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  Topic: Will a "Gay Gene" Refute Evolution?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,15:08   

Ok, I think we need to clarify some basic issues:

1) Can a principled objection be made to same sex marriage?

              Flint seems doubtful, because he considers any infringement of civil rights antithetical to the spirit of American society, especially after the adoption of the 14th Amendment. Therefore, any person who shares core American values yet seeks to abridge a particular group's liberties must possess an ulterior motive for doing so. Marriage is one such liberty. Marriage is not a privilege bestowed on those groups with proven track records; it is, barring unusual circumstances, an entitlement to each adult citizen. When freedoms expand, society benefits, and in any case historical evidence demonstrates that the benefits invariably outweigh the liabilities. Past worries have largely proven groundless. Given the inherent contradictions within a homophobia grounded in American values, combined with the dreadful history of previous attempts to quash liberty, the advocate of gay marriage may assume that his opponent is deluded, self-serving, evil, or some combination of the above.
                Eric seems to agree with much of this, and highlights the problems that gays often face in their marriage-less existence. Surely anyone with any sense of human compassion would allow gay people the same rights that straights take for granted, especially since the moral person assumes an equal distribution of rights and privileges across groups, and revises that assumption only under severe circumstances. Opposing gay marriage is no less arbitrary than opposing interracial unions, and we see how irrational that was in retrospect. But that is not all. The opponent must assume that gay marriage would increase unhealthy behavior, a position that is prima facie irrational and self-refuting.

How am I doing?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,15:37   

2) Do gay people behave badly?

      Panda's Thumb argues that they don't, and gives several reasons:

1) Any attempt to argue against promiscuous behavior founders on its religious circularity: no one can objectively classify acts as good or evil unless such acts infringe other people's rights. Voluntary sex, no matter how common, clearly infringes on nobody's rights. Those who are offended by a particular behavior may refuse to engage, and in fact may take reasonable steps to shield themselves from the act and its consequences (if any exist).

2) In any event, gays are not necessarily more promiscuous than straights with similar oppotunities, and do not engage in unsual levels of risk-taking. Even if they do, it's no one else's business, and drugs are available to combat most diseases - including AIDS. Infection rates are under control, and the gay community is much more cautious today than in the past.

3) And what about lesbians? Their lifestyle is restrained even by heterosexual standards, so the usual dumbass arguments don't apply to them. It's all a continuum, babe, and the sooner homophobes abandon their binary view of the world, the better. Besides, who wants to be married to a closet case? Well, that's what we would have in a fundie society.

4) This is because gay feelings are biologically driven to a certain extent. The gay, like the poor, will always be with us. So why not accept the facts and accomodate those who are not responsible for their feelings, and even if they were, are certainly entitled to them.

Still with me?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,16:35   

God, Bill, you sound so reasonable.

If I were Malcolm Reynolds, I'd definitely suspect a trap.

Therefore, any person who shares core American values yet seeks to abridge a particular group's liberties must possess an ulterior motive for doing so.

I'm not sure I necessarily agree with this point. For example, I suspect one can have a principled objection to the legalization of, say, heroin. But having a principled objection doesn't necessarily mean your objection is justified.

Other than that, and a certain sneaking suspicion, I think we're at least on the same page, if not in the same paragraph.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,16:36   

Oh, let me add one:

5) Treating gays badly is well along the route treating blacks badly went down. Regardless of an internet argument, your belief will eventually earn you the kind of respect and admiration racial separatists receive.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2006,23:53   

Do these pro-gay advocates really believe they are putting together coherent arguments?

We have established the following.

1.  Gays CAN GET MARRIED at any liberal church by any liberal pastor and exchange vows and make lifelong convenants.

2.  Gay marriage is the means and not the ends.

3.  The end is to extract benefits and mainstream homosexuality through state sanction using equality and tolerance as their battle cries.

