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The Critic's Resource on AntiEvolution

Creating and Posting Content

Because nodes are all basically very similar, much of the input interface is the same for stories, books, or pages chosen through the create content menu. For the purpose of introducing how to post on a CivicSpace site, this discussion will use Submit story as the example and cover many, but not all, of the choices offered through the interface.

There is a WYSIWYG module available for creating content. See Htmlarea.

  • Authoring information. For adjusting the display name of the author and the date.
  • Options. This menu is only offered to administrators.
    NOTE: These settings are also globally configurable by node type using the content settings default workflow configuration .

    • When Published is unchecked, the submission is not available publicly on the site and is only accessible through the content administration section.
    • In moderation queue is for the queue module (not enabled in this configuration; for more information, consult Moderation queue in the CivicSpace handbook).
    • Promoted to front page is useful for books or pages that the administrator might not want to appear in the blog on the home page.
    • Stick at top of lists will make a post sticky at the top of the front page.
    • Create new revision is part of the version tracking system that is useful when using the book module as a collaborative document publishing system.
    • User comments. Individual posts can be configured with specific comment controls.
  • Title. You must use a title with your post.
  • Path alias. Note that the CivicSpace Site Configuration Guide is accessible via the link The path alias for that page was set to "help." Paths must be unique and not already in use. This option has been configured to be available only for site administrators.
  • Topics. An administrator-configurable category system via the taxonomy module. Users tag their posts with one or more categories. After posting, all nodes with the same category can be browsed via the link in the header or by clicking on a category term associated with a specific post. You can add, edit or delete existing categories or "terms" in the Topics "vocabulary" within the categories configuration section. See Adding Topic Categories: Using Taxonomy for more instructions.
  • Body. Text of the post.
  • Input format.A site administrator can configure various options for the input format to be used in the body for the post.
  • Previewing before posting. When previewing, your CivicSpace site will display a version of the post at the top of the page. If a post exceeds an administrator defined, configurable teaser length, two displays will appear: one shorter, which would be visible on the front page and in RSS feeds; the other longer, visible when clicking the title of a post. The teaser break can be manually created by inserting <!--break--> within the post. CivicSpace will provide a note suggesting this between the two displays--no need to remember the tag--if the post requires a break.