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Posts: 13407
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(Permalink) Posted: May 31 2006,11:59   

Thinking back on this past year in amazing evolution news, like Tiktaalik, makes me think, when's the last time you heard "Scientists announced a major discovery today in the Intelligent Design of life on earth"?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 31 2006,12:01   


(yeah, that's my answer)

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: May 31 2006,12:03   


“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: May 31 2006,12:10   

Indeed, it's absurd to even imagine hearing such a statement.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 31 2006,14:17   

Umm - scientists don't do ID


If I fly the coop some time
And take nothing but a grip
With the few good books that really count
It's a necessary trip

I'll be gone with the girl in the gold silk jacket
The girl with the pearl-driller's hands

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 31 2006,15:51   

Intelligent Design is basically parasitic. It leeches off real science for its data and its talking points (in its drive to wreck science), but it actually produces nothing on its own.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,01:03   


I thought Tiktaalik was a major discovery for Intelligent Design!  Everything is.  The objective fact that you can breathe means that Jesus loves you and that ID is Truth and if you athiest (sic) heathens don't wise up, you'll burn in hellfire for all eternity for not recognizing the Truth that goddidit and he loves you.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,07:13   

LOL GCT goes straight to the essential craziness of christianity: God loves you! Accept that or be tortured forever!


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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,07:40   

Quote (GCT @ June 01 2006,06:03)

I thought Tiktaalik was a major discovery for Intelligent Design!  Everything is.  The objective fact that you can breathe means that Jesus loves you and that ID is Truth and if you athiest (sic) heathens don't wise up, you'll burn in hellfire for all eternity for not recognizing the Truth that goddidit and he loves you.

I thought breathing showed that the second law of Thermodynamics was flawed.

Overwhelming Evidence: Apply directly to the forehead.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,07:46   


I thought breathing showed that the second law of Thermodynamics was flawed.

Banning you shows the Second Law of Thermodynamics is flawed! -dt


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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,07:55   

Quote (bourgeois_rage @ June 01 2006,12:40)
I thought breathing showed that the second law of Thermodynamics was flawed.

I thought it was typing sentences that could violate the second law.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,08:00   

Quote (GCT @ June 01 2006,12:55)
Quote (bourgeois_rage @ June 01 2006,12:40)
I thought breathing showed that the second law of Thermodynamics was flawed.

I thought it was typing sentences that could violate the second law.

But one has to breath in order to type sentences.

Overwhelming Evidence: Apply directly to the forehead.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,08:23   

Quote (bourgeois_rage @ June 01 2006,13:00)
But one has to breath in order to type sentences.


How about this then?

Violating the second law of Thermodynamics proves that Jesus loves you.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,10:22   

Quote (GCT @ June 01 2006,13:23)
How about this then?

Violating the second law of Thermodynamics proves that Jesus loves you.

Ah, actually, that fits in with what DaveSLoT wants everyone to believe.
Scientists say that SLot cannot be violated.
If that is true, then Jesus must not exist.
If Jesus does not exist, then Jesus must not love you.
If all of the above is True, then scientists are trying to prove that Jesus doesn't love you.

It all makes perfect sense.

Sorry about derailing this thread. I'll try to get it back on topic.

NEW YORK, US (AP) -- In the field of Intelligent Design Research today, scientists have announced the discovery of the Jebus. "The Jebus is the irreducible unit of Jesus' love that is spread around the earth to each of us Christians." says Dr. William Dembski.

The Jebus has shown properties of recharging electrolytes during moments of prayer amongst some Christians, while causing burns on radical Muslims. It appears there is no effect on Catholics and members of the more liberal Christian sects such as members of the United Church of Christ.

Noted Intelligent Design researcher Dave Springer was skeptical, "I can't see the Jebus so I remain agnostic, but Thank God we have a rigorous research program to solve this problem once and for all." He then slammed his door as he said, "You're questions aren't in the spirit of this house, you're outta here."

Overwhelming Evidence: Apply directly to the forehead.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,10:26   

The reporter then added, "I'm not sure how Springer managed to misspell the spoken homonym 'You're', but somehow he did. He's a very stupid man."