4.  There is NO equal protections relevancy as ALL Americans are bound by the same law concerning marriage (one man, one woman).  Our society recognizes the unique value of marriage and this is why a radical homosexual minority seeks out the courts to do what can't be done in the ballot box.

5.  Traditional Marriage was defined, not to discriminate, but to recognize the fundamental uniqueness of the core unit of civilized society, namely, one man and one woman.

6.  There is no equivalency between traditional marriage and gay "marriage" and society isn't required to bend to the will of a radical minority that will use judicial fiat to accomplish their goal.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,02:02   

Voluntary sex, no matter how common, clearly infringes on nobody's rights. Those who are offended by a particular behavior may refuse to engage, and in fact may take reasonable steps to shield themselves from the act and its consequences (if any exist).
I think this is the most important point.

There is NO equal protections relevancy as ALL Americans are bound by the same law concerning marriage (one man, one woman).  Our society recognizes the unique value of marriage and this is why a radical homosexual minority seeks out the courts to do what can't be done in the ballot box.
Is your problem to do with family and the possibility of children etc. If so I agree this isn't as black and white and research needs to be done. Althought studies show that children raised with two lesbian parents are as well adjusted as children raised in a 'normal' family environment and better of than the children of single parents.

The end is to extract benefits and mainstream homosexuality through state sanction using equality and tolerance as their battle cries.
So your main concern is the drain on the economy?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,03:44   


OK, I'm willing to go this way.

Can a principled objection be made to same sex marriage?

In an abstract sense, yes it can. What we have here is battling principles. On the one hand, we have equality under the law for all consenting adult citizens. On the other hand, we have the principle that marriage is a compact (sanctioned by the state, to be sure) that *by definition* is between one man and one woman (not necessarily voluntarily, not necessarily adults or (in parts of the world) even *born yet*, policies vary but we call all these marriages). In other words, marriage is a *definition* we are trying to change.

And I can understand the argument that changing this definition means opening it up to change, which might let in all kinds of awful things like group marriages, or coerced marriages, or marriages involving minors, etc. Which in turn is based on the assumption that it's not possible to save the village without destroying it.

the advocate of gay marriage may assume that his opponent is deluded, self-serving, evil, or some combination of the above.

These terms are excessively harsh, perhaps. As I wrote, from what I've seen, the opponent dislikes change, thinks such a change risks *the unknown!*, which is always terrifying. No matter how clearly it appears that such a change in the definition of marriage will change nobody's behavior, and bestow benefits without cost, this appearance *might* be wrong.

The opponent must assume that gay marriage would increase unhealthy behavior, a position that is prima facie irrational and self-refuting.

Well, it's certainly a stretch. But I think this sort of argument allows the camel's nose into the tent. Healthy behavior is a matter of public health, not a matter of civil rights.

Do gay people behave badly?

This question is DOA. Gay people certainly behave in ways straights do not. Some of those ways present different, perhaps even more severe, health hazards. But "badly" is a *purely subjective* assessment. Do sky divers or bungee jumpers behave "badly" in light of the risks they take? What standard are we using here?

Well, let's say that drunk drivers are behaving "badly", because they represent a public danger. If I understand your argument, you find strong parallels here. Gays are like drunks - they recklessly place society in danger by being irresponsible. Where I get confused is, why don't you advocate that drunk drivers lose their right to marry? The punishment is no LESS appropriate.

no one can objectively classify acts as good or evil unless such acts infringe other people's rights. Voluntary sex, no matter how common, clearly infringes on nobody's rights.

I smell a 'penumbra' argument here, similar to the one made about guns. So long as nobody is hurt, say the conservatives, responsible people should not lose their right to carry because irresponsible people are violent. And the liberal argues, if guns were rare ipso facto gun violence would be rare. No social policy exists in a social vacuum; there's always a tradeoff because there are always indirect downstream effects.

And so we have intelligent, sincere, informed people who feel that morality in the US has been heading downhill for a long time, as society becomes more and more irresponsibly permissive, and equally competent people celebrating the gradual emancipation from the bad old days of institutionalized discrimination and favoritism.

