I also think that ANY marriage that two or more human adults able to give rational and reasoned consent to and can imagine, should be legally available, supported and tolerated.

If two homosexual brothers want to marry and have no chance of producing offspring, let 'em do it.

If my wife and I want to add a mutual female friend with large gazungas and a casual attitude to nudity and bisexual exploits to our already wonderful marriage, let us do it. (Oh PLEASE let us do it. OUCH! Sorry dear!;)

If a commune of 30 mixed race homosexual men want to marry in a satanic ritual and nail each other's penises to planks of wood whilst chanting "I hate straight people!" for the rest of their lives, let 'em do it.

Get it? ANY sexual/marital/whatever relationship that two or more human adults who are capable of giving reasoned consent to should be legally allowable.

There are a few caveats:

1. No children (too young, deemed unfit to give reasoned consent)
2. No people with severe mental handicaps being allowed to enter legal, marital relationships without strenuous checking (making sure that the individual can and does give consent, a function of this person's healthcare supervision. This intends to prevent abuse)
3. No animals (deemed unfit to give reasoned consent)
4. No incestuous heterosexual marriages that have the possibility of producing biological offspring should be allowed. As is the case now, first cousins can marry, but with medical screening.

So TwatBigot, for me the issue is one of consent. No matter how "icky" or repusive I find the acts alluded to above, let 'em get on with it. If the human adult in question is capable to give reasoned consent, let 'em do it. Why should my sexual kinks and desires be legally preferred to George Michael's, given the above caveats?

Oh and I speak only for myself on this one. Not evolutionary biologists, or liberals, or even English people. Just me.



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(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,11:15   

You need to distinguish between ordinary homosexuals and the radical activists.  Ordinary homosexuals may want these things, but this isn't the underlying motivation of the radical gays.

Ah, I see. So the goals of an exceedingly small minority of a very small minority of people (gays) should be the thing we focus on. But again, I have never heard or seen any gay activist call for the destruction of heterosexual marriage.

I think maybe you are creating a strawman here.

You mean an argument FOR gay "marriage" that isn't based on traditional marriage is a illegitimate argument?
What? Are you trying to confuse me? I'm saying that arguments against legal gay marriage may be legitimate, but that doesn't make them right. Also, most arguments against gay marriage that do not involve a religious component tend to be arguments against all marriage. They are usually arguments that there will be some sort of economic burden on the rest of us, which would be the same regardless of the gender of those getting married. I don't agree that there will be any real difference economically since we are talking about 1-2% of the population here.

So "slippery-slope" arguments are legitimate in regards to the potential negative consequences of gay "marriage?"
I made no comments to the legitimacy of any argument. I was simply correcting your assertion that liberals don't make slippery slope arguments.

No, but if you accuse someone of "racism" because they discussed interracial marriage in a critical way then you a least have to have either some experience with racism or some experience with the person you are accusing of racism.  Since I was accused of racism in my discussion of interracial marriage, I was perplexed how such a conclusion could be reached by said "liberals?"
I don't know anyone without SOME experience with racism. And an argument can be racist without the whole person being racist. The only type of argument that I can think of against interracial marriage that isn't fully racist are those that say that it would upset the social fabric, which translates roughly to "Other people are racist, so we wouldn't want to anger them, so let's not allow interracial marriage."

I say the country as a whole would benefit if the govt got completely out of the marriage business. Don't you?

Why would our society decide that traditional marriage was no longer in need of exaltation?
See? You're the one that wants special treatment for a certain class of citizens. Exaltation?

Didn't you say the motivation behind gay "marriage" was to get things on a personal level and now you want to scrap the whole institution?  Your stand is very much equivalent to the radical gay's stand.
When did I say anything about scrapping the whole institution? The govt doesn't (isn't supposed to) get involved with the institution of religion. Yet, the institution is quite deeply rooted in our society. It seems like your stand is very much equivalent to Dominionists' stand.

And if you really believe that radical homosexuals don't exist as a political entity then you must explain who is behind this push for gay "marriage?"  Who?
Regular gays.

Yes, it means that the argument for gay "marriage" is...

I want it, therefore I should get it!
No, it's "One group of people have it, why shouldn't we?"

("It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into."--Jonathan Swift)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,11:47   

I would phrase it as "Is there a compelling reason to deny this category of couples in love the privileges we allow most couples in love to select?" And I see no compelling reason. I just see a lot of lousy reasoning from people trying to justify their prejudices.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,13:49   

I think Thordaddy should be forced to get married. (Oops, I mean, he should be FORCED to get married.) At gunpoint, if necessary. After all, he's wasted 42 pages telling everyone how marriage is the foundation of civilization and the source of all that is good and right in society. Yet, somehow he doesn't seem to think he should have to get married.

It's for the good of the children, after all.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,13:56   

Other people's refusal to submit to traditional marriage is destroying society. His own refusal is perfectly fine and shouldn't be the focus of legislation. Let's see, what's that called again....


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(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,14:58   

So, when gay people say they just want to be able to visit their spouses in the hospital or let them inheret their property by default or file for joint insurance policies, what they REALLY want is to undermine the "larger societal meaning" of marriage. Yeah, makes sense.

You need to distinguish between ordinary homosexuals and the radical activists.  Ordinary homosexuals may want these things, but this isn't the underlying motivation of the radical gays.

Thord, how does one make this distinction? Attire? Voice pitch? Wrist angle? Are there different signifiers for gays v. lesbians? Just out of curiosity -- how many of the people you regularly interact with are "ordinary homosexuals"? How many are "radical activists"? You're professing a remarkable expertise in distinguishing subgroups within the homosexual population. How did you acquire this esoteric knowledge?

Now, I don't have dental insurance right now, but she does. It would be cheaper on both of us if I could be on her policy. But we can't because we're not married. Ah! But at her company if we were the same sex, we could. This is obvious discrimination. Non-married (legally) gay partners can apply for joint health/dental insurance policies, but non-married hetero couples cannot.

PuckSR, it's obvious discrimination only if you're an obvious idiot. Earlier in the same post, you said that you and your girlfriend have chosen, absent progeny, to "live in sin" -- which is perfectly fine. Gay couples don't have that choice. You're arguing that since homosexual couples are barred from legal marriage, they should also be deprived of any of the benefits of marriage, such as partner or family dental coverage. (Please note that one of the arguments against gay marriage is the availability of legal or policy work-arounds, such as those at wherever your non-missus works.)

Does that make any sense at all to you? (Thord, I'm not soliciting your opinion here.)


Posts: 314
Joined: Nov. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 28 2006,16:46   

PuckSR, it's obvious discrimination only if you're an obvious idiot. Earlier in the same post, you said that you and your girlfriend have chosen, absent progeny, to "live in sin" -- which is perfectly fine. Gay couples don't have that choice. You're arguing that since homosexual couples are barred from legal marriage, they should also be deprived of any of the benefits of marriage, such as partner or family dental coverage. (Please note that one of the arguments against gay marriage is the availability of legal or policy work-arounds, such as those at wherever your non-missus works.)

Does that make any sense at all to you?

I dont even know how to respond....since that wasnt my post....
Also...that wasnt my argument....or anything near my argument....
Sorry...but I think you were aiming that comment elsewhere..
Im the pooka


Posts: 97
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 29 2006,18:48   

My apologies, PuckSR. BeerVolcano is the obvious idiot here, right behind me. (May I redeem my Chang-Eng points? Not that I want to, necessarily. I might need them later.)

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