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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,10:35   


In other news, construction has begun on the Philip Johnson Observatory. This $283 million project is building a network of satellite dishes to look for infinite-wavelength EM radiation. Darwinian physics claims no such thing exists, but in the ID model, such waves transmit information, front-loading CSI into organisms which will then go on to resist antibiotics. Astrophysics researcher John Bahcall of Princeton told us the idea "makes no sense whatsoever, even hypothetically." In response, Casey Luskin, a spokesman for Intelligent Design, pointed us to several scholarly peer-reviewed papers in which he calls Bachall an "atheist satanist".

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,17:29   

Re "Darwinian physics claims no such thing exists,"

Darwinian physics??!??



Posts: 13407
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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,17:33   

Yep. Darwinian Physics.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,18:11   

I was once violated by a SLoT...



“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


Posts: 3325
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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,18:11   

"atheist satanist".


"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,23:32   

Darwinian physics??!??
Yes remember the theory of Darwinism states that man evolved from hydrogen in the big bang. Any physics that is inloved with a God-free development of the universe is apparently Darwinian. I would not be surprised if someone had used that term before.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 02 2006,02:38   

Quote (stevestory @ June 01 2006,15:26)
The reporter then added, "I'm not sure how Springer managed to misspell the spoken homonym 'You're', but somehow he did. He's a very stupid man."

Gah, I hate it when I do that. Makes me feel dirty..., like an intelligent design advocate.

This just in...
God has planted new evidence suggesting that Intelligent Design is the correct "Theory" explaining life on Earth. In the face of this evidence Intelligent Design (ID) scientists are dumbfounded. "Obviously, God has planted this evidence to fool us." squawked Doug Moron, "Anyone who believes this 'theory of ID' is obviously a slave to materialistic atheism."

Overwhelming Evidence: Apply directly to the forehead.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 02 2006,03:10   

steve, I am going to use this thread to dump this little article.

'We are not entirely human'
02/06/2006 08:35  - (SA)  

# Gene map holds disease secrets

Washington - We may not be entirely human, gene experts said on Thursday after

studying the DNA of hundreds of different kinds of bacteria in the human gut.

Bacteria are so important to key functions such as digestion and the immune

system that we may be truly symbiotic organisms - relying on one another for

life itself, the scientists write in Friday's issue of the journal Science.

Their findings suggest that studying bacteria native to our bodies may provide

important clues to disease, nutrition, obesity and how well drugs will work in

individuals, said the team at The Institute for Genomic Research, commonly known

as TIGR, in Maryland.

"We are somehow like an amalgam, a mix of bacteria and human cells. There are

some estimates that say 90% of the cells on our body are actually bacteria,"

Steven Gill, a molecular biologist said.

"We're entirely dependent on this microbial population for our well-being. A

shift within this population, often leading to the absence or presence of

beneficial microbes, can trigger defects in metabolism and development of

diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease."

Scientists have long known that at least 50% of human faeces, and often more, is

made up of bacteria from the gut. Bacteria start to colonise the intestines and

colon shortly after birth, and adults carry up to 100 trillion microbes,

representing more than 1 000 different species.

They are not just freeloading. They help humans to digest much of what we eat,

including some vitamins, sugars, and fibre. They also synthesise vitamins that

people cannot.

"Humans have evolved for million of years with these bacteria. And they provide

essential functions," Gill said.

Germ surprise

Gill and his team sequenced the DNA in faeces donated by three adults. They

found a surprising amount of it came from bacteria.

They compared the gene sequences to those from known bacteria and to the human

genome and found this so-called colon microbiome - the entire sum of genetic

material from microbes in the lower gut - includes more than 60 000 genes.

That is twice as many as found in the human genome.

"Of all the DNA sequences in that material, only one to five percent of it was

not bacterial," Gill said.

"We were surprised."

They also found a surprising number of Archaea, also known as archaebacteria,

which are genetically distinct from bacteria but which are also one-celled

organisms often found in extreme environments such as hot springs.

The donors were healthy adults. None had taken antibiotics for a year, as these

drugs are known to disturb the bacteria in the body.

Gill said his team hopes now to make a comparison of the gut bacteria from

different people.

"The ideal study would be to compare 20 people, 30 people from different ethnic

backgrounds, different diets, drinkers, smokers, and so on, because I think

there are going to be distinct differences," Gill said.


Posts: 276
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(Permalink) Posted: June 02 2006,03:27   

God loves you! Accept that or be tortured forever!

Thanks for that. I just spat coffee all over the screen, and it came through my nose!!!

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