Even if they do, it's no one else's business, and drugs are available to combat most diseases - including AIDS. Infection rates are under control, and the gay community is much more cautious today than in the past.

Again, this is a different subject, and probably a red herring. We can generalize here and say "Let's deny marriage to anyone *similar to* anyone else who does antisocial things." Whether or not this penalty is even remotely relevant.

What seems to make marriage denial relevant is the a priori conviction that gays are undesirable icky people, that God hates them, that they *deserve* to be denied ordinary civil rights because they are *different* and life is much more pleasant if we keep them in their place, which is as far away from US as possible. NOW, the task is to find a "principled" and at least remotely plausible rationalization for this policy. Good thing gays in the US are still the primary vector for HIV. After all, we needed SOME excuse.

This is because gay feelings are biologically driven to a certain extent.

By all indications, it's harder to cure being gay than being fundamentalist Christian.

So the argument seems to be:
1) Promiscuity is bad, period. Just bad. Trust me, bad.
2) Gays are more promiscuous than straights, *except* straights with equal access, who behave the same way. But even those straights can marry because, well, because.
3) If we sanction NON-promiscuous gay relationships, gays will become even MORE promiscuous. Trust me on this. I know. Maybe the married gays won't, but we'll send a social signal that being promiscuous is better than it used to be, and *everyone* will become promiscuous, and disease will run rampant, which is the punishment we deserve for becoming LESS moral rather than MORE moral, and just BEING gay is immoral, much less ACTING gay.

Now we continue the elaborate dance. You have presented a fairly long list here of support for civil rights. Clearly, you don't consider this support sufficient to override whatever your reasons are for denying them. And those reasons seem to be "I know this is wrong." And that core conviction being impermeable, all else follows.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,04:21   

Thordaddy whines...

Do these pro-gay advocates really believe they are putting together coherent arguments?

I, Thordaddy, have established in my own little mind the following

blah blah blah...Gays are sinful and evil!

blah blah blah...the Gay agenda is to ruin civilization!

blah blah blah...Gayness cause AIDS!

blah blah blah...I don't like Gays, they make me feel ickky!!

blah blah blah...because I don't like them, that means all Gays are sub-human and deserve no rights!

blah blah blah...the world would be better if all Gays just went away!

Ya know Thordaddy, the only thing you've established is the fact that you're a pin-headed bigot.  No need to be an obsessive compulsive about demonstrating it every day.

The same lies and misrepresentations you repeat with every message have been dealt with ad nauseum.  If your prejudiced hateful pea-brain has nothing new to add, I respectfully suggest you go take a flying f*ck at a rolling donut.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,04:49   


Yeah, yeah. Now I have a question for you: is Ghost basing his policy preferences on anything similar to thordaddy, but gussying it up with more sophisticated rationalizations? Or is Ghost's rejection based on anything more substantive?

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,05:12   

What seems to make marriage denial relevant is the a priori conviction that gays are undesirable icky people, that God hates them, that they *deserve* to be denied ordinary civil rights because they are *different* and life is much more pleasant if we keep them in their place, which is as far away from US as possible. NOW, the task is to find a "principled" and at least remotely plausible rationalization for this policy. Good thing gays in the US are still the primary vector for HIV. After all, we needed SOME excuse.

This is why I'm trying to codify everyone's assumptions. You seem to approach the issue like this:
1) The traditional definition of marriage is arbitrary. Its  raison d'etre? To exclude and oppress sexual minorities.
2) Gay marriage is a logical consequence of the 14th Amendment.
3) Therefore, any reasonable person would advocate gay marriage given the chance.
4) Corollary: anyone who wishes to deny said rights must be a bigot.
5) So the debate revolves around exposing the bigotry underlying the opponent's position. If he frets over the spread of deadly diseases, that's just a ruse. If he cites a study, it's merely to pollute the liberal mind with sophistry.  We're liberals after all - we possess a purity of heart and clarity of mind that lets us see through the haze of smoke that cloaks the conservative's atavistic loathing of Liberty, Truth and Beauty. I mean, we're Progressive, by god, and nothing evil ever comes from us. Just ask any Russian. Or Cambodian.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,05:33   

thordaddy asks:
Do these pro-gay advocates really believe they are putting together coherent arguments?

Coherent? Certainly. Logical? Surprisingly, yes. And to be fair, Flint and S. Elliot have some sympathy for the conservative point of view. Keep in mind that I used to be one of those dreaded liberals, so I can empathise with their POV. Doesn't change the fact that:


Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,05:38   


OK, maybe now we're getting somewhere.

1) The traditional definition of marriage is arbitrary. Its  raison d'etre? To exclude and oppress sexual minorities.

Huh? What we're talking about here is the degree to which the State bureaucracy has institutionalized what marriage means in legal practice. Someone counted over 10,000 separate legal differences between married and not married. These differences cost gays over $10,000 as opposed to $25 for straights, and STILL don't quite cover the territory as thoroughly.

2) Gay marriage is a logical consequence of the 14th Amendment.

Ugh. The 14th Amendment is a consequence of the recognition that citizens of the States are citizens of the Nation, and ipso facto inherit rights granted by the US Constitution to all citizens. The US Constitution is itself a product of a political philosophy of legal equality for all citizens. So I would say that the US Constitution including all amendments and marriage derive from the same source. They are logical consequences of the same political philosophy.

3) Therefore, any reasonable person would advocate gay marriage given the chance.

That's very misleading. No, I would say that anyone who *values American political ideals* would advocate that what are considered basic civil rights be extended to all citizens, and that institutionalized discrimination violates those ideals. Please note that de facto discrimination is a different matter, handled differently. Marriage is so thoroughly intertwined with laws and regulations by now that any denial of these legalities is institutionalized discrimination. And please note that marriage is being addressed here because this seems to be the ONLY civil rights legally denied to gays. If they were allowed to marry but had to sit at the back of the bus, I'd still be trying to "mainstream" them. They are ordinary taxpaying citizens.

4) Corollary: anyone who wishes to deny said rights must be a bigot

Sigh. There are many entirely reasonable people worldwide who do NOT share American political values and ideals. But I'll concede that I consider the golden rule to be a human universal; it's very cross cultural. And accordingly, those who wish to violate this rule, in my opinion, need some pretty compelling and relevant reasons. Otherwise, as I keep saying, we can note that the golden rule is awfully hard to follow when the status quo favors those who break it.

5) So the debate revolves around exposing the bigotry underlying the opponent's position. If he frets over the spread of deadly diseases, that's just a ruse.

No, it's a different issue. Let's say the issue is whether women should be allowed to drive. We note that women DO drive despite not having licenses, and that they have accidents sometimes due to being drunk. Is focusing on the sobriety of these individuals proximately appropriate to the general issue of drivers licenses?

So I think you're using a "look over there" argument. If we're concerned about the spread of deadly diseases, let's focus on the disease. EVEN IF marriage by some incomprehensible mechanism increases the spread of the disease, the focus is still the disease and not the 10,000 legal distinctions and the $10,000 difference in cost to achieve them.

If he cites a study, it's merely to pollute the liberal mind with sophistry.

You know better than this, so shame on you! Studies of disease aren't sophistry, but claiming that these studies justify denial of equality under the law flagrantly misses the point. And you know it.

We're liberals after all - we possess a purity of heart and clarity of mind that lets us see through the haze of smoke that cloaks the conservative's atavistic loathing of Liberty, Truth and Beauty.

I would hope we value American political ideals. This doesn't necessarily mean purity of heart, I suppose. I've said nothing about truth and beauty, as you know. I'm talking about a *legal condition*, and the difference in the way the State treats people based on this legal condition. And the differential cost of achieving comparable conditions.

Look, nowhere have you said that gays should not be allowed to *approximate* marriage, very very closely, by going through this very extensive and expensive legal process. Yet by so doing, they achieve basically the same purpose (if they are wealthy enough).

So the challenge you continue to dodge is very simple: How will reducing the price of these legal arrangements cause damage to society? Let's TRY to stay focused, OK?

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,06:38   

Flint said

Yeah, yeah. Now I have a question for you: is Ghost basing his policy preferences on anything similar to thordaddy, but gussying it up with more sophisticated rationalizations? Or is Ghost's rejection based on anything more substantive?

Their styles are certainly different, but I can't tell any difference in the substance.  Thordaddy flings his dog turds through the porch window; GoP hand delivers his in a box with a bow ribbon.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,06:44   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 20 2006,04:53)
There is no equivalency between traditional marriage and gay "marriage" and society isn't required to bend to the will of a radical minority that will use judicial fiat to accomplish their goal.

Their goal being what, exactly? To be treated like everyone else?

God, Thordaddy, your agenda couldn't be any clearer. Are you hoping this kind of bigotry will grease the skids on your way to heaven?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,07:05   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 20 2006,04:53)
Do these pro-gay advocates really believe they are putting together coherent arguments?


I am hardly a pro-gay advocate. How does believing in fair treatment and equality for all citizens make me pro any single group?

My argument is simple. Hardly incoherent.

1. Marriage conveys certain financial/legal/social advantages to a couple.

2. Traditionaly, only heterosexual couples have been able to honestly take advantage of the marital institution.

Now that to me is just plain unfair. Do gays pay less tax due to enjoying less rights/oportunities?

In actuality I have no "interest" in the argument. Gays now enjoy full marital rights in the UK. Although it isn't called "marriage" the same rights are bestowed.

Anyway. Ghost I await getting clobbered. Be carefull, I might have the Hulk in reserve. Brick face is no match for the green one, nuff said. MMM.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,08:31   

Stephen Elliot:
Anyway. Ghost I await getting clobbered. Be carefull, I might have the Hulk in reserve. Brick face is no match for the green one, nuff said. MMM.

Crap, you may be right. I've always seen the Hulk as a right-thinking conservative, but if the TV shows are to be believed, Bruce Banner is a #### beatnik. Well, at least I've got Superman.....wait a minute.....supports nuclear disarmament.... locked lips with Michael Caine in Deathtrap....................

:0  :0  :0  :0  :0  :0

Superman's a PINKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<....starts quivering......>

I think I'll lay down for a while......

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,08:54   

Another thought, Bill, with respect to your trade of gay marriage for free association.

If I give you free association, aren't you getting something for nothing? Because free association would effectively mean that gay people only got marriage at the suffrance of straight people anyway. If some community doesn't want gay people to marry (or even live) there, I guess they're (the guy people, that is) out of luck, right?

I had the feeling this was a sucker's bargain. But let me know if I'm misinterpreting.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:16   


One of the problems in this debate is that the "progressive" side really thinks it's progressive.

I homeschool my kids.  That's a "progressive" stance.

I'm against abortion.  That's a "progressive" stance.

I'm against "affirmative action."  That's a "progressive" stance.

I'm for a reduction in government interference including "free association."  That's a "progressive" stance.

On all these issues and more, the supposed "progressives" are actual trying to solidify the status quo.  Hence, they are the "conservatives."

On the issue of "gay" marriage, I am a traditionalist.  I recognize the unique value of the tradition of marriage and why it was elevated and promoted by sensible people in society.

Again, we clear the smoke and get down to the basics.

Gays CAN GET MARRIED by any liberal church and any liberal pastor and exchange vows and make convenants.

Gays CAN GET MARRIED and BE RECOGNIZED by the STATE as long as they follow the rules laid down by society that APPLY TO ALL OF US!

The equal protection clause is irrelevant as no one believes that ANY ADULT UNION deserves state sanction.

Traditional Marriage was defined as one man and one woman because reasonable people recognized the value of promoting such a civilized ideal.

Traditional Marriage WAS NOT defined to discriminate against "homosexuals."  Only sheer arrogance on the part of radical activists can account for this silly notion.

The agenda is clear...  mainstreaming and normalizing homosexuality.

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:21   

I dont think anyone is claiming that was why marriage was defined. I still don't understand your objections, do you think gay people are hoping that homosexuality being seen as normal will make more people gay?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:25   

Chris Hyland,

Why stop with homosexual couples?

Why can't my 5 brothers and I get "married" so we can further our financial and business interests and use the equal protection clause as the basis for our argument?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:41   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 20 2006,15:25)
Chris Hyland,

Why stop with homosexual couples?

Why can't my 5 brothers and I get "married" so we can further our financial and business interests and use the equal protection clause as the basis for our argument?

No reason I can think of, Thordaddy. So why don't you inform us all why you think it's a bad idea.

And when are you going to start answering any of the questions that have been posed to you?

Here's a quick list so you don't have to go back over the last 50 posts of questions you haven't answered:

a) what bad things will happen if gay people can get a marriage that is sanctioned by the state?

b) why should straight people have privileges that gay people do not have?

c) in what way does a marriage between two gay men affect you, or anyone else for that matter?

d) how is advocating for state-sanctioned gay marriage "discrimination" against straight people?

e) what privileges are gay people trying to get that straight people don't already have?

f) how will state-sanctioned gay marriages increase the incidence of AIDS or the incidence of sexual molestation by Catholic priests?

g) why do you think that straight married couples should enjoy privileges that others (including straight single people) are not entitled to?

h) why are you so afraid of gay people? Are you afraid that you might secretly gay?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:43   

Why can't my 5 brothers and I get "married" so we can further our financial and business interests and use the equal protection clause as the basis for our argument?

Hey, let me guess. It's because if we allowed, that, our entire society would collapse! Right? Right?

Uh, what financial and business interests would be furthered? If you have any real advantage to be gained, you might want to consider this option.

However, I might point out that sheer inertia is going to work against you. A change from two different-sex people to two same-sex people requires NO changes to any other rules or regulations. It simply extends *identical* rights to a legally identical arrangement.

However, adding additional people won't be anywhere near as transparent. Is the inheritance situation a tontine, where last one left alive gets it all? But tontines are now illegal, so something would have to change, risking unintended side effects. And how about such issues as child support/custody? I'm not saying that making these changes is impossible, I'm saying it would take a lot of work, and no matter how it was done, it would lead to a LOT of cases at law to hammer out the ramifications.

However, if you see any compelling business case to be made for this arrangement, you might see if you can build a social consensus. What do you have to lose?

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:53   

Why can't my 5 brothers and I get "married" so we can further our financial and business interests and use the equal protection clause as the basis for our argument?
You could start a homo-hexagamy pride march. Although I think you'd be hard pushed to convince people you were serious.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:58   

Next question: should obese people be permitted to marry? Obesity is a far worse public health problem than HIV or AIDS, so we have the disease angle. And there are studies showing that fat people are more likely to have fat children, so we have the science angle. And by HAVING fat children, obese people are surely spreading their disease even more than gay people are. And of course there is a *direct* relationship between marriage and spreading obesity, since fat people breed. And as we all know, if we outlawed "fat marriage", these people would no longer breed and would probably stop overeating and start exercising as well.

So here we have Ghost's case in every respect, plus some respects that would make his case even stronger. Sadly, when directly challenged above: How will reducing the price of these legal arrangements cause damage to society?, Ghost responded by changing the subject. Will he do it again? Is the bear Catholic?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,10:58   

Traditional Marriage was defined as one man and one woman because reasonable people recognized the value of promoting such a civilized ideal.

Which would be what, exactly?

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,11:00   

Which would be what, exactly?

Already answered. The value is, society would otherwise collapse. You wouldn't want that, would you?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,11:02   

eric murphy opines,

No reason I can think of, Thordaddy. So why don't you inform us all why you think it's a bad idea.

Because one man and one woman is the foundation of society.  If we simply recognize any ADULT UNION as legitimate and equal to all others then we are necessarily stating that one man and one woman is/was a foolish and antiquated notion.  Such arrogance.

And when are you going to start answering any of the questions that have been posed to you?

Here's a quick list so you don't have to go back over the last 50 posts of questions you haven't answered:

[quote]a) what bad things will happen if gay people can get a marriage that is sanctioned by the state?

Our society will falsely come to believe that the foundation of a civilized society (one man, one woman) is/was a mere illusion.

b) why should straight people have privileges that gay people do not have?

I have no privileges unless I get married and then society recognizes my unique relationship and wishes to encourage and promote it.  I see no restrictions or inequalities in the law that forbid "homosexual" from enjoying the same "privileges" as anyone who wishes to get married.  Both I and homosexuals are bound by the exact same laws.

c) in what way does a marriage between two gay men affect you, or anyone else for that matter?

It need not "affect" me.  If a homosexual dies of AIDS, how does that affect me?  If my next door neighbor gets murdered, how does that affect me?  But clearly, these things AFFECT society at large.  2 gay men getting "married" would effectively denigrate and devalue the foundation of any civilized society, namely, one man and one woman.

d) how is advocating for state-sanctioned gay marriage "discrimination" against straight people?

It's discrimination against traditional marriage and those that see its unique societal value.  And advocating through the courts and using judicial fiat to get what you want is plain unAmerican.

e) what privileges are gay people trying to get that straight people don't already have?

No straight person has a privilege denied to gays.  Both gays and straights can choose to get a traditional marriage and benefit from union.  Until they make that commitment then the "rights" of gay and straights are rather indistinguishable.

f) how will state-sanctioned gay marriages increase the incidence of AIDS or the incidence of sexual molestation by Catholic priests?

Because the act that is most associated with male gayness (anal sex) will be normalized.  If murder were legalised, would we have less incidences of murder?  Look at abortion as the prime example of that which we speak.

g) why do you think that straight married couples should enjoy privileges that others (including straight single people) are not entitled to?

Because most reasonable people recognize the inherent value of encouraging and promoting the basic foundation of a civilized society (one man, one woman).  Except for you, of course.

h) why are you so afraid of gay people? Are you afraid that you might secretly gay?

I love this argument.  How come no one ever says that the KKK member secretly wanted to be black?  Or the Islamic fundamentalist really pines to be a Zionist?  

I don't fear gays, gays fear heterosexuality.  I have a natural evolutionary aversion to any sexual intimacy between men.  I can't help.  And I suppose you don't have this same aversion?  Wouldn't this scenario more likely cast you as the one with homosexual tendencies?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,11:16   


You expected rational answers? Bad is bad, evil is evil, my opinions are infallible, gays are bad. No right-thinking person would disagree with me, therefore I'm right.

At least it's simple.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,11:35   

Quote (thordaddy @ April 20 2006,16<!--emo&:0)
Because one man and one woman is the foundation of society.  If we simply recognize any ADULT UNION as legitimate and equal to all others then we are necessarily stating that one man and one woman is/was a foolish and antiquated notion.  Such arrogance.

No it's not. Otherwise, you're saying single people like me are just as much second-class citizens as gay people who want to get married. On what grounds do you establish married couples as the "foundation of society"? On what grounds should married couples be entitled to their exalted status (along with all their financial and social privileges) denied to everyone else? Coffee grounds?

Our society will falsely come to believe that the foundation of a civilized society (one man, one woman) is/was a mere illusion.

What do you mean "falsely"? Marriage isn't the foundation of our society. If anything, the rule of law is the foundation of society, not the institution of marriage. So you're wrong on this one, too.

I have no privileges unless I get married and then society recognizes my unique relationship and wishes to encourage and promote it.  I see no restrictions or inequalities in the law that forbid "homosexual" from enjoying the same "privileges" as anyone who wishes to get married.  Both I and homosexuals are bound by the exact same laws.

Wrong again. You have all kinds of privileges once you're married, and you're denying those privileges to those who either are not or cannot become married. The fact that you can't see those inequalities or restrictions (not surprising given your selective blindness) doesn't mean they're not there.

And what's unique about being married? That's the same question you assume is already answered, and it isn't.

It need not "affect" me.  If a homosexual dies of AIDS, how does that affect me?  If my next door neighbor gets murdered, how does that affect me?  But clearly, these things AFFECT society at large.  2 gay men getting "married" would effectively denigrate and devalue the foundation of any civilized society, namely, one man and one woman.

No, not clearly at all. You assume there's a (bad) effect on society, but I'm not going to let you get away with that assumption. Until you can clearly and unambiguously demonstrate that gay marriage has a negative effect on society, you're wrong on this one too. You can't just assume what you're trying to prove, Thordaddy.

It's discrimination against traditional marriage and those that see its unique societal value.  And advocating through the courts and using judicial fiat to get what you want is plain unAmerican.

Your saying something is discrimination because it's discrimination. You're getting exactly nowhere in your argument. Meanwhile, you're saying that marriage is unique because it's unique. You're piling one circular definition on top of another.

Believe it or not, something doesn't become true because you say it's true.

No straight person has a privilege denied to gays.  Both gays and straights can choose to get a traditional marriage and benefit from union.  Until they make that commitment then the "rights" of gay and straights are rather indistinguishable.

Every straight person has a privilege denied to gays. Every straight person is entitled to a straight marriage to another straight person which is sanctioned by the state. No gay person can marry any gay person of the same gender and have that marriage sanctioned by the state. You're not too blind to see this. You're too bigoted to admit it.

Because the act that is most associated with male gayness (anal sex) will be normalized.  If murder were legalised, would we have less incidences of murder?  Look at abortion as the prime example of that which we speak.

Wrong, wrong wrong. The issue isn't, "if we legalized giving AIDS to people, the incidence of AIDS would increase." Marriage, including gay marriage, does not "cause" AIDS. Anal sex does not "cause" AIDS (you seem to be under the erroneous impression that anal sex all by itself causes AIDS). Gay marriage does not "cause" anal sex. Yet another completely wrong argument. So far, you're batting zero, Thordaddy.

Because most reasonable people recognize the inherent value of encouraging and promoting the basic foundation of a civilized society (one man, one woman).  Except for you, of course.

No, most bigots recognize that their comfort level will be increased if they don't have to see, or deal with, or acknowledge the existence of gay people. If gay people can get married, and their existence is acknowledged by the state, bigots cannot be comfortable in their ignorance and cannot pretend that gay people don't exist. Saying over and over again that heterosexual marriage is the foundation of a civilized society doen't make it true.

I don't fear gays, gays fear heterosexuality.  I have a natural evolutionary aversion to any sexual intimacy between men.  I can't help.  And I suppose you don't have this same aversion?  Wouldn't this scenario more likely cast you as the one with homosexual tendencies?

Gays don't fear heterosexuals. They fear heterosexual bigots who do not believe gay people should have the same rights as straight people. Can you blame them?

Do you ever read and understand anyone else's posts, Thordaddy? I already explained to you that I have no aversion to sex between two men, so long as neither one of them is me. You have an aversion to sex between two men no matter who those two men are.

And if you think you're insulting me by implying I might have homosexual tendencies, you're even more clueless than you think I think you are.

BTW, here's another question you've never answered: what is your obsession with anal sex? And, why do you think anal sex is the exclusive province of gay men?

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Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2006,11:41   

Because the act that is most associated with male gayness (anal sex) will be normalized.
How will legalizing gay marriage increase the amount of anal sex?

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